Exhibit 3.2
                   JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC.
                                                  July 1994

                    As Amended July 1994
                   John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
                          Article I
 Section 1. Offices. The principle office of the Corporation
shall  be  in  the City, County and State of New  York.  The
Corporation may also have offices and places of business  at
such other places within or without the State of New York as
the  Board  of Directors may from time to time determine  or
the business of the Corporation may require.

                         Article II

  Section  1.  Annual  Meeting. The annual  meeting  of  the
shareholders of the Corporation shall be held on  the  third
Thursday  of September, in each year or, if a legal holiday,
on  the  next  business  day, or (whether  or  not  a  legal
holiday)  on such other day in September as may be fixed  by
resolution of the Board of Directors or by the chairman,  at
which the shareholders shall elect a Board of Directors  and
transact such other business as may properly come before the

  Section  2.  Special  Meeting.  Special  meetings  of  the
shareholders  for any purpose or purposes, unless  otherwise
prescribed  by statute, may be called by resolution  of  the
Board  of Directors or by the chairman, and shall be  called
by  the  chairman  or by the president  at  the  request  in
writing  of  a  majority  of the Board  of  Directors.  Such
request shall state the purpose of the proposed meeting.

  Section  3.  Time and Place of Meeting.  Meetings  of  the
shareholders shall be held at such time and place within  or
without the State of New York as the Board of Directors  may
determine,  or  as  shall be stated in the  notices  of  the

  Section  4.  Notice of Meeting. Written  notice  of  every
meeting of shareholders, stating the purpose or purposes for
which the meeting is called and the place, date and hour  of
the  meeting, and unless the notice pertains to  the  annual
meeting,  indicating that it is being issued by  or  at  the
direction  of  the  persons calling the  meeting,  shall  be
given, personally or by mail, no less than ten nor more than
fifty  days  before  the  date  of  the  meeting,  to   each
shareholder  entitled to vote at such  meeting.  If  mailed,
such  notice  shall  be directed to the shareholder  at  the
shareholder's  address as it appears  on  the  Corporation's
record  of shareholders, unless such shareholder shall  have
filed  with  the  Secretary  of the  Corporation  a  written
request  that  notices be mailed to some other  address,  in
which  event the notice shall be directed to the shareholder
at  such other address. Notice of meeting need not be  given
to any shareholder who submits a waiver of notice, signed in
person or by proxy, whether before or after the meeting. The
attendance of any shareholder at a meeting, in person or  by
proxy,  without protest as to the sufficiency of  notice  of
such meeting, shall constitute  a waiver by such shareholder
of such notice.

  Section  5.  Quorum.  Except as  otherwise  prescribed  by
statute,  the  holders of a majority of the shares  of  each
class  issued and outstanding and entitled to vote  thereat,
present  in  person  or  represented  by  proxy,  shall   be
requisite  to and shall constitute a quorum at all  meetings
of  the  shareholders for the transaction of  each  item  of
business  required  to be voted on by a class  voting  as  a
class.  Except as otherwise provided by statute, the holders
of  shares  issued  and  outstanding and  entitled  to  vote
thereat  of  a majority of the votes accorded to holders  of
all shares, present in person or represented by proxy, shall
be  requisite  to  and  shall constitute  a  quorum  at  all
meetings  of  the shareholders for the transactions  of  any
items of business not required to be voted on separately  by
a  class.   If a quorum shall not be present or represented,
the shareholders entitled to vote thereat, present in person
or  represented  by proxy, shall have power to  adjourn  the

meeting  from  time  to  time,  without  notice  other  than
announcement at the meeting, until a quorum shall be present
and  represented.   At such adjourned meetings  at  which  a
quorum shall be present or represented, any business may  be
transacted  which might have been transacted at the  meeting
as originally noticed.

  Section  6.  Voting.  Except as  otherwise  prescribed  by
statute,  each  shareholder of record having  the  right  to
vote,  in  respect of each share of stock standing  in  that
shareholder's name on the books of the Corporation, shall be
entitled  at  every  meeting  of  the  shareholders  of  the
Corporation  to such voting rights as are specified  in  the
Certificate of Incorporation of the Corporation. Such voting
rights may be exercised in person or by proxy. All elections
shall  be  determined by a plurality of the class of  shares
voting  thereon,  and,  except as  otherwise  prescribed  by
statute,  all other matters shall be determined by  vote  of
the  majority  of  votes  cast by  shareholders  present  or
represented at such meeting and voting on such question.

 Section 7. Introduction of Business at an Annual Meeting of
Shareholders. Except as otherwise provided by  law,  at  any
meeting   of  shareholders  only  such  business  shall   be
conducted  as  shall have been properly brought  before  the
meeting. In order to be properly brought before the meeting,
such  business  must have either been (a) specified  in  the
written  notice  of the meeting (or any supplement  thereto)
given to shareholders of record on the record date for  such
meeting  by  or at the direction of the Board of  Directors,
(b) brought before the meeting at the direction of the Board
of Directors or the presiding officer of the meeting, or (c)
specified  in a written notice given by or on  behalf  of  a
shareholder  of record on the record date for  such  meeting
entitled to vote thereat or a duly authorized proxy for such
shareholder, provided that such shareholder continues to  be
a  shareholder  of  record at the time of  such  meeting  in
accordance with all of the following requirements. A  notice
referred   to  in  clause  (c)  hereof  must  be   delivered
personally,  or  mailed to and received  at,  the  principal
executive  office  of  the  Corporation,  addressed  to  the
attention of the secretary, not less than 120 calendar  days
in   advance   of  the  date  in  the  then   current   year
corresponding to the date the Corporation's proxy  statement
was released to shareholders in connection with the previous
year's  annual meeting of shareholders, except that  if  the
date of the annual meeting has been changed by more than  30
calendar days from any date contemplated at the time of  the
previous year's proxy statement, the notice must be received
by  the  Corporation a reasonable time before such new  date
for the annual meeting of shareholders. Such notice referred
to  in  clause  (c)  hereof  shall  set  forth  (i)  a  full
description  of  each such item of business proposed  to  be
brought before the meeting, (ii) the name and address of the
person  proposing to bring such business before the meeting,
(iii)  the  class and number of shares held of record,  held
beneficially and represented by proxy by such person  as  of
the  record date for the meeting (if such date has then been
made  publicly available) and as of the date of such notice,
(iv) if any item of such business involves a nomination  for
director,  all information regarding each such nominee  that
would  be  required  to be set forth in a  definitive  proxy
statement  filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission
(the  "SEC")  pursuant  to  Section  14  of  the  Securities
Exchange  Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange  Act"),  or
any  successor thereto, and the written consent of each such
nominee to serve if elected, and (v) if so requested by  the
Corporation, all other information that would be required to
be  filed  with  the SEC if, with respect  to  the  business
proposed  to  be  brought  before the  meeting,  the  person
proposing  such business was a participant in a solicitation
subject  to Section 14 of the Exchange Act or any  successor
thereto. No business shall be brought before any meeting  of
shareholders of the Corporation otherwise than  as  provided
in  this  Section. Notwithstanding the foregoing  provision,
unless  otherwise  required by law, the Board  of  Directors
shall  not  be obligated to include information  as  to  any
nominee  for  director  in  any  proxy  statement  or  other
communication sent to shareholders. The presiding officer of
the meeting may, if the facts warrant, determine and declare
to  the  meeting that any proposed item of business was  not
brought  before the meeting in accordance with the foregoing
procedures, and if he or she should so determine, he or  she
shall  so declare at the meeting and the defective  item  of
business shall be disregarded.

                         Article III
Board of Directors

  Section  1.  Number  of Directors; Election;  Tenure.  The
number  of  directors which shall constitute  the  Board  of
Directors  shall  not be less than ten (10)  nor  more  than
twenty  (20)  members.  Within these limits  the  number  of
directors  constituting the Board shall be  determined  from
time to time by resolution of the Board of Directors, or  by
the shareholders at an annual or special meeting. Except  as
otherwise hereinafter provided in the case of vacancies, the
directors shall be elected by the shareholders at the annual
meeting.  The holders of Class A Common Stock  voting  as  a
separate  class  shall be entitled to elect that  number  of
directors which constitutes 30% of the authorized number  of
members  of  the  Board of Directors  and,  if  30%  of  the
authorized  number of directors is not a whole  number,  the
holders  of Class A Common Stock shall be entitled to  elect
the nearest higher whole number of directors that is a least
30%  of  such  membership. Holders of Class B  Common  Stock
voting  as  a separate class shall be entitled to elect  the
remaining  directors. Each director shall hold office  until
the election and qualification of his or her successor.

  Section 2. Qualification of Directors. A director must  be
at least 18 years of age and not have attained age 70 on the
first  day of the month in which the annual meeting  occurs.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Board of Directors may in
its discretion vote to nominate for election a person who by
reason of having attained age 70 would otherwise cease to be
qualified  under  this provision, if it deems  that  special
circumstances justify such action.

   Section  3.  Nomination  of  Directors.  Nominations  for
election to the Board of Directors of the Corporation  at  a
meeting  of the shareholders may be made only by the  Board,
or  on  behalf  of  the  Board by any  nominating  committee
appointed  by  the  Board,  or by  any  shareholder  of  the
Corporation  entitled to vote for the election of  directors
of  the  class  for which such nomination is  submitted  who
complies  with the notice procedures set forth  in  the  By

  Section  4. Director Emeritus. The Board of Directors  may
designate one or more former directors as director emeritus,
which  position  shall be entirely honorary  and  shall  not
confer upon the director emeritus any of the powers, duties,
rights or liabilities of a director.

  Section 5. Vacancies.  If any vacancy occurs in the  Board
of   Directors   by   reason  of  the  death,   resignation,
retirement, or removal from office of any director  with  or
without  cause, or if any new directorship is created,  such
vacancy shall be filled by the holders of the class of stock
entitled to elect a director to fill such a vacancy or by  a
majority  of  the directors then in office of the  class  in
which such a vacancy occurs, though less than a quorum,  all
in  manner prescribed by the Certificate of Incorporation of
the Corporation.

 Section 6. Regular Meetings of the Board. The first regular
meeting  of each newly elected Board of Directors  shall  be
held as soon as practicable after the annual meeting of  the
shareholders for the purpose of the election or  appointment
of  officers  and  the transaction of other business.  Other
regular  meetings  of  the Board of Directors  may  be  held
without notice at such time and place as shall, from time to
time, be determined by the Board.

     Section  7. Special Meetings; Notice. Special meetings
of the  Board of Directors may be called by the Chairman of
the Board  or by the president at any time, and shall be

by  the  chairman, president, or secretary  at  the  written
request  of  two members of the Board. Notice of  a  special
meeting  shall  be given to each director in writing  either
personally,  by  next  day  courier  delivery  service,   by
telegram at least two days prior to the meeting, or by  mail
at  least  four days prior to the meeting. If  mailed,  such
notice shall be deemed given when deposited properly stamped
and  addressed in the United States mail. If telegraphed  or
by  next  day delivery service, such notice shall be  deemed
given when delivered properly addressed to the telegraph  or
courier  company. Notice of meeting need not be given  to  a
director who submits a signed waiver of notice either before
or  after  the  meeting. The attendance of a director  at  a
meeting  without protest as to the sufficiency of notice  of
such  meeting shall constitute a waiver by such director  of
such notice.

  Section  8.  Quorum.  At  all meetings  of  the  Board  of
Directors, a majority of the entire Board shall be requisite
to  and  shall  constitute a quorum for the  transaction  of
business. If a quorum shall not be present at any meeting of
the  Board  of  Directors, a majority of those  present  may
adjourn  the meeting from time to time until a quorum  shall
be present.

  Section  9. Executive and Policy Committee. The  Board  of
Directors  may  elect from among its members, by  resolution
adopted  by a majority of the entire Board of Directors,  an
Executive  and Policy Committee consisting of four  or  more
members  of  the  Board (at least one of  whom  shall  be  a
director elected by the holders of Class A common shares and
none of whom shall be an employee of the Corporation or  any
of its subsidiaries). From among such committee members, the
Board shall elect a chairman of such committee.
  Section 10. Duties of Executive and Policy Committee.  (a)
During  the  intervals  between meetings  of  the  Board  of
Directors, the Executive and Policy Committee shall, subject
to any limitations imposed by law or the Board of Directors,
possess  and it may exercise all the powers of the Board  of
Directors in the management and direction of the Corporation
in  such manner as the Executive and Policy Committee  shall
deem  best  for  the interests of the Corporation.  (b)  The
Executive    and   Policy   Committee   shall   also    have
responsibility, together with the Chairman of the Board, for
review  of corporate objectives and strategies and  policies
formulated  by  senior  management to  attain  them.  It  is
authorized  to assist management in developing and  refining
such  policies  as  it deems appropriate, to  monitor  their
implementation,   and  to  evaluate  the   chief   executive
officer's performance in connection therewith. The Executive
and  Policy Committee shall monitor and report to the  Board
its  recommendations  and observations  in  respect  of  all
matters  within its charge and shall also serve as  a  focal
point  for communication between non-committee directors  as
their  duties  relate  to  the  matters  described  in   the
preceding sentence.

  Section  11. Other Committees. The Board of Directors  may
also elect from among its members, by resolutions adopted by
a  majority  of  the entire Board of Directors,  such  other
committee  or  committees as the Board  of  Directors  shall
determine, each such committee to consist of at least  three
members  of  the Board. The Board shall elect a chairman  of
each  such  committee, shall fix the number  and  elect  the
other  members thereof, and shall establish the  duties  and
authority  thereof, subject to such limitations  as  may  be
required by law.

  Section  12.  Committee Vacancies. The Board of  Directors
shall  fill any vacancies on any committee established under
this  Article, with the objective of keeping the  membership
of each such committee at the authorized level.

  Section  13.  Action  by Committees.  All  action  by  any
committee of the Board of Directors shall be referred to the
Board  of  Directors  at its meeting  next  succeeding  such
action,  and  shall be subject to revision or alteration  by
the  Board of Directors, provided that no rights or acts  of
third  parties  shall be affected by any  such  revision  or
alteration. Subject to such applicable resolutions as may be
adopted by the Board, each committee shall fix its own rules
of  procedure as deemed appropriate, but in any case, except
as  the Board explicitly otherwise provides, the presence of
a majority shall be necessary to constitute a quorum.

  Section 14. Action of the Board. All corporate action
taken by  the Board of Directors or any committee thereof
shall be taken  at a meeting of such Board or committee, as

the  case may  be, except that any action required or
permitted to  be taken  at  a  meeting of the Board or any
committee  may  be taken  without  a meeting, if all members
of  the  Board  or committee,  as the case may be, consent
in writing  to  such action  and  the  writing or writings
are  filed  with  the minutes  of  the proceedings of the
Board or committee.  Any one  or  more  members  of the
Board  of  Directors  or  any committee thereof may
participate in a meeting of the  Board or  such  committee
by means of a conference  telephone  or similar
communications  equipment  allowing  all   persons
participating   in   the  meeting  to   hear   each   other.
Participation  by  such means shall constitute  presence  in
person  at  such meeting. Except as otherwise provided  with
respect  to  the  election  of a director  or  as  otherwise
provided  by  law, the vote of a majority of  all  directors
present at the time of the vote, voting together as a single
class, if a quorum is present at such time, shall be the act
of the Board or any committee.

                         Article IV

   Section  1.  Officers.  The  executive  officers  of  the
Corporation  shall be a chairman, a president, one  or  more
vice  presidents (one or more of whom may be  designated  as
executive,  senior  or  other class  of  vice  president  or
designated  as  chief  operating  officer,  chief  financial
officer  or  chief accounting officer), a secretary,  and  a
treasurer. There may also be such assistant vice presidents,
assistant secretaries, and assistant treasurers as the Board
of Directors may from time to time deem advisable. The Board
of  Directors  shall fix the authority  and  duties  of  the
officers to the extent not provided herein. Any two or  more
offices  may  be held by the same person at  the  same  time
except that neither the chairman nor the president may  hold
the offices of vice president, treasurer or secretary.

  Section   2.  Election  of  Officers;  Term  of    Office;
Removal. The officers shall be elected or appointed  by  the
Board  of  Directors  at  the first  meeting  of  the  Board
following the annual meeting of the shareholders, and  shall
hold  office  until  their respective successors  have  been
elected or appointed and have qualified. Any officer may  be
removed  with or without cause at any time by the Board.  If
an  office  becomes  vacant for any  reason,  the  Board  of
Directors shall fill such vacancy.

  Section  3.  Chairman. The chairman shall preside  at  all
meetings  of  the shareholders and the Board  of  Directors;
shall  provide  leadership to the  Board  of  Directors  and
advice and counsel to the president of the Corporation;  and
shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by  the
Board of Directors.

  Section  4.  President. The president shall be  the  chief
executive  officer of the Corporation; shall administer  and
implement the policies and decisions of the Corporation  and
see  that  all  orders  and  resolutions  of  the  Board  of
Directors  are carried into effect; shall have  general  and
active  management  of  the  business  and  affairs  of  the
Corporation  subject  to  the  control  of  the   Board   of
Directors; and shall have such other powers and perform such
other duties as the Board of Directors may from time to time
prescribe.  In  the absence of the chairman,  the  president
shall  preside at meetings of shareholders and of the  Board
of Directors.

  Section 5. Vice Presidents. In the absence or disability
of the  chairman and of the president, the vice presidents,
in the  order  designated by the Board of Directors or  in
the absence  of  such designation, then in the  order  of
their election,  shall exercise the duties and have the
powers  of the  chairman  and of the president and shall
perform  such other  duties  as  may be prescribed by  the
chairman,  the president, or by the Board of Directors.

  Section  6.  Secretary.  The secretary  shall  attend  all
meetings  of  the Board of Directors and of the shareholders
and  record all votes and the minutes of all proceedings  of
the Board of Directors and of the shareholders in a book  to
be  kept  for that purpose; shall give or cause to be  given
notice  of  meetings of the Board of Directors  and  of  the
shareholders and shall have custody of the certificate books
and  shareholder records and such other books as  the  Board

may   direct;  shall  have  custody  of  the  seal  of   the
Corporation  and, when authorized by the Board, shall  affix
it to any instrument requiring the corporate seal; and shall
perform  all  other  duties incident to the  office  of  the
secretary and such other duties as may from time to time  be
prescribed by the Board of Directors, by the chairman, or by
the president.

  Section  7.  Chief Financial Officer and Chief  Accounting
Officer. The Board shall designate a chief financial officer
and  a  chief accounting officer who may be a single officer
or two officers and who may hold the office of treasurer (if
chief  financial officer) or controller (if chief accounting
officer). The chief financial officer shall advise the Board
and  the  officers regarding financial requirements  of  the
Corporation and the financial impact of events affecting the
Corporation   or  action  proposed  to  be  taken   by   the
Corporation; shall have principal responsibility, subject to
the  authority  of  the  Board and the  president,  for  the
development and implementation of financial planning for the
Corporation   and   its  subsidiaries,   including   matters
pertaining  to  the  capital  and  debt  structure  of   the
Corporation  and  its  subsidiaries and  the  allocation  of
capital  resources among the operations of  the  Corporation
and  its subsidiaries; shall have the right to require, from
time  to time, reports or statements giving such information
as  he  or  she  may  desire with respect  to  any  and  all
financial transactions of the Corporation from the  officers
or  agents  transacting the same; and shall cause taxes  and
assessments  to be paid and tax returns and  reports  to  be
prepared  and filed as required by law. The chief accounting
officer  shall make and keep, or cause to be made  and  kept
under  his  or  her authority, books, records, and  accounts
which,  in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly  reflect
the  transactions  and dispositions of  the  assets  of  the
Corporation; shall prepare or cause to be prepared under his
or  her authority financial statements and other reports  of
the  financial  condition and results of operations  of  the
Corporation and its subsidiaries; shall issue and file  such
statements and render such reports when and in the form  and
manner  required  by law; shall advise  the  Board  and  the
officers regarding accounting policies and procedures to  be
adopted  or  adhered to in the reporting  of  the  financial
condition  and results of operations of the Corporation  and
its  subsidiaries; shall be responsible for the  development
and implementation of internal accounting controls necessary
and  appropriate  to  the management of the  operations  and
activities  of  the Corporation and its subsidiaries;  shall
prepare or cause to be prepared such financial forecasts  as
may  be requested from time to time by the president or  the
Board   of   Directors  and  shall  develop  and   supervise
procedures  facilitating the preparation of such  forecasts;
and  shall  exhibit  at all reasonable times  the  books  of
account and other records caused by him or her to be kept to
any  of the directors upon application at the office of  the
Corporation where such books and records are kept.

  The  chief  financial  officer and  the  chief  accounting
officer  shall  also, in general, perform (or  cause  to  be
performed  subject  to their authority  and  direction)  all
duties  incident  to  the  offices and  functions  of  chief
financial  officer  and chief accounting  officer  and  such
other duties as from time to time may be assigned to them by
the president or the Board of Directors.

  Section 8. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall have charge  and
custody  of,  and be responsible for, all funds, securities,
and  notes of the Corporation; receive and give receipts for
moneys  due and payable to the Corporation from any  sources
whatsoever;  deposit all such moneys  in  the  name  of  the
Corporation  in  such  banks,  trust  companies,  and  other
depositories as shall be selected by the Board of  Directors
against proper vouchers, cause such funds to be disbursed by
checks  or  drafts  on  the authorized depositories  of  the
Corporation signed in such manner as shall be determined  in
accordance with resolutions of the Board of Directors and be
responsible for the accuracy of the amounts of all moneys so
disbursed;  and in general, perform all duties  incident  to
the  office of treasurer and such other duties as from  time
to  time may be assigned to him or her by the president, the
chief financial officer, or the Board of Directors.

  Section 9. Divisional Officers. The Board of Directors  or
the  president may establish from time to time one  or  more
divisions  for  the  consolidation of all  or  part  of  the
operations  or  administration of  the  Corporation  and  in
connection  therewith may appoint such  officers  and  other
agents  of such divisions as the Board or the president  may
determine. Such divisional officers and agents as such shall
not be deemed officers of the Corporation but shall have  as
between  themselves and the Corporation such  authority  and
perform  such  duties in the management of the  division  in
which they are appointed as the Board may from time to  time
determine,   and  shall  have  such  authority  as   between
themselves  and  third parties to bind  the  Corporation  in
matters  respecting the ordinary course of business  of  the

division for which they are appointed, as would generally be
incident to the offices to which they are appointed if  such
a division were a separate corporation wholly owned by  the
Corporation and such offices were held in such subsidiary.

  Section  10. Controller. The Board of Directors or the chief
financial  officer  may elect or appoint a  controller.  The
controller   shall   have   principal   responsibility   for
implementation   of  accounting  policies  and   procedures,
including  the  preparation  of  financial  statements   and
reports,  under  the  supervisory  authority  of  the  chief
accounting   officer.  The  controller   shall   have   such
responsibilities   in   the   areas   of   development   and
implementation of internal accounting controls and financial
forecasting  as may be assigned to him or her from  time  to
time by the president, the chief accounting officer, or  the
Board  of  Directors. The controller as such  shall  not  be
deemed an officer of the Corporation.

  Section  11.  Assistant  Officer.  Each  assistant vice
president,  each  assistant  secretary  and  each  assistant
treasurer  shall  have such powers and  shall  perform  such
duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors or  by
the appropriate executive officer, as the case may be.

  Section  12. Compensation. The compensation of all executive
officers  of the Corporation shall be fixed by the Board  of
Directors. The compensation of division officers,  assistant
officers, if any, and of other employees shall be  fixed  by
the appropriate officers.

                          Article V

Certificates of Stock

  Section   1.  Description  of  Stock  Certificates.    The
certificates   of  stock  of  this  Corporation   shall   be
consecutively  numbered by class and  shall  be  entered  on
books of the Corporation as they are issued. They shall show
the  holder's  name and the number of shares  and  shall  be
signed  by  the chairman of the Board, the president,  or  a
vice  president,  and  countersigned  by  the  secretary  or
treasurer, and shall have the seal of the Corporation, which
may be a facsimile,  affixed  thereto.  Whenever     any
certificate  is  countersigned  by  a  transfer  agent,   or
registered by a registrar, other than the Corporation itself
or  an  employee  of  the  Corporation,  the  signatures  of
officers  of  the Corporation upon such certificate  may  be
facsimiles. If an officer who has signed or whose  facsimile
signature has been placed upon a certificate shall no longer
hold  such  office  when  the  certificate  is  issued,  the
certificate  may  nevertheless be issued by the  Corporation
with  the  same effect as if the officer were still  holding
such office at the date of the issue.

  Section  2.  Transfer  of Stock.  Upon  surrender  to  the
Corporation  or any transfer agent of the Corporation  of  a
certificate  for  shares  duly endorsed  or  accompanied  by
proper  evidence of succession, assignment or  authority  to
transfer,  together  with all necessary  federal  and  state
transfer tax stamps affixed thereto, it shall be the duty of
the  Corporation  or  such transfer agent  to  issue  a  new
certificate to the person entitled thereto, cancel  the  old
certificate, and record the transaction upon its books.

  Section  3.  Fixing  Record  Date.  For  the  purpose  of
determining  the shareholders entitled to notice  of  or  to
vote  at  any  meeting of shareholders  or  any  adjournment
thereof,  or  to  express consent to  or  dissent  from  any
proposal without  a  meeting,  or  for  the   purpose     or
determining shareholders entitled to receive payment of  any
dividend or the allotment of any rights, or for the  purpose
of  any  other action, the Board of Directors shall fix,  in
advance, a date  as  the  record  date  for   any   such
determination of shareholders. Such date shall not  be  more
than  fifty nor less than ten days before the date  of  such
meeting, nor more than fifty days prior to any other action.

  Section 4. Registered Shareholders. The Corporation  shall
be  entitled to recognize the exclusive right of  a  person,

registered  on its books as the owner of shares, to  receive
dividends or other distributions, and vote as such owner and
otherwise treat such person as the owner of such shares  and
accordingly shall not be bound to recognize any equitable or
other claim to or interest in such shares on the part of any
other  person, whether or not it shall have express or other
notice  thereof except as expressly provided by the laws  of
the State of New York.

  Section  5. Lost Certificates. The Board of Directors  may
direct the issuance of a new stock certificate in place of a
certificate theretofore issued by the Corporation  which  is
alleged  to have been lost or destroyed. The person claiming
such  loss or destruction shall submit an affidavit  of  the
fact  in  form  satisfactory to the Board of Directors.  The
Board  of  Directors,  in its discretion  and  as  condition
precedent  to  the  issuance of  the  new  certificate,  may
require  the owner of such lost or destroyed certificate  or
his  legal representative to give the Corporation a suitable
bond  in such sum as it may direct as indemnity against  any
claims that may be made against the Corporation with respect
to  the  certificate alleged to have been lost or  destroyed
and  to  satisfy such other reasonable conditions as it  may

  Section 6. Stock Regulations. The Board of Directors shall
have  the  authority  to  make all such  further  rules  and
regulations, not inconsistent with the laws of the State  of
New  York,  as it may deem expedient, concerning the  issue,
transfer,   conversion,  and  registration  of  certificates
representing shares of the Corporation, and may appoint  one
or more transfer agents and one or more registrars.
                         Article VI
General Provisions

  Section 1. Dividends. Dividends upon the outstanding
shares of the Corporation may be declared by the Board of
Directors at any regular or special meetings in the manner
provided by the  Certificate  of  Incorporation of the
Corporation  and pursuant to applicable laws and may be paid
in cash,  or  in property, or in shares of the Corporation.

  Section 2. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the Corporation
shall begin on the 1st day of May and end on the 30th day of

  Section  3.  Corporate Seal. The seal of  the  Corporation
shall consist of a circular device, having inscribed thereon
the  name of the Corporation, the words "Corporate Seal  New
York"  and the date "1904"; and shall otherwise be  in  such
form  as  may  be prescribed by the Board of Directors.  The
seal may be used by causing it or a facsimile thereof to  be
impressed  or  affixed  or  otherwise  reproduced  upon  the
instrument or writing to be sealed.

                         Article VII
Indemnification of Officers and Directors

  Section 1. General. The Corporation shall, to the  fullest
extent permitted by the New York Business Corporation Law as
the  same exists or may hereafter be amended, indemnify  any
director  or  officer of the Corporation or any wholly-owned
subsidiary (or the personal representative of such  director
or  officer) who is or was made or threatened to be  made  a
party  to  or  is  involved in any threatened,  pending,  or
completed  action,  suit,  or  proceeding,  whether   civil,
criminal,  administrative,  or investigative  (including  an
action  by or in the right of the Corporation or any of  its
subsidiaries or any other corporation, domestic or  foreign,
or  any  partnership, joint venture, trust, employee benefit
plan, or other enterprise), by reason of the fact that he or
she  is or was a director or officer of the Corporation, or,
at  the  request of the Corporation, is or was serving  such
subsidiary or other corporation, partnership, joint venture,
trust,  employee  benefit  plan,  or  other  enterprise   as
director,  officer,  trustee,  or  in  any  other  capacity,
against  judgments, fines, amounts paid or  to  be  paid  in
settlement, excise tax or penalties, and costs, charges  and
expenses,  including attorneys' fees, incurred in connection
with  such  action  or  proceeding or  any  appeal  therein;
provided, however, that no indemnification shall be provided
to any such person if a judgment or other final adjudication
adverse to such person establishes that (i) his or her  acts

 (or  those  of the testator or intestate) were committed
in bad  faith  or  were  the  result of active  and
deliberate dishonesty and, in either case, were material to
the  cause of action so adjudicated, or (ii) he or she (or
the testator or  intestate) personally gained in fact a
financial  profit or  other  advantage  to which he or  she
was  not  legally entitled; provided, further, that where
applicable,  payment of  such  indemnification  shall be
made  pursuant  to  the provisions   of  Section  723  of
the  New  York   Business Corporation  Law, as the same may
be amended  from  time  to time.

  Section 2. Non-Exclusivity of Rights. The Corporation  may
indemnify any person to whom the Corporation is permitted to
provide  indemnification or the advancement of  expenses  by
applicable  law, whether pursuant to rights granted  to,  or
provided by, the New York Business Corporation Law or  other
rights  created by (i) a resolution of shareholders, (ii)  a
resolution of the Board of Directors, or (iii) an  agreement
providing for such indemnification. The rights conferred  in
this  Article VII shall not be exclusive of any other  right
of  indemnification,  or  reimbursement  or  advancement  of
expenses which any person may have or hereafter acquire.

  Section 3. Expenses. The Corporation shall, from  time  to
time,  reimburse  or advance to any person  referred  to  in
Section  1  of  this  Article VII the  funds  necessary  for
payment of expenses, including attorneys' fees, incurred  in
connection  with  any action or proceeding  referred  to  in
Section  1, upon receipt of a written undertaking by  or  on
behalf  of such person to repay such amount(s) if a judgment
or  other  final  adjudication adverse to  the  director  or
officer  establishes that (i) his or her acts were committed
in  bad  faith  or were the result of active and  deliberate
dishonesty and, in either case, were material to  the  cause
of  action  so  adjudicated, or (ii) he  or  she  personally
gained  in  fact  a financial profit or other  advantage  to
which he or she was not legally entitled.

  Section 4. Other Rights. The right to be indemnified or to
the  reimbursement  or advancement of expenses  pursuant  to
this  Article VII (i) is a contract right pursuant to  which
the  person  entitled  thereto may  bring  suit  as  if  the
provision  hereof  were  set forth  in  a  separate  written
contract  between  the  Corporation  and  the  director   or
officer,  (ii) is intended to be retroactive  and  shall  be
available  with  respect to events occurring  prior  to  the
adoption thereof and (iii) shall continue to exist after the
rescission or restrictive modification of the provisions  of
this  Article  VII, with respect to events  occurring  prior

  Section 5. Insurance. Subject to the provisions of Section
726   of   the  New  York  Business  Corporation  Law,   the
Corporation  may  maintain insurance,  at  its  expense,  to
protect itself and any director, officer, employee, or agent
of  the  Corporation  or  another corporation,  partnership,
joint  venture, trust, or other enterprise against any  such
expense,  liability, or loss, whether or not the Corporation
would  have the power to indemnify such person against  such
expense,  liability,  or loss under the  New  York  Business
Corporation Law.

  Section  6.  Service with Another Corporation or  Employee
Benefit  Plan.  Any director or officer of  the  Corporation
serving (i) another corporation of which a majority  of  the
shares entitled to vote in the election of its directors  is
held  by the Corporation, or (ii) any employee benefit  plan
of  the Corporation or any corporation referred to in clause
(i),  in  any  capacity shall, unless  and  until  otherwise
expressly provided by a resolution of the Board of Directors
of  the Corporation, be deemed to be doing so at the request
of the Corporation.

  Section 7. Action to Enforce Right to Indemnification. If a
request  to  be  indemnified or  for  the  reimbursement  or
advancement of expenses pursuant hereto is not paid in  full
by  the Corporation within thirty days after a written claim
has  been received by the Corporation, the claimant  may  at
any  time  thereafter bring suit against the Corporation  to
recover  the  unpaid amount of the claim and,  if  entitled,
also  to  be  paid the expenses of prosecuting  such  claim.
Neither the failure of the Corporation (including its  Board

Directors,   independent   legal   counsel,   or   its
shareholders)  to  have made a determination  prior  to  the
commencement  of  such  action that  indemnification  of  or
reimbursement or advancement of expenses to the claimant  is
proper in the circumstances, nor an actual determination  by
the   Corporation   (including  its  Board   of   Directors,
independent  legal  counsel, or its shareholders)  that  the
claimant  is  not  entitled  to indemnification  or  to  the
reimbursement or advancement of expenses, shall be a defense
to  the action or create a presumption that the claimant  is
not so entitled.

  Section  8.  Exclusive  Remedy.  A  person  who  has  been
successful, on the merits or otherwise, in the defense of  a
civil  or  criminal action or proceeding  of  the  character
described  in Section 1 shall be entitled to indemnification
only  as  provided in Sections 1 and 3, notwithstanding  any
provision  of the New York Business Corporation Law  to  the

  Section 9. Separability. If this Article VII or any portion
hereby  shall be invalidated on any ground by any  court  of
competent   jurisdiction,   then   the   Corporation   shall
nevertheless indemnify each director, officer, employee,  or
agent  of  the Corporation as to costs, charges and expenses
(including  attorneys' fees), judgments, fines  and  amounts
paid  in  settlement  with respect to any  action,  suit  or
proceeding,  whether  civil,  criminal,  administrative   or
investigative, including an action by or in the right of the
Corporation,  to  the  fullest  extent  permitted   by   any
applicable portion of this Article VII that shall  not  have
been  invalidated  and to the fullest  extent  permitted  by
applicable law.

                        Article VIII

  Section  1. Power to Amend. The By-laws may be amended  or
repealed  or  new by-laws adopted from time to time  by  the
shareholders or by the Board of Directors.
