Exhibit  10.8

                    JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC.
                   1990 DIRECTOR STOCK PLAN

1.    Purposes.   The purposes of the 1990 Director Stock Plan
as  Amended and Restated as of June 22, 1995 (the "Plan")  are
to  (a)  attract  and retain highly qualified  individuals  to
serve  as directors of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (the "Company")
and  (b)  to increase the Non-Employee Directors' (as  defined
below) stock ownership in the Company.

2.    Effective Date.   The Plan shall be amended and restated
effective as of June 22, 1995, subject to the approval of  the
shareholders of the Company.

3.    Participation.    Only Non-Employee Directors  shall  be
eligible   to   participate  in  the  Plan.   A  "Non-Employee
Director"  is  a  person who is serving as a director  of  the
Company  and  who  is not an employee of the  Company  or  any
subsidiary of the Company.

4.   Fifty Percent Grant.   The date of each Annual Meeting of
company  shareholders  (each an "Annual  Meeting")  is  herein
called  a  "Measurement  Date."  Commencing  with  the  annual
meeting  held in September 1991, as soon as practicable  after
every Annual Meeting, each Non-Employee Director shall receive
shares  of  the  company's  Class A  common  stock  ("Stock"),
rounded  upward or downward to the nearest whole share,  equal
in value to 50 percent of the cash compensation which such Non-
Employee Director has received (or would have received but for
an election pursuant to Section 5 hereof) from the Company for
services  as a Non-Employee Director in respect of the  period
beginning on the day immediately following the Annual  Meeting
in  the  preceding year and ending with the date of  the  just
concluded  Annual  Meeting (the latter  being  the  applicable
Measurement  Date).  The value of the Stock  for  purposes  of
this  paragraph  shall  be determined  as  of  the  applicable
Measurement Date and shall be equal to the closing  price  for
the  Stock as reported by any exchange on which the Stock  may
be  listed  on  such date or, if no shares of the  Stock  were
traded  on such date, on the next preceding date on which  the
Stock was so traded.

5.    Election to Receive Stock in Lieu of Eligible Cash Fees.
Subject  to  the terms and conditions of the Plan,  each  Non-
Employee Director may elect to forego all or a portion of  the
cash  compensation  otherwise  payable  for  services  to   be
rendered  by  such Non-Employee Director during  the  Director
Year  (as defined below) which begins after the date on  which
such  election is made, in increments of 25%, 50%, 75% or 100%
of  such  compensation, and to receive in lieu  thereof  whole
shares  of  Stock (rounded upward or downward to  the  nearest
whole  share),  as  determined in accordance  with  Section  7
hereof.    A  "Director  Year"  is  the  twelve-month   period
beginning on April 1 of each calendar year and ending on March
31  of  the immediately following calendar year.  An  election
under  this Section 5 to have cash compensation paid in shares
of  Stock  shall be valid only if it is in writing, signed  by
the  Non-Employee  Director,  and  filed  with  the  Corporate
Secretary of the Company but, in any event, such election must
be  irrevocable with respect to the Director Year to which  it
applies and must be made no later than six months prior to the
beginning  of such Director Year.  Stock to be received  by  a
Non-Employee Director pursuant to his or her election shall be
distributed to such Non-Employee Director at the end  of  each
calendar quarter.

6.    Cash  Compensation.   For purposes of  this  Plan,  cash
compensation  shall  mean the Non-Employee  Director's  annual
retainer,   the  additional  retainer  received  by  committee
chairmen and the Non-Employee Director's fee for attendance at
meetings  of  the  Board  of Directors  of  the  Company  (the
"Board") or of Board committees, but shall not include a  Non-
Employee Director's expense reimbursements.

7.    Equivalent Amount of Stock.   The number of whole shares
of  Stock  to  be  distributed to a Non-Employee  Director  in
accordance  with  such Non-Employee Director's  election  made
under Section 5 above shall be equal to:

      (a)   the amount of the cash compensation which the Non-
Employee Director has elected to forego in exchange for shares
of Stock, divided by

      (b)  the closing price for the Stock as reported by  any
exchange on which the Stock may be listed on the date  of  the
regularly  scheduled  quarterly  meeting  of  the   Board   of
Directors or, if no shares of Stock were traded on such  date,
on the next preceding date on which the Stock was traded.

8.    Shares Subject To The Plan.  All shares of Stock  to  be
used  for purposes of this Plan shall be treasury shares, that
is,  shares previously issued and outstanding which have  been
reacquired  by  the Company and have not been  canceled.   The
shares of Stock issued to a Non-Employee Director pursuant  to
the  provisions of this Plan may not be sold for at least  six
months after having been acquired, except in the case of death
or disability of the Non-Employee Director.

9.    Nonassignability.  No rights under  the  Plan  shall  be
assignable  or  transferable by a Non-Employee Director  other
than by will or the laws of descent and distribution.

10.  Construction; Amendment; Termination.  This Plan shall be
construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York
and  may be amended or terminated at any time by action of the
Board,  provided, however, that the Plan may  not  be  amended
more  than  once every six months other than to  comport  with
changes in the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended,  the
Employee  Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as  amended,
or the rules thereunder.