AGREEMENT  made  as of the 8th day of  January,  1998,  by and
between  John Wiley & Sons,  Inc., a New York  corporation,  with offices at 605
Third  Avenue,  New  York,  New  York  10158  (hereinafter  referred  to as  the
"Corporation"),  and  William  J. Pesce  presently  residing  at 2 Heath  Drive,
Basking Ridge, New Jersey 07920 (hereinafter referred to as the "Executive").

                               W I T N E S S E T H :

               Executive is presently employed as Chief Operating Officer of the
Corporation.  The Corporation and Executive desire to enter into an agreement of
employment  on the terms and subject to the  conditions  hereinafter  set forth,
contingent  on the election of the  Executive,  by the Board of Directors of the
Company ("Board"), as President and Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation

                  NOW THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows:

               1. Employment.

               1.1  Effective May 1, 1998 or on such other date as the Board may
determine (the "Effective  Date") and contingent on the election of Executive by
the Board,  the  Corporation  hereby  employs  Executive as President  and Chief
Executive Officer.

               1.2 Executive hereby accepts such employment and shall devote his
full business time, attention,  knowledge and skills faithfully,  diligently and
to the best of his ability to the performance of his duties.  Executive shall do
such  traveling as may be reasonably  required of him in the  performance of his
duties.  Executive  shall be  subject  to and shall  observe  and carry out such
reasonable rules, regulations,  policies, directions and restrictions consistent
with the duties to be performed by him hereunder as the  Corporation  shall from
time to time establish.

               1.3 If at any time  during  the term of  employment  the Board of
Directors of the  Corporation  shall,  without his  consent,  and other than for
cause or on  account  of  death,  disability  or  retirement,  fail to  re-elect
Executive as President and Chief Executive Officer or shall remove him from such
office,  Executive  shall have the right,  exercisable  by written notice to the
Corporation  within ten business  days after the  occurrence  of such failure to
re-elect or removal,  to terminate his services  hereunder,  effective as of the
last day of the month of receipt by the  Corporation of any such written notice,
and Executive shall have no further obligation under this Agreement. Termination
of Executive's  services under this Section shall be treated as a termination of
employment by the Corporation  other than for cause and shall be governed by the
provisions of Section 5.2 of this Agreement.

               1.4 Executive  shall not be entitled to  compensation  other than
the compensation  provided for (or otherwise  referred to) in this Agreement for
any services he may render as a director or officer of any of the  Corporation's

               1.5 Executive shall not without the prior written approval of the
Corporation  accept  employment or compensation  from or perform services of any
nature for any  business  enterprise  other than the  Corporation  or any of its
subsidiaries or joint-venture entities.

               1.6 Executive shall not without the prior written approval of the
Corporation invest in any business enterprise -

               1.6.1 if such  enterprise  engages in or  involves a  "Restricted
Business" as that term is hereinafter defined in Section 7.1;

               1.6.2  if such  investment  interferes  with the  performance  of
Executive's duties hereunder; or

               1.6.3  if  such  investment   would  violate  the   Corporation's
announced  business  policy with  respect to employee  interests in suppliers of
goods or services to the Corporation or any of its subsidiaries.

               Notwithstanding the foregoing, Executive may invest in securities
of any company if such  securities  are listed for  trading on a national  stock
exchange or traded on the  over-the-counter  market and  Executive's  investment
therein represents less than one percent (1%) of the total number of outstanding
shares of the class of shares or  outstanding  principal  amount of the class of
other securities of such company, as the case may be.

               1.7 Executive shall not without the prior written approval of the
Corporation  serve on the board of directors of any  business  enterprise  other
than the Corporation or any of its subsidiaries.

               2. Term.

               2.1 Executive's term of employment hereunder shall commence as of
the Effective  Date and shall  continue  through  April 30, 2001,  unless sooner
terminated in accordance with this Agreement, and thereafter as herein provided.
Executive's  term of employment shall  automatically  renew for subsequent three
year terms, the first of which would begin on May 1, 2001,  subject to the terms
of this  Agreement,  unless  either party gives  written  notice 30 days or more
prior to the  expiration of the then existing term of his or its decision not to
renew.  Failure by the  Corporation to renew,  although not a termination by the
Corporation  without  cause or for cause,  shall for  purposes  of the  benefits
intended to be provided to Executive  (and the  obligations  of Executive  under
Section 5.5) be deemed to constitute a termination without cause.

               3. Compensation.

               3.1 As compensation for his services  hereunder,  the Corporation
shall pay Executive a base salary at the rate of four hundred fifty  thousand ($
450,000) Dollars per annum, subject to increase as hereinbelow provided, payable
in equal installments no less frequently than monthly.

               3.2  Executive  shall be  eligible to  participate  in all of the
Corporation's  executive  compensation  plans in  which  senior  executives  are
eligible  to  participate,  including  but not limited to the  Executive  Annual
Incentive Plan ("EAIP"),  the Executive Long Term Incentive Plan  ("ELTIP"),  or
equivalents,  for so long as such  plans  remain  in effect  and  shall  also be
entitled  to  all  of his  other  presently  existing  employment  benefits  and
perquisites or equivalents.

               3.3 Executive's  compensation  shall be reviewed  periodically in
accordance  with  procedures  and policies  established by the  Corporation  for
salary review of its officers.

               3.4 To the extent  coverage is not  duplicative  of that provided
under  an  executive  compensation  plan  in  which  Executive  is  eligible  to
participate,  Executive  shall be included to the extent  eligible under any and
all  plans  providing  benefits  generally  for  the  Corporation's   employees,
including,  but not limited to, pension, group life insurance,  hospitalization,
medical and disability plans. The Corporation  shall not, however,  be under any
obligation  to continue the  existence of any  executive  compensation  or other
employee benefit plan referred to in Section 3.2 or this Section 3.4.

               3.5 The Governance and Compensation  Committee (the  "Committee")
intends,  at a meeting or by unanimous  written  consent of the  Committee on or
about the  Effective  Date,  to grant to  Executive  under the 1991 Key Employee
Stock Plan,  an option to purchase  75,000 shares of Class A Common Stock of the
Corporation,  at the market  price on the date of grant,  vesting as to all such
shares on the fifth  anniversary of the date of grant, and otherwise in the form
of grant customarily used by Company for such options (the "Option"). The Option
is in addition to, and shall not be part of or affect the ELTIP,  as  applicable
to Executive.

               3.6 Subject to the next  sentence of this Section 3.6, (i) should
the Option not be timely  granted,  or should the  Corporation  cease to provide
incentive  compensation  plans in which  Executive  is eligible to  participate,
substantially  similar to those described in Section 3.2 above,  and of a value,
in the  aggregate,  to  Executive  substantially  similar to that of the present
plans,  Executive  shall have the right to  terminate  his  services  hereunder,
exercisable by written notice to the Corporation  within ten business days after
the  Effective  Date,  or after the  cessation  of such  plans,  as  applicable,
effective as of the last day of the month of receipt by the  Corporation  of any
such notice, and Executive shall have no further obligation of any kind under or
arising out of this  Agreement.  Should a  circumstance  or event not within the
reasonable  contemplation  of the parties at the date hereof  arise on or before
the Effective  Date that makes it  inadvisable  or undesirable in the reasonable
judgment  of the  Committee  to grant the  Option to  Executive  and  should the
Committee  and/or the Board (as may be required) on or about such date,  because
of such  intervening  circumstance  or  event,  instead  bestow  upon  Executive
benefits of reasonably  equivalent  value and having a comparable  vesting date,
Executive  shall thereupon  forego his right of termination  under the preceding
sentence.  Termination of  Executive's  services under this Section 3.6 shall be
treated as a termination of employment by the  Corporation  other than for cause
and shall be governed by the provisions of Section 5.2.

               4. Vacation.

Executive  shall be entitled  to four weeks of paid  vacation,  or such  greater
amount,  if any, as provided in the policies of the Corporation  then applicable
to Executive,  each calendar year during the period of his employment hereunder,
to be taken at times mutually agreeable to Executive and the Corporation.

               5. Termination of Employment By Corporation.

               5.1  The   Corporation  may  terminate   Executive's   employment
hereunder at any time for cause without further  obligation or liability  except
as hereinbelow  stated in this Section 5.1. For purposes of this Agreement,  the
term "cause" shall be limited to the following grounds:

               5.1.1 Executive's refusal to substantially  perform his duties or
otherwise  fulfill his material  obligations  under this  Agreement (for reasons
other  than death or  disability),  in any such case  after due  written  notice
thereof, or serious willful misconduct in respect of his obligations hereunder;

               5.1.2 Conviction of a felony crime;

               5.1.3   Perpetration  of  a  fraud  against  the  Corporation  or
misappropriation of the Corporation's property;

               5.1.4  Habitual  intoxication  or  illegal  use of habit  forming
substances; or

               5.1.5  Knowingly   making  a  material  false  statement  to  the
Corporation's  Board of Directors  or  management  regarding  the affairs of the

               In the event  Executive's  employment is terminated for cause, no
further  payments  of salary or  benefits  of any kind or nature  (except to the
extent  accrued  to the date of  termination)  shall be paid to  Executive,  and
Executive shall have no further claim against the Corporation under the terms of
this Agreement or otherwise relating to his employment.

               5.2 Corporation may terminate Executive's employment hereunder at
any time without cause. In the event of such  termination the obligations of the
Corporation to Executive shall be limited to the following:

               5.2.1 Salary accrued to the effective date of such termination;

               5.2.2  Continuation  of base salary at the per annum rate then in
effect,  for a period of 36 months from the effective  date of such  termination
(hereinafter "the Severance Period");

               5.2.3 The "target  incentive  amount" under any executive  annual
incentive plan  established by the  Corporation  for a fiscal year ending during
the  Severance  Period,  and the same  "target  incentive  amount"  for any such
executive annual incentive plan,  pro-rated to the end of the Severance  Period,
for a fiscal year commencing  during but ending after the Severance  Period,  or
the equivalent under any bonus or variable compensation plan which may hereafter
be adopted by the Corporation in lieu of such executive annual incentive plan;

               5.2.4  The  value  of the  "payout  amount,"  in  cash,  for  any
executive  long term incentive plan  established  by the  Corporation,  the plan
cycle of which ends within 12 months after the  effective  date of  termination,
pro-rated to the date of termination;

               5.2.5 Lapse of restrictions on any outstanding  restricted  stock
awards not vested on the effective date of termination,  or at the Corporation's
option, the cash value of the restricted stock forfeited under such awards based
on "fair market value" on the effective date of termination; and

               5.2.6 Coverage  during such Severance  Period under the following
employee benefit plans or provisions for comparable benefits outside such plans,
but only to the extent comparable  coverage is not provided by any new employer:
(1) Group Health Insurance Program;  (2) Long-Term  Disability Plan (as provided
under such Plan, the Executive shall be required to pay the premium);  (3) Group
Life and Accidental Death and  Dismemberment  Insurance (at the levels in effect
at the date of  termination  of  employment,  taking into  account any waiver of
coverage under the Corporation's Supplemental Executive Retirement Program).

               For purposes of Section  5.2.5,  the "fair market value" shall be
the mean  between  the highest  and lowest  prices at which the Common  Stock is
traded on the effective  date of  termination  as reported by the New York Stock
Exchange or any  successor  thereto.  If there is no sale of the Common Stock on
such  exchange on such date,  the mean  between the bid and asked prices on such
exchange  at the close of the market on such date shall be deemed to be the fair
market value of the Common Stock.

               Executive shall not be required to seek other  employment  during
such Severance  Period,  but in the event Executive  renders  personal  services
during such period to any person or firm other than the Corporation,  whether as
an  employee,  a partner  or as a  self-employed  individual  and  earns  income
(whether or not then payable)  attributable  to the performance of such personal
services during either the 12 month period commencing on the date of termination
of employment or the next two succeeding 12 month periods in excess of $ 100,000
per such 12 month  period,  (i)  Executive  shall  notify  the  Corporation,  in
accordance with Section 9.3 hereof,  within 15 days of the  commencement of such
employment,  and (ii) the amount of salary which the Corporation would otherwise
be required to pay Executive during such 12 month period shall be reduced dollar
for dollar by such excess amount.  If as a result of  Executive's  accruing such
income,  the  Corporation  has  overpaid  Executive,  Executive  shall  promptly
reimburse the Corporation for the amount of such overpayment.

               5.3 Executive  agrees that the payments  described in Section 5.2
shall be full and  adequate  compensation  to  Executive  for all damages he may
suffer as a result of the termination of his employment pursuant to Section 5.2,
and hereby waives and releases the  Corporation  from any and all obligations or
liabilities  to  Executive  arising  from  or  in  connection  with  Executive's
employment with the Corporation or the termination of his employment  including,
without  limitation,  all  rights  and  claims  Executive  may  have  under  the
Corporation's severance policy and federal, state or local statutes, regulations
or  ordinances  or under any common law  principles of breach of contract or the
covenant  of good  faith  and  fair  dealing,  defamation,  wrongful  discharge,
intentional  infliction of emotional distress or promissory estoppel;  provided,
however,  that any rights and benefits  Executive may have under the  employment
benefit plans and programs of the Corporation,  including,  without  limitation,
the Corporation's  Supplemental Executive Retirement Program, in which Executive
is a  participant,  shall  be  determined  in  accordance  with  the  terms  and
provisions of such plans and provisions.

               5.4 If Executive  voluntarily resigns, the Corporation shall have
no further  obligation to Executive  except for salary  accrued to the effective
date of such resignation.

               5.5  In  the  event  the   Corporation   terminates   Executive's
employment,  whether  with or  without  cause,  or in the  event of  Executive's
voluntary resignation, Executive if so requested by the Corporation shall assist
in the orderly transfer of authority and responsibility to his successor.

               6. Death or Disability.

               6.1 In the event of the  death of  Executive  during  the term of
employment  under this  Agreement  or during the period when  payments are being
made  pursuant  to  Section  5.2.2,  this  Agreement  shall  terminate  and  all
obligations  to  Executive  shall cease as of the date of death  except that the
Corporation will pay the then base salary under Section 3.1 until the end of the
month in which  Executive  dies,  and  except for any  rights  and  benefits  of
Executive  under the benefit  plans and programs of the  Corporation  including,
without  limitation,   the  Supplemental  Executive  Retirement  Plan  in  which
Executive is a  participant,  as  determined  in  accordance  with the terms and
provisions of such plans and programs. The payout under the EAIP, or equivalent,
for the fiscal year in which Executive's  death occurs,  shall be annualized and
paid at the normal time to Executive's estate pro rata to the date of death. The
value of the "payout  amount," in cash,  for any executive  long term  incentive
plan  established  by the  Corporation,  the plan cycle of which ends  within 12
months after the date of Executive's  death, shall be paid at the normal time to
Executive's  estate.  This  Section 6.1 shall not affect any  outstanding  stock
options  or stock  awards,  whether  made  under a long term  incentive  plan or
otherwise,  before or after the date of this agreement,  which options or awards
shall then be governed according to their terms.

               6.2 In the event that Executive  shall become  entitled to salary
continuation   payments  under  the  Corporation's  Group  Long-Term  Disability
Insurance  Plan  or  under  any  generally  similar  plan  then in  effect,  the
Corporation may, at its option,  terminate the employment of Executive hereunder
without further obligation or liability on the part of the Corporation under the
terms of this Agreement.

               7. Restrictive Covenant.

               7.1  In  consideration  of the  Corporation  entering  into  this
Agreement,  Executive  shall not,  directly  or  indirectly,  for a period of 12
months  after  termination  of such  employment,  whether  because  the  term of
employment  has ended by its terms or otherwise  (unless such  termination is by
the  Corporation  without  cause or compliance  herewith is excused  pursuant to
Section  7.2),  be  employed  by,  render  services  to or  participate  in  the
management,  operation  or control of, or serve as advisor or  consultant  to or
otherwise  become  financially  interested in any business of the same nature as
that now (or  hereafter  during  the term of this  Agreement)  carried on by the
Corporation or any of its subsidiaries (a "Restricted Business").

               7.2 Should a Change of Control (as  defined in the  Corporation's
Supplemental  Executive Retirement Plan) occur during the term of employment and
should the Executive  terminate his  employment for "Good Reason" (as defined in
said Plan)  within a period of 18 months  following  such Change of Control such
termination  by Executive  shall  constitute a waiver by the  Corporation of the
restrictive  covenant  set forth in  Section  7.1 and  Executive  shall  have no
further obligation to comply with its terms.

               7.3  Executive  acknowledges  and agrees that in the event of any
violation of the restrictive  covenant set forth in Section 7.1, the Corporation
shall  be  authorized  and  entitled  to  obtain  from any  court  of  competent
jurisdiction temporary, preliminary or permanent injunctive relief as well as an
equitable  accounting of all profits or benefits  arising out of such  violation
and any damages for the breach of this Agreement  which may be  applicable.  The
aforesaid rights and remedies shall be independent, severable and cumulative and
shall be in  addition to any other  rights or remedies to which the  Corporation
may be entitled.

               7.4 The restrictions  contained in this Section 7 are intended to
be reasonable. In the event that any restriction contained herein is held by any
court of competent jurisdiction or arbitrator to be in any respect unreasonable,
the court so holding may limit the  territory to which it pertains or the period
of time in which it operates, or affect any other change to the extent necessary
to make it  enforceable.  The remaining  provisions  shall not be affected,  but
shall,  subject to the discretion of such court, remain in full force and effect
and any invalid and  unenforceable  provision  shall be deemed  without  further
action on the part of the parties  hereto  modified,  amended and limited to the
extent  necessary to render the same valid and enforceable to the maximum extent

               7.5 Executive shall hold in a fiduciary  capacity for the benefit
of the Corporation all confidential information,  knowledge and data relating to
or concerned with the Corporation's  products,  operations,  sales, business and
affairs which are proprietary and not readily  ascertainable  from trade sources
or other publicly available data, and he shall not, at any time hereafter,  use,
disclose or divulge any such confidential information,  knowledge or data to any
person,  firm or corporation other than to the Corporation,  its subsidiaries or
its  designees  or except as may  otherwise be required in  connection  with the
business and affairs of the  Corporation.  A breach of  Executive's  obligations
hereunder shall entitle the  Corporation to seek injunctive or equitable  relief
and/or damages from any court of competent jurisdiction.

               8. Change of Control Agreements.

               It is understood and agreed that none of the benefits accruing to
Executive  under  the  1991  Key  Employee  Stock  Option  Plan or  Supplemental
Executive  Retirement  Plan  resulting from a "change of control" shall derogate
from the  rights  granted to  Executive  under  this  Agreement,  and the rights
granted to him thereunder shall,  subject to the triggering  events thereof,  be
supplementary to and not in substitution for his rights hereunder.

               9. General.

               9.1 Subject to Section 7.2 and Section 8 hereof,  this  Agreement
constitutes  the entire  agreement  concerning  Executive's  employment,  and no
amendment  or  modification  hereof  shall be valid or  binding  unless  made in
writing and signed by the party against whom enforcement thereof is sought. This
agreement  supersedes the 1994 Senior Executive Employment Agreement between the
Corporation and Executive.

               9.2  The  provisions  of  Section  7  hereof  shall  survive  the
termination or expiration of this Agreement.

               9.3 Any  notice  required,  permitted,  or  desired  to be  given
pursuant to any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be deemed to have been
sufficiently  given or served for all purposes if delivered in person or sent by
registered  or  certified  mail,  return  receipt  requested,  postage  and fees
prepaid, as follows:

               If to the Corporation, at:

               605 Third  Avenue New York,  New York 10158  Attention:  Bradford
Wiley II with a copy to:

                  Richard S. Rudick, Esq.
                  John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
                  605 Third Avenue
                  New York, New York  10158

                  If to Executive, at:

                  2 Heath Drive
                  Basking Ridge, New Jersey  07920

               Either  of the  parties  hereto  may at any time and from time to
time change the address to which  notices  shall be sent  hereunder by notice to
the other party.

               9.4 No  course  of  dealing  or any  delay  on  the  part  of the
Corporation or Executive in exercising any rights  hereunder  shall operate as a
waiver of any such rights.  No waiver of any default or breach of this Agreement
shall be deemed a continuing waiver of any other breach or default.

               9.5  This   Agreement   relates  to  services  to  be   performed
principally in, and accordingly shall be governed,  interpreted and construed in
accordance with the laws of the State of New York.

               9.6 If any provision or part of this  Agreement  shall be held or
declared to be void, invalid or illegal for any reason by any court of competent
jurisdiction,  such provision or part shall be ineffective  but shall not in any
way invalidate or affect any other provision or part of this Agreement.

               9.7 This Agreement,  and the respective rights and obligations of
the parties hereunder, shall inure to the benefit of, and shall be binding upon,
the Corporation and its successors and assigns.

               9.8 Should there arise any claim, dispute or controversy relating
to this  Agreement,  or the breach  thereof,  the  parties  shall use their best
efforts and good will to settle such claim,  dispute or  controversy by amicable
negotiations.  Except as  provided  in  Sections  7.2 and 7.4,  any such  claim,
dispute  or  controversy  that  arises  between  the  parties  relating  to this
Agreement  that is not amicably  settled  shall be resolved by  arbitration,  as

               9.8.1 Any such arbitration  shall be heard in New York, New York,
before a panel  consisting  of one (1) to three  (3)  arbitrators,  each of whom
shall be impartial.  Except as the parties may otherwise  agree, all arbitrators
shall be appointed in the first instance by the President of the  Association of
the Bar of the City of New York or, in the event of his unavailability by reason
of disqualification or otherwise,  by the Chairman of the Executive Committee of
the  Association of the Bar of the City of New York. In  determining  the number
and appropriate  background of the arbitrators,  the appointing  authority shall
give due consideration to the issues to be resolved,  but his decision as to the
number of arbitrators  and their  identity  shall be final.  Except as otherwise
provided in this Section 9.8, or as the parties may otherwise agree, arbitration
hereunder   shall  be  governed  by  the  rules  of  the  American   Arbitration
Association, as they then exist.

               9.8.2  An  arbitration  may be  commenced  by any  party  to this
Agreement  by the service of a written  Request for  Arbitration  upon the other
affected  parties.  Such Request for Arbitration shall summarize the controversy
or claim to be arbitrated, and shall be referred by the complaining party to the
appointing authority for appointment of arbitrators ten (10) days following such
service or  thereafter.  If the panel of  arbitrators  is not  appointed  by the
appointing authority within thirty (30) days following such reference, any party
may apply to any  court  within  the  State of New York for an order  appointing
arbitrators  qualified as set forth below. No Request for  Arbitration  shall be
valid if it relates to a claim, dispute,  disagreement or controversy that would
have been time  barred  under the  applicable  statute of  limitations  had such
claim,  dispute or controversy  been submitted to the Supreme Court of the State
of New York.

               9.8.3 All attorneys' fees and costs of the  arbitration  shall in
the first  instance be borne by the  respective  party  incurring such costs and
fees,  but the  arbitrators  shall have the  discretion  to award  costs  and/or
attorneys' fees as they deem appropriate under the circumstances. In addition to
the waiver set forth in Section 5.3 above,  the parties hereby  expressly  waive
punitive damages,  and under no circumstances  shall an award contain any amount
that in any way reflects punitive damages.

               9.8.4  Judgment on the award rendered by the  arbitrators  may be
entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof.

               9.8.5 It is  intended  that  claims,  disputes  or  controversies
submitted to arbitration under this Section 9.8 shall remain  confidential,  and
to that end it is agreed by the parties that neither the facts  disclosed in the
arbitration,  the issues  arbitrated,  nor the views or  opinions of any persons
concerning them, shall be disclosed to third persons at any time,  except to the
extent  necessary  to enforce an award or  judgment  or as required by law or in
response to legal process or in connection with such arbitration.

               IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement
to be duly executed as of the day and year first above written.

                                                       JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC.

                                                       Date: ___________________

                                                       Charles R. Ellis

                                                       President and Chief
                                                       Executive Officer

                                                                William J. Pesce