542 WESTPORT AVENUE
                                NORWALK, CONNECTICUT  06851


    The annual meeting of Shareholders of Wiltek, Inc. will be held at the
Company's headquarters, 542 Westport Avenue, Norwalk, Connecticut on Friday,
March 27, 1998 at 3:00 P.M., for the following purposes:

1.  The election of five directors to serve until the next Annual Meeting of
Shareholders and until their successors are elected and have qualified.

2.  The transaction of such other business as may properly come before the
meeting or any adjournment or adjournments thereof.

The date fixed by the Board of Directors as the record date for the
determination of the shareholders entitled to notice of and to vote at said
Annual Meeting or any adjournment or adjournments thereof is the close of
business on January 30, 1998.

               By Order of the Board of Directors,

                              Boris Frenkiel

Dated:   February 1, 1998


                                      WILTEK, INC.
                                 542 WESTPORT AVENUE
                              NORWALK, CONNECTICUT 06851

                                    PROXY STATEMENT

                           Annual Meeting of Shareholders

                                    March 27, 1998


This proxy statement is furnished in connection with the solicitation of
proxies by the Directors of Wiltek, Inc. (the "Corporation") for use at its
Annual Meeting of Shareholders, to be held on Friday, March 27, 1998, and
will be mailed to shareholders on or about February 1, 1998.
The Annual Meeting is called for the purposes of electing directors and
conducting such other business as may properly come before the meeting.  Any
proxy given pursuant to this solicitation may be revoked by the person
executing the same by written instruction given to the Secretary of the
Corporation at any time prior to its exercise; by filing a later dated proxy
with the Secretary; or by revoking same, orally, in open meeting, but mere
attendance at the meeting will not effect such a revocation.

Solicitation of proxies by management will be made by mail and may also be
made by telephone and personal solicitation by the Corporation's officers,
Directors or regular employees, who will receive no remuneration therefor.
The cost of such solicitation will be borne by the Corporation.  In addition,
the Corporation will request banks, brokers or other persons holding shares
in their names or the names of their nominees to distribute proxies, proxy
material and annual reports to the beneficial owners of such shares, and will
reimburse such persons for their reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred
in making such distribution.

A copy of the Corporation's Annual Report to Shareholders, including its
report on Form 10-KSB containing certified financial statements for the
fiscal year ended October 31, 1997 and management's discussion and analysis,
is included herewith, but is not to be considered as a part of the proxy
soliciting materials except for the financial statements and management's
discussion and analysis contained therein, which are hereby incorporated
herein by reference.

                                  VOTING RIGHTS

Only holders of shares of Common Stock of record at the close of business on
January 30, 1998, are entitled to vote at the meeting.  On that date, there
were 3,848,128 shares of Common Stock outstanding and entitled to vote, each
such share having one vote.  There are no cumulative voting rights.  All
properly executed proxies received at or prior to the meeting will be voted
pursuant to the instructions set forth therein, and, if no instructions are
given, will be VOTED FOR ALL management proposals.


The following table sets forth, as of January 30, 1998, the shares of Common
Stock beneficially owned by (a) each beneficial owner of 5% or more of the
Common Stock of the Corporation and (b) Management, including: each director
and nominee for director; each executive officer named in the Executive
Compensation Section and all officers and directors as a group.

Title of       Name and Address of     Amount and Nature of     % of
 Class         of Beneficial Owner     Beneficial Ownership     class

Common Stock   Jay W. Fitzpatrick       365,493 (1) (3) (6)      9.3
                   9 Mead Lane
             Hilton Head Island, SC

Common Stock  F. Spencer Pooley         330,704 (1) (3) (6)      8.4
              60 Canterbury Ct. #646
              Orange Park, FL  32065

Common Stock  Boris Frenkiel            265,763 (1) (4) (6)     6.9
              241 Catalpa Rd.
              Wilton, CT  06897

Common Stock  Graeme MacLetchie        338,439 (1) (5) (6) (7)  8.6
              1 Dunham Place
              Irvington, NY

Common Stock  David S. Teitelman      263,341  (1) (2) (8)      6.6
              14 Clinton Street
              Fairfield, CT  06430

Common Stock  All officers and     1,896,079   (6)             42.6
              directors as a group-
                 (8 Persons)

(1)Director and Nominee for Director of the Corporation.
(2)Officer of the Corporation.
(3) Includes 75,000 shares issuable within 60 days upon exercise of employee
stock options.
(4) Includes 15,000 shares issuable within 60 days upon exercise of employee
stock options.
(5)Includes 5,000 shares owned by his wife, as to which beneficial ownership
is disclaimed.
(6) The nature of beneficial ownership of all shares is the sole voting and
investment power unless otherwise
(7) Includes 70,000 shares issuable within 60 days upon exercise of non-
employee stock options.
(8)Includes 156,000 shares issuable within 60 days upon exercise of employee
stock options.


The following table sets forth the slate of nominees proposed for election as
Directors; the present principal occupation, including position, if any, with
the Corporation, of each nominee; his age and his business experience during
the past five years.  The table below is based in part on information
received from the respective nominees and in part from the records of the
Corporation.  Each of the persons named is an incumbent director previously
elected by the shareholders.

Jay W. Fitzpatrick, 56, has served in the positions as President, Treasurer
and Director of the Corporation since 1983 and Chairman of the Board since
1994.  On March 6, 1995, due to medical reasons he resigned as President and

F. Spencer Pooley, 57, had served as Vice President of the Corporation since
1970.  He was appointed to Wiltek's Board of Directors in 1994.  April 30,
1996, he retired as Vice President.

Boris Frenkiel, 58, had served as Vice President of the Corporation since
1983.  He was appointed to Wiltek's Board of Directors in 1994.  On March 21,
1997, he retired as Vice President.

Graeme MacLetchie, 60, had been Senior Vice President of C. J. Lawrence
Deutsche Bank Securities Corporation from 1970 to 1995, and presently he is a
Vice President of BT Alex Brown, Inc., an investment securities company.  He
was appointed to Wiltek's Board of Directors in 1994.

David S. Teitelman, 41, has served as President and CEO since 1995.  He was
appointed to Wiltek's Board of Directors in 1997.

The persons named in the accompanying proxy will, unless proxies are marked
otherwise, vote for the election as directors of the four nominees named
above.  Such nominees, if elected, will hold office until the next Annual
Meeting of Shareholders and until their respective successors shall have been
duly elected and qualified.  It is not anticipated that any of the nominees
will be unavailable to serve as a Director of the Corporation, but if that
contingency should arise prior to the election, the persons name in the
accompanying proxy, when voting at the meeting, are authorized to substitute
another person chosen by the Corporation's Board of Directors.


There are currently two committees of the Board of Directors, an Audit
Committee and a Compensation committee.  The Board of Directors does not have
a Nominating Committee.  The Audit Committee, of which Graeme MacLetchie is
the sole member, recommends to the Board of Directors the engagement of the
independent accountants and reviews with the independent accountants the
scope and results of the audit, the Corporation's internal accounting system
and the recommendations of the independent accountants with respect to
accounting matters.  The Committee met once during fiscal 1997.  The
Compensation Committee, of which Graeme MacLetchie is the sole member,
determines executive salary and bonuses.  The Committee met once during
fiscal 1997.

During the 1997 fiscal year the Board of Directors held five meetings.  All
of the directors attended 75% or more of the total meetings of the Board of
Directors and all Committees of which he or she was a member.

Directors of the Corporation who are not full-time employees receive a fee of
$500 per quarter for their services as director, payable in advance, and are
entitled to reimbursement of expenses for attendance at meetings.  There are
no fees payable for attendance at meetings of the Board or its Committees.

                                 EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

The following table sets forth information with respect to cash compensation,
paid or accrued by the Corporation for its last three fiscal years each ended
October 31, to its executive officers whose aggregate cash and cash
equivalent forms of remuneration in fiscal 1997 exceeded $100,000, and for
all executive officers as a group.

                                 Annual Compensation

Name and Principal      Year       Salary          Total Stock Holdings
Position                         (In Dollars)         as of 10/31/97

David S. Teitelman      1997       132,000               90,100
   President            1996       129,100               90,100

David Holst-Grubbe      1997       139,500               14,418
Vice President, Sales

All Executive Officers
 as a Group (6 persons) 1997       554,600              678,375
                        1996       299,200              887,050
                        1995       525,700              868,050

100,000 shares of common stock was granted from the 1994 Employee's Stock
Option Plan to two of the Executive Officers of the Corporation during the
Fiscal Year ended October 31, 1997 and no Executive Officer of the
Corporation had any "in the money" options at the end of said Fiscal Year.
There are in effect employment agreements with Messrs. Teitelman, Bunce,
Carathanasis, and Holst-Grubbe providing for employment for one year from
December 31, 1997, at an annual base compensation of $120,000 for Mr.
Teitelman, and $90,000 for Messrs. Bunce, Carathanasis, and Holst-Grubbe.
These agreements are terminable, but except for certain circumstances, upon
such termination the officer will be entitled to severance payments equal to
one-quarter to one-half of their last pertaining annual base compensation
rate.  The employment agreements as in effect during fiscal 1997 did not
preclude the payment of bonuses in addition to the specified base

                             EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLANS

                               401(k) Pension Plan

The Wiltek, Inc. 401 (k) Pension Plan, adopted as of November 1, 1985, is
available to all employees who have been in the Corporation's employ for six
months.  Each participant in the plan may elect to contribute up to 15% of
his or her compensation pursuant to a Salary Reduction Agreement. 
Contributions by the one-third most highly compensated participants may be
limited to less than 15% in accordance with statutory restrictions of 401 (k)
plans.  The Corporation may, in its sole discretion, elect to make a matching
contribution of up to two-thirds of each participant's contribution. Each
participant directs the investment of the contributions for his or her
account in shares of one or more of four Phoenix Series funds.  Upon
retirement or termination of employment, the full value of the shares in such
participants' account is paid in cash to the participant in a single lump
sum.  In the event of the death of a participant, the payment is made to his
or her designated beneficiary, if any, who may elect payment to be made in
the form of an annuity.

                               Stock Option Plans
1983 and 1988 Stock Options

An aggregate of 52,000 shares of the Common Stock of the Corporation is
reserved for issuance pursuant to the 1983 Stock Option Plan, (the "1983
Plan"), which expired June 8, 1988 and an aggregate of 176,500 shares of the
Common Stock of the Corporation is reserved for issuance pursuant to the 1988
Stock Option Plan, (the "1988 Plan"), which expired June 6, 1993.  Since both
of these plans had expired prior to the commencement of Fiscal 1997, no
options were available for grant during the Fiscal Year ending October 31,

Under both the 1983 and 1988 Plans, the Board of Directors, acting upon the
recommendation of the Compensation Committee, composed of Directors not
eligible to receive options, granted options for the purchase of shares at an
option price not less than the fair market value at date of grant.  Upon
exercise under either Plan, the full purchase price is to be paid in cash
except that, if so authorized in writing in advance by the Committee, payment
may also be made in outstanding shares of Wiltek common stock, or a
combination of shares and cash.

Options issued under both Plans are either incentive stock options (ISO's) or
nonqualified stock options (NQSO's); have option terms of 10 years, or less;
and are non-transferable, except by testamentary disposition or the laws of
descent and distribution. While NQSO's may be exercised in full or in part at
any time, ISO's may not be exercised for a period of one year after the date
of grant and expire unless exercised within three months (or in the case of
death or disability, one year) following termination of employment. NQSO's
expire ten days later than ISO's.  Under the 1988 Plan, grants of options to
any one employee which first become exercisable in any given calendar year
were limited to stock having a fair market value, at the date of grant, of no
more than $100,000.00. 

               No Stock Options Exercised Under `83 and `88 Plans

No options were exercised by, any officers and/or employees during the three
year period ending October 31, 1997. As of October 31, 1997 there were no
options outstanding at an exercise price lower than the fair market value of
the stock and no options granted by the Corporation have been repriced during
the last completed fiscal year.

1994 Stock Options

The 1994 Employee's Stock Option Plan authorizing 750,000 shares and 1994
Non-Employee Directors'/Officers' Stock Option Plan authorizing 100,000
shares was approved by the shareholders at the annual meeting held on March
28, 1995.

An aggregate of 519,800 shares and 70,000 shares of common stock of the
corporation are reserved for issuance pursuant to the 1994 Stock Option Plan
(the "1994 Plan") respectively, which will expire on August 23, 1999.

Both Plans were created to give a proprietary interest in the company to
those key employees, present and future Directors/Officers who are not
employees but whose performance strongly influences the company's success; to
stimulate their efforts on behalf of the stockholders and the company; to
retain their services; and to attract to the company other individuals of
outstanding ability.

The Plan authorizes the Compensation Committee, composed of Directors
ineligible to receive options, to grant options, through August 23, 1999, to
eligible employees and non-employees (the D/O) at a purchase price not less
than the fair market value at the date of the grant. Options granted under
the Plan may be in the form of "Incentive Stock Options", ("ISO's"), or
options which do not qualify as ISO's, ("NQSO's"). Grants of options to any
one employee which, under the terms of the Plan, first become exercisable in
any given calendar year may not be made with respect to stock having a fair
market value of more than $100,000.

Upon exercise of the option, the full purchase price is to be paid in cash,
except that, if so authorized in advance by the Committee, payment may be
made in outstanding shares of Wiltek, Inc. stock, or in a combination of such
shares and cash.

The option term may not exceed a period of 10 years.  While NQSO's may be
exercised in full or in part at any time, ISO's may not be exercised for a
period of one year after the date of grant and no employee may exercise in
any one calendar year, ISO's exercisable for the first time, with respect to
stock having a fair market value of more than $100,000. ISO's terminate
unless exercised within three months following termination of employment,
except that if the termination is for disability or death the period is one
year. NQSO's terminate ten days later than ISO's. Options are non-
transferable, except by testamentary disposition or the laws of descent and
distribution. Upon the expiration or termination of an option, the shares
which were set aside for the exercise of such option again become available
for the grant of new options thereon.

Stock Options Exercised Under the 1994 Plan

10,000 shares of common stocks were exercised during fiscal year 1997.  As of
October 31, 1997, 519,800 shares of employees and 70,000 shares of non-
employee options were outstanding at an exercise price lower than the fair
market value of the stock.  No options granted by the Corporation have been
repriced during the last completed fiscal year.

                              INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANTS

Grant Thornton LLP acted as the Corporation's independent accountants in the
audit of its books and accounts for the fiscal year which ended October 31,
1997, and has been retained to act as such independent accountants for the
current fiscal year ending October 31, 1998.  Representatives of Grant
Thornton LLP are expected to be present at the meeting and will have the
opportunity to make a statement if they desire to do so and will also be
available to respond to appropriate questions.


Proposals of shareholders submitted for consideration at the 1999 Annual
Meeting of Shareholders must be received by the Corporation no later than
October 18, 1998 in order to be included in the proxy statement and proxy
card for that meeting.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

As of the date of this Proxy Statement, the management has no knowledge of
any other business to be presented to the meeting, but if other business is
properly brought before the meeting the persons named in the Proxy will vote
according to their discretion.

By Order of the Board of Directors,

                        Boris Frenkiel