WASHINGTON, D. C. 20549

                                                      FORM 10-K

                      X             ANNUAL REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d)
                    -----              OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                      For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1993

                                            Commission file number 1-1245

                                          WISCONSIN ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY
                               (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter) 

                                Wisconsin                                 39-0476280
                      (State or other jurisdiction of        (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)
                       incorporation or organization)

                      231 West Michigan Street, P.O. Box 2046, Milwaukee, Wisconsin      53201
                                (Address of principal executive offices)               (Zip Code)

                                                   (414) 221-2590
                                (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

   Securities Registered Pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:
                                                                                        Name of Each Exchange
                   Title of Each Class                                                   on which Registered
        -----------------------------------------                                       ---------------------
                          None                                                                   --

   Securities Registered Pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:

                                    PREFERRED STOCK, 3.60% SERIES, $100 PAR VALUE
                                    PREFERRED STOCK, 6.75% SERIES, $100 PAR VALUE
                                    SIX PER CENT. PREFERRED STOCK, $100 PAR VALUE
                                                  (Title of Class)

   Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 
   or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period 
   that the Registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements 
   for the past 90 days.  Yes   X    No
                              -----     -----

   Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent filers pursuant to Item 405 of Regulation S-K is not
   contained herein, and will not be contained, to the best of Registrant's knowledge, in definitive proxy
   or information statements incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to
   this Form 10-K.    X      

   The aggregate market value of the voting stock of the Registrant held by non-affiliates is approximately
   $21,320,000 based on the reported last sale prices on March 1, 1994 or the average bid and asked prices
   of such securities on or prior to such date.

   Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the Registrant's classes of common stock, as of the
   latest practicable date.

                                  Class                          Outstanding at March 1, 1994
                                  -----                          ----------------------------
                        COMMON STOCK, $10 PAR VALUE                    33,289,327 Shares     

                                       Documents Incorporated by Reference

   Portions of the Registrant's definitive Information Statement to be dated April 15, 1994 are incorporated by
   reference into Part III hereof.



                      FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1993

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

ITEM                                                                PAGE

                                    PART I

 1. Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
 2. Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
 3. Legal Proceedings  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
 4. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders  . . . . . . 24
    Executive Officers of the Registrant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

                                    PART II

 5. Market for Registrant's Common Equity
      and Related Stockholder Matters  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
 6. Selected Financial Data  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
    Electric Revenue, Kilowatt-Hour Sales and
      Customer Statistics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
 7. Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
      Condition and Results of Operations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary Data  . . . . . . . . . . 38
    Report of Independent Accountants  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
 9. Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on
      Accounting and Financial Disclosure  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

                                   PART III

10. Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant . . . . . . . 58
11. Executive Compensation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
12. Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners 
      and Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
13. Certain Relationships and Related Transactions . . . . . . . . . 58

                                    PART IV

14. Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules, and
      Reports on Form 8-K  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

    Consent of Independent Accountants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
    Signatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

                                     - 2 -

               Abbreviations and acronyms used in the text are defined below.

               Abbreviations and Acronyms         Term
               --------------------------         ----
               Act..............................  Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982

               BTU..............................  British Thermal Units

               CPCN.............................  Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity

               DNR..............................  Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

               DOE..............................  U.S. Department of Energy

               EPA..............................  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

               EMFs.............................  Electromagnetic Fields

               EWGs.............................  Exempt Wholesale Generators

               FERC.............................  Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

               IPP..............................  Independent Power Producer

               ISFSI............................  Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation

               MAPP.............................  Mid-Continent Area Power Pool

               MDNR.............................  Michigan Department of Natural Resources

               MPSC.............................  Michigan Public Service Commission

               MWh..............................  Megawatt-hour

               NOX..............................  Nitrogen Oxide

               NRC..............................  U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

               Oglebay..........................  Oglebay Norton Company

               PRP..............................  Potentially Responsible Party

               PSCR.............................  Power Supply Cost Recovery

               PSCW.............................  Public Service Commission of Wisconsin

               QFs..............................  Qualifying Facilities

               SO2..............................  Sulfur Dioxide

               Trust............................  Wisconsin Electric Fuel Trust (nuclear)

               US...............................  Utility Services

               Wisconsin Electric...............  Wisconsin Electric Power Company

               Wisconsin Energy.................  Wisconsin Energy Corporation

               Wisconsin Natural................  Wisconsin Natural Gas Company

               WPPI.............................  Wisconsin Public Power Inc. SYSTEM

               WUMS.............................  Wisconsin-Upper Michigan Systems

               Yellowcake.......................  Uranium Concentrates

                                          - 3 -

                                    PART I


Wisconsin Electric Power Company ("Wisconsin Electric" or "company") is an
operating public utility incorporated in the State of Wisconsin in 1896.  Its
operations are conducted in two business segments, the primary operations of
which are as follows:

       Business Segment                           Operations
       ----------------                           ----------

Electric Operations              Wisconsin Electric generates, transmits,
                                 distributes and sells electric energy in a
                                 territory of approximately 12,600 square
                                 miles with a population estimated at over
                                 2,000,000 in southeastern (including the
                                 Milwaukee area), east central and northern
                                 Wisconsin and in the Upper Peninsula of

Steam Operations                 Wisconsin Electric distributes and sells
                                 steam supplied by its Valley Power Plant
                                 to space heating and processing customers
                                 in downtown and near southside Milwaukee.

For financial information about industry segments, see Note M to the Financial
Statements in Item 8 of this report.

Wisconsin Electric is a subsidiary of Wisconsin Energy Corporation ("Wisconsin
Energy"), which owns all of Wisconsin Electric's Common Stock, and is an
affiliated company to Wisconsin Natural Gas Company ("Wisconsin Natural"), the
gas utility subsidiary of Wisconsin Energy.


Electric energy sales by Wisconsin Electric in 1993, to all classes of
customers, totaled 25.7 billion kilowatt-hours.  Wisconsin Electric's peak
demand in 1993 was 4,691 megawatts and occurred on August 27.  Wisconsin
Electric's highest peak demand was 4,797 megawatts on August 27, 1991 during a
period of unusually hot and humid summer weather.  Sales of the electric
utility are impacted by seasonal factors and varying weather conditions from

There were 932,285 electric customers at December 31, 1993, an increase of 1.4
percent since December 31, 1992.  For further information on revenues,
kilowatt-hour sales, and customer statistics by class, see "Electric Revenue,
Kilowatt-Hour Sales and Customer Statistics" on page 28 of this report.

In 1993, Wisconsin Electric's net generation amounted to 24.8 billion
kilowatt-hours.  Generation was supplemented with 2.4 billion kilowatt-hours
purchased from neighboring utilities and, to a minor extent, from other
sources.  The dependable capability of Wisconsin Electric's generating
stations was 5,041 megawatts in August, 1993 as more fully described in 

                                     - 4 -

ITEM 1.  BUSINESS - Electric Utility Operations (Cont'd)

In January 1994, Wisconsin Electric filed with the Public Service Commission
of Wisconsin ("PSCW") its long-term load and supply plan as part of the
Advance Plan 7 docket.  In the Advance Plan process, the regulated electric
utilities located in Wisconsin are required to file, for planning purposes,
long-term forecasts of future resource requirements along with plans to meet
those requirements, including the implementation of energy management and
conservation programs ("demand-side savings").  In addition to specifying the
expectations of conservation and load management programs, the plan filed with
the PSCW demonstrates Wisconsin Electric's need to add peaking and
intermediate load capacity during the 20-year planning period.  Wisconsin
Electric's next base load power plant is not expected to be placed in-service
until after 2010.  For additional information regarding Advance Plans, see

Wisconsin Electric currently estimates peak demand in the year 2003 to be
about 5,100 megawatts assuming moderate growth in the economy and normal
weather.  Investments in demand-side management programs have reduced and
delayed the need to add new generating capacity but have not eliminated the
need entirely.  Purchases of power from other utilities and transmission
system upgrades will also combine to help delay the need to install some new
generating capacity in the future.  However, to meet the anticipated growth in
peaking capacity demand requirements, Wisconsin Electric plans to complete
during 1994 the remaining two units, or approximately 150 megawatts of
additional generating capacity, at its Concord Generating Station, the first
two units of which were completed during 1993, and is expected to place in-
service an additional four units, or approximately 300 megawatts, at its new
Paris Generating Station by the summer of 1995 as described below.  Wisconsin
Electric plans to make additional investments in conservation-related programs
during this period.

Wisconsin Electric is nearing completion of the renovation of units 1-4 at its
Port Washington Power Plant, which includes upgrading the turbine generators
and boilers and the installation of additional emission control equipment. 
Work at units 1 and 2 was completed during 1993 with unit 3 work completed in
1992.  Renovation work at unit 4 is planned to be completed during the summer
of 1994.  The total cost of this renovation project is expected to be
approximately $109 million.

During the summer of 1993, Wisconsin Electric completed the construction of
the first two units (comprising approximately 150 megawatts of additional
generating capacity) at its Concord Generating Station, a four unit,
approximately 300 megawatt gas-fired combustion turbine facility located near
Watertown, Wisconsin.  The remaining two units (comprising approximately 150
megawatts) are planned to be completed and available for the summer of 1994. 
The total cost of the project is currently estimated at $108 million, with
capital expenditures as of December 31, 1993 totaling approximately $95
million.  In addition to the planned completion of the Concord facility,
Wisconsin Electric has contracted for the purchase of up to 280 megawatts of
firm capacity for the summer of 1994 to maintain adequate reserve margins. 
Arrangements for additional capacity purchases after 1996 are anticipated.

During 1993, having obtained the necessary regulatory approvals from the
applicable regulatory agencies, Wisconsin Electric proceeded with the
construction of the Paris Generating Station, an approximately 300 megawatt

                                     - 5 -

ITEM 1.  BUSINESS - Electric Utility Operations (Cont'd)

gas-fired combustion turbine power plant, to be placed in-service during the
summer of 1995.  The estimated cost of this facility, to be located near Union
Grove, Wisconsin, is currently estimated at $105 million.

The supply of natural gas to operate the Concord and Paris units is to be
provided by Wisconsin Natural, an affiliated company, but may be purchased
from other suppliers with Wisconsin Natural providing gas transportation

Approvals from various regulatory agencies including the PSCW, the U. S.
Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA") and the Wisconsin Department of
Natural Resources ("DNR") are required for all additions to generation
capacity.  All proposed generating facilities will meet or exceed the
applicable federal and state environmental requirements.

For further information regarding future capacity additions, see Item 1.

For information regarding estimated costs of Wisconsin Energy's utility
subsidiaries' construction program and projected investments in conservation
programs for the five years ending December 31, 1998, see Item 7. MANAGEMENT'S
"LIQUIDITY AND CAPITAL RESOURCES".  All estimates of construction expenditures
exclude Allowance For Funds Used During Construction.  For additional
information regarding matters related to Allowance for Funds Used During
Construction, see Note G to the Financial Statements in Item 8.

In accordance with a PSCW order issued in November 1993, after completing a
capacity-related competitive bidding process, Wisconsin Electric signed a 25-
year agreement to purchase the electricity that would be generated from a 215
megawatt cogeneration facility planned to be constructed by an unaffiliated
independent power producer ("IPP").  The agreement is contingent upon the
facility being completed and going into operation, which at this time is
planned for mid-1996.  For additional information and related matters, see
RESULTS OF OPERATIONS - "Capital Requirements 1994-1998".

In response to increasing competitive pressures in the markets for electricity
and natural gas, Wisconsin Electric and Wisconsin Natural have developed a
revitalization process to increase efficiencies and improve customer service. 
The planned "reengineering" and restructuring of Wisconsin Electric and
Wisconsin Natural will consolidate many business functions, reduce operating
costs and lead to a reduction in the total Wisconsin Electric/Wisconsin
Natural workforce, including the implementation of a voluntary separation
package and an early retirement option for qualified employees.  For
additional information,  see Item 7. MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF
Wisconsin Natural Revitalization".

                                     - 6 -

ITEM 1.  BUSINESS - (Cont'd)


The table below indicates sources of energy generation by Wisconsin Electric:

                                                   Year Ended December 31
                                                     1993         1994*
                                                     ----         -----
     Coal                                            67.0%        69.4%
     Nuclear                                         30.8         28.6
     Hydro-electric                                   1.7          1.6
     Gas                                              0.4          0.3
     Oil                                              0.1          0.1
                                                    ------       ------        
                                     TOTAL          100.0%       100.0%

     *Estimated assuming that there are no unforeseen contingencies such as
      unscheduled maintenance or repairs.

COAL:  Wisconsin Electric diversifies its coal sources by purchasing from
Northern Appalachia, the Southern Powder River Basin (Wyoming) and the Raton
Basin (New Mexico) mining districts for the power plants in Wisconsin, and
from central Appalachia and Montana mines for the Presque Isle Power Plant in

Approximately 76 percent of Wisconsin Electric's 1994 coal requirements are
expected to be delivered by Wisconsin Electric-owned unit trains.  The unit
trains will transport coal for the Oak Creek and Pleasant Prairie Power Plants
from New Mexico and Wyoming mines.  Coal from Pennsylvania mines is also
transported via rail to Lake Erie transfer docks and delivered to the Valley
and Port Washington Power Plants by lake vessels.  Montana coal for Presque
Isle is transported via rail to Superior, Wisconsin, placed in dock storage
and reloaded into lake vessels for plant delivery.  The Presque Isle central
Appalachian origin coal is shipped via rail to Lake Erie coal transfer docks
for lake vessel delivery to the plant.  Wisconsin Electric's 1994 coal
requirements, projected to be 9.5 million tons, are 98 percent under contract.
Wisconsin Electric does not anticipate any problem in procuring its remaining
1994 requirements through short-term or spot purchases and inventory

Pleasant Prairie Power Plant:  All of the estimated 1994 coal requirements at
Wisconsin Electric's Pleasant Prairie Power Plant are presently covered by
three long-term contracts.  

Oak Creek Power Plant:  All of the estimated 1994 coal requirements for
Wisconsin Electric's Oak Creek Power Plant are covered by long-term contract.
Contract provisions permit Wisconsin Electric to increase/decrease the annual
volume to match burn requirements.

Presque Isle Power Plant:  This plant has six generating units designed to
burn bituminous coal and three other units designed to burn sub-bituminous
coal.  The units burning sub-bituminous coal are supplied by three long-term
contracts the annual volumes of which are anticipated to be adequate to cover
coal requirements through 1996.  Bituminous coal is generally purchased
through one-year contracts.

                                     - 7 -

ITEM 1.  BUSINESS - Sources of Generation  (Cont'd)

Edgewater:  Coal for Edgewater Unit 5, in which Wisconsin Electric has a 25
percent interest, is purchased by Wisconsin Power and Light Company, a non-
affiliated utility, which is the principal owner of the facility.

Valley and Port Washington Power Plants:  Port Washington and Valley are both
supplied through a long-term contract that, in combination with coal supplied
to Wisconsin Electric's other Wisconsin plants, allows the plants to meet the
Wisconsin acid rain law.  In the event of further air quality emission
requirements affecting these plants, the contract can be terminated without

The periods and annual tonnage amounts for Wisconsin Electric's principal coal
contracts are as follows:

                   Contract Period              Annual Tonnage
                   ---------------              --------------
               Jan. 1977 to Dec.  1994              300,000(A)
               Jan. 1977 to Dec.  1996              240,000
               Nov. 1987 to Dec.  1997              500,000(A)
               Jan. 1980 to Dec.  2006            2,000,000
               Jul. 1983 to Dec.  2002            1,000,000
               Apr. 1990 to Nov.  1996              375,000(B)
               Jan. 1992 to Dec.  2005            1,200,000(C)(1994)
               Oct. 1992 to Sept. 2007            2,000,000

  (A) The contract can be extended if the total volume has not been
      purchased by the respective termination dates.

  (B) Annual volume can be increased to meet requirements for the Port
      Washington and Valley Power Plants above the 375,000 ton volume
      indicated herein.

  (C) Subsequent years may be of greater tonnage as allowed under certain
      provisions of the contract.

For information regarding emission restrictions, see Item 3. LEGAL PROCEEDINGS
- - ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERS - "Air Quality - Acid Rain Legislation". 

NUCLEAR:  Wisconsin Electric purchases uranium concentrates ("yellowcake") and
contracts for its conversion, enrichment and fabrication.  Wisconsin Electric
maintains title to the nuclear fuel until the fabricated fuel assemblies are
delivered to the Point Beach Nuclear Plant, whereupon it is sold to and leased
back from the Wisconsin Electric Fuel Trust ("Trust").  See Note B to the
Financial Statements in Item 8.

Uranium Requirements:  Wisconsin Electric requires approximately 450,000
pounds of yellowcake annually for its two-unit Point Beach Nuclear Plant. 
Uranium requirements through 1997 will be provided from a combination of
existing contracts with Malapai Resources Company (of Arizona); Energy
Resources of Australia, Ltd.; Nukem Inc. (U.S.); and Nuexco (U.S.).  Wisconsin
Electric may exercise flexibilities in these contracts and purchase certain
quantities of uranium on the spot-market, should market conditions prove
favorable.  Wisconsin Electric believes that adequate supplies of uranium
concentrates will be available to satisfy current and future operating
                                     - 8 -

ITEM 1.  BUSINESS - Sources of Generation  (Cont'd)

Conversion:  Wisconsin Electric has a contract with Sequoyah Fuels
Corporation, a subsidiary of General Atomics, to provide conversion services
for the Point Beach reactors through 1995.  Due to operating difficulties
encountered in 1992, Sequoyah Fuels has decided to place its Gore, Oklahoma
conversion plant on indefinite stand-by.  In November 1992, Sequoyah Fuels
signed an agreement with Allied Signal Corporation which formed a partnership
called Converdyn Corporation.

Converdyn administers all existing Allied and Sequoyah contracts, with all
conversion services being performed at the existing Allied Signal conversion
facility in Metropolis, Illinois.  The transfer of all uranium inventories
from the Sequoyah facility to the Allied facility will be paid for, performed
by, and be the responsibility of Converdyn, and will occur over the next few

Wisconsin Electric also has a conversion contract with the Cameco Corporation,
to provide for an alternate supply of up to approximately 30 percent of
conversion requirements through 1995 and up to 100 percent of conversion
requirements from 1996 through 1999.  Cameco is a Canadian based corporation
located in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, and is a major producer of uranium

Enrichment:  Wisconsin Electric currently has a Utility Services ("US")
enrichment contract with the U.S. Department of Energy ("DOE") for 70 percent
of the enrichment services required for the operation of both of the Point
Beach units.  The contract can provide enrichment services for the entire
operating life of each unit.  Wisconsin Electric entered into a supplemental
agreement with the DOE to supply the remaining 30 percent of enrichment
service requirements for the period through 1995 at prices below those offered
under the US enrichment contract.  In March 1992, Wisconsin Electric entered
into an agreement with Global Nuclear Services and Supply, an international
supplier of enrichment services, for the remaining 30 percent of enrichment
service requirements after 1995.  

Fabrication:  Fabrication of fuel assemblies from enriched uranium for Point
Beach is covered under a contract with Westinghouse Electric Corporation for
the balance of the plant's current operating license.

Spent Fuel Storage and Disposal:  Wisconsin Electric currently has the
capability to store certain amounts of spent nuclear fuel at its Point Beach
Nuclear Plant.  Previous modifications to the storage facilities at Point
Beach have made it possible to accommodate all spent fuel expected to be
discharged from the reactors through 1995.  In accordance with the provisions
of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 (the "Act"), which require the DOE to
provide for the disposal of spent fuel from all U.S. nuclear plants, Wisconsin
Electric entered into a disposal contract providing for deliveries of spent
fuel to the DOE for ultimate disposal commencing in January 1998.  Because of
the DOE's anticipated inability to accept spent fuel by the 1998 timeframe as
contracted, Wisconsin Electric has filed with the PSCW for a Certificate of
Authority to construct and operate an Independent Spent Fuel Storage
Installation ("ISFSI").  The ISFSI will provide additional interim storage
until the DOE begins to remove spent fuel from Point Beach in accordance with
the terms of the contract it has with Wisconsin Electric.  As part of the
regulatory approval process for the ISFSI, in February 1994, the PSCW issued a
Draft Environmental Impact Statement setting forth information which Wisconsin
Electric believes supports the proposed project.  Various parties have
submitted comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement which the PSCW

                                     - 9 -

ITEM 1.  BUSINESS - Sources of Generation  (Cont'd)

will use in preparing a Final Environmental Impact Statement.  Public hearings
on the proposed project are anticipated to be held during August 1994 with a
PSCW decision expected later in the year.  If the PSCW grants approval during
late 1994, loading of the first storage unit of the ISFSI could take place in
the summer of 1995.  The matter is pending.

Point Beach Nuclear Plant:  The Point Beach Nuclear Plant provided 30.8
percent of Wisconsin Electric's net generation in 1993.  The plant has two
generating units which had a combined dependable capability during December
1993 of 989 megawatts and which together constituted 19.4 percent of Wisconsin
Electric's dependable generating capability in 1993.  The U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission ("NRC") licenses for Point Beach Units 1 and 2 expire
October 5, 2010 and March 8, 2013, respectively. 

The NRC has, at various times, directed that certain inspections,
modifications and changes in operating practices be made at all nuclear
plants.  At Point Beach, such inspections have been made and necessary changes
to equipment and in operating practices have either been completed or are
expected to be completed within the time schedules permitted by the NRC or
within approved extensions thereof.

Wisconsin Electric has initiated certain plant betterment projects at its
Point Beach Nuclear Plant that are judged to be appropriate and beneficial. 
Construction is progressing on the addition of two safety-related emergency
diesel powered electrical generators with installation to be completed in
1995.  Construction related to the replacement of the Unit 2 steam generators,
which would allow for the unit's operation until the expiration of its
operating license in 2013, is planned to begin in the fourth quarter of 1996
with a scheduled completion during 1997.  This project is estimated to cost
$119 million and is currently awaiting PSCW approval.  (In 1984 Wisconsin
Electric replaced the Unit 1 steam generators.)  The PSCW has combined this
project with the ISFSI for purposes of the regulatory approval process
described above under Spent Fuel Storage and Disposal.

Decommissioning Fund:  Pursuant to a 1985 PSCW order, Wisconsin Electric
provides for costs associated with the eventual decommissioning of the Point
Beach Nuclear Plant through the use of an external trust fund.  Payments to
this fund, together with investment earnings, brought the balance on 
December 31, 1993 to approximately $214 million.  For additional information
regarding decommissioning see Note B to the Financial Statements in Item 8. 

Nuclear Plant Insurance:  For information regarding matters pertaining to
nuclear plant insurance, see Note B to the Financial Statements in Item 8. 

NATURAL GAS (FOR ELECTRIC GENERATION):  The combustion turbine at the Oak
Creek Power Plant is equipped to burn either natural gas or oil.  This
facility has used natural gas when available.  Gas for the Oak Creek
combustion turbine is supplied on an interruptible basis by Wisconsin Natural. 
Natural gas for boiler ignition and flame stabilization purposes for the
Pleasant Prairie, Oak Creek and Valley Power Plants is purchased under an
agency agreement.  The agent purchases natural gas and arranges for pipeline
transportation to the local gas distribution utility.  Gas for the Pleasant
Prairie and Oak Creek Power Plants is delivered by Wisconsin Natural.  Gas for
the Valley Power Plant is delivered by Wisconsin Gas Company, a non-affiliated

                                    - 10 -

ITEM 1.  BUSINESS - Sources of Generation  (Cont'd)

In July 1993, Wisconsin Electric began operation of the first two of four
natural gas-fired combustion turbine peaking units at the Concord Generating
Station.  Gas for this facility is supplied by Wisconsin Natural.

OIL:  Oil is used for combustion turbines at the Germantown and Port
Washington Power Plants and at the Point Beach Nuclear Plant.  Small amounts
of oil are also used for boiler ignition and flame stabilization at some coal-
fired plants.  Number 2 fuel oil requirements for 1994 at the Presque Isle
Power Plant are provided under a one-year contract with an equitable price
adjustment formula.  All other oil requirements are purchased as needed from
local suppliers.  The Concord Generating Station will use oil as a secondary
fuel source.

HYDRO:  Wisconsin Electric has various licenses from the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission ("FERC") for its hydro-electric generating facilities
which expire during the period of 1998 to 2004.  Hydro facilities provided 1.7
percent of Wisconsin Electric's generation in 1993.  Wisconsin Electric
evaluated the economic feasibility of continuing the operation of certain of
its hydro-electric facilities which had licenses that expired during 1993. 
Where determined to be cost-effective, Wisconsin Electric is pursuing the
renewal of four such operating licenses.  However, the operating licenses of
three other hydro facilities, totaling about 3 megawatts of generating
capacity, expired without being renewed by Wisconsin Electric.  The future
ownership, operation and license renewal of these three facilities are
currently being examined by independent hydro developers.  Until the final
disposition is determined, Wisconsin Electric expects to continue to operate
these three facilities under authorization provided by the FERC.  As required,
where license renewal is being pursued, Wisconsin Electric is consulting with
the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Michigan and Wisconsin Departments of
Natural Resources and various other agencies. 

interconnected at various locations with the systems of Madison Gas and
Electric Company, Wisconsin Power and Light Company, Wisconsin Public Service
Corporation, Commonwealth Edison Company ("Commonwealth Edison"), Northern
States Power Company ("NSP") and Upper Peninsula Power Company ("UPPCO"). 
These interconnections provide for interchange of power to assure system
reliability as well as facilitating access to generating capacity and the
transfer of energy for economic purposes.

Wisconsin Electric is a member of Wisconsin-Upper Michigan Systems ("WUMS"), a
coordinating group which includes four other electric companies in Wisconsin
and Upper Michigan.  WUMS, in turn, is a member of Mid-America Interconnected
Network, which is one of nine regional members of the North American Electric
Reliability Council.  Membership in these groups permits better utilization of
reserve generating capacity and coordination of long-range system planning and
day-to-day operations.

On March 15, 1994, Wisconsin Electric executed a transmission service
agreement with Commonwealth Edison that will allow Wisconsin Electric to
purchase energy from southern Illinois and Indiana suppliers, using the
Commonwealth Edison transmission system to import such energy into Wisconsin. 
Additionally, Wisconsin Electric has a 40 megawatt purchase agreement with
Commonwealth Edison for the period of May to October 1994.

                                    - 11 -

ITEM 1.  BUSINESS - Sources of Generation  (Cont'd)

A transmission service agreement has been executed with NSP to allow Wisconsin
Electric to import capacity and energy from members of the Mid-Continent Area
Power Pool ("MAPP"), a group consisting of electric utilities generally
located west of Wisconsin.  Additionally, a 100 megawatt purchase agreement
exists with the Basin Electric Power Company located in Fargo, North Dakota,
allowing for capacity purchases to be made during the period of May to October
1994.  A 40 megawatt purchase has been arranged for May to October 1994 with
Otter Tail Power Company, another member of MAPP.  Considerable non-firm
energy is expected to be purchased from Basin Electric Power Company, Otter
Tail Power Company and other MAPP members over the next several years.

SALES TO WHOLESALE CUSTOMERS:  Wisconsin Electric currently provides wholesale
electric energy to five municipally owned systems, three rural cooperatives,
two municipal joint action agencies and one isolated system of an investor-
owned utility in Wisconsin, Illinois, and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan
under rates approved by the FERC.  Sales to these wholesale customers
accounted for 6.2 percent of total kilowatt-hour sales in 1993.  Under two
agreements, service is being provided subject to an eight-year notice of
cancellation from the Wisconsin Public Power Inc. SYSTEM ("WPPI").  Wisconsin
Electric also has a nine-year power supply agreement with the Badger Power
Marketing Authority.  Sales to the Badger Power Marketing Authority and WPPI
combined are expected to account for approximately one half of the wholesale
sales for 1994.

Service to UPPCO, under a 65 megawatt agreement which expires on December 31,
1997, is expected to account for another 30 percent of 1994 wholesale sales. 
In October 1993, UPPCO announced that it had reached an agreement in principle
with NSP to purchase 90 megawatts of base-load electric energy beginning in
1998.  Should a definitive agreement be reached between UPPCO and NSP,
Wisconsin Electric expects to apply the 65 megawatts of capacity toward the
electric energy needs of new customers and toward the overall increase in
system supply needs anticipated by 1998.  Wisconsin Electric does not believe
that this matter will have a material adverse impact on its financial

Service to the remaining wholesale customers is provided under agreements
which require a three-year notice of cancellation from the customers.

During 1993, sales to wholesale customers declined 9.7 percent from 1992,
largely the result of reductions in sales to WPPI.  WPPI has been reducing its
purchases from Wisconsin Electric subsequent to acquiring generation capacity
in 1990.  Sales to WPPI during 1993, 1992 and 1991 were approximately 944,000
megawatt-hours ("MWh"), 1,166,000 MWh and 1,338,000 MWh, respectively. 
Further reductions are expected in 1994 and beyond as WPPI installs additional
capacity.  These sales reductions are not expected to have a significant
effect on future earnings.  Under the provisions of a long-term agreement,
Wisconsin Electric will continue to provide transmission services to WPPI.

Wisconsin Electric's existing FERC tariffs also provide for transmission
service to its wholesale customers.  During 1993, Wisconsin Electric had three
customers taking transmission service.  For further information see Item 1. 

On October 24, 1992, the U.S. Energy Policy Act was signed into law.  Passage
of this law is expected to remove perceived encumbrances and facilitate the
entry of power producers into the already competitive bulk power market. 
Notable among its provisions are the creation of a new class of energy

                                    - 12 -

ITEM 1.  BUSINESS - Sources of Generation  (Cont'd)

producer called Exempt Wholesale Generators ("EWGs"), who are exempt from the
requirements of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935, and the rights
that the Energy Policy Act provides them and utilities to request a FERC order
directing the provision of transmission service if denied transmission access
from utilities.  The transmission aspects of this law are expected to have
little impact on Wisconsin Electric since it has had open access transmission
tariffs on file with the FERC since 1980.

The electric utility industry continues to become increasingly competitive. 
Some municipal utilities are approaching competing utilities in a search for
lower energy prices.  Additionally, some large industrial customers are
seeking regulatory changes that could permit retail wheeling to allow them to
seek proposals for energy from alternate suppliers.  Independent power
producers are also exploring cogeneration projects which would provide process
steam to customers in Wisconsin Electric's service territory and sell
electricity to Wisconsin Electric.  Consequently, electric wholesale and large
retail customers of Wisconsin Electric or other non-affiliated utilities may
determine, from time to time, to switch energy suppliers, purchase interests
in existing power plants or build new generating capacity, either directly or
through joint ventures with third parties.  The advent of EWGs can be expected
to accelerate this practice.  For additional information, see Item 7.


Wisconsin Electric provides utility service to a diversified base of
industrial customers.  Major industries served include the iron ore mining
industry, the paper industry, the machinery production industry, the foundry
industry and the food products industry.  The Empire and Tilden iron ore
mines, the two largest customers of Wisconsin Electric, accounted for 4.4
percent and 3.4 percent, respectively, of total electric kilowatt-hour sales
in 1993 and 5.1 percent and 3.9 percent, respectively, in 1992.  The reduction
in 1993 energy sales to the mines is attributable to a five-week long mine
employee strike during the third quarter.


Wisconsin Electric operates a district steam system for space heating and
processing in downtown and near southside Milwaukee.  Sales of the steam
utility fluctuate with the heating cycle of the year and are impacted by
varying weather conditions from year-to-year.  The system consists of
approximately 28 miles of high and low pressure mains and related regulating
equipment.  Steam for the system is supplied by Wisconsin Electric's Valley
Power Plant.  At December 31, 1993, there were 459 customers on the system. 
Steam sales in 1993 were 2,376 million pounds, an increase of 4.0 percent from
the 2,284 million pounds sold in 1992.

During 1993 Wisconsin Electric extended its high pressure steam main by
approximately 10,000 feet, to provide process steam to a new customer
beginning in November 1993.  A minimum of 93 million pounds of steam are
expected to be sold to this new customer per year.  With the completion of
this extension, which cost approximately $6 million, process steam is also
being provided to additional new customers along its route.

                                    - 13 -

ITEM 1.  BUSINESS - (Cont'd)


Wisconsin Electric is subject to the regulation of the Public Service
Commission of Wisconsin as to retail electric, gas and steam rates in
Wisconsin, standards of service, issuance of securities, construction of new

facilities, transactions with affiliates, levels of short-term debt
obligations, billing practices and various other matters.  Wisconsin Electric
is also subject to the regulation of the Michigan Public Service Commission
("MPSC") as to the various matters associated with retail electric service in
Michigan as noted above except as to construction of certain new facilities,
levels of short-term debt obligations and advance approval of transactions
with affiliates.  Wisconsin Electric, with respect to hydro-electric
facilities, wholesale rates and accounting, is subject to FERC regulation. 
Operation and construction relating to Wisconsin Electric's Point Beach
Nuclear Plant facilities are subject to regulation by the NRC.  Wisconsin
Electric's operations are also subject to regulations of the EPA, the DNR and
the Michigan Department of Natural Resources ("MDNR").

The PSCW is authorized to direct expenditures for promoting conservation if it
determines that the programs are in the public interest.  Recent rate orders
have included provisions for substantial conservation programs initiated by
Wisconsin Electric.  For additional information, see Note A to the Financial
Statements in Item 8.

Wisconsin Electric is subject to a power plant siting law in Wisconsin which
requires that electric utilities file updated long-term forecasts (called
"Advance Plans") for the location, size and type of future large generating
plants and high voltage transmission lines about every two years for PSCW
approval after public hearings.  Generally, the law provides that the PSCW may
not authorize the construction of any large generating plants or high voltage
transmission lines unless they are in substantial compliance with the most
recently approved plan.  The law also prohibits Wisconsin Electric from
acquiring any interest in land for such plants or transmission lines by
condemnation until construction authorization has been received.  Advance Plan
orders are based on a review of the utilities' long-term planning options. 
However, separate project-specific PSCW approval is required for the
construction of generating facilities and transmission lines.

Wisconsin Electric employs a least-cost integrated planning process, which
examines a full range of supply and demand side options to meet its customers'
electric needs, such as the renovation of existing power plants, promotion of
cost-effective conservation and load management options, development of
renewable energy sources, purchased power and construction of new company-
owned generation facilities.

In 1992, the Brown County Circuit Court ruled in favor of the electric
utilities who filed a petition requesting judicial review of certain aspects
of the PSCW's Advance Plan 5 order, which was issued by the PSCW in 1989,
relating to transmission line access.  During 1993, the Wisconsin Supreme
Court affirmed the Circuit Court ruling on appeal.

For additional information regarding Advance Plans, see Item 3. LEGAL

                                    - 14 -

ITEM 1.  BUSINESS - (Cont'd)


See Item 3. LEGAL PROCEEDINGS - "RATE MATTERS" - for a discussion of rate
matters, including recent rate changes and a discussion of the tariffs and
procedures with respect to recovery of changes in the costs of fuel and
purchased power.


The management of Wisconsin Electric believes that a strong and continuing
emphasis must be placed on energy management and efficient energy use. 
Wisconsin Electric is continuing to develop programs to inform and assist its
customers with respect to conservation options.  This policy is regarded by
Wisconsin Electric as in the best interests of its customers and the owners of
its securities.

Efficient use of energy is not limited to reduced consumption.  Time-of-use
rates for certain electric customers promote the shifting of electricity usage
to those times when electric generating facilities are not fully utilized. 
Direct load control of some residential electric water heaters and
interruptible and curtailable rates to certain industrial customers are used
to control peak demand.  Direct load control of some residential central air
conditioners continues as part of a pilot program which began in 1992.

To promote its energy management and conservation policies, Wisconsin Electric
offers various programs and services to its customers.  For industrial and
commercial customers, Wisconsin Electric offers energy evaluations identifying
cost-effective customer conservation opportunities as well as financial
assistance, including direct grants and interest-free financing to purchase
and maintain energy-efficient equipment.  Additional financial incentives are
also offered to residential electric customers to encourage the purchase of
energy-efficient appliances and the removal of older inefficient appliances
from the system.


Compliance with federal, state and local environmental protection requirements
resulted in capital expenditures by Wisconsin Electric of approximately $65
million in 1993 and $50 million in 1992.  Expenditures incurred during 1993
and 1992 included costs associated with the replacement of the precipitators
at the Oak Creek Power Plant units 7 and 8, the installation of pollution
abatement facilities at Wisconsin Electric's power plants, the installation of
underground distribution lines and environmental studies associated with power
plants.  Such expenditures are budgeted at approximately $60 million for 1994.

Operation, maintenance and depreciation expenses of Wisconsin Electric's fly
ash removal equipment and other environmental protection systems are estimated
to have been $44 million in 1993.  Other environmental costs, primarily for
environmental studies, amounted to $1 million in 1993.

Rain Legislation" for a discussion of compliance matters with respect to
Wisconsin's acid rain law and the amendments to the Clean Air Act.

                                    - 15 -

ITEM 1.  BUSINESS - Environmental Compliance (Cont'd)

Solid Waste Landfills

Wisconsin Electric provides for the disposal of non-ash related solid wastes
and hazardous wastes through licensed independent contractors, but federal
statutory provisions impose joint and several liability on the generators of
waste for certain clean-up costs.  Remediation-related activity pertaining to
specific sites is discussed below.

Maxey Flats Nuclear Disposal Site: In 1986, Wisconsin Electric was advised by
the EPA that it is one of a number of potentially responsible parties ("PRPs")
for clean-up at this low-level radioactive waste site located in Morehead,
Kentucky.  The amount of waste contributed by Wisconsin Electric is
significantly less than one percent of the total.  Wisconsin Electric has been
cooperating with the appropriate agencies in this matter and believes that its
portion of clean-up costs is not expected to exceed approximately $350,000. 
Wisconsin Electric's involvement in this matter is expected to be resolved
during 1994.

Hunt's Landfill:  In 1991, PRPs included in the clean-up of the former Hunt's
Landfill (located in Racine County, Wisconsin) notified Wisconsin Electric
that they considered it an additional PRP which should be liable for a portion
of the clean-up costs.  Even though it is not believed that Wisconsin Electric
was responsible for the disposal of any hazardous substances or materials at
the site, to avoid litigation with the PRPs, Wisconsin Electric has agreed to
participate in the funding as a "de minimis" party in the execution of a
consent decree with the EPA for clean-up.  Materials disposed of at the site
by Wisconsin Electric consisted primarily of soil from construction sites. 
Wisconsin Natural, declared a PRP by the EPA in 1991, is also a participant in
the clean-up of this site as a "de minimis" party.  The portion of clean-up
costs assigned to Wisconsin Electric and Wisconsin Natural is expected to be
about $20,000 in total. 

Muskego Sanitary Landfill:  In 1992, Wisconsin Electric was informed by the
EPA that it will be included in a group of approximately 50 PRPs against which
the EPA will issue orders requiring that the PRPs clean-up the Muskego
Sanitary Landfill (located in Southeastern Waukesha County, Wisconsin), or
face the risk of substantial penalties.  On January 14, 1993, Wisconsin
Electric notified the EPA that it is proceeding, with other PRPs, to comply
with the order.  The estimated total cost of the clean-up is $10 to $15
million.  Under tentative allocation of the total estimated clean up cost
among the PRPs, Wisconsin Electric's share is approximately $84,000.

The EPA is conducting a second remedial investigation/feasibility study of
alleged groundwater pollution at the site.  Although this matter is in its
early stages, Wisconsin Electric does not believe the outcome will have a
material adverse effect on its financial condition.

Presque Isle Landfill:  Wisconsin Electric has entered into a settlement
agreement with the MDNR for conditions existing at the site of an ash landfill
acquired by Wisconsin Electric when it purchased the Presque Isle Power Plant
in 1988.  Wisconsin Electric's groundwater monitoring program at the site
(located in Marquette Township, Michigan), has detected elevated levels of
certain substances at the oldest portion of the landfill.  Wisconsin Electric
has reconstructed and capped that portion of the landfill to prevent further
leachate from entering the groundwater at an approximate cost of $2.5 million
and has paid a fine of $45,000 plus $6,000 in administrative costs to the
state of Michigan.  The cost to implement a remediation plan for the clean-up

                                    - 16 -

ITEM 1.  BUSINESS - Environmental Compliance (Cont'd)

of the current groundwater conditions, when approved by the MDNR, is estimated
to not exceed $1 million.

Highway 59 Landfill:  In 1989, a sulfate plume was detected in the groundwater
beneath a Wisconsin Electric-owned former ash landfill located in the town of
Waukesha, Wisconsin.  After notifying the DNR, Wisconsin Electric initiated a
five-year expanded monitoring program to determine if the level of groundwater
contamination was increasing and if there was movement of the plume offsite. 
The additional monitoring data indicates that there is some offsite movement
of the plume in the groundwater.

Wisconsin Electric is further expanding its investigation.  Although no
remediation plan has yet been developed, Wisconsin Electric believes that any
remediation plan developed, approved and implemented for this site would not
have a material adverse effect on its financial condition.


Wisconsin Electric is authorized to provide electric service in designated
territories in the state of Wisconsin, as established by indeterminate
permits, certificates of public convenience and necessity, or boundary
agreements with other utilities.  Wisconsin Electric provides electric service
in certain territories in the state of Michigan pursuant to franchises granted
by municipalities. 

Research and development expenditures of Wisconsin Electric amounted to
$8,485,000 in 1993, $7,835,000 in 1992, and $7,562,000 in 1991.  Such
expenditures were primarily for improvement of service and abatement of air
and water pollution.  The capitalized portion of research and development
costs amounted to $15,000 in 1993, $55,000 in 1992 and $15,000 in 1991. 
Research and development activities include work done by employees,
consultants and contractors, plus sponsorship of research by industry

At December 31, 1993, Wisconsin Electric employed 5,068 persons, of which 157
were part-time.

                                    - 17 -


Wisconsin Electric owns the following generating stations with 1993
capabilities as indicated:
                                                          Capability In
                                                          Megawatts (1)
                                        No. of
                                      Generating     August        December
Name                       Fuel         Units         1993           1993
- ----                       ----       ----------     -------       --------
Steam Plants:
     Point Beach           Nuclear         2            981           989
     Oak Creek             Coal            4          1,103         1,114
     Presque Isle (2)      Coal            9            594           594
     Pleasant Prairie      Coal            2          1,160         1,170
     Port Washington (3)   Coal            4            310           312
     Valley                Coal            2            280           226
     Edgewater (4)         Coal            1             99            98
                                          --          -----         -----
TOTAL STEAM                               24          4,527         4,503

Hydro Plants (16 in number)               38             75            75
Germantown Combustion
 Turbines                  Oil             4            212           252
Other Combustion
 Turbines & Diesel(5)      Gas/Oil         6            227           262
                                          --          -----         -----
TOTAL SYSTEM                              72          5,041         5,092
                                          ==          =====         =====
- -----------------------
(1) Dependable capability is the net power output under average operating
    conditions with equipment in an average state of repair as of a given
    month in a given year.  Changing seasonal conditions are responsible
    for the different capabilities reported for the winter and summer
    periods in the above table.  The values were established by test and
    may change slightly from year to year.

(2) UPPCO, a non-affiliated utility, staffs and operates the Presque Isle
    Power Plant under an operating agreement with Wisconsin Electric which
    extends through December 31, 1997.  

(3) Port Washington Unit 5 was retired in December 1991 and is not included in
    the dependable capability ratings shown in the table.  Unit 5 will not be
    renovated as part of the Port Washington Power Plant renovation project
    which received PSCW approval in December 1990.  Renovation work at units
    1 and 2 was completed during 1993 with unit 3 work completed in 1992. 
    The renovation of unit 4 is planned to be completed during the summer of

(4) Wisconsin Electric has a 25 percent interest in Edgewater Unit 5, which is
    operated by Wisconsin Power and Light Company, a non-affiliated utility.

(5) During July 1993, two units, or approximately 150 megawatts of peaking
    combustion turbine generation capacity, was placed in-service at Wisconsin
    Electric's Concord Generating Station.  Another two units, or
    approximately 150 megawatts, are planned to be placed in-service during
    the summer of 1994 at this facility.

                                    - 18 -

ITEM 2.  PROPERTIES - (Cont'd)

At December 31, 1993, the Wisconsin Electric system had 2,759 miles of
transmission circuits, of which 639 miles were operating at 345 kilovolts, 123
miles at 230 kilovolts, 1,603 miles at 138 kilovolts, and 394 miles at voltage
levels less than 138 kilovolts.  At December 31, 1993, Wisconsin Electric was
operating 21,697 pole miles of overhead distribution lines and 12,778 miles of
underground distribution cable, as well as 359 distribution substations and
216,827 line transformers.

Wisconsin Electric owns various office buildings and service centers
throughout its service area.  The principal properties of Wisconsin Electric
are owned in fee except that the major portion of electric transmission and
distribution lines and steam distribution mains are located, for the most
part, on or in streets and highways and on land owned by others. 
Substantially all utility property is subject to first mortgage liens.



Wisconsin Electric is subject to federal, state and certain local laws and
regulations governing the environmental aspects of its operations.  Wisconsin
Electric believes that, with immaterial exceptions, its existing facilities
are in compliance with applicable environmental requirements.

As have other public utilities, Wisconsin Electric and/or its predecessors and
affiliated companies, have operated manufactured gas plants and disposed of
ash and other waste products from electric utility activities.  Operations at
these manufactured gas sites ceased over 40 years ago with remediation
activities having been conducted at certain of these sites, while other sites
are currently being or are planned to be investigated.  Costs associated with
remediation activities, to the extent not covered by insurance, have been
allowed in rates for utility service.  Wisconsin Electric believes any such
future costs will continue to be considered appropriate for inclusion in rates
and therefore will not have a material adverse impact on its financial

See Item 1. BUSINESS - ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE - "Solid Waste Landfills" for
a discussion of matters related to specific solid waste landfill sites.

Air Quality - Acid Rain Legislation

In 1986, the Wisconsin Legislature passed legislation establishing new sulfur
dioxide limitations applicable to Wisconsin's five major electric utilities,
including Wisconsin Electric.  The law requires each of the five major
electric utilities to meet a 1.20 lb sulfur dioxide per million BTU corporate
average annual emission rate limit beginning in 1993.  Prior to 1993,
Wisconsin law limited the total annual sulfur dioxide emissions from the five
major electric utilities to 500,000 tons per year.  During 1993, approximately
174,000 tons of sulfur dioxide were emitted by such utilities, equivalent to
an annual average emission rate of 0.97 lbs sulfur dioxide per million BTU.

Wisconsin Electric's compliance plan to meet the sulfur dioxide limitations
under Wisconsin's acid rain law includes the increased use of low-sulfur coal
at certain power plant units.  Some changes to existing power plant equipment
have been made to accommodate the use of low-sulfur coals.

                                    - 19 -

ITEM 3.  LEGAL PROCEEDINGS - Environmental Matters (Cont'd)

The 1990 amendments to the Federal Clean Air Act mandate significant nation-
wide reductions in air emissions.  Most significant to the country's electric
utility companies are the "acid rain" provisions of the amendments which are
scheduled to limit sulfur dioxide ("SO2") and nitrogen oxide ("NOX") emissions
in phases which take effect in 1995 and 2000.  Wisconsin Electric has
evaluated the potential impact resulting from this legislation and has
concluded that minimal impact will result from Phase I requirements because of
actions taken to meet the above mentioned Wisconsin acid rain law.  Phase II
requirements, together with separate ozone nonattainment provisions of the
Clean Air Act which may call for additional NOX reductions, however, will
necessitate the implementation of a compliance strategy which could increase
rates by 1 to 2 percent.  Since a portion of the regulations that have been
issued by the EPA are not complete or are not yet final, these rate estimates
are subject to change and will be reevaluated as needed.

For additional information regarding the impact of the Clean Air Act
Amendments, including estimates of the cost of compliance, see Item 7.


Wisconsin Retail Electric Jurisdiction

Fuel Cost Adjustment Procedure:  Wisconsin Electric's retail rates in
Wisconsin do not contain an automatic fuel adjustment clause, but can be
adjusted by the PSCW if actual cumulative fuel and purchased power costs, when
compared to the costs projected in the retail electric rate proceeding,
deviate from a prescribed range and are expected to continue to be above or
below the authorized annual range of 3 percent.

1993 Rate Order:  In February 1993, the PSCW authorized an annualized retail
electric rate increase of $26.7 million, or 2.3 percent, effective 
February 17, 1993, which includes the elimination of the $24.2 million fuel
adjustment rate reduction which had been in effect since May 29, 1992.  The
increase is based on an authorized regulatory return on common equity of 12.3
percent, down from 12.8 percent authorized for 1992.

1993 Fuel Cost Adjustment:  Effective November 5, 1993 through December 31,
1993, the PSCW authorized Wisconsin Electric to reduce Wisconsin retail
electric rates to reflect lower fuel and purchased power expenses.  The
adjustment reduced Wisconsin retail electric revenue by approximately $1.3
million during this period.

1994 Test Year: In April 1993, Wisconsin Electric filed with the PSCW required
data relating to the 1994 test year.  In support of its goal to become the
lowest-cost energy provider in the region, Wisconsin Electric announced that
it did not intend to seek an increase in retail electric rates for 1994. 
Under the PSCW's newly adopted biennial rate case schedule, Wisconsin Electric
would be scheduled to file in mid-1995 for rates to reflect a 1996 test year.

                                    - 20 -

ITEM 3.  LEGAL PROCEEDINGS - Rate Matters (Cont'd)

Wholesale Electric Jurisdiction

Fuel and Purchased Power Adjustment Tariffs:  Wisconsin Electric's wholesale
rates contain an automatic fuel adjustment provision to reflect varying fuel
and purchased power costs. 

1993 Rate Order:  In October 1993, the FERC approved the settlement agreement
which Wisconsin Electric had previously reached with its wholesale customers
in May 1993.  The order authorizes an annualized wholesale electric base rate
increase of $6 million, or 10.6%, effective June 9, 1993.  In August 1993, the
FERC had authorized Wisconsin Electric to implement its proposed settlement
rates, on an interim basis effective as of June 9, 1993, pending final FERC
approval of the settlement agreement.  This action represents the first
increase in wholesale base rates since 1986.  Wholesale electric sales account
for approximately 7 percent of Wisconsin Electric's total kilowatt-hour sales.

Michigan Retail Electric Jurisdiction

1993 Test Year:  Effective July 9, 1993, the MPSC authorized an annualized
rate increase of $1.4 million, or 4.3%, for Wisconsin Electric's non-mine
retail electric customers.  Excluding sales to the two mine customers, which
are separately regulated by the MPSC, retail electric sales in Michigan
account for approximately 2% of Wisconsin Electric's total kilowatt-hour

Power Supply Cost Recovery Clause:  Rates are adjusted to reflect varying fuel
and purchased power costs through a power supply cost recovery ("PSCR") clause
in Wisconsin Electric's tariffs.  Such PSCR clause provides for, among other
things, an annual filing of a PSCR plan and, after notice and an opportunity
for hearing, the development of PSCR factors to be applied to customers' bills
during the period covered by the PSCR plan to allow Wisconsin Electric to
recover its costs of fuel and purchased power transactions, as estimated in
its annual filing.  The amounts so collected are subject to a reconciliation
proceeding conducted by the MPSC at the end of the period covered by the plan
for recovery of any undercollections of actual costs or for refund or credit
of any amounts in excess of its actual costs in such period.  On December 20,
1993, the MPSC approved the proposed PSCR credit factor of $.00483 per
kilowatt-hour for the year 1994.

Wisconsin Retail Steam Jurisdiction

Fuel Adjustment:  Wisconsin Electric steam rates contain a provision to adjust
rates to reflect varying fuel costs for all customers except for a large
volume contract representing approximately 16 percent of steam sales in 1993.

1993 Rate Order:  In February 1993, the PSCW issued an order authorizing
Wisconsin Electric to place in effect an annualized rate increase of $505,000,
or 3.5 percent, in its steam rates effective February 17, 1993.  The order was
based on a 1993 test year and authorized a 12.3 percent regulatory return on
common equity as determined for ratemaking purposes.

                                    - 21 -

ITEM 3.  LEGAL PROCEEDINGS - Rate Matters (Cont'd)

1994 Test Year:  Consistent with the actions taken with respect to Wisconsin
Electric's Wisconsin Retail Electric Jurisdiction, Wisconsin Electric
announced that it did not intend to seek an increase in retail steam rates for
1994.  Under the PSCW's newly adopted biennial rate case schedule, Wisconsin
Electric would be scheduled to file in mid-1995 for rates to reflect a 1996
test year.

For additional information see Item 7. MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF


Personal Injury Suit:  In 1990, a five-year old boy suffered severe and
disabling injuries (including amputations) as a result of contacting energized
equipment inside an unlocked Wisconsin Electric distribution transformer in
the city of Oak Creek, Wisconsin.  In 1992, Wisconsin Electric entered into a
court-approved settlement of an action in Milwaukee County Circuit Court which
sought compensatory, punitive and statutory treble damages.  Of the total
settlement payment, a self-insured retention of $2 million was not covered by
insurance and was charged to income during 1990.

After an investigation into whether the above described accident was caused by
Wisconsin Electric's failure to maintain its equipment in a reasonably safe
manner as required by a Wisconsin statute and PSCW rules, the PSCW in 1991
referred the matter of "probable violations" of its administrative rules to
the Wisconsin Attorney General for possible forfeiture and enforcement.  In
June 1993, Wisconsin Electric agreed to pay a $1 million civil forfeiture to
the state of Wisconsin to settle the matter.  The amount of the forfeiture was
charged to income during June 1993.

Advance Plan 5:  In 1992, a Brown County Circuit Court judge ruled in favor of
Wisconsin Electric and three other major electric utilities in Wisconsin who
had requested that the court set aside the transmission access provisions of
the PSCW's Advance Plan 5 order which required the utilities to negotiate and
file transmission access agreements.  In summary, the court decided that such
provisions are preempted by the Federal Power Act which gives the FERC
exclusive jurisdiction over transmission service on an interconnected system.

This decision was appealed to the Wisconsin Court of Appeals by the PSCW and
WPPI, which later petitioned the Wisconsin Supreme Court to by-pass the Court
of Appeals.  In 1992, the Supreme Court granted WPPI's petition and accepted
the appeal for consideration.  In April 1993, a ruling by the Wisconsin
Supreme Court resulted in a 3-3 split, thereby affirming the Circuit Court

A petition for a declaratory order is still pending at the FERC (Docket 
No. EL89-40).  The petition seeks to have FERC acknowledge its jurisdiction
over wholesale transmission services terms and conditions, including pricing.

Advance Plan 6: In 1992, Wisconsin Electric joined with other state utilities
in a petition filed in Brown County Circuit Court requesting judicial review
of one aspect of the PSCW's Advance Plan 6 order.  The action involves the
Commission's authority to require the utilities to consider, in their
planning, monetized effects of so-called "greenhouse gasses".

                                    - 22 -

ITEM 3.  LEGAL PROCEEDINGS - Other Litigation (Cont'd)

Also, in 1992, Wisconsin Environmental Decade ("WED") filed a petition in Dane
County Circuit Court requesting judicial review of another aspect of the
PSCW's Advance Plan 6 order.  That proceeding involves the question of whether
the PSCW should have required the utilities to reflect, in their planning,
claimed beneficial employment impacts associated with demand-side management
activities.  A group of utilities, including Wisconsin Electric, have appeared
in that proceeding in opposition to WED.

The two petitions have been consolidated for judicial review in Dane County
Circuit Court.  The matters are pending.

Oglebay Norton Suit:  In 1989, an action was brought to the U.S. District
Court for the Northern District of Ohio by Oglebay Norton Company ("Oglebay")
against Wisconsin Electric and other defendants.  This action sought indemnity
and contribution in the amount of $7.8 million in connection with the defense
and settlement of two death claims resulting from a 1986 flash fire and
explosion aboard its steamer Middletown which was carrying a cargo of coal to
Wisconsin Electric's Port Washington Power Plant.  A settlement was reached
under which Wisconsin Electric paid $150,000 to Oglebay on December 9, 1993,
in full satisfaction of Oglebay's claim for indemnity and contribution.

PSCW Two-Stage CPCN Order:  In January 1994, Wisconsin Electric filed a
lawsuit in Milwaukee County Circuit Court seeking judicial determination
concerning the PSCW's authority to adopt a new "two-stage" Certificate of
Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPCN") process and to order utilities to
enter into contracts to buy power from other entities.  This action is in
response to the PSCW's December 1993 order which details the requirements of
the new process to be implemented by the PSCW in making the final selection
from among competing alternatives to construct proposed future capacity
additions, including projects that would be owned and operated by unaffiliated
IPPs.  In summary, Wisconsin Electric does not believe the PSCW has authority
to specifically order utilities to enter into contracts.  The matter is
pending.  For additional information see Item 7. MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND
Requirements 1994-1998".

Pittsburg & Midway Case:  In a matter brought before the FERC, in July 1993,
Wisconsin Electric filed an initial brief supporting its right to retain coal
reclamation costs collected through the wholesale fuel adjustment clause in
1986 that it believes were prudently incurred in a settlement with the
Pittsburg & Midway Coal Mining Company.  Of the total costs involved, the
portion recovered through the wholesale fuel clause amounts to approximately
$750,000.  This filing was made in response to a FERC audit staff
determination that Wisconsin Electric should have applied for a waiver of the
FERC's fuel clause regulations in order to attempt to pass through the
wholesale portion of the settlement costs.  In order for a final decision to
be made, the FERC must first await the initial decision expected from an
Administrative Law Judge.  The matter is pending.

In November 1993, the FERC rejected Wisconsin Electric's request to be allowed
to recover, in wholesale rates in the future, the amount which may have to be
refunded to customers in the event of an unfavorable ruling in the pending
fuel adjustment clause proceeding concerning the Pittsburg and Midway
reclamation charges.  In January 1994, Wisconsin Electric filed an appeal with
the U.S. Court of Appeals in the District of Columbia Circuit regarding this
rejection.  The matter is pending.

                                    - 23 -

ITEM 3.  LEGAL PROCEEDINGS - Other Litigation (Cont'd)

Electromagnetic Fields:  Claims are being made or threatened with increasing
frequency against electric utilities across the country for bodily injury,
disease or other damages allegedly caused or aggravated by exposure to
electromagnetic fields ("EMFs") associated with electric transmission and
distribution lines.  Results of scientific studies conducted to date do not
establish the existence of a causal connection between EMFs and any adverse
health effects.  Wisconsin Electric believes that its facilities are
constructed and operated in accordance with all applicable legal requirements
and standards.

In an action filed against Wisconsin Electric in Waukesha County Circuit Court
in 1992, plaintiffs sought unspecified compensatory and statutory treble
damages by reason of pain, suffering, complications and aggravations of a
congenital neurological disorder in a minor allegedly caused by EMFs
associated with Wisconsin Electric's transmission lines.  In July 1993,
plaintiffs filed a motion to dismiss without prejudice their action.  The
reason given for dismissal was that medical science had not progressed to a
point where the case could be adequately tried.  Wisconsin Electric does not
believe that other claims thus far made or threatened against it in connection
with EMFs will result in any substantial liability on the part of Wisconsin


No matters were submitted to a vote of Wisconsin Electric's security holders
during the fourth quarter of the fiscal year covered by this report.


The names, ages at December 31, 1993 and positions of all of the executive
officers of Wisconsin Electric are listed below along with their business
experience during the past five years.  All officers are elected for one year
terms or until their respective successors are duly chosen.  There are no
family relationships among these officers, nor is there any agreement or
understanding between any officer and any other person pursuant to which the
officer was selected.

                                          Current Position(s) and
                                            Business Experience
   Name and Age                            During Past Five Years
- ---------------------                      ----------------------
Richard A. Abdoo, 49     Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive
                             Officer of Wisconsin Energy Corporation since
                             1991; Executive Vice President, 1990 to 1991;
                             Vice President, 1987 to 1990; Director of
                             Wisconsin Energy since 1988.
                         Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of
                             Wisconsin Electric Power Company since 1990;
                             President and Chief Executive Officer, during
                             1990; President and Chief Operating Officer, 1989
                             to 1990; Executive Vice President, during 1989;
                             Senior Vice President, 1984 to 1989; Director of
                             Wisconsin Electric since 1989.
                         Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of
                             Wisconsin Natural Gas Company since 1990;
                             Director of Wisconsin Natural since 1989.

                                    - 24 -


                                          Current Position(s) and
                                            Business Experience
   Name and Age                            During Past Five Years
- ---------------------                      ----------------------
John W. Boston, 60       Vice President of Wisconsin Energy since 1991;
                             Director of Wisconsin Energy since 1991.
                         President and Chief Operating Officer of Wisconsin
                             Electric since 1990; Executive Vice President
                             and Chief Operating Officer during 1990;
                             Senior Vice President, 1982 to 1990; Director
                             of Wisconsin Electric since 1988.
                         Director of Wisconsin Natural since March 1994.
                             (Assuming the positions of President and Chief
                             Operating Officer effective April 1, 1994).

Robert H. Gorske, 61     General Counsel of Wisconsin Energy since 1981. 
                         Vice President and General Counsel of Wisconsin
                             Electric since 1976; Director of Wisconsin
                             Electric since 1991.
                         Director, Vice President and General Counsel of
                             Wisconsin Natural since 1976.

Jerry G. Remmel, 62      Vice President of Wisconsin Energy since January
                             1994; Chief Financial Officer since 1989;
                             Treasurer since 1981.
                         Chief Financial Officer of Wisconsin Electric
                             since 1989; Senior Vice President, 
                             1989 to January 1994; Vice President and
                             Treasurer, 1983 to 1989; Director of
                             Wisconsin Electric since 1989.
                         Chief Financial Officer of Wisconsin Natural
                             since 1989; Vice President-Finance,
                             1989 to January 1994; Treasurer, 1974 to 1989;
                             Director of Wisconsin Natural since 1988.

David K. Porter, 50      Senior Vice President of Wisconsin Electric since
                             1989; Vice President-Corporate Planning, 1986
                             to 1989; Director of Wisconsin Electric since
                         Vice President of Wisconsin Natural since 1989;
                             Director of Wisconsin Natural since 1988.

Calvin H. Baker, 50      Vice President-Finance of Wisconsin Electric since
                              January 1994; Vice President-Marketing, 1992 to
                              January 1994; Vice President-Finance, 1991 to
                         Senior Vice President, Financial Services Corporation
                              of New York City (provider of direct loan
                              programs and industrial development projects in
                              New York City), 1989 to 1991.

Ann Marie Brady, 41      Assistant Secretary of Wisconsin Energy since 1989.
                         Secretary of Wisconsin Electric since January 1994;
                             Assistant Secretary, 1989 to January 1994.
                         Secretary of Wisconsin Natural since June 1993;
                             Assistant Secretary, 1989 to June 1993.

                                    - 25 -


                                          Current Position(s) and
                                            Business Experience
   Name and Age                            During Past Five Years
- ---------------------                      ----------------------
Anne K. Klisurich, 46    Accounting Manager of Wisconsin Energy, 1987 to
                             January 1994.
                         Controller of Wisconsin Electric since January 1994.
                         Controller of Wisconsin Natural since February 1994.

                                    PART II


The amount of cash dividends declared on Wisconsin Electric's Common Stock
during the two most recent fiscal years are set forth below.  Dividends were
paid to Wisconsin Electric's sole common stockholder, Wisconsin Energy. 

                      Quarter                              Total Dividend
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1992                     1                                   $16,250,000
                         2                                   $16,250,000
                         3                                   $16,250,000
                         4                                   $16,250,000
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1993                     1                                   $16,250,000
                         2                                   $16,250,000
                         3                                   $16,250,000
                         4                                   $16,250,000

                                    - 26 -

                                                 PART II


                            1993           1992           1991           1990           1989
                            ----           ----           ----           ----           ----
                                                  (Thousands of Dollars)
Earnings available
  for common
  stockholder           $  173,548     $  155,826     $  175,641     $  179,990     $  184,354
Operating revenues:
  Electric              $1,347,844     $1,298,723     $1,292,809     $1,208,045     $1,245,701
  Steam                     14,090         13,093         12,986         12,126         12,292
                        ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------       --------
Total operating
  revenues              $1,361,934     $1,311,816     $1,305,795     $1,220,171     $1,257,993
Total assets            $3,693,556     $3,285,845     $3,052,133     $2,972,903     $2,967,006
Long-term debt and
  preferred stock-
  required              $1,193,994     $1,195,210     $1,110,572     $1,002,852     $1,016,197

                            1993           1992           1991           1990           1989   
                            ----           ----           ----           ----           ----
    sold                25,685,436     24,747,581     25,016,247     23,656,727     24,293,356
    (End of year)          932,285        919,466        907,871        896,393        882,883
  Pounds sold
    (millions)               2,376          2,284          2,282          2,213          2,160
    (End of year)              459            472            468            470            482

                                              Three Months Ended
                                        March                    June
                                        -----                    ----
                                    1993      1992           1993      1992 
                                    ----      ----           ----      ----
                                            (Thousands of Dollars)
Total operating revenues          $339,651  $335,963       $323,416  $315,163
Operating income                  $ 63,087  $ 58,638       $ 47,733  $ 45,404
Earnings available
  for common stockholder          $ 44,806  $ 43,244       $ 29,835  $ 30,421

                                              Three Months Ended
                                       September                December
                                      -----------              ----------
                                    1993      1992           1993      1992
                                    ----      ----           ----      ----
                                            (Thousands of Dollars)
Total operating revenues          $355,436  $329,374       $343,431  $331,316
Operating income                  $ 68,489  $ 58,778       $ 63,528  $ 57,176
Earnings available
  for common stockholder          $ 51,707  $ 42,204       $ 47,200  $ 39,957

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
The quarterly results of operations are not directly comparable because of
seasonal and other factors.  See Management's Discussion and Analysis in 
Item 7 for further discussion. 

Earnings and dividends per share are not provided as all Wisconsin Electric's
Common Stock is held by Wisconsin Energy.

                                         - 27 -


                       Electric Revenue, Kilowatt-Hour Sales and Customer Statistics
Year Ended December 31                   1993        1992        1991        1990        1989
                                         ----        ----        ----        ----        ----  
  Residential                       $  472,903  $  441,240  $  444,542  $  407,675  $  408,778
  Small commercial and industrial      386,736     372,213     363,906     347,706     352,170
  Large commercial and industrial      380,482     381,083     372,768     347,723     373,352
  Other retail                          13,975      15,245      15,368      15,097      15,332
  Resale - municipals                   57,039      62,787      71,382      66,240      66,977
                                    ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
Total retail and municipals          1,311,135   1,272,568   1,267,966   1,184,441   1,216,609
  Resale - public utilities             25,879      18,080      18,476      17,799      23,222
                                    ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
Total revenue from sales             1,337,014   1,290,648   1,286,442   1,202,240   1,239,831
  Other operating revenue               10,830       8,075       6,367       5,805       5,870
                                    ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
Total operating revenues            $1,347,844  $1,298,723  $1,292,809  $1,208,045  $1,245,701
                                    ==========  ==========  ==========  ==========  ==========
  Residential                            6,551       6,230       6,567       6,197       6,088
  Small commercial and industrial        6,358       6,155       6,153       5,955       5,779
  Large commercial and industrial        9,771       9,702       9,462       8,764       9,487
  Other retail                             196         217         226         232         235
  Resale - municipals                    1,580       1,779       1,935       1,834       1,760
                                    ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
Total retail and municipals             24,456      24,083      24,343      22,982      23,349
  Resale - public utilities              1,229         665         673         675         944
                                    ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
Total Sales                             25,685      24,748      25,016      23,657      24,293
                                    ==========  ==========  ==========  ==========  ==========
  Residential                          835,685     824,544     814,078     803,820     791,513
  Small commercial and industrial       87,351      85,990      84,540      83,126      81,218
  Large commercial and industrial          675         670         664         654         650
  Other                                  1,831       1,945       1,980       1,991       1,984
                                    ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
Total                                  925,542     913,149     901,262     889,591     875,365
                                    ==========  ==========  ==========  ==========  ==========
DEGREE DAYS (Milwaukee)
  Heating (Normal 7,192)                 6,775       6,723       6,416       6,103       7,382
  Cooling (Normal  594)                    651         364       1,056         728         485

                                         - 28 -





Earnings for Wisconsin Electric increased to $173,548,000 in 1993 compared to
$155,826,000 in 1992 primarily because of higher kilowatt-hour sales. 
Electric energy sales were positively impacted by, among other things,
significantly warmer weather during the summer of 1993.  The increase in
revenues attributable to the increased energy sales and the various rate
increases effective during 1993 were partially offset by increases in non-fuel
related operation and maintenance expenses and higher interest charges.

Electric Sales and Revenues

Total electric sales of Wisconsin Electric, detailed below by customer class,
increased 3.8 percent in 1993 compared to 1992 reflecting, among other things,
the weather-related increase in sales to other utilities discussed below. 
Electric energy sales were positively impacted by, among other things, the
significantly warmer summer weather experienced during the third quarter of
1993 which resulted in an increased use of electricity for air conditioning
and other cooling purposes.  The warmer than normal summer of 1993 contrasted
sharply with the summer of 1992, the coolest since Wisconsin Electric began
keeping records in 1948.  Sales were also positively impacted by colder winter
weather during the first quarter of 1993.  The 3.8 percent increase in
electric revenues achieved during 1993 over 1992 reflects the increase in
kilowatt-hour sales and the net increases in electric rates effective in 1993.
Electric Sales - Megawatt Hours       1993             1992       % Change
- -------------------------------    ----------       ----------    --------
Residential                         6,551,061        6,230,136       5.2 
Small Commercial
  and Industrial                    6,357,510        6,154,530       3.3
Large Commercial
  and Industrial                    9,771,383        9,702,303       0.7 
Other                               1,776,061        1,995,349     (11.0)
                                   ----------       ----------
Total Retail
  and Municipal                    24,456,015       24,082,318       1.6  
Resale-Utilities                    1,229,421          665,263      84.8
                                   ----------       ----------
Total Sales                        25,685,436       24,747,581       3.8
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Electric energy sales to the Empire and Tilden iron-ore mines, Wisconsin
Electric's two largest customers, were 9.5 percent lower in 1993 compared to
1992.  This decrease is attributable to a five-week long mine employee strike
during the third quarter of 1993.  Wisconsin Electric's contracts with the
mines require the payment of a demand charge regardless of power usage which
partially offset the impact of lost sales on revenues.  Excluding the mines,
sales to large commercial and industrial customers increased 3.7 percent in
1993.  Sales to the mines represented 7.8 percent, 9.0 percent and 8.3 percent
of total electric sales during 1993, 1992 and 1991, respectively.

                                    - 29 -


The 84.8 percent increase in the resale of energy to other utilities is
attributable to unseasonable weather in the east and south and to the severe
flooding which hit the midwestern states during the summer of 1993.  This
percentage change is not indicative of future sales growth in this customer

The 11.0 percent reduction in sales to the Other customer class is largely the
result of reductions in sales to The Wisconsin Public Power, Inc. SYSTEM
("WPPI"), Wisconsin Electric's largest municipal customer consortium.  WPPI
has been reducing its purchases from Wisconsin Electric subsequent to
acquiring generation capacity in 1990.  Since that time, WPPI has expanded the
use of its existing generation facilities and has installed additional
capacity during 1993, further reducing its reliance on energy purchases from
Wisconsin Electric.  Additional reductions are expected in 1994 and beyond. 
These sales reductions are not expected to have a significant effect on future
earnings.  Sales to WPPI during 1993, 1992 and 1991 were approximately 944,000
megawatt-hours ("MWh"), 1,166,000 MWh and 1,338,000 MWh, respectively.

In addition to the revenues provided by the higher kilowatt-hour sales, the
3.8 percent increase in electric revenues during 1993 includes the impacts of
rate changes which were effective during 1993, as shown in "Rates and
Regulatory Matters".

Total electric kilowatt-hour sales increased at a compound annual rate of 1.3
percent between the years 1991 and 1993, while electric revenues increased at
a compound annual rate of 2.1 percent during this period.  Excluding the
mines, total electric kilowatt-hour sales increased at a compound annual rate
of 1.6 percent between the years 1991 and 1993 and revenues increased at a
compound annual rate of 2.5 percent.

Electric revenues were slightly higher, 0.5 percent, in 1992 compared to 1991
despite a 1.1 percent reduction in electric kilowatt-hour sales, primarily
because of net increases in Wisconsin and non-mine Michigan retail electric
rates.  Excluding the mines, total electric sales in 1992 decreased 1.7
percent compared to 1991.

Electric Operation and Maintenance Expenses

Total electric operating expenses, excluding income taxes and depreciation,
were $18 million higher in 1993 compared to 1992.  This increase largely
reflects an increase in postretirement benefit costs associated with the
adoption of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 106 ("FAS 
No. 106") - "Employers' Accounting for Postretirement Benefits Other Than
Pensions" (see Note D to the Financial Statements - Benefits Other Than
Pensions), growth in conservation related expenditures associated with
improving the efficiency of customers' electric energy usage and maintenance
expenditures related to the renovation of the Port Washington Power Plant. 
The increases in other operation expenses and maintenance were partially
offset by lower fuel and purchased power expenses due to lower average per
unit generation and purchased power costs.

                                    - 30 -


While depreciation during 1993 increased 1.3 percent compared to 1992, largely
reflecting higher depreciable plant balances and lower decommissioning
payments, the 11.2 percent increase in depreciation during 1992 compared to
1991 is primarily the result of higher depreciable plant balances and higher
authorized depreciation rates effective January 1992.  Additionally, Taxes
Other Than Income Taxes were higher during 1992 compared to 1991 largely due
to a $5 million one-time ad valorem tax credit recognized in 1991 and an
increase in the 1992 Wisconsin License Fee on gross revenues.

Since 1991, operating expenses, excluding income taxes and depreciation, have
increased at a compound annual rate of 1.9 percent, reflecting increases in
non-fuel related operation and maintenance expenses which were largely offset
by reductions in fuel and purchased power expenses.

Other Items

Interest charges on long-term debt increased $11 million during 1993 compared
to 1992 largely due to the additional debt issued to finance Wisconsin
Electric's construction program and the amortization of premiums associated
with the debt securities refinanced during 1992 and 1993.

Wisconsin Electric and Wisconsin Natural Revitalization

In response to increasing competitive pressures in the markets for electricity
and natural gas, Wisconsin Electric and Wisconsin Natural have developed a
revitalization process to increase efficiencies and improve customer service.

Wisconsin Electric and Wisconsin Natural are "reengineering" and restructuring
their organizations.  The new structures consolidate many business functions. 
This "reengineering" and restructuring of the business systems will lead to a
reduction in the total Wisconsin Electric/Wisconsin Natural workforce. 
Effective in early 1994, employees have the option of choosing a voluntary
separation package.  An early retirement option also has been offered to
qualified employees.  As a result, it is currently estimated that Wisconsin
Energy's utility subsidiaries will incur non-recurring reorganization charges
aggregating between $30 to $75 million during 1994.  The portion attributable
to Wisconsin Electric is currently estimated to be between $27 and $65
million.  See Note D to the Financial Statements - Benefits Other Than
Pensions, for additional information.  It is expected that these costs will be
offset, before the end of 1995, by the reductions in future operating costs
that these programs will achieve. 

In addition to the corporate restructuring at Wisconsin Electric and Wisconsin
Natural, as part of this revitalization effort, Wisconsin Energy announced its
intent to merge the two companies to form a single combined utility
subsidiary.  The proposed merger will accomplish the goal of improved customer
service and will also enable the reduction of operating costs.  The merger,
which is anticipated to be effective by year-end 1994, will be subject to a
number of conditions, including regulatory and other approvals.

                                    - 31 -


Rates and Regulatory Matters

The following table summarizes the projected annual revenue impact of recent
rate changes authorized by regulatory commissions based on the sales
projections utilized by those commissions in setting rates.  The Public
Service Commission of Wisconsin ("PSCW") regulates Wisconsin retail electric
and steam rates, while the FERC regulates wholesale electric rates.  The
Michigan Public Service Commission ("MPSC") regulates retail electric rates in
Michigan.  The PSCW announced that it will discontinue the practice of
conducting annual rate case proceedings, replacing it with a new schedule
which calls for future rate cases to be conducted once every two years.

In April 1993, Wisconsin Electric filed required data with the PSCW relating
to the 1994 test year indicating a need to raise retail rates.  However, in
support of its goal to become the lowest-cost energy provider in the region
and in light of the operating cost reductions expected from the reengineering
process discussed above, Wisconsin Electric has indicated that it has no
current plans to seek an increase in rates for 1994 and 1995.  Because of the
PSCW's newly adopted biennial rate case schedule, Wisconsin Electric's next
rate case would be filed in mid-1995 for rates to be effective in 1996.

                                   Revenue           Percent
                                   Increase         Change in        Effective
Company/Service                   (Decrease)          Rates            Date
- -------------------------        ------------       ---------        ---------

Wisconsin Electric
   Fuel electric, WI             $(24,207,000)         (2.1)          05/29/92
   Retail electric, WI             26,655,000           2.3           02/17/93
   Steam heating                      505,000           3.5           02/17/93
   Wholesale electric               6,000,000          10.6           06/09/93
   Retail electric, MI              1,366,000           4.3           07/09/93
   Fuel electric, WI               (8,596,000)         (0.9)          11/05/93

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Under the Wisconsin retail electric fuel adjustment procedure, retail electric
rates may be adjusted, on a prospective basis, if cumulative fuel and
purchased power costs, when compared to the costs projected in the retail
electric rate proceeding, deviate from a prescribed range and are expected to
continue to be above or below that range.

With expectations of low-to-moderate inflation and future operating cost
reductions discussed above, Wisconsin Electric does not believe the impact of
inflation will have a material effect on its future results of operations.

Electric Sales Outlook

Assuming moderate growth in the service territory economy and normal weather,
Wisconsin Electric presently anticipates electric kilowatt-hour sales to grow
at a compound annual rate of approximately 1.1 percent over the five-year
period ending December 31, 1998.  This forecast is subject to a number of
variables, including the economy and weather, which may affect the actual
growth in sales.

                                    - 32 -



Investing Activities

Wisconsin Electric invested $986 million in its business during the three
years ended December 31, 1993.  The investments made during this three year
period include construction expenditures for new or improved facilities
totaling $820 million, net capitalized conservation expenditures of $86
million, purchases of nuclear fuel at $57 million and payments to an external
trust for the eventual decommissioning of Wisconsin Electric's Point Beach
Nuclear Plant totaling $51 million. 

In July 1993, Wisconsin Electric placed in-service two units, or approximately
150 megawatts of capacity, at its new Concord Generating Station, a four unit,
approximately 300 megawatt natural gas-fired combustion turbine facility
designed to meet peak demand requirements.  Capital expenditures of $35
million, $47 million and $13 million were made during 1993, 1992 and 1991,
respectively, for the construction of this facility.  The two remaining units,
or approximately another 150 megawatts of capacity, are expected to be placed
in-service during the summer of 1994.  The total cost of this project is
currently estimated at $108 million.  Wisconsin Electric has firm capacity
purchased power contracts intended to maintain adequate reserve margins prior
to completion of this facility.

Additionally, during 1993 Wisconsin Electric started work related to the
construction of the new Paris Generating Station, also a four unit,
approximately 300 megawatt combustion turbine facility intended to meet
growing peak demand requirements.  This generating station, which is expected
to have all four units in-service during the summer of 1995 is currently
estimated to cost $105 million.  Capital expenditures of $28 million were made
for work performed on this project during 1993.

The PSCW has allowed Wisconsin Electric to earn a current return on
construction work in progress ("CWIP") related to the construction of the
Concord and Paris power plants.

Wisconsin Electric is nearing completion of the renovation work at its Port
Washington Power Plant, which includes upgrading the turbine generators and
boilers and the installation of additional emission control equipment.  With
units 1 and 2 completed during 1993 and unit 3 completed in 1992, the project
will conclude with the completion of the unit 4 work during the summer of
1994.  The total cost of this project is currently estimated at $109 million. 
Expenditures totaling $32 million, $43 million and $15 million were made
during 1993, 1992 and 1991, respectively.

Cash Provided by Operating and Financing Activities

During the three years ended December 31, 1993, cash provided by operating
activities totaled $1,099 million.  During this period, internal sources of
funds, after the payment of dividends to Wisconsin Energy, Wisconsin
Electric's sole common stockholder, provided 81 percent of the company's
capital requirements.

Financing activities during the three-year period ended December 31, 1993
included the issuance of $1,053 million of long-term debt, principally to

                                    - 33 -


refinance higher coupon debt and the retirement of $68 million of preferred
stock.  No preferred stock was issued during this period.  Additionally,
during the three-year period ended December 31, 1993, the company retired a
total of $852 million of long-term debt and increased short-term debt by $62
million.  Dividends on the company's common stock were $65 million, $65
million, and $168 million, during 1993, 1992, and 1991, respectively.

The company continued efforts to reduce its overall cost of capital.  During
1993, Wisconsin Electric issued five new series of First Mortgage Bonds
aggregating $350 million in principal amount, the proceeds of which were used
to redeem $284.3 million principal amount of four outstanding series of First
Mortgage Bonds and 626,500 shares of Wisconsin Electric's 6.75% Series
Preferred Stock.

During 1992, Wisconsin Electric issued five new series of First Mortgage Bonds
the proceeds of which provided $431 million principal amount to redeem 12
outstanding series of higher coupon First Mortgage Bonds and $130 million of
new capital for the company.

The aggregate principal amount of securities refunded during 1993 and 1992
represents approximately three-quarters of the outstanding long-term debt of
Wisconsin Electric at December 31, 1991.  These transactions have reduced the
company's embedded cost of long-term debt from 8.24 percent at December 31,
1991 to 6.90 percent at December 31, 1993, and are expected to result in
approximately $191 million in savings over the lives of the new debt issues. 
Depending on market conditions and other factors, additional debt refundings
may occur.

Other financing efforts during the three years ended December 31, 1993 include
Wisconsin Electric's 1991 issuance of $100 million of First Mortgage Bonds, 
8-3/8% Series, the proceeds of which were used to reduce short-term

Capital Structure

The company's capitalization at December 31 is shown below:

                                       1993          1992         1991 
                                      ------        ------       ------

   Common Equity                       50.7%         49.5%        50.2%
   Preferred Stock                      1.3           3.8          4.2 
   Long-Term Debt
    (including current maturities)     43.7          43.9         44.0 
   Short-Term Debt                      4.3           2.8          1.6  
                                      ------        ------       ------
                                      100.0%        100.0%       100.0% 

                                    - 34 -


Compared to the electric utility industry generally, the company has
maintained a relatively high ratio of common equity to total capitalization
and low debt and preferred stock ratios.  This conservative capital structure,
along with strong bond ratings (Wisconsin Electric currently has ratings of
AA+ by Standard & Poor's Corporation, Aa2 by Moody's Investors Service and AA+
by Duff & Phelps Inc.) and internal cash generation has provided, and should
continue to provide, the company with access to the capital markets when
necessary to finance the anticipated growth in the company's business.  At
year-end 1993, the company had $102 million of unused lines of bank credit,
$13 million of cash and cash equivalents, $137 million of short-term debt
(including long-term debt due currently) and $21 million of construction funds
held by trustees.

Capital Requirements 1994-1998

The company's estimated capital requirements for the years 1994-1998 are
outlined below:
                                            (Millions of Dollars)             
                              1994       1995       1996       1997       1998
                              ----       ----       ----       ----       ----

Construction                  $286       $344       $215       $245       $191
Conservation                    24         14         13         13         14
Bond/Preferred Stock
 Maturities and
 Sinking Funds                   5          0         30        130         60
Changes in Fuel
 Inventories                     3          5         11          7          7
Decommissioning Trust
 Payments                       16         17         39         42         45
                              ----       ----       ----       ----       ----
Total                         $334       $380       $308       $437       $317
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A number of independent power producers ("IPPs") are actively exploring
cogeneration projects in Wisconsin, which would be qualifying facilities
("QFs"), including some which are proposed to be within Wisconsin Electric's
service territory.  Under the requirements of the Public Utility Regulatory
Policies Act ("PURPA"), utilities are required to purchase electricity from
QFs at no more than the utilities' avoided costs.  Consequently, should IPP-
owned QF generating capacity be constructed and placed in operation in
Wisconsin Electric's service territory, some generation-related expenditures
included in the above forecast may be reduced or delayed.  

In November 1993, the PSCW, after conducting a competitive bidding process,
issued an order selecting a proposal submitted by an unaffiliated IPP to
construct a generation facility to meet a portion of Wisconsin Electric's
anticipated increase in system supply needs.  In accordance with the PSCW
order, Wisconsin Electric subsequently signed a 25-year agreement to purchase
electricity from the proposed facility.  The agreement is contingent upon the
facility being completed and going into operation, which at this time is
planned for mid-1996.  A number of parties have filed petitions for judicial
review of this PSCW order, taking the position that the order should be set
aside on various legal grounds.  The matter is pending.

                                    - 35 -


Included in the above capital requirements are expenditures associated with
the proposed construction of Wisconsin Electric's Kimberly Cogeneration
Facility.  This proposed facility, which was submitted to but not selected by
the PSCW in the competitive bidding process described above, would have
provided approximately 220 megawatts of intermediate-load capacity.  This
project would be canceled upon completion and operation of the IPP-owned
facility discussed above.

In December 1993, the PSCW issued an order detailing the requirements of a new
"Two-Stage" Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPCN") process
which would be implemented by the PSCW in making the final selection from
among competing alternatives to construct proposed future capacity additions
(the "first stage").  Under this process, the proposal determined to be in the
best public interest would be allowed to proceed to the "second stage" and
submit a CPCN application requesting authority to proceed with construction. 
Wisconsin Electric and one other party have filed petitions for judicial
review of this PSCW order, taking the position that the order should be set
aside on various legal grounds.  The matter is pending.

In January 1994, a coordinated statewide plan for meeting future electricity
needs of Wisconsin customers was filed with the PSCW in the Advance Plan 7
docket.  In the Advance Plan process, Wisconsin Electric, in conjunction with
the other regulated electric utilities located in Wisconsin, is required to
file long-term forecasts of resource requirements, such as the need for
generation and transmission facilities, along with plans to meet those
requirements, including the use of energy management and conservation.

In order to reliably meet its forecasted growth in demand, Wisconsin Electric
employs a least-cost integrated planning process which includes renovation of
existing power plants, promotion of cost effective conservation and load
management options, development of renewable energy sources, purchased power
and construction of new company-owned generation facilities.

Investments in demand-side management programs have reduced and delayed the
need to add new generating capacity but have not eliminated the need entirely. 
Purchases of power from other utilities and transmission system upgrades will
also combine to help delay the need to install some new generating capacity in
the future.  However, in order to serve the near-term growth in peak demand
requirements, Wisconsin Electric has received PSCW approval and is currently
in various stages of completing two of its planned capacity additions. 
Included in the forecast of capital requirements shown above are expenditures
related to the construction of the Concord and Paris Generating Stations, as
previously described under "Investing Activities".

Finally, Wisconsin Electric's Advance Plan 7 filing indicates a need for
additional peaking capacity after the turn of the century along with an
anticipated need for additional intermediate-load capacity during the 2000 to
2010 time period.  Wisconsin Electric's next base load power plant is not
expected to be placed in-service until after 2010.

The addition of new generating units requires approval from various regulatory
agencies including the PSCW, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA")
and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources ("DNR").  All generating
facilities proposed by Wisconsin Electric will meet or exceed the applicable
federal and state environmental requirements.

                                    - 36 -


Because of the U.S. Department of Energy's ("DOE") inability to begin
accepting spent nuclear fuel for permanent disposal as required by federal
law, Wisconsin Electric's current capability to temporarily store spent
nuclear fuel from its Point Beach Nuclear Plant ("Point Beach") is expected to
reach full capacity by the end of 1998.  In order to continue the operation of
Point Beach beyond 1998, Wisconsin Electric has filed with the PSCW for a
Certificate of Authority to construct and operate a twelve unit, above-ground
steel and concrete cask spent fuel storage system.  Capital costs associated
with this facility, the design of which has been approved by the DOE, are
estimated at $6 million and are included in the above forecast.  The storage
units will provide additional interim storage until the DOE begins to remove
spent fuel in accordance with the terms of the contract it has with Wisconsin

In a related matter, Wisconsin Electric has filed with the PSCW for a
Certificate of Authority to proceed with the planned 1996 replacement of the
Unit 2 steam generators at Point Beach.  In 1984 Wisconsin Electric replaced
the Unit 1 steam generators.  Estimated at a cost of $119 million, which is
also included in the above forecast, the Unit 2 project would allow for its
operation until the expiration of its operating license in 2013.  Without the
replacement of the steam generators, the unit would not be able to operate to
the end of its current license.  Wisconsin Electric is awaiting approval from
the PSCW to proceed with these projects.

Capital Resources

During the five-year forecast period ending December 31, 1998, Wisconsin
Electric expects internal sources of funds from operations, after dividends to
the company, to provide about 78 percent of the utility capital requirements. 
The remaining utility cash requirements are expected to be met through the
reduction of existing cash investments and construction funds on deposit with
trustees, short-term borrowings, the issuance of long-term debt and capital
contributions from Wisconsin Energy.

Exclusive of debt refundings, utility debt issues of $100 million are
anticipated in 1994 and 1997.

Clean Air Act

The 1990 Amendments to the Clean Air Act mandate significant nationwide
reductions in nitrogen oxide (NOX) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions to
address acid rain and ozone control requirements.

Wisconsin Electric's strategy for complying with the requirements which become
effective in 1995 calls for the use of low sulfur coal and the installation of
low NOX burners and continuous emission monitoring equipment at its Oak Creek
Power Plant.  Equipment costs, which are not expected to exceed $9 million
based on today's costs, along with additional operating expenses are expected
to increase electric rates by less than 1 percent.

Wisconsin Electric projects a surplus of SO2 allowances and is also seeking
additional SO2 allowances which may be available as a result of its energy
conservation programs.  As an integral component of its least-cost SO2
emission compliance plan, Wisconsin Electric has been active in SO2 allowance

                                    - 37 -


trading.  Revenues from the sale of surplus allowances are being used to
offset future rate increases.

Wisconsin Electric's strategy for complying with the requirements which become
effective after 1995 includes installation of continuous emission monitoring
equipment on the remaining company boilers, fuel switching and installation of
NOX control equipment, if needed.  With an estimated cost not to exceed $75
million based on today's costs, this compliance strategy could increase rates
by 1 to 2 percent.


The "Quarterly Financial Data" in Item 6 on page 27 is incorporated herein by

                                    - 38 -


                                     WISCONSIN ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY

                                             INCOME STATEMENT

                                          Year Ended December 31

                                               1993                1992                1991
                                               ----                ----                ----
                                                           (Thousands of Dollars)
Operating Revenues
  Electric                                  $1,347,844          $1,298,723          $1,292,809
  Steam                                         14,090              13,093              12,986
                                            ----------          ----------          ----------
       Total Operating Revenues              1,361,934           1,311,816           1,305,795

Operating Expenses
  Fuel (Note B)                                263,385             266,716             291,271
  Purchased power                               54,880              63,745              65,261
  Other operation expenses                     341,748             318,253             295,654
  Maintenance                                  149,247             143,618             136,142
  Depreciation (Note E)                        150,831             148,967             133,997
  Taxes other than income taxes                 68,969              68,380              57,916
  Federal income tax (Note F)                   68,239              61,235              73,854
  State income tax (Note F)                     13,887              14,783              16,889
  Deferred income taxes - net (Note F)          12,034              10,083               6,148
  Investment tax credit - net (Note F)          (4,123)             (3,960)             (4,381)
                                            ----------          ----------          ----------          
       Total Operating Expenses              1,119,097           1,091,820           1,072,751

Operating Income                               242,837             219,996             233,044

Other Income and Deductions
  Interest income                               13,351              13,624              15,688
  Allowance for other funds used during
    construction (Note G)                        8,453               6,936               7,227
  Miscellaneous - net                            9,638               6,547               6,649
  Federal income tax (Note F)                   (1,718)             (1,127)             (1,292)
  State income tax (Note F)                       (811)               (630)               (843)
                                            ----------          ----------          ----------
       Total Other Income and Deductions        28,913              25,350              27,429

Income Before Interest Charges                 271,750             245,346             260,473

Interest Charges
  Long-term debt                                96,110              84,843              77,615
  Other interest                                 2,450               2,414               4,849
  Allowance for borrowed funds used
    during construction (Note G)                (4,735)             (3,653)             (3,560)
                                            ----------          ----------          ----------
       Total Interest Charges                   93,825              83,604              78,904
                                            ----------          ----------          ----------
Net Income                                     177,925             161,742             181,569

Preferred Stock Dividend Requirement             4,377               5,916               5,928
                                            ----------          ----------          ----------
Earnings Available for Common
  Stockholder                               $  173,548          $  155,826          $  175,641
                                            ==========          ==========          ==========

Note:  Earnings and dividends per share of common stock are not applicable because all of the
       company's common stock is owned by Wisconsin Energy Corporation.

See Notes to Financial Statements.

                                         - 39 -

                                     WISCONSIN ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY

                                          STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS

                                          Year Ended December 31

                                                        1993             1992              1991                
                                                        ----             ----              ----
                                                                (Thousands of Dollars)

Operating Activities 
  Net income                                         $177,925          $161,742         $181,569
  Reconciliation to cash 
    Depreciation                                      150,831           148,967          133,997
    Nuclear fuel expense - amortization                21,366            20,818           22,139 
    Conservation expense - amortization                15,254            13,009           10,175 
    Debt premium, discount & expense -
      amortization                                     12,813             4,483            2,857
    Deferred income taxes - net                        12,034            10,083            6,148
    Investment tax credit - net                        (4,123)           (3,960)          (4,381)
    Allowance for other funds used
      during construction                              (8,453)           (6,936)          (7,227)
    Change in  Accounts receivable                    (16,981)            9,993           (6,308)
               Inventories                             15,181            (5,294)          11,670
               Accounts payable                        11,620             9,195           (6,790)
               Other current assets                     3,231           (10,073)          (2,413)
               Other current liabilities               15,453            (3,664)           3,452
    Other                                              (5,176)            8,272           (3,633)
                                                     --------          --------         -------- 
Cash Provided by Operating Activities                 400,975           356,635          341,255

Investing Activities 
  Construction expenditures                          (310,513)         (293,589)        (215,446)
  Allowance for borrowed funds used
    during construction                                (4,735)           (3,653)          (3,560)
  Nuclear fuel                                        (20,016)          (17,709)         (19,728)
  Nuclear decommissioning trust                       (11,371)          (20,212)         (19,358)
  Conservation investments - net                      (35,252)          (31,087)         (19,986)
  Change in construction funds held
    by trustee                                          3,006             1,930           37,813
  Other                                                (1,926)             (746)             (15)
                                                     --------         ---------         -------- 
Cash Used in Investing Activities                    (380,807)         (365,066)        (240,280)

Financing Activities 
  Sale of long-term debt                              361,049           567,360          124,221 
  Retirement of long-term debt                       (328,771)         (495,940)         (27,552)
  Change in short-term debt                            44,179            34,820          (16,900) 
  Retirement of preferred stock                       (65,504)           (2,035)             -      
  Dividends on stock - common                         (65,000)          (65,000)        (167,745)
                     - preferred                       (4,729)           (5,928)          (5,928)
                                                     --------         ---------         -------- 
Cash Provided by (Used in) Financing Activities       (58,776)           33,277          (93,904)
Change in Cash and Cash Equivalents                  $(38,608)         $ 24,846         $  7,071
                                                     ========         =========         ========

Supplemental information disclosures:                                                           
 Cash Paid For 
    Interest (net of amount capitalized)             $ 77,357          $ 82,193         $ 78,332
    Income taxes                                       94,103            82,126           90,981
See Notes to Financial Statements.

                                         - 40 - 


                                 BALANCE SHEET

                                  December 31


                                                        1993         1992
                                                        ----         ----
                                                     (Thousands of Dollars)
Utility Plant
  Electric                                           $4,079,794   $3,821,490
  Steam                                                  39,113       33,177
                                                     ----------   ----------
                                                      4,118,907    3,854,667
    Accumulated provision for depreciation           (1,784,110)  (1,668,264)
                                                     ----------   ----------
                                                      2,334,797    2,186,403 
  Construction work in progress                         208,834      181,451 
  Nuclear fuel - net (Note B)                            52,665       53,800 
                                                     ----------   ----------
       Net Utility Plant                              2,596,296    2,421,654 

Other Property and Investments
  Nuclear decommissioning trust fund (Note B)           214,421      203,050 
  Construction funds held by trustees                    20,550       23,556 
  Conservation investments                              136,995      117,964 
  Other                                                   3,491        3,482 
                                                     ----------   ----------
       Total Other Property and Investments             375,457      348,052 

Current Assets
  Cash and cash equivalents                              13,421       52,029 
  Accounts receivable, net of allowance for
    doubtful accounts - $7,201 and $6,842                91,849       74,868 
  Accrued utility revenues                               89,306       92,328 
  Fossil fuel (at average cost)                          57,955       70,122 
  Materials and supplies (at average cost)               69,357       72,371 
  Prepayments                                            47,939       47,117 
  Other assets                                            5,873        6,904 
                                                     ----------   ----------
       Total Current Assets                             375,700      415,739

Deferred Charges and Other Assets
  Accumulated deferred income taxes (Note F)             97,788       61,396 
  Deferred regulatory assets (Note A)                   191,969          -  
  Other                                                  56,346       39,004 
                                                     ----------   ----------
       Total Deferred Charges and Other Assets          346,103      100,400 
                                                     ----------   ----------
Total Assets                                         $3,693,556   $3,285,845 
                                                     ==========   ==========
See Notes to Financial Statements.

                                    - 41 -


                                 BALANCE SHEET

                                  December 31


                                                         1993         1992
                                                         ----         ----
                                                      (Thousands of Dollars)
Capitalization (See Capitalization Statement)
  Common stock equity                                $1,399,686   $1,294,099
  Preferred stock - redemption not required              30,451       30,451
  Preferred stock - redemption required                   5,250       67,900
  Long-term debt (Note J)                             1,188,744    1,127,310
                                                     ----------   ----------
       Total Capitalization                           2,624,131    2,519,760

Current Liabilities
  Long-term debt due currently (Note J)                  19,254       19,633
  Notes payable (Note K)                                117,903       73,724
  Accounts payable                                       81,630       70,010
  Payroll and vacation accrued                           26,058       26,018
  Taxes accrued - income and other                       14,422       11,706
  Interest accrued                                       21,295       17,023
  Other                                                  13,238        4,813
                                                     ----------   ----------
       Total Current Liabilities                        293,800      222,927

Deferred Credits and Other Liabilities
  Accumulated deferred income taxes (Note F)            444,717      415,076
  Accumulated deferred investment tax credits            91,495       96,233
  Deferred regulatory liabilities (Note A)              167,403          -  
  Other                                                  72,010       31,849
                                                     ----------   ----------
       Total Deferred Credits and Other
         Liabilities                                    775,625      543,158

Commitments and Contingencies (Note N)
                                                     ----------   ----------
Total Capitalization and Liabilities                 $3,693,556   $3,285,845
                                                     ==========   ==========

See Notes to Financial Statements.

                                    - 42 -

                                     WISCONSIN ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY

                                         CAPITALIZATION STATEMENT

                                                December 31

                                                                                  1993           1992
                                                                                  ----           ----
                                                                                (Thousands of Dollars)
Common Stock Equity (See Common Stock Equity Statement)
  Common stock ($10 par value; authorized 65,000,000 shares;
    outstanding - 33,289,327 shares)                                         $  332,893     $  332,893
  Other paid in capital                                                         139,673        142,527
  Retained earnings                                                             927,120        818,679
                                                                             ----------     ----------
       Total Common Stock Equity                                              1,399,686      1,294,099

Preferred Stock - Cumulative
  Six Per Cent. Preferred Stock - $100 par value; authorized 45,000 shares;
    outstanding - 44,508 shares                                                   4,451          4,451
  Serial preferred stock - $100 par value; authorized 2,360,000 shares;
    outstanding -
    3.60% Series - 260,000 shares                                                26,000         26,000
                                                                             ----------     ----------
       Total Preferred Stock - Redemption Not Required (Note I)                  30,451         30,451

    6.75% Series - 52,500 shares and 679,000 shares                               5,250         67,900
                                                                             ----------     ----------
       Total Preferred Stock - Redemption Required (Note I)                       5,250         67,900

Long-Term Debt
  First mortgage bonds
    Series       Due
    ------       ---
    4-1/2%       1996                                                            30,000            -  
    5-7/8%       1996                                                               -           27,726
    5-7/8%       1997                                                           130,000        130,000
    5-1/8%       1998                                                            60,000            -  
    6.10 %       1999-2008                                                       25,000         25,000
    6.25 %       1999-2008                                                        1,000          1,000
    6-1/2%       1999                                                            40,000         40,000
    6-5/8%       1999                                                            51,000         51,000
    6.45 %       2004                                                            12,000         12,000
    7-1/4%       2004                                                           140,000        140,000
    6.45 %       2006                                                             4,000          4,000
    6.50 %       2007-2009                                                       10,000         10,000
    9-3/4%       2015                                                            46,350         46,350
    7-1/8%       2016                                                           100,000            - 
    8-1/2%       2016                                                               -          100,000
    6.85 %       2021                                                             9,000          9,000
    7-3/4%       2023                                                           100,000            -  
    9.85 %       2023                                                               -          100,000
    7.05 %       2024                                                            60,000            -  
    9-1/8%       2024                                                             3,443         60,000
    8-3/8%       2026                                                           100,000        100,000
    7.70 %       2027                                                           200,000        200,000
                                                                             ----------      ---------
                                                                              1,121,793      1,056,076
Note (unsecured)
  Variable rate due 2016                                                         67,000         67,000
Obligations under capital lease (Note B)                                         41,870         42,604
Unamortized discount - net                                                      (22,665)       (18,737)
Long-term debt due currently                                                    (19,254)       (19,633)
                                                                             ----------     ----------
       Total Long-Term Debt (Note J)                                          1,188,744      1,127,310
                                                                             ----------     ----------
       Total Capitalization                                                  $2,624,131     $2,519,760 
                                                                             ==========     ==========
See Notes to Financial Statements.

                                         - 43 -

                                     WISCONSIN ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY

                                      COMMON STOCK EQUITY STATEMENT

                                     Common Stock    Common Stock   Other Paid    Retained
                                        Shares      $10 Par Value   In Capital    Earnings       Total
                                     ------------   -------------   ----------    --------    -----------
                                                                   (Thousands of Dollars)
Balance - December 31, 1990            33,289,327      $332,893     $142,462      $704,969    $1,180,324

Net income                                                                         181,569       181,569

Cash dividends
  Common stock                                                                    (152,745)     (152,745)
  Preferred stock                                                                   (5,928)       (5,928)
                                      -----------      --------     --------      --------    ----------
Balance - December 31, 1991            33,289,327       332,893      142,462       727,865     1,203,220

Net income                                                                         161,742       161,742

Cash dividends
  Common stock                                                                     (65,000)      (65,000)
  Preferred stock                                                                   (5,928)       (5,928)

Other                                                                     65                          65
                                      -----------      --------     --------      --------    ----------
Balance - December 31, 1992            33,289,327       332,893      142,527       818,679     1,294,099

Net income                                                                         177,925       177,925 

Cash dividends
  Common stock                                                                     (65,000)      (65,000)
  Preferred stock                                                                   (4,729)       (4,729)

Purchase of Preferred Stock                                           (2,854)                     (2,854)
Other                                                                                  245           245 
                                      -----------      --------     --------      --------    ----------
Balance - December 31, 1993            33,289,327      $332,893     $139,673      $927,120    $1,399,686
                                      ===========      ========     ========      ========    ==========

See Notes to Financial Statements.

                                         - 44 -


                         NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

A - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
- ----------------------------------------------

- -------

The accounting records of the company are kept as prescribed by the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), modified for requirements of the Public
Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSCW).                                  

- --------

Utility revenues are recognized on the accrual basis and include estimated
amounts for service rendered but not billed.

- ----

The cost of fuel is expensed in the period consumed.  

- --------

Property is recorded at cost.  Additions to and significant replacements of
utility property are charged to utility plant at cost; minor items are charged
to maintenance expense.  Cost includes material, labor and allowance for funds
used during construction (see Note G).  The cost of depreciable utility
property, together with removal cost less salvage, is charged to accumulated
provision for depreciation when property is retired.

Deferred Regulatory Assets and Liabilities
- ------------------------------------------

Pursuant to Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 71, Accounting for
the Effects of Certain Types of Regulation, the company capitalizes as
deferred regulatory assets incurred costs which are expected to be recovered
in future utility rates.  The company also records as deferred regulatory
liabilities the current recovery in utility rates of costs which are expected
to be paid in the future.

The significant portion of the company's deferred regulatory assets and
liabilities relate to the amounts recorded due to the adoption of Statement of
Financial Accounting Standards No. 109, Accounting for Income Taxes (FAS 109). 
See Note F.

Statement of Cash Flows
- -----------------------

Cash and cash equivalents include marketable debt securities acquired three
months or less from maturity.

                                    - 45 -

Conservation Investments
- ------------------------

The company directs a variety of demand-side management programs to help
foster energy conservation by its customers.  As authorized by the PSCW, the
company has capitalized certain conservation program costs.  Utility rates
approved by the PSCW provide for a current return on these conservation
investments.  Conservation investments are amortized to operating expense over
a ten-year period.

B - Nuclear Operations
- ----------------------

The company has a nuclear fuel leasing arrangement with Wisconsin Electric
Fuel Trust (Trust), which is treated as a capital lease.  The nuclear fuel is
leased for a period of 60 months or until the removal of the fuel from the
reactor, if earlier.  Lease payments include charges for the cost of fuel
burned, financing costs and a management fee.  In the event the company or the
Trust terminates the lease, the Trust would recover its unamortized cost of
nuclear fuel from the company.  Under the lease terms, the company is in
effect the ultimate guarantor of the Trust's commercial paper and line of
credit borrowings financing the investment in nuclear fuel.

Provided below is a summary of nuclear fuel investment at December 31 and
interest expense on the nuclear fuel lease: 
                                                   1993      1992      1991
                                                 --------  --------  --------
                                                     (Thousands of Dollars) 
     Nuclear Fuel
       Under capital lease                       $ 91,201  $ 92,807  
       Accumulated provision for amortization     (54,207)  (54,786) 
       In process/stock                            15,671    15,779  
                                                  -------   -------  
           Total nuclear fuel                    $ 52,665  $ 53,800  

     Interest expense on nuclear fuel lease      $  1,697  $  2,098  $  3,174 

The future minimum lease payments under the capital lease and the present
value of the net minimum lease payments as of December 31, 1993 are as
                                     (Thousands of Dollars)

            1994                            $20,335      
            1995                             12,992      
            1996                              7,559     
            1997                              2,881     
            1998                                538   
Total Minimum Lease Payments                 44,305      
Less: Interest                               (2,435)    
Present Value of Net Minimum
Lease Payments                              $41,870  

                                    - 46 -

B - Nuclear Operations - (Cont'd)
- ---------------------------------

The estimated cost of disposal of spent fuel based on a contract with the U.S.
Department of Energy (DOE) is included in nuclear fuel expense.  The Energy
Policy Act of 1992 establishes a Uranium Enrichment Decontamination and
Decommissioning fund (fund) for the DOE's nuclear fuel enrichment facilities. 
Deposits to the fund will be derived in part from special assessments to
utilities.  The company has booked the remaining estimated liability of
$36,774,000, which will be assessed over fourteen years.  Assessments are
included in nuclear fuel expense and reflected in utility rates.

Nuclear plant decommissioning is accrued as depreciation expense based on an
external sinking fund method.  Total decommissioning is currently estimated at
$280 million in 1993 dollars and is subject to periodic review.

The Price-Anderson Act (Act) provides an aggregate limitation of $9.4 billion
on public liability claims arising out of a nuclear incident.  The company has
$200 million of liability insurance from commercial sources.  The Act also
establishes an industry-wide retrospective rating plan under which nuclear
reactor owners could be assessed up to $79 million per reactor (the company
owns two), but not more than $10 million in any one year for each reactor, in
the event of a nuclear incident.

An industry-wide insurance program, with an aggregate limit of $200 million,
has been established to cover radiation injury claims of nuclear workers first
employed after 1987.  If claims in excess of the available funds develop, the
company could be assessed a maximum of approximately $3.2 million per reactor.

The company has property damage, decontamination and decommissioning insurance
totaling $2.2 billion for loss from damage at the Point Beach Nuclear Plant
with Nuclear Mutual Limited (NML), Nuclear Electric Insurance Limited (NEIL), 
American Nuclear Insurers and Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters.
Under the NML and NEIL policies, the company has potential maximum
retrospective premium liability per loss of $7.0 million and $14.2 million,

The company also maintains additional insurance with NEIL covering extra
expenses of obtaining replacement power during a prolonged accidental outage
(in excess of 21 weeks) at the Point Beach Nuclear Plant.  This insurance
coverage provides weekly indemnities of $3.5 million per unit for outages
during the first year, declining to 67% of the amounts during the second and
third years.  Under the policy, the company's maximum retrospective premium
liability is approximately $8.9 million.

It should not be assumed that, in the event of a major nuclear incident, any
insurance or statutory limitation of liability would protect the company from 
material adverse impact.

C - Pension Plans 
- -----------------

Effective in 1993, the PSCW adopted Statement of Financial Accounting
Standards No. 87, Employers' Accounting for Pensions (FAS 87), for ratemaking. 
For 1992 and 1991, the PSCW recognized funded amounts for ratemaking and the
company charged the following amounts to expense as paid, $3,962,000 and
$3,739,000, respectively.

                                    - 47 -

C - Pension Plans - (Cont'd)
- ----------------------------

The company has several noncontributory pension plans covering all eligible
employees. Pension benefits are based on years of service and the employee's
compensation.  The majority of the plans' assets are equity securities; other
assets include corporate and government bonds, guaranteed investment contracts
and real estate.  The plans are funded to meet the requirements of the
Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974.  

In the opinion of the company, current pension trust assets and amounts which
are expected to be paid to the trusts in the future will be adequate to meet
future pension payment obligations to current and future retirees.   

Pension Cost calculated per FAS 87           1993         1992        1991
- ----------------------------------        ---------    ---------   ---------
                                                 (Thousands of Dollars)
Components of Net Periodic Pension Cost,
  Year Ended December 31 -
  Cost of pension benefits earned by
   employees                              $   9,185    $   8,290    $  7,523 
  Interest cost on projected benefit
   obligation                                31,650       28,874      27,394 
  Actual return on plan assets              (37,846)     (14,090)    (88,243)
  Net amortization and deferral               1,176      (30,216)     51,694 
                                          ---------    ---------    --------
Total pension cost (credit) calculated
 under FAS 87                             $   4,165    $  (7,142)   $ (1,632)
                                          =========    =========    ========
Actuarial Present Value of Accumulated
  Benefit Obligation, at December 31 -
  Vested benefits-employees' right to
   receive benefit no longer contingent
   upon continued employment              $ 343,265    $ 304,769
  Nonvested benefits-employees' right to  
   receive benefit contingent upon
   continued employment                       6,124        5,905
                                          ---------    ---------
Total obligation                          $ 349,389    $ 310,674
                                          =========    =========
Funded Status of Plans: Pension Assets and 
  Obligations at December 31 -
  Pension assets at fair market value     $ 483,391    $ 461,954
  Projected benefit obligation
   at present value                        (437,461)    (379,587)
  Unrecognized transition asset             (25,497)     (27,937)
  Unrecognized prior service cost               143       14,980 
  Unrecognized net gain                        (954)     (50,112)
                                          ---------    --------- 
Projected status of plans                 $  19,622    $  19,298 
                                          =========    ========= 

                                    - 48 -

C - Pension Plans - (Cont'd)
- ----------------------------

Rates used for calculations (%) -
  Discount Rate-interest rate used to
   adjust for the time value of money           7.5          8.0         8.0
  Assumed rate of increase
   in compensation levels                       5.0          5.0         5.0
  Expected long-term rate of return
   on pension assets                            9.0          9.0         9.0 

D - Benefits Other Than Pensions 
- --------------------------------

In January 1993, the company adopted prospectively Statement of Financial
Accounting Standards No. 106, Employers' Accounting for Postretirement
Benefits Other Than Pensions (FAS 106), and elected the 20 year option for
amortization of the previously unrecognized accumulated postretirement benefit
obligation.  The PSCW has issued an order recognizing FAS 106 for ratemaking;
therefore, adoption has no material impact on net income.  For years prior to
1993 the cost of these postretirement benefits was expensed when paid and was
$4,151,000 in 1992, and $4,365,000 in 1991. 
The company sponsors defined benefit postretirement plans that cover both
salaried and nonsalaried employees who retire at age 55 or older with at least
10 years of credited service.  The postretirement medical plan provides
coverage to retirees and their dependents.  Retirees contribute to the medical
plan.  The group life insurance benefit is based on employee compensation and
is reduced upon retirement.  

Employees' Benefit Trusts (Trusts) are used to fund a major portion of
postretirement benefits.  The funding policy for the Trusts is to maximize tax
deductibility.  The majority of the Trusts' assets are mutual funds.   

                                    - 49 -

D - Benefits Other Than Pensions - (Cont'd)
- -------------------------------------------
Postretirement Benefit Cost calculated per FAS 106      (Thousands of Dollars) 
- --------------------------------------------------

Components of Net Periodic Postretirement Benefit Cost,
  Year Ended December 31, 1993 - 
  Cost of postretirement benefits earned by employees     $   2,291            
  Interest cost on projected benefit obligation               8,404       
  Actual return on plan assets                               (2,096)  
  Net amortization and deferral                               4,161            
Total postretirement benefit cost calculated              $  12,760 
  under FAS 106                                           =========

Funded Status of Plans: Postretirement Obligations 
  and Assets at December 31 - 
  Accumulated Postretirement Benefit Obligation at
   December 31, 1993 - 
   Retirees                                               $ (57,061)           
   Fully eligible active plan participants                  (13,434)          
   Other active plan participants                           (43,485)           
  Total obligation                                         (113,980)           
  Postretirement assets at fair market value                 26,216
  Accumulated postretirement benefit obligation in 
   excess of plan assets                                    (87,764)   
  Unrecognized transition obligation                         77,943        
  Unrecognized net loss                                       4,981         
Accrued Postretirement Benefit Obligation                  $ (4,840)        

Rates used for calculations (%) -
         Discount Rate-interest rate used to adjust
          for the time value of money                       7.5
         Assumed rate of increase in compensation levels    5.0
         Expected long-term rate of return on
          postretirement assets                             9.0
         Health care cost trend rate                       14.0 declining to   
                                                            5.0 in 2002

Changes in health care cost trend rates will affect the amounts reported.  For
example, a 1% increase in rates would increase the accumulated postretirement
benefit obligation as of December 31, 1993 by $7,900,000 and the aggregate of
the service and interest cost components of net periodic postretirement
benefit cost for the year then ended by $900,000.

                                    - 50 -

D - Benefits Other Than Pensions - (Cont'd)
- -------------------------------------------

Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 112, Employers' Accounting for
Postemployment Benefits (FAS 112), was issued in 1992.  This statement
establishes standards of financial accounting and reporting for the estimated
cost of benefits provided by an employer to former or inactive employees after
employment but before retirement.  The company adopted FAS 112 prospectively
for 1994.  It is anticipated that adoption will not have a material effect on
net income.

The company has announced a Voluntary Severance Package (VSP) and Early
Retirement Incentive Program (ERIP) effective January 1994 and March 1994,
respectively to eligible employees.  The availability of these plans to
various bargaining units is based upon agreements made between the company and
the unions.  These plans are available to most management employees but not
elected officers. 

The VSP includes a severance payment, medical/dental insurance, outplacement
services, personal financial planning and tuition support.  ERIP provides for
a monthly income supplement, medical benefits, and personal financial
planning.  It is estimated that 11-23% of total employees will elect one of
these plans.  The estimated cost associated with these plans is $27,000,000 -

E - Depreciation
- -----------------

Depreciation expense is accrued at straight line rates, certified by the PSCW,
which include estimates for salvage and removal costs.

Depreciation as a percent of average depreciable utility plant was 3.9% in
1993, 4.1% in 1992, and 4.0% in 1991.

Nuclear plant decommissioning is accrued as depreciation expense (see Note B).

                                    - 51 -

F - Income Taxes
- ----------------

Comprehensive interperiod income tax allocation is used for federal and state
temporary differences.  The federal investment tax credit is accounted for on
the deferred basis and is reflected in income ratably over the life of the
related property.

Following is a summary of income tax expense and a reconciliation of total
income tax expense with the tax expected at the federal statutory rate.

                               1993           1992           1991
                             --------       --------       --------
                                     (Thousands of Dollars)

Current tax expense          $ 84,655       $ 77,775       $ 92,878
Investment tax credit-net      (4,123)        (3,960)        (4,381)
Deferred tax expense           12,034         10,083          6,148
                             --------       --------       --------
Total tax expense            $ 92,566       $ 83,898       $ 94,645
                             ========       ========       ========
Income before income
  taxes                      $270,491       $245,640       $276,214
                             ========       ========       ========
Expected tax at federal
  statutory rate             $ 94,672       $ 83,518       $ 93,913
State income tax net of
  federal tax reduction        10,808         12,242         13,820
Investment tax credit
  restored                     (4,738)        (4,071)        (4,394)
Other (no item over
  5% of expected tax)          (8,176)        (7,791)        (8,694)
                             --------       --------       --------
Total tax expense            $ 92,566       $ 83,898       $ 94,645
                             ========       ========       ========

FAS 109 requires the recording of deferred assets and liabilities to recognize
the expected future tax consequences of events that have been reflected in the
company's financial statements or tax returns, the adjustment of deferred tax
balances to reflect tax rate changes and the recognition of previously
unrecorded deferred taxes.  The company adopted FAS 109 prospectively in 1993. 
Following is a summary of deferred income taxes as of December 31, 1993, after
FAS 109 adoption, and December 31, 1992, prior to adoption.

                                    - 52 -

F - Income Taxes - (Cont'd)
- ---------------------------

                                               1993                 1992
                                             --------             --------
                                                 (Thousands of Dollars)
  Deferred Income Tax Assets
    Decommissioning trust                    $ 44,888             $ 48,740 
    Construction advances                      30,777                9,371
    Accrued vacation                            6,692                  -
    Other                                      15,431                3,285
                                             --------             --------
      Total Deferred Income Tax Assets       $ 97,788             $ 61,396
                                             ========             ========

  Deferred Income Tax Liabilities
    Plant related                            $383,796             $371,411
    Conservation investments                   51,882               43,665
    Other                                       9,039                  -
                                             --------             --------
      Total Deferred Income Tax Liabilities  $444,717             $415,076
                                             ========             ========

The company also has recorded deferred regulatory assets and liabilities of
$155,881,000 and $167,403,000, respectively, as of December 31, 1993, which
represent the future expected impact of deferred taxes on utility revenues. 
Adoption of FAS 109 had no material effect on net income.

G - Allowance for Funds Used During Construction (AFUDC)
- --------------------------------------------------------

AFUDC is included in utility plant accounts and represents the cost of
borrowed funds used during plant construction and a return on stockholders'
capital used for construction purposes.  On the income statement the cost of
borrowed funds (before income taxes) is a reduction of interest expense and
the return on stockholders' capital is an item of noncash other income.

Utility rates approved by the PSCW provide for a current return on investment
for selected long-term projects included in construction work in progress
(CWIP).  AFUDC was capitalized on the remaining CWIP at a rate of 10.83% in
1993, 11.10% in 1992, and 11.16% in 1991, as approved by the PSCW.

H - Transactions with Associated Companies
- ------------------------------------------

Managerial, financial, accounting, legal, data processing and other services
may be rendered between associated companies and are billed in accordance with
service agreements approved by the PSCW.  The company also buys gas from
Wisconsin Natural (WN), another subsidiary of Wisconsin Energy Corporation,
for electric generation at rates approved by the PSCW. 

                                    - 53 - 

I - Preferred Stock
- -------------------

Serial Preferred Stock authorized but unissued is cumulative, $25 par value,

In the event of default in the payment of preferred dividends or in the
mandatory redemption requirements, no dividends or other distributions may be
paid on the company's common stock.

Redemption Not Required -

The 3.60% Series Preferred Stock is redeemable in whole or in part at the
option of the company at $101 per share plus any accrued dividends.

Redemption Required -

In 1993 the company called for redemption 626,500 shares of its 6.75% Series
Preferred Stock at a purchase price of $104.05 per share plus accrued
dividends to the redemption date.  In 1992 the company purchased 21,000 shares
on the open market.  The 6.75% Series Preferred Stock has a redemption
requirement of 21,000 shares at par value annually on each June 1 with a
noncumulative option to redeem up to 31,500 additional shares annually.  

J - Long-Term Debt
- ------------------

The maturities through 1998 for the aggregate amount of long-term debt
outstanding (excluding obligations under capital lease, see Note B) at
December 31, 1993 are shown below.  

                 1994      $     -
                 1995            -
                 1996        30,000,000
                 1997       130,000,000
                 1998        60,000,000 

There are no sinking fund requirements for the years 1994 through 1998. 
Substantially all utility plant is subject to the applicable mortgage.  

Long-term debt premium or discount and expense of issuance are amortized by
the straight line method over the lives of the debt issues and included as
interest expense.  Unamortized amounts pertaining to reacquired debt are
written off currently, when acquired for sinking fund purposes, or amortized
in accordance with PSCW orders, when acquired for early retirement.  

                                    - 54 -

K - Notes Payable
- -----------------

Short-term notes payable consist of:

                               December 31
                            1993         1992
                          --------     --------
                          (Thousands of Dollars)

     Banks                $ 50,000     $   -
     Commercial paper       67,903       73,724
                          --------     --------
                          $117,903     $ 73,724
                          ========     ========

Unused lines of credit for short-term borrowing amounted to $101,600,000 at
December 31, 1993.  In support of various informal lines of credit from banks,
the company has agreed to maintain unrestricted compensating balances or to
pay commitment fees; neither the compensating balances nor the commitment fees
are significant.  

L - Fair Value of Financial Instruments
- ---------------------------------------

Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 107, Disclosures about Fair
Value of Financial Instruments (FAS 107), requires, if practicable, disclosure
of the fair value of financial instruments, both assets and liabilities
recognized and not recognized in the balance sheet.  The fair values provided
below represent the amounts at which the financial instruments could have been
exchanged between willing parties on December 31.

Fair value is estimated based upon the market value of the financial
instrument or upon instruments with similar characteristics.  For most
financial instruments held by the company, book value approximates fair value. 
The value of financial instruments recognized on the balance sheet, for which
book value does not approximate fair value, is as follows:

                                                  December 31
                                           1993                 1992
                                     Book       Fair        Book       Fair
                                     Value      Value       Value      Value
                                   --------   --------    --------   --------
                                             (Thousands of dollars)

     Nuclear Decommissioning
       Trust Fund                  $214,421   $231,991    $203,050   $213,049

     First Mortgage Bonds         1,121,793  1,169,432   1,056,076  1,066,491

In 1993, the FASB issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 115
(FAS 115), Accounting for Certain Investments in Debt and Equity Securities. 
This standard addresses the accounting and reporting for investments in equity
securities that have readily determinable fair values and for all investments
in debt securities.  The company adopted FAS 115 prospectively in 1994.  It is
anticipated that adoption will not have a material effect on net income.

                                    - 55 -

M - Information by Segments of Business
- ---------------------------------------

Year ended December 31                        1993        1992        1991
- ----------------------                        ----        ----        ----
                                                (Thousands of Dollars)

Electric Operations
  Operating revenues                      $1,347,844  $1,298,723  $1,292,809
  Operating income before income taxes       329,727     299,902     323,075
  Depreciation                               149,646     147,859     132,912
  Construction expenditures                  305,467     292,031     212,408

Steam Operations
  Operating revenues                          14,090      13,093      12,986
  Operating income before income taxes         3,147       2,235       2,479
  Depreciation                                 1,185       1,108       1,085
  Construction expenditures                    4,940       1,530       2,803

  Operating revenues                       1,361,934   1,311,816   1,305,795
  Operating income before income taxes       332,874     302,137     325,554
  Depreciation                               150,831     148,967     133,997
  Construction expenditures                  
    (including nonutility)                   310,513     293,589     215,446

At December 31
- --------------
Net Identifiable Assets
  Electric                                $3,665,536  $3,262,031  $3,028,283
  Steam                                       25,119      20,972      20,963
  Nonutility                                   2,901       2,842       2,887
                                          ----------  ----------  ----------
Total Assets                              $3,693,556  $3,285,845  $3,052,133
                                          ==========  ==========  ==========

N - Commitments and Contingencies
- ---------------------------------

Plans for the construction and financing of future additions to utility plant
can be found elsewhere in this report in "Management's Discussion and Analysis
of Financial Condition and Results of Operations" in Item 7.

O - Subsequent Event
- --------------------

In January 1994, Wisconsin Energy Corporation, the parent company of Wisconsin
Electric, announced plans to merge its wholly-owned natural gas utility
subsidiary, Wisconsin Natural Gas Company, into Wisconsin Electric.  The
merger, subject to requisite regulatory and other approvals, is anticipated to
be effective by year-end 1994.

                                    - 56 -


To the Board of Directors and
  the Stockholders of Wisconsin Electric Power Company

In our opinion, the financial statements listed under Item 14(a)(1) and (2) on
pages 58 and 59 present fairly, in all material respects, the financial
position of Wisconsin Electric Power Company at December 31, 1993 and 1992,
and the results of its operations and its cash flows for each of the three
years in the period ended December 31, 1993, in conformity with generally
accepted accounting principles.  These financial statements are the
responsibility of the Company's management; our responsibility is to express
an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits.  We conducted
our audits of these financial statements in accordance with generally accepted
auditing standards which require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of
material misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence
supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing
the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management,
and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.  We believe that
our audits provide a reasonable basis for the opinion expressed above.  As
discussed in the Notes to Financial Statements, the Company changed its method
of accounting for income taxes and postretirement benefits effective 
January 1, 1993.  We concur with these changes in accounting.

/s/Price Waterhouse
- -------------------

Milwaukee, Wisconsin
January 26, 1994

                                    - 57 -



                                   PART III


In accordance with General Instruction G(3) of Form 10-K, the information
under "Information Concerning Nominees for Directors" in Wisconsin Electric's
definitive Information Statement to be dated April 15, 1994 is incorporated
herein by reference.  Also see "Executive Officers of the Registrant" in Part
I of this report.


In accordance with General Instruction G(3) of Form 10-K, the information
under "Compensation" in Wisconsin Electric's definitive Information Statement
to be dated April 15, 1994 is incorporated herein by reference (except for the
information under "Compensation Committee Report on Executive Compensation


All of Wisconsin Electric's Common Stock (100% of such class) is owned by the
parent company, Wisconsin Energy Corporation, 231 West Michigan Street, P.O.
Box 2949, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201.  The directors, director nominees and
executive officers of Wisconsin Electric do not own any of the voting
securities of Wisconsin Electric.  In accordance with General Instruction G(3)
of Form 10-K, the information concerning their beneficial ownership of
Wisconsin Energy stock set forth under "Stock Ownership of Directors, Nominees
and Executive Officers" in Wisconsin Electric's definitive Information
Statement to be dated April 15, 1994 is incorporated herein by reference.



                                    PART IV


          (a) 1. Financial Statements and Report of Independent Accountants

                 Included in Part II of this report:

                   Income Statement for the three years ended December 31,

                   Statement of Cash Flows for the three years ended
                     December 31, 1993

                                    - 58 -

                   Balance Sheet at December 31, 1993 and 1992

                   Capitalization Statement at December 31, 1993 and 1992

                   Common Stock Equity Statement for the three years ended
                     December 31, 1993

                   Notes to Financial Statements

                   Report of Independent Accountants

              2. Financial Statement Schedules

                 Included in Part IV of this report:

                   For the three years ended December 31, 1993

                     Schedule V       Property, Plant and Equipment

                     Schedule VI      Accumulated Depreciation, Depletion, and
                                      Amortization of Property, Plant and

                     Schedule IX      Short-Term Borrowings

                     Schedule X       Supplementary Income Statement

                   As of December 31, 1993

                     Schedule VII     Guarantees of Securities of Other

         Other schedules are omitted because of the absence of conditions
         under which they are required or because the required information
         is given in the financial statements or notes thereto.

               3. Exhibits

                  The following Exhibits are filed with this report:
                  Exhibit No.

                 (23)     Consent of Independent Accountants, dated 
                          March 30, 1994 appearing on page 68 of this Annual
                          Report on Form 10-K for the year ended 
                          December 31, 1993.

                                    - 59 -

In addition to the Exhibits shown above, which are filed herewith, Wisconsin
Electric hereby incorporates the following Exhibits pursuant to Exchange Act
Rule 12b-32 and Regulation Section 201.24 by reference to the filings set
forth below:

                   (3)-1  Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation
                          of Wisconsin Electric Power Company dated
                          March 23, 1987.  (Exhibit (3)-2 to Wisconsin
                          Electric's 1987 Form 10-K in File No. 1-1245)

                       2  Bylaws of Wisconsin Electric Power Company, as
                          amended to November 25, 1992.  (Exhibit (3)-1
                          to Wisconsin Electric's 1992 Form 10-K in File
                          No. 1-1245)

                   (4)-1  Reference is made to Article III of the Amended
                          and Restated Articles of Incorporation of
                          Wisconsin Electric dated March 23, 1987
                          (Exhibit (3)-1 herein). 

Mortgage or Supplemental
Indenture                Company     Date      Exhibit #   Under File No.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(4)- 2  Mortgage and    Wisconsin   10/28/38      B-1         2-4340
        Deed of Trust   Electric
     3  Second             WE       6/1/46        7-C         2-6422
     4  Third              WE       3/1/49        7-C         2-8456
     5  Fourth             WE       6/1/50        7-D         2-8456
     6  Fifth              WE       5/1/52        4-G         2-9588
     7  Sixth              WE       5/1/54        4-H         2-10846
     8  Seventh            WE       4/15/56       4-I         2-12400
     9  Eighth             WE       4/1/58        2-I         2-13937
    10  Ninth              WE       11/15/60      2-J         2-17087
    11  Tenth              WE       11/1/66       2-K         2-25593
    12  Eleventh           WE       11/15/67      2-L         2-27504
    13  Twelfth            WE       5/15/68       2-M         2-28799
    14  Thirteenth         WE       5/15/69       2-N         2-32629
    15  Fourteenth         WE       11/1/69       2-0         2-34942
    16  Fifteenth          WE       7/15/76       2-P         2-54211
    17  Sixteenth          WE       1/1/78        2-Q         2-61220
    18  Seventeenth        WE       5/1/78        2-R         2-61220
    19  Eighteenth         WE       5/15/78       2-S         2-61220
    20  Nineteenth         WE       8/1/79      (a)2(a)       1-1245 (9/30/79
                                                                Form 10-Q)
    21  Twentieth          WE       11/15/79    (a)2(a)       1-1245 (12/31/79
                                                                Form 10-K)
    22  Twenty-First       WE       4/15/80     (4)-21        2-69488
    23  Twenty-Second      WE       12/1/80     (4)-1         1-1245 (12/31/80
                                                                Form 10-K)
    24  Twenty-Third       WE       9/15/85     (4)-1         1-1245 (9/30/85
                                                                Form 10-Q)
    25  Twenty-Four        WE       9/15/85     (4)-2         1-1245 (9/30/85
                                                                Form 10-Q)
    26  Twenty-Fifth       WE      12/15/86     (4)-25        1-1245 (12/31/86
                                                                Form 10-K)
    27  Twenty-Sixth       WE       1/15/88        4          1-1245 (1/26/88
                                                                Form 8-K)

                                    - 60 -

Mortgage or Supplemental
Indenture                Company     Date      Exhibit #   Under File No.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    28  Twenty-Seventh     WE       4/15/88        4          1-1245 (3/31/88
                                                                Form 10-Q)
    29  Twenty-Eighth      WE        9/1/89        4          1-1245 (9/30/89
                                                                Form 10-Q)
    30  Twenty-Ninth       WE       10/1/91     (4)-1         1-1245 (12/31/91
                                                                Form 10-K)
    31  Thirtieth          WE       12/1/91     (4)-2         1-1245 (12/31/91
                                                                Form 10-K)
    32  Thirty-First       WE        8/1/92     (4)-1         1-1245 (6/30/92
                                                                Form 10-Q)
    33  Thirty-Second      WE        8/1/92     (4)-2         1-1245 (6/30/92
                                                                Form 10-Q)
    34  Thirty-Third       WE       10/1/92     (4)-1         1-1245 (9/30/92
                                                                Form 10-Q)
    35  Thirty-Fourth      WE       11/1/92     (4)-2         1-1245 (9/30/92
                                                                Form 10-Q)
    36  Thirty-Fifth       WE      12/15/92     (4)-1         1-1245 (12/31/92
                                                                Form 10-K)
    37  Thirty-Sixth       WE       1/15/93     (4)-2         1-1245 (12/31/92
                                                                Form 10-K)
    38  Thirty-Seventh     WE       3/15/93     (4)-3         1-1245 (12/31/92
                                                                Form 10-K)
    39  Thirty-Eighth      WE       8/01/93     (4)-1         1-1245 (6/30/93
                                                                Form 10-Q)
    40  Thirty-Ninth       WE       9/15/93     (4)-1         1-1245 (9/30/93
                                                                Form 10-Q)

        All agreements and instruments with respect to long-term debt not
        exceeding 10 percent of the total assets of the Registrant have been
        omitted as permitted by related instructions.  The Registrant agrees
        pursuant to Item 601(b)(4) of Regulation S-K to furnish to the
        Securities and Exchange Commission, upon request, a copy of all such
        agreements and instruments.

(10)-1  Purchase and Sale Agreement by and among The Cleveland-Cliffs Iron
        Company, Cliffs Electric Service Company, Upper Peninsula Generating
        Company, Upper Peninsula Power Company and Wisconsin Electric Power
        Company, dated as of December 8, 1987.  (Exhibit 10 to Wisconsin
        Electric's Form 8-K dated December 18, 1987 in File No. 1-1245)

     2  Supplemental Benefits Agreement between Wisconsin Energy Corporation
        and employee Richard A. Abdoo dated December 14, 1990.  (Exhibit 
        (10)-2 to Wisconsin Energy's 1990 Form 10-K in File No. 1-9057) *

     3  Supplemental Benefits Agreement between Wisconsin Electric and
        employee John W. Boston dated December 14, 1990.  (Exhibit (10)-1
        to Wisconsin Electric's 1990 Form 10-K in File No. 1-1245) *

     4  Supplemental Benefits Agreement between Wisconsin Electric and
        employee Robert H. Gorske dated December 14, 1990.  (Exhibit (10)-3
        to Wisconsin Energy's 1990 Form 10-K in File No. 1-9057) *

     5  Director's Deferred Compensation Plan of Wisconsin Electric Power
        Company, effective January 1, 1987.  (Exhibit (10)-(b) to Wisconsin
        Electric's Form 8-K dated January 2, 1987 in File No. 1-1245) *

                                    - 61 -

     6  Service Agreement dated January 1, 1987 between Wisconsin Electric
        Power Company, Wisconsin Energy Corporation and other non-utility
        affiliated companies (Exhibit (10)-(a) to Wisconsin Electric's Form 
        8-K dated January 2, 1987 in File No. 1-1245)

     *  Management contracts and executive compensation plans or arrangements
        required to be filed as exhibits pursuant to Item 14(c) of Form 10-K.
        Certain compensatory plans in which directors or executive officers of
        the Registrant are eligible to participate are not filed in reliance
        on the exclusion in Item 601(b)(10)(iii)(B)(6) of Regulation S-K. 

(b)  Reports on Form 8-K

No reports on Form 8-K were filed during the fourth quarter of the year ended
December 31, 1993.

However, a report on Form 8-K dated January 24, 1994 was filed by Wisconsin
Electric reporting the announced plan to merge Wisconsin Energy's wholly-owned
natural gas utility subsidiary, Wisconsin Natural into Wisconsin Electric,
anticipated to be effective by year-end 1994.

                                    - 62 -

                                 WISCONSIN ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY

                        SCHEDULE V - PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT (Note A)
                                            DECEMBER 31

             Col. A                                      Col. F
         --------------                  --------------------------------------------------
         Classification                         1993               1992              1991
                                                      (Thousands of Dollars)
     Electric Utility Plant
        Production Plant                    $2,017,504         $1,913,763        $1,840,616
        Transmission Plant                     305,118            299,972           251,032
        Distribution Plant                   1,467,969          1,344,764         1,266,146
        General Plant                          282,902            257,191           235,685
        Property Held for Future Use             6,301              5,800             5,220
        Work in Progress                       208,826            180,413           127,929
                                            ----------         ----------        ---------- 
           Total Electric Utility Plant      4,288,620          4,001,903         3,726,628

     Steam Utility Plant
        Production Plant                           585                585               585
        Distribution Plant                      38,019             32,130            30,952
        General Plant                              509                462               438
        Work in Progress                             8              1,038               936
                                            ----------         ----------        ---------- 
           Total Steam Utility Plant            39,121             34,215            32,911

     Nuclear Fuel                              106,872            108,586           112,716
                                            ----------         ----------        ---------- 
           Total Utility Plant               4,434,613          4,144,704         3,872,255 

     Nonutility Property                         3,891              3,491             3,560
                                            ----------         ----------        ---------- 
           Total Property and Plant         $4,438,504         $4,148,195        $3,875,815
                                            ==========         ==========        ========== 

Note A - Neither total additions nor total retirements in 1993, 1992 or 1991 amounted to
         more than 10% of the total property balances at December 31 of the respective
         year.  All additions were for ordinary extensions and improvements of the system.
         Total additions, including Allowance for Funds Used During Construction of
         $13,188,000 in 1993, $10,589,000 in 1992, and $10,787,000 in 1991, and retirements
         are shown below.  

                                      1993         1992         1991
                                      ----         ----         ----
                                           (Thousands of Dollars)

              Total Additions       $344,193     $322,224     $245,420
              Total Retirements       53,884       49,844       78,023

Depreciation and Amortization -

Depreciation expense is accrued at straight line rates certified by the PSCW.  Nuclear
plant decommissioning is accrued as depreciation expense.  Average depreciation rates
were 3.9% in 1993, 4.1% in 1992, and 4.0% in 1991 for electric plant and 3.4% in 1993,
3.4% in 1992, and 3.6% in 1991 for steam utility plant.  Amortization of nuclear fuel
is accrued based on fuel consumed. 

                                         - 63 -

                                 WISCONSIN ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY


       Col. A                    Col. B     Col. C      Col. D        Col. E       Col. F
                                           Additions                  Other
                               Balance at  Charged to                Changes-    Balance at
                               Beginning   Costs and                   Add         End of
     Description               of Period    Expenses  Retirements    (Deduct)      Period
                                                       (Note A)
                               ----------  ---------- -----------    --------    ----------
                                                 (Thousands of Dollars)
Year Ended December 31, 1993:
- -----------------------------
   Accumulated Depreciation
      Electric Utility        $1,653,090    $155,225     $38,891    $(1,202)      $1,768,222
      Steam Utility               15,174       1,148         367        (67)          15,888
                              ----------    --------     -------     -------      ----------
        Total Utility          1,668,264     156,373      39,258     (1,269)       1,784,110
      Nonutility Property            648          27          46        361              990
                              ----------    --------     -------     -------      ----------
         Total                 1,668,912     156,400      39,304       (908)       1,785,100

  Accumulated Amortization
      Electric Utility -
      Nuclear Fuel                54,786      21,610      22,189          -           54,207
                              ----------    --------     -------     -------      ----------
         Total                $1,723,698    $178,010     $61,493    $  (908)      $1,839,307
                              ==========    ========     =======     =======      ==========

Year Ended December 31, 1992:
- -----------------------------
   Accumulated Depreciation
      Electric Utility        $1,534,539    $153,307     $33,987    $  (769)      $1,653,090   
      Steam Utility               14,236       1,094          88        (68)          15,174
                              ----------    --------     -------     -------      ----------
        Total Utility          1,548,775     154,401      34,075       (837)       1,668,264
      Nonutility Property            673          24          49          -              648
                              ----------    --------     -------     ------       ----------
           Total               1,549,448     154,425      34,124       (837)       1,668,912

   Accumulated Amortization
      Electric Utility
      Nuclear Fuel                55,817      21,144      22,175          -           54,786
                              ----------    --------     -------     ------       ----------
           Total              $1,605,265    $175,569     $56,299    $  (837)      $1,723,698
                              ==========    ========     =======     ======       ==========

Year Ended December 31, 1991:
- -----------------------------
   Accumulated Depreciation
      Electric Utility        $1,446,713    $141,726     $52,108    $(1,766)       
                                                                        (26)(B)   $1,534,539
      Steam Utility               13,486       1,052         309          9           
                                                                         (2)(B)       14,236 
                              ----------    --------     -------     ------       ----------
        Total Utility          1,460,199     142,778      52,417     (1,785)       1,548,775 
      Nonutility Property          1,318          37         710         28 (B)          673
                              ----------    --------     -------     ------       ----------
           Total               1,461,517     142,815      53,127     (1,757)       1,549,448

   Accumulated Amortization
      Electric Utility
      Nuclear Fuel                60,630      22,541      27,354          -           55,817
                              ----------    --------     -------     ------       ----------
           Total              $1,522,147    $165,356     $80,481    $(1,757)      $1,605,265
                              ==========    ========     =======     ======       ==========

Notes:   A - After deduction of net salvage from property retired.
         B - Includes transfers between electric utility, steam utility and
             nonutility property.

                                         - 64 -


                                DECEMBER 31, 1993

     Column A                Column B            Column C          Column D
     --------                --------            --------          --------
                                                                 Amount Owned
                                                                 By Person or
  Name of Issuer of       Title of Issue       Total Amount      Persons for
Securities Guaranteed    of Each Class of       Guaranteed           Which
 By Person for Which        Securities              and          Statement is
 Statement is Filed         Guaranteed          Outstanding          Filed
- ---------------------    ----------------      -------------     -------------

Wisconsin Electric          Commercial         $42,225,000(a)(b)     ---
   Fuel Trust                 Paper

 Column E                    Column F                    Column G
 --------                    --------                    --------
                                                   Name of any Default
 Amount in                                       By Issuer of Securities
Treasury of                                      Guaranteed in Principal,
 Issuer of                                        Interest, Sinking Fund
Securities                  Nature of            or Redemption Provisions,
Guaranteed                  Guarantee            or Payments of Dividends
- ----------                  ---------            -------------------------

  ---                      Principal,                       ---
                          interest and
                           costs (c)

(a)  The Wisconsin Electric Fuel Trust owns nuclear fuel financed by the sale
     of commercial paper.  The nuclear fuel is leased to Wisconsin Electric.
     The commercial paper is backed by a revolving line of bank credit.
(b)  A maximum of $75,000,000 of obligations may be incurred.
(c)  Principal, interest and other financing costs of borrowings are
     guaranteed through rent payments by Wisconsin Electric under a nuclear
     fuel lease agreement and are further guaranteed by a group of banks which
     will loan money if needed if payments by Wisconsin Electric are not
     sufficient.  The line of revolving bank credit would be generally
     available to finance the trust's ownership for a period of three years if
     the trust were unable to sell its commercial paper.  Wisconsin Electric
     is in effect the ultimate guarantor of the commercial paper and the
     revolving line of bank credit.

                                    - 65 -

                                       WISCONSIN ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY
                                     SCHEDULE IX - SHORT-TERM BORROWINGS

Col. A                        Col. B         Col. C         Col. D             Col. E            Col. F
                                                           Maximum             Average          Weighted
                                            Weighted        Amount              Amount           Average
                            Balance at       Average      Outstanding        Outstanding        Interest
Category of Aggregate         End of        Interest      During the         During the        Rate During
Short-Term Borrowings         Period          Rate          Period             Period          the Period
                             (Note A)                                         (Note B)          (Note C)
- ---------------------      -----------      --------      ------------       -----------       -----------
                                              (Thousands of Dollars)
Year 1993
- ---------
Notes payable to banks      $ 50,000          3.28%        $ 50,000           $18,286             3.16%
Commercial paper              67,903          3.34%          67,903            35,656             4.44%

Year 1992
- ---------
Notes payable to banks           -              -          $ 25,000           $ 6,219             3.27%
Commercial Paper            $ 73,724          4.00%        $ 81,107           $50,006             4.20%

Year 1991
- ---------
Commercial Paper            $ 38,904          4.56%        $ 85,768           $70,645             6.12%

Note A - Commercial paper outstanding at December 31, 1993 is due within one month.
Note B - Based on daily amounts outstanding.
Note C - The weighted average interest rate was derived by relating short-term interest expense to
         average short-term loans outstanding.

                                         - 66 -



               Col. A                               Col. B       
                                         Charged to Costs and Expenses
            Item                        1993         1992         1991
            ----                        ----         ----         ----
                                            (Thousands of Dollars)
Taxes other than payroll and
     income taxes

     Wisconsin license fee tax        $38,412        $38,269      $35,702

     Other                             15,062         14,101        6,633
                                      -------        -------      -------
                 Total                $53,474        $52,370      $42,335
                                      =======        =======      =======

Note A - Maintenance expense and depreciation are shown on the Income
         Statement.  No royalties were paid and advertising costs did
         not exceed 1% of revenues.

                                    - 67 -


We hereby consent to the incorporation by reference in the Registration
Statements and Prospectuses constituting part of the Registration Statements
on Form S-3 (Nos. 33-49199 and 33-51749) of Wisconsin Electric Power Company
of our report dated January 26, 1994 appearing on page 57 of this Form 10-K.

/s/ Price Waterhouse
- --------------------

Milwaukee, Wisconsin
March 30, 1994

                                    - 68 -


     Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed
on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                         WISCONSIN ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY

                                        /s/R. A. Abdoo
                                    By -------------------------------------
Date     March 30, 1994                 (R. A. Abdoo, Chairman of the Board    
                                            and Chief Executive Officer)

     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 
this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the
Registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

    Signature and Title                                         Date

   /s/R. A. Abdoo
- ---------------------------------------------------         March 30, 1994
   (R. A. Abdoo, Chairman of the Board and
    Chief Executive Officer and Director
    - Principal Executive Officer)

   /s/J. W. Boston
- ---------------------------------------------------         March 30, 1994
   (J. W. Boston, President and Chief Operating
    Officer and Director)

   /s/J. G. Remmel
- ---------------------------------------------------         March 30, 1994
   (J. G. Remmel, Chief Financial Officer and
    Director - Principal Financial Officer)

   /s/A. K. Klisurich
- ---------------------------------------------------         March 30, 1994
   (A. K. Klisurich, Controller
    - Principal Accounting Officer)

   /s/D. K. Porter
- ---------------------------------------------------         March 30, 1994
   (D. K. Porter, Senior Vice President
    and Director)

                                    - 69 -

    Signature and Title                                         Date

   /s/R. H. Gorske
- ----------------------------------------------------        March 30, 1994
   (R. H. Gorske, Vice President and
    General Counsel and Director)

- ---------------------------------------------------         
   (J. F. Bergstrom, Director)

   /s/R. A. Cornog
- ----------------------------------------------------        March 30, 1994
   (R. A. Cornog, Director - designate)

   /s/G. B. Johnson
- ----------------------------------------------------        March 30, 1994
   (G. B. Johnson, Director)

   /s/J. L. Murray
- ----------------------------------------------------        March 30, 1994
   (J. L. Murray, Director)

   /s/M. W. Reid
- ----------------------------------------------------        March 30, 1994
   (M. W. Reid, Director)

   /s/F. P. Stratton, Jr.
- ----------------------------------------------------        March 30, 1994
   (F. P. Stratton, Jr., Director)

   /s/J. G. Udell
- ----------------------------------------------------        March 30, 1994
   (J. G. Udell, Director)

                                    - 70 -

                       Wisconsin Electric Power Company

                                 EXHIBIT INDEX

                        1993 Annual Report on Form 10-K

- -------

(23)     Consent of Independent Accountants, dated March 30, 1994 appearing
         on page 68 of this Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended
         December 31, 1993.

The foregoing Exhibit is filed with this report.  The additional Exhibits
which are incorporated by reference are listed in Item 14(a)(3) of this

                                    - 71 -