Exhibit (10)-1


           As Amended and Restated as of June 2, 1999


This Plan (the "Wisconsin Energy Corporation Supplemental
Executive Retirement Plan"), succeeds to and constitutes an
amendment and restatement of the Wisconsin Energy Corporation
Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan, effective January 1,
1996; such amendment and restatement is effective as of June 2,
1999.  All the provisions of this amended and restated Plan shall
apply to all active employee Participants.  Retired Participants
will continue to receive the benefits under the provisions
applicable at the time of their retirement.  Capitalized terms
used in the Plan which are not defined in the text are defined in
Appendix A.

I)    Purpose and Objective

      This Plan is intended to be a "top hat plan" under the
      provisions of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act
      of 1974, as amended.

      The objective of this Plan is to also provide an incentive
      to attract and retain key employees in the service of
      Wisconsin Energy Corporation (the "Company") and/or its
      subsidiaries by providing them with supplemental
      retirement benefits which are payable, except for the
      change in control provisions in this Plan, only if they
      remain in the service of Company and/or its subsidiaries
      until they die or retire or become disabled.

II)   Participation

      1)   Definition of a "Participant"

           The term "Participant" as used in this Plan refers to
           any key employee of the Company and/or its
           subsidiaries who is designated for participation in
           the Plan by the Chief Executive Officer of the
           Company, the Company's Board of Directors (the
           "Board") or the Compensation Committee of the Board
           (the "Committee") and who has not been removed from
           the Plan pursuant to Paragraph (2) below.  An
           employee can be designated as a "Participant" for
           Benefit A, for Benefit B, the Disability Benefit or
           any combination of these benefits described by this

      2)   Removal of a Participant

           A Participant may be removed from the Plan at any
           time by the Chief Executive Officer of the Company,
           the Board or the Committee, provided no such removal
           may eliminate or reduce any benefits which are
           protected under Section XII in the event of
           termination of this Plan.

III)  Vesting

      A Participant becomes Vested in the benefits outlined in
      Section IV under the provisions of this Plan upon
      attaining age 60.  A Participant who leaves service prior
      to age 60 may become Vested in the benefits outlined in
      Section IV with the approval of the Chief Executive
      Officer, the Board or the Committee and will be deemed
      Vested upon the commencement of such benefits.  Persons
      will be deemed to be Vested in the Disability Benefit
      under Section VII upon the commencement of disability

IV)   Amount of Supplemental Executive Retirement Benefit

      Eligible Participants may receive either or both of the
      following described supplemental pension benefits:

      1)   Supplemental Pension Benefit A provides a "make
           whole" supplemental executive pension.  This amount
           will be calculated as if it were held in a defined
           contribution account (the "Account Balance") for
           credit to the Participant under the WE Retirement
           Account Plan.  This Account Balance is a lump sum
           amount that increases each year as additional amounts
           are credited in two ways:  a benefit credit and an
           interest credit.

               Benefit Credit:  For each calendar year in which
               an employee is a Plan Participant, starting as
               early as 1995, the Participant's Account Balance
               will be credited with at least 5% of his/her
               Pension Eligible Earnings for the year, reduced by
               the amount credited to the cash balance account
               under the WE Retirement Account Plan applicable to
               the Participant for the year.  This addition to
               the account is called the Benefit Credit.

               A Participant's Benefit Credit for a year will be
               between 5% and 7% of the Pension Eligible Earnings
               for the year less the amount credited to his/her
               cash balance account under the WE Retirement
               Account Plan.  The actual percentage of the
               Benefit Credit will be the same percentage (the
               "Relevant Percentage") as is determined for the WE
               Retirement Account Plan for that year.

               If a Participant terminates employment during the
               year, a Benefit Credit of Relevant Percentage of
               the Participant's Pension Eligible Earnings to
               date for the year less the amount credited to the
               cash balance account under the WE Retirement Plan
               for the same time period will be credited to his
               or her Account Balance.  To be eligible for a
               Benefit Credit of more than 5% for any year, the
               Participant must be actively employed on
               December 31 of that year.

               Interest Credit:  For each calendar year, the
               Participant's Account Balance will receive an
               interest credit equal to a certain percentage of
               his or her Account Balance at the beginning of the
               year.  This interest credit will be guaranteed at
               a minimum of 4%, but the actual percentage will be
               the same percentage that has been applied to the
               WE Retirement Account Plan for that year.  If the
               Participant did not have an Account Balance at the
               beginning of the year, the Account Balance will
               not receive an interest credit at the end of the
               year.  If the Participant has a distribution from
               his or her Account Balance, either in whole or in
               part (through an annuity) before December 31, an
               Interest Credit will be granted on such
               distribution for the year of 1/12 of 4% for each
               month prior to the commencement of payment.
               Interest credits cease with the commencement of

               Participants who were actively employed by the
               Company and/or its subsidiaries on December 31,
               1995 and who were covered on that date under the
               WE Retirement Account Plan are eligible for
               determination of Supplemental Pension Benefit A
               under a grandfathered minimum benefit basis (the
               "Benefit A Grandfather Alternative"), as detailed
               in Appendix B.

      2)   Supplemental Pension Benefit B provides Participants
           with a life annuity of 10% of the monthly average of
           the Participant's Pension Eligible Earnings received
           from the Company and/or its subsidiaries during
           whichever period of 36 consecutive months produces
           the highest monthly average.  The monthly average of
           Pension Eligible Earnings during such 36 month period
           includes the monthly average of (i) any performance
           award determined under the Company's Short-Term
           Performance Plan or any other plan as designated by
           the Board, calculated as of the date of determination
           as if then paid in full as base salary, and (ii) any
           amounts of base salary that would have been paid to
           the Participant during such 36-month period but are
           not paid because of deferral elections made by the
           Participant under a savings or other deferred
           compensation plan.

V)    Form of Payment

      Supplemental Pension Benefits A (including the Benefit A
      Grandfather Alternative) and B will be paid commencing at
      the same time as the benefit payable to the Participant
      under the WE Retirement Account Plan in life annuity form
      to unmarried Participants and in a 50% joint and survivor
      annuity form to married Participants.  However,
      notwithstanding any other provision of this Plan, a
      Participant may at any time prior to the commencement of
      benefits under this Plan make a written request to the
      Chief Executive Officer of the Company, the Board, or the
      Committee for payment of any benefits under this Plan in
      any of the forms allowed under the WE Retirement Account
      Plan and such party may, in his or its sole and absolute
      discretion, grant or deny such request.  If such request
      is for an alternative annuity benefit form and such
      request is granted, the alternative annuity form shall be
      the actuarial equivalent of a life annuity for the life of
      the Participant commencing immediately, with actuarial
      equivalency determined for this purpose by using the
      interest rate and mortality tables then in use for
      determining optional forms of annuity under the WE
      Retirement Account Plan.  If such request is for a lump
      sum and such request is granted, the Supplemental Pension
      Benefit A, if determined without reference to the
      Benefit A Grandfather Alternative, shall be equal to the
      Account Balance; the Supplemental Pension Benefit B and
      Benefit A Grandfather Alternative lump sum forms shall be
      the actuarial equivalent of a life annuity for the life of
      the Participant commencing the later of the Participant's
      current age or age 60, with actuarial equivalency
      determined for this purpose by using the interest rate and
      mortality table referenced in Article VIII (with such
      interest rate to be that in effect on the last business
      day of the month prior to the month in which the benefit
      under this Plan is to be paid).

VI)   Death Benefit

      Each Participant from time to time may designate any
      person or persons to receive such benefits as may be
      payable under the Plan upon or after the Participant's
      death, and such designation may be changed from time to
      time by the Participant by filing a new designation.  Each
      designation will revoke all prior designations by the same
      Participant, shall be in a form prescribed by the Company,
      and will be effective only when filed in writing with the
      Company during the Participant's lifetime.  If the
      Participant has failed to designate a beneficiary, or if
      the beneficiary predeceases the Participant, benefits as
      may be payable under the Plan will be paid to the
      Participant's estate.

      1)   Death Benefits Respecting Benefit A

           Supplemental Pension Benefit A (including the Benefit
           A Grandfather Alternative) will be payable in a life
           annuity form to any designated beneficiary who is a
           natural person or in a lump sum form to the estate
           (or to any beneficiary which is not a natural person)
           of a Participant upon the death of such Participant
           (whether before or after age 60) while in the service
           of the Company or any of its subsidiaries before
           retirement.  However, notwithstanding any other
           provisions of this Plan, a beneficiary who is a
           natural person may at any time prior to the
           commencement of benefits under this Plan make a
           written request to the Chief Executive Officer of the
           Company, the Board, or the Committee for payment of
           benefits under this Plan in any of the forms allowed
           under the WE Retirement Account Plan and such party
           may, in his or its sole and absolute discretion,
           grant or deny such request.  If such request is for
           an alternative annuity benefit form and such request
           is granted, the alternative annuity form shall be the
           actuarial equivalent of a life annuity for the life
           of the Participant commencing immediately, with
           actuarial equivalency determined for this purpose by
           using the interest rate and mortality tables then in
           use for determining optional forms of annuity under
           the WE Retirement Account Plan and reflecting the age
           of the beneficiary as of the benefit commencement
           date.  If such request is for a lump sum and such
           request is granted, if the death benefit is
           determined without reference to the Benefit A
           Grandfather Alternative, such lump sum shall be equal
           to the Account Balance; if the death benefit is
           determined with reference to the Benefit A
           Grandfather Alternative, such lump sum shall be the
           actuarial equivalent of a life annuity for the life
           of the Participant commencing on the later of the
           Participant's age at death or the date when the
           Participant would have attained age 60, with
           actuarial equivalency determined for this purpose by
           using the interest rate and mortality table
           referenced in Article VIII (with such interest rate
           to be that in effect on the last business day of the
           month prior to the date of death).  If a Participant
           dies after the commencement of the receipt of monthly
           benefits under this Plan, whether any payments
           continue thereafter will depend on the form of
           payment such Participant has elected prior to their
           commencement of receipt of benefits.

      2)   Death Benefits Respecting Benefit B

           If a Participant dies (whether before or after age
           60) while in the service of the Company or any of its
           subsidiaries before payments of Supplemental Pension
           Benefit B commence, the beneficiary or beneficiaries
           designated by the Participant shall become entitled
           to receive a lump sum amount equal to the actuarial
           equivalent of a life annuity for the life of the
           Participant commencing on the later of the
           Participant's age at death or the date when the
           Participant would have attained age 60, with
           actuarial equivalency determined for this purpose by
           using the interest rate and mortality table
           referenced in Article VIII (with such interest rate
           to be that in effect on the last business day of the
           month prior to the month in which the benefit under
           this Plan is to be paid).

VII)  Make Whole Long Term Disability Benefits

      It is the intent of this Plan that a Participant not
      suffer any loss with respect to a disability benefit under
      the long term disability benefit plan applicable to all
      employees of the Company and/or its subsidiaries (the "LTD
      Plan") because of either the exclusion of base salary
      deferred under a savings or other deferred compensation
      plan, or the limitations on annual compensation imposed by
      Section 505(b)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code.
      Therefore, in the event a Participant in this Plan becomes
      eligible for and begins to receive a disability benefit
      from the LTD Plan applicable to the Participant, and the
      amount of such disability benefit is limited because of
      application of salary deferral or the IRS limit, a make
      whole disability benefit shall be paid from this Plan as a
      supplement to the disability benefit paid from the LTD
      Plan.  Such LTD supplement shall equal the monthly amount
      by which the Participant's disability benefit under the
      LTD Plan was less because of application of salary
      deferral and IRS limits.  Such LTD supplement shall
      commence at the same time as the disability benefit paid
      under the LTD Plan and continue for so long as such
      disability benefit is paid.  All LTD supplements paid
      hereunder shall be paid out of general corporate assets or
      out of a grantor trust as provided in Article XI below.

VIII) Payments Upon Change in Control

      For purposes of this paragraph VIII, a "Change in Control"
      with respect to the Company shall mean the occurrence of
      any of the following events, as a result of one
      transaction or a series of transactions:

      1)   any "person" (as such term is used in Sections 13(d)
           and 14(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, but
           excluding the Company its affiliates and any
           qualified or nonqualified plan maintained by the
           Company or its affiliates) becomes the "beneficial
           owner" (as defined in Rule 13d-3 promulgated under
           such Act), directly or indirectly, of securities of
           the Company representing more than 20% of the
           combined voting power of the Company's then
           outstanding securities;

      2)   individuals who constitute a majority of the Board
           immediately prior to a contested election for
           positions on the Board cease to constitute a majority
           as a result of such contested election;

      3)   the Company is combined (by merger, share exchange,
           consolidation, or otherwise) with another corporation
           and as a result of such combination, less than 60% of
           the outstanding securities of the surviving or
           resulting corporation are owned in the aggregate by
           the former shareholders of the Company;

      4)   the Company sells, leases, or otherwise transfers all
           or substantially all of its properties or assets not
           in the ordinary course of business to another person
           or entity; or

      5)   the Board determines in its sole and absolute
           discretion that there has been a Change in Control of
           the Company.

      These Change in Control provisions shall apply to
      successive Changes in Control on an individual transaction

      Upon the occurrence of a Change in Control, then
      notwithstanding any other provision of this Plan, the
      Company shall promptly cause to be paid to each active and
      retired Participant or beneficiary receiving benefits
      under this Plan a lump sum amount equal to the then
      present value of all benefits then accrued under this
      Plan, calculated using (i) an interest rate equal to the
      five-year United States Treasury Note yield in effect on
      the last business day of the month prior to the date when
      a Change in Control event described in subparagraphs (1)
      through (5) above has occurred as such yield is reported
      in the Wall Street Journal or comparable publication, and
      (ii) the mortality table used for purposes of determining
      lump sum amounts then in use under the qualified defined
      benefit plan of the Company or its subsidiaries applicable
      to the Participant.  Such payments shall be made without
      regard to whether the Participant's employment with the
      Company or any of its subsidiaries is continuing.
      However, if the Participant in fact so continues and this
      Plan continues, appropriate provisions shall be made so
      that any subsequent payments made from this Plan are
      reduced to reflect the value of such lump sum payments.

IX)   Government Regulations

      It is intended that the Plan will comply with all
      applicable laws and governmental regulations, and the
      Company and/or its subsidiaries shall not be obligated to
      perform an obligation hereunder in any case where, in the
      opinion of the Company's counsel, such performance would
      result in violation of any law or regulation.  All amounts
      payable under this Plan shall be subject to all applicable
      withholding taxes.

X)    Nonassignment

      No benefit(s) under the Plan, nor any other interest
      hereunder of any Participant or beneficiary shall be
      assignable, transferable, or subject to sale, mortgage,
      pledge, hypothecation, anticipation, garnishment,
      attachment, execution, or levy of any kind.

XI)   Provision of Benefits

      The Company may establish a grantor trust (a "rabbi
      trust") to serve as a vehicle to hold such contributions
      as the Company may choose to make to prefund its
      obligation for benefits hereunder, but the trust shall be
      designed so that all assets therein are subject to the
      claims of the creditors of the Company or any of its
      subsidiaries which have used such rabbi trust in the event
      of insolvency, consistent with the provisions of Revenue
      Procedure 92-64.  Notwithstanding the existence of such
      grantor trust, the Plan shall remain an unfunded plan.  A
      Participant's rights to benefits under the Plan shall be
      those of an unsecured creditor of the Company and/or its

XII)  Termination or Modification of Plan

      The Board or the Committee shall have the right to
      terminate or modify this Plan for specific individuals at
      any time and from time to time, provided that no such
      action may eliminate or reduce or change the time or
      manner of payment of any benefits which:  (i) have already
      become payable to any Participant or beneficiary; or (ii)
      would have become payable to any Participant or
      beneficiary without the Board's, the Committee's or the
      Chief Executive Officer's approval under the terms of
      Article III hereof if such Participant had retired
      immediately before such action is taken.  The Chief
      Executive Officer may also make amendments to this Plan at
      any time, consistent with the authority delegated to the
      Chief Executive Officer by the Board regarding such

XIII) Claim Procedures

      A Participant or beneficiary (a `Claimant') may file a
      written request for benefits or claim with the Company
      under the Plan.  In the event of any dispute with respect
      to such a claim, the following claim procedures shall

      1)   The Company, acting as the administrator for this
           Plan, shall notify the Claimant within 90 days of
           receipt by the Company of a written claim of its
           allowance or denial, unless the Claimant receives
           written notice from the Company prior to the end of
           the initial 90-day period indicating that special
           circumstances require an extension of time for
           decision.  A written notice of decision shall be
           provided to the Claimant and if the claim is denied
           in whole or in part, the notice shall contain the
           following information:  the specific reasons for the
           denial; specific reference to pertinent provisions of
           the Plan on which the denial is based; if applicable,
           a description of any additional material information
           necessary to perfect the claim and an explanation of
           why such information is necessary; and an explanation
           of the claim review procedure.

      2)   A Claimant is entitled to request a review of any
           denial of his/her claim by the Board or the
           Committee.  The request for review must be submitted
           in writing within 60 days of mailing of notice of the
           denial.  Absent a request for review within the
           60-day period, the claim will be deemed to be
           conclusively denied.  The Claimant or his/her
           representative shall be entitled to review all
           pertinent documents, and to submit issues and
           comments orally and in writing.  The Board or
           Committee shall render a review decision in writing,
           within 60 days after receipt of a request for a
           review, provided that, in special circumstances the
           Board or Committee may extend the time for decision
           by not more than 60 days upon written notice to the
           Claimant.  The Claimant shall receive notice of the
           separate review decision of the Board or Committee,
           together with specific reasons for the decision and
           reference to the pertinent provisions of this Plan.

      3)   The Company as the administrator of this Plan shall
           have full and complete discretionary authority to
           determine eligibility for benefits, to construe the
           terms of the Plan and to decide any matter presented
           through the claims review procedure.  Any final
           determination by the Company shall be binding on all
           parties.  If challenged in court, such determination
           shall not be subject to de novo review and shall not
           be overturned unless proven to be arbitrary and
           capricious upon the evidence considered by the
           Company at the time of such determination.

XIV)  Miscellaneous

      1)   The Chief Executive Officer, the Board or the
           Committee may establish, amend or rescind from time
           to time rules and regulations which are necessary or
           desirable in connection with the Plan.  The Chief
           Executive Officer may not act on any matter involving
           his own participation in this Plan.  The Company
           shall have the right to withhold from any amounts
           payable under this Plan any taxes or other amounts
           required to be withheld by any governmental

      2)   Every person receiving or claiming payments under
           this Plan shall be conclusively presumed to be
           mentally competent until the date on which the
           Company receives a written notice, in form and manner
           acceptable to it, that such person is incompetent and
           that a guardian, conservator, or other person legally
           vested with the care of such person's estate has been
           appointed.  In the event a guardian or conservator of
           the estate of any person receiving or claiming
           payments under this Plan shall be appointed by a
           court of competent jurisdiction, payments may be made
           to such guardian or conservator provided that proper
           proof of appointment and continuing qualification is
           furnished in a form and manner acceptable to the
           Company.  Any such payment so made shall be a
           complete discharge of any liability therefor.

      3)   Participation in this Plan, or any modifications
           thereof, or the payment of any benefits hereunder,
           shall not be construed as giving to the Participant
           any right to be retained in the service of the
           Company or its subsidiaries, limiting in any way the
           right of the Company or its subsidiaries to terminate
           the Participant's employment at any time, evidencing
           any agreement or understanding, express or implied,
           that the Company or its subsidiaries will employ the
           Participant in any particular position or at any
           particular rate of compensation and/or guaranteeing
           the Participant any right to receive a salary
           increase in any year, such increase being granted
           only at the sole discretion of the Compensation
           Committee of the Board.

      4)   The Company, or its subsidiaries, or their Boards of
           Directors or any committees thereof, or any officer
           or director of the Company or its subsidiaries or any
           other person shall not be liable for any act or
           failure to act hereunder, except for fraud.

      5)   This Plan shall be governed by and construed in accordance
           with the laws of the State of Wisconsin, to the extent not
           preempted by federal law, without reference to conflicts of law

                           APPENDIX A


VESTED:  The Participant has an enforceable legal right to
receipt of the benefits described in this Plan.  Participants
become Vested in their Supplemental Executive Retirement Benefit
when they reach age 60 (or in Mr. R.A. Abdoo's case, age 58 and
if his actual retirement occurs at or after age 58 but prior to
age 60, he shall be deemed to be age 60 for purposes of all
calculations respecting Supplemental Provision Benefits A and B
hereof), or when prior to age 60 (or in Mr. R.A. Abdoo's case,
age 58) with the approval of the Chief Executive Officer and the
Board of Directors of the Company, the Participant retires and
commences receipt of benefits.  A Participant becomes Vested in
the Disability Benefits after such payments of the benefits have
commenced.  Vesting also occurs upon the occurrence of a Change
in Control as defined in Article VIII.

PENSION ELIGIBLE EARNINGS:  Established base salary for assigned
responsibilities including payments for absences, without regard
for any limitations imposed by the Internal Revenue Code on
benefits or compensation and including any amounts of base salary
that would have been paid to the Participant, but were not paid
because of deferral elections made by the Participant under a
savings or other deferred compensation plan, and including the
total of any incentive performance award determined under the
Company's Short-Term Performance Plan or other short-term plan
which has been approved by the Board for inclusion into Pension
Eligible Earnings for this Plan.  Amounts of base salary and
annual incentive will be calculated without regard to any amounts
deferred from such base salary or annual incentive compensation.

WE RETIREMENT ACCOUNT PLAN:  The Wisconsin Electric qualified
defined benefit retirement plan, a cash balance pension plan, as
amended and restated effective as of January 1, 1996, as amended
from time to time.

                           APPENDIX B


A Participant who was actively employed by the Company on
December 31, 1995 and who was then covered by the WE Retirement
Account Plan and who continued as an active employee of the
Company until his or her commencement of benefits under this
Plan, shall be eligible for the Benefit A Grandfather
Alternative.  The Benefit A Grandfather Alternative will be equal
to the greater of (x) or (y), where:

      (x)  is the benefit that would have accrued for such
           Participant under the provisions of the special
           formula minimum retirement income grandfather
           sections (the "Grandfathered Benefit Provisions") of
           the WE Retirement Account Plan, if the WE Retirement
           Account Plan were administered using all Pension
           Eligible Earnings as defined in this Plan, less the
           amount of the qualified pension benefit that such
           Participant would be actually entitled to receive
           were the Grandfathered Benefit Provisions of the WE
           Retirement Account Plan applied, and

      (y)  is the benefit that would have accrued for such
           Participant under the provisions of the cash balance
           formula of the WE Retirement Account Plan, if the
           WE Retirement Account Plan was administered using all
           Pension Eligible Earnings as defined in this Plan,
           less the amount of the qualified benefit that such
           Participant would be actually entitled to receive
           under the cash balance formula of the WE Retirement
           Account Plan were such formula applied.

Credited service and Pension Eligible Earnings after December 31,
2010, will not be used to calculate this Benefit A Grandfather
Alternative, but existing early retirement reductions based upon
the Participant's age and service applicable to the Grandfathered
Benefit Provisions will continue in accordance with the terms of
the WE Retirement Account Plan.

An example of the Benefit A Grandfather Alternative is as

     Assume the Participant actually receives a cash payment at
     retirement from the WE Retirement Account Plan of $380,000.
     At the time the Participant receives that benefit,
     calculations are made to convert the formula (x) benefit
     above into a lump sum amount that is the actuarial
     equivalent of a life annuity for the life of the Participant
     commencing at the later of age 60 or the Participant's age
     at benefit commencement.  This is accomplished in three
     steps.  First, the portion of the formula (x) benefit
     calculated using all Pension Eligible Earnings is multiplied
     by the early retirement reduction factor as determined under
     the WE Retirement Account Plan.  Secondly, the resulting
     benefit is converted into a lump sum actuarial equivalent
     ($1,450,000 in the illustration below) of the life annuity
     form described above, with actuarial equivalency determined
     for this purpose by using the interest rate and mortality
     table referenced in Article VIII (with such interest rate to
     be that in effect on the last business day on the month
     prior to payment),  Thirdly, the value of the lump sum to
     which the Participant would actually be entitled under the
     WE Retirement Account were the Grandfathered Benefit
     Provisions applied is subtracted ($350,000 in the
     illustration below) to obtain the formula (x) net lump sum
     amount ($1,100,000 in the illustration below).  Calculations
     are also made under formula (y) which compare the lump sum
     account balance that would have been generated for the
     Participant using all Pension Eligible Earnings under the
     regular cash balance formula of the WE Retirement Account
     Plan ($520,000 in the illustration below) with the actual
     lump sum account balance that would be payable to the
     Participant were the regular cash balance formula applied
     ($380,000 in the illustration below).  The following
     comparisons result:

     1)   WE Retirement Account Plan:

          (a)  Cash Balance Formula     $380,000
          (b)  Grandfather Formula       350,000

     2)   SERP Benefit A Grandfather Alternative, calculated

          (a)  Cash Balance Formula    $  520,000
          (b)  Grandfather Formula      1,450,000

     3)   Actual SERP Benefit A Grandfather is $1,100,000, which
          is the greater of 2(a) - 1(a) [$140,000] or 2(b) - 1(b)