Washington, D.C. 20549

                                      FORM 8-K

                                   CURRENT REPORT

                         Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of
                        the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Date of Report:  July 2, 1998
(Date of earliest event reported)

Commission        Registrant; State of Incorporation             IRS Employer 
file number          Address; and Telephone Number            Identification No.
- -----------       ----------------------------------          ------------------

  1-11337         WPS RESOURCES CORPORATION                        39-1775292
                  (A Wisconsin Corporation)
                  700 North Adams Street
                  P. O. Box 19001
                  Green Bay, WI 54307-9001

  1-3016          WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORPORATION             39-0715160
                  (A Wisconsin Corporation)
                  700 North Adams Street
                  P. O. Box 19001
                  Green Bay, WI 54307-9001

ITEM 5.   Other Events.
- ------    ------------

        On July 22, 1998, WPS Resources Corporation ("WPSR") issued a press
release announcing financial results of WPSR for the three-month and six-month
periods ended June 30, 1998.  A copy of this press release is attached as
Exhibit 99.1 hereto and is incorporated herein by reference.

        On July 2, 1998, the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin ("PSCW") 
approved an agreement by Wisconsin Public Service Corporation ("WPSC") and 
Alliant Utilities - Wisconsin Power and Light Company ("WP&L") to replace the 
steam generators at the Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant ("KNPP").  The steam 
generators have been in use since the KNPP began operations in 1974, and 
tubes contained in the generators have begun to wear out, reducing the 
electricity that the KNPP can produce.  The new steam generators will 
return the KNPP to its full capacity of approximately 530,000 kilowatts 
compared to its current 500,000 kilowatt capacity.  The license to operate 
the KNPP expires in 2013.  Steam generator replacement is to begin in the 
spring of 2000 at an estimated aggregate cost of approximately $90 million.  
WPSC's share of this cost will be approximately $53.5 million.  
On July 2, 1998, the PSCW agreed that WPSC and WP&L can recover their 
investment in the new steam generators and any other unrecovered KNPP 
capital costs in retail rates utilizing sum-of-the-years digits 
accelerated depreciation over a period of 8-1/2 years following the
completion of the project.

        Madison Gas and Electric Company ("MG&E") has appealed the PSCW's
order which authorized KNPP steam generator replacement to the circuit court
of Dane County, Wisconsin.  WPSC and MG&E have entered into a letter of intent
to consummate certain transactions which would result in the settlement of
MG&E's opposition to the steam generator replacement and the dismissal of
MG&E's appeal.  WPSC and MG&E anticipate executing a definitive settlement
agreement in August 1998.  WPSC and WP&L are currently negotiating an
amendment to the KNPP joint power supply agreement to govern the operation of
the KNPP and related matters following the transfer of MG&E's interest to

        These proposed agreements contemplate the following:

        1)  Immediately preceding the commencement of the KNPP steam
            generator replacement, MG&E will transfer its 17.8% interest in
            the KNPP to WPSC in exchange for an interest in a WPSC
            combustion turbine generating facility or other WPSC assets
            having an aggregate book value at time of transfer
            approximately equal to the book value of MG&E's interest in the
            KNPP (estimated at approximately $10 million) with any
            difference being settled in cash.  Following the ownership
            transfer, MG&E, in satisfaction of its decommissioning 
            responsibilities, will transfer to the WPSC qualified
            decommissioning trust the net assets in the MG&E qualified
            decommissioning trust which will be fully funded as of the date
            of ownership transfer and will transfer funds to the MG&E
            nonqualified decommissioning trust which, together with amounts
            then held in such trust and in the qualified decommissioning
            trust, are deemed to be sufficient, pursuant to a funding plan
            approved by the PSCW, to fund fully MG&E's estimated share of


            the costs of decommissioning the KNPP.  MG&E will irrevocably
            devote the MG&E nonqualified decommissioning trust to satisfy
            KNPP decommissioning obligations.  If the amounts available 
            from these decommissioning trusts shall for any reasons 
            which develop after the transfer exceed or be less
            than the KNPP decommissioning costs applicable to MG&E's
            original interest in the KNPP, WPSC expects that such 
            deviations would be reflected in retail rates.  WPSC will 
            also grant to MG&E an option exercisable prior to the 
            commencement of steam generator replacement to enter into 
            agreement with WPSC to purchase power, for a two-year term 
            following the ownership transfer, in an amount equal to any 
            excess in capacity of the interest in the KNPP transferred by
            MG&E to WPSC over the capacity of the interest in any
            generating facility transferred in exchange by WPSC to MG&E. 
            Under this agreement, capacity would be sold by WPSC at a price
            reflecting the cost of a new generating facility.

        2)  Following the transfer of MG&E's ownership interest in the KNPP
            to WPSC, WPSC will own 59% of the KNPP and WP&L will own 41% of
            the KNPP.  WPSC will continue to operate the KNPP.  MG&E will
            not be liable for any part of the steam generator replacement
            costs or for liabilities arising out of the operation of the
            KNPP following the ownership transfer.  MG&E will remain liable
            for its share of any liabilities arising from the operation of
            the KNPP prior to the transfer of ownership, including MG&E's
            responsibility for disposal of spent fuel utilized prior to the
            transfer of ownership.

        3)  WPSC and WP&L will amend the joint power supply agreement
            relating to the KNPP.  Under the amended agreement, WPSC will
            be able to control decisions relating to the operation of the
            KNPP.  Both WPSC and WP&L, however, will under certain
            circumstances have the right, upon 12 months prior notice, to
            cause the other party to agree to the shutdown and
            decommissioning of the KNPP or to require the purchase of its
            interest in the KNPP by the other party.  The purchase price of
            the transferred interest would equal the portion of the book
            value for regulatory purposes of the KNPP represented by the
            interest being transferred.  The right to require shutdown
            or purchase could be exercised (i) at such time that the book
            value of the interest in the KNPP of the party exercising such
            right, exclusive of any capital investments made subsequent to
            the steam generator replacement, is $5,000,000 or less, which
            would not occur until about 2006, (ii) at any time subject to a
            30% reduction in the purchase price, unless energy generated
            from the KNPP is not then subject to retail rate regulation, or
            (iii) at any time for "cause" which includes (a) a material
            failure by WPSC to meet agreed upon operation and maintenance
            standards which remains uncured 90 days after notice of such
            failure, (b) the failure of the parties to resolve certain
            material disagreements respecting the KNPP non-fuel operating
            and maintenance budget or capital budget, (c) the existence of
            material deviations of actual costs from such budgets and


            (d) the refusal, under certain circumstances, of WPSC to 
            transfer the operations or assets of the KNPP to a nuclear 
            operating or generating company.  Either party will also 
            have the right to purchase the other party's interest
            in the KNPP to enable such party to transfer the operations or
            assets of the KNPP to a nuclear operating or generating

        WPSC believes that the right of either party to require the other to
agree to KNPP shutdown and decommissioning or to purchase such party's
interest is unlikely to be exercised in the near term because in the case of
an exercise of such right for cause, the triggering events are unlikely to
occur in light of the historic operational experience of the KNPP and because
an exercise not for cause would be subject to a 30% reduction in purchase
price so long as the KNPP remains subject to retail rate regulation.  If
exercised in 2006 or thereafter, such exercise would occur at a time when the
book value of the owners' investment in the KNPP had been substantially or
fully depreciated and recovered in retail rates.

        All of the foregoing proposed agreements are subject to the
execution of definitive documents and the receipt of required regulatory

        On July 7, 1998, WPSR's wholly-owned subsidiary, WPS Power
Development, Inc. ("PDI"), announced that it had entered into an agreement to
purchase generating facilities with 92 megawatts of aggregate capacity from
Maine Public Service Company and its subsidiary, New Brunswick Electric Power
Company, for a purchase price of $37.425 million.  The transaction is
contingent upon receipt of required regulatory approvals.  PDI intends to
finance the purchase through non-recourse project financing.

        On July 9, 1998, PDI announced that it had entered into a joint
venture with an affiliate of EarthCo, a Nevada corporation, to turn residue
from coal mining at the Alabama Land & Mineral site in Jasper County, Alabama
into usable energy briquettes.  At full production, more than 400,000 tons of
coal dust or "fines" will be processed annually by mixing the fines with a
binding compound to form briquettes.  The project began operation in late June
1998 and is eligible to receive federal tax credits because of the briquettes'
status as a synthetic fuel.  PDI has invested less than $10 million for a
two-thirds interest in the project.

ITEM 7.   Financial Statements and Exhibits.
- ------    ---------------------------------

          (c) Exhibits.

              99-1   WPS Resources Corporation (WPSR) press release dated
                     July 22, 1998 announcing financial results of WPSR for
                     the three-month and six-month periods ended June 30,



         Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                        WPS RESOURCES CORPORATION

                                   By:  /s/  Ralph G. Baeten
                                             Ralph G. Baeten   

Date:  July 22, 1998



         Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                              WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORPORATION

                         By:  /s/  Ralph G. Baeten
                                   Ralph G. Baeten
                                   Vice President-Treasurer

Date:  July 22, 1998
