William Francis Galvin
                       Secretary of the Commonwealth
                  Federal Identification No.  04-1992780
                  One Ashburton Place, Boston, MA  02108

                  General Laws, Chapter 156B, Section 74

     This certificate must be submitted to the Secretary of the
Commonwealth within sixty days after the date of the vote of
stockholders adopting the restated articles of organization.  The
fee for filing this certificate is prescribed by General Laws,
Chapter 156B, Section 114.  Make check payable to the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

     We, David P. Gruber, President and Wallace F. Whitney, Jr.,
Esq., Clerk of Wyman-Gordon Company located at 244 Worcester
Street, North Grafton, MA 01536 do hereby certify that the
following restatement of the articles of organization of the
corporation was duly adopted at a meeting held on July 19, 1995,
by vote of the Board of Directors pursuant to the third sentence
of Chapter 156B, Section 74.

1.   The name of which the corporation shall be known is:
                           WYMAN-GORDON COMPANY

2.   The purpose for which the corporation is formed are as

3.   The total number of shares and the par value, if any, of
     each class of stock which the corporation is authorized to
     issue is as follows:

                WITHOUT PAR VALUE          WITH PAR VALUE
      CLASS          NUMBER          NUMBER
     Preferred      5,000,000         None           --

     Common           None          70,000,000       $1.00

4.   If more than one class is authorized, a description of each
     of the different classes of stock with, if any, the
     preferences, voting powers, qualifications, special or
     relative rights or privileges as to each class thereof and
     any series now established:

5.   The restrictions, if any, imposed by the articles of
     organization upon the transfer of shares of stock of any
     class are as follows:


6.   Other lawful provisions, if any, for the conduct and
     regulation of the business and affairs of the corporation,
     for its voluntary dissolution, or for limiting, defining, or
     regulating the powers of the corporation, or of its
     directors or stockholders, or of any class of stockholders:



                          OF WYMAN-GORDON COMPANY

                            CONTINUATION SHEETS


     To manufacture, buy, sell, import, export and in any way
deal in drop forgings, forgings of all kinds, castings,
machinery, tools, metal work of any kind and any and all things
made in whole or in part from metals.  To carry on a general
forging business.  To carry on a general manufacturing business
and to do all things necessary or incidental to any of the above
purposes or powers.  To carry on the general business of
merchants and dealers in any or all things manufactured by the
company or used or acquired in connection with such manufacture. 
To acquire personal property of any kind and any amount, and real
property, so far as the same may be necessary or desirable in
connection with any of the foregoing powers, and to sell,
mortgage, pledge, lease or otherwise dispose of such personal and
real property.  To acquire, hold, use, sell and deal in patented
articles, patent rights, patents, licenses under patents, trade-
marks, trade names, processes and formulae.  To acquire, hold and
dispose of its own stock and securities and stocks, bonds or
securities of any other corporations and associations.  To carry
on the business heretofore conducted by The Wyman and Gordon
Company, a Massachusetts corporation.  To do any and all acts
desirable in connection with or incidental to any of the above
powers or purposes or calculated to enhance the value of the
company s business or property.


     Shares of Preferred Stock may be issued from time to time in
one or more series, each such series to have such distinctive
designation or title as may be fixed by the Board of Directors
prior to the issuance of any shares of such series.  Each such
series of Preferred Stock shall have such preferences, voting
powers, qualifications, restrictions, and special or relative
rights or privileges, and to the fullest extent now or hereafter
permitted under Massachusetts law, as shall be stated in such
resolution or resolutions providing for the issuance of shares of
Preferred Stock as may be adopted from time to time by the Board
of Directors in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of


     (a)  The Board of Directors may make, amend or repeal the
          Bylaws in whole or in part except with respect to any
          provision thereof which by law the Articles of
          Organization or the Bylaws requires action by the


     (b)  No director of the Company shall have any personal
          liability to the Company or its Stockholders for
          monetary damages for breach of fiduciary duty as a
          director notwithstanding any provision of law imposing
          such liability; provided, however, that this
          Article 6(b) shall not eliminate or limit the liability
          of a director (i) for any breach of the director s duty
          of loyalty to the Company or its Stockholders, (ii) for
          acts or omissions not in good faith or which involve
          intentional misconduct or a knowing violation of law,
          (iii) under section 61 or 62 of Chapter 156B of the
          Massachusetts General Laws, or (iv) for any transaction
          from which the director derived an improper personal
          benefit.  The preceding sentence shall not eliminate or
          limit the liability of a director for any act or
          omission occurring prior to the date upon which this
          Article 6(b) becomes effective.  No amendment to or
          repeal of this Article 6(b) shall apply to or have any
          effect on the elimination pursuant hereto of liability
          or alleged liability of any director of the Company for
          or with respect to any acts or omissions of such
          director occurring prior to such amendment or repeal. 
          Nothing in this Article 6(b) shall limit any lawful
          right to indemnification existing independently of this

     (c)  No Business Combination (as hereinafter defined) shall
          be consummated or effected unless such Business
          Combination shall have been approved by the affirmative
          vote of the holders of not less than eighty-five
          percent (85%) of the total voting power of all
          outstanding shares of voting stock of the Company,
          voting as a single class.   Such vote shall be required
          notwithstanding the fact that no vote for such a
          transaction may be required by law or that approval by
          some lesser percentage of stockholders may be specified
          by law or in any agreement with any national securities
          exchange or otherwise; provided, however, that such
          eighty-five percent (85%) vote shall not be required,
          and the provisions of Massachusetts law relating to the
          vote required for the approval of stockholders, if any,
          shall apply to any such Business Combination if either
          of the following conditions is satisfied:

          1.   The aggregate amount of the cash and the Fair
               Market Value (as hereinafter defined) of the
               property, securities or other consideration to be
               received per share of capital stock of the Company
               incident to the consummation of such Business
               Combination by a holder of such stock, other than
               an Interested Stockholder (as hereinafter defined)
               involved in such Business Combination, is not less
               than the highest of (a) the Highest Per Share
               Price or the Highest Equivalent Price (as those
               terms are hereinafter defined), paid by such
               Interested Stockholder in acquiring any of its
               holdings of the Company's capital stock during the

               five-year period preceding the announcement of
               such Business Combination; (b) a price that
               includes the same or a greater premium over the
               market price of such capital stock immediately
               prior to the announcement of such Business
               Combination as the greatest premium over market
               price paid by such Interested Stockholder in the
               purchase of any shares of any class of the
               Company's capital stock during the five-year
               period preceding the announcement of such Business
               Combination; or (c) the Highest Per Share Price or
               the Highest Equivalent Price that such Interested
               Stockholder shall, during the five-year period
               preceding the announcement of such Business
               Combination, have offered to the stockholders of
               the Company for any shares of the Company's
               capital stock or indicated in writing that it
               would be prepared to offer under specified
               conditions; or

          2.   The Continuing Directors (as hereinafter defined)
               shall have expressly approved such Business
               Combination by a two-thirds vote either in advance
               of or subsequent to the acquisition of outstanding
               shares of capital stock of the Company that caused
               the Interested Stockholder involved to become an
               Interested Stockholder.  In determining whether or
               not to approve any such Business Combination, the
               Continuing Directors may give due consideration to
               all factors they consider relevant, including
               without limitation (a) the long-term and
               short-term effects on the profitability of the
               Company, (b) its social, legal, environmental and
               economic effects, both short-term and long-term,
               on the employees of the Company and its
               subsidiaries and on the communities and the
               geographic areas in which the Company and its
               subsidiaries operate or are located, and on any of
               the business and properties of the Company and its
               subsidiaries, and (c) the adequacy of the
               consideration offered in relation not only to the
               current market price of the Company's outstanding
               securities, but also to the current value of the
               Company in a freely negotiated transaction and the
               Continuing Directors' estimate of the Company's
               future value (including the unrealized value of
               its properties and assets) as an independent going

     (d)  Prior to the consummation of any Business combination
          and prior to any vote of the Company s stockholders
          under Section (c) of this Article 6, a proxy statement
          or information statement complying with the
          requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
          amended, shall have been mailed to all stockholders of
          the Company for the purpose of informing the Company's
          stockholders about such proposed Business Combination
          and, if their approval is required by Section (c) of

          this Article 6, for the purpose of soliciting
          stockholder approval of such Business Combination. 
          Such proxy statement or information statement shall
          contain at the front thereof, in a prominent place, a
          statement by the Continuing Directors of their position
          on the advisability (or inadvisability) of the proposed
          Business Combination.

     (e)  For the purpose of Sections (c), (d), (e) and (f) of
          this Article 6:

          1.   The term "Business Combination" shall mean (a) any
               merger, consolidation or share exchange of the
               Company or any of its subsidiaries with or into an
               Interested Stockholder, in each case irrespective
               of which corporation or company is to be the
               surviving entity, (b) any sale, lease, exchange,
               mortgage, pledge, transfer or other disposition to
               or with an Interested Stockholder (in a single
               transaction or a series of related transactions)
               of all or a substantial part of the assets of the
               Company (including without limitation any
               securities of a subsidiary of the Company) or all
               or a substantial part of the assets of any of its
               subsidiaries; (c) any sale, lease, exchange,
               mortgage, pledge, transfer or other disposition to
               or with the Company, or to or with any of its
               subsidiaries (in a single transaction or series of
               related transactions) of all or a substantial part
               of the assets of an Interested Stockholder;
               (d) the issuance or transfer by the Company or any
               of its subsidiaries of any securities or the
               Company or any of its subsidiaries to an
               Interested Stockholder (other than an issuance or
               transfer of securities which is effected on a
               pro-rata basis to all stockholders of the
               Company); (e) any acquisition by the Company or
               any of its subsidiaries of any securities issued
               by an Interested Stockholder; (f) any
               recapitalization or reclassification of shares of
               any class of voting stock of the Company or any
               merger or consolidation of the Company with any of
               its subsidiaries which would have the effect,
               directly or indirectly, of increasing the
               proportionate share of the outstanding shares of
               any class of capital stock or the Company (or any
               securities convertible into any class of such
               capital stock) owned by any Interested
               Stockholder; (g) any merger or consolidation of
               the Company with any of its subsidiaries after
               which the provisions of Sections (c), (d), (e) and
               (f) of this Article 6 shall not appear in the
               articles of organization (or the equivalent
               charter documents) of the surviving entity;
               (h) any plan or proposal for the liquidation or
               dissolution of the Company; and (i) any agreement,
               contract or other arrangement providing for any of
               the transactions described in this definition of
               Business Combination.
          2.   The term  Interested Stockholder  shall mean any
               individual, corporation, partnership or other
               person or entity which, as of the record date for
               the determination of stockholders entitled to
               notice of and to vote on any Business Combination,
               or immediately prior to the consummation of any
               such Business Combination, is a  Beneficial Owner 
               (as defined in Rule 13d-3 of the General Rules and
               Regulations under the Securities Exchange Act of
               1934 as in effect at the date of the adoption of
               the provisions contained in Sections (c), (d), (e)
               and (f) of this Article 6 by the stockholders of
               the Company) (the  Exchange Act ) of shares of any
               class or series of capital stock of the Company
               which, when combined with the shares of such class
               or series of stock of which any  Affiliates  or
                Associates  (as defined in Rule 12b-2 under the
               Exchange Act) of such individual, corporation,
               partnership or other person or entity are
               Beneficial Owners, amount to ten percent (10%) or
               more of the outstanding shares of such class or
               series of stock and any Affiliate or Associate of
               any such Interested Stockholder.  Notwithstanding
               the foregoing, Cooper Industries, Inc. ( Cooper )
               and its Affiliates and Associates (together, the
                Cooper Group ) shall not be deemed to be an
               Interested Stockholder for so long as (A) the
               Cooper Group beneficially owns at least 10% or
               more of the outstanding shares of Common Stock
               continuously from and after the Closing Date (as
               defined in the Stock Purchase Agreement, dated as
               of January 10, 1994, between Cooper and the
               Company) and (B) the Cooper Group does not acquire
               beneficial ownership of any shares of Common Stock
               in breach of the Investment Agreement, dated as of
               January 10, 1994, between Cooper and the Company
               (other than an inadvertent breach which is
               remedied as promptly as practical by a transfer of
               the shares of Common Stock so acquired to a person
               or entity which is not a member of the Cooper

          3.   The term  Continuing Director  shall mean any
               director of the Company who was a director on
               February 22, 1989, and any other director whose
               election as a director was recommended or approved
               by a majority of Continuing Directors.

          4.   Any action required to be taken by vote of the
               Continuing Directors shall be effective only if
               taken at a meeting at which a Continuing Director
               Quorum is present.  A Continuing Director Quorum
               shall mean two-thirds of the Continuing Directors
               capable of exercising the powers conferred upon
               them under the provisions of these Articles of
               Organization or the Bylaws of the Company or by

          5.   Whether or not any proposed sale, lease, exchange,
               mortgage, pledge, transfer or other disposition of
               part of the assets of any entity involves a
                substantial part  of the assets of such entity
               shall be conclusively determined by a two-thirds
               vote of the Continuing Directors; provided,
               however, that any such determination shall be
               effective only if made at a meeting at which a
               Continuing Director Quorum was present; and
               provided further that assets involved in any
               single transaction or series of related transac-
               tions having an aggregate Fair Market Value of
               more than fifteen percent (15%) of the total
               consolidated assets of an entity and its
               subsidiaries as at the end of such entity's last
               full fiscal year prior to such determination shall
               always be deemed to constitute a  substantial

          6.   For the purposes of Subsection 1 of Section (c) of
               this Article 6, the term  other consideration to
               be received  shall include, without limitation,
               Common Stock or other capital stock of the Company
               retained by stockholders of the Company other than
               any Interested Stockholders or parties to such
               Business Combination in the event of a Business
               Combination in which the Company is the surviving

          7.   An  Interested Stockholder  shall be deemed to
               have acquired a share of the capital stock of the
               Company at the time when such Interested
               Stockholder became the Beneficial Owner thereof. 
               With respect to shares owned by Affiliates or
               Associates of an Interested Stockholder or other
               persons whose ownership is attributed to an
               Interested Stockholder under the foregoing
               definition of Interested Stockholder, for purposes
               of Subsection 8 of this Section (e), such
               Interested Stockholder shall be deemed to have
               purchased such shares at the higher of (a) the
               price paid upon the acquisition thereof by the
               Affiliate, Associate or other person who owns such
               shares, or (b) the market price of the shares in
               question at the time when the Interested
               Stockholder became the Beneficial Owner thereof.

          8.   The terms  Highest Per Share Price  and  Highest
               Equivalent Price  shall mean the following: If
               there is only one class of capital stock of the
               Company issued and outstanding, the Highest Per
               Share Price shall mean the highest price that can
               be determined to have been paid or offered to be
               paid during the preceding five years by the
               Interested Stockholder involved for any share or
               shares of that class of capital stock. If there is
               more than one class of capital stock of the
               Company issued and outstanding, the Highest

               Equivalent Price shall mean with respect to each
               class and series of capital stock of the Company,
               the amount determined by two-thirds of the
               Continuing Directors, on whatever basis they
               believe to be appropriate, to be the highest per
               share price equivalent to the highest price that
               can be determined to have been paid or offered to
               be paid during the preceding five years by the
               Interested Stockholder involved or any Affiliate
               or Associate of such Interested Stockholder for
               any share or shares of any other class or series
               of capital stock of the Company.  In determining
               the Highest Per Share Price and Highest Equivalent
               Price, all purchases by such Interested
               Stockholder or any such Affiliate or Associate
               shall be taken into account regardless of whether
               the shares were purchased before or after such
               Interested Stockholder became an Interested
               Stockholder.  The Highest Per Share Price and the
               Highest Equivalent Price shall include any
               brokerage commissions, transfer taxes and
               soliciting dealers  fees paid by such Interested
               Stockholder or any such Affiliate or Associate
               with respect to the shares of capital stock of the
               Company acquired by such Interested Stockholder or
               such Affiliate or Associate.  In the event any
               Business Combination involving an Interested
               Stockholder shall be proposed, the Continuing
               Directors shall determine the Highest Equivalent
               Price for each class and series of the capital
               stock of the Company of which there are shares
               issued and outstanding.

          9.   The term  Fair Market Value  shall mean (a) in the
               case of stock, the highest closing sale price
               during the thirty day period immediately preceding
               the date in question of a share of such stock on
               the Composite Tape for New York Stock Exchange
               Listed Stocks, or, if such stock is not quoted on
               the Composite Tape, on the New York Stock
               Exchange, or if such stock is not listed on the
               New York Stock Exchange, on the principal United
               States securities exchange registered under the
               Exchange Act on which such stock is listed, or if
               such stock is not listed on any such exchange, the
               highest closing bid quotation with respect to a
               share of such stock during the thirty day period
               preceding the date in question on the National
               Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. Automated
               Quotations System or any system then in use, or,
               if no such quotations are available, the fair
               market value on the date in question of a share of
               such stock as determined by a two-thirds vote of
               the Continuing Directors, and (b) in the case of
               property on the date in question as determined by
               a two-thirds vote of the Continuing Directors;
               provided, however, that any determination made by
               the Continuing Directors pursuant to this

               Subsection 9 shall be effective only if made at a
               meeting at which a Continuing Director Quorum was
               present; and provided further that in the event
               the number of Continuing Directors in office shall
               be less than a Continuing Director Quorum, any
               determination of fair market value that would
               otherwise be made by a vote of the Continuing
               Directors shall be made by a court of competent

     (f)  No proposal to amend or repeal Sections (c), (d), (e)
          or (f) of this Article 6 may be authorized and approved
          except by the affirmative vote of the holders of voting
          stock entitling them to exercise eighty-five percent
          (85%) of the voting power of the Company voting
          together as a class, unless required to vote separately
          by law or by other provisions of those Articles of
          Organization or by the terms of the stock entitling
          them to vote and, if a proposal upon which holders of
          shares of a particular class or classes are so required
          to vote separately, then by the affirmative vote of the
          holders of shares entitling them to exercise
          eighty-five percent (85%) of the voting power of each
          such class or classes; provided, however, that the
          provisions of this Section (f) shall not apply to any
          such amendment or repeal of this Article 6 that has
          been favorably recommended to the stockholders by
          resolution of the Board of Directors adopted by a
          two-thirds vote of the Continuing Directors at a
          meeting at which a Continuing Director Quorum was
          present, in which case any such amendment or repeal of
          Sections (c), (d), (e) or (f) of this Article 6 may be
          authorized and approved by the affirmative vote of such
          number of the holders of voting stock as may be
          required by law.


     We further certify that the foregoing restated articles of
organization effect no amendments to the article of organization
of the corporation as heretofore amended, except amendments to
the following article:    NONE

hereto signed our names this 31st day of July in the year 1995:

David P. Gruber                    Wallace F. Whitney, Jr. Esq
President                          Clerk



                 (General Laws, Chapter 156B, Section 74)

     I hereby approve the within restated articles of
organization and, the filing fee in the amount of $200.00 having
been paid, said articles are deemed to have been filed with me
this 31st day of July, 1995.

William Francis Galvin
Secretary of the Commonwealth

                      TO BE FILLED IN BY CORPORATION

Photo copy of restated articles of organization to be sent to:

     Wallace F. Whitney, Jr., Esq.
     Wyman-Gordon Company
     244 Worcester Street, Box 8001
     No. Grafton, MA  01536
     Telephone:  508-839-4441

Copy Mailed
