(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Melville Corporation)

Consolidated Financial Statements

September 30, 1995 and October 1, 1994

(With Independent Accountants' Review Report Thereon)

              Independent Accountants' Review Report

To the Board of Directors and Shareholders
Melville Corporation:

We have  reviewed the  accompanying consolidated  balance sheets of
Marshalls of  Roseville, Minn.,  Inc. (a wholly-owned subsidiary of
Melville Corporation) as of September 30, 1995 and October 1, 1994,
and   the    related   consolidated   statements   of   operations,
shareholder's equity, and cash flows for three-month and nine-month
periods then  ended.   These consolidated  financial statements are
the  responsibility   of  Marshalls  of  Roseville,  Minn.,  Inc.'s

We conducted  our reviews  in accordance with standards established
by the  American Institute  of Certified  Public  Accountants.    A
review of  interim financial  information consists  principally  of
applying  analytical   procedures  to  financial  data  and  making
inquiries of  persons  responsible  for  financial  and  accounting
matters.  It is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted
in accordance  with  generally  accepted  auditing  standards,  the
objective of  which is  the expression  of an opinion regarding the
financial statements  taken as  a whole.   Accordingly,  we do  not
express such an opinion.

Based on our reviews, with the exception of the matter described in
the  following   paragraph,  we  are  not  aware  of  any  material
modifications that  should be  made to  the consolidated  financial
statements referred  to above  for them  to be  in conformity  with
generally accepted accounting principles.

Management has elected to omit substantially all of the disclosures
required by  generally accepted  accounting  principles.    If  the
omitted disclosures  were included  in the  consolidated  financial
statements, they  might influence  the user's conclusions about the
Company's consolidated  financial position,  results of  operations
and  cash   flows.     Accordingly,  these  consolidated  financial
statements are  not designed  for those  who are not informed about
such matters.

                                   /s/KPMG Peat Marwick LLP
Boston, Massachusetts
December 1, 1995

                    MARSHALLS OF ROSEVILLE, MINN., INC.
            (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Melville Corporation)
                        Consolidated Balance Sheets
                  September 30, 1995 and October 1, 1994
                              (In Thousands)

                               Assets                     1995       1994

Current assets:                                             
   Cash                                             $   15,077 $   17,216
   Accounts receivable, net of allowance for
      doubtful accounts of $880 and $817, in
      1995 and 1994, respectively                       45,058     39,159
   Inventories                                         607,429    593,263
   Prepaid expenses and other current assets             9,004      6,861
   Income tax receivable                                18,714          -

      Total current assets                             695,282    656,499

Property and equipment, net                            439,009    418,992
Capitalized lease assets, net                            5,350      6,760
Goodwill, net                                           28,652     29,818
Deferred charges and other noncurrent assets, net       21,354     23,091

      Total assets                                  $1,189,647 $1,135,160

               Liabilities and Shareholder's Equity

Current liabilities:
   Accounts payable                                 $  243,688 $  204,661
   Accrued expenses                                    135,520    159,493
   Accrued Federal income taxes                              -      8,244
   Due to Parent and other divisions                   154,582     73,333
   Capital lease obligations                             2,461      2,492

      Total current liabilities                        536,251    448,223

Deferred income taxes                                   19,259     12,519
Capital lease obligations                                9,421     11,882
Other liabilities                                        4,167     12,931

Shareholder's equity:
   Common stock, no par value, 100 shares
      authorized and outstanding 1995 and 1994             352        352
   Contributed capital                                 152,839    152,839
   Retained earnings                                   467,358    496,414

      Total shareholder's equity                       620,549    649,605

      Total liabilities and shareholder's equity    $1,189,647 $1,135,160

See accompanying accountants' review report and notes to consolidated
financial statements.

                                 MARSHALLS OF ROSEVILLE, MINN., INC.           
              (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Melville) 
                                Consolidated Statements of Operations
       For the three months ended and nine months ended September 30, 1995
 and October 1, 1994
                                            (In Thousands)

                                                 Three months ended             Nine months ended
                                             September 30,   October 1,     September 30,   October 1,
                                                     1995         1994              1995         1994
Net sales                                      $  659,634   $  671,077        $1,852,245   $1,902,444

Cost of goods sold                                475,423      448,372         1,310,401    1,265,189

    Gross profit                                  184,211      222,705           541,844      637,255

Selling, general and administrative
  expenses                                        195,666      189,415           561,158      545,970
Depreciation and amortization                      16,050       14,253            45,690       40,221

    Operating income (loss)                       (27,505)      19,037           (65,004)      51,064

Other income (expense):
  Net interest income (expense),
    Parent and other divisions                     (2,500)        (591)           (5,971)        (162)
  Interest expense, third party                        (8)         (23)              (59)        (102)

    Income (loss) before provision
      for income taxes                            (30,013)      18,423           (71,034)      50,800

Provision (benefit) for income taxes               (8,770)       7,351           (28,369)      18,891

    Net income (loss)                          $  (21,243)  $   11,072        $  (42,665)  $   31,909

See accompanying accountants' review report and notes to consolidated financial
                                MARSHALLS OF ROSEVILLE, MINN., INC.
                        (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Melville Corporation)
                          Consolidated Statements of Shareholder's Equity
                  For the nine months ended September 30, 1995 and
 October 1, 1994
                                           (In Thousands)

                                          Common     Contributed      Retained      Shareholder's
                                          Stock        Capital        Earnings          Equity

Balance as of December 31, 1994            $352        $152,839       $542,275         $695,466

   Net loss                                   -               -        (42,665)         (42,665)
   Dividends paid to Parent                   -               -        (32,252)         (32,252)

Balance as of September 30, 1995            352         152,839        467,358          620,549

Balance as of December 31, 1993             352         152,839        500,697          653,888

   Net income                                 -               -         31,909           31,909
   Dividends paid to Parent                   -               -        (36,192)         (36,192)

Balance as of October 1, 1994              $352        $152,839       $496,414         $649,605

See accompanying accountants' review report and notes to consolidated
 financial statements.

                                 MARSHALLS OF ROSEVILLE, MINN., INC.
                         (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Melville Corporation)
                                Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
          For the three months and nine months ended September 30, 1995
 and October 1, 1994
                                           (In Thousands)

                                                 Three Months ended           Nine months ended    
                                              September 30,   October 1,  September 30,   October 1,
                                                      1995         1994           1995         1994
Cash flows from operating activities:
  Net income (loss)                             $  (21,243)  $   11,072     $  (42,665)  $   31,909
  Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss)
    to net cash used for operating activities:
      Depreciation and amortization                 16,050       14,253         45,690       40,221
      Increase in deferred income taxes                 78           74            164          226
      Loss on disposal of assets                     2,055          722          3,119        1,469
      Changes in assets and liabilities:
        Accounts receivable                        (24,517)     (17,392)       (27,925)     (25,526)
        Inventories                               (107,496)     (93,991)      (135,946)    (223,581)
        Prepaid expenses and other current
          assets                                    (2,198)      (1,771)           (74)        (661)
        Income tax receivable                       (8,876)           -        (18,714)           -
        Deferred charges and other noncurrent
          assets                                      (801)         (56)        (1,655)      (1,054)
        Accounts payable                           106,089       (8,643)       134,157       68,000
        Accrued expenses                            10,967       12,462        (26,277)     (13,262)
        Accrued Federal income taxes                     -       (5,102)       (28,745)     (13,901)
        Other liabilities                             (216)        (380)        (1,256)        (708)

    Net cash used for operating activities         (30,108)     (88,752)      (100,127)    (136,868)

Cash flows from investing activities:
  Additions to property and equipment              (15,615)     (33,301)       (36,818)     (68,513)
  Proceeds from disposal of assets                       -            -              -       17,996
  Net cash paid in acquisition of Puerto
    Rico stores                                          -      (24,846)             -      (24,846)

    Net cash used for investing activities         (15,615)     (58,147)       (36,818)     (75,363)

Cash flows from financing activities:
  Advances from Parent and other divisions          60,883      120,455        158,914      231,719
  Increase (decrease) in book overdrafts            (2,674)      48,248          4,752       27,108
  Dividends paid to Parent                         (10,716)     (12,076)       (32,252)     (36,192)
  Principal payments on capital lease
    obligations                                       (566)        (353)        (1,698)      (1,498)

    Net cash provided by financing activities       46,927      156,274        129,716      221,137

Net increase (decrease) in cash                      1,204        9,375         (7,229)       8,906

Cash at beginning of period                         13,873        7,841         22,306        8,310

Cash at end of period                           $   15,077   $   17,216     $   15,077   $   17,216

Supplemental disclosures of cash flow
  Cash paid during the period for:
    Interest                                    $    2,501   $      591     $    5,971   $      591
    Income taxes                                $      416   $   11,413     $   31,254   $   34,926

See accompanying accountants' review report and notes to consolidated financial

                MARSHALLS OF ROSEVILLE, MINN., INC.    
    (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Melville Corporation)
            Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
              September 30, 1995 and October 1, 1994

(1) Basis of Presentation

  The unaudited  consolidated financial statements include those of
    Marshalls of  Roseville, Minn., Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary
    of Melville  Corporation (the  "Parent") and  all of its retail
    subsidiaries doing  business as  Marshalls.   All  intercompany
    balances and  transactions between  the  consolidated  entities
    have been eliminated.

  In the  opinion of  the  Company's  management,  these  unaudited
    consolidated  financial   statements  reflect  all  adjustments
    (which include only normal and recurring adjustments) necessary
    to  present  fairly  the  financial  position  and  results  of
    operations for such periods.  Results of operations for interim
    periods are not necessarily indicative of results that might be
    achieved for the entire year.

(2) Acquisition of Puerto Rico Stores

  During 1994,  the Company  acquired the  assets of  twelve retail
    stores located  in Puerto  Rico  for  a  cash  price  of  $24.8
    million.  This acquisition was accounted for using the purchase
    method of accounting and resulted in goodwill of $15.5 million.
    Results  of   operations  are   included  in  the  consolidated
    financial  statements   of  the   Company  from   the  date  of
    acquisition.    Pro  forma  financial  results  have  not  been
    presented  for   the  effect  of  this  transaction  since  the
    operations are  not  material  to  the consolidated financial
    results of the Company.