As independent public accountants, we hereby consent to the incorporation by 
reference of our report dated February 14, 1997 included in Item 7 of this
Current Report Amendment No. 1 on Form 8-K/A dated January 22, 1997 with
respect to the consolidated financial statements of Eljer Industries, Inc. in
the Registration Statement on Form S-8 No. 33-19103 pertaining to the Zurn 
Industries, Inc. 1986 Stock Option Plan, the Registration Statement on 
Form S-8 No. 33-30383 pertaining to the Zurn Industries, Inc. 1989 Directors
Stock Option Plan, the Registration Statement on Form S-8 No. 33-49224 
pertaining to the Zurn Industries, Inc. 1991 Stock Option Plan, the 
Registration Statement on Form S-8 No. 033-65219 pertaining to the Zurn
Industries, Inc. 1995 Directors Stock Option Plan, the Registration 
Statement on Form S-8 No. 333-00823 pertaining to the Zurn Retirement Savings
Plan, and the registration Statement on Form S-8 No. 333-00813 pertaining to
the Zurn/NEPCO Retirement Savings Plan.  It should be noted that we have not
audited any financial statements of Eljer Industries, Inc. subsequent to 
December 29, 1996 or performed any audit procedures subsequent to the date of 
our report.

                            /s/ Arthur Andersen LLP

Dallas, Texas
April 7, 1997
