EXHIBIT (10)(n)

                          CONSUMERS POWER COMPANY

                        ANNUAL EXECUTIVE INCENTIVE
                             COMPENSATION PLAN

As Amended March 1994
                          CONSUMERS POWER COMPANY
               Annual Executive Incentive Compensation Plan

    I.     PURPOSE

           The purpose of the Annual Executive Incentive Compensation
           Plan (Plan) is to:

           A.      Provide an equitable and competitive level of
                   compensation that will permit the Company to attract,
                   retain and motivate highly competent Officers and key

           B.      Provide a financial incentive for Officers and key
                   employees to achieve expected levels of individual
                   performance and thereby assist in the achievement of
                   Company objectives.


           The effective date of the Plan is January 1, 1986.


           Officers and key employees in Salary Grades 11 and above are
           eligible for participation in the Plan.


           The Plan will be administered by the Chairman & CEO of CMS
           Energy and the Vice President -- Human Resources under the
           general direction of the Committee on Organization and
           Compensation (Committee) of the Board of Directors of CMS

           The Committee, no later than March of the Performance Year,
           will approve performance goals for the Plan year and will
           determine the total Annual Award Fund that will provide a
           reasonable and competitive level of awards when "standard"
           performance goals are achieved.

           The Committee, no later than March following the Performance
           Year, will review for approval the total Annual Award Fund to
           be allocated to the Plan participants for the previous
           calendar year.  This fund will be based on the Company's
           performance and the recommendation by the Committee.
           Individual incentive compensation awards for all participants,
           except the Chairman & CEO, will be recommended by the Chief
           Executive Officer, subject to approval of the Committee.  The
           incentive award for the Chairman & CEO will be recommended by
           the Chairman of the Committee.

           The Committee reserves the right to modify the performance
           goals or otherwise exercise discretion with respect to
           individual awards as they deem necessary to maintain the
           spirit and intent of the Plan.


           The performance goal for the Plan shall consist of three
           factors:  (1) the net income of CMS Energy Corporation;
           (2) the pre-tax operating income of the Company and (3) the
           Company's gas and electric rates for customers as compared
           with those of other major investor-owned utilities in the
           Midwest and the United States.  In the event less than 80% of
           the CMS Energy income goal is achieved, there will not be a
           payout under that portion of the Plan.  In the event less than
           80% of the CPCo pre-tax operating income goal is achieved,
           there will not be a payout under the Plan.

           A.      CMS Energy Net Income Award (After Preferred &
                   Preference Dividends) -- An income goal will be set
                   each year.  For each 1% (or fraction thereof) increase
                   achieved in net income above 80% of goal, there will
                   be a corresponding 2.5% (or pro rata part) increase in
                   the award up to 100% after which there will be a
                   corresponding 1% (or pro rata part) increase in the
                   award for each additional 1% (or fraction thereof)
                   increase in net income above goal.  The maximum award
                   is 120%.

           B.      CPCo Pre-Tax Operating Income Award -- An operating
                   income goal will be set each year.  For each 1% (or
                   fraction thereof) increase achieved in pre-tax
                   operating income above 80% of goal, there will be a
                   corresponding 2.5% (or pro rata part) increase in the
                   award up to 100% after which there will be a
                   corresponding 1% (or pro rata part) increase in the
                   award for each additional 1% (or fraction thereof)
                   increase in net income above goal.  The maximum award
                   is 120%.

                    Actual Net or Operating Income      Percent of
                       as a Percent of Goal            Award Granted
                       --------------------            -------------
                       Less Than 80.0%                      0
                               80.0%                       50.0%
                               85.0%                       62.5%
                               90.0%                       75.0%
                               95.0%                       87.5%
                              100.0%                      100.0%
                              105.0%                      105.0%
                              110.0%                      110.0%
                              115.0%                      115.0%
                       120.0% and Above                   120.0%

           C.      Energy Rates Award -- A comparison will be made
                   between the Company's electric rate (average revenue
                   per kilowatt-hour sold -- $/kWh) and gas rate (average
                   revenue per thousand cubic feet sold -- $/Mcf) and
                   rates of comparable utilities.  One-half of the energy
                   rates award portion of the performance goal will be
                   adjusted by the electric rate comparison and the other
                   half by the gas rate comparison.

                   If less than 50% of the comparison companies have
                   rates exceeding Consumers Power Company, the payout
                   will be zero for the electric or gas rate award.  If
                   50% of the rate comparison companies exceed the
                   Company, 50% of the award is granted.  For each 1% (or
                   fraction thereof) increase in the ranking above 50%,
                   there will be a corresponding 2.5% (or pro rata part)
                   increase in the award up to a 70% ranking after which
                   there will be a corresponding 1% (or pro rata part)
                   increase in the award for each 1% (or fraction
                   thereof) increase achieved in rank above 70%.  The
                   maximum award is 120%.

                      Electric or Gas Ranking
                     (Percent of Companies Whose       Percent of
                     Rates Exceed the Company's)         Award  
                     ---------------------------       ----------
                        Less Than 50.0%                    0
                              50.0%                       50.0%
                              55.0%                       62.5%
                              60.0%                       75.0%
                              65.0%                       87.5%
                              70.0%                      100.0%
                              75.0%                      105.0%
                              80.0%                      110.0%
                              85.0%                      115.0%
                       90.0% and Above                   120.0%


                   For the comparison, the individual average rates of a
                   number of the largest investor-owned utilities in the
                   United States and Midwest for both gas and electric
                   comparisons will be measured against the average
                   Company electric and gas rates.


           Standard incentive awards for each eligible executive will
           amount to a percentage of the midpoint of his/her salary grade
           in the Performance Year.  The midpoints and salary ranges are
           determined each year and are subject to review and approval by
           the Committee.  The percentage will vary by position level as
           indicated below:

                                Salary   Incentive Award as a %
              Position          Grade   of Salary Grade Midpoint  Formula*
           -----------------    ------  ------------------------  -------

           Chairman & CEO       E-9             75.0                I

           Vice Chairman,
             President          E-8             65.0                I

              Executive Vice
               President        E-7             60.0                I

              Executive Vice
               President        E-6             55.0               II

           Senior Vice
             President          E-5             50.0               II

           Vice President       E-4             45.0               II

           Vice President       E-3             40.0               II

           Other Officers/Senior 
               Directors        E-2             35.0              III

           Senior Managers/
             Directors          E-1             30.0              III

           Managers/Directors   13              25.0              III

           Managers/Directors   12              20.0              III

             and Equivalent     11              15.0              III

           *Generally the top five Officers plus four other Officers with
           multi-Company responsibilities participate in Formula I.  All
           other Officers participate in Formula II and all others
           participate in Formula III.  The formulas are found on Page 5.

           The award for individual participants will be based on either
           two or three factors:  (1) Company performance as measured by
           achievement of the net income of CMS Energy; (2) pre-tax
           operating income of CPCo and energy rate relationship goals;
           and (3) individual performance; ie, performance must be fully
           effective or better to be eligible for an award.  Assuming a
           minimum of fully effective performance, individual awards may
           be adjusted in a range from 70% to 130% of the Company
           performance level in order to take into account individual
           performance.  Each individual's performance will be measured
           against specific, quantifiable objectives for the Performance
           Year as established and approved by each participant's
           immediate supervisor.  Accordingly, each year the levels will
           be as follows:

                                115-130%         Exceptional
                                100-115%         Exceeds
                                 70-100%         Fully Effective
                                   0             Unacceptable

           The Chairman & CEO will review and approve each Officer's
           objectives for the Performance Year.  Final individual awards,
           depending on formula designation, will be calculated as

           Formula I

           Individual  =  Standard  x   CMS Net     x   Individual
             Award          Award     Income Award     Performance

           Formula II

           Individual  =  Standard  x  .50  x   CMS Net    +  .35 x 
             Award         Award              Income Award 

                CPCo Pre-Tax    + .15 x   Rates  x   Individual
               Opr Income Award           Award     Performance

           Formula III

           Individual  =  Standard    x   .25  x    CMS Net   +  .53 x   
              Award         Award                 Income Award 

               CPCo Pre-Tax   + .22 x   Rates  x   Individual 
              Opr Income Award          Award     Performance



           All awards for the Performance Year will be paid in cash no
           later than March of the following year after review and
           approval by the Committee.  The amounts required by law to be
           withheld for income tax and Social Security taxes will be
           deducted from the award payments.


           The payment of all or one-half of each award may be deferred
           at the election of the individual participants in the Plan.  A
           separate irrevocable election must be made each year prior to
           the beginning of the Performance Year.  Any award granted
           after termination of employment or retirement is not eligible
           for deferral and will be paid in full in the year in which the
           award is made.

           The deferred awards may be paid out in a lump sum or in five
           or ten annual installments beginning in the January following
           retirement or termination of employment.  If awards are paid
           in annual installments, each year the payment will be a
           fraction of the balance equal to one over the number of annual
           installments remaining.  In the event of the participant's
           death, all deferred amounts will be paid in total the
           following January.

           At the time of electing to defer payment, the participant must
           elect whether the sum deferred shall be treated by the Company
           in accordance with Paragraph A or Paragraph B below.

           A.      The deferred award will be credited with sums in lieu
                   of interest from the first day of the month following
                   the month in which the award was granted to the date
                   of payment.  The "interest rate" will be equivalent to
                   the prime rate of interest set by Citibank, NA,
                   compounded quarterly as of the first day of January,
                   April, July and October of each year during the
                   deferral period.  The prime rate in effect on the
                   first day of January, April, July and October shall be
                   the prime rate in effect for that quarterly period.

           B.      The deferred award will be treated as if it were
                   invested as an optional cash payment under the CMS
                   Energy Corporation's Dividend Reinvestment and Common
                   Stock Purchase Plan.  The value of the deferred sum at
                   the time of payment shall be equal to the number of
                   dollars such an investment would have been worth as
                   measured by the purchase price of shares of Common
                   Stock using the average closing price (NYSE --
                   composite transactions) for the first five trading
                   days in the December previous to a payout.

           The amounts deferred are to be satisfied from the general
           Corporate funds which are subject to the claims of creditors.


           Participants may name the beneficiary of their choice in the
           event they die prior to receipt of either a current or
           deferred award.  In the event a beneficiary is not named, the
           payment will be made to the first surviving class as follows:

           1.  Widow or Widower
           2.  Children
           3.  Parents
           4.  Brothers and Sisters
           5.  Executor or Administrator

           Participants may change beneficiary at any time and the change
           will be effective as of the date the participants complete and
           sign the beneficiary form, whether or not they are living at
           the time the request is received by the Company.  However, the
           Company will not be liable for any payments it makes before
           receiving a written request.


           A.      SALARY GRADE CHANGE

                   Individual awards will be based on the salary grade
                   level in effect as of the beginning of the Performance
                   Year or such later date on which an employee becomes a
                   participant in the Plan except that an eligible
                   employee promoted to a higher eligible salary position
                   during the award year may be recommended for an award
                   based upon the percentage of the Performance Year the
                   employee is in each participating position.


                   A newly hired employee or an employee promoted during
                   the Performance Year to a position qualifying for
                   participation may be recommended for a pro rata award
                   based on the percentage of the Performance Year the
                   employee is in the participating position.

           C.      DEMOTION

                   No award will be made to an employee who has been
                   demoted during the Performance Year because of
                   performance.  If the demotion is due to an
                   organization change, a pro rata award may be made
                   provided the employee otherwise qualifies for an

           D.      TERMINATION

                   An employee whose services are terminated during the
                   Performance Year for reasons of misconduct, failure to
                   perform, or other performance-related reasons, shall
                   not be considered for an award.  If the termination is
                   due to other reasonssuch as reorganization, transfer
                   to a subsidiary, etc, and the termination is not due
                   to a fault of the employee, the employee may be
                   considered for a pro rata award.

           E.      RESIGNATION

                   An employee who resigns to accept employment elsewhere
                   during or after a performance year, (including self-
                   employment) will not be eligible for an award.  If the
                   resignation is due to other reasons; eg, ill health in
                   the immediate family, etc, the employee may be
                   considered for a pro rata award.


                   An employee whose status as an active employee is
                   changed during the Performance Year for any of the
                   reasons cited, may be considered for a pro rata award.


           Payments made under this program will be considered as
           earnings for the Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan
           (Salary Grades E-1 through E-9) and for life insurance, but
           not for purposes of the Employees' Savings Plan, Pension Plan,
           or other employee benefit programs.


           The Company at any time may, in writing, terminate or amend
           the Plan.