Washington, DC  20549

                            FORM 8-K

                         CURRENT REPORT

Pursuant to Section 13 or 15 (d) of the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934

Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported)  July 2, 1999

                      JLG INDUSTRIES, INC.
      (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                 Commission file number:  0-8454

           PENNSYLVANIA                       25-1199382
         (State or other                   (I.R.S. Employer
         jurisdiction of                  Identification No.)
         incorporation or

           1 JLG Drive,                       17233-9533
        McConnellsburg, PA
      (Address of principal                   (Zip Code)
        executive offices)

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code:
                         (7l7) 485-5161

                         Not Applicable
  (Former name of former address, if changed since last report)

Item 2.   Acquisition or Disposition of Assets

     (a) On June 18, 1999, the Company completed the merger if
     its wholly owned subsidiary with and into Gradall
     Industries, Inc.  Following its tender offer, the Company
     acquired 100% or 9,761,042 voting common shares of Gradall
     for $20.00 per share.  Validly tendered shares will be
     purchased in accordance with the terms of the tender offer.
     Any shares of Gradall common stock not tendered in the
     tender offer will be converted into the right to receive
     $20.00 per share in cash.  The acquisition was financed by
     the proceeds from the revolving credit facility described in
     Item 5 (a) below.

      (b) Gradall is a leading manufacturer of rough-terrain,
     variable-reach material handlers and telescoping hydraulic
     excavators used in infrastructure, residential, non-
     residential and institutional construction and is one of the
     industry's most recognized brand names.

Item 5.   Other Events

     (a) The Company entered into a Credit Agreement dated June
     18, 1999 (the "Credit Agreement") by and among the Company
     certain of its subsidiaries, and certain financial
     institutions named therein.  The Credit Agreement provides
     for a five year revolving credit facility, with an aggregate
     commitment of $250 million.  The Credit Agreement commitment
     is available for the costs of the acquisition, repaying pre-
     acquisition indebtedness and working capital and general
     corporate purposes.

     Borrowings under the Credit Agreement bear interest at a
     rate per annum equal to, at the Company's option, either
     LIBOR plus a margin ranging from 0.55% to 1.125%, depending
     on the Company's ratio of funded debt to EBITA, or the
     greater of prime rate or federal funds rate plus .50%.  The
     Company is also required to pay an underwriting fee of .75%
     of the commitment and an annual administrative fee of
     $35,000 to First Union, and a facility fee ranging from .20%
     to .275%, depending on the Company's ratio of funded debt to
     EBITA.  The Credit Agreement contains customary affirmative
     and negative covenants, including financial covenants
     requiring the maintenance of specific consolidated interest
     coverage and leverage ratios and a minimum consolidated net

     (b) On June 15, 1999, the Company modified its credit
     agreement with The First National Bank of Maryland to reduce
     the maximum borrowing amount from $40 million to $20

Item 7.   Financial Statements and Exhibits

     (a) Financial Statements of Business Acquired

          Audited financial statements of Gradall will be filed
          with the Securities and Exchange Commission as an
          amendment to this Report on or about August 30, 1999.

     (b) Pro Forma Financial Information

          Pro forma financial information will be filed with the
          Securities and Exchange Commission as an amendment to
          this Report on or about August 30, 1999.

     (c) Exhibits:

          10.1 Agreement and Plan of Merger dated as of May 10,
          1999, among Gradall Industries, Inc., the Company and
          JLG Acquisition Corp. (incorporated by reference to
          Exhibit (c)(1) to the Company's Report on Form 14D-1
          filed on May 14, 1999.)

          10.2 Credit Agreement dated June 18, 1999 among the
          Company and First Union National Bank (to be filed with
          the Securities and Exchange Commission as an amendment
          to this Report.)

          99.1 Text of Joint Press Release issued by the Company
          and Gradall Industries, Inc. dated May 11, 1999
          (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 99 to the
          Company's Current Report on Form 8-K dated May 13, 1999
          and filed on May 14, 1999.)

          99.2      Text of the Company's press release dated
          June 15, 1999

          99.3 Text of the Company's press release dated June 21,


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on
its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                 JLG INDUSTRIES, INC.

Date: July 2, 1999               /s/ Charles H. Diller,
                                 Charles H. Diller, Jr.
                                 Executive Vice President
                                 Chief Financial Officer