INTEREST RATE SWAP AGREEMENT

         THIS  AGREEMENT  ("Agreement")  is  entered  into as of the 18th day of
September,  1998, by and between PUBLIC STORAGE PROPERTIES IV, LTD. ("Fixed Rate
Payer"), and WELLS FARGO BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION ("Floating Rate Payer").

         WHEREAS,  both Fixed Rate Payer and Floating  Rate Payer seek to reduce
actual or expected  exposure  to changes in interest  rates or to lower costs of
actual or expected borrowings.

         WHEREAS,  the Fixed Rate Payer is willing to make the payments based on
a fixed rate of interest as provided herein; and

         WHEREAS,  the Floating Rate Payer is willing to make the payments based
on a floating rate of interest as provided herein;

         NOW THEREFORE,  in consideration of their mutual covenants,  Fixed Rate
Payer and Floating Rate Payer agree as follows:

         1. DEFINITIONS.  The capitalized terms, "Effective Date", "Fixed Rate",
"Floating Rate", "Floating Rate Maturity",  "Net Swap Settlement Payment Dates",
"Reset Dates", "Swap Amount",  "Termination Date" and "Trade Date" shall each be
as specified in the Swap  Confirmation.  All other  capitalized terms shall have
the meanings set forth below or otherwise as set forth in this Agreement:

                  (a) "BUSINESS DAY" means a day (other than Saturday, Sunday or
holiday) on which Bank is open and conducting its customary banking transactions
in the State of California.

                  (b)  "BUSINESS  DAY   CONVENTION"   means,   for  purposes  of
determining  each  Calculation  Period,  that  convention  specified in the Swap
Confirmation for adjusting any relevant date if it would otherwise fall on a day
that is not a Business Day, so that:

                           (i) if  "following"  is specified,  that date will be
         the first following day that is a Business Day;

                           (ii) if "modified following" is specified,  that date
         will be the first  following day that is a Business Day unless that day
         falls in the next calendar  month,  in which case that date will be the
         first preceding day that is a Business Day; and

                           (iii) if "preceding" is specified,  that date will be
         the first preceding day that is a Business Day.

                  (c)  "CALCULATION  PERIOD" means,  subject to the Business Day
Convention,  each consecutive  period designated in the Swap  Confirmation,  the
first of which will commence on, and include,  the Effective Date and extend to,
but  exclude,  the first Reset Date.  Each  subsequent  Calculation  Period will
commence  on, and  include,  the Reset Date and extend to, but  exclude the next
Reset  Date.  The  final  Calculation  Period  will  end on,  but  exclude,  the
Completion Date.

                  (d) "SWAP CONFIRMATION" means a document, substantially in the
form of Exhibit A hereto,  with the  information  required  in each blank  space

                  (e) "COMPLETION  DATE" shall mean the Termination  Date unless
an Early Termination Date has occurred,  in which case the Completion Date shall
be the Early Termination Date.


                  (f) "DAY COUNT  CONVENTION" means that the calculation of each
Net  Swap  Settlement  will  be  based  on the  actual  number  of  days  in the
Calculation Period divided by a 360-day year.

                  (g) "EARLY  TERMINATION DATE" means the date, if any, prior to
the  Termination  Date upon which  this  Agreement  is  terminated  pursuant  to
Paragraph 3(a) below.

                  (h) "LIBOR" means,  with respect to each  Calculation  Period,
the rate for deposits in U.S.  Dollars for a period  equal to the Floating  Rate
Maturity,  as such rate  appears on  Telerate  Page 3750 as of 11:00 AM,  London
Time,  on the  Reset  Date (or the  Effective  Date in the  case of the  initial
Period).  If such rate does not appear on Telerate Page 3750,  the rate for that
Reset Date will be the  arithmetic  mean of the rates  quoted by major  Banks in
London, selected by Floating Rate Payer, for a period equal to the Floating Rate
Maturity, as of 11:00 AM, London Time, on the Reset Date.

                  (i) "TELERATE PAGE 3750" means the display designated as "Page
3750" on the Dow Jones Telerate  Service (or such other page as may replace Page
3750 on that  service or such other  service as may be  nominated by the British
Bankers'  Association  as the  information  vendor for the purpose of displaying
British  Bankers'   Association   Interest  Settlement  Rates  for  U.S.  Dollar


                  (a) On the  first  Business  Day  following  the  end of  each
Calculation  Period,  Floating  Rate  Payer will send Fixed Rate Payer a written
notice ("Settlement Notice") specifying:

                           (i) the amount of interest  which would have  accrued
         on the Swap Amount  during the  Calculation  Period at a rate per annum
         equal to the Floating Rate ("Floating Rate Payment").

                           (ii) the amount of interest  which would have accrued
         on the Swap Amount  during the  Calculation  Period at a rate per annum
         equal to the Fixed Rate ("Fixed Rate Payment"); and

                           (iii) the  difference,  if any,  between the Floating
         Rate  Payment  and  the  Fixed  Rate  Payment  ("Net  Swap   Settlement

                  (b) All  calculations  under Paragraph 2(a) above will be made
on the basis of the Day Count Convention.

                  (c) On each Net Swap Settlement Payment Date:

                           (i) if the Fixed Rate  Payment  exceeds the  Floating
         Rate Payment, Fixed Rate Payer shall pay Floating Rate Payer the amount
         of the Net Swap Settlement Payment by, at Floating Rate Payer's option,
         Floating  Rate  Payer's  debiting  Fixed Rate  Payer's  demand  deposit
         account with Floating  Rate Payer,  or by wiring funds to Floating Rate
         Payer; or

                           (ii) if the Floating  Rate Payment  exceeds the Fixed
         Rate Payment, Floating Rate Payer shall pay Fixed Rate Payer the amount
         of the Net Swap Settlement Payment by, at Floating Rate Payer's option,
         crediting  Fixed Rate Payer's demand deposit account with Floating Rate
         Payer, or by wiring funds to a designated Fixed Rate Payer account.


                  (a) This Agreement  shall expire on the  Termination  Date and
neither party may terminate this Agreement prior thereto; provided, however that
in the event that  either  Floating  Rate Payer or Fixed Rate Payer fail to make
any  payment  when due  hereunder  or  otherwise  fail to  perform  any of their
obligations hereunder, unless such default is cured within five Business Days of
the defaulting  party's  receipt of written notice thereof,  the  non-defaulting


party may, so long as such default in then  continuing,  upon five Business Days
written notice terminate this Agreement.

                  (b) In the  event of an early  termination  of this  Agreement
pursuant  to  Paragraph  3(a),  the  defaulting  party  shall  promptly  pay the
non-defaulting party, on demand, an amount equal to the Termination Amount. Each
party hereto  acknowledges the Termination Amount to be a reasonable estimate of
the  value,  costs and loss of  compensation  incurred  by the other  party as a
result of the early termination of this Agreement.

                  (c)  "Termination  Amount"  means the  amount in U.S.  Dollars
equal to the arithmetic  mean of the respective  one-time all-in fees (including
documentation  costs)  communicated to the non-defaulting  party on the earliest
practicable  Business Day following the Early  Termination Date by each of three
leading  commercial  banks or  investment  banking firms in San  Francisco,  Los
Angeles or New York  selected in good faith by the  non-defaulting  party as the
fee that it would charge to assume, as of the Early Termination Date, all of the
rights and  obligations of the defaulting  party.  However,  if one or more such
entities  fail so to  communicate  such a fee, the  Termination  Amount shall be
determined on the basis of those fees so communicated by the other entities.

         4.  LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY.  In no event shall either party hereto be
liable to the other for loss of  profit  or  indirect,  special,  consequential,
punitive or exemplary damages, arising out of any default under this Agreement.

         5. NOTICES. All notices and other communications  required or permitted
to be given  hereunder  shall be in  writing  and  shall be deemed  served  when
personally  delivered  or, if mailed,  upon the first to occur of receipt or the
expiration  of  seventy-two  hours  after  deposit in the United  States  Postal
Service, certified mail, or if sent by overnight courier service, upon the first
to occur of  receipt or 3:00 p.m.  (local  time at place of  delivery)  the next
Business  Day,  addressed  to  Floating  Rate Payer or Fixed Rate Payer at their
respective addresses set forth in the Swap Confirmation.

         6. SUCCESSORS; ASSIGNS. This Agreement shall be binding on and inure to
the benefit of the  successors  and assigns of the parties;  provided,  however,
that Fixed Rate Payer shall not,  without the prior written  consent of Floating
Rate Payer,  assign  (whether by operation of law or  otherwise)  its rights and
obligations  under this Agreement or any interest  herein and any such attempted
assignment shall be void and without force or effect.

         7. GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement  shall be governed by and construed in
accordance  with the laws of the State of  California,  without giving effect to
any choice of law doctrine.

         8. NO THIRD PARTY  BENEFICIARY.  This  Agreement and the payments to be
made by the parties  hereunder are solely for the benefit of the parties  hereto
for the  purposes  stated  herein and no other  person or entity  shall have any
rights  hereunder or be a beneficiary of either party's  obligations  under this

         9.  COUNTERPARTS.  This  Agreement  and the  Swap  Confirmation  may be
executed  in any number of  counterparts  and by each party  hereto on  separate
counterparts,  each of which when  executed and  delivered  shall  constitute an
original,  but all the  counterparts  shall together  constitute but one and the
same instrument.

         10. AMENDMENTS; WAIVERS. Any amendment or waiver of any right under any
provision  of  this  Agreement  shall  be in  writing  and,  in the  case  of an
amendment,  signed by both parties hereto, or in the case of a waiver, signed by
the party  waiving  such right.  No failure or delay by either  party  hereto in
exercising  any right,  power or privilege  hereunder  shall operate as a waiver

Agreement shall be effective at, and as of, 12:01 a.m.,  California time, on the
Trade  Date.  Nothing  in this  Agreement  shall be  construed  to (i) mean that
Floating  Rate Payer is  committed  to make a loan or extend any other credit to
Fixed Rate Payer,  or (ii) amend or modify any contract,  instrument or document
executed in connection with the Loan Facility.


         12. COSTS, EXPENSES AND ATTORNEYS' FEES. In the event of any dispute or
litigation between the parties hereto, the prevailing party shall be entitled to
recover from the other party,  immediately upon demand,  all costs and expenses,
including  reasonable  attorneys'  fees,  incurred  by the  prevailing  party in
connection  with the  enforcement  of its rights  and/or the  collection  of any
amounts  which become due to it under this  Agreement,  and the  prosecution  or
defense of any action in any way related to this Agreement, including any of the
foregoing incurred in connection with any bankruptcy proceeding relating to such
other party.

         13.  ENTIRE  AGREEMENT.   This  Agreement  and  the  Swap  Confirmation
constitute the entire agreement and understanding of the parties with respect to
its subject  matter and supersedes  all oral  communications  and prior writings
with respect thereto.

         14. SECURITY. Unsecured.

         15. NO RELIANCE.  In connection  with the  negotiation  of and entering
into this Agreement,  (i) Fixed Rate Payer  acknowledges  that the Floating Rate
Payer is not acting as a fiduciary or a financial or investment  advisor for it;
(ii) Fixed Rate Payer is not relying upon any advice, counsel or representations
(whether  written  or oral) of the  Floating  Rate Payer  hereto  other than the
representations  expressly set forth in this Agreement, and in any Confirmation;
(iii) the  Floating  Rate  Payer has not given  Fixed  Rate  Payer any advice or
counsel as to the expected or projected success,  return,  performance,  result,
consequence or benefit (either legal, regulatory, tax, financial, accounting, or
otherwise) of this  Agreement;  (iv) Fixed Rate Payer has consulted with its own
legal, regulatory, tax, business, investment,  financial and accounting advisors
to the extent is has deemed necessary and has made its own investment,  hedging,
and  trading  decisions  (including  decisions  regarding   suitability  of  any
Transaction pursuant to this Agreement) based upon its own judgment and upon any
advice  from such  advisors  as it has  deemed  necessary  and not upon any view
expressed by the other party hereto;  (v) Fixed Rate Payer has  determined  that
the  rates,  prices,  or  amounts  and other  terms of each  Transaction  in the
indicative  quotations  (if any) provided by Floating Rate Payer hereto  reflect
those in the relevant market for similar Transactions, and all trading decisions
have been the result of arms length negotiations between the parties; (vi) Fixed
Rate Payer is entering into this Agreement with a full  understanding  of all of
the terms, conditions and risks thereof (economic and otherwise), and Fixed Rate
Payer is capable of assuming and willing to assume  (financially  and otherwise)
those risks; and (vii) Fixed Rate Payer is a sophisticated investor.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as
of the day and year first written above.

Floating Rate Payer:                        Fixed Rate Payer:


                                            By:     Public Storage, Inc., 
                                                    general partner

By:     /s/ Steven D. Berg                  By:     /s/ David P. Singelyn
        ------------------                          ---------------------
Name:   Steven D. Berg                      Name:   David P. Singelyn
Its:    Vice President                      Its:    Vice President and Treasurer


                          [Wells Fargo Bank Letterhead]

                                                              September 18, 1998

David Singelyn
Public Storage Properties IV, Ltd.
701 Western Avenue
2nd Floor
Glendale, CA  91201

VIA FAX: (818) 244-9267

Dear David,

     The purpose of this letter agreement is to confirm the terms and conditions
of the Swap Transaction  entered into between Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.  ("Floating
Rate Payer") and Public Storage  Properties IV, Ltd. ("Fixed Rate Payer").  This
Swap Transaction is effective at, and as of 12:01 a.m.,  California time, on the
Trade Date specified below.

     This  confirmation  supplements,  forms  part of,  and is  subject to Wells
Fargo's  customary  form of Swap Interest Rate  Agreement,  a copy of which will
follow via  overnight  mail.  In the absence of any other such  agreement,  this
communication itself constitutes a binding agreement setting forth the essential
terms of the Swap Transaction.

     The terms of the Swap Transaction to which this Swap  Confirmation  relates
are as follows:

           Trade Date:                    September 18, 1998
           Effective Date:                September 18, 1998
           Termination Date:              September 18, 2000  (exclusive)

Swap Amount:                              $11,500,000  -  initial  notional
                                          amount  - please  refer to  attached
                                          Schedule I.

Fixed Amounts:
           Fixed Rate Payer:              Public Storage IV, Ltd.
           Fixed Rate:                    5.22%
           Day Count Convention:          Actual/360
           Business Day Convention:       Following
           Calculation Period:            From  the  18th  day of  each   month,
                                          beginning  with September 18, 1998, up
                                          to  the  18th  day  of  the  following
                                          month,     continuing     until    the
                                          Termination    Date,     subject    to
                                          adjustment  in  accordance   with  the
                                          designated Business Day Convention.

Floating Amounts:
           Floating Rate Payer:           Wells Fargo Bank
           Floating Rate:                 LIBOR
           Floating Rate Maturity:        1-month
           Reset Date:                    The 18th  of  each  month,  subject to
                                          adjustment  in  accordance   with  the
                                          designated  Business  Day  Convention.
                                          The first reset date is September  18,


           Day Count Convention:          Actual/360
           Business Day Convention:       Following
           Calculation Period:            From  the  18th  day  of  each  month,
                                          beginning  with September 18, 1998, up
                                          to  the  18th  day  of  the  following
                                          month,     continuing     until    the
                                          Termination    Date,     subject    to
                                          adjustment  in  accordance   with  the
                                          designated Business Day Convention.

Net Swap Settlement Payment
           Dates:                         The    18th    day  of   each   month,
                                          beginning   with   October  19,  1998,
                                          continuing  up to  and  including  the
                                          Termination    Date,     subject    to
                                          adjustment  in  accordance   with  the
                                          designated Business Day convention.

Account Details:
           Payments to Fixed Rate Payer:     Credit DDA# 4648-058-048
           Payments to Floating Rate Payer:  Debit DDA# 4648-058-048

Addresses for Notices:

           Fixed Rate Payer:              Public Storage Properties IV, Ltd.
                                          701 Western Avenue
                                          2nd Floor
                                          Glendale, CA  91201
                                          Attention:  David Singelyn
                                          (818) 244-8080 ext. 385
                                          FAX:  (818) 244-9267

           Floating Rate Payer:           Wells Fargo Bank, National Association
                                          420 Montgomery Street, 6th Floor
                                          MAC:  0101-063
                                          San Francisco, CA 94163
                                          Attention:  Steven D. Berg
                                          (415) 394-4020
                                          FAX:  (415) 956-9581

     Please  confirm that the  foregoing  correctly  sets forth the terms of our
agreement by signing this facsimile and sending it as a return acknowledgment to
Kelly Johnson's  attention (FAX: (415) 956-9581).  Swap agreement documents will
follow via  overnight  delivery.  If you have any  questions,  please call me at
(415) 394-4020.


                                   /s/ Steven D. Berg

CONFIRMED BY:         Public Storage, Inc., general partner

BY:                   /s/ David P. Singelyn
NAME:                 David P. Singelyn
TITLE:                Vice President and Treasurer
DATE:                 September 18, 1998
