WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q

[X] Quarterly Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities  Exchange
Act of 1934

For the period ended September 30, 1999


[ ] Transition Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934

For the transition period from               to
                              ---------------  ---------------

Commission File Number 0-8908

                       PUBLIC STORAGE PROPERTIES IV, LTD.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

         California                                                  95-3192402
- -----------------------------------------               -----------------------
(State or other jurisdiction of                                (I.R.S. Employer
incorporation or organization)                           Identification Number)

      701 Western Avenue
     Glendale, California                                                 91201
- -----------------------------------------               -----------------------
(Address of principal executive offices)                             (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code:              (818) 244-8080

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports)  and  (2)  has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days.

                                    Yes X No
                                       ---  ---




Condensed balance sheets at September 30, 1999
     and December 31, 1998                                                   2

Condensed statements of income for the three and
     nine months ended September 30, 1999 and 1998                           3

Condensed statement of partners' equity for the
     nine months ended September 30, 1999                                    4

Condensed statements of cash flows for the
     nine months ended September 30, 1999 and 1998                           5

Notes to condensed financial statements                                    6-7

Management's discussion and analysis of
     financial condition and results of operations                        8-11


Item 6 Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K.                                    12

                       PUBLIC STORAGE PROPERTIES IV, LTD.
                            CONDENSED BALANCE SHEETS

                                                                              September 30,          December 31,
                                                                                 1999                    1998
                                                                            ----------------       -----------------


Cash and cash equivalents                                                   $       108,000        $        433,000
Marketable securities of affiliate (cost of $6,091,000)                           9,621,000              10,337,000
Rent and other receivables                                                          134,000                 136,000

Real estate facilities, at cost:
     Buildings and equipment                                                     16,753,000              16,424,000
     Land                                                                         5,244,000               5,244,000
                                                                            ----------------       -----------------
                                                                                 21,997,000              21,668,000

     Less accumulated depreciation                                              (12,565,000)            (11,824,000)
                                                                            ----------------       -----------------
                                                                                  9,432,000               9,844,000

Other assets                                                                        116,000                 126,000
                                                                            ----------------       -----------------
Total assets                                                                $    19,411,000        $     20,876,000
                                                                            ================       =================

                        LIABILITIES AND PARTNERS' EQUITY

Accounts payable                                                            $       341,000        $        249,000
Deferred revenue                                                                    234,000                 235,000
Note payable to commercial bank                                                  15,210,000              19,650,000

Partners' equity:
     Limited partners' equity (deficit), $500 per unit, 40,000 units
         authorized, issued and outstanding                                          71,000              (2,599,000)
     General partners' equity (deficit)                                              25,000                (905,000)
     Other comprehensive income                                                   3,530,000               4,246,000
                                                                            ----------------       -----------------

     Total partners' equity                                                       3,626,000                 742,000
                                                                            ----------------       -----------------
Total liabilities and partners' equity                                      $    19,411,000        $     20,876,000
                                                                            ================       =================

                            See accompanying notes.

                       PUBLIC STORAGE PROPERTIES IV, LTD.
                         CONDENSED STATEMENTS OF INCOME

                                                            Three Months Ended               Nine Months Ended
                                                               Septmeber 30,                   September 30,
                                                       -----------------------------   -----------------------------
                                                            1999            1998            1999           1998
                                                       -------------   -------------   -------------   -------------


  Rental income                                        $  2,403,000    $  2,255,000    $  6,937,000    $  6,559,000
  Dividends from marketable securities of affiliate          84,000          84,000         252,000         252,000
  Other income                                                1,000          11,000           5,000          82,000
                                                       -------------   -------------   -------------   -------------
                                                          2,488,000       2,350,000       7,194,000       6,893,000
                                                       -------------   -------------   -------------   -------------


  Cost of operations                                        525,000         508,000       1,579,000       1,545,000
  Management fees paid to affiliate                         144,000         134,000         416,000         394,000
  Depreciation                                              248,000         231,000         741,000         691,000
  Administrative                                             15,000          15,000          61,000          56,000
  Interest expense                                          243,000         405,000         797,000       1,774,000
                                                       -------------   -------------   -------------   -------------
                                                          1,175,000       1,293,000       3,594,000       4,460,000
                                                       -------------   -------------   -------------   -------------
  NET INCOME                                           $  1,313,000    $  1,057,000    $  3,600,000    $  2,433,000
                                                       =============   =============   =============   =============

  Limited partners' share of net income ($89.00 per
    unit in 1999 and $60.15 per unit in 1998)                                          $  3,560,000    $  2,406,000

  General partners' share of net income                                                      40,000          27,000
                                                                                       -------------   -------------
                                                                                       $  3,600,000    $  2,433,000
                                                                                       =============   =============

                            See accompanying notes.

                       PUBLIC STORAGE PROPERTIES IV, LTD.

                                                  Limited             General         Comprehensive      Total Partners'
                                                  Partners            Partners           Income              Equity
                                              -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------

Balance at December 31, 1998                  $     (2,599,000)  $       (905,000)  $      4,246,000   $        742,000

Change in unrealized gain of marketable
equity securities                                            -                  -           (716,000)          (716,000)

Net income                                           3,560,000             40,000                  -          3,600,000

Equity transfer                                       (890,000)           890,000                  -                  -
                                              -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------
Balance at September 30, 1999                 $         71,000   $         25,000   $      3,530,000   $      3,626,000
                                              =================  =================  =================  =================

                            See accompanying notes.

                       PUBLIC STORAGE PROPERTIES IV, LTD.

                                                                                        Nine Months Ended
                                                                                          September 30,
                                                                                    1999                1998
                                                                                 -------------      -------------
Cash flows from operating activities:

     Net income                                                                  $  3,600,000       $  2,433,000

     Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided
         by operating activities

         Depreciation                                                                 741,000            691,000
         Decrease in rent and other receivables                                         2,000             16,000
         Amortization of prepaid loan fees                                                  -             69,000
         Decrease (increase) in other assets                                           10,000            (54,000)
         Increase in accounts payable                                                  92,000            220,000
         (Decrease) increase in deferred revenue                                       (1,000)             6,000
                                                                                 -------------      -------------
              Total adjustments                                                       844,000            948,000
                                                                                 -------------      -------------
              Net cash provided by operating activities                             4,444,000          3,381,000
                                                                                 -------------      -------------
Cash flows from investing activities:

     Additions to real estate facilities                                             (329,000)          (247,000)
                                                                                 -------------      -------------
              Net cash used in investing activities                                  (329,000)          (247,000)
                                                                                 -------------      -------------
Cash flows from financing activities:

     Principal payments on mortgage note payable                                            -        (25,405,000)
     Proceeds from note payable to general partner                                          -         22,000,000
     Principal payments on note payable to general partner                                  -        (22,000,000)
     Proceeds from note payable to commercial bank                                          -         21,000,000
     Principal payments on note payable to commercial bank                         (4,440,000)                 -
                                                                                 -------------      -------------
              Net cash used in financing activities                                (4,440,000)        (4,405,000)
                                                                                 -------------      -------------

Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents                                            (325,000)        (1,271,000)

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                                      433,000          1,911,000
                                                                                 -------------      -------------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                                       $    108,000       $    640,000
                                                                                 =============      =============
Supplemental schedule of non-cash investing and financing activities:

     Decrease in fair market value of marketable securities                      $    716,000       $    978,000
                                                                                 =============      =============
     Other comprehensive income                                                  $   (716,000)      $   (978,000)
                                                                                 =============      =============

                            See accompanying notes.

                       PUBLIC STORAGE PROPERTIES IV, LTD.

1.       The accompanying  unaudited  condensed  financial  statements have been
         prepared  pursuant to the rules and  regulations  of the Securities and
         Exchange  Commission.  Certain  information  and  footnote  disclosures
         normally included in financial  statements  prepared in accordance with
         generally accepted accounting principles have been condensed or omitted
         pursuant to such rules and regulations,  although  management  believes
         that  the  disclosures  contained  herein  are  adequate  to  make  the
         information   presented  not  misleading.   These  unaudited  condensed
         financial  statements  should be read in conjunction with the financial
         statements and related notes appearing in the  Partnership's  Form 10-K
         for the year ended December 31, 1998.

2.       In the opinion of  management,  the  accompanying  unaudited  condensed
         financial statements reflect all adjustments, consisting of only normal
         accruals,  necessary  to  present  fairly the  Partnership's  financial
         position at September 30, 1999,  the results of its  operations for the
         three and nine months  ended  September  30, 1999 and 1998 and its cash
         flows for the nine months then ended.

3.       The results of operations for the three and nine months ended September
         30, 1999 are not necessarily indicative of the results expected for the
         full year.

4.       Marketable  securities at September 30, 1999 consist of 381,980  shares
         of common stock of Public Storage,  Inc., a publicly traded real estate
         investment  trust  and  a  general  partner  of  the  Partnership.  The
         Partnership  has designated  its portfolio of marketable  securities as
         available for sale. Accordingly, at September 30, 1999, the Partnership
         has recorded the  marketable  securities at fair value,  based upon the
         closing quoted prices of the securities at September 30, 1999.  Changes
         in market value of  marketable  securities  are reflected as unrealized
         gains or losses directly in Partners'  Equity and  accordingly  have no
         effect on net income.

5.       On July 1, 1998,  the  Partnership  paid off the mortgage  note payable
         with cash  reserves  and with the proceeds of a  $22,000,000  loan from
         Public Storage,  Inc., a general partner of the  Partnership.  The loan
         from Public Storage, Inc. required monthly payments of interest only at
         the fixed rate of 7.2% and was  scheduled to mature June 30, 1999.  The
         loan to PSI was paid off in September  1998 with the proceeds of a loan
         from a commercial bank (see note 6).

6.       During  September 1998, the  Partnership  borrowed  $21,000,000  from a
         commercial bank. The loan is unsecured and bears interest at the London
         Interbank Offering Rate, ("LIBOR") rounded up to the nearest .125% plus
         0.60% to 1.20% depending on the  Partnership's  interest coverage ratio
         (6.10% at September 30, 1999).  The loan requires  monthly  payments of
         interest and mature September 2002.  Principal may be paid, in whole or
         in part, at any time without penalty or premium. The loan proceeds were
         used to pay off the Partnership's note payable to Public Storage, Inc.


6.       (continued)

         The  Partnership  has entered into an interest  rate swap  agreement to
         reduce  the impact of  changes  in  interest  rates on a portion of its
         floating rate debt.  The  agreement,  which covers  $11,500,000 of debt
         through  March 2000 and  $4,000,000  from March 2000 through  September
         2000, effectively changes the interest rate exposure from floating rate
         to a fixed rate of 5.22% plus 0.60% to 1.20% based on the Partnership's
         interest coverage ratio (5.82% as of September 30, 1999).  Market gains
         and losses on the value of the swap are deferred and included in income
         over the life of the contract.  The Partnership records the differences
         paid or  received  on the  interest  rate swap in  interest  expense as
         payments are made or received. As of September 30, 1999, the unrealized
         gain on the  interest  rate swap,  if  required to be  liquidated,  was
         approximately $75,000.


                       PUBLIC STORAGE PROPERTIES IV, LTD.

- --------------------------

         When  used  within  this  document,  the words  "expects,"  "believes,"
"anticipates,"  "should,"  "estimates," and similar  expressions are intended to
identify "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of that term in Section
27A of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1933, as amended,  and in Section 21F of
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Such forward-looking statements
involve known and unknown risks,  uncertainties,  and other  factors,  which may
cause the actual  results and  performance  of the  Partnership to be materially
different  from those  expressed or implied in the forward  looking  statements.
Such factors include the impact of competition from new and existing real estate
facilities  which could  impact  rents and  occupancy  levels at the real estate
facilities that the Partnership has an interest in; the Partnership's ability to
effectively  compete in the markets that it does  business in; the impact of the
regulatory  environment  as  well  as  national,   state,  and  local  laws  and
regulations including, without limitation, those governing Partnerships; and the
impact of general economic  conditions upon rental rates and occupancy levels at
the real estate facilities that the Partnership has an interest in.

- ---------------------


         The  Partnership's  net income for the nine months ended  September 30,
1999 was $3,600,000  compared to $2,433,000 for the nine months ended  September
30, 1998,  representing an increase of $1,167,000 or 48%. The  Partnership's net
income for the three months ended September 30, 1999 was $1,313,000  compared to
$1,057,000  for the three  months ended  September  30,  1998,  representing  an
increase of $256,000 or 24%. These increases are primarily a result of increased
operating results at the Partnership's  real estate facilities and a decrease in
interest  expense  resulting from the  Partnership  refinancing  its outstanding

         Rental  income  for the  nine  months  ended  September  30,  1999  was
$6,937,000  compared to $6,559,000 for the nine months ended September 30, 1998,
representing  an increase of $378,000 or 6%.  Rental income for the three months
ended  September 30, 1999 was  $2,403,000  compared to $2,255,000  for the three
months ended  September  30, 1998,  representing  an increase of $148,000 or 7%.
These  increases  are  primarily  attributable  to  higher  rental  rates at the
Partnership's  mini-warehouse  facilities. The weighted average occupancy levels
at the  mini-warehouse  facilities  were 94% for each of the nine  months  ended
September  30,  1999 and 1998.  Average  annualized  realized  rent for the nine
months  September  30, 1999  increased to $11.23 per  occupied  square foot from
$10.57 per occupied square foot for the nine months ended September 30, 1999.


         Interest and other income  decreased  $77,000 for the nine months ended
September  30,  1999  compared  to the same  period in 1998.  This  decrease  is
primarily  a  result  of the pay off of the  mortgage  note  payable  with  cash
reserves,  which resulted in lower cash balances and consequently  less interest

         Dividend income from marketable securities of affiliate remained stable
for the six months ended September 30, 1999 compared to the same period in 1998.

         Cost of operations  (including  management  fees paid to affiliate) for
the nine months ended  September 30, 1999 was $1,995,000  compared to $1,939,000
for the nine  months  ended  September  30,  1999,  representing  an increase of
$56,000 or 3%. Cost of operations  (including management fees paid to affiliate)
for the three months ended September 30, 1999 was $669,000  compared to $642,000
for the three  months ended  September  30,  1998,  representing  an increase of
$27,000 or 4%. This increase is mainly  attributable  to increases in management
fees, and advertising and promotion expenses.

         Interest  expense  decreased  $977,000  to  $797,000 in the nine months
ended  September  30,  1999 from  $1,774,000  in the same  period in 1998.  This
decrease is mainly  attributable to a lower  outstanding  principal  balance and
reduced interest rates on the Partnership's debt resulting from a refinancing of
the Partnership's  debt. See Liquidity and Capital Resources for a discussion of
the refinancing of the Partnership's indebtedness in the third quarter of 1998.

- -------------------------------

         Cash flows from operating  activities  ($4,444,000  for the nine months
ended September 30, 1999) have been  sufficient to meet all current  obligations
of the Partnership.

         On July 1, 1998,  the  Partnership  paid off the mortgage  note payable
with cash  reserves  and with the  proceeds  of a  $22,000,000  loan from Public
Storage,  Inc.,  a general  partner  of the  Partnership.  The loan from  Public
Storage,  Inc.  required  monthly payments of interest only at the fixed rate of
7.2% and was scheduled to mature June 30, 1999.  The loan to PSI was paid off in
September 1998 with the proceeds of a loan from a commercial bank.

         During  September 1998, the  Partnership  borrowed  $21,000,000  from a
commercial  bank.  The  loan is  unsecured  and  bears  interest  at the  London
Interbank  Offering Rate ("LIBOR") rounded up to the nearest .125% plus 0.60% to
1.20% depending on the Partnership's interest coverage ratio (6.10% at September
30, 1999).  The loan requires  monthly payments of interest and mature September
2002. Principal may be paid, in whole or in part, at any time without penalty or
premium. The loan proceeds were used to pay off the Partnership's note to Public
Storage, Inc.

         The  Partnership  has entered into an interest  rate swap  agreement to
reduce the impact of changes in interest rates on a portion of its floating rate
debt.  The  agreement,  which covers  $11,500,000 of debt through March 2000 and
$4,000,000  from March 2000  through  September  2000,  effectively  changes the
interest rate exposure from floating rate to a fixed rate of 5.22% plus 0.60% to
1.20% based on the Partnership's  interest coverage ratio (5.82% as of September


30,  1999).  Market  gains and losses on the value of the swap are  deferred and
included in income over the life of the contract.  The  Partnership  records the
differences  paid or received on the interest  rate swap in interest  expense as
payments are made or received.  As of September 30, 1999, the unrealized gain on
the interest rate swap, if required to be liquidated, was approximately $75,000.

Year 2000 System Issues
- -----------------------

         The Partnership  utilizes Public  Storage,  Inc.'s ("PSI")  information
systems in connection with a cost sharing and administrative services agreement.
PSI has completed an assessment of all of its hardware and software applications
to identify  susceptibility  to what is commonly  referred to as the "Y2K Issue"
whereby certain computer programs have been written using two digits rather than
four to define  the  applicable  year.  Any of the PSI's  computer  programs  or
hardware with the Y2K Issue that have  date-sensitive  applications  or embedded
chips may  recognize  a date  using "00" as the year 1900  rather  than the year
2000,  resulting in  miscalculations  or system failure  causing  disruptions of

         PSI has two phases in its process  with respect to each of its systems;
i)  assessment,  whereby PSI  evaluates  whether the system is Y2K compliant and
identifies  the plan of  action  with  respect  to  remediating  any Y2K  issues
identified  and ii)  implementation,  whereby PSI  completes  the plan of action
prepared in the  assessment  phase and  verifies  that Y2K  compliance  has been

         Implementations have been completed on PSI's critical applications that
impact the Partnership,  such as the general ledger,  property  operations,  and
related  systems.  Contingency  plans have been  developed for use in case PSI's
assessment  did not  identify  all Y2K  issues,  or if the  implementation  were
subsequently  determined to not fully remediate Y2K issues that were identified.
While PSI presently believes that the impact of the Y2K Issue on its systems can
be mitigated,  if PSI's plan for ensuring Year 2000  compliance  and the related
contingency  plans were to fail, be  insufficient,  or not be  implemented  on a
timely basis, Partnership operations could be materially impacted.

         Certain  of  PSI's  other  non-computer  related  systems  that  may be
impacted by the Y2K Issue, such as security systems, have been evaluated.  Based
upon its  evaluation,  PSI has no reason to believe that lack of  compliance  or
failure  of  required   solutions  would  materially  impact  the  Partnership's

         The Partnership  exchanges electronic data with certain outside vendors
in the banking and payroll processing areas. The Partnership has been advised by
these vendors that their systems are Year 2000 compliant. The Partnership is not
aware of any other vendors, suppliers, or other external agents with a Y2K Issue
that would materially impact the Partnership's results of operations, liquidity,
or capital  resources.  However,  the  Partnership has no means of ensuring that
external agents will be Year 2000 compliant,  and there can be no assurance that
PSI has identified all such external agents. The inability of external agents to


complete their Year 2000 compliance process in a timely fashion could materially
impact the Partnership.  The effect of  non-compliance by external agents is not

         The cost of PSI's  year 2000  compliance  activities  (which  primarily
consists of the costs of new  systems) to be  allocated  to the  Partnership  is
estimated at approximately $76,143. These costs are capitalized. PSI's year 2000
compliance  efforts  have not  resulted in any  significant  deferrals  in other
information system projects.

         The costs of the  projects and the date on which PSI expects to achieve
Year 2000  Compliance  are based  upon  management's  best  estimates,  and were
derived  utilizing  numerous  assumptions  of  future  events.  There  can be no
assurance that these estimates will be achieved, and actual results could differ
materially  from  those  anticipated.  There  can be no  assurance  that PSI has
identified all potential Y2K Issues either within the Partnership,  at PSI or at
external  agents.  In  addition,  the  impact of the Y2K  issue on  governmental
entities and utility  providers and the resultant impact on the Partnership,  as
well as  disruptions  in the  general  economy,  may be  material  but cannot be
reasonably determined or quantified.


                           PART II. OTHER INFORMATION

Items 1 through 5 are inapplicable.

Item 6 Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K.

     (a)   The following exhibits are included herein:

                   (27)  Financial Data Schedule

     (b)   Form 8-K



         Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
the  Registrant  has duly  caused  this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                          DATED: November 9, 1999

                                          PUBLIC STORAGE PROPERTIES IV, LTD.

                                          BY:  Public Storage, Inc.
                                               General Partner

                                          BY:  /s/ John Reyes
                                               John Reyes
                                               Senior Vice President and
                                                 Chief Financial Officer
