


                                THAIPO LIMITED

                              THAI ROMO LIMITED

                          THE SOPHONPANICH CO., LTD.

                              NOVEMBER 7th, 1995


                               TABLE OF CONTENTS
ARTICLE                                                                     PAGE
I           DEFINITIONS....................................................   4
II          SALE, PURCHASE AND RELATED MATTERS.............................   8
III         INITIAL FIELD RESERVES.........................................   9
IV          QUALITY........................................................  10
V           DELIVERY PRESSURE..............................................  12
VI          QUANTITIES.....................................................  14
VII         CONCESSIONAIRE'S RESERVATIONS..................................  20
VIII        PTT FACILITIES.................................................  21
IX          EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION........................................  22
X           DETERMINATION OF RESERVES......................................  23
XI          PRICE AND PRICE ADJUSTMENT.....................................  24
XII         BILLING AND PAYMENT............................................  28
XIII        MEASUREMENTS...................................................  31
XIV         POINT OF DELIVERY, PROPERTY AND RISK...........................  34
XV          DEFAULT........................................................  35
XVI         FORCE MAJEURE..................................................  37
XVII        PERIOD OF CONTRACT.............................................  39
XVIII       TERMINATION....................................................  40
XIX         ASSIGNMENT.....................................................  42
XX          EXPERTS........................................................  43
XXI         ARBITRATION....................................................  46
XXII        APPLICABLE LAW.................................................  48
XXIII       SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS.........................................  49
XXIV        CONCESSIONAIRE'S REPRESENTATIVE................................  50
XXV         NOTICES........................................................  51
XXVI        WAIVER.........................................................  53
XXVII       MARGINAL HEADINGS..............................................  54
XXVIII      ROYALTY IN KIND................................................  55
XXIX        ATTACHMENTS....................................................  56
XXX         RELATIONSHIP...................................................  57
XXXI        ENTIRE CONTRACT................................................  58
FIRST SCHEDULE         PART I     THE CONCESSION AREA.....................   60
                       PART II    G.S.A. AREA.............................   61
                       PART III   MAP OF CONCESSION AREA..................   62
SECOND SCHEDULE        QUALITY SPECIFICATIONS.............................   63
FOURTH SCHEDULE        DELIVERY POINT.....................................   66
FIFTH SCHEDULE         PARENTAL GUARANTEES................................   67

AN AGREEMENT made in Bangkok Metropolis in the Kingdom of Thailand this seventh
day of November, B.E. 2538 (1995) between the PETROLEUM AUTHORITY OF THAILAND
having its principal office at 555, Vibhavadi Rangsit Road, Bangkok 10900
(hereinafter called "PTT") represented by Mr. Pala Sookawesh of the first part,
and Thaipo Limited, (hereinafter called THAIPO), a company duly incorporated
and existing under the laws of Thailand and having its registered office at
19th Floor, B.B. Building, 54 Asoke Road, Sukhumvit 21, Bangkok 10110,
represented by Mr. Radford Phillip Laney and Thai Romo Limited, (hereafter
called THAI ROMO), a company duly incorporated and existing under the laws of
Thailand and having its registered office at 19th Floor, B.B. Building, 54
Asoke Road, Sukhumvit 21, Bangkok 10110, represented by Mr. Patrick R.
Rutherford, and The Sophonpanich Co., Ltd., (hereafter called SOPHONPANICH) a
company duly incorporated and existing under the laws of Thailand and having
its registered office at 61 Soi Watana, Nineteen, Sukhumvit Road, Bangkok
10110, represented by Mr. Chote Sophonpanich, (hereinafter all collectively
called "Concessionaire") of the second part.


(A)   On the first (1st) day of August, 1991, the Minister of Industry awarded
      Petroleum Concession No. 1/2534/36, and on the sixth (6th) day of March,
      1992 the Supplementary Petroleum Concession No. 1 to Petroleum Concession
      No. 1/2534/36;

(B)   There has been established the Petroleum Authority of Thailand, a
      Government Authority, to operate petroleum business;

(C)   At the date of this Agreement thirteen (13) wells have been drilled within
      the G.S.A. Area described in the First Schedule Part II and Natural Gas
      has been discovered as a result of such drilling activities; and

(D)   The Concessionaire is willing to sell and PTT is willing to buy the said
      Natural Gas from the G.S.A. Area and subject to the terms and conditions
      hereinafter appearing;




In this Agreement, reference to Articles and Clauses shall be reference to
Articles and Clauses of this Agreement and words indicating the singular may
also include the plural and vice versa as the context requires and unless
otherwise indicated the following words and expressions in this Agreement,
including the foregoing recitals, shall have the meanings set forth below:

     1.1      "Annual Contract Quantity" (ACQ) shall have the meaning set forth
              in Article VI.

     1.2      "BTU" means one (1) British Thermal Unit which is further defined
              as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one
              (1) avoirdupois pound of pure water from fifty-eight and one-half
              (58.5) degrees Fahrenheit to fifty-nine and one-half (59.5)
              degrees Fahrenheit at a standard pressure of fourteen decimal
              seven three (14.73) pounds per square inch absolute.

     1.3      "Bank of Thailand Average Loan Rate" means, on any day, the rate
              per annum of interest at which the Bank of Thailand on that day
              lends (or is prepared to lend) Baht to the commercial banks in
              Thailand (announced by the Bank of Thailand as the Loan Window
              Rate) or, if a second tier rate is also announced, the unweighted
              arithmetic average interest rate calculated by adding together
              the first and second tier rates and then dividing the sum of the
              rates by two.

     1.4      "Carry-Forward Gas" shall have the meaning set forth in
              Article VI.

     1.5      "Concession Agreement" means, collectively, the Petroleum
              Concession Agreement No. 1/2534/36, dated August 1, 1991,
              covering block B8/32 offshore Thailand, awarded by the Ministry
              of Industry to Maersk Oil (Thailand) Ltd., Thaipo, Limited and
              Thai Romo, Limited, and Supplementary Petroleum Concession No. 1
              to Petroleum Concession No. 1/2534/36, dated March 6, 1992,
              whereby The Sophonpanich Co., Ltd. entered into Petroleum
              Concession No. 1/2534/36.

     1.6      "Concession Area" means the area which is described by its
              co-ordinates in the First Schedule, Part I and which, for
              illustrative purposes, is shown by a map in the First Schedule,
              Part III, as may exist from time to time after required

     1.7      "Concessionaire" shall have the meaning set forth in the

     1.8      "Concessionaire's Equipment" shall have the meaning set forth in
              Article XIII.

     1.9      "Contract Delivery Pressure" shall have the meaning set forth in
              Article V.

     1.10     "Contract Period" means the period from the Contractual Delivery
              Date to the date on which this Agreement shall be terminated by
              any of the means herein provided

     1.11     "Contract Year" means a period beginning at six (6) o'clock a.m.
              on the first day of October in any year after the First Contract
              Year during the continuance of this Agreement and

              ending at six (6) o'clock a.m. on the first day of October in the
              following year or at termination according to Article XVIII.

     1.12     "Contractual Delivery Capacity" shall have the meaning set forth
              in Article VI.

     1.13     "Contractual Delivery Date" (CDD) and "Date of Commencement of
              Delivery" (DCD) shall have the meanings set forth in Article VI.

     1.14     "Cubic Foot" when applied to Sales Gas means the volume of Sales
              Gas being saturated with water vapour which occupies one (1)
              cubic foot of space measured at fourteen decimal seven three
              (14.73) pounds per square inch absolute pressure at a temperature
              of sixty (60) degrees Fahrenheit.

     1.15     "Current Price" shall have the meaning set forth in Article XI.

     1.16     "Daily Contract Quantity" (DCQ) shall have the meaning set forth
              in Article VI.

     1.17     "Day" means a period of twenty four (24) hours beginning at six
              (6) o'clock a.m. on each day and ending at six (6) o'clock a.m.
              on the following day.

     1.18     "Debit Year" shall have the meaning set forth in Article VI.

     1.19     "Delivery Point" shall have the meaning set forth in Article XIV.

     1.20     "Effective Date" shall be the date of execution of this Agreement
              by the parties.

     1.21     "Facilities" shall mean only those facilities installed by PTT
              necessary to receive Sales Gas at the Delivery Point and to
              transport such gas to PTT's second main pipeline connecting
              Erawan to Rayong, together with any communication equipment
              installed by PTT on Concessionaire's Floating Petroleum Storage
              and Offloading System (FPSO).  PTT shall inform Concessionaire
              of the cost of such Facilities at the CDD.

     1.22     "Field Reserves" means at any time the estimated total quantity
              of Proved and Probable Natural Gas in the Reservoir on the date
              of the last determination of reserves made in accordance with
              Article III or Article X which may be economically and reasonably
              recovered by prudent oil and gas industry practices plus the
              total quantity of Natural Gas therefore taken from the Reservoir.

     1.23     "First Contract Year" means the period immediately following the
              end of the Run In Period and ending at six (6) o'clock a.m. on
              the following first day of October.

     1.24     "Foot" means zero decimal three zero four eight (0.3048) metres
              as defined by the eleventh Conference Generale des Poids et
              Mesures at Paris, France in 1960.

     1.25     "G.S.A. Area" means that part of the Concession Area described by
              its co-ordinates in the First Schedule, Part II and dedicated to
              the service of this Gas Sales Agreement.

     1.26     "Gross Calorific Value" means that number of BTUs produced by the
              complete combustion at a constant pressure of thirty (30) inches
              of mercury at thirty two (32) degrees Fahrenheit and under
              standard gravitational force (acceleration thirty two decimal one
              seven four (32.174) feet per second per second) of one (1) cubic 
              foot of the Sales Gas at sixty (60) degrees Fahrenheit with 
              excess air at the same temperature and pressure as the Sales
              Gas when the products of combustion are cooled to sixty (60)
              degrees Fahrenheit and when the water formed by combustion is
              condensed to the liquid state and the products of combustion
              contain the same total mass of water vapour as the Sales Gas and
              air before combustion.

     1.27     "Inch Water Gauge" means that differential pressure equal to zero
              decimal zero three six one two seven three (0.0361273) pounds
              force per square inch.

     1.28     "Minister" means the Minister of Industry who takes charge and
              control for the execution of the Petroleum Act or any Minister as
              may be designed from time to time under the law of Thailand.

     1.29     "Month" means a period beginning at six (6) o'clock a.m. on the
              first day of any calendar month and ending at six (6) o'clock
              a.m. on the first day of the following calendar month.

     1.30     "Natural Gas" shall have the meaning as defined at the Effective
              Date in the Petroleum Act B.E. 2514 but shall also include
              "By-products" as defined at the Effective Date in the said Act.

     1.31     "Net Annual Contract Quantity" (Net ACQ) shall have the meaning
              set forth in Article VI.

     1.32     "Operator" shall have the meaning set forth in Article XXIV.

     1.33     "PSIA" means pounds per square inch absolute.

     1.34     "PSIG" means pounds per square inch gauge.

     1.35     "Probable Natural Gas reserves" means the estimated additional
              quantities of Natural Gas in the Reservoir, beyond those defined
              as Proved Natural Gas reserves, which from time to time
              geological and engineering data indicate to have a fair to good
              probability of being recovered in future years from already
              discovered deposits with price movements consistent with Article
              XI and forecast investment and operating costs.  For the purpose
              of this definition there is a fifty (50) per cent chance that the
              actual quantity will be more than the amount estimated as Proved
              Natural Gas plus Probable Natural Gas reserves and a fifty (50)
              per cent chance that it will be less.

     1.36     "Proved Natural Gas reserves" means the estimated quantities of
              Natural Gas which from time to time geological and engineering
              data demonstrate with reasonable certainty to be recoverable in
              future years from the Reservoir under existing economic and
              operating conditions, that is prices and costs as of the date the
              estimate is made.  Prices include consideration of changes in
              existing prices provided only by this Agreement.  For the purpose
              of this definition there is a ninety (90) per cent chance that
              the actual quantity will

              be more than the amount estimated as Proved reserves and a ten 
              (10) per cent chance that it will be less.

     1.37     "Reasonable and Prudent Operator" when used to describe the
              standard of care to be exercised by a party in performing its
              obligations hereunder means the degree of diligence and prudence
              and foresight reasonably and ordinarily exercised by experienced
              operators engaged in the same line of business under the same or
              similar circumstances and conditions and when used to determine
              the action that would be required of a party to this Agreement
              means the action an experienced commercial operator engaged in
              the same line of business under the same or similar circumstances
              and conditions would take in the exercise of such due diligence,
              prudence and foresight.

     1.38     "Reservoir" means the stratigraphic interval or intervals
              underlying the areas described in the First Schedule Part 11
              hereto in which Natural Gas was encountered or which forecasts
              predict Natural Gas to be contained herein, including all other
              parts of the same stratigraphic interval associated with the
              geological feature, be it stratigraphic or structural and located
              within the G.S.A. Area, in which there is estimated to be Natural
              Gas, whether or not in communication with the Natural Gas
              encountered in a test well or wells on that geological feature.

     1.39     "Run-In Period" shall have the meaning set forth in Article VI.

     1.40     "Sales Gas" means Natural Gas delivered to PTT in accordance with
              the provisions of this Agreement.

     1.41     "Shortfall" shall have the meaning set forth in Article XV.

     1.42     "Specific Gravity" means the weight of a volume of dry Sales Gas
              divided by the weight expressed in the same units of an equal
              volume of dry carbon dioxide free air both gases being at sixty
              (60) degrees Fahrenheit and an absolute pressure of thirty (30)
              inches of mercury at thirty-two (32) degrees Fahrenheit and under
              standard gravitational force (acceleration thirty-two decimal one
              seven four (32.174) feet per second per second).

     1.43     "Time and "Calendar": any reference to time shall be construed as
              whatever time shall be in force in Bangkok, Thailand and any
              reference to calendar shall be construed as the Gregorian

     1.44     "Week" means a period of seven (7) days beginning at six (6)
              o'clock a.m. on Sunday and ending at six (6) o'clock a.m. on the
              following Sunday.

     1.45     "Year" means a period of twelve (1 2) months beginning at six (6)
              o'clock a.m. on any day of any calendar year and ending at six
              (6) o'clock a.m. on the same day in the following calendar year.



     2.1      Subject to the provisions of Clauses 7.2 and 7.3 and unless
              excused under other provisions of this Agreement the
              Concessionaire shall deliver and sell and PTT shall accept and
              purchase all of the Sales Gas within the Field Reserves in the
              manner and on the terms and conditions hereinafter set out in
              this Agreement.

     2.2      The Concessionaire agrees to indemnify PTT and save it harmless
              from all suits, actions, debts, accounts, damages, costs, losses,
              liabilities and expenses arising from or out of claims of any or
              all persons to Sales Gas delivered to PTT hereunder or to
              royalties, taxes or other charges thereon, which attach before
              the title passes to PTT or which adverse claim of any character
              whatsoever being asserted in respect of any Sales Gas, including
              a material defect in the Concessionaire's title, PTT may retain,
              as security for the performance of the Concessionaire's
              obligations with respect to such claim under this Clause, the
              purchase price thereof up to the amount of such claim until such
              claim has been finally determined or until the Concessionaire
              shall have furnished a bond or other form of security acceptable
              to PTT, conditioned for the protection of PTT with respect to
              such claim.  PTT shall invest, as trustees, any monies withheld
              as security at the best terms available to PTT at a commercial
              bank in Bangkok, and interest earned thereon shall follow the
              determination of who is entitled to the monies withheld less any
              costs and expenses incurred by PTT in connection therewith.

     2.3      Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement the parties shall,
              so long as this Agreement remains in force, maintain any permit,
              agreement or other authorization, or cause to be maintained any
              permit or other authorization, which is or are necessary to
              enable each to fulfil all of its obligations under this

     2.4      The Concessionaire shall be jointly and severally liable under the


     The Field Reserves are initially agreed to be three hundred (300) billion 
     Cubic Feet of Natural Gas.

     ARTICLE IV                QUALITY

     4.1      Sales Gas delivered under this Agreement shall, at the Delivery
              Point, be in accordance with the specifications set out in the
              Second Schedule to this Agreement.

     4.2      If at any time or from time to time during the Contract Period,
              the Sales Gas offered for delivery hereunder shall fail to
              conform to the relevant specification set out in the Second

              (i)      PTT may accept delivery of the Sales Gas in whole or in 
                       part (notwithstanding the failure to conform to the
                       specifications set out in the Second Schedule) and, in
                       the event that PTT accepts delivery, the Concessionaire
                       shall compensate PTT for all reasonable and justifiable
                       expenses of a temporary nature which PTT has incurred
                       incidental to the acceptance of such Sales Gas and all
                       reasonable and justifiable costs incurred by PTT in the
                       course of any temporary measures which PTT may take to
                       restore the Sales Gas to the specifications set out in   
                       the Second Schedule or such lesser standard as PTT may
                       determine.  The Concessionaire's liability under this
                       Clause 4.2 (i) in any Month shall not exceed the value
                       of a volume of Sales Gas equal to ten (10) times the DCO
                       then in force at the Current Price, payable for the
                       Month in which the deficiency occurs.  Sales Gas taken
                       under this Clause 4.2 (i) shall be paid for at the
                       Current Price, or

              (ii)     PTT may refuse to accept delivery of the Sales Gas in 
                       whole or in part until the deficiency has been remedied
                       and to the extent of such refusal, PTT's rights and
                       remedies in respect of such quality deficient gas
                       so refused shall be as set forth in Article XV.

     4.3      The Concessionaire shall, as soon as possible after any such
              failure in quality, inform PTT of the cause of the failure and
              give an estimate of the probable duration of the failure.

     4.4      Within thirty (30) days after any failure in quality pursuant to
              Clause 4.2 the Concessionaire may propose to carry out the
              operations necessary to remedy the deficiency in quality within a
              period of not more than one hundred and eighty (180) days, or
              such longer period as may be required for a Reasonable and
              Prudent Operator, and, in such event, during the period mentioned
              in such notice for as long as the Concessionaire is actively and
              diligently carrying out the said operations during such period,
              PTT shall not itself be entitled to carry out any remedial
              operations of a permanent nature but may either refuse or accept
              delivery of Sales Gas as a provided in Clause 4.2.

     4.5      If the Concessionaire shall not have served a notice within the
              period stated in Clause 4.4 or (having served a notice) shall
              have ceased to carry out the operations actively and diligently,
              then PTT may itself carry out such operations as may reasonably
              be required to remedy the deficiency in quality.  After
              completion of the operations PTT may recover from the
              Concessionaire the reasonable cost of such operations, with
              interest thereon at the rate set forth in Clause 12.7, by
              reducing the price to be paid for Sales Gas to be delivered
              thereafter by twenty five (25) per cent until the reduction has
              permitted recovery of such cost and interest but such recovery
              (net of interest) shall not exceed the value of an amount of
              Sales Gas equal to thirty (30) times the DCO in force at the
              Current Price, for the Month in which PTT commenced such

     4.6      During any period in which PTT is carrying out any remedial
              operations in accordance with Clause 4.5, it may either refuse or
              accept delivery of Sales Gas as provided in Clause 4.2.

     4.7      Should the parties fail to reach an agreement within a period of
              thirty (30) days, any difference between the parties which may
              arise in respect of the quality of the Sales Gas or the cost
              incurred to remedy any deficiency therein or in connection with
              the execution of any remedial operations or otherwise under this
              Article shall (at the request of either party) be referred to an
              expert to be appointed pursuant to Article XX.


     5.1      Sales Gas to be delivered under this Agreement shall be delivered
              at the Delivery Point at such pressure (hereinafter called the
              "Contract Delivery Pressure") necessary to meet PTT`s
              notification pursuant to this Agreement, taking into account the
              PTT back pressure at the Delivery Point at the time of delivery.
              The Contract Delivery Pressure shall be not greater than 1,750
              PSIG unless the total throughput in the PTT's parallel pipeline
              including the Sales Gas exceed 900 million Cubic Feet per Day,
              then the Contract Delivery Pressure shall be increased
              accordingly at the sole risk and expense of the Concessionaire,
              but shall not exceed 1,870 PSIG, except as otherwise agreed by
              both parties.

     5.2      If at any time or from time to time the Sales Gas offered for
              delivery hereunder is not at the Contract Delivery Pressure:

              (i)      PTT may accept delivery of the Sales Gas in whole or in 
                       part (notwithstanding it was not at Contract Delivery
                       Pressure) and, in the event that PTT in its sole
                       judgement accepts delivery, the Concessionaire shall
                       compensate PTT for all reasonable and justifiable costs
                       incurred incidental to the acceptance of such Sales Gas
                       and all reasonable and justifiable costs incurred by PTT
                       in the course of any temporary measures which PTT may
                       take to restore the Sales Gas to the required pressure. 
                       The Concessionaire's liability under this Clause 5.2 in
                       any Month shall not exceed the value of a volume of
                       Sales Gas equal to ten (10) times the DCQ in force at
                       the Current Price.  Sales Gas taken under this Clause
                       5.2 shall be paid for at the Current Price, or
              (ii)     PTT may refuse to accept delivery of the Sales Gas in 
                       whole or in part and to the extent of such refusal,
                       PTT's rights and remedie in respect of such pressure 
                       deficient gas shall be as set forth in Article XV.

     5.3      The Concessionaire shall as soon as possible after any such
              failure in Contract Delivery Pressure inform PTT of the cause of
              the failure and give an estimate of the time needed to remedy the

     5.4      Within thirty (30) Days after any failure in Contract Delivery
              Pressure, the Concessionaire may give notice to PTT that the
              Concessionaire proposes to carry out the operations necessary to
              remedy such failure within a period of not more than one hundred
              and eighty (180) Days, or such longer period as may be essential
              for a Reasonable and Prudent Operator, and in such event, during
              the period mentioned in such notice, or for so long as the
              Concessionaire is actively and diligently carrying out the        
              said operations, PTT shall not itself be entitled to carry out
              any remedial operations of a permanent nature but may either
              refuse or accept delivery of Sales Gas in the manner set out in
              Clause 5.2.

     5.5      If the Concessionaire shall not have served a notice within the
              period stated in Clause 5.4 or (having served a notice) shall
              have ceased to carry out the operations actively and diligently,
              PTT may itself carry out such operations as may reasonably be
              required to remedy the deficiency in 'Contract Delivery Pressure.
              After completion of the operations PTT may

              recover from the Concessionaire the reasonable cost of such
              operations, with interest thereon at the rate set forth in Clause
              12.7, by reducing the price to be paid for Sales Gas to be
              delivered thereafter by twenty five (25) per cent until the
              reduction has permitted recovery of such cost and interest but
              such recovery (net of interest) shall not exceed the value of an
              amount of Sales Gas equal to twenty five (25) times the DCQ in
              force at the Current Price when PTT commenced such operations.

     5.6      During any period in which PTT is carrying out any remedial
              operations in accordance with Clause 5.5, it may either refuse or
              accept delivery of Sales Gas in the manner set out in Clause 5.2.

     5.7      Should the parties fail to reach agreement within a period of
              thirty (30) Days, any difference between the parties which may
              arise in respect of the Contract Delivery Pressure of the Sales
              Gas or the cost incurred to remedy any deficiency therein or in
              connection with the execution of any remedial operations or
              otherwise under this Article shall (at the request of either
              party) be referred to an expert to be appointed pursuant to
              Article XX



     6.1      The Concessionaire shall after the Effective Date, at its own
              expense, diligently proceed to provide and maintain facilities to
              enable it, on and after the Contractual Delivery Date, to produce
              and deliver a peak capacity (hereinafter called "the Contractual
              Delivery Capacity") at the rate or rates calculated as
              hereinafter provided.

     6.2      Subject always to Article XVI the Date of Commencement of
              Delivery (DCD) shall be on January 1, 1997.  The Parties will
              however inform, at regular intervals, each other of the progress
              and status of the construction of their respective facilities.
              If it is agreed that the DCD can take place before the above
              referred date the parties shall undertake to bring forward the
              DCD to a date which is mutually acceptable and in that case the
              other provisions of the Agreement will apply mutatis mutandis.

              Any deferment of the DCD due to an event constituting Force
              Majeure in accordance with Article XVI shall be limited to
              the number of Days and part Days actually lost in consequence of
              the occurrence of such event.

     6.3      A Run-in Period shall follow the Date of Commencement of Delivery
              (DCD) and such Run-In Period shall terminate at the earlier of the
              completion of the seventy two (72) hour test or three (3) Months.
              The first Day following the Run-In Period shall be referred to as
              the Contractual Delivery Date (CDD).  The Run-In Period shall be
              for the purpose of proving the facilities required for the
              performance of the initial obligations of both the Concessionaire
              and PTT and during such Run-in Period both the Concessionaire and
              PTT shall use reasonable endeavours respectively to deliver and
              take Sales Gas.

              (i)      The Concessionaire shall, during the Run-In Period, 
                       complete a test of seventy-two (72) consecutive
                       hours during which PTT shall nominate the rate of
                       delivery in accordance with Clause 6.12 and the
                       Concessionaire shall offer continuously to PTT
                       Sales Gas of a quality and at a pressure consistent with
                       the PTT nomination.  If the Concessionaire is unable,
                       for whatever reason other than PTT's inability to take,
                       to complete the continuous seventy-two (72) hour period,
                       the test shall be restarted.

                       If within the seventy-two (72) hour test period PTT, for
                       whatever reason, is unable to take Sales Gas, the test
                       shall be re-started at the end of the interruption,
                       but only for the number of hours necessary to make up
                       the total period of seventy-two (72) hours.

                       During the Run-In Period, Sales Gas shall be paid for at
                       a price of seventy five (75) per cent of Current
                       Price as calculated.

              (ii)     If by the Day preceding the end of the Run-in Period 
                       the seventy two (72) hour test has not been completed, 
                       for any reason other than Force Majeure, then:

                       a)     if such non-completion is due to the 
                              Concessionaire's inability to deliver, PTT shall
                              have the right to notify the Concessionaire
                              that the test is deemed completed for all 
                              purposes of this Agreement, and that from the

                              Day following the receipt of such notice, the
                              provisions of this Agreement following the
                              Contractual Delivery Date shall apply; or

                       b)     if such non-completion is due to PTT's inability 
                              to take, the Concessionaire shall have the right
                              to notify PTT that the test is deemed completed 
                              for all purposes of this Agreement, and that
                              from the Day following the receipt of such 
                              notice the provisions of this Agreement 
                              following the Contractual Delivery Date shall

     6.4      For the First Contract Year and for each Contract Year, there
              shall be determined, in the manner herein provided, a daily rate
              for delivery of Sales Gas in that Year, which shall be expressed
              as a quantity of Sales Gas in Cubic Feet and shall hereinafter be
              called the "Daily Contract Quantity" (DCQ).

     6.5      That amount of Sales Gas equivalent to the sum of the DCOs in
              effect on each Day for the First Contract Year and for each
              Contract Year shall hereinafter be called the "Annual Contract
              Quantity" (ACQ).

     6.6      (i)     The DCQ for the First Contract Year shall be seventy five
                      (75) million Cubic Feet, and for the Second Contract 
                      Year following the Contractual Delivery Date the DCQ 
                      shall be eighty five (85) million Cubic Feet.

              (ii)    The DCO for the third Contract Year and subsequent 
                      Contract Years shall be determined by dividing the Field 
                      Reserves as determined or last redetermined by six 
                      thousand (6000).

              (iii)   If under Clause 6.6 (ii) above, the resulting DCO should
                      increase to a level greater than one hundred twenty five 
                      (125) million Cubic Feet, the parties shall meet together
                      in an effort to reach agreement on an increase in the DCQ.

              (iv)    In the event the DCQ as determined under Clause 6.6 (ii) 
                      or Clause 6.6 (iii) above result in an increase in the
                      DCQ, such increase shall become effective on the date of
                      commencement of the following Contract Year, provided
                      that, if an investment on the part of the Concessionaire
                      is required in order to meet the increased DCQ, the
                      increase DCQ shall become effect upon the date of
                      commencement of the following Contract Year, or upon the
                      date of the completion of the work enabling the
                      Concessionaire to meet the increased DCQ, whichever is
              (v)     In the event new fields or areas in the Concession Area 
                      are determined to contain additional Natural Gas reserves
                      the Parties shall review the information and seek to
                      agree on the inclusion of such Natural Gas reserves
                      under this Agreement.

     6.7      During the First Contract Year and in each Contract Year, PTT
              shall purchase not less than the net Annual Contract Quantity
              (Net ACQ), which quantity shall be the ACO reduced by:

              (i)     Any Sales Gas properly notified for delivery on any Day 
                      which the Concessionaire has for any reason, other than 
                      the failure of PTT to  accept, not delivered; and

              (ii)    Any Sales Gas properly notified for delivery on any Day 
                      which PTT has been prevented by Force Majeure from 

     6.8      If in each Contract Year PTT has not taken at least the Net ACO,
              PTT shall pay (in the manner set forth in Article X11) the
              arithmetic average of the Current Price applicable in the
              relevant Contract Year for a quantity equal to the difference
              between the Net ACO and the quantity actually taken, provided

              (i)     If in the First Contract Year or in any Contract Year 
                      PTT has taken and paid for Sales Gas (other than Sales
                      Gas taken in accordance with Clause 6.14) in excess of
                      the Net ACO for that Contract Year (such excess gas
                      hereinafter being called "Carry-Forward Gas"), then such
                      Carry-Forward Gas shall be offset against the obligation
                      of PTT in any subsequent Contract Year, under this Clause
                      6.8, to pay for Sales Gas not taken; and

              (ii)    The application of such offset by Carry-Forward Gas 
                      shall in any Contract Year be limited to twenty (20) per
                      cent of the Net ACQ for that Contract Year; and

              (iii)   The balance (if any) of Carry-Forward Gas not so used 
                      shall be carried forward for offset in subsequent
                      Contract Years, provided, however, that Carry-Forward Gas
                      shall only be used to offset PTT's obligations in the
                      five (5) Contract years following the First Contract Year
                      or the Contract Year in which the offset was earned.
     6.9      When in accordance with Clause 6.8 PTT has paid for a quantity of
              Sales Gas not taken in the First Contract Year or in any Contract
              Year (hereinafter called "the Debit Year"), PTT shall, after PTT
              has taken the Net ACQ for that Contract Year, in any or all of
              the subsequent Contract Years take free of charge, a quantity of
              Sales Gas equal to that paid for but not taken in respect of the
              Debit Year of Years adjusted to reflect any differences in the
              BTU content of the Sales Gas paid for in the Debit Year (based on
              the average Gross Calorific Value for the said Debit Year) and
              the Sales Gas actually taken.

              Provided that this Clause shall not oblige the Concessionaire to
              deliver Sale Gas on any Day in excess of the Contractual
              Delivery Capacity.

     6.10     Throughout the Contract Period the Concessionaire shall maintain
              a Contractual Delivery Capacity of one hundred and fifteen (115)
              per cent of the DCQ, and PTT may require delivery up to that
              maximum rate at any time, notwithstanding that the aggregate of
              such daily requirements in the First Contract Year or any one
              Contract year may exceed the ACQ.

     6.11     If at any time, or from time to time, during the Contract Period,
              but not before sixty five (65) per cent of the Field Reserves as
              last determined or redetermined has been produced (but excluding
              gas, if any, which has been reinjected into the Reservoir) under
              this Agreement, the Concessionaire expects that in order to
              maintain the DCO (with the associated Contractual Delivery
              Capacity) last established in accordance with Clause 6.6 it would
              be necessary for the Concessionaire to incur additional
              expenditure for facilities required to maintain such DCQ and
              associated Contractual Delivery Capacity in excess of that which

              Reasonable and Prudent Operator would make, then the 
              Concessionaire may serve upon PTT notice of a decrease in DCQ, to
              be effective after the expiration of twelve (12) months from
              the date of the service of the said notice.

              The Concessionaire's notice shall specify the decreased DCQ which
              shall not be less than that which a Reasonable and Prudent
              Operator could maintain without making such additional
              expenditure, and shall be supported by adequate information and
              raw data (if any) not previously given to PTT.

              If within sixty (60) days following the receipt of a notice under
              this Clause 6.11 PTT has informed the Concessionaire that it
              considers the DCO which a Reasonable and Prudent Operator could
              maintain without making such additional expenditure as aforesaid
              is greater than the DCO specified in the notice, or that a
              Reasonable and Prudent Operator would make such additional
              expenditure, then PTT and the Concessionaire shall meet to
              discuss the matter and shall endeavour, in good faith, to reach a
              solution within sixty (60) Days.  If, at the end of such sixty
              (60) Days, the parties have not agreed on the issue, then either
              party may require the matter to be submitted for determination to
              an expert to be appointed in accordance with Article XX.  The
              expert shall be given access to all material data including raw
              data available to the Concessionaire.  In determining such issue,
              the expert shall use the Field Reserves decided upon in
              accordance with Article X. The award of the expert shall be
              effective twelve (12) Months from the date of the
              Concessionaire's notice, provided that, if the award of the
              expert requires the Concessionaire to make a substantial
              investment in additional platforms and/or facilities, the award
              shall be effective on the completion of the work necessary to
              meet the award or twelve (12) Months from the date of the
              Concessionaire's notice, whichever is the later.

     6.12     Not later than ten (10) a.m. each Friday, PTT shall notify the
              Concessionaire of the rate of delivery required at the Delivery
              Point for each Day of the following Week, being a rate which, if
              sustained throughout the Day, will provide no more than the
              applicable Contractual Delivery Capacity and no less than fifty
              (50) per cent of the applicable DCQ and, so far as is reasonably
              practicable, the Concessionaire shall deliver and PTT shall
              receive at a rate as consistent as possible throughout the Day,
              with due consideration for the normal fluctuations caused by
              demand variations and operational control of facilities.  PTT may
              at any time before or during any Day call for the rate of
              delivery previously notified to be varied to any extent within
              the limits set out in Clause 6.10 and this Clause 6.12, and the
              Concessionaire shall use reasonable endeavours to comply with
              such request, provided that:

              (i)    Any request for a change of less than ten (10) per cent 
                     shall be complied with within two (2) hours.

              (ii)   Any request for a change of ten (10) per cent or greater, 
                     but less than twenty-five (25) per cent, shall be 
                     complied with within six (6) hours.

              (iii)  Any request for a change of twenty-five (25) per cent or 
                     greater shall be complied with within twelve (12) hours.

     6.13     If for any reason other than PTT's failure to accept, the
              Concessionaire curtails deliveries below the quantities properly
              notified for delivery by PTT within the prevailing Contractual
              Delivery Capacity, PTT shall be deemed, until such curtailment
              ceases, to have nominated as hereinafter provided:

              (a)      According to the weekly programme in force, from the 
                       start of the curtailment until the end of the programme 
                       for the Week in which the said curtailment started, and

              (b)      At the level of the prevailing DCO in respect of the
                       period of curtailment, if any, which extends beyond the
                       weekly programme referenced in Clause 6.12,

              Provided that, if at the end of the referenced weekly programme
              the total volume of Sales Gas taken by PTT during that Contract
              Year is less than that which PTT should on average have taken at
              that date, then PTT may continue, until such deficiency has been
              made good to notify up to the maximum level permitted in
              accordance with Clause 6.12 and, once made good, at a level of
              the current DCO until the end of the period of curtailment.

     6.14     At the request of PTT, the Concessionaire shall deliver Sales Gas
              at a rate exceeding the limits in Clause 6.10 if it is
              reasonably able so to do, provided that the Concessionaire in no
              event shall be required to install additional facilities nor to
              upgrade existing facilities to enable it to deliver Sales Gas at
              such a rate.

     6.15     For the purpose of this Agreement the quantity properly notified
              for delivery on any Day shall be that quantity which would be
              tendered for delivery if the delivery rate or rates required by
              PTT had been sustained throughout the number of hours for which
              it was or they were required to be effective.

              Provided that if PTT, in accordance with Clause 6.14, has in fact
              called for a rate exceeding the applicable Contractual Delivery
              Capacity the quantity properly notified shall be calculated
              as if the rate called for had been that of the applicable
              Contractual Delivery Capacity.

     6.16     After any event which causes a cessation of deliveries of Sales
              Gas, then for a period of twelve (12) hours following the
              start-up of deliveries, the Concessionaire, while using
              reasonable endeavours to meet nominations, shall be relieved
              solely from the consequences of shortfall for any failure to
              deliver the nominated amounts in full.

     6.17     If at any time or from time to time after the fifth anniversary
              of the Contractual Delivery Date the Concessionaire establishes
              in accordance with Article X the Field Reserves are inadequate to
              meet a DCQ of eighty five (85) million Cubic Feet at a depletion
              rate of one to six thousand (1:6000), or that he may be in
              default due to lack of Contractual Delivery Capacity then the
              Concessionaire may supply at the Delivery Point (or some other
              agreed point of delivery) Sales Gas available from the Concession
              Area ("Supplementary Gas") to the extent of any such deficiency

              Provided that the Sales Gas so supplied

              (i)      is delivered in accordance with the terms and
                       conditions of this Agreement; and

              (ii)     Concessionaire's interest in such Natural Gas is not 
                       already committed under a separate agreement for the 
                       sale of Natural Gas.

              In the event that the Concessionaire invokes this right to supply
              Supplementary Gas it shall serve upon PTT a notice to be
              effective after the expiration of six (6) Months from the receipt
              by PTT of the notice.  The notice shall give details of an
              area to be dedicated to this Agreement, which shall be so
              determined that when added to the area described in the First
              Schedule, Part II, the depletion rate of the Field Reserves in
              the combined area is not greater than one to six thousand
              (1:6000).  The said area shall be added to the First Schedule,
              Part II, to become part of the G.S.A. Area.

     6.18     For the purpose of managed maintenance, the Concessionaire shall
              be entitled to give notice to PTT and PTT shall be entitled to
              give notice to the Concessionaire to reduce, for limited periods,
              the DCQ to less than the DCQ prevailing prior to the maintenance
              period, subject to the following conditions:

              (i)      This entitlement is solely in respect of preventative

              (ii)     The frequency shall be not more than three times in any 
                       calendar year and the aggregate period shall not exceed 
                       ten (10) Days.

              (iii)    The notification period shall be twelve (12) Months, or 
                       such lesser period as may be agreed between the 
                       Concessionaire and PTT, on each occasion.

              (iv)     Each notice shall give the proposed period of 
                       maintenance and the level of DCQ which is to prevail 
                       during the period of maintenance.  Such level of DCO 
                       shall be not less than fifty percent (50%) of the DCQ
                       prevailing prior to the maintenance period for that
                       period of that Contract Year.

              (v)      Up to not later than six (6) Months prior to the 
                       notified date of commencement of such maintenance, either
                       party may require the other to make such timing
                       adjustments to the maintenance period as may be
                       reasonably requested but such right shall not be
                       used to the detriment of preventative maintenance which
                       is in accordance with good oil and gas industry practice.

              (vi)     The reduced DCQ modified under this Clause 6.18 shall 
                       apply for all purposes of this Contract for each Day or
                       part Day during which maintenance is taking place.

                       The Concessionaire and PTT shall exercise their best
                       efforts in order to have their respective maintenance
                       periods coincide.


     The following rights are reserved to the Concessionaire:

     7.1      Without prejudice to the nature and extent of the obligations of
              the Concessionaire under this Agreement the right to decide the
              manner in which it shall conduct its physical operations.  The
              Concessionaire shall give preference to domestic goods, works and
              services, always provided that the goods, works and services are
              of appropriate specifications from a technical and safety point
              of view and equivalent in price, quantity and availability.

     7.2      The right to use Natural Gas produced by the Concessionaire from
              the Reservoir for any of the following purposes:

              (i)      For the operation of the Concessionaire's field 
                       facilities, process facilities and other miscellaneous
                       uses relating to production from the Reservoir and the 
                       delivery of Sales Gas;

              (ii)     For gas lift operation, repressuring, pressure 
                       maintenance or cycling operations within the Reservoir;

              (iii)    For the use in satisfying any of the Concessionaire's 
                       obligations under the terms and conditions of the 
                       Concession Agreement and this Agreement.

     7.3      The right to process the Natural Gas recovered before delivery to
              PTT for the removal of any constituents other than methane,
              ethane, propane and butane (except such minimum amounts as would
              necessarily be removed in the recovery of such constituents).
              Such removed constituents shall not be a part of this Agreement.


     PTT shall, within the timed programme for the sale and delivery of Sales 
     Gas in accordance with this Agreement, diligently proceed to provide, 
     install and maintain at its own expense such facilities as may be 
     necessary to enable PTT to transmit and dispose of the Sales Gas from the 
     commencement of the Run-In Period provided in Clause 6.3 and on and after
     the Contractual Delivery Date at the rate or rates determined, and 
     continuing until such time as this Agreement is terminated under the 
     provisions of Article XVIII.


     9.1      The Concessionaire and PTT shall at all times make available to
              each other all such information as may reasonably be required to
              enable each party to carry out its obligations under this
              Agreement and in particular (but without prejudice to the
              generality of the foregoing) will meet together approximately
              three (3) months before each new Contract Year to exchange and
              discuss written forecasts which indicate future programmes of
              operations and expectations for succeeding Years.

     9.2      The Concessionaire shall make available to PTT all basic data
              which assists in determining the Field Reserves whether or not
              notice of a redetermination of Field Reserves has been given in
              accordance with Clause 10.2. This basic data shall be supplied to
              PTT within thirty (30) days after the end of each quarter of the
              First Contract Year and each Contract Year.

     9.3      Recognizing that Sales Gas from more than one Natural Gas
              reservoir may, during the Contract Period, be delivered to PTT
              pursuant to this Agreement and also that the quality of the
              resultant Sales Gas so delivered, while supplied within the
              specifications of the Second Schedule, may vary depending on the
              reservoir from which it is produced, the Concessionaire agrees to
              attempt to give PTT not less than twelve (12) months notice of
              such variations in quality.

     9.4      All information made available under this Article shall be
              supplied at the expense of the party providing the same and shall
              not be disclosed to any person not in the service or employment
              or professionally retained by the party receiving the same or in
              the service or employment of the Government of Thailand and
              entitled to receive the same or required by law or in any
              arbitration or legal proceedings and any information disclosed
              hereunder shall be so disclosed only on condition that the
              recipient shall make no further disclosure thereof.

              Each recipient shall treat as confidential all data and
              information properly designated as confidential as long as the
              same does not become public knowledge and shall take or cause to
              be taken such precautions as are necessary to prevent
              disclosure thereof to others.


     10.1     Until such time as a new quantity is agreed, or determined as
              provided in this Article X, the Field Reserves shall be the
              quantity set forth in Article III.

     10.2     At any time or from time to time but not more frequently than
              every second year, unless mutually agreed, PTT or the
              Concessionaire may require a determination or redetermination of
              the Field Reserves.

     10.3     If the parties agree upon the result of such redetermination, the
              Field Reserves as so redetermined shall become effective for all
              purposes of this Agreement, as of October 1 for the Contract Year
              the request for redetermination is made, but if the parties do
              not so agree within ninety (90) Days of the notice requiring
              redetermination, either PTT or the Concessionaire may require
              that the redetermination be carried out by an expert appointed
              pursuant to Article XX, who shall be given access to all basic
              geological, geophysical, engineering and pertinent economic and
              price forecast data available to both the Concessionaire and PTT.
              The Field Reserves so determined by the expert shall become
              effective as of the first Day of the Month following completion
              date of such determination for all purposes of this Agreement.

              Provided that, if the Field Reserves are increased to the extent
              that additional platforms and facilities are essential to deliver
              the higher DCQ (and provide the associated Contractual Delivery
              Capacity) then the revised DCO shall become effective immediately
              after such platforms and facilities are commissioned or two (2)
              Years after the Field Reserves determination completion date,
              whichever is the earlier.

     10.4     In any redetermination the calculation of Field Reserves shall 
              limit the allowable element of Probable Natural Gas to twenty 
              (20) per cent of the total.


     11.1     Sales Gas delivered under this Agreement and in each Contract
              Year (or to be paid for whether delivered or not) shall be paid
              for in the manner and at the prices following.

     11.2     The Current Price shall be the Initial Base Price (P) as adjusted
              in accordance with this Article XI.  The Initial Base Price shall
              be US$ 1.90 times 1 for each one million (1,000,000) BTU Gross
              Calorific Value.

     11.3     There shall be one (1) pricing period which shall be from the
              commencement of deliveries for the term of the Agreement.

     11.4     In the month of March or September which ever is immediately
              preceding the Run-In Period established under Clause 6.3 and in
              the months of March and September every year thereafter for the
              duration of this Agreement the Initial Base Price shall be
              adjusted in the following manner and the Current Price so
              obtained shall become effective on the first Day of April and
              first Day of October respectively immediately following and
              remain effective until the thirtieth Day of September and
              thirty-first Day of March respectively next following.

     11.5     There shall be a Normal Price and absolute Ceiling and Floor
              Prices and a Special Floor Price, each of which shall be
              calculated according to the following formulae:

         (i)      Ceiling Price (BAHT/MMBTU)

                  Ay = 0.82*((Fy*ly)/6.15)

         (ii)     Normal Price (BAHT/MMBTU)

                  By = P*((0.30*Wy/W)+ly/l((0.25*OMy/OM)+(0.3*Fy/F))+0.15)

         (iii)    Floor Price (BAHT/MMBTU)
                  Cy = 1.65*l*((0.25*Wy/W)+ly/l((0.20*OMy/OM)+(0.25*Fy/F))+0.30)

         (iv)     Special Floor Price (BAHT/MMBTU)

                  Dy = (Ay+Cy)/2


         F =  the arithmetic average of the figures published for each month of
              the six month period from October 1994 to March 1995 inclusive
              for the medium fuel oil 3.5% Sulfur.  The agreed value is 

         Fy = the arithmetic average of the figures last published for each
              month of the six month period ending in March and September
              respectively in which the prices have to be adjusted, in United 
              States Dollars per barrel of medium fuel oil ex Singapore
              (3.5% Sulfur) from Shell Eastern Petroleum PTE Ltd., Esso 
              Singapore PTE Ltd., Mobil Sales and Supply Corporation, Caltex 
              Petroleum Corporation, BP Oil International and Singapore 
              Petroleum Corporation PTE Ltd. as published in "Platts Oilgrarn 
              Price Service".

         W =  the arithmetic average of the figures published for each month of
              the six month period from October 1994 to March 1995 inclusive
              for the index of Wholesale Prices in Thailand based on 100 for
              the calendar year 1990 as published by the International Monetary
              Fund in "International Financial Statistics".  The agreed value
              is 114.02160.

        Wy =  the arithmetic average of the figures published as for W above in
              respect of the six month period ending in the March and September
              respectively in which the prices have to be adjusted.

         l =  the exchange rate, which shall be the arithmetic average for the
              month of March 1995 of the daily Exchange Equalization Fund (EEF)
              Baht/US Dollar buying and EEF selling rates to commercial banks
              published by the Bank of Thailand and shall be calculated by
              first averaging the two daily rates and then the resultant
              averages for each day within the month.  This rate is agreed to
              be 24.75826.

        ly =  the exchange rate calculated as for l above for the calendar
              month in which the price adjustment is calculated.

        OM =  the arithmetic average of the figures published for each month of
              the six month period from October 1994 to March 1995 inclusive
              for the Producer Price Index for Oil Field Machinery and Tools,
              Commodity Code No. 1191, based on 100 for the calendar year 1982
              as published by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau 
              of Labor Statistics.  The agreed value is 112.13333.

       OMy =  the arithmetic average of the figures published as for OM above in
              respect of the six month period ending in the March and September
              respectively in which the prices have to be adjusted.

     11.6     The Current Prices shall be
              (I)   "By" if "Ay" is greater than "By" and "By" is greater than 
              (II)  "Ay" if "By" is greater than "Ay" and "Ay" is greater than 
              (III) "Cy" if "Ay" is greater than "Cy" and "Cy" is greater than 
              (IV)  "Dy" if "Cy" is greater than "Ay"

     11.7     The value of ly shall be calculated each Month.  If the value so
              calculated differs by more than five (5) per cent from the value
              of ly last used in calculating the Current Price, then a new
              Current Price shall be calculated using this latest ly value and
              become effective the first value and become effective the first

              Day of the following Month, all other figures remaining 
              unchanged except as provided in Clause 11.9.

     11.8     If in the opinion of either party any of the indices or set of
              statistics used in this Article at any time or from time to time
              are discontinued or are so changed in nature or become so out of
              date that it ceases to serve the original purpose for which it
              was intended by the parties, as evidenced by the context in which
              it was used in this Agreement, then the party may so notify the
              other and request that a replacement be found.  The parties shall
              endeavour to agree to such replacement as is considered

              If within sixty (60) days of the notification the parties have
              failed to agree, then at the request of either party the matter   
              shall be referred for resolution to an expert appointed in
              accordance with Article XX.  The award of the expert shall be
              effective from the date of said notification.

     11.9     If for any reason, when it becomes necessary to calculate the
              Current Price, any of the components of the necessary data are
              not published or made available as required by this Article XI,
              then such calculation shall be provisionally made using the
              latest six (6) months published data and the final adjustment
              shall be made within thirty (30) days of all of the components of
              the necessary data being first published.  Such final adjustments
              shall have retroactive effect.

              Provided that if, when calculating the value of "Fy" at least
              three (3) of the six (6) Company values are published, then the
              calculation made shall be binding and subsequent publication of
              the missing values shall not be taken into account.

     11.10    All figures in calculations performed under this Article shall at
              each stage in the calculation be rounded to five (5) decimal 
              places by rounding off the sixth decimal place, a five (5) in 
              the sixth decimal place being rounded upwards.

              The final figures used for the prices payable in accordance with
              this Article XI shall be rounded to four (4) decimal places by
              rounding off the fifth decimal place, a five (5) in the fifth
              decimal place being rounded upwards. All monies shall be to the
              nearest Thai Satang.

     11.11    PTT shall pay the Concessionaire (in the manner set forth in
              Article XII) for an amount of Sales Gas delivered in accordance
              with Article VI and in the following priority:
              (i)    Firstly, for such volumes of gas to which the reduced 
                     prices under Article IV, V and XV apply at such reduced 

              (ii)   Secondly, for the remaining balance of the Net ACO, at the
                     Current Price. 

                     Any Sales Gas additional to the Net ACO taken, where 
                     applicable, in the First Contract Year and in each 
                     Contract Year shall be paid for as follows:

              (iii)  Firstly, such volumes of Sales Gas as PTT has paid for 
                     but not taken in Debit Years, and taken in accordance
                     with Article VI shall be free of charge.

              (iv)   Secondly, for the remaining balance, if any, of the 
                     volumes of gas to which a reduced price applies under 
                     either Article IV, V or XV at such reduced price.

              (v)    Thirdly, for the remaining balance at the Current Price.


     12.1     On or before the tenth day of each month following the date of
              the first physical deliveries of Sales Gas hereunder, the
              Concessionaire shall render to PTT a statement showing for the
              preceding Month:

              (i)     the quantity of Sales Gas properly notified by PTT for 
                      delivery on each Day and the amount of Sales Gas offered
                      for delivery by the Concessionaire hereunder on each Day 
                      expressed in Cubic Feet and millions of BTU;

              (ii)    the DCQ in force on each Day;

              (iii)   the quantity of Sales Gas actually taken by PTT each Day
                      expressed in Cubic Feet and millions of BTU;

              (iv)    the reduction (if any) in the ACQ to be made in respect
                      of that Month pursuant to the provisions of Clause 6.7;

              (v)     the Gross Calorific Value of the Sales Gas delivered in 
                      each Day expressed in BTU per Cubic Foot;

              (vi)    the sum due and owing to the Concessionaire under 
                      Article XI for Sales Gas delivered during the Month and 
                      any prior Month showing the quantities at the different 
                      prices if applicable;

              (vii)   any sum due and owing to PTT; and

              (viii)  the net sum payable to the Concessionaire.

     12.2     On or before the thirty-first day of each October following the
              First Contract Year and each Contract Year, the Concessionaire
              shall render or cause to be rendered to PTT a statement showing:

              (i)     the total quantity of Sales Gas delivered hereunder in 
                      the First Contract Year or the preceding Contract Year,
                      as the case may be, expressed in Cubic Feet and BTUs and
                      the price or prices applicable;

              (ii)    the Net ACO for such period;

              (iii)   the quantity (if any) of undelivered Sales Gas 
                      (expressed in Cubic Feet and BTUs computed from the
                      Average Gross Calorific Value of the Sales Gas delivered
                      during that period) for which PTT must pay in
                      accordance with Clause 6.8. In the event no Sales Gas was
                      delivered in that period, the last Average Gross
                      Calorific value determined for the last effective period
                      shall be used;

              (iv)    the quantity, (if any) of Sales Gas delivered which is 
                      free of charge to PTT in accordance with Clause 6.9;


              (v)     the quantity (if any) of Carry Forward Gas earned during 
                      the period, the quantity (if any) of Carry Forward Gas 
                      taken during the period and the balance of Carry Forward 
                      Gas remaining at the end of the period;

              (vi)    the sum (if any) due to PTT in accordance with Clause 
                      15.2; and

              (vii)   the net sum or sums (if any) payable by one party to 
                      another in respect of such transactions.

     12.3     On or before the thirtieth day after each Month or the twentieth
              day following receipt of the statement for that Month, whichever
              is the later, PTT shall pay each of the companies defined as
              Concessionaire, that part of the net sum set forth in an invoice
              submitted by the Operator in accordance with Clause 12.1 (viii).

     12.4     On or before the thirtieth day of each November or the thirtieth
              day following the receipt of the statement in accordance with
              Clause 12.2 (whichever is the later) PTT or the Concessionaire
              (as the case may be) shall pay the net sum or sums (if any)
              referred to in Clause 12.2 (vii).

              Provided that, if by the thirtieth day of any November the
              Concessionaire shall not have rendered such statement, then
              PTT may itself prepare the same and render it to the

     12.5     Where any sum is in dispute the undisputed portion shall promptly
              be paid and after settlement of the dispute any amount agreed or
              otherwise determined to be due shall be paid within fourteen (14)
              days after such agreement or determination with interest thereon 
              in accordance with Clause 12.7.

     12.6     Payment under this Article shall be made in Thai Baht to the
              credit of each of the companies defined as Concessionaire or PTT
              (as the case may be) at such place in Bangkok as such company or
              PTT may request or at such other place as may be agreed.

     12.7     Should any party fail to make payment to another of any sum due
              hereunder, interest thereon shall accrue, at the London Inter
              Bank offered rate (LIBOR) for US dollars for one Month as
              published in the Financial Times of London, England, each day
              such payment is due plus one (1) per cent, except to the extent
              that the failure to make payment arose from an error on the part
              of the party to whom payment was due to be made.

     12.8     PTT and the Concessionaire shall have the right at reasonable
              hours to examine the books and other records of the other party
              relative to this Agreement to the extent necessary to verify the
              accuracy of any statement or computation made pursuant to any of
              the provisions of this Agreement,

              Provided that, for the purposes of this Agreement,

              (i)    such books and other records need not be preserved longer 
                     than a period of four (4) years; and


              (ii)   if any such examination reveals any inaccuracy in any 
                     billing therefore made, the necessary adjustment shall be 
                     made promptly.


     13.1     Sales Gas delivered under this Agreement shall be measured in
              Cubic Feet and BTUs according to the procedure set out in the
              Third Schedule hereto.

              In the event that Sales Gas is delivered to more than one (1)
              Delivery Point concurrently, the BTU content and other
              characteristics of the total Sales Gas shall be computed by
              weighting the gas composition and throughput values at each
              Delivery Point and aggregating such data for total measurement.

     13.2     All measuring and testing equipment, housings, devices and
              materials shall, with all related equipment, appliances and
              buildings (herein called the "Concessionaire's Equipment") be
              procured, installed, maintained and operated by the
              Concessionaire at the Concessionaire's expense except as provided

              PTT may, at its own expense, have procured and installed by the
              Concessionaire, and supervise operation of, check measuring and
              testing equipment which shall not interfere with the use of
              the Concessionaire's facilities including its measuring and
              testing equipment.  The parties shall enter into an agreement to
              cover such procurement, installation and operation.

     13.3     The Concessionaire shall ensure that withdrawal for maintenance
              or adjustment of any individual component part of the
              Concessionaire's Equipment does not affect the delivery of Sales

     13.4     PTT shall have the right from time to time and at all times upon
              giving reasonable notice to the Concessionaire to inspect or
              cause to be inspected the Concessionaire's Equipment and other
              measurements or test data of the Concessionaire but the reading
              calibration and adjustment of the Concessionaire who shall
              preserve all original test data and other similar records for a
              period of four (4) years and shall make a copy thereof available
              to PTT at any time upon request,

              Provided that, PTT or its employees, agents or representatives
              may, with reasonable notice, enter upon any facilities owned or
              installed by the Concessionaire pursuant to this Article at the
              sole risk and cost of PTT,

              Provided further that, PTT shall afford to the Concessionaire the
              same rights of inspection and verification at the sole risk of
              the Concessionaire in respect of all check measuring and
              testing equipment installed at the Delivery Point by PTT in
              respect of the Sales Gas delivered hereunder.

     13.5     Each component of the measuring and testing equipment shall be
              adjusted to operate accurately within a limit prescribed by the
              manufacturer but which shall not in any case exceed a limit of
              two (2) per cent.

              The accuracy of the Concessionaire's Equipment shall be verified
              by the Concessionaire once in every month during the Contract
              Period or at such other frequency as may be



              agreed (and at other times if so required by either party) and
              the Concessionaire shall give to PTT sufficient previous notice
              of the date, time and nature of every verification to enable a
              representative of PTT to be present therat.  The results of any 
              verification shall be binding on both parties unless PTT shall
              within seven (7) days after such verification give notice to the 
              Concessionaire that it disputes the accuracy of such

              Verification shall be made at the expense of the Concessionaire
              but PTT shall bear the cost of the attendance of its
              representatives at any verification and shall bear the whole 
              expense of any verification made at its request if the accuracy 
              of the equipment concerned is found to be within the limits
              mentioned in this Clause 13.5.

     13.6     If at any time or from time to time during the continuance of
              this Agreement any component of the Concessionaire's Equipment 
              is found to be out of service or registered outside the limits of
              accuracy agreed under Clause 13.5 the Concessionaire shall
              forthwith adjust it to read accurately within the limits
              mentioned in Clause 13.5 or (if that is not possible) replace it 
              with a servicable component and (unless the Concessionaire and
              PTT shall otherwise agree) the following provisions shall apply
              with regard to earlier readings affected by the defective 

              (i)     no correction shall be made in respect to readings made 
                      during the period before the immediately preceding 
                      verification of the defective component;

              (ii)    if the time at which the component became defective can 
                      be established the readings affected thereby shall be
                      corrected with effect from that time in a manner provided
                      by paragraphs (a)(b) and (c) of Clause (iii) of this 
                      Clause 13.6;

              (iii)   if the time at which the component became defective cannot
                      be established, then the time has elapsed since the 
                      immediately preceding verification shall be divided into 
                      two (2) equal parts and estimated readings shall be 
                      established in respect to the first such part by 
                      assuming that the defective component has operated 
                      accurately throughout such part and in respect of the 
                      second such part;

                      a)     by using the readings recorded by any check 
                             measuring or testing equipment, if such equipment 
                             is registered accurately within the limits
                             mentioned in Clause 13.5;

                             or if such equipment is not registered accurately
                             or if no such equipment has been installed; or

                      b)     by correcting the error, if the percentage of
                             error is ascertainable to the satisfaction of
                             both parties, by calibration test or mathematical 

                             or it the percentage of error is not so
                             ascertainable, then

                      c)     by estimating the quantity and/or quality of Sales
                             Gas delivered by reference to deliveries under 
                             similar conditions when the defective component
                             was registering accurately;


     13.7     The parties shall meet to discuss and to endeavour to settle any
              dispute which may arise with regard to the application of the
              provisions of this Article or the measurement of the quantity of
              Sales Gas delivered and if within thirty (30) days after the
              commencement of such meeting, or, if no such meeting takes place,
              within forty (40) days of one party notifying the other that a
              point of dispute exists, they shall have been unable to agree,
              the matter may be referred to an expert to be appointed in
              accordance with the provisions of Article XX.



     14.1     Sales Gas to be delivered under the terms of this Agreement shall
              be delivered by the Concessionaire to PTT at the Delivery Point
              specified in the Fourth Schedule hereto.

     14.2     The property and risk in the Sales Gas tendered for delivery by
              the Concessionaire shall pass to PTT at the Delivery Point,

              Provided that, if any Sales Gas so tendered is deficient in
              quality but is, at the moment of its passage through the Delivery
              Point, not known by PTT to be so deficient, such Sales Gas shall
              for the purposes of this Agreement be deemed to have been
              delivered and the Concessionaire shall compensate PTT for any
              damages suffered by PTT and which PTT can properly claim in
              consequence of such deficiency up to an amount equal to the value
              of a quantity of Sales Gas ten (10) times the DCQ then in force
              at the Current Price.

     14.3     Immediately upon notification by PTT of the occurrence of a
              failure of pipeline facilities installed by PTT pursuant to
              Article VIII causing an escape of Sales Gas, the Concessionaire
              shall stop delivering Sales Gas and PTT shall not be required to
              pay for any Sales Gas passing the Delivery Point after such
              failure has been notified and prior to the failure being
              remedied, but PTT shall remain obligated in accordance with
              Clause 6.8.

     14.4     In the event of the Government of Thailand taking Royalty in kind
              under the Concession Agreement from the Development Area and
              directing that such Royalty Sales Gas be delivered to PTT, PTT
              shall, if the Government so requests, take delivery of such Sales
              Gas at the Delivery Point and the liability and risk of the
              Concessionaire shall cease at that point.



     15.1     Except as otherwise provided in this Article XV and Clauses 4.2
              and 5.2, each party shall be liable to the other in the event of
              such party's default or breach of an obligation hereunder only
              for actual costs, expenses and damages incurred by such other
              party as the direct result of such default or breach.

     15.2     Except as otherwise provided in this Article XV, PTT's sole
              remedy for the Concessionaire's failure to deliver Sales Gas,
              during any day, in quantities required by the provisions of this
              Agreement (such deficient quantity being referred to as
              "Shortfall") shall be the right to take an amount of Sales Gas
              equal to the Shortfall as part of the Net ACO at a price
              twenty-five (25) per cent below the Current Price at the time
              of the occurrence of the Shortfall.  The Shortfall shall be
              cumulated at the end of the Month of its occurrence and Sales Gas
              to compensate for Shortfall ("Shortfall Gas") shall be taken from
              the first day of the next month.

              If for a period of not less than thirty (30) Days, in
              circumstances in which this Clause 15.2 applies, the
              Concessionaire does not make available Sales Gas and, as a result
              by the end of the First Contract Year or the Contract Year, as
              the case may be, PTT has not been able to exercise all or part of
              its right to require delivery of Shortfall Gas in respect of
              that period, then the Concessionaire shall pay to PTT, in
              accordance with Article XII, a sum in cash equal to the Shortfall
              not so delivered times twenty-five (25) per cent of the Current
              Price prevailing during the occurrence of the Shortfall.

              If any period of not less than thirty (30 ) Days, which the
              Concessionaire does not make available Sales Gas as mentioned
              above, occurs over two accounting years then the sum to be paid
              shall not become due before the end of the second of such years.

     15.3     The Concessionaire, as a Reasonable and Prudent Operator, shall
              incur no liability to PTT for failure to deliver Sales Gas in
              quantities required by this Agreement if such failure was in any
              way caused, in whole or in part, by an event where:

              (i)     the Concessionaire has been prevented by Force Majeure 
                      as defined in Article XVI, or
              (ii)    subject to PTT's rights under Clause 4.2 and 5.2, PTT 
                      failed to take Sales Gas properly tendered in accordance
                      with this Agreement.

     15.4     Subject to the provisions of this Agreement and in particular
              Clauses 6.9 and 18.4, PTT's liability to the Concessionaire, for
              failure in its obligation to accept delivery of Sales Gas
              hereunder, shall be limited to the payment to the Concessionaire
              for Sales Gas not taken, at the price provided in this Agreement.

     15.5     In no event shall either the Concessionaire or PTT be liable to
              the other for indirect or special damages of any kind nor shall
              either be liable to the other for damages asserted or claimed to
              have suffered by any third party not a party to this Agreement.

     15.6     For the avoidance of doubt, the parties agree that if the
              Concessionaire's default under the provisions of this Agreement
              is limited to Shortfall, then PTT's remedy is pursuant to Clause
              15.2 and not 15.1.

     15.7     If the ACQ as the result of any determination or redetermination
              of the Field Reserves drops below thirty one billion Cubic Feet,
              the Concessionaire shall pay PTT a sum of money equivalent to the
              capital cost of the Facilities installed by PTT for the service
              of this agreement times zero decimal one nine nine two (0.1992)
              multiplied by the amount the ACQ is less than thirty one (31)
              billion Cubic Feet divided by thirty one (31) billion Cubic Feet.


     16.1     In this Agreement "Force Majeure" shall denote any event the
              happening which could not be prevented even though a person
              against whom it happened or threatened to happen were to take
              such appropriate care as might be expected of a Reasonable and
              Prudent Operator.  Force Majeure shall not include a failure to
              give a notice or to pay money due under the Agreement.

     16.2     Events which may, subject to Clause 16.1, be considered Force
              Majeure events shall include but not be limited to acts of
              government, strikes, lock-outs, acts of public enemy, wars
              whether declared or undeclared, blockades, insurrection, riots,
              epidemics, landslides, lightning, earthquakes, fires, storms,
              floods, washouts, civil disturbances, explosions, breakage or
              accident to machinery or lines of pipe, freezing of wells or
              lines of pipe, partial or entire failure of wells, inability to
              obtain necessary materials or supplies due to changes in laws and
              regulations, material changes in the obligations of the
              Concessionaire under the Concession Agreement imposed
              unilaterally by the Government of Thailand, inability of PTT to
              accept delivery of Sales Gas by reason of inability of any power
              generation or industrial customer of PTT to take Sales Gas which
              it or they would have taken if such inability is caused by a
              happening which would have constituted Force Majeure in
              accordance with Clause 16.1 as if the customer concerned had been
              a party to this Agreement;

              Provided that PTT shall have no right to Force Majeure relief
              hereunder by reason of the inability of any power generation or
              industrial customer to take Sales Gas unless PTT shall
              pro-rate the amount from which it requires relief among all of
              its relevant suppliers.  The deemed amount of Sales Gas which
              would have been delivered to the customer concerned shall be
              calculated by reference to the average delivery to that customer
              over the immediately preceding thirty (30) Days and PTT supply
              pattern by the average take of Sales Gas over the same thirty
              (30) Days.

     16.3     A party claiming relief on account of Force Majeure shall:

              (i)      as soon as practicable give notice to the other party 
                       of the happening said to constitute Force Majeure, 
                       such notice to include full information about the 
                       circumstances and a statement of the steps and time
                       believed necessary to remedy the failure but neither
                       party shall be obliged to settle or prevent any strike 
                       or other industrial action except on terms which, in 
                       its sole judgement, are acceptable to it.

              (ii)     proceed as a Reasonable and Prudent Operator at its own
                       expense to remedy the failure as rapidly as possible.

     16.4     A party failing to fulfil its obligations (other than the
              obligations to give notice or to pay money excepted under Clause
              16.1) by reason of Force Majeure and fulfilling the requirements 
              of Clause 16.3 shall be relieved of liability as follows:

              (i)      in case of the Concessionaire, to the extent that Force 
                       Majeure has prevented it from fulfilling its 
                       obligations under this Agreement and in particular 
                       delivering Sales Gas that it should have delivered.

              (ii)     in the case of PTT to the extent that Force Majeure has
                       prevented it from fulfilling its obligations under this
                       Agreement and in particular accepting Sales Gas which 
                       it should have accepted or from disposing of the same.  




     This Agreement shall come into force on the Effective Date and shall so
     continue in force until terminated as provided in Article XVIII. Right and
     obligations accrued to and incurred by each party prior to termination of 
     this Agreement shall survive such termination.



     18.1     This Agreement shall terminate

              (i)      upon termination of the petroleum production periods as 
                       provided in the Concession Agreement and Petroleum Act 
                       BE 2514 (1971), as amended, and Ministerial Regulations 
                       promulgated pursuant thereto, or

              (ii)     when there are no Field Reserves remaining in the 
                       Reservoir, or

              (iii)    after a period of thirty (30) years from the 
                       Contractual Delivery Date, such period to be extended 
                       by each event of Force Majeure which is of not less 
                       than thirty (30) Days duration,

              whichever shall first occur.

     18.2     The Concessionaire shall in good faith endeavour to give to PTT
              not less than two (2) years notice of the date upon which an
              event set forth in Clause 18.1 (ii) is expected to occur, but
              this Agreement shall terminate when such event occurs whether
              before or after the date notified by the Concessionaire. 

     18.3     If this Agreement terminates then the Concessionaire shall 
              reimburse PTT the net amount which PTT has paid for Sales Gas
              pursuant to Clause 6.8 but not taken pursuant to Clause 6.9.
              Reimbursement shall be made within thirty (30) days of
              termination and all other amounts due from one party to the other
              shall be settled within sixty (60) days after termination, after
              which interest shall be paid in accordance with Clause 12.7 until
              payment is made.

              The Concessionaire shall have the right to substitute for such 
              payment, quantities of natural gas delivered from outside the
              G.S.A. area and delivered at the Delivery Point or some other
              point of delivery acceptable to PTT.  The natural gas substituted
              shall be supplied in accordance with the terms and conditions of
              this Agreement, the duration of which shall be extended as
              necessary for this purpose.

              Detailed arrangements for the substitution shall be submitted by
              the Concessionaire together with the notice given in accordance
              with Clause 18.2. If within ninety (90) days the  parties have
              failed to agree the detailed arrangements, either party may refer
              the matter for arbitration in accordance with Article XXI.

     18.4     If at any time after the Concessionaire has served a notice of a
              decrease in DCQ in accordance with Clause 6.11 the pipeline
              connecting the Delivery Point with the market, or any other part
              of PTT's facilities necessary for the transmission, compression
              treatment, or distribution of the Sales Gas which is the subject
              of this Agreement, is damaged by a happening beyond the
              control PTT acting in accordance with the standards of a
              Reasonable and Prudent Operator and it would be necessary for PTT
              to incur additional expenditure to repair the damage in excess of
              that which a Reasonable and Prudent Operator would make, then PTT
              may, by written notice given to the Concessionaire, reduce the
              DCQ or terminate this Agreement, as appropriate to the extent of
              the damage, with


              immediate effect and if this Agreement is so terminated then PTT
              and the Concessionaire shall be excused from all obligations

              If within sixty (60) days following the receipt of a notice given
              by PTT in accordance with this Clause 18.4, the Concessionaire
              informs PTT that the Concessionaire considers that a Reasonable
              and Prudent Operator would make such additional expenditure and
              the parties are unable to agree, then either party may require 
              the matter to be submitted to an expert to be appointed in 
              accordance with the provisions of Article XX and the expert shall 
              be given access to all material data.

     18.5     In the event the Concessionaire should cease to deliver Sales Gas
              from the GSA Area, then in the event the Concessionaire has not
              delivered at least five hundred (500) billion Cubic Feet of Sales
              Gas pursuant to this Agreement, the Concessionaire shall pay PTT
              a sum of money equivalent to the "undelivered quantity" in
              billion Cubic Feet, divided by five hundred (500) billion Cubic
              Feet times the capital cost of the Facilities installed by PTT
              for the service of this agreement times one decimal one to the
              "n"th power (1.10 x n) where n is the number of Calendar years 
              which the Concessionaire has delivered Sales Gas to PTT.  The 
              "undelivered quantity" being five hundred (500) billion Cubic Feet
              less actual deliveries.

     18.6     Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, this
              Agreement shall terminate if the Concession Agreement is
              terminated in a manner beyond the control of the Concessionaire.
              In the event of such termination and subject to the provisions of
              Clause 18.6, each party shall be relieved of all liability

     18.7     Termination in any circumstances shall not relieve any party of
              an obligation to pay amounts due and payable to another at the
              time of termination.

     18.8     If any provision of part of this Agreement is void, then this
              Agreement as a whole shall not be affected thereby and if
              practicable the remainder of the provisions hereof shall remain
              valid and enforceable, provided, however, that if such void
              provision is considered as essential by any Party, the Parties
              shall meet and endeavour in good faith to set out a legal
              replacement provision.



     19.1     No party shall be entitled without the consent in writing of the
              other (which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld) to
              assign any of its rights or obligations created by this
              Agreement, except assignment of the rights and/or obligations
              hereunder as security for obtaining financial facilities needed
              to put the Concession Area into operation and production.


     20.1     Whenever in this Agreement it is provided that any person is to
              be appointed an expert or any matter is to be referred to an
              expert or the parties agree that a point of difference between
              them shall be resolved by an expert the provisions of this
              Article XX shall apply.

     20.2     Other than in the appointment of an expert to redetermine Field
              Reserves pursuant to Article X, the procedure for the appointment
              of an expert shall be the following:

              (i)    The party wishing the appointment of an expert to be made 
                     shall give notice in writing to that effect to the other 
                     and in such notice shall give details of the matter which
                     it is proposed shall be resolved by the expert.

              (ii)   The parties shall meet in an endeavour to agree upon a 
                     single expert to whom the matter in dispute shall be
                     referred for determination.

              (iii)  If within twenty-one (21) days from the service of the said
                     notice the parties have failed to agree upon an expert 
                     then the matter shall forthwith be referred by the party 
                     wishing the appointment to be made to the President of 
                     the International Gas Union who shall be requested to 
                     make the appointment of the said expert within thirty
                     (30) days and may in so doing take such independent 
                     advice as he thinks fit.

              (iv)   Upon an expert being agreed or selected under the foregoing
                     provisions of this Article the parties shall forthwith 
                     notify such expert of his selection and shall request him 
                     to state within fourteen(l4) days whether or not he is 
                     willing and able to accept the appointment.

              (v)    If such expert shall be either unwilling or unable to 
                     accept such appointment or shall not have accepted such
                     appointment within the said fourteen (14) days then
                     unless the parties are able to agree on the appointmet
                     of another expert who is willing and able to act,
                     the matter shall again be referred to the President of
                     the International Gas Union who shall be requested to
                     make a further appointment and the procedures shall be
                     repeated until an expert is found who accepts the

     20.3     For the appointment of an expert to redetermine Field Reserves
              pursuant to Article X, the procedure for the appointment of an
              expert shall be the following.

              (i)    The party wishing the appointment of an expert to be made
                     shall give notice in writing to that effect to the other 
                     party and in such notice shall give details of the matter 
                     which it is proposed shall be resolved by the expert.

              (ii)   The Concessionaire shall within fifteen (15) days of the 
                     giving by it or the receipt by it of such notice, submit 
                     to PTT the names of five (5) companies, (at least two (2) 
                     of which must be registered outside of the United States or
                     Thailand and must not be a subsidiary of an US or Thai 
                     company), each of which in the opinion of the 
                     Concessionaire has the capacity and integrity to act as
                     an independent expert.



              (iii)  The parties jointly shall within fifteen (15) days request
                     written confirmation within thirty (30) days from each such
                     expert that the expert is willing to accept the 
                     determination assignment.

              (iv)   If less than three (3) of the experts furnish their written
                     confirmation as provided above, the Concessionaire, 
                     maintaining the requirements of Clause 20.3 (ii), shall 
                     add within a further fifteen (15) days a number of 
                     experts to the remaining list to increase the number of 
                     three (3) or more experts on the list who are willing to 
                     accept the assignment.

              (v)    From the list determined as above by the Concessionaire, 
                     PTT will select one (1) within seven (7) Days.  This 
                     expert shall be given the determination assignment.

     20.4     Once the expert has accepted his appointment pursuant to Clause
              20.2 (v) or has been selected pursuant to Clause 20.3 (v) a
              notice shall be sent within five (5) days of such date to appoint
              an expert by either party (with copy of such appointment to the
              other party) or both parties and shall instruct the expert that
              the appointment is made on behalf of both parties and will set
              forth the points of difference to be resolved and will fairly
              represent the position of each.

     20.5     Not later than thirty (30) days after the acceptance by an expert
              of his appointment each partly shall submit to the expert and to
              the other party all data, information and other submissions which
              each party considers relevant to the matter for which the expert
              has been appointed.  Within fifteen (1 5) days after the said
              thirty (30) day period each party may rebut the data, information
              and submission of the other party.  The expert shall make his
              decision on such data, information and submissions and shall
              ignore data, information and submissions made after such
              forty-five (45) days unless the same are furnished in response to
              a specific request from him.  The expert may examine physical
              evidence onsite provided both parties are accorded the
              opportunity to attend and participate in such examination.

     20.6     Within a reasonable period, which shall not in the case of a
              determination under Article X exceed one hundred and eighty (180)
              days after his appointment, or in any other case ninety (90) days
              after his appointment, the expert shall render a decision.  If
              the expert does not so decide the matter within such time or
              within such extensions of time agreed upon by the parties hereto,
              the matter shall, at the request of either party, be referred to
              a new expert who shall be appointed under the provisions of this
              Article XX and upon the acceptance of appointment by such new
              expert the appointment of the previous expert shall cease,

              Provided that if the previous expert shall have rendered a
              decision prior to the date upon which the new expert accepts his
              appointment then such decision shall be binding upon the parties
              and the instructions to the new expert shall be withdrawn.

     20.7     The report of the expert shall be in writing and shall set forth
              his decision and reasons therefore.

     20.8     No person shall be appointed to act as the expert under this
              Article XX:

              (i)     unless he shall be qualified by education, experience and
                      training to determine the matter in dispute.

              (ii)    who at the time of appointment is an employee of or 
                      engaged by either party.

     20.9     The decision of the expert shall be final and binding upon the
              parties on the matter under determination and may be entered
              thereon by any court of competent jurisdiction (provided that if
              a court in Thailand is selected by either party, it shall be the
              Civil Court of Bangkok) save in the event of:

              (i)     fraud;

              (ii)    an evident material miscalculation of figures or an 
                      evident material mistake in the description of any 
                      person, thing or property referred to in the award;

              (iii)   failure of expert to disclose any relevant interest 
                      likely to give rise to justifiable doubts as to his 
                      impartiality or independence;

              (iv)    where an expert has awarded upon a matter not submitted 
                      to him, unless it is a matter not affecting the merits 
                      of the decision upon the matter submitted.

              Each party shall continue fully to perform all of its 
              obligations under this Agreement during the pendency of the 

     20.10    Each party shall bear the costs and expenses of all counsel,
              witnesses and employees retained by it but the cost and expenses
              of the expert shall be apportioned equally between the
              Concessionaire and PTT.

     ARTICLE XXI               ARBITRATION

     21.1     Any and all disputes, controversies or claims between the parties
              arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the performance,
              breach, termination or invalidity thereof which are not by this
              Agreement referred for determination to an expert appointed in
              accordance with the provisions of Article XX shall be finally
              settled under the Arbitration Rules of the Arbitration Institute
              of the Thai Ministry of Justice.

     21.2     Within sixty (60) Days of a party having given notice of a
              dispute, controversy or claim to the other party, the parties
              shall appoint an arbitrator, and thereafter the arbitrators so
              appointed shall within sixty (60) days appoint a third arbitrator
              who shall act as chairman of the arbitrators.

     21.3     If any party including the arbitrators appointed in accordance
              with Clause 21.2 fails to nominate an arbitrator within the time
              specified in Clause 21.2, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
              of Thailand shall be requested to appoint such arbitrator.

     21.4     The language of any arbitration shall be English.

     21.5     The parties agree that the arbitration proceedings and any
              findings by and awards rendered by the arbitrators appointed
              shall be kept confidential for the term of the Agreement.

     21.6     The place of arbitration shall ordinarily be Bangkok but, if any
              one of the parties so requests, shall take place at such other
              place as may be agreed by the parties.

     21.7     In rendering an award, the arbitrators shall take account of the
              law of the Kingdom of Thailand and of practice and usage in the
              international oil and gas industry.

     21.8     The arbitral award shall be final and binding on both parties on
              the matter under arbitration, and judgement thereon may be
              entered in any court of competent jurisdiction (provided that if
              a court in Thailand is selected by either party, it shall be the
              Civil Court of Bangkok) save in the event of:
              (i)      Fraud;

              (ii)     An evident material miscalculation of figures or an 
                       evident material mistake in the description of any
                       person, thing or property referred to in the award;

              (iii)    Failure of any arbitrator to disclose any relevant 
                       interest likely to give rise to justifiable doubts as 
                       to his impartiality or independence;

              (iv)     Where the arbitrators have awarded upon a matter not 
                       submitted to them, unless it is a matter not affecting 
                       the merits of the decision upon the matter submitted.  
              In which case the matter shall be resolved using the Arbitration 
              Rules noted above.


              Each party shall continue fully to perform all of its 
              obligations under this Agreement during the pendency of the 


     This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with and
     governed by the law of Thailand.


     This Agreement shall bind and enure to the benefit of the companies 
     defined as the Concessionaire and PTT and their respective successors and 
     permitted assigns.


     24.1     The Operator appointed from time to time by the Concessionaire
              shall be the authorized representative of the Concessionaire for
              the provision of information and data, for the giving and
              receiving of all notices and invoices to and from PTT and for all
              other purposes of this Agreement other than the receiving from
              PTT payments in accordance with Article XII, and PTT shall be
              fully protected in acting in reliance upon anything done or
              performed or agreement made by the Operator as though the
              Concessionaire had done or performed the same.

     24.2     The original Operator appointed by the Concessionaire under this
              agreement is Thaipo Limited.  

              In the case of appointment of a new Operator, the Concessionaire 
              shall so notify PTT at least fifteen (15) days before such
              appointment becomes effective.


     25.1     Whether or not so stipulated herein, all notices, communications
              and statements (hereinafter called "notices") required or
              permitted hereunder shall be in writing.  Notices may be served.

              (i)     by hand delivering them to, and receiving a receipt
                      from, the party on whom they are to be served at that
                      party's address hereinafter given and received, provided
                      that such delivery shall be during normal business hours. 
                      Such notices shall be deemed received by the addresses
                      when actually delivered as aforesaid; or

             (ii)     by telex when given (or by any other like method by which
                      a written and recorded message may be sent) directed to
                      the party on whom they are to be served at that party's 
                      address hereinafter given.  Notices so served shall be 
                      deemed received by the addresses thereof;

                      (a)      when actually received by them within the 
                               normal working hours of a business day; or, if 
                               not so received
                      (b)      at the commencement of the next ensuing 
                               business day following transmission thereof

                      provided, however, that an answer back has been 
                      received; or

             (iii)    by mailing them first class registered post, to the 
                      party on whom they are to be served.  Notices so served 
                      shall be deemed received by the addressees when a signed
                      receipt has been given.

     25.2     The initial address for service of notice hereunder of each of
              the respective parties shall be as follows:

              In the case of PTT:

              555 Vibhavadi-Rangsit Road
              Bangkok 10900 Thailand
              Telex:   72054 PTT TH

              In the case of the Concessionaire:

              Thaipo Limited
              19th Floor, B.B. Building
              54 Asoke Road, Sukhumvit 21
              Bangkok 10110, Thailand
              Fax No.: (66-2) 260-7150
              Tel No.: (66-2) 260-7151

     25.3     Each party will promptly inform the other in writing of any 


     25.4     For information purposes only, and without limiting in any way
              the scope of Article XXIV, the initial nominated addresses of
              each of the companies defined as Concessionaire shall be:

              The Sophonpanich Co., Ltd.
              61 Soi Watana, Nineteen,
              Sukhumvit Road, Bangkok 10110
              Fax No.: (66-2) 236-8988
              Tel No.: (66-2) 230-1881

              Thai Romo Limited
              19th Floor, B.B. Building
              54 Asoke Road, Sukhumvit 21
              Bangkok 10110, Thailand
              Fax No.: (66-2) 260-7274
              Tel No.: (66-2) 260-7242

              Each such company shall promptly inform the other and Thaipo 
              Limited, and PTT in writing, of any change.


     No waiver by either party of any default or defaults by the other in the
     performance of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall operate or be
     construed as a waiver of any other or further default whether of a like or
     different character.



     The marginal headings in this Agreement are inserted for convenience only
     and shall not affect the construction of this Agreement.


     The Concessionaire shall pay royalty for any Sales Gas sold under this
     Agreement as set out in Clauses 10 (2) (a) and (b) of the Concession 
     Agreement. If the Government of Thailand elects to take royalty gas in 
     kind, the Concessionaire's obligation to deliver Sales Gas shall be 
     reduced accordingly and in particular the DCQ shall be reduced by that 
     percentage of Sales Gas produced from the Concession Area which is so 
     taken by the Government.


     There are attached to this Agreement five (5) Schedules numbered from the
     First to the Fifth and such Schedules are hereby made part of this
     Agreement for all the purposes thereof.

     In the event that any provision set forth in any of the five (5) Schedules
     attached hereto conflict with the provisions set forth in this Agreement,
     the provisions of this Agreement shall prevail.


     It is expressly agreed that it is not the purpose or intention of this
     Agreement to create, nor is the same to be construed as creating, any form
     of legal partnership between companies defined as the Concessionaire.


     This Agreement and the terms hereof shall constitute the entire agreement
     between the parties hereto with respect to all matters herein and its
     execution has not been induced by nor do either of the parties rely upon
     or regard as material any representations or writings whatsoever not
     incorporated herein.  This Agreement may be modified or supplemented
     only by amendment in writing executed on behalf of the parties hereto.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF each party hereto has caused this Agreement to be executed
by its duly authorised representative as of the date first written above.


Radford Phillip Laney                   Pala Sookawesh
- ------------------------------------    ---------------------------------------
Mr. Radford Phillip Laney               Mr. Pala Sookawesh                
President and Managing Director         Governor                          

- ------------------------------------    ---------------------------------------
Steven R. Samuel, Witness               [Illegible], Witness


Patrick R. Rutherord
- ------------------------------------ 
Mr. Patrick R. Rutherford
Chairman of the Board
Rutherford/Moran Oil Corporation                                  
- ------------------------------------ 
Ronald B. Manning, Witness


Mr. Chote Sophonpanich
- ------------------------------------ 
Chote Sophonpanich

- ------------------------------------ 
[Illegible], Witness

                             FIRST SCHEDULE PART I
                              THE CONCESSION AREA

                 North Latitude                              East Longitude 
            ------------------------                    ------------------------
            (Degree/ Minute/ Second)                    (Degree/ Minute/ Second)
Point No.                                            
    1         11       0        0                         100     45       0
    2         11       0        0                         101     13      15
    3         10      59        0                         101     13       0
    4         10      16       50                         101     29       0
    5         10       9        0                         101     30       0
    6         10       9        0                         101     27       0
    7         10       0        0                         101     28      20
    8         10       0        0                         101     19       0
    9          9      50        0                         101     19       0
   10          9      50        0                         101     16       0
   11          9      42        0                         101     16       0
   12          9      42        0                         101     10       0
   13          9      48        0                         101     10       0
   14          9      48        0                         101      8       0
   15          9      52        0                         101      8       0
   16          9      52        0                         101      6       0
   17          9      40        0                         101      6       0
   18          9      40        0                         101     16       0
   19          9      33        0                         101     16       0
   20          9      33        0                         101     15       0
   21          9      31        0                         101     15       0
   22          9      31        0                         101     10       0
   23          9      32        0                         101     10       0
   24          9      32        0                         101      9       0
   25          9      34        0                         101      9       0
   26          9      34        0                         101      7       0
   27          9      30        0                         101      7       0
   28          9      30        0                         100     45       0

                             FIRST SCHEDULE PART II
                                   G.S.A AREA

POINT            LATITUDE                           LONGTITUDE
CODE       DEG     MINS     SEC               DEG      MINS     SEC
- ----       ---     ----     ---               ---      ----     ---
 A         10       18     00.00"N            101       24     00.0"E
 B         10       18     00.00"N     Intersecting with the Declared Cambodian
                                              Continental Shelf (1972)
 C         10       16     50.00"N            101       29     30.0"E
 D         10       09     00.00"N            101       30     00.0"E
 E         10       09     00.00"N            101       27     00.0"E
 F         10       00     00.00"N            101       28     20.0"E
 G         10       00     00.00"N            101       24     00.0"E


                           FIRST SCHEDULE PART III

                           MAP OF CONCESSION AREA


                                SECOND SCHEDULE
                             QUALITY SPECIFICATIONS

     Sales Gas delivered under this Agreement shall at the Delivery Point.

     1.     GENERAL : be commercially free from materials and dusts or other
            solid matter, liquid matter, waxes, gums and gumforming
            constituents which might cause injury to or interference with
            proper operations of the lines, meters, regulators or other
            appliances through which Sales Gas flows.  The Sellers shall
            furnish, install, maintain and operate such filters, separators and
            other devices as are necessary to comply with this specification.

     2.     WATER CONTENT : contain not more than seven (7) pounds of water
            vapor per one million (1,000,000) Cubic Feet of Sales Gas.

     3.     SULPHUR : contain not more than seventy five(75) parts per
            million (ppm) by weight of total sulphur in the Sales Gas.

     4.     HYDROGEN SULPHIDE : contain not more than fifty (50) parts per
            million (ppm) by weight of hydrogen sulphide in the Sales Gas.

     5.     CARBON DIOXIDE : contain not more than seventeen (17) mole per
            cent of carbon dioxide.

     6.     OXYGEN : contain not more than zero decimal one (0.1) mole
            percent of oxygen.

     7.     MERCURY: NIL

     8.     HEATING VALUE : have a Gross Calorific Value not less than nine
            hundred and fifty (950) BTU per Cubic Foot and not more than one
            thousand one hundred and fifty (1,150) BTU per Cubic Foot.

     9.     TEMPERATURE : have a temperature which is not less than sixty
            (60) degrees Fahrenheit and not more than one hundred and twenty
            (120) degrees Fahrenheit.

     Suitable standard test methods and measuring instruments of standard
     manufacture acceptable to both parties, together with procedures for 
     checking and/or verification of the instruments, shall be agreed between 
     the parties or be determined by an expert.


                                 THIRD SCHEDULE

     1.       METERING

              The Sales Gas delivered under this Agreement shall be measured
              with meters constructed and installed, and whose computations of
              volume are made, in accordance with the provisions of Gas
              Measurement Committee Report No. 3 of the American Gas
              Association (AGA) as reprinted and revised September, 1985, with
              any subsequent amendments or revisions which may be mutually
              acceptable to both parties.


              Adjustment for the effect of supercompressibility shall be made
              according to the provisions of AGA Report No. 3 for the average
              conditions of pressure, flowing temperature and specific gravity
              at which the Sales Gas was measured during the period under
              consideration and with the proportionate values of all components
              including carbon dioxide and nitrogen, in the gas delivered
              included in the computation of the applicable
              supercompressibility factors.  The Concessionaire agrees to
              exercise due diligence in measuring the initial fraction values
              of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and all other components and to
              measure subsequent values of all components as may be required
              and agreed by the parties.  Unless another method is agreed by
              the parties, supercompressibility factors shall be calculated in
              accordance with Clause 5.6.1 in the Transmission Measurement
              Committee Report No. 8, "Compressibility and Supercompressibility
              of Natural Gas and Other Hydrocarbon Gases", December 1985 of the

     3.       TEMPERATURE

              The temperature of the Sales Gas shall be determined by a
              recording thermometer so installed that it will record the
              temperature of such gas flowing through the meters.  The
              recording thermometer shall be installed and maintained by the
              Concessionaire in accordance with the specifications set forth in
              said AGA Gas Measurement Committee Report No. 3. The arithmetical
              average of readings each day shall be deemed the Sales Gas
              temperature and used in computing the volume of gas metered
              during such day.

     4.       SPECIFIC GRAVITY

              The Specific Gravity of the Sales Gas being metered shall be
              calculated in accordance with the provisions of the said AGA
              Measurement Committee Report No. 3.

              Tests to determine the Specific Gravity of the Sales Gas being 
              metered shall be made in accordance with American Society for
              Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard D 1070-73 "Standard Methods
              for Specific Gravity of Gaseous Fuels", or any subsequent
              revision thereof acceptable to both parties. 


              the Specific Gravity of the Sales Gas shall be determined from
              samples taken with a continuous gas sampler.  Samples will be
              taken at reasonable intervals by the Concessionaire who also
              agrees to take additional samples if requested to do so by

              In lieu of continuous sampling the parties may agree to spot
              sampling which shall be representative of the Sales Gas
              delivered at the time such samples are taken.

              The Specific Gravity so determined by any calculation shall apply
              to the Sales Gas metered from the commencement date of the sample
              used for compositional analysis until the next sample is taken
              for analysis.


              The Gross Calorific Value of the Sales Gas in BTUs per Cubic Foot
              shall be determined from samples taken with a continuous sampler.

              Tests to determine the calorific value of Sales Gas delivered may
              be made utilizing a recording calorimeter operated and maintained
              in accordance with ASTM Standard D-182677 "Calorific Value
              of Gases in Natural Gas Range by Continuous Recording
              Calorimeter", or any subsequent revision thereof acceptable to
              the parties.

              If gas chromatograph measurements are taken, calculations of
              Gross Calorific Value shall be made utilizing the method set
              forth in AGA Measurement Committee Report No. 3.

              The Gross Calorific Value determined by any test shall apply to
              the Sales Gas metered from the commencement date of the sample
              until the next sample is taken for test.

              In lieu of continuous sampling, the parties may agree to spot
              sampling which shall be representative of the Sales Gas delivered
              at the time such samples are taken.
     6.       Notwithstanding anything contained herein the measurement of 
              Sales Gas delivered may be carried out by alternative methods if 
              the parties hereto agree.

                                FOURTH SCHEDULE
                                 DELIVERY POINT

     The Delivery Point shall be the flange located on the pipeline end
     manifold (PLEM), or other agreed point, connecting the Concessionaire's
     Floating Petroleum Storage and Offloading System (FPSO) to PTT's Facilities
     for the reception and transmission of the Sales Gas which is the subject
     of this Agreement.  Delivery Point is to be agreed in detail but in 
     principle is based on a single Delivery Point.

     Concessionaire shall advise PTT of the location of the Delivery Point as
     soon as possible but not later than 120 days after the effective date of
     this Agreement.

     If an additional period is required beyond the 120 day period to conform
     an acceptable location and if the completion of PTT's pipeline and related
     facilities will be delayed as a result then, the First Contractual
     Delivery Date may, by notice from PTT to Concessionaire given within
     fifteen days after notification of the location, be extended by a period
     of time to be expressed in PTT's notice but not exceeding such additional
     period beyond the aforesaid 120 day period.  
     Concessionaire shall consult with PTT regarding any such change.

                                 FIFTH SCHEDULE

                               PARENTAL GUARANTEE

                                October 25, 1995


Dear Sirs:

In consideration of your entering into an Agreement with Thaipo Limited and
others for the purchase from them of natural gas on the terms and conditions
therein mentioned, we, Pogo Producing Company, guarantee the due performance by
Thaipo Limited of all its obligations under the said Agreement.

Yours faithfully,

Pogo Producing Company

          Radford Phillip Laney
          Vice President



                             PARENTAL GUARANTEE

                              October 25, 1995


Dear Sirs:

In consideration of your entering into an Agreement with Thai Romo Limited and
others for the purchase from them of natural gas on the terms and conditions
therein mentioned, we, Rutherford/Moran Oil Corporation guarantee the due
performance by Thai Romo Limited of all its obligations under the said 

Yours faithfully,

Rutherford/Moran Oil Corporation

     /s/  MICHAEL D. McCOY
by:       Michael D. McCoy                                       [SEAL]
          Vice President
