March 6, 1996

          Securities & Exchange Commission
          ATTN:  Filing Desk
          450 Fifth Street, NW
          Washington, DC  20549

                                   Re:  Bascom Hill Investors, Inc.
                                        Registration No. 2-61528

          Dear Sir,

               Enclosed is the proxy material for our Annual Meeting
          scheduled for Wednesday, May 1, 1996.  Funds in the amount of
          $125.00 have been forwarded via FEDWIRE.  There have been no
          material changes in the proxy information for 1996.

               The filing is made pursuant to Regulation Section 14a-6 of
          the Securities Act.  The final version will be mailed to
          shareholders on approximately April 2, 1996.


                                   Katherine L. Frank
                                   Vice President


                              BASCOM HILL INVESTORS, INC.
                                6411 MINERAL POINT RD.
                                  MADISON, WI  53705
                                    (608) 273-2020
                                    (800) 767-0300


            To the Shareholders of

                    NOTICE  IS HEREBY  GIVEN  That  the Annual  Meeting  of
            Shareholders of BASCOM HILL  INVESTORS, INC. (the  "Fund") will
            be held at the Radisson  Inn, 517 Grand Canyon  Drive, Madison,
            Wisconsin, on  Wednesday, May  1,  1996 at  4:00  p.m. for  the
            following purposes:
                 1. To elect four  (4) Directors  to serve  until the  next
                    Annual  Meeting   of  Shareholders,   or  until   their
                    successors are duly elected and qualified; and
                 2. To  approve  or  disapprove  the  continuation  of  the
                    Investment Advisory  Agreement  between  the  Fund  and
                    Madison Investment Advisors, Inc.; and
                 3. To ratify or reject the selection of  Williams, Young &
                    Associates as auditors of the Fund for  the fiscal year
                    ending December 31, 1996; and
                 4. To transact  any other  business as  may properly  come
                    before the meeting or any adjournments thereof.


                 Your  vote is important and all Shareholders  are asked to
            be present in person or by proxy.  If you are unable to attend
            the meeting in person, we urge you to complete,  sign, date and
            return the  enclosed  proxy  as  soon  as  possible  using  the
            enclosed stamped envelope.  Sending the proxy will  not prevent
            you from personally voting your shares at the Meeting since you
            may revoke your proxy by advising the Secretary of  the Fund in
            writing (by subsequent proxy  or otherwise) of  such revocation
            at anytime before it is voted.
                                        By Order of the  Board of Directors,

                                        Katherine L. Frank
                                        Vice President/Secretary
            Madison, Wisconsin
            April 2, 1996

                             BASCOM HILL INVESTORS, INC.
                               6411 MINERAL POINT RD.
                                 MADISON, WI  53705

                                   PROXY STATEMENT
               The  enclosed proxy is being solicited  by and on behalf  of
          the Board  of  Directors  of Bascom  Hill  Investors,  Inc.  (the
          "Fund") for use at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be  held
          at the Radisson Inn, 517  Grand Canyon Drive, Madison,  Wisconsin
          on Wednesday, the 1st of  May, 1996 at 4:00  p.m. and at any  and
          all adjournments of such meetings.
                                 PROXY SOLICITATION
                   Proxies  will be  solicited  by  mail.  In  addition  to
          solicitation by mail, certain officers and employees of the  Fund
          may solicit by telephone, telegraph and personally; however, such
          additional solicitation, if any, will be  limited in scope.   The
          cost of  the solicitation  including preparing,  as sembling  and
          mailing the Proxy Statement will be borne by the Fund. The Notice
          of Annual Meeting,  this Proxy  and the  accompanying form  Proxy
          were first mailed to shareholders of  the Fund on or about  April
          2, 1996.
               The  only securities of the Fund  entitled to vote are  full
          shares of  Common  Stock  ($1.00 par  value).  At  the  close  of
          business on February  28, 1996, the  record date  for the  Annual
          Meeting, there  were  issued, outstanding and  paid  644,102.939
          shares of Common Stock of the Fund, each of which is entitled  to
          one  vote  on  all   matters  submitted  to  shareholders.   Only
          shareholders of record  at the close  of business  on the  record
          date are entitled to notice of and to vote at the Annual  Meeting
          or at any adjournment or  adjournments thereof.  Abstentions  and
          broker non-votes will be included to establish a quorum. However,
          they will not represent an affirmative vote.  Voting results will
          be reported in the Fund's semi-annual report.

               As of February 28,  1996, the Directors and Officers of  the
          Fund,  in  aggregate,  owned  beneficially  either  directly   or
          indirectly 6.8% of the Fund shares then outstanding.

               Shares  cannot be voted at the  meeting unless the owner  of
          record at the close of business on the record date for the Annual
          Meeting is present to vote either in person or is represented  by
          a duly executed proxy.   Any shareholder giving  a proxy has  the
          power to revoke it by advising the Secretary of the Fund of  such
          revocation in writing (by subsequent  proxy or otherwise) at  any
          time before it is voted or by voting their shares at the meeting.
          Unless  a  proxy  is  revoked,  mutilated  or  received  by   the
          Management of  the  Fund in  such  a form  as  to render  it  not
          votable, all shares represented by valid proxies received by the
          Management of the Fund prior to  the time they are voted will  be
          voted  in  accordance  with  the  directions  thereon.    Proxies
          containing no specific direction will be voted as follows:

               1.   For the selection  of the nominees  named in the  Proxy
                    Statement as Directors; and
               2.   For the approval of  the Investment Advisory  Agreement
                    between the Fund and Madison Investment Advisors, Inc.;
               3.   For the  ratification  of the  selection  of  Williams,
                    Young & Associates as auditors of the Fund.

                During the fiscal  year ended December  31, 1995, the  Fund
          paid the  following  remuneration  to  the  following  group  for
          services rendered:
                                   or Property                 Total
                                   Pension or       Estimated  Compensation
                                   Retirement       Annual     From Fund
   Name of            Aggregate    Benefits Accrued Benefits   and
   Person,           Compensation  As Part of Fund  Upon       Fund Complex
   Position           From Fund    Expenses         Retirement Paid to Directors

      *Frank E. Burgess      None     None             None       None
       Director, President
       James R. Imhoff, Jr. $1000     None             None       $3,000
       Edmund B. Johnson    $1000     None             None       $3,000
       Lorence D. Wheeler   $1000     None             None       $3,000
          *All  "interested"  directors  and  officers  of  the  Fund   are
          compensated  by  the  Advisor  as  specified  by  the  investment
          advisory agreement.  See  "Approval or Disapproval of  Investment
          Advisory Agreement", page 3, with regard to compensation paid  to
          the Fund's Advisor.

                               PURPOSE OF THE MEETING
          (1)  Election of Directors

               Action  is to be taken with respect  to the election of  the
          entire Board of Directors to serve until the next Annual  Meeting
          of Shareholders or  until their successors  are duly elected  and
               The table identifies the nominees for election as  Directors
          of the  Fund. All  nominees are  members  of the  present  Board,
          having been elected at the last annual meeting. All the  nominees
          attended each of the four meetings of the Board of Directors held
          during the Fiscal year ended December 31, 1995.  The Board has no
          audit, nominating or similar committees.
                 Each  nominee has  consented  to be  named in  this  Proxy
          Statement and to serve, if elected.  As of the date of the  Proxy
          Statement, Management has no  reason to believe  that any of  the
          named nominees will be  unable to serve.   The Management of  the
          Fund intends  to  nominate the  persons  named in  the  following
          table, which sets forth the name, principal occupation,  address,
          the current  position held  with the  Fund, and  the  approximate
          number of shares of common stock of the Fund beneficially  owned,
          directly or  indirectly, by  each  nominee as  of  the close  of
          business on February 28, 1996.

                                Directors of the Fund
                                                                 Shares of
                                                                 Common Stock 
     Name, Principal Occupation          Position with           Owned Directly
     and Address (1)                     the Fund         Age    or Indirectly
     --------------------------          -------------    ---    -------------

     *Frank E. Burgess                       Director      53     33,996  (2)
       President and Director
       of Madison Investment
       Advisors, Inc., the Fund's
       Investment Advisor, 6411 Mineral
       Point Rd., Madison, WI  53705
      James R. Imhoff, Jr.                   Director      51      1,223
       President and Director
       First Realty Group, Inc.
       429 Gammon Place
       Madison, WI  53719
       Director of Park Bank of Madison
      Edmund B. Johnson                      Director      74      6,517
       Vice President and Director
       of Medix of Wisconsin, Inc.
       Medix is a medical supply company.
       3302 Valley Creek Circle
       Middleton, WI  53562
      Lorence D. Wheeler                     Director      58        764
       President of Credit Union
       Benefits Services, Inc.
       Box 431, Madison, WI  53701-0431.
          *  Mr. Burgess is the only nominee who is an "interested  person"
          in the Fund's Advisor, Madison Investment  Advisors, Inc.  He  is
          the  Advisor's   President,   a  Director,   and   its   majority
          1)    Messrs.  Burgess,  Wheeler,  and  Johnson  have  served  as
          Directors of  the  Fund since  its  inception.   Mr.  Imhoff  was
          selected as a Director on February 16, 1979.
          2)  Madison Investment Advisors, Inc. which is controlled by  Mr.
          Burgess, owns 2,538 shares.
              Executive  officers of the Fund  are elected annually by  the
          Board of Directors.

                The Management  of the  Fund recommends  you vote  FOR  the
          Directors nominated in the above table.

                           Officers of the Fund

        Name and Business History       Office         Age       First Elected
        -------------------------       ------        -----      ------------- 
        Frank E. Burgess                President       53        1978
         President and Director
         of Madison Investment
         Advisors, Inc., the Fund's
         Investment Advisor, 6411 Mineral
         Point Rd., Madison, WI  53705
        Chris Berberet                  Treasurer       36        1994
         Vice President, Madison
         Investment Advisors, Inc.
         Prior to joining Advisor,
         he was associated with ELCA
         Board of Pensions in 
         Minneapolis, MN.  
        Katherine L. Frank          Vice President,     35        1988
         Vice President, Madison In-     Secretary
         vestment Advisors, Inc.,
         Previously with Wayne Hummer
         & Co., Chicago, IL.
        Jay R. Sekelsky             Vice President      36        1991
         Vice President, Madison
         Investment Advisors, Inc. the
         Advisor to the Fund, since 1990.
         Previously with Wellington
         Management of Boston.
        Jacqueline A. Stoppleworth Assistant Secretary  32        1994
         Controller, Madison Investment
         Advisors, Inc.  With Madison
         Investment Advisors, Inc. since
          (2)    Approval  or  Disapproval  of  the  Continuation  of   the

          Investment Advisory Agreement
               Action  is to be taken with respect  to the approval of  the
          Investment Advisory Agreement ("Agreement") between the Fund  and
          its Advisor, Madison  Investment Advisors,  Inc. (the  "Advisor")
          until the next  Annual Meeting of  Shareholders in  April or  May
             Under the  Agreement, originally dated  June 28, 1978,  and
          amended on January 31, 1990, (the "Agreement") Madison Investment
          Advisors, Inc.  furnishes  the Fund  with  continuous  investment
          service and management.  The Agreement as amended was approved at
          the last shareholder meeting on April 20, 1995. The Board of  the
          Fund, including the Directors who are not "interested persons" of
          the Advisor,  formally extended  the Agreement  as amended  at  a
          Director's meeting called for that purpose.

                 Under the  terms of  the contract  the Advisor  is paid  a
          quarterly fee based on the net  asset value of the Fund which  is
          accrued daily and paid at the end of each quarter, as  determined
          by the appraisals made as of the close of each business day.   On
          an annualized basis,  the  fee is  eight-tenths  of one  percent
          (.008) of the first  $50,000,000 of average  daily net assets  of
          the Fund,  reduced to  seven-and-one-half-tenths of  one  percent
          (.0075) of Fund  assets in excess  of $50,000,000.  This  fee is
          higher than that paid by most other investment companies.  During
          the fiscal year  ended December  31, 1995,  the Advisor  received
          $91,637 in fees from the Fund.
                The Advisor, at its  own expense and without  reimbursement
          from  the  Fund  furnishes   office  space,  office   facilities,
          executive officers and overhead expenses for managing the  assets
          of the Fund, other than expenses incurred in complying with  laws
          regulating the  issue or  sale of  securities and  fees paid  for
          attendance at Board meetings to Directors who are not "interested
          persons" of the  Advisor or officers  or employees  of the  Fund.
          The Fund bears all other expenses  of its operations, subject  to
          certain expense limitations.
                The  Advisor has undertaken  to reimburse the  Fund to  the
          extent that expenses, including  the investment advisory fee  but
          excluding interest, taxes and brokerage commissions, exceed 2% of
          the first $10,000,000  of average net  assets, 1.5%  of the  next
          $20,000,000 of average net assets, and  1% of average net  assets
          in excess of $30,000,000 of the Fund for each year.  The Fund  is
          also subject  to certain  state expense  limitations.   The  most
          restrictive being  the state  of California.   Expenses  can  not
          exceed 2% of the first $10 million of average net assets; 1  1/2%
          of the next  $20 million;  and 1%  of the  remaining average  net
          assets.  The Advisor will offset on a quarterly basis against its
          quarterly  fee  any  such  expenses  in  excess  of  the  expense
          limitations.  The Advisor was not required to reimburse the  Fund
          in 1995 as the Fund's expenses were within the 2% limitation.
               The Agreement is not assignable and may be terminated by the
          Fund (by  action  of its  Board  of Directors  or  by vote  of  a
          majority of its outstanding voting securities) or by the Advisor,
          without penalty, on sixty (60)  days written notice.   Otherwise,
          this Agreement  continues in  effect so  long as  it is  approved
          annually by the  Directors of the  Fund who  are not  "interested
          persons" of the Advisor, cast in  person at a meeting called  for
          the purpose of voting on such  approval, and by either the  Board
          of Directors or by  a majority of the  outstanding shares of  the
               Frank E. Burgess, who is President and Director of the Fund,
          is President,  Treasurer  and  a Director  of  the  Advisor.  Mr.
          Burgess is     the majority shareholder of  the Advisor.  Jay  R.
          Sekelsky, who  is  Vice  President of  the  Fund,  is  also  Vice
          President of  the  Advisor.   Katherine  L. Frank,  who  is  Vice
          President and Secretary of  the Fund, is  also Vice President  of
          the Advisor.   Chris Berberet who  is Treasurer of  the Fund,  is
          also Vice President of the Advisor.  Jacqueline Stoppleworth  who
          is Assistant Secretary  of the Fund,  is also  Controller of  the
          Advisor.  All of the above may be contacted at 6411 Mineral Point
          Road, Madison, Wisconsin 53705.  The Advisor also manages  Bascom
          Hill BALANCED Fund, Inc. with total  net assets of $10.9  million
          and Madison Bond Fund, Inc. with total net assets of $5.8 million
          as of December 31, 1995.
              The affirmative vote of the lesser of a majority of the Fund
          shares entitled  to vote  or over  67% of  the voting  securities
          present at the Meeting if more than 50% of the outstanding voting
          securities are present is required for approval of the  extension
          of the Agreement.

                The  Management of  the Fund recommends  you vote  FOR the
          approval of the extension of the Agreement.

          (3)  Ratification or Rejection of Selection of Auditors

               The Board of Directors, including the Directors of the  Fund
          who are not  "interested persons"  as defined  by the  Investment
          Company Act of 1940, has  selected Williams, Young &  Associates,
          P.O. Box 8700, Madison, Wisconsin,  53708, independent  certified
          public accountants, to act as auditors of the Fund for the fiscal
          year ending December  31, 1996 Williams,  Young & Associates  has
          examined the accounts of the Fund since its organization.
                    A  representative of  Williams, Young  & Associates  is
          expected to  be  present at  the  Annual Meeting  to  answer  any
          appropriate questions and  to make a  statement if he  or she  so

               The Management of the Fund recommends that you vote FOR the
          selection of Williams, Young & Associates as auditors of the Fund
          for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1996.

          (4)   Other Matters

               The Management of the Fund knows of no other matter that may
          come before the  Annual Meeting.  If any  other matters  properly
          come before  the Meeting,  it is  the  intention of  the  persons
          acting pursuant to  the enclosed Proxy  form to  vote the  shares
          represented  by  said  proxies  in  accordance  with  their  best
          judgment with respect to such matters.
                                SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS
                 Any shareholder proposal  to be  presented at  the Annual
          Meeting of Shareholders  held in 1997,  must be  received at  the
          executive offices of the Fund on or before February 1, 1997.

                                    ANNUAL REPORT
                A copy  of the Annual  Report containing audited  financial
          statements for the period ended December 31, 1995 was  previously
          mailed to shareholders.
                                        By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                         Katherine L. Frank
                                         Vice President/Secretary