Washington, D.C.  20549

                                   FORM 8-K

                                CURRENT REPORT

                      Pursuant to Section 13 or 15 (d) of
                      the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                                Date of Report:
                                 July 15, 1997

                     PACER TECHNOLOGY                             
      (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

(State or other jurisdiction of incorporation or organization)  

   0-8864                                      77-0080305        
Commission File No.                               IRS Employer
                                                  Identification No.

  9420 Santa Anita Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga,  California  91730   
  (Address of principal executive office)              (Zip Code) 

                      (Issuer's telephone number,                 
                                including area code)


Item 2.   Acquisition or Disposition of Assets

On July 15, 1997, Pacer Technology ("Pacer") completed the
acquisition of substantially all of the assets of California
Chemical Specialties, Inc. ("Cal. Chem").  The assets purchased
from Cal. Chem primarily consisted of trade accounts receivable,
inventory, fixed assets, and proprietary formulas.  In addition,
Pacer assumed the liability for trade accounts payable as of the
closing date.  The total purchase price consisted of approximately
$2,575,000 cash.  The purchase price was based on the estimated
value of future cash flows from operations.  The transaction was
financed by Comerica Bank utilizing Pacer's existing line of credit
facility.  The final costs for this acquisition have not been
finalized.  However, these will be reported on Form 8-KA when

Cal. Chem. is known for its high quality and extensive research and
development capabilities.  The company has a dominant market
position in the domestic acrylic nail care industry.  This
acquisition substantially enhances Pacer's competitive position in
the nail care market and brings many synergies to the core

Cal. Chem. has annual revenues of approximately $2.8 million and
leases a 4500 square foot facility in Corona, California.  Pacer
intends to operate this facility for approximately one year, and
subsequently plans to relocate the operation to an existing Pacer
location.  There can be no assurance that actions to integrate the
operation will materially improve Cal Chem's results of operation.


Item 7.  Financial Statements and Exhibits

(a) Financial Statements of businesses acquired - California
      Chemical Specialties, Inc.

      Audited financial statements will be submitted with the
      amended Form 8-K on Form 8-KA on or before September 13, 1997.

(b)   Proforma Financial Statements

      Audited pro forma financial statements will be submitted with
      the amended Form 8-K on Form 8-KA, on or before September 13,

(c)   Exhibits:

      2.1  Asset Purchase Agreement

                         PACER TECHNOLOGY - PURCHASER

      This agreement (Agreement) is made by and between PACER TECHNOLOGY
(Purchaser), a California Corporation having its principal office at 9420
 Santa Anita Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730, and CALIFORNIA
 CHEMICAL SPECIALTIES, INC., (Seller or CCS), a California Corporation
 having its principal office at 1805 Sampson Ave., Corona, California 91719
 (Business Premises), the transactional subject-matter of which is the
 sale to Purchaser of the entirety of the assets, good-will and going
 concern value of Seller.  For reference purposes only, this Agreement is
 dated June 27, 1997.  


      A.  Seller conducts a business (Business) under the name California
 Chemical Specialties which primarily engages in the business of formulating,
 producing, and selling, in bulk, liquids and powders to customers in the
 nail care industry.  All business of Seller is conducted at and from the 
 Business Premises.

      B.  Eugene Packer (Packer) is the principle shareholder and employee
 of Seller and has all of the essential the skill, knowledge and expertise
 relative to creating the formulizations that are the basis for the goods
 produced and sold by Seller.  As used herein, the term Seller includes
 Packer wherever the context requires.  Further, any intangible or tangible
 property associated with the Seller's business operations which is owned or
 controlled by Packer is being sold hereunder to Purchaser.

      C.  Purchaser desires to purchase from Seller and Seller desires to
 sell to Purchaser, on the terms and subject to the conditions of this
 Agreement, all of Seller's business and properties.

      NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, agreements,
 representations, and warranties contained in this Agreement, the parties
 agree as follows:


      1.       PURCHASE AND SALE OF ASSETS:  Subject to the terms and conditions
set forth in this Agreement, on the Closing Date and through the Escrow 
hereafter identified, for the purchase price hereafter specified, Seller
agrees to sell, assign, transfer, convey, set over and deliver to Purchaser,
and Purchaser agrees to purchase from Seller, all of the assets, properties,
goodwill and business of Seller's business, of every nature, kind, character and
description, whether tangible, intangible, real, personal, or mixed, and
wherever located (all of which are sometimes collectively referred to as the
Assets), including, without limitation:

      (i)      all property and rights listed as assets of Seller in the
               schedules attached to this Agreement;


      (ii)     Inventory as defined in Section 1.1 existing as of Closing;


      (iii)    all fixed assets located at, about or within the Business
               Premises as well as the supplies, equipment, machinery,
               furniture, fixtures, motor vehicles, claims and rights under
               leases, contracts, notes, evidences of indebtedness,
               purchase and sales orders, goodwill of any nature, business
               name [California Chemical, California Chemical
               Specialties, or any name similar thereto], copyrights,
               service marks, trademarks, trade names, trade secrets,
               patents, patent applications, licenses, royalty rights,
               deposits, and rights and claims to refunds and adjustments
               of any kind;


      (iv)     all of the processes, formulas, formulizations, recipes, and
               accurate instructions relating to production and manufacture
               of same, whether or not actually used by Seller or Packer
               in the Business;


      (v)      all receivables, as defined in Section 1.2 as they exist at


      (vi)     all assets and property acquired by, on behalf of, or for the
               benefit of the Business through the Closing;


      (vii)    excepting therefrom assets disposed of in the ordinary
               course of business of the Business or as permitted by this
               Agreement which occur prior to Closing.

1.1  Inventory Assets:  Inventory shall mean at Closing, all raw materials,
     work-in-progress, finished goods, stock -in-trade, and merchandise but
     excluding obsolete and slow moving items as determined by Purchaser
     when the Inventory is taken for Closing.   A written itemization of the
     Inventory will be prepared and attached hereto as Schedule 1.1. by 
     Escrow Agent [Section 5].

      1.1.1    Taking Inventory:  Representatives of Seller and Purchaser
               shall meet at the Business Premises after the close of
               business on the day prior to the Closing and take a physical
               inventory associated with the Business.  The Inventory of the
               Business shall be a written itemization of those items
               constituting Inventory as defined in Section 1.1 immediately
               above with the Seller's most recent purchase price for each
               item being specified opposite each such listed item.  Seller
               shall not utilize or consume any of the inventory after
               compiling Schedule 1.1 through Closing.

1.2   Cash and Receivables:  Seller will retain all cash and close cash
      equivalents.  Purchaser will purchase the good receivables of the
      Business as they exist at Closing.  Good receivables shall mean
      those accounts receivable of Seller exclusive of uncollectible
      receivables as determined by Purchaser determined as of the close of
      business on the day immediately prior to the Closing Date and an
      Accounts Receivable Report showing the amount of each good Receivable
      acceptable to Purchaser shall be attached hereto as Schedule 1.2 by
      Escrow Agent
      [Section 5].  After compiling Schedule 1.2, all Receivables of the
      Business shall be held for delivery to Purchaser at Closing.

1.3   Working Capital Amount:  Working Capital Amount shall mean: (i) the
      Inventory value as listed in Schedule 1.1; plus (ii) the value of all
      Receivables as listed on Schedule 1.2; minus (iii) all accounts payable
      as listed on Schedule 3.

1.4   Assets to be Sold Free of Encumbrances:  Except as may be specified
      herein, the Assets are sold by the Seller to Purchaser free and clear
      of any and all liens, encumbrances, or claims of any third person, firm
      or entity whatsoever.

1.5   Deposits and Prepayments:  It is understood, acknowledged and agreed
      that Purchaser shall be entitled to receive, as they become due, all
      security and other deposits, pre-paid rent and the like at such time as
      they would have otherwise been refunded or paid to Seller on account of
      its Business operations.

      2.       PURCHASE PRICE - PAYMENT:  As full payment for the sale and
transfer of the Assets by Seller to Purchaser, Purchaser shall pay to Seller
a total consideration (Total Purchase Price) equal to Two Million Three
Hundred Four Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($2,304,000.00) plus an amount
equal to the Working Capital Amount at Closing.

2.1   Payment:  The entirety of the total Purchase Price shall be paid either:
      (i) pursuant to a bank cashier's check payable to the order of Seller;
      or (ii) by electronic fund transfer to the account of Seller pursuant
      to instructions provided by Seller. 

2.2   Allocation of Purchase Price:  The Total Purchase Price of the Assets
      shall be allocated as set forth in Schedule 2.2.  Each of the Parties
      agrees to report this transaction for Federal tax purposes in accordance
      with the allocation of the Total Purchase Price set forth in said 
      Schedule 2.2.

      3.       ASSUMPTION OF CONTRACTS AND OBLIGATIONS:  Purchaser agrees
to assume and pay those accounts payable of Seller at Closing listed in
Schedule 3.  It is expressly understood and agreed that Purchaser shall not
be liable for any of the obligations or liabilities of Seller of any nature,
kind or character other than those specifically assumed by Purchaser under
Section 3, Section 3.1 and 3.1.2.

3.1   Payment of Outstanding Purchase Orders and Contracts:  Seller's purchase
      orders which relate to goods, supplies and materials to be received by
      the Seller in the ordinary course of operating the Business, and which
      are not included in the Schedule 1.1 Inventory list, and which are 
      outstanding (not received or paid for) as of Closing (Outstanding
      Purchase Orders) will be assumed and paid for by Purchaser, and the
      following process will be applicable relative thereto:

      3.1.1    Review of Purchase Records:  At Closing [or a time sufficiently
               close to the time thereof that a material deviation will not
               occur], Purchaser shall review the Seller's purchase records
               in order to determine:  (i) the identity of the vendors 
               associated with each Outstanding Purchase Order; (ii) the
               method committed to by Seller for payment thereof; and (iii)
               the status relative to the delivery of those supplies and
               goods to be received by Seller under the Outstanding Purchase
               Orders [e.g. not shipped, shipped but not received, received
               but not processed, etc.].  An itemization of such materials,
               supplies and goods (Outstanding Purchase Order Items) shall
               be compiled indicating:  (i) the identity of all such goods,
               supplies and materials; (ii) the identity of, and all contact
               information for, the vendor associated with each such item or
               group of items; (iii) the Outstanding Purchase Order associated
               therewith; (iv) the amount to be paid on account of all such
               items and the terms for the payment thereof; (v) the
               methodology expected for the payment of such item or items; and
              (vi) the execution of such listing by both Seller and Purchaser.
              The compiled listing of Outstanding Purchase Order Items will be
              attached hereto as Schedule 3.1.1.

      3.1.2    Assumption of Contracts: In addition to the above, Purchaser
               will assume and pay those of Seller's contract obligations
               (e.g. equipment leases, service and maintenance contracts,
               etc.) as listed on Schedule 3.1.2.

      4.       TRANSACTION RELATED TAXES:  Seller shall pay all sales and
use taxes arising out of the transfer of the Assets and shall pay its
portion, prorated as of the Closing Date, of any state and local real and
personal property taxes associated with the Business of Seller.  Purchaser
shall not be responsible for any business, occupation, withholding, or similar
tax, or any taxes of any kind related to any period before the Closing Date
[Section 5.3].  

      5.       ESCROW:  Closing of the transactions contemplated by the
within agreement shall take place at 3233 Arlington Ave., Suite 203,
Riverside, California 92506.  LARRY K. REYNOLDS, Attorney at Law, shall be
the Escrow Agent.  Seller and Purchaser do hereby irrevocably instruct said
Escrow Agent to act in conformance with the following, and, except for any
act(s) of gross negligence or willful misconduct committed by Escrow Agent in
conjunction with Escrow Agent's handling of the within described Escrow, the
parties hereto agree to indemnify and hold Escrow Agent free and harmless
from any claims or demands which arise out of or are in any way related to
any of the matters addressed or referred to in the within Agreement.  Seller
and Purchaser each acknowledge that LARRY K. REYNOLDS is a Partner in the law
firm of REYNOLDS & JENSEN, LLP, which firm represents Purchaser in this 
Transaction and is therefore not neutral.  The parties agree to utilize said
LARRY K. REYNOLDS to organize and facilitate the Closing in an orderly
fashion and both understand and agree that if a dispute arises between them
relative to the subject matter hereof, said LARRY K. REYNOLDS will not
proceed until they resolve their differences.  

5.1   Seller's Deposits with Escrow Agent:  Unless a different time is
      specified, at or before Closing [Section 5.3], Seller shall deliver to
      the Escrow Agent the following:

      5.1.1    Agreement:  Four (4) copies of the within Agreement originally
               executed by Seller shall be deposited with the Escrow Agent no
               later than five (5) business days after the signing thereof
               and such deposit shall be deemed to be the Opening of Escrow.  

      5.1.2    Schedules:  Copies of all schedules to the within Agreement
               with a written statement that Seller has approved same for
               attachment hereto or, in lieu of any particular schedule
               required herein for the benefit of Seller, a written
               statement of waiver of the requirement thereof.

      5.1.3    Certificate of Products Liability Insurance:  The certificate
               of products liability insurance as required pursuant to
               Section 12.2.2.

      5.1.4    Certifications and Resolutions:  Certified resolutions by
               Seller's board of directors, in form satisfactory to counsel
               for Purchaser, authorizing the execution and performance of
               this Agreement and all actions to be taken by Seller under
               this Agreement.  Seller shall deposit with Escrow Agent the
               following certifications and resolutions, each dated as of
               Closing and indicating that they are valid as of that date:

               (1)  A certification that there are no agreements to which
                    Seller is a party or of which Seller is aware, whether
                    oral or written, under which there exists any rights of
                    any third party to purchase all or any portion of the
                    Assets or any of the outstanding shares of stock of Seller.

               (2)  A certification identifying all officers and members of
                    the board of directors of Seller.

               (3)  A certification executed by Packer and a duly authorized
                    officer of Seller certifying that all of Seller's
                    representations and warranties under this Agreement are
                    true as of the Closing Date, as though each of those
                    representations and warranties had been made on that date.

               (4)  A certification executed by a duly authorized officer of
                    Seller certifying that all shareholders action necessary
                    to effect the sale of Assets as contemplated herein has
                    been obtained, or, if not obtained, none was required.

      5.1.5    Instruments of Transfer:  Instruments of assignment and
               transfer of all property of Seller being sold hereunder
               including bills of sale, assignments of intellectual property
               rights and licenses (or replacements therefore which specify
               Purchaser as being the owner thereof), rights under agreements,
               trademarks, trade names, patents, patent applications, patent
               licenses, processes, formulas, formulizations, recipes, shop
               rights, and other property, tangible or intangible. 
               Simultaneously with the consummation of the Closing, Seller, 
               through its officers, agents, and employees, will put Purchaser
               into full possession and enjoyment of all properties and assets
               to be conveyed and transferred by this Agreement.

      5.1.6    Opinion Letter of Seller's Counsel:  The opinion of Seller's
               counsel described in Section 10.5.

      5.1.7    Consulting Agreement:  Two (2) copies of a fully executed copy
               of a Consulting Agreement pursuant to which Packer becomes a
               consultant to Purchaser for a period three (3) years from and
               after the date of Closing [Section 13.2].  

      5.1.8    Further Documents:  Seller, at any time before or after the
               Closing Date, will execute, acknowledge, and deliver any
               further deeds, assignments, conveyances, and other assurances,
               documents, and instruments of transfer, reasonably requested
               by Purchaser, and will take any other action consistent with
               the terms of this Agreement that may reasonably be requested by
               Purchaser for the purpose of assigning, transferring, granting,
               conveying, and confirming to Purchaser, or reducing to
               possession, any or all property to be conveyed and transferred
               under this Agreement including accurate instructions associated
               with reproducing formulas, formulizations, commercial recipes,
               and the like, so that Purchaser can continue the Business. If
               requested by Purchaser, Seller further agrees to prosecute or
               otherwise enforce in its own name for the benefit of Purchaser
               any claims, rights, or benefits that are transferred to
               Purchaser under this Agreement and that require prosecution or
               enforcement in Seller's name. Any prosecution or enforcement
               of claims, rights, or benefits under this paragraph shall be
               solely at Purchaser's expense, unless the prosecution or
               enforcement is made necessary by a breach of this Agreement by

5.2   Purchaser's Deposits with Escrow Agent:  At or before Closing (as that
      term is defined in Section 5.3), Purchaser shall deliver to the Escrow
      Agent the following:

      5.2.1    Agreement:  Four (4) copies of the within Agreement originally
               executed by Purchaser.

      5.2.2    Cash - Purchase Price:  A bank cashier's check in an amount
               equal to the Total Purchase Price calculated in the manner
               set forth in Section 2.1.  

      5.2.3    Schedules:  Copies of all schedules to the within Agreement
               with a written statement that Purchaser has approved same for
               attachment hereto or, in lieu of any particular schedule
               required herein for the benefit of Purchaser, a written
               statement of waiver of the requirement thereof.

      5.2.4    Certifications and Resolutions:  Certified resolutions by
               Purchaser's Board of Directors, in form satisfactory to
               counsel for Seller, authorizing the execution and performance
               of this Agreement and all actions to be taken by Purchaser
               under this Agreement.  Purchaser shall deposit with Escrow
               Agent the following certifications and resolutions, each dated
               as of Closing and indicating that they are valid as of that

               (1)  A certification executed by a duly authorized officer of
                    Purchaser certifying that all of Purchaser's representat-
                    ions and warranties under this Agreement are true as of
                    the Closing Date, as though each of those representations
                    and warranties had been made on that date.

      5.2.5    New Lease:  Two (2) fully executed copies of the lease of the
               Business Premises [Section 6.8.1(1)].

      5.2.6    Consulting Agreement:  Two (2) copies of a fully executed copy
               of a Consulting Agreement pursuant to which Packer becomes a
               consultant for Purchaser for a period three (3) years from and
               after the date of Closing [Section 13.2].  

      5.2.7    Instruments of Assumption:  Any instruments of assumption of
               liabilities of Purchaser listed and marked by asterisk in
               Schedule 3, fully executed by Purchaser.

      5.2.8    Opinion Letter of Purchaser's Counsel:  The opinion letter of
               Purchaser's counsel described in Section 11.3.

      5.2.9    Further Documents:  Purchaser, at any time before or after the
               Closing Date, will execute, acknowledge, and deliver any
               further documents, assurances, and instruments, reasonably
               requested by Seller, and will take any other action consistent
               with the terms of this Agreement that may reasonably be
               requested by Seller to carry out the terms hereof.  

5.3   The Closing:  The transfer of the Assets by Seller to Purchaser and the
      consummation of any and all other transactions referenced herein (the
      Closing) shall take place at the offices of the Escrow Agent above
      specified  at any time chosen by Escrow Agent on July 8, 1997 but only
      if the following conditions exist: (i) all deposits required to be made
      pursuant to Sections 5.1 and 5.2, or any other section hereof, have been
      made; and (ii) all conditions precedent to Seller's and Purchaser's
      performance have been met [as evidenced by receipt of certification
      thereof by Escrow Agent] or any particular condition has been waived in
      writing by the party in whose benefit such condition operates.  As used
      herein, the term "Closing Date" refers to the date that such conditions
      are met and the Escrow Agent performs the Closing; or the date and time
      agreed upon in writing between Seller and Purchaser; or the date to
      which the Closing is advanced or postponed
      under this section.  The parties indicate that it is their desire that
      the Closing Date be effective as of 12:01 a.m., July 8, 1997 even
      though the physical actions required to effect the Closing may occur
      during the business day of July 7 or July 8, 1997.  If on the anticipat-
      ed Closing Date of July 8, 1997, Seller has not been able to obtain all
      waivers, consents, assignments and the like of any private parties and
      governmental agencies which may be required by this Agreement, then
      either Purchaser or Seller, on written notice to the other, may 
      postpone the Closing to a time not later than 10:00 A.M., July 31, 1997.
      If through Seller's fault, Closing has not occurred by July 31, 1997,
      then Purchaser may elect to extend the time for Closing through and
      including August 15, 1997, in which event, all costs incurred by
      Purchaser reasonably related to being prepared for Closing (audits,
      opinions, attorney fees, finance charges and the like) shall be paid by
      Seller through Escrow.  For purposes hereof, an event preventing
      Closing shall be deemed to be Seller's fault if the occurrence or
      non-occurrence of that event was solely within the power of the Seller
      and, through the action of Seller, could have occurred on or before July
      31, 1997.  At such time as Escrow Agent is in a position to do so, if at
      all, and in conformance with the timing specified in this Section,
      Escrow Agent shall close Escrow by doing the following:  

      5.3.1    Attach copies of required Schedules to the within Agreement to
               the duplicate originals thereof and distribute one copy each to
               the Purchaser and Purchaser's attorney and one copy each to
               Seller and Seller's attorney.

      5.3.2    Deliver to the Seller the cashier's check representing the cash
               portion of the Purchase Price calculated in accordance with
               Section 2.1.

      5.3.3    Deliver the written certifications and resolutions deposited
               by Seller to Purchaser.

      5.3.4    Deliver the written certifications and resolutions deposited
               by Purchaser to Seller.

      5.3.5    Deliver the instruments of transfer to Purchaser. 

      5.3.6    Deliver the opinion letter of Seller's counsel to Purchaser.

      5.3.7    Deliver the Certificate of Products Liability Insurance to

      5.3.8    Deliver one copy of the Consulting Agreement to Packer and one to

      5.3.9    Deliver the opinion letter of Purchaser's counsel to Seller. 

      5.3.10   Deliver a copy of the Lease to the owner and another to

      5.3.11   Deliver any other deposited documents as required. 

      If Escrow is not in a condition to be closed on or before July 31, 1997,
      and if Escrow is not further extended through the mutual agreement of
      Purchaser and Seller, then the Escrow shall be deemed to be cancelled,
      all documents and funds deposited with the Escrow Agent shall be
      returned to the party depositing such, and the within Agreement shall
      be of no further force or effect as between the parties.

      6.       SELLER'S REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES:  Seller and Packer
jointly and severally covenant and warrant to Purchaser that at the time of
execution of the within Agreement and continuously thereafter through and
including the Closing:

6.1   Validity of Corporation:  Seller is a corporation duly organized,
      validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of
      California, has all necessary corporate powers to own its properties
      and to carry on its business as now owned and operated by it, and is
      duly qualified to do interstate and intrastate business and is in good
      standing in all other jurisdictions in which it is required to be
      qualified to conduct business therein.

6.2   Seller's Stock:  Packer is the sole shareholder of Seller.  

6.3   Seller Includes Shareholders:  For purposes of making the within
      representations and warranties, the term "Seller" shall refer to CCS
      and all of its shareholders.  

6.4   Financial Statements:  Schedule 6.4 to this Agreement sets forth the
      balance sheets of CCS as of the end of each of its three (3) 
      immediately prior fiscal years, and the related statements of income
      and retained earnings for the three years ending on those date, and the
      representation is made that such statements are unaudited but prepared
      by Seller's independent public accountant, whose opinions with respect
      to those financial statements are included in said Schedule 6.4.  The
      financial statements in Schedule 6.4 are herein referred to as the
      "Financial Statements".  The Financial Statements have been compiled on
      a cash basis in accordance with Statements on Standards for Accounting
      and Review Services issued by the American Institute of Certified
      Public Accountants consistently followed by Seller throughout the
      periods indicated, and fairly present the financial position of Seller
      on a cash basis as of the respective dates of the balance sheets
      included in the Financial Statements, and the results of its operations
      for the respective
      periods indicated.

6.5   Absence of Specified Changes:  Except as may be otherwise expressly set
      forth in the attached Schedule 6.5, since the last compiled Financial
      Statements relative to the Seller referred to in the immediate
      preceding Section 6.4, there has not been any:

      6.5.1    Transaction by Seller except in the ordinary course of its

      6.5.2    Capital expenditure by Seller exceeding $1,000.00;

      6.5.3    Material adverse change in the financial condition, liabilit-
               ies, assets, business, or prospects of Seller; 

      6.5.4    Destruction, damage to, or loss of any asset of the Business
               (whether or not covered by insurance) that materially and
               adversely affects the financial condition, business or
               prospects of Seller's Business;

      6.5.5    Change in accounting methods or practices (including, without
               limitation, any change in depreciation or amortization policies
               or rates) by Seller relative to its Business;

      6.5.6    Revaluation by Seller of any of Assets associated with its

      6.5.7    Sale or transfer of any asset of Seller's Business except in
               the ordinary course of business;

      6.5.8    Amendment or termination of any contract, agreement, or license
               relative to Seller's Business to which Seller is a party,
               except in the ordinary course of business;

      6.5.9    Loan by Seller to any person or entity, or guaranty by Seller
               of any loans relative to its Business or otherwise; 

      6.5.10   Mortgage, pledge, or other encumbrance of any asset of Seller
               relative to its Business; 

      6.5.11   Waiver or release of any right or claim of Seller except in
               the ordinary course of its Business; 

      6.5.12   Commencement or notice or threat of commencement of any civil
               litigation or any governmental proceeding against or invest-
               igation of the affairs of Seller relative to its Business; 

      6.5.13   Labor trouble or claim of wrongful discharge or other unlawful
               labor practice or action relative to the Seller's Business; 

      6.5.14   Agreement by any party encompassed by the term "Seller" as
               broadly defined for the within representations and warranties,
               to do any of the things described in the preceding Sections
               6.5.1 through 6.5.13; or

      6.5.15   Other event or condition of any character that has, or might
               reasonably have, a material and adverse effect on the financial
               condition, business, assets, liabilities, or prospects of
               Seller and its Business.

6.6   Sales Tax:  All sales and use tax liabilities of Seller accruing before
      the Closing Date have been fully satisfied or provided for.

6.7   Employee Taxes and Contributions:  Except for employee wages, salaries
      and bonuses to be paid by Seller for the payroll period during which
      the Closing Date occurs, no employee withholding, contributions,
      interest, or penalties are due to the labor department for each state
      in which Seller has employees, and as such items which have accrued as
      of the date of Closing, Seller will pay the same.

6.8   State Taxes:  Seller has filed all income tax returns required to be
      filed prior to the Closing Date and has paid all taxes and/or estimates
      of taxes required to paid on account of income to Seller for the periods
      covered by such returns.  With regard to income tax liabilities accru-
      ing prior to Closing, Seller will pay the same.

6.9   Assets Being Sold by Seller:  The following specifies the assets of
      Seller being sold hereunder to Purchaser:

      6.9.1    Real Property:  Schedule 6.9.1 to this Agreement is a complete
               and accurate list of all real property leased or occupied by
               Seller which relate to its Business operations, together with
               an accurate general and legal description of each such proper-
               ty.  Such Schedule also sets forth brief descriptions of all
               buildings and other major improvements located on such proper-
               ties.  The zoning for each parcel of property described in said
               Schedule permits the presently existing improvements and the
               continuation of the business presently being conducted on such
               parcel.  Seller has not commenced, nor has Seller received
               notice of the commencement of, any proceeding that would affect
               the present zoning classification of any such parcel.  There
               are no underground storage tanks located on any real property 
               described in said Schedule in which any Hazardous Material, as
               defined below, has been in the past five (5) years, or is
               being, stored, nor has there been any spill, disposal, dis-
               charge, or release of any Hazardous Material into, upon, from,
               or over such parcel or into or upon ground or service water
               thereon.  There are no asbestos containing materials incor-
               porated into the buildings or interior improvements that are
               part of any parcel of real property described in said Schedule
               or into other Assets which are to be sold hereunder, nor is
               there any electrical transformer, fluorescent light fixture
               with ballast, or other equipment containing PCB's thereon.  As
               used in this Section, Hazardous Material means any hazardous
               or toxic substance, material, or waste that is regulated by any
               federal authority or by any state or local governmental author-
               ity where the substance, material, or waste is located.

      6.9.2    Inventory:  The inventories of raw materials, work-in-progress,
               and finished goods as evidenced by the written inventory to be
               attached hereto as Schedule 1.1 (collectively "Inventories")
               are the property of Seller, except for sales made in the
               ordinary course of business since the date of the applicable
               balance sheet; for each of these sales, either the purchaser
               has made full payment or the purchaser's liability to make pay-
               ment is reflected in the books of Seller.  No items included
               in the Inventories have been pledged as collateral or are held
               by Seller on consignment from others except as may be set forth
               in Schedule 6.9.2.

      6.9.3    Tangible Personal Property:  Schedule 6.9.3 to this Agreement
               is a complete and accurate schedule describing, and specifying
               the location of, all trucks, automobiles, machinery, equipment,
               furniture, supplies, tools, dies, rigs, molds, patterns,
               drawings, computer systems (including all hardware and software
               associated therewith), films, plates and artwork, and all other
               tangible personal property owned by, in the possession of, or
               used by Seller in connection with the Business, except invent-
               ories of raw materials, work-in-progress, and finished goods.
               The property listed in Schedule 6.9.3 constitutes all such
               tangible personal property necessary for the conduct by Seller
               of its Business as now conducted.  All of the motor vehicles
               listed in Schedule 6.9.3 are in operating condition and repair.
               Except as stated in Schedule 6.9.3, no personal property used
               by Seller in connection with its Business is held under any
               lease, security agreement, conditional sales contract, or other
               title retention or security arrangement, or is located other
               than in the possession of Seller.

      6.9.4    Trade Names, Trademarks and Copyrights:  Schedule 6.9.4 to this
               Agreement is a schedule of all trade names, trademarks, service
               marks and copyrights and their registrations, owned by Seller
               relative to its Business Operations, or in which it has any
               rights or licenses, together with a brief description of each.
               Seller has taken all steps necessary to create and maintain in
               full force and effect all proprietary rights in such trade names,
               trademarks, servicemarks and copyrights, including but not
               necessarily limited to the registration thereof as well as any
               subsequent required filings with appropriate State and/or
               Federal regulatory agencies.  Seller has not infringed, and is
               not now infringing, on any trade name, trademark, servicemark, or
               copyright belonging to any other person, firm or corporation.
               Except as set forth in Schedule 6.9.4, Seller is not a party to
               any license, agreement, or arrangement, whether as licensor,
               licensee, franchisor, franchisee, or otherwise, with respect to
               any trademarks, servicemarks, trade names, or applications for
               them, or any copyrights relative to its Business operations. 
               Seller owns, or holds, adequate licenses or other rights to
               use, all trademarks, servicemarks, trade names, and copyrights
               necessary for its Business as now conducted by it (including,
               without limitation, those listed in Schedule 6.9.4), and such
               use does not, and will not, conflict with, infringe on, or
               otherwise violate any rights of others.  Seller has the right
               to sell or assign to Purchaser all owned trademarks, trade
               names, servicemarks, and all such licenses and other rights
               associated with its Business. 

      6.9.5    Patents and Patent Rights:  Schedule 6.9.5 to this Agreement is
               a complete schedule of all patents, inventions, industrial
               models, processes, designs, and applications for patents owned
               by Seller or in which it has any rights, licenses, or immunit-
               ies relative to its Business.  The patents and applications
               for patents listed in Schedule 6.9.5 are valid and in full
               force and effect and are not subject to any taxes, maintenance
               fees, or actions falling due within ninety (90) days after the
               Closing Date.  There have been no interference actions or other
               judicial, arbitration, or other adversary proceedings concern-
               ing the patents or applications for patents listed in Schedule
               6.9.5.  Each patent application is awaiting action by its
               respective patent office except as otherwise indicated in
               Schedule 6.9.5.  The manufacture, use, or sale of the invent-
               ions, models, designs and systems covered by the patents and
               applications for patents listed in Schedule 6.9.5 do not
               violate or infringe on any patent or any proprietary or person-
               al right of any person, firm or corporation; and Seller has
               not infringed, nor is it now infringing, on any patent or other
               right belonging to any person, firm or corporation.  Except as
               set forth in Schedule 6.9.5, Seller is not a party to any
               license, agreement, or arrangement, whether as licensee,
               licensor, or otherwise, with respect to any patent, applicat-
               ion for patent, invention, design, model, process, trade
               secret, or formula relative to its Business.  Seller has the
               right and authority to use and to transfer to Purchaser such
               inventions, trade secrets, processes, models, designs and
               formulas as are necessary to enable it to conduct, and to
               continue to conduct, all phases of its Business in the manner
               presently conducted by it, and such use does not, and will not,
               conflict with, infringe on, or violate any patent or other
               rights of others.

      6.9.6    Trade Secrets and Proprietary Information:  Schedule 6.9.6 to
               this Agreement is a true and complete itemization showing
               relative to Seller's Business: (i) in general terms by product
               name or other identifier all of Seller's secret or  non-secret
               formulas, recipes and processes, know-how, and other technical
               data; and (ii) customer lists, computer programs and routines. 
               Such are referred to collectively herein as Trade Secrets. 
               At Closing, each Trade Secret's documentation required to be
               given to Purchaser through Escrow (Section 10.11) is current,
               accurate, and sufficient in detail and content to identify and
               explain it and to allow its full and proper use by Purchaser
               without reliance on the specific knowledge or memory of others.

               (1)  Seller is the sole owner of each of these Trade Secrets,
                    free and clear of any liens, encumbrances, restrictions,
                    or legal or equitable claims of others.  Seller has taken
                    all reasonable security measures to protect the secrecy,
                    confidentiality, and value of these Trade Secrets; any of
                    its employees and other persons who, either alone or in
                    concert with others, developed, invented, discovered,
                    derived, programmed or designed these secrets, or have
                    knowledge of or access to information relating to them,
                    have been put on notice and, if appropriate, have entered
                    into agreements that these Trade Secrets are proprietary
                    to Seller and not to be divulged or misused.

               (2)  After the signing hereof and continuing after Closing,
                    neither Seller nor Packer will disclose and of the Trade
                    Secrets to any person, firm or entity unless pursuant to
                    written consent from Purchaser, or Purchaser's successor
                    in interest.  All of the Trade Secrets in the form kept
                    by Seller are, to the best of Seller's and Packer's know-
                    ledge, not part of the public knowledge or literature; nor
                    to Seller's and Packer's knowledge have they been used,
                    divulged, or appropriated for the benefit of any past or
                    present employees or other persons, or to the detriment
                    of Seller.

               (3)  The documentation associated with the Trade Secrets is by
                    this reference made a part of the within Agreement.

      6.9.7    Business Name:  Seller represents, warrants, and covenants that
               except for possible rights of unrelated third parties to use
               similar business names, Seller has the right, in perpetuity, to
               use the name "California Chemical Specialties" for and in con-
               nection with all Business of whatever kind and character con-
               ducted previously or in the future by Seller, and that Seller
               has not granted and will not grant to any other person, firm,
               or for Seller, the right to use, and that Seller will not
               itself use such name or names, or any names similar thereto,
               in any capacity whatsoever after Closing; it being specifically
               acknowledged, understood and agreed that such is one of the
               Assets being sold by Seller to Purchaser hereunder.  

      6.9.8    Intangibles - Licenses:  A true and complete list of all
               intangible assets and licenses, other than those specifically
               referred to or described elsewhere in this Agreement, and the
               location of any evidences of ownership thereof, are set forth
               in Schedule 6.9.8 to this Agreement.

      6.9.9    Title, Condition and Status of Assets:  Seller has good and
               marketable title to all the respective Assets and interests in
               Assets, whether real, personal, mixed, tangible or intangible,
               which constitute all the assets and interests in assets that
               are used in the business, and which are being sold pursuant to
               the terms of this Agreement.  All these Assets are free and
               clear of restrictions on or conditions to transfer or assign-
               ment, and free and clear of mortgages, liens, pledges, charges,
               encumbrances, equities, claims, easements, rights of way,
               covenants, conditions or restrictions, except for:  (i) those
               disclosed in Seller's consolidated balance sheets included in
               the Financial Statements;  (ii) the lien of current taxes not
               yet due and payable; and (iii) possible minor matters that, in
               the aggregate, are not substantial in amount and do not mater-
               ially detract from or interfere with the present or intended
               use of any of these assets or materially impair the Business
               operations conducted by Seller.  Seller is not in default or
               in arrears in any material respect under any lease associated
               with its Business operations, the interest of which will be
               assigned and sold under the terms of this Agreement.  All real
               property and tangible personal property associated with the
               Business of Seller, or which may be otherwise sold under the
               terms of the within Agreement, is in good operating condition
               and repair, ordinary wear and tear excepted.  Seller is in
               possession of all premises leased to them from others relative
               to its Business operations.  Any copyrights, patents, trade-
               marks, tradenames, or trade secrets in which a shareholder,
               officer, director or employee of Seller, of any spouse, child, or
               other relative of any of these persons owns or has any direct
               or indirect interest, is being sold to Purchaser under the
               terms of the within Agreement and by affixing their signatures
               thereto, such persons join in the within Agreement and sell
               such assets to Purchaser.  Seller does not occupy any real
               property in violation of any law, regulation or decree.  

      6.9.10   Customers and Sales:  Schedule 6.9.10 to this Agreement is a
               correct and current list of the twenty highest gross sales
               customers of Seller, together with summaries of the sales made
               to each such customer during the most recent fiscal year and
               thereafter through the date of the last interim profit and loss
               statement contained within the Financial Statements.  Except
               as indicated in said Schedule 6.9.10, Seller has no informat-
               ion, or is it aware of any facts,indicating that any of these
               customers intend to cease doing business with Seller or mater-
               ially alter the amount of the business they are presently doing
               with Seller. 

      6.9.11   Insurance Policies:  Schedule 6.9.11 to this Agreement is a
               description of all insurance policies held by Seller concern-
               ing its Business and properties.  All these policies are in
               the respective principal amounts set forth in said Schedule
               6.9.11.  Seller has maintained, and now maintains:  (i) insur-
               ance on all its assets and businesses of the type customarily
               insured, covering property damage and loss of income by fire
               or other casualty; and (ii) adequate insurance protection
               against all liabilities, claims, and risks against which it
               is customary to insure.  Seller is not in default with respect
               to payment of premiums on any such policies.  Except as may be
               set forth in Schedule 6.9.11, no claim is pending under any
               such policy.

      6.9.12   Representative, Output, Requirements, and Other Contracts: 
               Relative to the Business conducted by Seller, Seller is not a
               party to, nor is any of its property bound by, any distribut-
               or's or manufacturer's representative or agency agreement; any
               output or requirements agreement; any agreement not entered 
               into in the ordinary course of business; any indenture, mort-
               gage, deed of trust, or lease; or any agreement that is un-
               usual in nature, duration, or amount (including, without limit-
               ation, any agreement requiring the performance by Seller of any
               obligation for a period of time extending beyond one (1) year
               from the Closing Date or calling for consideration of more than
               $10,000.00); except the agreements listed in Schedule 6.9.12,
               copies of which have been furnished to Purchaser.  There is no
               default or event that, with notice or lapse of time, or both,
               would constitute a default by any party to any of these agree-
               ments.  Seller has not received notice that any party to any of
               these agreements intends to cancel or terminate any of these
               agreements or to exercise or not exercise any options under any
               of these agreements.  Seller is not a party to, nor is its
               property bound by, any agreement that is materially adverse to
               its Business, properties, or financial condition. 

6.10  Compliance With Laws:  Seller hereby represents and warrants with regard
      to all federal, state, and local laws that: 

      6.10.1   Environmental Issues:  To the best of Seller's knowledge,
               information and belief after diligent inquiry, Seller has
               complied in all material respects with all federal, state,
               local environmental protections laws or regulations and have
               not been cited for any violation of any such law or regulation.
               No material capital expenditures will be required for compli-
               ance with any applicable federal, state, or local laws or
               regulations now in force relating to the protection of the en-
               vironment.  There is no pending audit known to Seller, or any
               of Seller's officers or employees, by any federal, state, or
               local governmental authority with respect to ground water,
               soil, or air monitoring; the storage, burial, release, trans-
               portation or disposal of hazardous substances; or the use of
               underground storage tanks by Seller, or relating to the facili-
               ties of either.  Seller has no agreement with any third party
               or federal, state, or local governmental authority relating to
               any such environmental matter or any environmental cleanup.

      6.10.2   Compliance with OSHA:  To the best of Seller's knowledge, in-
               formation and belief after diligent inquiry, Seller has comp-
               lied with all requirements of the Occupational Safety and
               Health Act and any state equivalent and regulations promulgated
               under any such legislation where Seller may do business, the
               consequences of a violation of which would have a material ad-
               verse effect on its Business operations, and with all orders,
               judgments, and decrees of any tribunal under such legislation
               that applies to its Business or properties.

      6.10.3   Export Administration Amendments:  To the best of Seller's
               knowledge, information and belief after diligent inquiry,
               Seller is not in violation of any provision of the Export
               Administration Amendments of 1977 or the Foreign Corrupt Prac-
               tices Act of 1977 as the same may have been amended from time
               to time.

      6.10.4   No Payments to Governmental Officials:  Seller has not direct-
               ly or indirectly paid or delivered any fee, commission, or
               other money or property, however characterized, to any finder,
               agent, governmental official, or other party, in the United
               States or any other country, that is in any manner related
               to the business operations of Seller, and that Seller knows or
               has reason to believe to have been illegal under any federal,
               state, or local law of the United States or any other country
               having jurisdiction.  Seller has not participated, directly or
               indirectly, in any boycott or similar practice affecting any of
               its actual or potential customers.  Seller has, at all times,
               done business in an open and ethical manner.

      6.10.5   Other Laws:  To the best of Seller's knowledge, information and
               belief after diligent inquiry, Seller has complied with, and is
               not in violation of, any other applicable federal, state, or
               local statute, law, or regulation (including, without limitat-
               ion, any applicable building, zoning, environmental protection,
               or other law, ordinance or regulation) affecting its propert-
               ies and its Business operation. 

6.11  Litigation:  Except as may be set forth in Schedule 6.11, there is not
      pending, or, to the best knowledge of Seller, threatened, any suit, act-
      ion, arbitration, or legal, administrative, or other proceeding, or
      governmental investigation against or affecting Seller's Business,
      assets, or financial condition.  The matters set forth in Schedule 6.11
      (if any) if decided adversely to Seller will not result in a material
      adverse change in the business, assets, or financial condition of
      Seller.  Seller has furnished or made available to Purchaser copies of
      all relevant court papers and other documents relating to the matters
      set forth in Schedule 6.11.  Seller is not in default with respect to
      any order, writ, injunction, or decree of any federal, state, local or
      foreign court, department, agency, or instrumentality.  Except as set
      forth in said Schedule 6.11, Seller is not presently engaged in a legal
      action to recover monies due to it. 

6.12  Agreement Will Not Cause Breach or Violation:  The consummation of the
      transactions contemplated by this Agreement will not result in or cons-
      titute any of the following:

      6.12.1   A breach of any term or provision of this Agreement;

      6.12.2   A default or an event that, with notice or lapse of time, or
               both, would be a default, breach, or violation of the Charter,
               Articles of Incorporation or Code of Regulations of Seller, or
               any lease, license, promissory note, conditional sales con-
               tract, commitment, indenture, mortgage, deed of trust, or other
               agreement, instrument or arrangement to which Seller is a
               party, or by which either of them or the property of either is

      6.12.3   An event that would permit any party to terminate any agreement
               or to accelerate the maturity of any indebtedness or obligat-
               ion of Seller; or

      6.12.4   The creation or imposition of any lien, charge or encumbrance
               on any of the properties of Seller being sold hereunder.

6.13  Authorities and Consents:  Seller has the right, power, legal capacity,
      and authority to enter into, and perform, its obligations under this
      Agreement, and no approvals or consents of any persons are necessary in
      connection with the sale of the Assets contemplated hereby.  The execut-
      ion and delivery of this Agreement by Seller has been duly authorized
      by all necessary corporate and shareholder actions. 

6.14  Interest in Customers, Suppliers and Competitors:  Except as may be set
      forth in Schedule 6.14, neither Seller, nor any officer, director, or
      employee of Seller, nor any spouse or child of such officer, director or
      employee, has any direct or indirect interest in any competitor, sup-
      plier, or customer of Seller, or in any person from whom or to whom such
      Seller leases any real or personal property, or in any other person with
      whom Seller is doing business.

6.15  Management and Personnel:  Seller also makes the following representat-
      ions and warranties relative to management and personnel:

      6.15.1   Identification and Compensation:  Schedule 6.15.1 sets forth a
               list of names, addresses, and social security numbers of all
               officers, directors, employees, agents, manufacturers repre-
               sentatives, sales representatives and the like of Seller sta-
               ting the rates of compensation payable to each.

      6.15.2   Employment Contracts and Benefits:  Schedule 6.15.2 to this
               Agreement sets forth a list of all of Seller's material employ-
               ment contracts, collective bargaining agreements, and pension,
               bonus, profit sharing, stock option, or other agreements pro-
               viding for employee remuneration or benefits.  All these con-
               tracts and arrangements are in full force and effect, and
               neither Seller nor any other party is in default under them.
               There have been no claims of defaults and, to the best know-
               ledge of Seller, there are no facts or conditions that if con-
               tinued, or on notice, will result in a default under these 
               contracts or arrangements.  There is no pending or, to Seller's
               knowledge, any threatened labor disputes, strikes, or work 
               stoppages affecting or impacting on the Seller's Business.
               Seller has complied with all applicable laws for each of their
               respective employee benefit plans, including the provisions of
               the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) if and to
               the extent applicable.  There are no threatened or pending
               claims by or on behalf of any such benefit plan, by or on be-
               half of any employee covered under any such plan, or otherwise
               involving any such benefit plan, that allege a breach of fidu-
               ciary duties or violation of other applicable state or federal
               law, nor is there, to Seller's knowledge, any basis for such a

      6.15.3   Power of Attorney Authority:  Schedule 6.15.3 lists:  (i) the
               names and addresses of all persons holding a power of attorney
               on behalf of Seller; and (ii) the names and addresses of all
               banks or other financial institutions in which Seller has an
               account, deposit, or safe deposit box, with the names of all
               persons authorized to draw on those accounts or deposits or to
               have access to such boxes.

6.16  Full Disclosure:  None of the representations and warranties made by
      Seller (as broadly defined), or made in any certificate or memorandum
      furnished or to be furnished by any of them or on their behalf, contains
      or will contain any materially untrue statement of a material fact or
      omits to state any material fact necessary to make the statements made,
      in light of the circumstances under which they are made, not misleading.

represents and warrants to Seller that:

7.1   Organization:  Purchaser is a corporation duly organized, existing, and
      in good standing under the laws of the State of California.  The execut-
      ion and delivery of this Agreement and the consummation of this trans-
      action by Purchaser has been duly authorized, and no further corporate
      authorization is necessary on the part of Purchaser.

7.2   Further Consents and Approvals:  No consent, approval, or authorization
      of, or declaration, filing, or registration with, any United States
      federal or state government regulatory authority is required to be made
      or obtained by Purchaser in connection with the execution, delivery and
      performance of this Agreement, and the consummation of the transactions
      contemplated by this Agreement.  It is acknowledged that disclosure of
      the within acquisition and the terms associated therewith to the SEC
      within the appropriate time period after closing will be required.

      8.       SELLER'S OBLIGATIONS BEFORE CLOSING:  Seller covenants that
from the date it executes this Agreement and continuously thereafter through

8.1   Purchaser's Access to Properties and Information:  Purchaser, and its
      accountants, counsel, and other representatives, shall have full access
      during normal business hours to all properties (real or personal),
      leaseholds, books, accounts, records, contracts, and documents of or
      relating to Seller's Business.  Seller shall furnish, or cause to be
      furnished, to Purchaser and its representatives, all data and informat-
      ion concerning the business, finances, any types of properties, lease-
      hold interests, and the like, of Seller that may reasonably be request-

      8.1.1    Confidential Information:  Nothing in this Agreement shall
               obligate Seller to disclose any confidential information or
               provide any access to representatives of Purchaser prohibited
               or not authorized by applicable governmental authority.

8.2   Conduct of Business in Normal Course:  Seller will carry on its Bus-
      iness and activities diligently and in substantially the same manner as
      it previously has been carried out and shall not make or institute any
      unusual or novel methods of manufacture, purchase, sale, lease, manage-
      ment, accounting, or operation that varies materially from those methods
      used by Seller as of the date of this Agreement.

8.3   Preservation of Business and Relationships:  Seller will use its best
      efforts, without making any commitments on behalf of Purchaser, to
      preserve its Business organization intact, to keep available to Seller
      its present officers and employees, and to preserve its present relat-
      ionships with suppliers, customers, and others having business relation-
      ships with it.

8.4   Corporate Matters:  If it would impact adversely on the sale of the
      Assets contemplated hereby, Seller will not:  (i) amend its Charter,
      Articles of Incorporation or Code of Regulations; (ii) issue any shares
      of its capital stock; (iii) issue or create any warrants, obligations,
      subscriptions, options, convertible securities, or other commitments
      under which any additional shares of its capital stock of any class
      might be directly or indirectly authorized, issued or transferred; or
     (iv) agree to do any of the acts listed above.

8.5   Maintenance of Insurance:  Seller will continue to carry its existing
      insurance, subject to variations in amounts required by the ordinary
      operations of its Business.  At the request of Purchaser, and at Pur-
      chaser's sole expense, the amount of insurance against fire or other
      casualties that, as of the date of this Agreement, Seller carries on
      any of its properties or in respect to its business operations shall
      be increased by the amount or amounts Purchaser shall specify, provided,
      however, that such increase is reasonable under the circumstances.

8.6   Employees and Compensation:  Seller will not do, or agree to do, any of
      the following acts relative to its Business:  (i) make any change in
      compensation payable, or to become payable, by it to any officer, emp-
      loyee, sales agent, or representative; (ii) make any change in benefits
      payable to any officer, employee, sales agent, or representative under
      any bonus or pension plan or other contract or commitment; or
      (iii) modify any collective bargaining agreement to which it is a party
      or by which it may be bound.

8.7   No New Transactions:  Relative to its Business, Seller will not do, nor
      agree to do, without Purchaser's consent, any of the following acts:

      8.7.1    Enter into any contract, commitment, or transaction not in the
               usual and ordinary course of such business;

      8.7.2    Enter into any contract, commitment, or transaction not in the
               usual and ordinary course of its business involving an amount
               exceeding $5,000.00, individually, or $25,000.00 in the aggre-

      8.7.3    Make any capital expenditures or enter into any leases of cap-
               ital equipment or property in an aggregate amount exceeding
               $1,000.00; or 

      8.7.4    Disposition of any capital assets. 

8.8   Dividends, Distributions and Acquisitions of Stock:  To the extent that
      such could adversely impact on the Assets being sold hereunder, Seller
      will not do any of the following:

      8.8.1    Declare, set aside, or pay any dividend or make any distribut-
               ion in respect to its capital stock;

      8.8.2    Directly or indirectly purchase, redeem, or otherwise acquire
               any shares of its capital stock; or

      8.8.3    Enter into any agreement obligating it to do any of the fore-
               going prohibited acts.

8.9   Payment of Liabilities and Waiver of Claims:  From and after the effect-
      ive date hereof through Closing, relative to its Business, Seller will
      not do, or agree to do any of the following acts:  (i) pay any obligat-
      ion or liability, fixed or contingent, other than current liabilities;
      (ii) waive or compromise any right or claim; or (iii) cancel, without
      full payment, any note, loan, or other obligation owing to Seller.

8.10  Existing Agreements:  Relative to its Business, Seller will not modify,
      amend, cancel, or terminate any of its existing contracts or agree-
      ments, or agree to do any of those acts.

8.11  Consent of Others:  As soon as reasonably practical after the execution
      and delivery of this Agreement, and in any event on or before the Clos-
      ing Date, Seller will obtain the written consent of the persons, firms
      or entities identified in Schedule 8.11 to this Agreement with whom
      Seller has binding contracts or licensing requirements relating to the
      conduct of the operation of the Business and will furnish to Purchaser,
      through Escrow, executed copies of those consents.

      8.11.1   Purchaser will exercise its best efforts, and promptly execute
               and deliver any documents and instruments that may be reason-
               ably required, to assist Seller in obtaining such consents,
               provided, however, that Purchaser shall not be obligated under
               this Section to execute any guarantee, assumption of liability,
               or other document or instrument requiring it to assume obligat-
               ions not contemplated by this Agreement.

8.12  Representations and Warranties True at Closing:  All representations and
      warranties of Seller set forth in this Agreement and in any written
      statements delivered to Purchaser by Seller under this Agreement will
      also be true and correct as of the Closing Date as if made on that date.

      9.       PURCHASER'S OBLIGATIONS BEFORE CLOSING:  Purchaser agrees that,
unless and until the Closing has been consummated, Purchaser and its officers,
directors, and other representatives will hold in strict confidence, and will
not use to the detriment of Seller any data and/or information with respect to
the Business of Seller obtained in connection with this transaction or Agree-
ment, except insofar as that data and information may be required by law to be
included in any proxy statement or other documentation required of Purchaser.
If the transactions contemplated by this Agreement are not consummated, Pur-
chaser will return to Seller all data and information that Seller may reason-
ably request, including, but not limited to, worksheets, test reports, man-
uals, lists, memoranda and other documents prepared by or made available to 
Purchaser in connection with this transaction.  

9.1   Purchaser's Assistance:  Purchaser will use its best efforts to assist
      Seller in obtaining the consent of all necessary persons and agencies to
      the assignment and transfer to Purchaser of any and all properties,
      assets, and agreements, including agreements with the United States
      government or any of its agencies, to be assigned and transferred under
      the terms of this Agreement.

9.2   Consents:  As soon as reasonably practicable after the execution and
      delivery of this Agreement, and in any event on or before the Closing
      Date, Purchaser will obtain the consents of all necessary persons to
      Purchaser's performance of this Agreement and to Purchaser's assumpt-
      ion of any obligations under it.

9.3   Resale Certificate:  Purchaser agrees to furnish any necessary resale
      certificate or other documents reasonably requested by Seller to comply
      with the provisions of any applicable sales and use tax laws, but, if
      sales and/or use tax is applicable to any of the Assets being sold
      hereunder, Seller shall pay same.

9.4   Waiver of Bulk Sales Notification:  Purchaser waives compliance with
      the provisions of the California Commercial Code relating to bulk trans-
      fers in connection with the this sale of assets, subject to the indem-
      nities of Seller contained in this Agreement.  Such waiver shall in no
      way be construed to operate as a release of Seller's obligation to pay
      all debts associated with the Business which arise prior to Closing,
      other than those specifically assumed by Purchaser.  Seller agrees to
      indemnify and hold Purchaser free and harmless from any claims made by
      creditors of the Business arising prior to Closing except to the extent
      that such may be assumed by Purchaser.  Nothing in this Section will
      estop or prevent Purchaser from asserting as a bar or defense to any
      action or proceeding brought under that law that it does not apply to
      the sale contemplated by this Agreement.     

obligations of Purchaser to purchase the Assets under this Agreement are
subject to the satisfaction, at or before the Closing, of all the conditions
set out below in this Section 10.  Purchaser may waive any or all of these
conditions in whole or in part without prior notice; provided, however, that
no such waiver of a condition shall constitute a waiver by Purchaser of any of
its other rights or remedies, at law or in equity, if Seller [including
Packer] shall be in default of any of their representations, warranties, or
covenants under this Agreement.

10.S  Accuracy of Seller's Representations and Warranties:  Except as other-
      wise permitted by this Agreement, all representations and warranties by
      Seller [used in its broadest sense], or in any written statement that
      shall be delivered to Purchaser by any of them under this Agreement,
      shall be true in all material respects on and as of the Closing Date as
      though made at that time.

10.2  Performance by Seller:  Seller [as used in its broadest sense] shall
      have performed, satisfied, and complied in all material respects with
      all covenants, agreements and conditions required by this Agreement to
      be performed or complied with by them, or any of them, on or before the
      Closing Date.

10.3  No Material Adverse Change:  During the period from the most recent
      balance sheet and profit and loss statements supplied with the Financial
      Statements to the Closing Date, and during the period from the Effect-
      ive Date through the Closing Date, there shall not have been any mat-
      erial adverse change in the financial condition or the results of Sel-
      ler's Business operations, and Seller shall not have sustained any 
      material loss or damage to its assets, whether or not insured, that
      materially affects its ability to conduct a material part of its bus-

10.4  Certification by Seller:  Purchaser shall have received a certificate,
      dated or effective as of the Closing Date, signed and verified by Seller
      and Sellers's President and Treasurer, in such detail as Purchaser and
      its counsel may reasonably request that, to the best of their knowledge,
      the conditions specified in Sections 10.1, 10.2 and 10.3 have been

10.5  Opinion of Seller's Counsel:  Purchaser shall have received from Sel-
      ler's counsel an opinion dated as of the Closing Date, in form and
      substance satisfactory to Purchaser and its counsel, that: 

      10.5.1   Seller is duly organized and validly existing and in good
               standing under the laws of the State of California and has all
               necessary corporate power to own its properties as now owned
               and may operate its business as now operated.  

      10.5.2   To the best knowledge and belief of counsel, there are no out-
               standing subscriptions, options, rights, warrants, etc., oblig-
               ating Seller to issue or transfer any additional shares of its
               capital stock of any class which would adversely impact on the
               ability of Seller to sell the Assets.

      10.5.3   This Agreement has been duly and validly authorized and, when
               executed and delivered by Seller, will be valid and binding on
               Seller [including Packer], except as limited by bankruptcy and
               insolvency laws and by other laws affecting the rights of
               creditors generally.

      10.5.4   Except as set forth in Schedule 6.11 to this Agreement, such
               counsel does not know of any suit, action, arbitration, or
               legal, administrative or other proceeding or governmental
               investigation pending or threatened against or affecting Sel-
               ler Businesses or properties, or financial or other condition.

      10.5.5   Neither the execution nor the delivery of this Agreement, nor
               the consummation of the transaction contemplated in this Agree-
               ment will constitute:  (i) a default or an event that would,
               with notice or lapse of time, or both, constitute a default
               under, or violation or breach of, Seller's Charter, Articles of
               Incorporation or Code of Regulations, or any indenture,
               license, lease, franchise, mortgage, instrument, or other
               agreement to which Seller [used to its broadest sense to in-
               clude Packer] is a party or by which they or the properties of
               Seller may be bound; or (ii) an event that would permit any
               party to any Agreement or instrument to terminate it or to
               accelerate the maturity of any indebtedness or other obligat-
               ion of such Seller; or (iii) an event that would result in the
               creation or imposition of any lien, charge, or encumbrance on
               any Asset to be sold hereunder relative to the Seller's

      In giving any opinion based on Counsel's knowledge, Counsel will be
      entitled to rely on written representations or certifications of Seller
      [including Packer], provided that such reliance is stated in the opinion
      letter and copies of the writing upon which Counsel relies are attached
      to such opinion letter.

10.6  Absence of Litigation:  No action, suit, or proceeding before any court
      or any governmental body or authority, pertaining to the transaction
      contemplated by this Agreement, or to its consummation, shall have been
      instituted or threatened on or before the Closing Date.

10.7  Letter Regarding Changes:  Purchaser shall have received from Seller's
      independent public accountant a letter dated as of the Closing Date,
      stating that, on the basis of a limited review (not an audit) of the
      latest available accounting records of Seller, consultations with res-
      ponsible officers of Seller, and other pertinent inquiries that such
      accountant may deem necessary, such accountant has no knowledge or
      reason to suspect that during the period from the date of the latest
      compiled financial statement to a specified date not more than two (2)
      business days before the Closing Date, there was any change in the
      financial condition or results of the operations of Seller except
      changes incurred in the ordinary and usual course of its business
      during that period that, in the aggregate, are not materially adverse,
      and any other changes or transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

10.8  Satisfaction re Key Customer:  Prior to Closing, Purchaser and Seller
      shall have met with Tammy Taylor, a key customer of Seller, and Pur-
      chaser is satisfied that such customer will continue to do business with
      Purchaser after Closing to approximately the same extent as said cust-
      omer did with Seller prior to Closing. 

10.9  Corporate Approval - Seller:  The execution and delivery of this Agree-
      ment by Seller and the performance of its obligations and covenants
      under it shall have been duly authorized by all necessary corporate
      action, and Purchaser shall receive copies of all resolutions pertain-
      ing to that authorization, certified by the Secretary of Seller.  

10.10 Corporate Approval - Purchaser:  The board of directors and holders of the
      appropriate amount of shareholder voting power (if required) of Pur-
      chaser shall have duly authorized and approved the execution and deli-
      very of this Agreement, and all corporate action necessary or proper to
      fulfill Purchaser's obligation to be performed under this Agreement on
      or before the Closing Date.

10.11 Specific Trade Secret Information:  The specific location of each Trade
      Secret's documentation, including with specificity its complete des-
      cription, specifications, formulization, charts, procedures, and other
      material relating to it, will have been delivered to Purchaser through
      Escrow at Closing but will not be attached hereto as a Schedule.  

10.12 New Lease:  Two (2) copies of a written Lease agreement ("Lease") under
      the terms of which the Business Premises is leased to Purchaser, origin-
      ally executed by the owner of the Business Premises as Lessor and by
      Purchaser as Lessee, shall be deposited to Escrow for delivery to the
      owner and Purchaser at Closing.  The terms of the Lease shall include,
      but not be limited to:  (i) the term of the Lease shall be 12 months;
      (ii) a provision that the Lease shall be valid, enforceable and ef-
      fective only upon the successful Closing of the transaction contem-
      plated by the within Agreement; and (iii) a provision that the Business
      Premises must meet the standards imposed by all applicable laws, rules
      and/or regulations for the conduct of the Business by Purchaser from the
      Business Premises, and if such standards are not met, Purchaser will
      give notice of that fact to the owner of the Business Premises who can
      either elect to bring the Business Premises into compliance at his
      expense, or Purchaser shall have the right to forthwith terminate the
      Lease and remove itself from possession of the Business Premises.

10.13 Consents:  All necessary agreements and consents of any parties to the
      consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, or
      otherwise, pertaining to the matters covered by it, shall have been
      obtained by Seller and delivered to Purchaser.

10.14 Approval of Documentation:  The form and substance of all certificates,
      instruments, opinions and other documents delivered to Purchaser under
      this Agreement shall be satisfactory in all reasonable respects to Pur-
      chaser and its counsel.

of Seller to sell and transfer the Assets under this Agreement are subject to
the satisfaction, at or before the Closing, of all of the following condit-
ions.  Seller may waive any or all of these conditions in whole or in part
without prior notice, provided, however, that no such waiver of a condition
shall constitute a waiver by Seller of any of its other rights or remedies, 
at law or in equity, if Purchaser should be in default of any of its repre-
sentations, warranties or covenants under this Agreement.

11.1  Accuracy of Purchaser's Representations and Warranties:  All represen-
      tations and warranties by Purchaser contained in this Agreement or in
      any written statement delivered by Purchaser under this Agreement shall be
      true on and as of the Closing Date as if such representations and war-
      ranties were made on and as of that date.

11.2  Purchaser's Performance:  Purchaser shall have performed and complied
      with all covenants and agreements and satisfied all conditions that it
      is required by this Agreement to perform, comply with, or satisfy before
      or at the Closing.

11.3  Opinion of Purchaser's Counsel:  Purchaser shall have furnished Seller
      with an opinion, dated as of the Closing Date, of counsel for Purchaser,
      in form and substance satisfactory to Seller and its counsel, to the
      effect that:

      11.3.1   Purchaser is a corporation duly organized, validly existing,
               and in good standing under the laws of the State of California,
               and has all requisite corporate power to perform its obligat-
               ions under this Agreement;

      11.3.2   All corporate proceedings required by law or by the provisions
               of this Agreement to be taken by Purchaser on or before the
               Closing Date, in connection with the execution and delivery of
               this Agreement and the consummation of the transactions con-
               templated by this Agreement have been duly and validly taken; 

      11.3.3   Purchaser has the corporate power and authority to acquire the
               Assets for the consideration set forth in this Agreement;

      11.3.S   Every consent, approval, authorization, or order of any court
               or governmental agency or body that is required for the con-
               summation by Purchaser of the transactions contemplated by this
               Agreement has been obtained and will be in
               effect on the Closing Date;

      11.3.5   The consummation of the transactions contemplated by this
               Agreement does not violate or contravene any provision of any 
               charter, bylaw, or resolution of Purchaser, or of any indent-
               ure, agreement, judgment, or order to which Purchaser is a 
               party or by which Purchaser is bound.

      In rendering his opinion, counsel for Purchaser may rely on certifi-
      cates of governmental authorities and on opinions of associate counsel
      or other counsel for Purchaser.

11.4  Purchaser's Corporate Approval:  The board of directors and holders of
      the appropriate amount of shareholder voting power (if required) of
      Purchaser shall have duly authorized and approved the execution and
      delivery of this Agreement, and all corporate action necessary or pro-
      per to fulfill Purchaser's obligation to be performed under this
      Agreement on or before the Closing Date.

11.5  Absence of Litigation:  No action, suit, or proceeding before any court
      or any governmental body or authority, pertaining to the transaction
      contemplated by this Agreement or to its consummation, shall have been
      instituted or threatened on or before the Closing Date.

11.6  Approval of Documentation:  The form and substance of all certificates,
      instruments, opinions and other documents delivered to Seller under this
      Agreement shall be satisfactory in all reasonable respects to Seller
      and its counsel.

      12.      SELLER'S OBLIGATIONS AFTER CLOSING:  After Closing, Seller
[used in its broadest sense to include Packer] shall have the following

12.1  Seller's Indemnification:  Seller shall indemnify, defend, and hold
      harmless Purchaser against and in respect of any and all claims,
      demands, losses, costs, expenses, obligations, liabilities, damages,
      recoveries, and deficiencies, including interest, penalties, and reason-
      able attorney fees that it shall or may incur or suffer, which arise,
      result from, or relate to:  (i) any breach of, or failure by, Seller to
      perform any of Seller's representations, warranties, covenants, or 
      agreements in this Agreement, or in any schedule, certificate, schedule,
      or other instrument furnished or to be furnished by Seller under this
      Agreement; (ii) liabilities claimed or established relative to the
      manufacture, assembly, production, marketing, delivery, and/or placement
      into the stream of commerce of any product of Seller at or prior to
      Closing [Prior Products]; and (iii) any claim of environmental damage
      from hazardous waste at any location occupied in any manner by Seller
      or any predecessor occupant of such location, at or prior to Closing. 
      Purchaser shall promptly notify Seller of the existence of any claim,
      demand, or other matter to which Seller's indemnification obligations
      would apply and shall give reasonable opportunity to defend the same at
      their own expense and with counsel of their own selection; provided that
      Purchaser shall at all times also have the right to fully participate 
      in the defense at its own expense.  If Seller shall, within a reasonable
      time after such notice, fail to defend, Purchaser shall have the right,
      but not the obligation, to undertake the defense of, and to compromise
      or settle (exercising reasonable business judgment) the claim or other
      matter on behalf, for the account, and at the risk, of Seller.  If the
      claim is one that cannot by its nature be defended solely by Seller
      (including, without limitation, any federal or state tax proceeding),
      then Purchaser shall make available all information and assistance that
      Seller may reasonably request.

12.2  Seller's Non-Competition and Post Closing Agreements:  In consideration
      of the payment of the amount specified in Section 2, Seller [used in its
      broadest sense to include Packer], agree that they will not, at any time
      within the five (5) year period immediately following the Closing Date,
      directly or indirectly, engage in, or have any interest in, any person,
      firm, corporation or business (whether as an employee, officer, direct-
      or, agent, security holder, creditor, consultant, or otherwise) that
      engages in any activity anywhere in the world where Purchaser may now or
      in the future conduct business, which activity is the same as, similar
      to, or competitive with, any activity engaged in by Seller's Business. 
      The provisions of this non-competition covenant shall be assignable to
      any successor in interest of all or any portion of all or any portion of
      the Business as it may be conducted by Purchaser after Closing and may
      be enforced by any such successor in interest against Seller.

      12.2.1   Construction of Covenant Not to Compete:  The parties intend
               that the non-competition covenant contained immediately above
               shall be construed as a series of separate covenants, one for
               each county within the State of California and one for each
               county in all other states of the United States of America, or
               any governmental subdivision of any country within the rest of
               the world.  Except for geographic coverage, each such separate
               non-competition covenant shall be deemed identical in terms to
               the non-competition covenant contained immediately above.  If,
               in any judicial or arbitration proceeding, a court or arbi-
               trator shall refuse to enforce any of the separate covenants
               deemed included in this section, then such unenforceable
               covenant shall be deemed eliminated from these provisions for
               the purpose of those proceedings to the extent necessary to
               permit the remaining separate non-competition covenants to be

      12.2.2   Products Liability Insurance:  Seller will obtain and pay for
               a runoff occurrence form product liability policy (also known
               as "tail" coverage) with limits of at least $500,000 per occur-
               rence/$1,000,000 aggregate with a deductible of $5,000 per
               claim and an excess policy with a limit of a minimum of
               $2,000,000.  Such "runoff" occurrence policies will cover the
               period from 12:01 a.m. of the Closing Date through 12:01 a.m.
               of the day after the 3rd anniversary date of the Closing Date
               and be in Seller's name with Purchaser and Packer being in-
               cluded as additionally named insureds thereon.  Any deductible
               payment obligation under the "runoff" occurrence policies will
               be paid by Seller.  A certificate of insurance showing the
               acquiring of such insurance will be deposited by Seller into
               Escrow at or prior to Closing.

               Irrespective of insurance coverage, Seller agrees to be res-
               ponsible for real and alleged injuries involving all defense
               expenses, indemnification expenses, settlement of claims pay-
               ments, notices of injury, and all administrative proceedings
               involving products sold by Seller prior to Closing for all
               claims made relating to such products that occur on or before
               the 3rd anniversary date of Closing.

      12.2.3   Confidential Information:  Seller further agrees not to
               divulge, communicate, use to the detriment of Purchaser or for
               the benefit of any other person or persons, or misuse in any
               way, any confidential information or trade secrets of Pur-
               chaser, including personnel information, secret processes, know-
               how, customer lists, recipes, formulas, or other technical
               data.  Seller acknowledges and agrees that any information or
               data that Seller may have acquired on any of these matters or
               items was received in confidence and as a fiduciary of Pur-

      12.2.4   Change of Name:  Seller agrees that immediately after the
               Closing Date it will take all action required to change any
               name under which it does business so that such do not include
               the words "California Chemical" or "California Chemical
               Specialties" or a name similar thereto and from and after the
               Closing Date, Seller [used in its broadest sense] will not
               engage in any business or activity which it previously conduct-
               ed while it owned the Business.  

12.3  Transition Facilitation by Seller:  Commencing upon Closing, Seller
      agrees to provide the following transition facilitations to Purchaser:

      12.3.1   General Administration Support Services:  For a period of up
               to three (3) calendar months after Closing, Seller shall, to
               the extent reasonably requested by Purchaser to facilitate the
               business transition from Seller's management to Purchaser's
               management, provide invoicing, check writing (except payroll),
               purchasing, and related reports, and the like under the super-
               vision and ultimate control of Purchaser.  These services will
               be provided at the expense of Purchaser; it being acknowledged
               that Purchaser will not be obligated to pay any amounts to
               Packer over and above the amounts Packer will receive under the
               consulting agreement [Section 13.2].

      12.3.2   Collections Received by Seller:  The Parties acknowledge the
               likelihood that payments for invoicing by Purchaser in operat-
               ing the Business from and after Closing may be received by
               Seller.  Within three (3) days of the receipt of any such pay-
               ment, Seller is required to remit to Purchaser the amount thereof
               with a complete accounting indicating all invoice numbers,
               customer identification numbers, and any other reasonably re-
               quired tracing information.  Not more often than once every
               month during the first six (6) calendar months after Closing,
               and not more often than once every three (3) calendar months
               thereafter, Purchaser, through its duly authorized represen-
               tatives, shall have the right to audit Sellers' cash receipt
               records to verify the accuracy of the accountings for payments
               received by Seller which are to be turned over to Purchaser in
               accordance with the terms of this Section.

      12.3.3   Chargebacks and Other Adjustments from Pre-Closing Transactions: 
               Chargebacks from customers, pricing errors, returned goods
               which are not reasonably capable of being resold, rebates,
               promotions, and the like, which result in credits which may be
               invoked against Purchaser in the operation of the Business
               after Closing, but related to transactions occurring prior to
               Closing, shall be compiled and periodically submitted by Pur-
               chaser to Seller for review.  To the extent that Seller does
               not object in writing to Purchaser within ten (10) days after
               the receipt of such compilation, Purchaser shall have the right
               to deduct the amount associated therewith from the next ensuing
               payment owing to Packer by Purchaser under the Consulting
               Agreement [Section 13.2].  As to items to which Seller objects,
               Seller and Purchaser will attempt in good faith to negotiate a
               resolution of the dispute, and if unsuccessful, Purchaser shall
               be left to its remedies set forth in Section 17.

12.4  Seller's Inability or Unwillingness to Perform:  Packer agrees that he
      will cause Seller to take all appropriate actions to fulfill its obli-
      gations hereunder and to the extent that Seller does not or cannot,
      Packer will undertake responsibility therefor.  

Purchaser shall have the following obligations:

13.1  Purchaser's Indemnity:  Purchaser shall indemnify, defend, and hold
      harmless Seller [used in its broadest sense to include Packer],against
      and in respect of any and all claims, demands, losses, costs, expenses,
      obligations, liabilities, damages, recoveries, and deficiencies, includ-
      ing interest, penalties, and reasonable attorney fees that they shall or
      may incur or suffer, which arise, result from, or relate to any breach
      of, or failure by, Purchaser to perform any of their representations,
      warranties, covenants, or agreements in this Agreement specifically in-
      cluding the payment of Seller's obligations assumed by Purchaser here-
      under as identified on Schedule 3, or in any schedule, certificate,
      schedule, or other instrument furnished or to be furnished by Purchaser
      under this Agreement.  Seller shall promptly notify Purchaser of the
      existence of any claim, demand, or other matter to which Purchaser's
      indemnification obligations would apply and shall give them a reason-
      able opportunity to defend the same at their own expense and with
      counsel of their own selection; provided that Seller shall at all times
      also have the right to fully participate in the defense at their own
      expense.  If Purchaser shall, within a reasonable time after such
      notice, fail to defend, Seller shall have the right, but not the obli-
      gation, to undertake the defense of, and to compromise or settle (exer-
      cising reasonable business judgment) the claim or other matter on be-
      half, for the account, and at the risk, of Purchaser.  If the claim is
      one that cannot by its nature be defended solely by Purchaser (includ-
      ing, without limitation, any federal or state tax proceeding), then
      Seller shall make available all information and assistance that Pur-
      chaser may reasonably request.

13.2  Consulting Agreement:  a Consulting Agreement in form and substance
      satisfactory to each of them and  which will provide, among other
      things, that: (i) it shall be effective if, and only if, Closing occurs;
      (ii) for a period of three years after Closing, Packer shall make his
      services available to Seller on an "as needed" basis at all times
      reasonable under the circumstances; and (iii) a consulting fee will be
      paid by Purchaser to Packer in the amount of $100,000 per year payable
      $8,333.33 per month payable as provided in the Consulting Agreement.  A
      copy of the Consulting Agreement is attached hereto as Schedule 13.2.
      If Purchaser and Packer cannot come to mutual agreement as to the terms
      of the Consulting Agreement, then Purchaser may, at its sole option
      elect to continue with completion of the purchase of the Assets here-
      under and waive the requirement of a Consulting Agreement with Packer.

      14.      PUBLICITY:  All notices to third parties and all other public-
ity concerning the transactions contemplated by this Agreement shall be joint-
ly planned and coordinated by and between Purchaser and Seller.  No party
shall act unilaterally in this regard without the prior written approval of
the other; however this approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.

      15.      COSTS:

15.1  Finder's or Broker's Fees:  Purchaser and Seller each represent and
      warrant to the other that neither has agreed to pay any broker and/or
      finder in connection with the purchase of the Assets as  contemplated
      by this Agreement, and, as far as either knows, no broker or other per-
      son is entitled to any commission or finder's fee on its account re-
      lative thereto.  Seller and Purchaser each agree to indemnify and hold
      harmless one another against any loss, liability, damage, cost, claim
      or expense incurred by reason of any brokerage, commission, or finder's
      fee alleged to be payable because of any act, omission, or statement of
      the indemnifying party.

15.2  Non-Escrow Expenses:  Each party shall pay all non-escrow costs and ex-
      penses incurred or to be incurred by it or them in negotiating and pre-
      paring this Agreement and in closing and carrying out the transactions
      contemplated by this Agreement.

15.3  Escrow Expenses:  All costs and charges associated with conducting the
      Escrow that may be charged by the Escrow Agent shall borne by Purchaser.

      16.      MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS:  The following general and miscel-
laneous provisions shall be applicable relative to the within Agreement.

16.1  Parties in Interest - Assignment:  Nothing in this Agreement, whether
      express or implied, is intended to confer any rights or remedies under
      or by reason of this Agreement on any persons other than the parties to
      it, nor is anything in this Agreement intended to relieve or discharge
      the obligation or liability of any third persons to any party to this
      Agreement, nor shall any provision give any third persons any right of
      subrogation or action over against any party to this Agreement.  No
      party hereto may assign its interest under the within Agreement to any
      third person, firm or entity without the prior written consent of the
      other party.

16.2  Successors in Interest:  Subject to any prohibition against assignment
      contained herein, the within Agreement shall be binding on, and shall
      enure to the benefit of, the parties to it and their respective heirs,
      legal representatives, successors, and assigns.

16.3  Entire Agreement - Modification - Waiver:  This Agreement constitutes
      the entire agreement between the parties pertaining to the subject
      matter contained in it and supersedes and replaces all prior and con-
      temporaneous agreements, representations, and understandings of the
      parties.  No supplement, modification, or amendment of this Agreement
      shall be binding unless executed in writing by all the parties.  No
      waiver of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be deemed, or
      shall constitute, a waiver of any other provision, whether or not
      similar, nor shall any waiver constitute a continuing waiver.  No waiver
      shall be binding unless executed in writing by the party making the

16.4  Headings and References:  The subject headings of the paragraphs and
      subparagraphs of this Agreement are included for convenience only and
      shall not affect the construction or interpretation of any of its pro-

16.5  Interpretations and Definitions:  The language in all parts of this
      Agreement shall in all cases be simply construed according to its fair
      meaning and not strict before or against any one party hereto.  Unless
      otherwise provided for herein, or unless the context otherwise requires,
      the following definition and rules of construction shall apply hereto:

      16.5.1   Number and Gender:  In this Agreement the neuter gender
               includes the feminine and masculine and the singular number
               includes the plural, and the word "Person" includes corpora-
               tion, partnership, firm, or association where ever the context
               so requires.

      16.5.2   Mandatory and Permissive:  "Shall," "Will" and "Agree" are
               mandatory; "May" is permissive.

      16.5.3   Captions:  Captions of the articles, sections and paragraphs
               hereof are for convenience and reference only, and the words
               contained therein shall in no way be held to explain, modify,
               amplify, or aid in the interpretation, construction, or mean-
               ing thereof.

      16.5.4   Parties:  "Parties" shall refer to Seller and Purchaser above
               identified and, if the context requires, the term "Seller"
               shall refer to CCS and Packer.  

16.6  Recovery of Litigation Costs:  If any legal action or any arbitration
      or other proceeding is brought for the enforcement of this Agreement,
      or because of an alleged dispute, breach, default, or misrepresentation
      in connection with any of the provisions of this Agreement, the success-
      ful or prevailing party or parties shall be entitled to recover reason-
      able attorneys' fees and other costs incurred in that action or proceed-
      ing, in addition to any other relief to which it or they may be entitled.

16.7  Further Assurances:  All of the Parties hereto agree to perform any and
      all acts and to execute and deliver any and all documents which may be
      necessary and convenient to carry out the provisions of this Agreement.

16.8  Venue - Governing Law:  This Agreement shall be deemed to have been made
      and entered into in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernard-
      ino, State of California, and all legal actions or arbitrations pertain-
      ing thereto shall occur with regard to such specification of venue. 
      This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with, and governed by,
      the laws of the State of California as applied to contracts that are
      executed and performed entirely in California.

16.9  Unique Obligations:  Each party's obligation under this Agreement is
      unique.  If any party should default in its obligations under this
      Agreement, the parties each acknowledge that it would be extremely im-
      practicable to measure the resulting damages; accordingly, the non-
      defaulting party or parties, in addition to any other available rights
      or remedies, may sue in equity for specific performance, and the parties
      each expressly waive the defense that a remedy in damages will be ade-
      quate.  Notwithstanding any breach or default by any of the parties of
      any of their respective representations, warranties, covenants, or
      agreements under this agreement, if the purchase and sale contemplated
      by it shall be consummated at the Closing, each of the parties waives
      any rights that it or they may have to rescind this Agreement or the
      transaction consummated by it; provided, however, that this waiver
      shall not affect any other rights or remedies available to the parties
      under this Agreement or under the law.

16.10 Notices:  All notices, requests, demands, and other communications under
      this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been
      duly given on the date of service if served personally on the party to
      whom notice is to be given, or on the day or actual delivery if mailed
      by first-class mail, registered or certified, postage prepaid, return
      receipt requested, or sent by expedited courier, and properly addressed
      as follows:

                              Eugene Packer
                              10871 Valley Dr.
                              Riverside, California 92505

      with a copy to:         George Atkinson III
                              Attorney at Law
                              500 N. State College Blvd., Suite 1200
                              Orange, California 92868

      To Purchaser:           PACER TECHNOLOGY
                              9420 Santa Anita Avenue
                              Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730

      with a copy to:         Larry K. Reynolds, Esq.
                              REYNOLDS & JENSEN, LLP
                              3233 Arlington Avenue, Suite 203
                              Riverside, California 92506

      Any party may change its address for purposes of this section by giving
      the other parties written notice of the new address in the manner set
      forth above.

16.11 No Waiver of Breach:  No failure by either of the parties hereto to
      insist upon the strict performance by any of the other parties hereto
      of any covenant, agreement, term, or condition hereof, or to exercise
      any right or remedy consequent upon a breach thereof shall constitute
      a waiver of any such breach or of such covenant, agreement, term, or
      condition.  No waiver of any breach shall affect or alter this Agree-
      ment, but each and every covenant , condition, agreement and term of
      this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect with respect to
      any other then existing or subsequent breach.

16.12 Counterparts:  This Agreement and any amendments hereto may be executed
      in several counterparts, and all of such executed documents shall cons-
      titute one agreement binding on all of the parties hereto, notwithstand-
      ing that all of the parties are not signatory to the same original or
      the same counterpart.

16.13 Invalidity of Any Term:  In the event that any term or provision of this
      Agreement shall be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be in-
      valid, the remainder of the terms and provisions of this Agreement
      shall not be affected thereby in any respect.

16.14 Severability:  If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid or
      unenforceable by any court of final jurisdiction, it is the intent of
      the parties that all other conditions of this Agreement be construed to
      remain fully valid, enforceable, and binding on the parties.

      17.      LITIGATION AND ARBITRATION OF DISPUTES:  The parties hereby
agree to submit all controversies, claims and matters of difference between
them which arise under, or are related to, the within Agreement, to arbitra-
tion in Rancho Cucamonga, California except that as an adjunct to any such
arbitration, a legal action for any injunctive relief that may be necessary 
may be obtained in the appropriate court in San Bernardino County, California. 
Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the following shall be con-
sidered controversies hereunder:  (a) all questions relating to the breach of
any obligation, warranty or condition hereunder; (b) failure of any party to
deny or reject a claim or demand of any other party; and (c) all questions as
to whether the right to arbitrate any question exists.  Arbitration may pro-
ceed in the absence of any party if written notice of the proceedings has been
given to such party.  The parties agree to abide by all awards rendered in
such proceedings.  Such award shall be final and binding on all parties to the
extent and in the manner provided by California statute.  All awards may be
filed with the clerk of the appropriate court in the county in which Corpora-
tion's principal office is located, as a basis of judgment and for the issu-
ance of execution for its collection and, at the election of the party making
such filing, with the clerk of one or more other courts, state or federal,
having jurisdiction over the party against whom such an award is rendered or
that party's property.

17.1  Limited Pre-Hearing Discovery:  The parties to any dispute hereunder
      shall have the right to engage in limited pre-hearing discovery as fol-
      lows:  Each party to said dispute shall be entitled to one (1) request
      for document production and shall be entitled to take the deposition,
      under oath, of each other party to said dispute.  Said discovery shall
      proceed pursuant to the provisions of the California Code of Civil Pro-
      cedure governing discovery in civil litigation and all conditions and
      objections allowed under the rules of said California Code of Civil
      Procedure shall be allowed with respect to such discovery.  The arbi-
      trator shall rule upon motions to compel or limit discovery and shall
      have the authority to impose sanctions, including attorneys' fees and
      costs, to the same extent as a court of law or equity should the arbi-
      trator determine that discovery was sought without substantial jus-
      tification or that discovery was refused or objected to without sub-
      stantial justification.

17.2  Application of California Law:  The arbitrator shall apply California
      law as though he is bound by applicable statutes and precedents in case
      law, and shall endeavor to decide the controversy as though he was a
      judge in a California court of law.  The arbitrator shall have the power
      to issue any award, judgment, decree or order of relief that a court of
      law or equity could issue under California law, including but not limit-
      ed to money damages, specific performance, or injunctive relief; and 
      for such purposes it is hereby expressly acknowledged and agreed that
      damages at law will be an inadequate remedy for a breach or threatened
      breach of any provision of this Agreement, it being the intention of
      this sentence to make clear the agreement of the parties that the res-
      pective rights and obligations of the parties hereunder shall be enforc-
      eable in any arbitration proceedings in accordance with principles of
      equity as well as law except to the extent that a court of the State of
      California may be required to given injunctive relief.  The arbitrator
      shall prepare a written decision that will be supported by written find-
      ings of fact and conclusions which adequately set forth the basis of his
      decision and which cites the statutes and precedents applied and relied
      upon in reaching his decision.  The award, judgment, decree or order,
      and the findings of the arbitrator, shall be final, conclusive and bind-
      ing upon the parties, and judgment upon the award and enforcement of any
      other judgment, decree or order of relief granted by the arbitrator may
      be entered or obtained in any court of competent jurisdiction upon the
      application of any party to the dispute.  This agreement to arbitrate
      shall be self-executing without the necessity of filing any action in
      any court and shall be specifically enforceable under the prevailing
      arbitration law.

17.3  Commencement of Arbitration - Alternative Arbitrator:  To commence
      arbitration, the aggrieved party shall given written notice of demand
      for arbitration to the other party, in writing, within thirty (30) days
      after the events which have given rise to the controversy, claim or
      dispute.  Any such dispute or controversy submitted to arbitration shall
      be decided by a single arbitrator selected by mutual agreement of the
      parties that are involved in the dispute; provided, however, that no
      agent, attorney, employee, relative of any party, or other person who
      has a financial interest in said dispute may be appointed.  In the event
      within thirty (30) days after the demand for arbitration is received by
      the non-complaining party, the parties associated with the dispute can-
      not agree upon the selection of the arbitrator which satisfies the fore-
      going requirements, then the arbitrator shall be a judge selected by
      the Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Services (J A M S) Panel asso-
      ciated with the San Bernardino office of J A M S; such selection by J A
      M S to occur based upon the application to J A M S by any party to the
      The fees of the arbitrator shall be borne equally by the parties.  Any
      arbitrator shall be a person experienced in negotiating, making and
      consummating acquisition agreements and if J A M S cannot accommodate
      this requirement, then the arbitrator shall be chosen by the American
      Arbitration Association in accordance with its rules.

      18.      CONDITIONS PERMITTING TERMINATION:  Except upon the valid
postponement of the Closing Date, any party may, on the Closing Date,
terminate this Agreement, without liability to any other party:

18.1  Action or Proceeding:  If any bona fide action or proceeding shall be
      pending against any party on the Closing Date that could result in an
      unfavorable judgment, decree, or order that would prevent or make unlaw-
      ful the performance of this Agreement; or 

18.2  Governmental Action:  If any agency of the Federal or of any State govern-
      ment shall have objected at or before the Closing Date to this acquisi-
      tion or to any other action required by or in connection with this Agree-
      ment; or

18.3  No Counsel Approval:  If the legality and sufficiency of all steps
      taken and to be taken by the parties and their shareholders in carrying
      out this Agreement shall not have been approved by counsel as required
      by this Agreement.

      19.      DEFAULTS PERMITTING TERMINATION:  If either Purchaser or Sellers
materially defaults in the due and timely performance of any of their respect-
ive warranties, covenants, or agreements under this Agreement, the non-
defaulting party or parties may, on the Closing Date, give notice of termina-
tion of this Agreement, in the manner provided in Section 16.10.  The notice
shall specify with particularity the default or defaults on which the notice
is based.  Unless the event of default or defaults are incapable of being
cured (in which event termination of this Agreement shall occur forthwith),
the termination shall be effective five (5) business days after the Closing
Date, unless the specified default or defaults have been cured on or before
such effective date for termination.

OBLIGATIONS:  No representations or warranties whatever are made by any party,
except as specifically set forth in this Agreement, or in an instrument, 
certificate, opinion, or other writing provided for in this Agreement.  All
statements contained in any of these instruments, certificates, opinions, or
other writings shall be deemed to be representations and warranties under 
this Agreement.  The representations and warranties made by the parties in
this Agreement or in instruments, certificates, opinions, or other writings
provided for in the covenants and agreements to be performed or complied with
by the respective parties under it before the Closing Date shall be deemed to
be continuing and surviving in the sense that they shall be enforceable after
Closing, but shall expire on the fourth (4th) anniversary date following the
Closing Date, unless a specific claim in writing with respect to these matters
shall have been made, or an action at law or in equity shall have been com-
menced or filed, before this anniversary date.  Nothing in this section shall
affect the obligations and indemnities of the parties with respect to covenants
and agreements contained in this Agreement that are permitted to be performed,
in whole or in part, after the Closing Date.  Any limitation period for the
survival of the above-specified representations and warranties of Seller shall
not apply to any fraudulent breach, representation, or warranty, or to any
breach or inaccuracy in any representation or warranty known to Seller on or
before the Closing Date.

      21.      COUNSEL:  Each of the parties hereto has been represented by
independent legal counsel of his or its own choosing relative to the subject
matters of the within Agreement, and none of the parties is relying on any
advice or statements of counsel for any other party hereto in entering into
this Agreement.  If any party executes this Agreement and has not sought 
counsel relative thereto, that party affirmatively represents and warrants
that he, she or it is not relying on counsel for any other party hereto to
protect his, her or its legal interests relative to the subject matter hereof.

      22.      NO PRESUMPTIONS:  Each party acknowledges that such party has
participated, with, at its option, the advice of counsel, in the preparation
of this Agreement.  No party is entitled to any presumption with respect to
the interpretation of any provision hereof or the resolution of any alleged
ambiguity based on any claim that the other party drafted, or controlled the
drafting of this Agreement.  

      23.      EFFECTIVE DATE:  This Agreement shall be binding and enforce-
able in accordance with its terms as of the latest date specified opposite
the signatures of the parties hereto.

                              Execution by Seller

Dated:  June 27, 1997                           CALIFORNIA CHEMICAL
                                                SPECIALTIES, INC.

                                                EUGENE PACKER, President

                            Execution by Purchaser

Dated:  June 27, 1997                            PACER TECHNOLOGY

                                                JAMES T. MUNN, President

                           Execution by Shareholder

      The undersigned, to the extent they are included in making agreements
hereunder, hereby join in the above and foregoing Agreement.  

Dated:  June 27, 1997

                                                 EUGENE PACKER, Individually


      That certain Sale of Assets Agreement ("Agreement") entered into by and
between California Chemical Specialties, Inc. as "Seller" and Pacer Technology
as "Purchaser" dated for reference purposes June 27, 1997, is hereby amended
and modified as follows:  

1.    Section 1.1(i) - Excluded Assets:  Section 1.1(i) is modified to read
      in its entirety as follows:

      (i)     all property and rights listed as assets of Seller in the
               schedules attached to this Agreement, other than property
               and rights specifically excluded [the "Excluded Assets"] as
               more specifically identified and set forth in Schedule 1(i)];
2.    Section 4 - Transaction Related Taxes:  Section 4 is hereby modified to
      eliminate any requirement of proration and will read in full as follows:

               4.  TRANSACTION RELATED TAXES:  Seller shall pay all sales and
      use taxes arising out of the transfer of the Assets and shall pay any
      state and local real and personal property taxes associated with the
      Business of Seller which have accrued or which are due prior to Closing.
      Purchaser shall not be responsible for any of business, occupation, with-
      holding, or similar tax, or any taxes of any kind related to Seller, its
      assets, and/or its Business, for any period before the Closing Date
      [Section 5.3].   

3.    Financial Changes - Deletion of Section 10.7 - New Section 6.17:  Section
      10.7 is hereby deleted from the Agreement and a new Section 6.17 is added
      to the Agreement which will read in full as follows:  

      6.17    Representations Regarding No Changes:  Seller (including CCS
               and Packer) represent and warrant that neither has any know-
               ledge or reason to suspect that during the period from the date
               of the latest compiled financial statement for CCS to the time
               of Closing, there was any change in the financial condition or
               results in the operations of CCS except: (i) changes incurred
               in the ordinary and usual course of the business of CCS during
               that period that, in the aggregate, are not materially adverse;
               and/or (ii) any other changes or transactions contemplated by
               this Agreement.

4.    Section 10.7 - Letter Regarding Changes:  Section 10.7 is deleted in its

                              Execution by Seller

Dated:  July 15, 1997                           CALIFORNIA CHEMICAL
                                                SPECIALTIES, INC.

                                                EUGENE PACKER, President

                            Execution by Purchaser

Dated:  July 15, 1997                         PACER TECHNOLOGY

                                              JAMES T. MUNN, President

                           Execution by Shareholder

      The undersigned, to the extent he is included in making agreements under
the Agreement, hereby joins in the above and foregoing Agreement.  

Dated:  July 15, 1997

                                            EUGENE PACKER, Individually

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Regist-
rant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned
hereunto duly authorized.

                                                PACER TECHNOLOGY

                                                Roberto J. Cavazos, Jr.
                                                Chief Financial Officer

Date: July 28, 1997


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                                PACER TECHNOLOGY

                                                /s/Roberto J. Cavazos, Jr.
                                                Roberto J. Cavazos, Jr.
                                                Chief Financial Officer

Date: July 28, 1997