Washington, D.C. 20549

                            FORM 8-KA

                          AMENDMENT TO
                            FORM 8-K

               (Initial Report Date July 30, 1997)


               Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of 
               the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                     Date of Amended Report:
                       September 29, 1997

                         PACER TECHNOLOGY                         
     (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

 (State or other jurisdiction of Incorporation or Organization)


      0-8864                                            77-0080305 
Commission File No.                              IRS Employer
                                                 Identification No.

   9420 Santa Anita Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730
   (Address of principal executive office)           (Zip Code)

      (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

The following items supersede previously submitted information to
the extent such is inconsistent therewith.

Item 7.  Financial Statements and Exhibits

(a)  Financial Statements of Business Acquired

     Independent Auditors' Report

     Audited Balance Sheet as of June 30, 1997

     Audited Statement of Earnings and Retained Earnings for the  
     year ended June 30, 1997

     Audited Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended June 30,  

     Notes to Financial Statements for the year ended June 30, 1997

(b)  Pro Forma Financial Information
     Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Balance Financial Information

     Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Balance Sheet of Pacer Technology 
     and Subsidiaries at June 30, 1997

     Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Statement of Income of Pacer    
     Technology and Subsidiaries for the year ended June 30, 1997
     Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Financial Data as of   
     June 30, 1997

(c)  Exhibits:



                      Financial Statements 
                         June 30, 1997 
           (With Independent Auditors' Report Thereon)


The Board of Directors 
California Chemical Specialties, Inc.: 

We have audited the accompanying balance sheet of California
Chemical Specialties, Inc. as of June 30, 1997 and the related
statements of earnings and retained earnings and cash flows for the
year then ended.  These financial statements are the responsibility
of the Company's management.  Our responsibility is to express an
opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. 

We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted
auditing standards.  Those standards require that we plan and
perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the
financial statements are free of material misstatement.  An audit
includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the
amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also
includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant
estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall
financial statement presentation.  We believe that our audit
provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. 

In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present
fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of
California Chemical Specialties, Inc. as of June 30, 1997 and the
results of its operations and its cash flows for the year then
ended in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. 

August 11, 1997 


                          Balance Sheet

                         June 30, 1997 


Current assets:    
    Cash                                             $ 293,752    
    Investments                                         79,069    
    Accounts receivable                                193,700    
    Inventories (note 2)                               128,946

                                                     $ 695,467    

            Liabilities and Shareholder's Equity     

Current liabilities:    
    Accounts payable and accrued expenses            $ 115,894    
    Unearned revenue                                     2,855  

         Total liabilities                           $ 118,749

Shareholder's equity:    
    Capital stock, 50,000 shares authorized, 
    1,000 shares issued                              $   1,000    
    Retained earnings                                $ 575,718
     Total shareholder's equity                      $ 576,718

Subsequent event (note 4)                                     
                                                     $ 695,467

See accompanying notes to financial statements.


          Statement of Earnings and Retained Earnings 

                    Year ended June 30, 1997 

Net sales                                            $ 2,773,145 
Cost of sales                                          1,791,050

      Gross profit                                       982,095
Sales and marketing expenses                              29,401  
General and administrative expenses                      202,922  
      Earnings from operations                           749,772

Other expense - interest                                   3,944

      Earnings before income tax expense                 745,828

Income tax expense (note 3)                               13,000

      Net earnings                                       732,828  
Retained earnings at beginning of year                   679,537  
Distributions to shareholder                            (836,647)

      Retained earnings at end of year                 $ 575,718
See accompanying notes to financial statements.     


                    Statement of Cash Flows 
                    Year ended June 30, 1997 

Cash flows from operating activities:    
  Net earnings                                          $ 732,828 
  Adjustments to reconcile net earnings to net cash 
  provided by operating activities:    

     Changes in assets and liabilities:    
       Increase in accounts receivable                   (100,460) 
       Increase in inventories                               (580) 
       Decrease in accounts payable and 
               accrued expenses                           (10,368) 
       Increase in unearned revenue                         2,855 
      Net cash provided by operating activities           624,275

Cash flows used in financing activities - 
      distributions to shareholder                       (836,647)

      Net decrease in cash                               (212,372)

Cash at beginning of year                                 506,124

      Cash at end of year                               $ 293,752

See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                 Notes to Financial Statements 

                         June 30, 1997 

(1)  Description of Business and Summary of Significant Accounting 

     California Chemical Specialties, Inc. (CCSI or the Company) is 
     organized as an S Corporation in the State of California.    
     CCSI is a producer of proprietary sculptured acrylic nail    
     liquids and powders and related products for the nail care   

     Property, Plant and Equipment

     All property, plant and equipment have been fully depreciated 
     and written off prior to July 1, 1996.  No Depreciation      
     expense was recorded for the year ended June 30, 1997.

     Inventories are stated at the lower of cost (first-in,       
     first-out) or market (net realizable value).
     Investments consist of an eight-month certificate of deposit 
     maturing in December 1997.

     Revenue Recognition

     Revenue is recognized at the time of shipment. 

     Income Taxes 

     The Company has elected to be taxed for Federal income tax   
     purposes as a Subchapter S Corporation under the Internal    
     Revenue Code.  Accordingly, no provision has been made for   
     Federal income taxes in the accompanying financial statements. 
     For state tax purposes, the Company is also taxed as an S    


     Use of Estimates
     The preparation of the financial statements in conformity with 
     generally accepted accounting principles requires management 
     to make estimates and assumptions that affect reported amounts 
     of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets 
     and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and  
     the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the     
     reporting period.  Actual results could differ from those    

     Fair Value of Financial Instruments
     The carrying  value of cash and cash equivalents, accounts   
     receivable, investments, accounts payable and accrued expenses 
     are measured at cost which approximates their fair value given 
     their short-term maturities. 

(2)  Inventories 
     Inventories are summarized as follows:

                         Raw materials  $    115,066
                         Finished goods       13,879

                                        $    128,946

(3)  Income Taxes

     The Company has elected to be treated as an S Corporation 
     under the Internal Revenue Code.  As such, the net earnings  
     and any tax credits of the Company are included in the       
     personal income tax returns of the Company's shareholders.   
     Accordingly, no provision has been made for Federal income   
     taxes.  The Company is also taxed as an S Corporation in     
     California at a statutory tax rate of 1.5% in 1997.  State tax 
     expense amounted to $13,000 for the yar ended June 30, 1997. 
     Deferred income taxes are immaterial to the Company's        
     financial statements.

(4)  Subsequent Event (Unaudited)

     On July 15, 1997, Pacer Technology acquired all the assets of 
     the Company.  The assets purchased primarily consisted of    
     trade accounts receivable, inventory, and proprietary        
     formulas.  In addition, Pacer Technology assumed the liability 
     for trade accounts payable as the closing date.  The total   
     purchase price consisted of approximately $2,550,000 cash,   
     including transaction costs.  The acquisition was accounted  
     for as a purchase.       


    The following unaudited pro forma combined financial          
    information presents the pro forma combined Balance Sheet at  
    June 30, 1997, giving effect to the acquisition of California 
    Chemical Specialties, Inc. (CCSI) as if the transaction had   
    been consummated on July 1, 1996.  Also presented is the pro  
    forma combined statement of income for the fiscal year ended  
    June 30, 1997 as if the transaction had been consummated on   
    July 1, 1996.      

    The pro forma data is based on the historical combined        
    statements of Pacer Technology and CCSI, giving effect to such 
    acquisition under the purchase method of accounting and the   
    assumptions and adjustments (which the Company believes to be 
    reasonable) described in the accompanying notes to unaudited  
    pro forma combined financial data.

    The pro forma data is provided for comparative purposes only. 
    It does not purport to be indicative of the results that      
    actually would have occurred if the acquisition of CCSI had   
    been consummated on the date indicated or that may be obtained 
    in the future.  The unaudited pro forma combined financial    
    information should be read in conjunction with the notes      


                Pro Forma Combined Balance Sheet
                          June 30, 1997

                                                         Pro Forma          
                 Historical                    Adjust.    Adjust. 
             Pacer Technology      CCSI      Inc.(Dec.)   (Ref.)     Combined 
             ----------------   ---------   -----------  --------   ---------


Current Assets:

  Cash                $  294,298     293,752    (293,752)   a(i)  $   294,298 
  Investments               -         79,069     (79,069)   a(i)         -    
  Trade Receivables    4,719,970     193,700     (12,125)   a(ii)   4,901,545 
  Other Receivables      198,855        -           -                 198,855
  Notes Receivables      248,220        -           -                 248,220
  Inventories          4,347,497     128,946     (38,627)   a(ii)   4,437,816
  Prepaid Expenses       390,331        -           -                 390,331  
  Deferred Income
      Taxes              621,804        -           -                 621,804
                      ----------   ---------   ----------         -----------
Total Current Assets  10,820,975    695,467     (423,573)          11,092,869

Equipment and 
   Leasehold Improve-
   ments, Net:         1,444,631        -         29,000    a(iii)  1,473,631

Deferred Income Taxes     60,222        -           -                  60,222
Cost in Excess of Net 
  Assets Acquired      1,690,878        -      2,276,592    a(iii)  3,967,470
Other Assets               9,344        -           -                   9,344
                     -----------   --------   ----------          -----------
      Total Assets  $ 14,026,051  $ 695,467  $ 1,882,019         $ 16,603,537
                     ===========   ========    =========           ==========

Current Liabilities:

  Bank Loan         $    792,000  $     -    $ 2,547,853    a(iv) $ 3,339,853
  Accounts Payable     2,367,245    115,894      (86,261)   a(ii)   2,396,878 
  Accrued Payroll        386,952        -           -                 386,952
  Accrued Liabilities  1,233,439      2,855       (2,855)   a(i)    1,233,439  
  Current Installment of  
    Long-Term Debt       262,866        -           -                 262,866 
                      ----------   --------    ----------          ----------
     Total Current
         Liabilities   5,042,502    118,749    2,458,737            7,619,988

Long-Term Liabilities:

  Long-Term Debt         221,202        -           -                 221,202 
 Total Liabilities       221,202        -           -                 221,202

Stockholders' Equity:
  Notes Receivable
    from Directores     (571,030)       -           -                (571,030)
  Capital Stock            -          1,000       (1,000)   a(v)         -    
  Common Stock         8,260,973        -           -               8,260,973
  Retained Earnings    1,072,404    575,718     (575,718)   a(v)    1,072,404
                       ---------   --------    ---------           ----------
Total Stockholders' 
  Equity               8,762,347    576,718     (576,718)           8,762,347

Total Liabilities and Stock-
  holders' Equity   $ 14,026,051  $ 695,467  $ 1,882,019         $ 16,603,537 
                     ===========  =========    =========          ===========


             Pro Forma Combined Statement of Income
                  For Year Ended June 30, 1997

                                                       Pro Forma               
                   Historical              Adjust.       Adjust.               
          Pacer Technology      CCSI     Inc. (Dec.)    (Ref.)      Combined  
          ----------------    -------    -----------   ---------    ---------

Net Sales      $ 25,677,840    2,773,145        -                $ 28,450,985

Cost of Sales    16,520,294    1,791,050       4,140       b(i)    18,315,484
                -----------   ----------      -------             ----------- 

  Gross Profit    9,157,546      982,095      (4,140)              10,135,501

Selling Expenses  3,548,726       29,401        -                   3,578,127

General and Administrative
  Expenses        3,046,787      202,922     113,830      b(ii)     3,363,539
                 ----------    ---------     --------              ----------

    Income        2,562,033      749,772    (117,970)               3,193,835

Interest Expense
     & Other         75,752        3,944     218,750      b(iii)      298,446
                  ---------      --------   ---------              ----------

  Income Before
     Taxes        2,486,281      745,828    (336,720)               2,895,389

Income Taxes      1,268,879       13,000    (171,098)     b(iv)     1,452,977
                 ----------     ---------   ----------            -----------
  Net Income    $ 1,217,402      732,828    (507,818)             $ 1,442,412
                 ==========     ========    =========              ==========  


      Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Financial Data

                          June 30, 1997

a.  The pro forma combined balance sheet has been prepared to     
    reflect the acquisition of California Chemical Specialties,   
    Inc. (CCSI) by Pacer Technology for an aggregate cash purchase 
    price of $2,547,853.

    The pro forma combined balance sheet has been adjusted to     
    reflect the above as follows:

    (i)    To eliminate assets and liabilities not acquired.      
    (ii)   To adjust trade receivables, inventories, and accounts 
           payable balances in to reflect the actual assets and   
           liabilities acquired.

    (iii)  To record goodwill related to the acquisition for the  
           difference between the purchase price and the estimated 
           fair values of the identified net assets acquired.

           A summary of the allocation of the purchase price for  
           CCSI is as follows:

                    Purchase price              $ 2,547,853
                    less historical cost of 
                    net assets acquired, as
                    adjusted for net assets not
                    acquired.                   $   242,261
                    Excess cost                 $ 2,305,592
              Allocation of excess cost:
                    Property and equipment      $    29,000
                    Cost in excess of net assets
                    acquired ("Goodwill")         2,276,592

                                                $ 2,305,592    

    (iv)   To record the indebtedness related to bank borrowings  
           utilized to finance the acquisition.
    (v)    To eliminate the equity of CCSI.

b.  The pro forma combined statements of operations give effect to 
    the following adjustments:

    (i)    To record the annual depreciation of fixed assets      
    (ii)   To adjust selling, general and administrative expenses 
           to reflect goodwill amortization from July 1, 1996     
           with such goodwill of $2,276,592 amortized over 20 years 
           by use of the straight line method.

    (iii)  To record the annual interest expense related to the   
           indebtedness of $2,547,853 to finance the acquisition
           of CCSI.   

    (iv)   To adjust income taxe expense to reflect Pacer         
           Technology's effective income tax rate of 45%.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on
its behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                  PACER TECHNOLOGY

                                   /s/Roberto J. Cavazos, Jr.
                                  Roberto J. Cavazos, Jr.
                                  Chief Financial Officer

Date: September 29, 1997