Washington, D.C. 20549

                            FORM 8-KA

                          AMENDMENT TO
                            FORM 8-K

              (Initial Report Date March 04, 1998)


               Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of 
               the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                     Date of Amended Report:
                          May 12, 1998

                         PACER TECHNOLOGY                         
- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
     (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 (State or other jurisdiction of Incorporation or Organization)


      0-8864                                         77-0080305 
- - -----------------------                          -------------------------
Commission File No.                              IRS Employer
                                                 Identification No.

   9420 Santa Anita Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga,       California 91730
- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   (Address of principal executive office)             (Zip Code)

- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------
      (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

The following items supersede previously submitted information to
the extent such is inconsistent therewith.

Item 7.  Financial Statements and Exhibits

(a)  Financial Statements of Business Acquired

     Independent Auditors' Report

     Audited Balance Sheet as of February 28, 1998

     Audited Statement of Operations and Accumulated Deficit for
     the eleven months ended February 28, 1998

     Audited Statement of Cash Flows for the eleven months ended
     February 28, 1998

     Notes to Financial Statements for the eleven months ended
     February 28, 1998

(b)  Pro Forma Financial Information
     Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Balance Financial Information

     Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Balance Sheet of Pacer Technology 
     and Subsidiaries at December 31, 1997

     Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Statement of Income of Pacer    
     Technology and Subsidiaries for the six months ended December
     31, 1997

     Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Statement of Income of Pacer
     Technology and Subsidiaries for the year ended June 30, 1997 
     Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Financial Data as of   
     December 31, 1997 and June 30, 1997

(c)  Exhibits:



                           COOK BATES 
        (A Division of London International Group, Inc.)

                      Financial Statements 

                       February 28, 1998 

           (With Independent Auditors' Report Thereon)


The Board of Directors 

Cook Bates: 

We have audited the accompanying balance sheet of Cook Bates (a
division of London International Group, Inc.) as of February 28,
1998 and the related statements of operations and accumulated
deficit and cash flows for the eleven-month period then ended. 
These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's
management.  Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these
financial statements based on our audit. 

We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted
auditing standards.  Those standards require that we plan and
perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the
financial statements are free of material misstatement.  An audit
includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the
amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also
includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant
estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall
financial statement presentation.  We believe that our audit
provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. 

In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present
fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Cook
Bates as of February 28, 1998, and the results of its operations
and its cash flows for the eleven-month period then ended in
conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. 

Los Angeles, California
April 17, 1998 

                           COOK BATES
        (A Division of London International Group, Inc.)

                          Balance Sheet

                       February 28, 1998 

Current Assets:    
   Cash                                            $     700      
   Accounts receivable,net of allowance
     for doubtful accounts of $33,377              2,464,395
   Inventories (note 2)                            5,628,753
   Prepaid Expenses                                   78,910   
        Total Current Assets                     $ 8,172,758      
Property and equipment at cost, net (note 3)         189,017
        Total Assets                             $ 8,361,775

             Liabilities and Divisional Deficit     

Current liabilities:    
   Accounts Payable                              $   650,985
   Accrued Payroll                                    13,689
   Accrued Liabilities                             1,399,019   
   Due to parent (note 4)                          8,633,538  
         Total current liabilities               $10,697,231

Divisional deficit -     
   accumulated deficit                           $(2,335,456)
Commitments and contingencies (note 5)            
Subsequent event (note 7)

                                                 $ 8,361,775
See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                           COOK BATES
        (A Division of London International Group, Inc.)

         Statement of Operations and Accumulated Deficit

             Eleven months ended February 28, 1998 

Net sales                                            $19,262,778 
Cost of sales                                         13,890,625
      Gross profit                                     5,372,153

Selling, general and administrative expenses           5,701,055  
      Loss from operations                              (328,902)

Other income (expense):
    Interest expense                                    (665,440)
    Gain on exchange rate                                 58,215
    Other income (expense),net                              (958) 
      Loss before income taxes                          (937,085)

Provision for income taxes (note 6)                         -    
      Net loss                                          (937,085)

Accumulated deficit at beginning of period             (1,398,371)

Accumulated deficit at end of period                 $(2,335,456)

See accompanying notes to financial statements.     

                           COOK BATES
        (A Division of London International Group, Inc.)

                    Statement of Cash Flows 
             Eleven months ended February 28, 1998 

Cash flows from operating activities:    
  Net loss                                             $ (937,085) 
  Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash 
  provided by operating activities:    
       Depreciation and amortization                      108,674
       Loss on disposal of fixed assets                    11,406  
       Provision for doubtful accounts                      3,119  
       Changes in assets and liabilities: 
         Accounts receivable                             (554,089)
         Inventories                                    1,835,220
         Prepaid expenses                                   2,048
         Accounts payable                                (219,961)
         Accrued payroll                                    9,751
         Accrued liabilities                              552,418  
           Net cash provided by operating activities      811,501 
Net cash used in investing activities - 
        acquisitions of property and equipment           ( 32,359)
Net cash used in financing activities - net
        repayments of debt to parent                     (793,587)
          Net decrease in cash                            (14,445)

Cash at beginning of period                                15,145 
Cash at end of period                                    $    700

Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information:
   Cash paid during the period for:
     Interest                                           $    -
     Income taxes                                            -

See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                           COOK BATES
        (A Division of London International Group, Inc.) 

                 Notes to Financial Statements 

                       February 28, 1998 

(1)  Description of Business and Summary of Significant Accounting 

     Description of Business
     Cook Bates is a division of London International Group, Inc.
     ("LIG"), a developer of latex and thin film barrier
     technologies.  Cook Bates, is a Florida-based manufacturer and
     marketer of nail clippers, emery boards, and other related
     manicure implements.  The Cook Bates production facility is
     located in Spartanburg, South Carolina, and its distribution
     center is located in Anderson, South Carolina.
     Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or market using
     the first-in, first-out method.
     Property and Equipment
     Property and equipment are stated at cost.  Depreciation is
     computed using the straight-line method over the estimated
     useful lives of the assets, generally five to ten years. 
     Leasehold improvements are amortized on the straight-line
     method over the estimated useful lives or the term of the
     lease, whichever is shorter.
     Revenue Recognition
     Net sales are generally recognized when products are shipped.
     The Division has established programs which, under specified
     conditions, enable customers to return product.  The Division
     establishes liabilities for estimated returns and allowances
     at the time of shipment
     Concentration of Credit Risk
     For the eleven months ended February 28, 1998, three customers
     accounted for 45% of net sales.  At February 28, 1998, the
     Company had two customers who represented approximately 53% of
     total accounts receivable.

     Income Taxes 
     Income taxes are accounted for under the asset and liability
     method.  Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized
     for the future tax consequences attributable to differences
     between the financial statement carrying amounts of existing
     assets and liabilities and their respective tax bases and tax
     credit carryforwards.  Deferred tax assets and liabilities are
     measured using enacted tax rates expected to apply to taxable
     income in the years in which those temporary differences are
     expected to be recovered or settled.  The effect on deferred
     tax assets and liabilities of a change in tax rates is
     recognized in income in the period that includes the enactment

     Impairment of Long-Lived Assets and Long-Lived Assets to Be  
     Disposed Of
     Cook Bates has adopted the provisions of SFAS No. 121,
     "Accounting for the Impairment of Long-Lived Assets and for
     Long-Lived Assets to Be Disposed Of,".  This Statement
     requires that long-lived assets and certain identifiable
     intangibles be reviewed for impairment whenever events or
     changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of
     an asset may not be recoverable.  Recoverability of assets to
     be held and used is measured by a comparison of the carrying
     amount of an asset to future net cash flows expected to be
     generated by the asset.  If such assets are considered to be
     impaired, the impairment to be recognized is measured by the
     amount by which the carrying amount of the assets exceed the
     fair value of the assets.  Assets to be disposed of are
     reported at the lower of the carrying amount or fair value
     less costs to sell.  Adoption of this Statement did not have
     a material impact on the Division's financial position,
     results of operations or liquidity.
     Fair Value of Financial Instruments
     The carrying value of cash, accounts receivables, accounts
     payable and other liabilities are measured at cost which
     approximates their fair value.

     Use of Estimates
     The preparation of the financial statements in conformity with
     generally accepted accounting principles requires management
     to make estimates and assumptions that affect reported amounts
     of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets
     and liabilities at the date of the financial statements  and
     the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the
     reporting period.  Actual results could differ from those

(2)  Inventories 
     Inventories consist of the following:

                         Raw materials  $  3,217,580
                         Work in process     472,983
                         Finished goods    1,938,190
                                        $  5,628,753

(3)  Property and Equipment
     Property and equipment, at cost, are summarized as follows:
       Machinery and equipment              $   747,855
       Computer equipment                       257,814
       Tool and dyes                            193,602
       Office furniture and fixtures            115,696
       Leasehold improvements                     4,000

       Less accumulated depreciation and
           amortization                      (1,129,950)

                                            $   189,017

(4)  Due to Parent
     Due to parent consists of intercompany loans made and expenses
     incurred by LIG on behalf of Cook Bates.  Cook Bates incures
     interest at 6% per annum on all outstanding intercompany
     balances.  The liability is eliminated during consolidation
     with LIG and no specific payment terms exist.

(5)  Commitments and Contigencies
     Operating leases:
     Cook Bates leases office space, warehouse space and equipment
     under noncancelable operating leases expiring in various years
     through 2003.  The lease expense for operating leases amounted
     to $312,389 for the eleven months ended February 28, 1998.

     Future minimum lease payments as of February 28, 1998 are as

               1999                      $     260,529
               2000                             95,953
               2001                             95,953
               2002                             76,693
               Thereafter                        5,674
       Total minimum lease payments      $     534,802 

     Cook Bates is involved in certain legal matters which have
     arisen in the ordinary course of business.  In the opinion of
     management, the ultimate disposition of these matters will not
     have a material adverse effect on Cook Bates' financial
     position, results of operations or liquidity.
(6)  Income Taxes
     Deferred taxes reflect the net tax effects of temporary
     differences between the carrying amounts of assets and
     liabilities for financial reporting purposes and the amounts
     used for income tax purposes.  A valuation allowance has been
     provided to fully offset the net deferred tax asset at
     February 28, 1998, because there can be no assurance that Cook
     Bates will generate any specific level of continuing        
     earnings in future years.  The principal items that give rise
     to deferred tax assets are inventory obsolescence and net
     operating loss carryforwards.

(7)  Subsequent Event (Unaudited)
     On March 04, 1998, Pacer Technology acquired a majority of the
     assets of Cook Bates.  The assets purchased primarily
     consisted of inventories and property and equipment.  The   
     total cash purchase price was approximately $4,800,000.      

- - --------------------------------------------------
     The following unaudited pro forma combined financial         
     information presents the unaudited pro forma combined Balance
     Sheet as of December 31, 1997 giving effect to the acquisition
     of certain assets of Cook Bates as if the transaction had been
     consummated on that date.  Also presented is the unaudited pro
     forma combined statements of operations for fiscal year ended
     June 30, 1997 and the six months ended December 31, 1997,
     giving effect to the acquisition of Cook Bates as if it had
     been consummated as of the beginning of the earliest period
     presented.  Pacer Technology's fiscal year ends on June 30 and
     Cook Bates' fiscal year ends on March 31.  The pro forma
     combined balance sheet combines Pacer Technology's balance
     sheet as of December 31, 1997 with Cook Bates' balance sheet
     as of February 28, 1998.  The pro forma combined statement of
     operations for the year ended June 30, 1997 combines the
     results of Pacer Technology for such year with the results of
     Cook Bates for the twelve-month period ended June 30, 1997. 
     The pro forma combined statement of operations for the six
     months ended December 31, 1997 combines the results of Pacer
     Technology for such six-month period with the results of Cook
     Bates for the six-month period ended February 28, 1998.
     The pro forma data is based on the historical combined       
     statements of Pacer Technology and Cook Bates, giving effect
     to such acquisition under the purchase method of accounting
     and the assumptions and adjustments (which the Company
     believes to be reasonable) described in the accompanying notes
     to unaudited pro forma combined financial data.

     The pro forma data is provided for illustrative purposes only. 
     It does not purport to be indicative of the results that     
     actually would have occurred if the acquisition of Cook Bates
     had been consummated on the date indicated or that may be
     obtained in the future.  The unaudited pro forma combined
     financial information should be read in conjunction with the
     notes thereto.


           Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Balance Sheet
                        December 31, 1997

                     Historical                        Pro Forma            
                 ------------------------   -------------------------------
                   Pacer          Cook        Adjust.     
                  Technology     Bates      Inc.(Dec.)   Notes     Combined 
                -------------   ---------   ----------  --------   --------

Current Assets:
  Cash                $  385,673         700        (700)   a(i)  $   385,673 
  Trade Receivables    5,307,145   2,464,395  (2,464,395)   a(i)    5,307,145 
  Other Receivables      167,387        -           -                 167,387
  Notes Receivables      221,144        -           -                 221,144
  Inventories          4,627,436   5,628,753    (747,955)   a(ii)   9,508,234
  Prepaid Expenses       798,569      78,910    ( 29,952)   a(ii)     847,527  
  Deferred Income
      Taxes              621,804        -           -                 621,804
                      ----------  ----------  ----------           ----------
Total Current Assets  12,129,157   8,172,758  (3,243,002)          17,058,913

Equipment and 
   Leasehold Improve-
   ments, Net:         1,539,690     189,017     185,983    a(ii)   1,914,690

Deferred Income Taxes     60,222        -           -                  60,222
Cost in Excess of Net 
  Assets Acquired      3,830,625        -           -               3,830,625
Other Assets               7,078        -         25,000     a(ii)     32,078
                     -----------  ----------  -----------          ----------
    Total Assets    $ 17,566,772 $ 8,361,775 $(3,032,019)        $ 22,896,528
                     ===========   ========    ==========          ==========


Current Liabilities:
  Accounts Payable     1,779,309     650,985    (650,985)   a(i)    1,779,309 
  Accrued Payroll        459,748      13,689     (13,689)   a(i)      459,748
  Accrued Liabilities  1,464,893   1,399,019    (887,330) a(i&iv)   1,976,582
  Due to LIG and 
     affiliates            -       8,633,538  (8,633,538)   a(i)        -    
                      ---------   ---------- ------------          ----------
     Total Current
         Liabilities   3,703,950  10,697,231 (10,185,542)           4,215,639

Long-Term Liabilities:
  Long-Term Debt       4,103,000        -      4,818,067    a(iii)  8,921,067
                      ----------  ---------   ----------           ----------
 Total Liabilities     7,806,950  10,697,231  (5,367,475)          13,136,706

Stockholders' Equity:
  Notes Receivable
    from Directores     (300,074)       -           -                (300,074)
   Common Stock        8,260,973        -           -               8,260,973
  Retained Earnings    1,798,923  (2,335,456)    2,335,456   a(v)   1,798,923
                      ----------  ----------    ----------          ---------
Total Stockholders' 
  Equity               9,759,822  (2,335,456)    2,335,456          9,759,822

Total Liabilities and Stock-
  holders' Equity   $ 17,566,772 $ 8,361,775  $ (3,032,019)      $ 22,896,528 
                     ===========  ==========     ==========       ===========


        Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Statement of Income
               Six Months ended December 31, 1997

                  Historical                            Pro Forma              
         -----------------------------   -----------------------------------
             Pacer          Cook           Adjust.                           
          Technology        Bates         Inc. (Dec.)    Notes       Combined  
         ---------------  -----------     ------------  ---------   ---------

Net Sales      $ 13,648,651   11,233,876         -               $ 24,882,527

Cost of Sales     8,662,349    7,685,360       30,000      b(i)    16,377,709
                -----------   -----------   ----------            -----------
  Gross Profit    4,986,302    3,548,516      (30,000)              8,504,818

Selling, General 
  and Administrative
  Expenses        3,504,746    2,934,252        8,393      b(i)     6,447,391
                 ----------   ----------     ---------             ----------
    Income        1,481,556      614,264      (38,393)              2,057,427

Interest Expense
     & Other        183,339      499,826      (42,193)  b(ii&iii)     640,972
                 ----------    ---------    ----------              --------- 
Income(loss) Before
     Taxes        1,298,217      114,438        3,800               1,416,455

Income Taxes        571,698          -         41,383     b(iv)       613,081
                 ----------     --------    ---------               ---------
  Net Income    $   726,519      114,438      (37,583)            $   803,374
                 ==========     ========      ========             ========== 


        Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Statement of Income
                  For Year Ended June 30, 1997

                  Historical                          Pro Forma               
         -----------------------------   ------------------------------------
             Pacer            Cook          Adjust.       
          Technology         Bates       Inc. (Dec.)     Notes       Combined 
         ---------------   -----------   -----------   ---------   ----------

Net Sales      $ 25,677,840   23,658,457         -               $ 49,336,297

Cost of Sales    16,520,294   16,978,440       60,000      c(i)    33,558,734
                 ----------   ----------     ---------            -----------
  Gross Profit    9,157,546    6,680,017      (60,000)             15,777,563

Selling, General 
  and Administrative
  Expenses        6,595,513    6,419,169       16,786      c(i)    13,031,468
                 ----------   ----------     ---------             ----------
    Income        2,562,033      260,848      (76,786)              2,746,095

Interest Expense
     & Other         75,752    1,051,233      (84,386)  c(ii&iii)   1,042,599
                 ----------   ----------      ---------             ---------
Income(loss) Before
     Taxes        2,486,281     (790,385)       7,600               1,703,496

Income Taxes      1,268,879          -       (273,975)     c(iv)      994,904
                ------------   ----------   -----------           ------------  
  Net Income    $ 1,217,402     (790,385)      281,575            $   708,592
                 ==========     ========       ========            ========== 


      Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Financial Data

                        December 31, 1997

a.   The unaudited pro forma combined balance sheet has been
     prepared to reflect the acquisition of certain assets of Cook
     Bates under the purchase method of accounting.  The cash purchase
     price was approximately $4,818,067.

     The purchase price has been allocated to the net assets purchased
     based upon the fair values on the date of acquisition, as

     Inventory                          $ 4,880,798
     Property and equipment                 375,000
     Other assets                            25,000
     Prepaids                                48,958
     Other liabilities                     (511,689)
          Cash purchase price           $ 4,818,067

     The pro forma combined balance sheet has been adjusted to    
     reflect the above as follows:

    (i)   To eliminate assets and liabilities not acquired or
    (ii)  To adjust inventories, prepaid expenses, equipment and 
          leasehold improvements, and other asset balances to    
          reflect the actual amounts paid.

    (iii) To record the indebtedness related to bank borrowings,
          with effective interest rate of 9%, utilized
          to finance the acquisition and to pay certain related

    (iv)  To record the recognition of liabilities related to plant
          closings, relocation costs, and transaction costs.

    (v)   To eliminate the deficit of Cook Bates.
b.   The unaudited pro forma combined statement of operations for
     the six months ended December 31, 1997 combines the results of
     Pacer Technology for such six-month period and the results of
     Cook Bates for their six months ended February 28, 1998. 

     The unaudited pro forma combined statements of operations give
     effect to the following adjustments:  

    (i)   To record six months of incremental depreciation and amortization 
          expense for allocated value of fixed assets and other assets 
    (ii)  To record six months of interest expense related to the 
          indebtedness of $4,818,067 utilized to finance the     

    (iii) To adjust (reduce) interest expense Cook Bates incurred on parent
          company's debt of approximately $8.6 million at the rate
          of 6%.  Pacer Technology did not assume this debt.
    (iv)  To adjust the provision for income taxes to reflect the
          combined result of operations assuming a statutory tax
          rate of 35% on Cook Bates and pro forma adjustment.   


      Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Financial Data

                          June 30, 1997

c.   The unaudited pro forma combined statement of operations for
     the fiscal year ended June 30, 1997 combines the results of
     Pacer Technology for such fiscal year and the results of Cook
     Bates for the twelve-month period ended June 30, 1997.

     The unaudited pro forma combined statements of operations give
     effect to the following adjustments:

    (i)   To record the annual incremental depreciation and amortization     
          expense for allocated value of fixed assets and other assets 
    (ii)  To record the annual interest expense related to the
          indebtedness of $4,818,067 utilized to finance the     

    (iii) To adjust (reduce) interest expense Cook Bates incurred on parent
          company's debt of approximately $8.6 million at the rate
          of 6%.  Pacer Technology did not assume this debt.      

    (iv)  To adjust the provision for income taxes to reflect the combined 
          result of operations assuming a statutory tax rate of 35% on Cook
          Bates and pro forma adjustment.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on
its behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                  PACER TECHNOLOGY

                                   /s/Roberto J. Cavazos, Jr.
                                  Roberto J. Cavazos, Jr.
                                  Chief Financial Officer

Date: May 12, 1998