Zions First National Bank
Commercial Loan Department
P.O. Box 25822 One South Main Street
Salt Lake City, Utah 84125
Attn: Michael R. Brough

                                  FOR SECURITY

         This Assignment of Tenant's  Interest in Ground Lease for Security (the
"Assignment")  is made and  executed  this 31st day of May,  2000 (the  "Closing
Date"),  by  Evans &  Sutherland  Computer  Corporation,  a Utah  corporation  (
"Borrower")  and Zions  First  National  Bank,  a national  banking  association

                  A. Pursuant to the  Promissory  Note dated the Closing Date in
which Borrower appears as "Borrower" and Lender appears as "Lender" and which is
in the original  principal amount of Fifteen Million Dollars  ($15,000,000) (the
"Note"),  and  pursuant to the Loan  Agreement  dated the Closing  Date  wherein
Borrower  appears as  "Borrower"  and  Lender  appears  as  "Lender"  (the "Loan
Agreement"), Lender has loaned the proceeds of the Note to Borrower.

         B. Pursuant to the Trust Deed,  Assignment of Rents, Security Agreement
and Fixture Filing dated the Closing Date (the "Trust Deed"),  in which Borrower
appears as "Trustor",  Lender appears as "Trustee" and "Beneficiary",  and which
encumbers  Borrower's  leasehold interest in the real property together with the
improvements  thereon  located  in Salt  Lake  County,  State of Utah,  and more
particularly  described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated  herein by
this  reference  (the  "Property"),  Borrower  has  granted  Lender  a  lien  on
Borrower's leasehold interest in the Property to secure the Note.

         C. The  University  of Utah,  a body  corporate  and  politic  ("Ground
Lessor") and Borrower  entered into those certain ground lease agreement as more
particularly  described in Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated  herein by
this reference (collectively the "Ground Lease").

         D. Lender  desires and Borrower  agrees to further  secure the Note and
the Loan Agreement with an assignment of the Ground Lease.


         In exchange for good and valuable  consideration  the  sufficiency  and
receipt of which are hereby acknowledged, Borrower and Lender agree as follows:


                  1. Assignment.  Borrower hereby absolutely and unconditionally
assigns  and  transfers  unto  Lender for  security  all the right,  title,  and
interest of Borrower in and to the Ground Lease,  together with all  extensions,
renewals,  modifications or replacements  thereof,  as well as all guaranties of
Borrower's  obligations  under  any  provisions  thereof  and  under any and all
extensions and renewals  thereof  (collectively  the "Lease").  This  Assignment
shall inure to the benefit of Lender, its successors and assigns as security for
the payment of the principal and interest provided to be paid in or by the Note,
the  performance of the agreements of Borrower  contained in the Loan Agreement,
and  the  performance  of the  agreements  of  Borrower  contained  in the  Loan
Documents  and any other  document  evidencing,  securing,  or  relating  to the
disbursal or administration of the proceeds of the Note (all of which agreements
and obligations are collectively referred to as the "Obligation").

         2.  Default  Remedies  of  Lender.  If  Borrower  defaults,   past  any
applicable cure or grace period, on the Obligation,  or this Assignment or if an
Event of Default  occurs,  Lender shall be authorized at its option to enter and
take  possession of all or part of the Property,  to perform all acts reasonably
necessary for the operation and maintenance of the Property,  and to perform the
obligations  of  Borrower  under  the Lease in the same  manner  and to the same
extent that Borrower might reasonably so act. Lender shall further be authorized
to replace  Borrower as lessee under the Lease upon  foreclosure  of  Borrower's
interest therein.

         3.  Termination of  Assignment.  When Borrower pays Lender for the full
amount  of  the   Obligation  and  such  payment  is  evidenced  by  a  recorded
satisfaction or release of the Trust Deed, this Assignment shall no longer be in
effect  and shall be void.  Lender  shall  execute  such  instruments  as may be
reasonably required to evidence the termination of this Assignment.

         4.  Notice  to Ground  Lessor of  Borrower's  Default.  Borrower  shall
irrevocably  authorize  Ground  Lessor,  upon  demand and notice  from Lender of
Borrower's  default,  past any applicable  cure or grace period,  under the Loan
Documents, to accept from Lender performance of Borrower's obligations under the
Lease.  In such  situation,  Lender shall not be liable to Ground Lessor for the
determination of the actual  existence of any default,  past any applicable cure
or grace period,  claimed by Lender.  Ground Lessor shall have the right to rely
upon any such notices from Lender, without any obligation or right to inquire as
to the actual existence of the default, notwithstanding any claim of Borrower to
the contrary.  Upon the curing of all such defaults caused by Borrower under the
Loan Documents, Lender shall give Ground Lessor written notice of such cure.

         5.  Assignment of Borrower's  Interest in Lease.  Lender shall have the
right to  assign  Borrower's  right,  title,  and  interest  in the Lease to any
subsequent  holder of the Note and to any person acquiring title to the Property
through  foreclosure or otherwise  consistent with the terms of the Ground Lease
and any recorded covenants and restrictions against the Property.

         6. Indemnification of Lender.  Borrower shall indemnify and hold Lender
harmless  of and from any and all  liability,  loss,  or damage  that Lender may
incur under the Lease or by reason of this Assignment other than such liability,
loss,  or damage as may be occasioned  by Lender's  gross  negligence or willful
misconduct. Such indemnification shall also cover any and all claims that may be
asserted  against Lender by reason of any alleged  obligation to be performed by
Lender  under the Lease or  Assignment  unless  Lender has taken  possession  or


control of the Property or has succeeded to Borrower's interest under the Ground
Lease.  Nothing  in this  paragraph  shall be  construed  to bind  Lender to the
performance of any Lease  provisions,  or to otherwise impose any liability upon
Lender  unless  Lender has taken  possession  or control of the  Property or has
succeeded to Borrower's  interest under the Ground Lease.  This Assignment shall
not impose  liability  upon  Lender for the  operation  and  maintenance  of the
premises or for carrying out the Lease terms before Lender has entered and taken
possession of the premises.  Any loss or liability  incurred by Lender by reason
of actual entry and taking  possession  under the Lease or in the defense of any
claims shall, at Lender's request, be reimbursed by Borrower. Such reimbursement
shall  include  interest  at the rate of three  percent  (3%)  per  annum  above
Lender's Base Rate (as defined in the Note),  costs,  expenses,  and  reasonable
attorneys' fees.

         7. Quality of Borrower's Title to Lease.  Borrower represents itself to
be the absolute  owner of the  leasehold  interest in the Lease,  with right and
title to assign it  consistent  with the terms of the Ground  Lease and upon the
consent  of Ground  Lessor;  that the Ground  Lease is valid,  in full force and
effect, and has not been modified or amended except as stated herein; that there
is no  outstanding  assignment  or pledge  thereof;  that there are no  existing
defaults  under  the  provisions  thereof  on the  part of any  party;  and that
Borrower is in  possession  and paying rent and other  charges  under the Ground
Lease as provided therein. Borrower covenants not to cancel, abridge, surrender,
or terminate the Ground Lease or change,  alter,  or modify it without the prior
written consent of Lender, which shall not be unreasonably  withheld or delayed.
Any  attempt  at  cancellation,   surrender,  termination,  change,  alteration,
modification,  assignment,  or  subordination  of the Lease  without the written
consent of Lender shall be null and void.

         8. No Merger. If the Property is under any lease or any portion thereof
which  constitutes a part of the Property shall at any time become vested in one
owner,  this  Assignment  and the lien created  hereby shall not be destroyed or
terminated by application  of the doctrine of merger and, in such event,  Lender
shall  continue to have and enjoy all of the rights and  privileges of Lender as
to the separate estates.  In addition,  upon the foreclosure of the lien created
by  this  Assignment  on  the  Property  pursuant  to  the  provisions  of  this
Assignment,  any leases or subleases then existing and created by Borrower shall
not be  destroyed  or  terminated  by  application  of the law of merger or as a
matter of law or as a result of such foreclosure  unless Lender or any purchaser
at any such foreclosure sale shall so elect. No act by or on behalf of Lender or
any such  purchaser  shall  constitute  a  termination  of any lease or sublease
unless Lender or such purchaser shall give written notice thereof to such tenant
or subtenant.

         9. Delivery of Necessary Instruments to Lender.  Borrower shall execute
and deliver to Lender and hereby  irrevocably  appoints Lender,  its successors,
and  assigns  from and after an Event of  Default,  as its  attorney  in fact to
execute and deliver during the term of this Assignment,  all further instruments
as Lender may deem necessary to make this Assignment and any further  assignment
effective.  The power hereby granted is coupled with an interest in the Property
and is irrevocable.

         10. Lease  Guaranties;  Assignment of Lease;  Alterations  of Premises.
Borrower shall not materially alter, modify,  cancel or terminate any guaranties
of the Lease without the written  consent of Lender.  Borrower shall not consent
to any Lease assignment or subletting, nor agree to a subordination of the Lease


to any  mortgage  or  other  encumbrance,  other  than  that of  Lender,  now or
hereafter  affecting the Property  without  Lender's prior written consent which
shall not be  unreasonably  withheld  or  delayed.  Borrower  shall not permit a
material  alteration  of or  addition to the  Property  without  Lender's  prior
written consent.

         11.  Borrower to Ensure  Continued  Performance  under Lease.  Borrower
shall perform all of its material covenants as lessee under the Lease, including
the  obligation to pay rent to Ground Lessor.  Lender shall promptly  deliver to
Borrower copies of all notices of default Borrower has received or may hereafter
receive from Ground Lessor.

         12. Changes in Obligation Terms.  Notwithstanding  any variation of the
terms of the Loan  Documents,  including  increase or decrease in the  principal
amount thereof or in the rate of interest payable thereunder or any extension of
time for payment thereunder or any release of part or parts of the real property
subject to the Trust Deed,  the Lease and the  benefits  hereby  assigned  shall
continue as additional security in accordance with the terms of this Assignment.

         13.  Additions  to and  Replacement  of  Obligation.  Lender  may  take
security in addition to the security already given Lender for the payment of the
principal  and  interest  provided  to be paid in or by the  Loan  Documents  or
release such other security,  and may release any party primarily or secondarily
liable  on  the  Loan  Documents,  may  grant  or  make  extensions,   renewals,
modifications,   or   indulgences   with  respect  to  the  Loan  Documents  and
replacements thereof, which replacement of the Loan Documents may be on the same
or on terms  different  from the present  terms of the Loan  Documents,  and may
apply  any  other  security  thereof  held  by it to  the  satisfaction  of  the
Obligation, without prejudice to any of its rights hereunder.

         14. Exercise of Lender's  Rights.  Lender's  failure to avail itself of
any of its rights under this  Assignment  for any period of time, or at any time
or times,  shall not constitute a waiver  thereof.  Lender's rights and remedies
hereunder  are  cumulative,  and not in lieu of, but in  addition  to, any other
rights and remedies  Lender has under the  Obligation  and Trust Deed.  Lender's
rights  and  remedies  hereunder  may be  exercised  as  often as  Lender  deems

         15.  Amendment,   Modification,   or  Cancellation  of  Assignment.  No
amendment,  modification,  cancellation,  or  discharge  hereof,  or of any part
hereof, shall be enforceable without Lender's prior written consent.

         16.  Notices.  All  notices  shall be in writing and shall be deemed to
have  been  sufficiently  given or  served  when  personally  delivered  or when
deposited in the United States mail, by registered or certified mail,  addressed
as follows:

      Lender:                            Zions First National Bank
                                         Commercial Loan Department
                                         P.O. Box 25822
                                         One South Main Street
                                         Salt Lake City, Utah 84125
                                         Attn: Michael R. Brough

      With copies to:                    Callister Nebeker & McCullough
                                         Gateway Tower East, Suite 900
                                         10 East South Temple


                                         Salt Lake City, Utah 84133
                                         Attn: T. Richard Davis

      Borrower:                          Evans & Sutherland Computer Corporation
                                         600 Komas Drive
                                         Salt Lake City, Utah 84108
                                         Attn: Chief Financial Officer

                                         Evans & Sutherland Computer Corporation
                                         600 Komas Drive
                                         Salt Lake City, Utah 84108
                                         Attn: Treasurer

      With copies to:                    Snell & Wilmer, L.L.P. Law Offices
                                         15 West South Temple, Suite 1200
                                         Gateway Tower West
                                         Salt Lake City, Utah 84101
                                         Attn: Brian D. Cunningham

Such  addresses  may be changed by notice to the other  party  given in the same
manner provided in this Section.

         17. Binding  Effect.  All agreements  herein shall inure to the benefit
of, and bind the respective heirs, executors,  administrators,  successors,  and
assigns of Borrower and Lender.

         18.  Governing Law. This Assignment shall be governed by, construed and
interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Utah.
         19.  Attorneys'  Fees.  In the event  Lender  institutes  legal  action
against Borrower with respect to this Assignment, Lender shall be entitled to an
award of reasonable attorneys' fees from Borrower. Lender shall also be entitled
to collect all reasonable attorneys' fees and costs incurred with respect to any
insolvency or bankruptcy action or proceeding involving Borrower.

         20.  Defined  Terms.  Unless  otherwise  defined  in  this  Assignment,
capitalized  terms used in this Assignment  shall have the meanings set forth in
the Loan Agreement.


         DATED: March 31, 2000.


                                EVANS & SUTHERLAND COMPUTER CORPORATION,
                                a Utah corporation

                                By:   /S/ R. GAYNOR
                                      Richard J. Gaynor
                                      Vice President and Chief Financial Officer


                                Zions First National Bank,
                                a national banking association

                                By:  /S/ M. BROUGH
                                     Michael R. Brough
                                     Vice President


                                            : ss.

         The foregoing  instrument was  acknowledged  before me this day of May,
2000, by Richard J. Gaynor,  Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Evans
& Sutherland Computer Corporation, a Utah corporation.

                                  NOTARY PUBLIC

My Commission Expires:     Residing At:

                                      : ss.

         The foregoing  instrument was acknowledged  before me this _____ day of
May, 2000, by Michael R. Brough,  Vice President of Zions First National Bank, a
national banking association.

                                  NOTARY PUBLIC

My Commission Expires:     Residing At:


                                    EXHIBIT A

                            REAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION

         The real property located in Salt Lake County,  State of Utah, and more
particularly described as follows:

                            [SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A]


                                    EXHIBIT B

                          DESCRIPTION OF GROUND LEASES

         1. Lease  Agreement  dated November 21, 1972, as amended by an Addendum
to Lease Agreement dated November 21, 1972, a Second Addendum to Lease Agreement
dated June 4, 1973, a Third Addendum to Lease  Agreement dated December 7, 1973,
and a Fourth  Addendum to Lease  Agreement dated September 12, 1979, all entered
into  between  Ground  Lessor,  as lessor,  and Mountain  Co-Venture,  a general
partnership,  as lessee,  and as amended by a Fifth Addendum to Lease  Agreement
dated April 9, 1987 entered into between Ground Lessor, as lessor, and Borrower,
as lessee,  wherein  Ground  Lessor  leases a portion of the  Property  known as
Building 540 to Borrower.

         2. Lease  Agreement dated September 4, 1979 entered into between Ground
Lessor, as lessor, and Tri Venture, a general partnership, as lessee, as amended
by a First  Addendum  to  Lease  Agreement  dated  April 9,  1987,  and a Second
Addendum to Lease  Agreement  dated  December 31, 1990, all entered into between
Ground Lessor, as lessor, and Borrower, as lessee,  wherein Ground Lessor leases
a portion of the Property known as Building 560 to Borrower.

         3. Lease  Agreement  dated  November  21,  1973,  as amended by a First
Addendum  to Lease  Agreement  dated May 24,  1974,  a Second  Addendum to Lease
Agreement  dated  March 23,  1977,  a Third  Addendum to Lease  Agreement  dated
September 12, 1979, all entered into between Ground Lessor, as lessor,  and Park
Enterprises,  a general  partnership,  as  lessee,  and as  amended  by a Fourth
Addendum to Lease  Agreement  dated April 9, 1987 entered  into  between  Ground
Lessor,  as lessor,  and  Borrower,  as lessee,  wherein  Ground Lessor leases a
portion of the Property known as Building 580 to Borrower.

         4. Lease  Agreement dated April 9, 1987, as amended by a First Addendum
to Lease  Agreement  dated  December 31, 1990,  all entered into between  Ground
Lessor,  as lessor,  and  Borrower,  as lessee,  wherein  Ground Lessor leases a
portion of the Property known as Building 600 to Borrower.

         5. Lease  Agreement dated September 5, 1980 entered into between Ground
Lessor, as lessor, and Black Hawk Investment Company, a general partnership,  as
lessee,  and as amended by a First  Amendment to Lease  Agreement  dated June 7,
1982, a Second  Amendment to Lease  Agreement  dated September 28, 1982, a Third
Addendum to Lease  Agreement dated April 9, 1987, and a Fourth Addendum to Lease
Agreement  dated December 31, 1990,  all entered into between Ground Lessor,  as
lessor, and Borrower,  as lessee,  wherein Ground Lessor leases a portion of the
Property known as Building 650 to Borrower.

         6. Lease  Agreement dated April 1, 1988, as amended by a First Addendum
to Lease  Agreement  dated  December 31, 1990,  all entered into between  Ground
Lessor,  as lessor,  and  Borrower,  as lessee,  wherein  Ground Lessor leases a
portion of the Property known as Building 770 to Borrower.


         7. Lease  Agreement dated December 31, 1990 entered into between Ground
Lessor,  as lessor,  and  Borrower,  as lessee,  wherein  Ground Lessor leases a
portion of the Property known as Building 790 to Borrower.
