Lloyds TSB
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Lloyds TSB Commercial
Lloyds TSB Bank plc
1/2 Market Place
Telephone 0118 950 7045
Facsimile 0118 950 2402

The Directors
Evans & Sutherland Computer Limited
2 Horsham Gates
North Street
West Sussex RH13 5PJ
15th June 2000

Dear Sirs


We Lloyds TSB Bank plc (the  "Bank") are pleased to offer to Evans &  Sutherland
Computer  Limited an overdraft  facility in such foreign  currencies and on such
accounts  as we may  from  time  to  time  agree  on  the  following  terms  and

The  maximum  aggregate  amount  outstanding  under  the  facility  at any  time
(calculated  on the basis of  cleared  funds)  shall not  exceed  USD  3,000,000
although  prior to 1st August 2000 excesses will be permitted  provided that the
maximum aggregate amount owing at any time does not exceed USD 5,000,000.

For the  purpose  of  determining  whether  the  total  amount  owing  is at any
particular  time  within or in excess of the agreed  limit,  amounts  owing in a
currency other than US Dollars shall be notionally  converted into US Dollars on
the basis of the Bank's  exchange  rate for buying that currency with US Dollars
at that time.

Any amounts from time to time owing under the  facility are  repayable on demand
but it is the Bank's present intention to make the facility available until 30th
November 2000. All moneys from time to time owing to the Bank under the facility
shall be repaid no later  than this date or such  later date as may from time to
time be  advised  in  writing  by the Bank.  The  amounts  owing at any time may
include  interest or costs  debited to one or more of the accounts in accordance
with the terms of this letter.

The Bank  shall  have the  right at the  time of  making  demand  or at any time
thereafter  to convert all amounts then due and payable  under the facility into
sterling at the Bank's exchange rate for selling that currency  against sterling
at that time.  The Bank shall as soon as possible after such  conversion  advise
you of the sterling amount then owing.

Interest is  calculated on the cleared daily balance of each account and will be
payable on amounts owing up to the  aforesaid  limit at 1.75% per annum over the
Bank's  short term  offered  rate from time to time for the  relevant  currency.

Continuation of a letter from
Lloyds TSB Bank plc to:
Evans & Sutherland Computer Limited


If at any time the Bank  allows the  amounts  owing to exceed the agreed  limit,
interest  will be  payable on the  excess at the  Bank's  unauthorised  currency
borrowing  rate from time to time  (currently  12% per  annum  above the  Bank's
relevant  short term offered  rate) for such  currency or currencies as the Bank
shall determine.

Interest  will be debited to the  relevant  account  or, in the case of interest
calculated in  accordance  with the previous  paragraph,  to such account as the
Bank shall determine, semi-annually in arrears (normally on the l0th of June and
December).  Interest  may also be debited  on the date upon  which the  facility
ceases to be available.

The Bank's short term  offered  rate for each  currency may vary from day to day
and upon request the Bank will advise you of the rates then applicable.

Interest  will be  calculated  on the basis of the actual number of days elapsed
and a 360 day  year or a 365 day  year as is in the  Bank's  reasonable  opinion
usual market practice for the relevant  currency.

Costs and Charges
A 30 sterling pound semi-annual charges will be payable on each currency account
in March and September.

An  arrangement  fee of USD 11,250 is payable.  This will be debited to your USD
account number 11119338 in the next few days.

All costs and expenses incurred by the Bank in creating, preserving or enforcing
the security  referred to below shall be debited to.

It is a condition  of the facility  that  amounts  owing shall be secured by the
following.  Any security  which is not already in place is to be provided to the
Bank in a form acceptable to the Bank and, if so requested by the Bank, shall be
accompanied  by evidence of the value of the  security.  (a) an all moneys joint
and several  guarantee  from Evans and  Sutherland  Computer  Corporation  for a
principal  amount of USD 5,000,000  plus interest and other costs as detailed in
the guarantee, (b) a letter of negative pledge from you, (c) a letter of set off
dated  23rd April 1996 from you,  and (d) a standby  letter of credit  dated 2nd
October 1997 from US Bank of Utah for (pound) 1,000,000.

Financial  Information
Whilst the facility remains  available you should provide to the Bank as soon as
possible  after  the end of the  period  to  which  they  relate  copies  of any
financial  infom1ation  that the Bank may from time to time reasonably  request,
including.  (a) your audited annual  accounts within 210 days of the end of your
financial year , (b) your quarterly  management  accounts  within 45 days of the
end of each quarter,  and (c) the quarterly 10-Q reports of Evans and Sutherland
Computer  Corporation  within 60 days of the end of each  quarter and the annual
10-K reports of Evans and Sutherland Computer Corporation within 120 days of the
end of their financial year.

Continuation of a letter from
Lloyds TSB Bank plc to:
Evans & Sutherland Computer Limited


You should also provide to the Bank, at least 10 days prior to the commencement
of each  month,  copies  of your  cash  flows and  budgets  for the  month  then

The figures so provided should demonstrate  that:(i) your profit before taxation
and  interest  paid and  payable is equal to or  greater  than 300% of the total
interest paid and payable,  (ii) your profit  before  taxation and interest paid
and payable is equal to or greater than 4% of the your  turnover  and,  (iii) no
dividends  have been paid or are payable.

Other Terms of Offer
This letter is for the  benefit of the  contracting  parties  only and shall not
confer any benefit on or be  enforceable  by a third party.

Please confirm your acceptance of the facility offered by returning the attached
duplicate of this letter with the acknowledgement  signed in accordance with the
bank mandate currently held by the Bank. If such confirmation is not received by
the Bank (at the address  given at the heading of this letter) by 15th July 2000
the offer will lapse.

Yours faithfully
For and on behalf of Lloyds TSB Bank plc

/s/ R. Wood
James A Riddall
Lloyds TSB Commercial

We hereby acknowledge and accept the terms of your offer dated 15th June 2000 of
which  this is a  duplicate  and  agree all the  terms  and  conditions  therein

In accepting  this letter we confirm  that  neither the  execution by us of this
letter nor the  utilisation  by us of the  facility  being made  available  will
conflict with or breach any  requirement or limitation set out in our Memorandum
and Articles of  Association.  For and on behalf of Evans & Sutherland  Computer
Limited (company registered number no 1750202)

Signed  by      /s/ Stuart J. Anderson          /s/ David J. Rushton
                date 19 June 2000               date 19 June 2000

This  letter  creates  legal  obligations.  Before  signing you may wish to take
independent advice.

Board Resolution

EXTRACT  from the  Minutes of a Meeting of the Board of  Directors  of the above
named Company duly convened and held on 19 June 2000 at 2 Horsham Gates.

1.   Opening formalities

1.1  It was noted that a quorum was present.

2.   Transaction and tabled documents

2.1  The Chairman reported that in connection with banking facilities granted or
     to be granted by Lloyds TSB Bank plc (the "Bank") to the Company,  the Bank
     required the Company to execute and deliver to the Bank an  Undertaking  in
     the  form of a Letter  of  Negative  Pledge  in the  form  produced  to the

2.2  It was  explained  that the  meeting  had been  called  for the  purpose of
     considering, and if thought fit, approving the execution of the Undertaking
     in the form of a Letter of Negative Pledge.

3.   Disclosure of interests

3.1  All the Directors  present confirmed that they were not in any way, whether
     directly  or  indirectly,  interested  in  the  creation  of  the  proposed

4.   Consideration  of the relevant  matters

4.1  The directors  carefully  considered the terms of the proposed security and
     unanimously decided that for the purpose of carrying on the business of the
     Company it would be in the  commercial  interests  of and to the benefit of
     the Company to give the Bank the security which it required.

5.   Resolutions


5.1  the form of the  Undertaking in the form of a Letter of Negative Pledge now
     produced to the meeting be and the same is hereby approved;

5.2  the Common Seal of the Company be affixed to the Undertaking in the form of
     a Letter of Negative  Pledge and duly  witnessed in the presence of any two
     directors or anyone  director and the  Secretary of the Company or that any
     two  directors  or anyone  director  and the  Secretary  of the  Company be
     authorised to execute the security without affixing the Common Seal;

5.3  any  one  director  or the  Secretary  of  the  Company  be  and is  hereby
     authorised  to do all such  other  things  and to  execute  or to cause the
     execution  of all  such  other  documents  as he may  in his  absolute  and
     unfettered  discretion think fit in connection with the facilities  granted
     or to be granted by the Bank and/or in connection with the documents;

5.4  (without  prejudice to the authority of any other person to do so) the Bank
     or its agent is  hereby  irrevocably  authorised  to date the  security  on
     behalf of the  Company  at any time  after  the  security  shall  have been
     received by the Bank or its agent; and

5.5  the  foregoing  resolutions  do not in any  way  prejudice  or  affect  the
     instructions to the Bank contained in resolutions of the board constituting
     the Company's bank mandate.

6.   Certificate


6.1  the  foregoing is a true extract from the minutes of a meeting of the board
     of directors of the Company;

6.2  the  resolutions set out in the extract were duly passed in accordance with
     the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company;

6.3  the  passing of the  resolutions  and the  completion  of the  transactions
     thereby  contemplated do not, and will not, contravene any provision of the
     Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company or of any trust deed,
     bond, mortgage, charge, contract, loan agreement,  facility letter or other
     instrument binding upon the Company or its directors.

/s/ Stuart J. Anderson      /s/ Mike Wright          /s/ David J. Rushton
- -----------------------     --------------------     -------------------
CHAIRMAN                    SECRETARY                DIRECTOR


TO: Lloyds TSB Bank plc
19th June 2000

In  consideration  of your  granting  or  continuing  to grant from time to time
advances or other banking  facilities and  accommodation  to us and/or anyone or
more of our subsidiaries (within the meaning given to subsidiary  undertaking in
Section 258 of the Company Act 1985) for the time being,  we hereby  agreed that
we will not and, we will procure that none of our  subsidiary  undertakings  for
the time being will, without your prior written consent:

(a) materially change the nature of our or their business as now conducted; or

(b) create or permit to subsist or arise any mortgage,  charge,  pledge, or lien
or any other security interest or encumbrance ( other than a lien arising solely
by operation of law in the  ordinary  course of business and those  encumbrances
disclosed to you in writing  prior to the date hereof) over any of our , or such
subsidiary's present or future undertaking, property, revenue or assets; or

(c) permit to extend or  increase  the amount  secured  by any  mortgage  charge
pledge or lien or any other security  interest or  encumbrance  existing at and,
disclosed to you in writing prior to, the date hereof; or

(d) enter into or permit to subsist any  transaction  which,  in legal terms, is
not a secured  borrowing but which has or could have an economic or a commercial
or financial effect similar to that of a secured borrowing; or

(e) part with,  sell,  transfer,  lease or otherwise  dispose of ( or attempt or
agree to do any  such  thing)  the  whole  or any  material  part of our or such
subsidiary's  undertaking,  property,  revenue  or  assets ( either  by a single
transaction or a number of  transactions  whether related or not) other than for
full value on an arm's length  basis and in the  ordinary  course of business as
now conducted; or

(f)  factor  or  otherwise  assign  or deal  with  any  book or  other  debts or
securities  for  money  now and  from  time to time  due or  owing to us or them
otherwise  than by getting in and realising  the same in the ordinary  course of
trading as now conducted; or

(g) save in respect of trade debts  incurred in the ordinary  course of business
as now  conducted  give  any  guarantee  or  indemnity  or  any  other  form  of
undertaking  or  warranty  to or for the  benefit of, or lend any moneys to, any

/s/ Darren Cosshall
- ------------------------------

TO: Lloyds TSB Bank plc
19th June 2000

With  reference  to the  above  undertaking  and for the  consideration  therein
mentioned we jointly and severally  agree that we will not do or suffer anything
to be done which will be a breach of the  express  terms or of the spirit of the
above  undertaking  and that in the event of any new  directors  of the  company
being  appointed  we shall  use our best  endeavours  to  obtain  from  such new
directors their joint and several agreement to be similarly  personally bound by
this undertaking.

David J. Rushton                     Stuart J. Anderson

/s/ David J. Rushton                 /s/ Stuart J. Anderson
- ----------------------               ----------------------
Commercial Director                  Managing Director