Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    Form 10-Q

(Mark One)
         EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 

                  For the Quarterly Period Ended March 27, 1998


         EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 

              For the Transition Period from ________ to ________

                          Commission File Number 0-8771

                     Evans & Sutherland Computer Corporation
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

     UTAH                                                        87-0278175
(State or other jurisdiction of                             (I.R.S.  Employer
 incorporation or organization)                              Identification No.)

600 Komas Drive, Salt Lake City, Utah                               84108
(Address of principal executive offices)                         (Zip Code)

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (801) 588-1000

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days. Yes X No

Indicate the number of shares  outstanding  of each of the  issuer's  classes of
common stock, as of the latest practicable date.

          Class                               Outstanding Shares at May 1, 1998
- ----------------------------------            ---------------------------------

 Common Stock, $0.20 par value                             8,938,067


                                    Form 10-Q

                     Evans & Sutherland Computer Corporation

                          QUARTER ENDED March 27, 1998

                                                                                                     Page No.

                         PART I - FINANCIAL INFORMATION

ITEM 1.         Financial Statements

                Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations - Three Months
                    Ended March 27, 1998 and March 28, 1997                                               3

                Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets - March 27, 1998 and
                    December 31, 1997                                                                     4

                Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows - Three
                    Months Ended March 27, 1998 and March 28, 1997                                        5

                Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements                                      6

ITEM 2.         Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
                 Condition and Results of Operations                                                      8

                           PART II - OTHER INFORMATION

ITEM 6.         Exhibits and Reports on Form
8-K                                                                                                      13

Signature Page                                                                                           13


                         PART I - FINANCIAL INFORMATION


                     (In thousands except per share amounts)

                                                      Three Months Ended

                                                    March 27,        March 28,
                                                      1998             1997
                                                --------------   --------------

Net sales                                            $ 42,421         $ 33,642

Cost of sales                                          25,296           18,514
                                                --------------   --------------

      Gross profit                                     17,125           15,128
                                                --------------   --------------


  Marketing, general and administrative                 8,641            7,844

  Research and development                              6,677            5,846
                                                --------------   --------------

      Total expenses                                   15,318           13,690
                                                --------------   --------------

      Operating earnings                                1,807            1,438

Other income, net                                         546              577
                                                --------------   --------------

      Earnings before income taxes                      2,353            2,015

Income taxes                                              764              604
                                                --------------   --------------

    Net earnings                                      $ 1,589          $ 1,411
                                                ==============   ==============

Earnings per common share (note 1):
    Basic                                              $ 0.18           $ 0.16
    Diluted                                            $ 0.17           $ 0.15


                        (In thousands except share data)

                                                                                     March 27,              December 31,
                                                                                        1998                    1997
                                                                                 -------------------      -----------------
   Assets                                                                           (Unaudited)

   Current assets:
     Cash and cash equivalents                                                            $  11,596              $   8,176
     Marketable securities                                                                   31,419                 48,928
     Accounts receivable, less allowance for doubtful
      receivables of $889 in 1998 and $851 in 1997                                           34,735                 36,066
     Inventories (note 2)                                                                    28,354                 26,885
     Costs and estimated earnings in excess of billings
      on uncompleted contracts                                                               59,679                 51,799
     Deferred income taxes                                                                    5,163                  4,224
     Prepaid expenses and deposits                                                            3,868                  3,620
                                                                                 -------------------      -----------------

         Total current assets                                                               174,814                179,698

   Property, plant, and equipment, at cost                                                  124,877                123,168
     Less accumulated depreciation and amortization                                          80,675                 78,800
                                                                                 -------------------      -----------------

         Net property, plant, and equipment                                                  44,202                 44,368

   Investment securities                                                                      5,230                  5,000
   Deferred income taxes                                                                      3,687                  3,802
   Other assets                                                                               1,505                  1,522
                                                                                 -------------------      -----------------

         Total assets                                                                     $ 229,438              $ 234,390
                                                                                 ===================      =================

   Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity

   Current liabilities:
     Notes payable to banks                                                               $       -             $      950
     Accounts payable                                                                        13,635                 14,353
     Accrued expenses                                                                        16,616                 18,061
     Customer deposits                                                                        8,818                  6,574
     Income taxes payable                                                                     3,233                  4,462
     Billings in excess of costs and estimated earnings
      on uncompleted contracts                                                                6,504                  6,341
                                                                                 -------------------      -----------------

         Total current liabilities                                                           48,806                 50,741

   Long-term debt                                                                            18,015                 18,015

   Stockholders' equity:
     Common stock,  $.20 par value; authorized 30,000,000 shares;
      issued and outstanding 8,934,036 shares at March 27,
      1998 and 9,066,743 shares at December 31, 1997                                          1,787                  1,813
     Additional paid-in capital                                                               3,213                  8,025
     Retained earnings                                                                      157,164                155,576
     Net unrealized gain (loss) on marketable securities                                        110                    (68)
     Cumulative translation adjustment                                                          343                    288
                                                                                 -------------------      -----------------

         Total stockholders' equity                                                         162,617                165,634
                                                                                 -------------------      -----------------

         Total liabilities and stockholders' equity                                       $ 229,438              $ 234,390
                                                                                 ===================      =================


                                 (In thousands)

                                                                                                 Three Months Ended

                                                                                         March 27,             March 28,
                                                                                            1998                  1997
                                                                                        -------------        ---------------

Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities                                          $(6,314)               $ 3,969

Cash flows from investing activities:

     Capital expenditures                                                                     (1,907)                (2,851)

     Purchases of marketable securities                                                            -                 (9,211)

     Proceeds from sale of marketable securities                                              17,680                  4,131

     Purchases of investment securities                                                         (125)                     -
                                                                                        -------------        ---------------

        Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities                                   15,648                 (7,931)

Cash flows from financing activities:

     Net proceeds from issuance of common stock                                                  998                    377

     Net payments under line of credit agreement                                                (942)                  (616)

     Purchase of treasury stock                                                               (5,837)                     -
                                                                                        -------------        ---------------

        Net cash used in financing activities                                                 (5,781)                  (239)

Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash                                                 (133)                   199
                                                                                        -------------        ---------------

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                                           3,420                 (4,002)

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                                               8,176                 16,521
                                                                                        -------------        ---------------

        Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                                          $ 11,596               $ 12,519
                                                                                        =============        ===============

Supplemental disclosures of cash flow information

     Cash paid during the period for:

        Interest                                                                               $ 573                  $ 607

        Income taxes                                                                         $ 2,897                   $ 17


                                 (In thousands)


       Basis of Presentation

       The accompanying  unaudited condensed  consolidated  financial statements
       have been prepared in accordance with the  instructions to Form 10-Q and,
       therefore,  do not include all information and footnotes  necessary for a
       complete  presentation  of  the  results  of  operations,  the  financial
       position,   and  cash  flows,  in  conformity  with  generally   accepted
       accounting  principles.  This  report on Form  10-Q for the three  months
       ended  March 27, 1998 should be read in  conjunction  with the  Company's
       annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1997.

       The  accompanying   unaudited  condensed   consolidated  balance  sheets,
       statements  of  operations  and cash flows  reflect all normal  recurring
       adjustments which are, in the opinion of management, necessary for a fair
       presentation of the Company's financial  position,  results of operations
       and cash flows.  The results of operations  for the interim  period ended
       March  27,  1998 are not  necessarily  indicative  of the  results  to be
       expected for the full year.

       Earnings Per Common Share

     Earnings per common share is computed based on the weighted-average  number
     of common shares and, as  appropriate,  dilutive  common stock  equivalents
     outstanding  during the period.  Stock options are  considered to be common
     stock equivalents.

       Basic  earnings per common share is the amount of earnings for the period
       available to each share of common stock outstanding  during the reporting
       period.  Diluted  earnings  per share is the amount of  earnings  for the
       period  available  to each share of common stock  outstanding  during the
       reporting  period and to each  share  that  would  have been  outstanding
       assuming the issuance of common shares for all dilutive  potential common
       shares outstanding during the period.

       In calculating  earnings per common share, the earnings were the same for
       both the basic and  diluted  calculation.  A  reconciliation  between the
       basic and diluted  weighted-average number of common shares for the first
       quarters of 1998 and 1997, is summarized as follows (in thousands):

                                                                      Quarter Ended            Quarter Ended
                                                                         March 27,               March 28,
                                                                           1998                    1997
                                                                      -------------            -------------
       Basic weighted-average number of common shares
          outstanding during the period                                    9,079                     9,067
       Weighted-average number of common stock options
          outstanding during the period                                      381                       373
                                                                      -------------            -------------
       Diluted weighted-average number of common shares
          outstanding during the period                                   9,460                     9,440
                                                                      =============            =============


                                 (In thousands)

       2.  INVENTORIES

       Inventories consist of the following:

                                           March 27,              December 31,
                                             1998                    1997
                                          -----------             ----------
       Raw materials and supplies         $    16,185             $   13,674
       Work-in-process                          8,703                 10,040
       Finished goods                           3,466                  3,171
                                          -----------             ----------

                                          $    28,354             $   26,885
                                          ===========             ==========


       The Company adopted Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards No. 130
       (SFAS 130), "Reporting Comprehensive Income",  effective January 1, 1998.
       SFAS 130 establishes standards for reporting and displaying comprehensive
       earnings and its  components in financial  statements.  The components of
       the Company's comprehensive earnings are as follows:

                                                                            Quarter Ended             Quarter Ended
                                                                              March 27,                 March 28,
                                                                                1998                      1997
                                                                             ----------                ----------

           Net earnings                                                      $   1,589                 $    1,411
           Unrealized gain (loss) on marketable securities, net of
               income taxes and reclassification adjustments                       178                       (291)
           Foreign currency translation adjustments, net of
              income taxes                                                          55                        167
                                                                             ---------                 ----------
           Comprehensive earnings                                            $   1,822                 $    1,287
                                                                             =========                 ==========


       On April 22, 1998,  the Company  entered  into an  Agreement  and Plan of
       Merger (the "Merger  Agreement") with  AccelGraphics,  Inc. (AGI) whereby
       the Company  will acquire  100% of AGI's  issued and  outstanding  common
       stock for cash and shares of the Company's common stock for approximately
       $52  million  (the  "Merger").  The Merger will be  accounted  for by the
       Company  using the  purchase  method of  accounting  in  accordance  with
       generally  accepted  accounting   principles.   The  purchase  price  was
       determined through  arms-length  negotiations based upon the market value
       of AGI's  common  stock.  The merger is expected to be  completed in June
       1998.  Completion  of the merger is  subject  to a number of  conditions,
       including  certain  regulatory  approvals  and  approval by a majority of
       AGI's shareholders.

       There can be no assurance  that the AGI  acquisition  will be consummated
       nor can there be any  assurance  that the Company will be  successful  in
       integrating the two separate companies,  retaining AGI employees, or that
       the  Merger  will  not be  viewed  as  disadvantageous  to  existing  AGI
       customers and/or existing E&S distributors  that may consider  themselves
       as  competitors  of the  combined  entity and thus  adversely  affect the
       Company's future operating results.



The  following  discussion  should  be read in  conjunction  with the  condensed
consolidated financial statements and notes included in Item 1 of Part I of this
form. All data in the tables are in thousands except for percentages. Except for
the historical  information  contained herein, this report on Form 10-Q contains
forward-looking  statements that involve risks and uncertainties.  The Company's
actual   results   may  differ   materially   from  those   indicated   by  such
forward-looking statements.


Evans & Sutherland  Computer  Corporation  (E&S(R) or the Company)  develops and
manufactures  hardware and software  for visual  systems that produce  vivid and
highly realistic  three-dimensional  (3-D) graphics and synthetic  environments.
The Company's product offerings include a full range of high-performance  visual
systems for simulation,  training, and virtual reality applications,  as well as
graphic accelerator products for personal computer workstations.

E&S is organized  into six  business  units.  Each  business  unit  develops and
markets its products to a worldwide  customer base.  These business units can be
grouped into two areas: core businesses and new businesses.  The core businesses
are the simulation-related units in which E&S has an established market presence
with significant  market share and which represent the majority of the Company's
revenues and earnings.  The new  businesses are in high growth markets where E&S
has superior technology which can be directed to new applications.

Core businesses:

         Government Simulation

         Government  Simulation  provides  visual systems for flight and ground
         training and related services to U.S. and international  armed forces,
         NASA,  and  aerospace  companies.  E&S remains an industry  leader for
         visual systems sales to various U.S. government agencies and more than
         20 foreign  governments  for the primary  purpose of training  vehicle

         E&S  anticipates  continued  growth in this  marketplace  as simulation
         training  increases  in  value  as an  alternative  to  other  training
         methods,  and as simulation training technology and  cost-effectiveness
         improve.  Future  customer  demands  will include  lower-cost  PC-based
         systems,  more open systems with  interoperable  databases,  and custom
         display  systems,  all of which E&S believes it is well  positioned  to

         Commercial Simulation

         Commercial  Simulation  is a  leading  independent  supplier  of visual
         systems for flight simulators for commercial airlines.

         The business unit's hardware platform,  consisting of an ESIG(R) 3350GT
         image generator and ESCP 2000 raster/calligraphic  projectors, provides
         high image  quality,  reliability,  and ease-of use.  E&S's  Commercial
         Simulation  systems  have been  approved by major  aviation  regulatory
         agencies.  In the  future,  the Company  believes  it will  enhance its
         industry  position  by  using  E&S  Harmony(TM)  image  generators  and
         advanced display products, and by expanding its product base to include
         other flight simulator products.

New businesses:

         Board Products

         Board Products  (formerly Display Systems)  supplies  high-performance,
         high-margin board-level products for simulation,  avionics, and vehicle
         displays. Board Products is transitioning from a project-oriented model
         to being a product-based business, with desktop simulation solutions as
         its principal target.


         The  Board  Product's  Rhythm(TM)  board,  a member  of the  Company's
         Symphony(TM)  line of products,  combines the Company's  REALimage(TM)
         graphics  technology with an onboard processor to create a compact and
         cost-effective, low-end simulation solution. Board Products intends to
         develop  full-capability  board level image  generators  and  advanced
         display  products,  and to  participate  more fully in the  in-vehicle
         training marketplace.

         Desktop Graphics

         Desktop Graphics provides REALimage graphics accelerator technology for
         workstation  manufacturers  and  NT-based  personal  computers.   Since
         inaugural  shipments  in June  1997,  REALimage  graphics  acceleration
         technology has been selected by 12  manufacturers  of Windows  NT-based
         computers.  In March 1998,  volume  production of the  third-generation
         REALimage chip design began, thereby keeping pace with introductions of
         new,  more  powerful  processors  from  Intel.  The  Company  plans two
         technology upgrades this year.

         Real  Image  Technology(TM)  supports  the full  range of  professional
         OpenGL  graphics   applications,   including,   among  others,   design
         engineering,   simulation,  digital  content  creation,  visualization,
         animation, and entertainment.

         Digital Studio

         Digital  Studio  provides  virtual  studio  products  and  services for
         digital content  production in the television,  film, video,  corporate
         training,  and multimedia  industries at a lower cost than  traditional
         proprietary   technology.   MindSet(TM)   Virtual   Studio  System  and
         FuseBox(TM)  control  software enable the use of virtual sets with live
         talent  for  video.   The  MindSet  system  is  in  use  at  broadcast,
         production, postproduction, and educational institutions worldwide.

         As the first  Windows  NT-based  virtual  set  system,  MindSet  earned
         immediate  distinction at the 1997 National Association of Broadcasters
         annual  conference  by being cited as one of the ten best "Prime  Time"
         digital  products on exhibit.  It also  received an  "Editors'  Choice"
         Award from AV Video Multimedia Magazine, and a "1997 Product Innovation
         Award" from Computer Graphics World Magazine.

         Digital Theater

         Digital Theater focuses on hardware,  software, and content development
         for  digital  theater  venues,  and is a leading  supplier  of  digital
         planetarium  projection  systems  (Digistar(R)  II). Digital Theater is
         dedicated to the emerging,  large format digital  theater  marketplace.
         Efforts are focused on hardware, software, and content development.

         Digital Theater's highest  performance  system,  StarRider(TM)  Digital
         Theater,  is designed  to display  full-color,  computer-generated  3-D
         images,  in either  playback or real-time  mode,  onto a domed surface.
         StarRider was recently selected by two prestigious planetariums and are
         scheduled for completion in 1998 and 1999.



The following table summarizes  changes in results of operations for the periods
indicated  and presents the  percentage  of increase  (decrease) by listed items
compared to the indicated prior period:

                                                   Increase (decrease) between
                                                      First Quarter 1998 and
                                                        First Quarter 1997

Net sales                                                   $ 8,779       26.1%
Cost of sales                                                 6,782       36.6%
          Gross profit                                        1,997       13.2%

     Marketing, general & administrative                        797       10.2%
     Research & development                                     831       14.2%

          Total expenses                                      1,628       11.9%

          Operating earnings                                    369       25.7%

Other income, net                                               (31)      (5.4%)

          Earnings before income taxes                          338       16.8%

Income taxes                                                    160       26.5%

          Net earnings                                      $   178       12.6%

- -----
Sales for the first quarter of 1998 increased 26.1% to $42.4 million compared to
$33.6 million for the first quarter of 1997. The increased sales in 1998 for the
first quarter over the  corresponding  period in 1997 were  primarily due to the
record  backlog going into 1998.  This  increase  reflects  improvements  in the
Company's Commercial Simulation and Desktop Graphics business units.  Commercial
Simulation's  revenues  increased  significantly in the first quarter of 1998 as
compared  to the first  quarter of 1997 in addition to  increased  market  share
through  significant  orders.  Domestic  sales  for the  first  quarter  of 1998
increased  87% to $28.4  million  as  compared  to $15.2  million  for the first
quarter of 1997.  Foreign sales for the first  quarter of 1998  decreased 24% to
$14.0 million compared to $18.4 million for the first quarter of 1997.

Cost of Sales
- -------------
Cost of sales, as a percentage of sales, was 59.6% for the first quarter of 1998
compared to 55.0% for the first quarter 1997. The increase in cost of sales,  as
a percentage  of sales,  for the first  quarter is primarily due to product mix,
timing  of  shipments  and  completed  contracts,  and lower  margin  government
simulation contracts in which the Company served as the prime contractor.  These
higher costs were  partially  offset by lower cost of sales as a  percentage  of
sales  on  its  Commercial  Simulation  and  Desktop  Graphics  business  units.
Royalties and  commissions  generated by Desktop  Graphics have  relatively  low
associated  costs.  The Company's  Board Products  business unit also had higher
cost of sales as a percentage  of sales in the first quarter of 1998 as compared
to the first quarter of 1997  reflecting the effects of certain design  changes,
among other factors.

- --------
Total  expenses for the first quarter of 1998  increased  11.9% to $15.3 million
compared to $13.7  million for the first  quarter of 1997,  but  decreased  as a
percentage of sales to 36.1% from 40.7% for the respective periods.


Marketing,  General, and Administrative:  Marketing, general, and administrative
expense for the first quarter of 1998 increased  10.2% to $8.6 million  compared
to $7.8 million for the first quarter of 1997,  but decreased as a percentage of
sales to 20.4% from 23.3% for the respective periods. The increase in marketing,
general, and administrative expense during the first quarter is primarily due to
increased  labor  costs  related to  increased  headcount,  wages and  incentive
bonuses  due to higher  profitability,  consulting  and  professional  services,
travel costs and administrative costs related to the growth in operations.

Research and Development: Research and development expense for the first quarter
of 1998 increased  14.2% to $6.7 million  compared to $5.8 million for the first
quarter of 1997,  but decreased as a percentage of sales to 15.7% from 17.4% for
the respective periods.  The increase in research and development expense during
the first quarter is primarily due to increased  headcount and activity  related
to the development of the Company's Symphony line of products.

Other Income, Net
- -----------------
Other  income  for the first  quarter  of 1998  decreased  5.4% to $0.5  million
compared to $0.6  million for the first  quarter of 1997.  The decrease in other
income for the first quarter is primarily  due to a decrease in interest  income
due to lower average cash and marketable securities balances.

Income Taxes
- ------------
The Company's combined federal,  state and foreign effective income tax rate was
32.5% for the first  quarter of 1998.  The tax rate for the same  period in 1997
was 30.0%. These rates are calculated based on an estimated annual effective tax
rate applied to income before income taxes.


Working capital at March 27, 1998 was $126.0 million  compared to $129.0 million
at December 31, 1997.  This  includes  cash,  cash  equivalents  and  marketable
securities of $43.0 million and $57.1 million at March 27, 1998 and December 31,
1997, respectively.  The Company's operations used $6.3 million during the first
quarter of 1998,  compared to $4.0 million of cash provided by operations during
the first quarter of 1997. Cash was primarily provided from proceeds of sales of
marketable  securities  and proceeds  from  employee  stock  purchase and option
plans.  Cash  was  principally  used to  repurchase  and  retire  shares  of the
Company's  common stock,  the purchase of capital  equipment,  and repayments of
borrowings under the Company's lines of credit.

At March 27, 1998,  the Company had  unsecured  credit  facilities  with foreign
banks with total availability of approximately $11 million, for which there were
no borrowings outstanding, and a $5 million unsecured line for letters of credit
with a U.S. bank.

Management  believes  that  existing cash and  marketable  securities  balances,
borrowings  available  under  its  credit  facilities  and cash  generated  from
operations  will be  sufficient  to meet  the  Company's  anticipated  operating
requirements  for the next twelve  months.  The  Company's  cash and  marketable
securities are available for strategic  investments,  mergers and  acquisitions,
other  potential cash needs as they may arise,  and to fund the  continuation of
its stock repurchase plan - see "Subsequent Events".

On February 18, 1998, the Company's Board of Directors authorized the repurchase
of up to 600,000  shares of the Company's  common  stock,  including the 327,000
shares still available from the repurchase  authorization  approved by the board
on  November  11,  1996.  Subsequent  to  February  18,  1998,  the  Company has
repurchased  189,000 shares of its common stock;  thus, 411,000 shares currently
remain  available  for  repurchase.  Stock may be acquired in the open market or
through negotiated transactions. Under the program, repurchases may be made from
time to time,  depending on market  conditions,  share price, and other factors.
These  repurchases  are to be used  primarily  to  meet  current  and  near-term
requirements for the Company's stock-based benefit plans.

The Company has not paid  dividends  on its common  Stock in the past and has no
present intention to do so in the future.



On April 22, 1998, the Company entered into an Agreement and Plan of Merger (the
"Merger  Agreement")  with  AccelGraphics,  Inc.  (AGI) whereby the Company will
acquire 100% of AGI's issued and outstanding common stock for cash and shares of
the Company's  common stock for  approximately  $52 million (the "Merger").  The
Merger  will be  accounted  for by the  Company  using  the  purchase  method of
accounting in accordance  with generally  accepted  accounting  principles.  The
purchase price was determined  through  arms-length  negotiations based upon the
market  value of AGI's common  stock.  The Merger is expected to be completed in
June  1998.  Completion  of the  Merger is  subject  to a number of  conditions,
including  certain  regulatory  approvals  and  approval  by a majority of AGI's

AGI is a provider of high-performance,  cost-effective,  three-dimensional (3-D)
graphics  subsystem  products  for the  professional  Windows NT and  Windows 95
markets.  AGI sells its products through original equipment  manufacturers and a
worldwide  network of value added resellers and  distributors.  AGI incorporates
the  Company's  REALimage  graphics  technology  into  certain  of its  graphics
subsystem products.

Under the terms of the Merger Agreement,  in aggregate,  48% of the total merger
consideration  will be paid in the form of cash and,  in  aggregate,  52% of the
total merger  consideration  will be paid in the form of shares of the Company's
common stock. In addition,  all outstanding options to purchase AGI common stock
under the stock option  plans of AGI (other than options  which have an exercise
price in excess of $6.00 per share which shall be cancelled  upon the closing of
the Merger  Agreement)  shall be assumed by the Company and deemed to constitute
an option to acquire the Company's common stock on the same terms and conditions
as the holder of such option would have been entitled to receive pursuant to the
Merger had such holder  exercised such option in full  immediately  prior to the
effective date.

There can be no assurance that the AGI  acquisition  will be consummated nor can
there be any assurance  that the Company will be successful in  integrating  the
two separate companies,  retaining AGI employees, or that the Merger will not be
viewed  as  disadvantageous  to  existing  AGI  customers  and/or  existing  E&S
distributors that may consider  themselves as competitors of the combined entity
and thus adversely affect the Company's future operating results.


This  quarterly   report  on  Form  10-Q  may  be  deemed  to  contain   certain
forward-looking  statements.  Any  forward-looking  statements involve risks and
uncertainties,  including  but not  limited  to risk of product  demand,  market
acceptance, economic conditions,  competitive products and pricing, difficulties
in  product  development,  commercialization  and  technology,  and other  risks
detailed  in this  filing.  Although  the  Company  believes  it has the product
offerings and resources for continuing success, future revenue and margin trends
cannot be  reliably  predicted.  Factors  external  to the Company can result in
volatility  of the  Company's  common  stock  price.  Because  of the  foregoing
factors,  recent trends are not necessarily  reliable indicators of future stock
prices or financial performance.


Digistar,  E&S, ESIG, FuseBox,  Harmony,  MindSet,  REALImage  Technology,  Real
Image, Rhythm, StarRider and Symphony are trademarks or registered trademarks of
Evans & Sutherland Computer  Corporation.  All other product,  service, or trade
names or marks are the properties of their respective owners.


                           PART II - OTHER INFORMATION


         (a)   Exhibits

         Regulation S-K
         Exhibit No.                Description

           2.1                      Agreement  and Plan of Merger,  dated  April
                                    22,  1998,  among the  Company,  E&S  Merger
                                    Corp.,  and  AccelGraphics,  Inc.,  filed as
                                    Annex  I  to  the   Company's   Registration
                                    Statement   on  Form   S-4,   SEC  File  No.
                                    333-51041,  and incorporated  herein by this

          11                        Earnings Per Share Calculation

          27                        Financial Data Schedule  (filed as part of 
                                    electronic filing only)

          99.1                      Voting  Agreement,  dated  April  22,  1998,
                                    between the Company and certain stockholders
                                    of  AccelGraphics,  Inc., filed as Annex III
                                    to the Company's  Registration  Statement on
                                    Form  S-4,  SEC  File  No.  333-51041,   and
                                    incorporated herein by this reference.

         (b) There were no reports on Form 8-K filed for the three-month  period
ended March 27, 1998.


Pursuant to the  requirements  of the  Securities  and Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                         EVANS & SUTHERLAND COMPUTER CORPORATION

Date       May 11, 1998                          /S/  John T.Lemley
           ------------                          --------------------------
                                                 John T. Lemley, Vice President
                                                 and Chief Financial Officer
                                                 (Principal Financial Officer)
