Neither this Option nor the Common Stock to be issued upon exercise hereof,  has
been  registered  under the Securities  Act of 1933, as amended (the "Act"),  or
qualified under any state securities law (the "Law"),  and this Option has been,
and the Common  Stock to be issued upon  exercise  hereof will be,  acquired for
investment  and not  with a view to,  or for  resale  in  connection  with,  any
distribution  thereof.  No such sale or other disposition may be made without an
effective  registration  statement under the Act and qualification under the law
related  thereto or an opinion of  counsel  reasonably  satisfactory  to Evans &
Sutherland  Computer  Corporation and its counsel,  that said  registration  and
qualifications are not required under the Act and Law, respectively.


                             STOCK OPTION AGREEMENT

         This stock option (the  "Option" or the  "Agreement")  is being granted
pursuant to certain  resolutions of the Board of Directors of Evans & Sutherland
Computer Corporation, dated October 13, 1998.



         William C. Gibbs

         You have been  granted an Option to purchase  shares of Common Stock of
Evans & Sutherland  Computer  Corporation (the "Company").  This Option shall be
subject to the following terms and conditions:

         Date of Grant:                              October 25, 1998

         Exercise Price Per Share:                   $ 13.25

         Number of Shares:                           75,000

         Type of Option:                             Nonqualified Stock Option

         Expiration Date:                            October 25, 2008, unless 
                                                     sooner terminated as set 
                                                     forth in paragraph 7 

         Exercise Price:

         The  exercise  price  of this  Option  is $ 13.25  per  share as may be
adjusted from time as provided below ("Exercise Price").

         Vesting Schedule:

                  This Option may be exercised,  in whole or in part, subject to
the terms of this Agreement,  in accordance with the following vesting schedule:
(i) 1/3 of the  Options  at any time  after  the Date of Grant  and prior to the
Expiration  Date;  (ii) 1/3 of the  Options at any time on or after  October 25,
1999 and prior to the Expiration  Date; and (iii) 1/3 of the Options at any time
on or after October 25, 2000 and prior to the Expiration Date.


1.  Grant Of  Option.  The  Company  hereby  grants to  William  C.  Gibbs  (the
"Optionee"),  an option (the  "Option")  to  purchase  the number of shares (the
"Shares")  as set  forth  in the  Notice  of  Grant  attached  as Part I of this
Agreement  at the  Exercise  Price per  share set forth in the  Notice of Grant,
subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein.

2.       Exercise Of Option.

(a)  Right to Exercise.  This Option is exercisable during its term as set forth
     in the  Notice  of  Grant  and the  applicable  provisions  of this  Option
     Agreement.   In  the  event  of  Optionee's  death,   disability  or  other
     termination of Optionee's  employment,  the exercisability of the Option is
     governed by the applicable provisions of this Option Agreement.

(b)  Method of Exercise.  This Option is  exercisable by delivery of an exercise
     notice,  in the form attached as Exhibit A (the "Exercise  Notice"),  which
     shall state the  election to exercise  the Option,  the number of Shares in
     respect of which the Option is being  exercised (the  "Exercised  Shares"),
     and such other  representations  and  agreements  as may be required by the
     Company.  The Exercise  Notice shall be signed by the Optionee and shall be
     delivered in person or by certified  mail to the  Secretary of the Company.
     The  Exercise  Notice  shall be  accompanied  by payment  of the  aggregate
     Exercise Price as to all Exercised  Shares.  This Option shall be deemed to
     be exercised  upon receipt by the Company of such fully  executed  Exercise
     Notice accompanied by such aggregate Exercise Price.

3. Method Of Payment. Payment of the aggregate Exercise Price shall be by any of
the following, or a combination thereof, at the election of the Optionee:

     (a)               Cash;

     (b)               Check;

     (c)  In lieu of  exercising  this Option by delivery of cash or check,  the
          Optionee  may make a valid  Option  exercise  by  electing  to receive
          shares equal to the value of this Option (or the portion thereof being
          canceled) by surrendering  this Option at the principal  office of the
          Company together with the Exercise Notice (a "Net Exercise"), in which
          event the Company  shall  transfer to the  Optionee a number of Shares
          computed using the following formula:

                   X      =     Y (A-B)

Where              X      =     the number of Option Shares to be issued to such

                   Y            = the  number of Option  Shares  purchasable  by
                                such Optionee under this Option  Agreement,  the
                                rights to which are surrendered  pursuant to the
                                Net Exercise.

                   A            = the Fair Market Value of one Option Share, (as
                                determined by the Closing price of the Company's
                                Common  Stock  on the  trading  day  immediately
                                preceding the date the Option is  exercised,  as
                                reported by The Nasdaq  National Market or other
                                exchange  upon  which  the  Company's  stock  is

                   B            = the  Exercise  Price  (as  adjusted  to the  
                                date of such calculation).

         4.       Registration Under The Securities Act.

                  (a) Demand  Rights.  Provided  that the Company is eligible to
         file a  registration  statement on Form S-3 or Form S-8 (in  connection
         with this Option),  if at any time after  December 31, 1998 the Company
         shall  receive  from the  Optionee a written  request  that the Company
         effect a  registration  on Form S-3 or Form S-8 to  permit  the sale or
         disposition  of the  Shares,  the  Company  shall  file a  registration
         statement on Form S-3 or Form S-8, as the case may be, as expeditiously
         as possible  covering the Shares.  However,  the Optionee is limited to
         only one (1) demand upon the Company to effect a  registration  on Form
         S-3 or Form S-8 to permit the sale or  disposition  of the Shares  (the
         "Demand  Right"),  so long as the Form S-3 or Form S-8  first  demanded
         remains effective. If such registration statement lapses or Optionee is
         unable to sell all shares  covered  hereby,  this Demand Right shall be
         reinstated  so long as  Optionee  owns  any  Shares.  Once  filed,  the
         registration  statement  covering the Shares  shall remain  current and
         effective  until  expiration or exercise and sale of all shares subject
         to options herein.

                  (b) Duties of Company.  In connection with the preparation and
         filing of a registration  statement,  the Company agrees to (i) use its
         best efforts to cause such registration  statement to become and remain
         effective;  (ii)  furnish to the  Optionee  such  number of copies of a
         prospectus,  including a preliminary prospectus, in conformity with the
         requirements  of the  Securities  Act,  and  such  other  documents  as
         Optionee may reasonably  request in order to facilitate the disposition
         of the Shares;  and (iii) use its best  efforts to register and qualify
         the shares in such jurisdictions as shall be identified by the Optionee
         for the  distribution  of the  securities  covered by the  registration

                  (c)  Indemnification  by Optionee.  To the extent permitted by
         law,  Optionee will  indemnify  and hold harmless the Company,  and its
         directors, officers, employees, agents and representatives,  as well as
         its  controlling  persons  (within the meaning of the  Securities  Act)
         against  any  losses,  claims,  damages,   liabilities,   or  expenses,
         including without limitation, attorneys' fees and disbursements,  which
         arise  out of or are  based  upon  any  violation  by  Optionee  of the
         Securities  Act,  or any  rule  or  regulation  promulgated  thereunder

         applicable  to  Optionee  or arise out of or are based  upon any untrue
         statement of any material fact contained in the registration statement,
         or arise out of or are based upon the  omission or alleged  omission to
         state  therein  a  material  fact  required  to be  stated  therein  or
         necessary to make the statements  therein not  misleading,  but only to
         the extent that such untrue  statement or alleged  untrue  statement or
         omission,  or alleged omission was made in such registration  statement
         in  reliance  upon and in  conformity  with  information  furnished  by
         Optionee  in  writing   expressly  for  use  in  connection  with  such
         registration statement.

                  (d)  Indemnification  by Company.  To the extent  permitted by
         law, the Company will indemnify and hold harmless  Optionee against any
         losses, claims, damages,  liabilities,  or expenses,  including without
         limitation  attorneys'  fees and  disbursements,  to which Optionee may
         become subject under the Securities Act to the extent that such losses,
         claims,  damages  or  liabilities  arise out of or are  based  upon any
         violation  by the  Company  of the  Securities  Act,  or  any  rule  or
         regulation  promulgated  thereunder applicable to the Company, or arise
         out of or are based upon any untrue or alleged untrue  statement of any
         material fact contained in the registration  statement, or arise out of
         or are based upon the omission or alleged  omission to state  therein a
         material  fact  required to be stated  therein or necessary to make the
         statements therein not misleading, or arise out of any violation by the
         Company of any rule or regulation  promulgated under the Securities Act
         applicable  to the  Company  and  relating to action or inaction of the
         Company  in  connection  with such  registration  statement;  provided,
         however, that the indemnity agreement contained in this paragraph shall
         not apply to any loss,  damage or  liability  to the  extent  that same
         arises out of or is based upon an untrue  statement or omission made in
         connection  with such  registration  statement in reliance  upon and in
         conformity with information  furnished in writing  expressly for use in
         connection with such registration by Optionee.

                  (e)  Undertaking  by Optionee.  Optionee  undertakes to comply
         with all applicable  laws governing the  distribution  of securities in
         connection  with  Optionee's  sale of the  Shares,  and to  notify  the
         Company of any changes in Optionee's  plan of  distribution so that the
         Company can sticker or amend the registration  statement as the Company
         deems appropriate in its sole discretion.

         5.  Assignability Of Option.  This Option may be assigned by the holder
upon the giving of written notice to the Company of (i) the name of the assignee
("Assignee") and (ii) the number of Options assigned to any Assignee.

         Upon any assignment of the Option or portion thereof,  the Registration
Rights  granted  pursuant  to  Section 4 of this  Option  Agreement  can only be
exercised  upon the unanimous  written  consent of all holders of the Options at
the time the Demand Right is exercised. The terms of this Option Agreement shall
be binding upon the executors, administrators,  heirs, successors and assigns of
the Optionee.

         6. Term Of Option.  This Option must be exercised within ten (10) years
from the date hereof,  and may be exercised  during such term only in accordance
with the terms of this Option Agreement.

         7.  Termination  Of  Option.  The  Option  shall  terminate  under  the
following circumstances:

                  (a) The Option shall terminate on the Expiration Date;

                  (b) If the Optionee dies before the Option terminates pursuant
         to paragraph 7(a),  above, the Option shall terminate on the earlier of
         (i) the date on which the  Option  would have  lapsed had the  Optionee
         lived; or (ii) 15 months after the date of the Optionee's  death.  Upon
         the Optionee's  death, any exercisable  Options may be exercised by the
         Optionee's legal  representative or  representatives,  by the person or
         persons entitled to do so under the Optionee's last will and testament,
         or, if the Optionee shall fail to make testamentary  disposition of the
         Option or shall die  intestate,  by the person or persons  entitled  to
         receive  said  Option  under  the   applicable   laws  of  descent  and

         8.   Acceleration  of  Vesting  of  Option.   This  Option  shall  vest
immediately in full upon a Change of Control (as herein defined) of the Company.
A "Change of Control" shall mean a change in ownership or managerial  control of
the stock,  assets or business of the Company  resulting from one or more of the
following circumstances:

                      (a) A change of control of the  Company,  of a nature that
         would be  required  to be reported in response to Item 6(e) of Schedule
         14A of  Regulation  14A  promulgated  under the Act,  or any  successor
         regulation  of similar  import,  regardless  of whether  the Company is
         subject to such reporting requirement;

               (b) A change in ownership of the Company through a transaction or
          series of transactions,  such that any individual,  partnership, joint
          venture,  association,  trust, corporation or other entity, other than
          an  employee  benefit  plan of the  Company  or an  entity  organized,
          appointed  or  established  pursuant to the terms of any such  benefit
          plan (other  than any current  officer of the Company or member of the
          Company's Board of Directors) is (are) or become(s), in the aggregate,
          the  Beneficial  Owner (as defined in Rule 13d-3 of the General  Rules
          and  Regulations of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 , directly or
          indirectly,  of securities of the Company  representing twenty percent
          (20%) or more of the Company's then outstanding securities;

                (c) Any  consolidation  or  merger of the  Company  in which the
         Company is not the  continuing or surviving  corporation or pursuant to
         which shares of the common stock of the Company would be converted into
         cash (other than cash attributable to dissenters'  rights),  securities
         or  other  property  provided  by  an  individual,  partnership,  joint
         venture, association, trust, corporation or other entity, other than an
         employee benefit plan of the Company or an entity organized,  appointed
         or  established  pursuant to the terms of any such  benefit  plan other
         than the Company,  other than a consolidation  or merger of the Company
         in which the  holders of the common  stock of the  Company  immediately
         prior  to the  consolidation  or  merger  have  approximately  the same
         proportionate  ownership of common stock of the  surviving  corporation
         immediately after the consolidation or merger;

               (d) The  shareholders  of the Company  approve a sale,  transfer,
          liquidation or other  disposition of all or  substantially  all of the
          assets of the Company to an  individual,  partnership,  joint venture,
          association,  trust,  corporation  or  other  entity,  other  than  an
          employee benefit plan of the Company or an entity organized, appointed
          or established pursuant to the terms of any such benefit plan;

               (e) During any period of two (2) consecutive  years,  individuals
          who,  at the  beginning  of such  period,  constituted  the  Board  of
          Directors of the Company cease, for any reason, to constitute at least
          a majority thereof,  unless the election or nomination for election of
          each new  director  was  approved  by the vote of at least  two-thirds
          (2/3) of the directors  then still in office who were directors at the
          beginning of the period;

               (f) The filing of a  proceeding  under  Chapter 7 of the  Federal
          Bankruptcy  Code (or any successor or other statute of similar import)
          for liquidation with respect to the Company;

               (g) The filing of a  proceeding  under  Chapter 11 of the Federal
          Bankruptcy  Code (or any successor or other statute of similar import)
          for  reorganization  with respect to the Company if in connection with
          any  such  proceeding,  this  Agreement  is  rejected,  or a  plan  of
          reorganization  is  approved  an  element of which  plan  entails  the
          liquidation of all or substantially all the assets of the Company.

         A "Change of  Control"  shall be deemed to occur on the actual  date on
         which  any  of  the  foregoing  circumstances  shall  occur;  provided,
         however,  that in  connection  with a "Change of Control"  specified in
         Section  8(g),  a "Change of  Control"  shall be deemed to occur on the
         date of the filing of the relevant  proceeding  under Chapter 11 of the
         Federal  Bankruptcy  Code (or any successor or other statute of similar

         9.       Dilution Protection.

                  (a) In the event the  Company  shall (i) declare a dividend on
         its Common  Stock in shares of Common Stock or make a  distribution  in
         shares of Common  Stock,  (ii)  declare a stock split or reverse  stock
         split of its  outstanding  shares of Common  Stock,  (iii)  combine its
         outstanding  shares of Common Stock into a smaller  number of shares of
         Common Stock or (iv) issue by  reclassification of its shares of Common
         Stock  other  securities   (including  any  such   reclassification  in
         connection with a  consolidation  or merger in which the Company or any
         of its subsidiaries is the continuing corporation),  then the number of
         shares  of  Common  Stock  of  the  Company,  deliverable  to  Optionee
         hereunder and the exercise  price related  thereto shall be adjusted so
         that  Optionee  shall be  entitled  to  receive  the kind and number of
         shares of Common Stock of the Company  which the Optionee has the right
         to receive,  upon the happening of any of the events  described  above,
         with  respect to the shares of the Company  stock which were  otherwise
         deliverable  pursuant  hereto.  An  adjustment  made  pursuant  to this
         paragraph shall become effective  immediately  after the effective date
         of such event;

                  (b)  Whenever  the number of Shares or the  exercise  price of
         this Option is adjusted  pursuant to this paragraph,  the Company shall
         promptly mail by first class mail, postage prepaid, to Optionee, notice
         of such adjustment or adjustments.

         10.  Availability  Of Company  Stock.  The  Company  hereby  agrees and
covenants  that at all times during the term of this Option it shall reserve for
issuance a sufficient number of shares of Common Stock as would be required upon
full exercise of the rights represented by this Agreement.

         11. Tax Consequences.  Some of the federal tax consequences relating to
this Option, as of the date of this Option, are set forth below. THIS SUMMARY IS

                  (a)  Exercising  the Option.  The Optionee  may incur  regular
         federal income tax liability upon exercise of the Option.  The Optionee
         may be treated  as having  received  compensation  income  (taxable  at
         ordinary  income tax rates)  equal to the  excess,  if any, of the Fair
         Market Value of the Exercised Shares on the date of exercise over their
         aggregate  Exercise Price. If the Optionee is an Employee,  the Company
         will be required to withhold from  Optionee's  compensation  or collect
         from Optionee and pay to the  applicable  taxing  authorities an amount
         equal  to a  percentage  of this  compensation  income  at the  time of

                  (b)  Disposition  of Shares.  If the Optionee holds the Shares
         for at least one year,  any gain realized on  disposition of the Shares
         will be  treated  as  long-term  capital  gain for  federal  income tax

         12.      Governing Law.  This Agreement is governed by the laws of the
State Utah.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement is executed effective as of the date
first set forth above.

                                     EVANS & SUTHERLAND COMPUTER CORPORATION




                                    EXHIBIT A


                                 EXERCISE NOTICE

Evans & Sutherland Computer Corporation
c/o __________________________
600 Komas Drive
Salt Lake City, Utah   84108

1.  EXERCISE  OF  OPTION.  Effective  as of today,  ________________,  ___,  the
undersigned  ("Purchaser") hereby elects to purchase  ______________ shares (the
"Shares")  of the  non-voting  Common  Stock  of  Evans  &  Sutherland  Computer
Corporation  (the  "Company")  under and pursuant to the Stock Option  Agreement
dated _____________ (the "Option Agreement").  The purchase price for the Shares
shall be as set forth in the Option Agreement, as adjusted.

2.  DELIVERY OF  PAYMENT.  Purchaser  herewith  delivers to the Company the full
purchase  price  for  the  Shares  either  |_| in cash  or  check  or |_| by Net

3.  REPRESENTATIONS  OF PURCHASER.  Purchaser  acknowledges  that  Purchaser has
received, read and understood the Option Agreement and agrees to abide by and be
bound by its terms and conditions.

4. RIGHTS AS  SHAREHOLDER.  Until the issuance (as evidenced by the  appropriate
entry on the books of the Company or of a duly authorized  transfer agent of the
Company) of the stock  certificate  evidencing  the Shares,  no right to vote or
receive  dividends or any other rights as a shareholder shall exist with respect
to the Shares,  notwithstanding  the exercise of the Option. A stock certificate
for the number of Shares so acquired shall be issued to the Purchaser as soon as
practicable after exercise of the Option.

5. TAX CONSULTATION. Purchaser understands that Purchaser may suffer adverse tax
consequences  as a result of Purchaser's  purchase or disposition of the Shares.
Purchaser  represents  that  Purchaser  has consulted  with any tax  consultants
Purchaser  deems advisable in connection with the purchase or disposition of the
Shares and that Purchaser is not relying on the Company for any tax advice.

6. ENTIRE AGREEMENT.  The Option Agreement is incorporated  herein by reference.
This Exercise Notice and the Option Agreement constitute the entire agreement of
the  parties  and  supersede  in  their  entirety  all  prior  undertakings  and
agreements of the Company and the Purchaser  with respect to the subject  matter

Submitted by:                           Accepted by:


                                       By: _______________________________
Signature                              Its:  _______________________________

Print Name


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