
Commission                                               IRS Employer
      File                                State of      Identification
     Number            Registrant      Incorporation        Number

1-7810         Energen Corporation   Alabama           63-0757759
2-38960        Alabama Gas Corporation                 Alabama   63-0022000

                    2101 Sixth Avenue North
                   Birmingham, Alabama 35203
                 Telephone Number 205/326-2700

Alabama Gas Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Energen Corporation, meets
the conditions set forth in General Instruction H(1)(a) and (b) of Form 10-Q and
is therefore filing this Form with reduced disclosure format pursuant to General
Instruction H(2).

Indicate by a check mark whether the registrants (1) have filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities and Exchange Act
of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the
registrants were required to file such reports), and (2) have been subject to
such filing requirements for the past 90 days. YES  X  NO ____

Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuers' classes of
common stock, as of May 5, 1996:

     Energen Corporation, $0.01 par value    10,995,990 shares
     Alabama Gas Corporation, $0.01 par value 1,972,052 shares

             FORM 10-Q FOR THE QUARTER ENDED MARCH 31, 1996
                            TABLE OF CONTENTS
                PART I: FINANCIAL INFORMATION (Unaudited)

Item 1.              Financial Statements
(a)Consolidated Statements of Income of Energen Corporation. . . . . 4

(b)Consolidated Balance Sheets of Energen Corporation. . . . . . . . 5
(c)Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows of Energen Corporation. . . 7
(d)Statements of Income of Alabama Gas Corporation . . . . . . . . . 8
(e)Balance Sheets of Alabama Gas Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
(f)Statements of Cash Flows of Alabama Gas Corporation . . . . . . .11
(g)Notes to Unaudited Financial Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Item 2.      Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition 
              and Results of Operations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15

              Selected Business Segment Data of Energen Corporation.18

                       PART II. OTHER INFORMATION
Item 4.       Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders. .19

Item 6.      Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K. . . . . . . . . . . .19

SIGNATURES                                                          20

                  (This page intentionally left blank.)



Energen Corporation and Subsidiaries

                       Three months ended    Six months ended
                             March 31,           March 31,
 (in thousands,
 except share data)        1996      1995       1996     1995

Operating Revenues
Natural gas distribution $162,143  $134,141   $235,328  $201,367
Oil and gas production 
   activities              8,979     6,311     14,775    12,242
Other                        562       583      1,098     1,177
  eliminations             (697)      (869)    (1,391)   (1,813)

Total operating
     revenues            170,987   140,166    249,810   212,973

Operating Expenses
Cost of gas               89,984    67,966    124,068    99,016
Operations                23,862    22,885     47,431    44,499
Maintenance                3,191     2,642      5,794     4,906
Depreciation, depletion,
    and amortization       9,169     7,188     16,979    14,150
Taxes, other than 
  income taxes            11,138     9,248     17,122    14,884

   Total operating 
    expenses             137,344   109,929    211,394   177,455

Operating Income          33,643    30,237     38,416    35,518

Other Income (Expense)
Interest expense, 
  net of
 amounts capitalized     (3,305)    (2,639)   (6,686)    (5,388)
Other, net                  163       570       1,706     1,423
   Total other income
   (expense)             (3,142)    (2,069)    (4,980)   (3,965)

Income Before 
   Income Taxes          30,501      28,168     33,436   31,553
Income taxes              7,071       6,454      7,728    7,103

Net Income             $ 23,430   $  21,714   $  25,708  $24,450

Earnings Per Average
 Common Share          $   2.13   $    1.99    $   2.34   $2.24

Dividends Per 
         Common Share   $  0.29   $    0.28    $   0.58    $0.56

Average Common Shares
 Outstanding             11,005      10,908      10,977   10,914

The accompanying Notes are an integral part of these statements.
Energen Corporation and Subsidiaries

                                                      March 31,September 30,
(in thousands)                                         1996        1995

Property, Plant and Equipment
Utility plant                                       $ 521,499   $ 504,371
Less accumulated depreciation                         256,883     247,926

           Utility plant, net                         264,616     256,445

Oil and gas properties, 
  successful efforts method                           148,598     117,339
Less accumulated depreciation
, depletion and amortization                           56,061      51,170

           Oil and gas properties, net                 92,537      66,169

Other property, net                                     4,183       4,650

           Total property, plant and equipment, net   361,336     327,264

Current Assets
Cash and cash equivalents                              14,461      36,695
Accounts receivable, net of 
 allowance for doubtful
         accounts of $2,300 at March 31, 1996
 and $2,037 at September 30, 1995                      67,659      30,813
Inventories, at average cost
         Storage gas                                    9,234      20,276
         Materials and supplies                         8,009       7,711
         Liquified natural gas in storage               1,392       3,539
Deferred gas costs                                     11,015       1,426
Regulatory asset                                        3,566       6,321
Deferred income taxes                                   7,351       9,667
Prepayments and other                                   6,640       2,583

           Total current assets                       129,327     119,031

Other Assets
Notes receivable                                        2,314       3,095
Deferred charges and other                             11,723       9,694

           Total other assets                          14,037      12,789

TOTAL ASSETS                                        $ 504,700   $ 459,084

The accompanying Notes are an integral part of these statements.

Energen Corporation and Subsidiaries

                                                    March 31,  September 30,
(in thousands, except share data)                     1996          1995

Preferred stock, cumulative $0.01 
par value, 5,000,000
         shares authorized                          $           $        

Common shareholders' equity
         Common stock, $0.01 par value; 30,000,000 
 shares authorized,
           11,033,919 shares outstanding at 
    March 31, 1996 and
           10,921,733 shares outstanding 
    at September 30, 1995                                 110         109
         Premium on capital stock                      83,903      81,243
         Capital surplus                                2,802       2,802
         Retained earnings                            109,353      90,020
         Treasury stock at cost, 
  52,006 shares at March 31, 1996                                        
           and 11,627 shares at September 30,1995     (1,174)       (250)

Total common shareholders' equity                     194,994     173,924
Long-term debt                                        130,652     131,600

           Total capitalization                       325,646     305,524

Current Liabilities
Long-term debt due within one year                      1,825       1,775
Notes payable to banks                                 34,000      32,300
Accounts payable                                       50,737      32,242
Accrued taxes                                          16,673      11,339
Customers' deposits                                    18,829      18,218
Amounts due customers                                  10,694      16,546
Accrued wages and benefits                             12,119      10,955
Other                                                  18,839      14,923

           Total current liabilities                  163,716     138,298

Deferred Credits and Other Liabilities
Deferred income taxes                                   2,041       2,540
Accumulated deferred investment tax credits             3,860       4,103
Other                                                   9,437       8,619

           Total deferred credits 
     and other liabilities                             15,338      15,262

Commitments and Contingencies                                            

TOTAL CAPITAL AND LIABILITIES                       $ 504,700   $ 459,084

The accompanying Notes are an integral part of these statements.
Energen Corporation and Subsidiaries

Six months ended March 31, (in thousands)               1996      1995

Operating Activities
Net Income                                          $  25,708   $  24,450
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
provided by operating activities:
         Depreciation, depletion and amortization      16,979      14,150
         Deferred income taxes, net                     1,352      (4,770)
         Deferred investment tax credits, net           (243)        (243)
         Gain on sale of assets                         (647)          0  
         Net change in:
           Accounts receivable                       (36,846)     (9,498)
           Inventories                                 12,891       9,312
           Deferred gas cost                          (9,589)     (2,502)
           Accounts payable   gas purchases            17,691         391
           Accounts payable   other trade                 804       6,996
           Other current assets and liabilities         3,802      10,114
           Other, net                                     434       (148)

           Net cash provided by 
      operating activities                             32,336      48,252

Investing Activities
Additions to property, plant and equipment           (52,108)    (26,469)
Proceeds from sale of assets                            2,452          0  
Payments on notes receivable                              781        420
Other, net                                                 25         131

           Net cash used in investing activities     (48,850)    (25,918)

Financing Activities
Payment of dividends on common stock                  (6,374)     (6,113)
Issuance of common stock                                1,355          90
Purchase of treasury stock                            (1,503)       (361)
Reduction of long-term debt                             (898)     (9,136)
Net change in short-term debt                           1,700     (6,000)

           Net cash used in financing activities      (5,720)    (21,520)

Net change in cash and cash equivalents              (22,234)         814
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period       36,695      27,526

Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of Period          $  14,461   $  28,340

The accompanying Notes are an integral part of these statements.

Alabama Gas Corporation 

                           Three months ended   Six months ended
                                 March 31,          March 31,
 (in thousands)             1996     1995       1996        1995

Operating Revenues     $  162,143  $134,141   $ 235,328   $ 201,367

Operating Expenses
Cost of gas                90,681    68,835     125,459     100,829
Operations                 20,647    19,852      40,590      38,209
Maintenance                 3,134     2,607       5,708       4,835
Depreciation                5,143     4,784      10,251       9,521
Income taxes
 Current                    11,101   14,568       9,962      15,630
 Deferred, net              (436)    (4,657)      1,758      (4,775)
         Deferred investment
   tax credits, net         (121)      (121)       (243)       (243)
Taxes, other than 
   income taxes            10,723     8,997      16,448      14,389

 Total operating
    expenses              140,872   114,865     209,933      178,395

Operating Income           21,271    19,276      25,395       22,972

Other Income
Allowance for funds used 
 during construction         346        223         687         409
Other, net                  (576)        85        (440)        243

   Total other income       (230)        308        247         652

Interest Charges
Interest on long-term debt  1,734       1,680      3,872      3,437
Other interest expense        661         637      1,138      1,169

 Total interest charges     2,395       2,317      5,010      4,606

Net Income Available
 for Common              $ 18,646    $ 17,267    $ 20,632   $19,018

The accompanying Notes are an integral part of these statements.

Alabama Gas Corporation

                                                    March  31, September 30,
(in thousands)                                         1996        1995

Property, Plant and Equipment
Utility plant                                       $ 521,499   $ 504,371
Less accumulated depreciation                         256,883     247,926

         Utility plant, net                           264,616     256,445

Other property, net                                       288         193

Current Assets
Cash and cash equivalents                               1,119         727
Accounts receivable
         Gas                                           50,311      22,215
         Merchandise                                    1,251       1,546
         Other                                          6,498       1,598
         Allowance for doubtful accounts              (2,289)     (2,000)
Inventories, at average cost
         Storage gas                                    9,234      20,276
         Materials and supplies                         6,291       5,860   
Liquified natural gas 
    in storage                                          1,392       3,539
Deferred gas costs                                     11,015       1,426
Regulatory asset                                        3,566       6,321
Deferred income taxes                                   5,183       7,416
Prepayments and other                                   2,135       2,302

           Total current assets                        95,706      71,226

Deferred Charges and Other Assets                       7,419       7,403

TOTAL ASSETS                                        $ 368,029   $ 335,267

The accompanying Notes are an integral part of these statements.
Alabama Gas Corporation 

                                                    March 31,  September 30,
(in thousands, except share data)                     1996        1995

Common shareholder's equity
         Common stock, $0.01 par value; 3,000,000 
         shares authorized, 1,972,052 shares 
         outstanding at March 31, 1996 and
          September 30, 1995                       $      20   $      20
         Premium on capital stock                      31,682      31,682
         Capital surplus                                2,802       2,802
         Retained earnings                            101,910      87,638

Total common shareholder's equity                     136,414     122,142
Cumulative preferred stock,
 $0.01 par value, 120,000 shares
 authorized, issuable in series $4.70 Series                          
Long-term debt                                        100,000     100,000

         Total capitalization                         236,414     222,142

Current Liabilities
Long-term debt due within one year                                       
Notes payable to banks                                                   
Accounts payable                                       40,938      26,160
Accrued taxes                                          17,499      10,236
Customers' deposits                                    18,829      18,218
Supplier refunds due customers                         14,364       3,315
Other amounts due customers                           (3,670)      13,231
Accrued wages and benefits                              6,659       5,228
Other                                                  10,569       9,444

           Total current liabilities                  105,188      85,832

Deferred Credits and Other Liabilities
Deferred income taxes                                  16,333      16,343
Accumulated deferred investment tax credits             3,860       4,103
Regulatory liability                                    5,442       6,001
Customer advances for construction and other              792         846

           Total deferred credits 
     and other liabilities                             26,427      27,293

Commitments and Contingencies                                            

TOTAL CAPITAL AND LIABILITIES                       $ 368,029   $ 335,267

The accompanying Notes are an integral part of these statements.
Alabama Gas Corporation 

Six months ended March 31, (in thousands)               1996      1995

Operating Activities
Net Income                                           $ 20,632     $19,018
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash    
provided by operating activities:
         Depreciation and amortization                 10,251       9,521
         Deferred income taxes, net                     1,758     (4,775)
         Deferred investment tax credits                (243)       (243)
         Net change in:                            
           Accounts receivable                       (32,411)    (12,054)
           Inventories                                12,757       9,880
           Deferred gas costs                         (9,589)     (2,502)
           Accounts payable   gas purchases            17,691         391
           Accounts payable   other trade             (2,913)       9,520
           Other current assets and liabilities         4,533       9,299
           Other, net                                   (815)       (345)

           Net cash provided by
     operating activities                              21,651      37,710

Investing Activities
Additions to property, plant and equipment           (17,774)    (16,729)
Other, net                                               (92)       (138)

           Net cash used in investing activities     (17,866)    (16,867)

Financing Activities
Payment of dividends on common stock                  (6,360)     (6,115)
Reduction of long-term debt                                0      (1,610)
Net advances from affiliates                            2,967       4,512
Net change in short-term debt                               0     (4,000)

           Net cash used in financing activities      (3,393)     (7,213)

Net change in cash and cash equivalents                   392      13,630
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period          727         156

Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of Period         $    1,119   $  13,786

The accompanying Notes are an integral part of these statements.

     Energen Corporation and Alabama Gas Corporation

All adjustments to the unaudited financial statements which are, in
the opinion of management, necessary for a fair statement of the
results of operations for the interim periods have been recorded. 
Such adjustments consisted only of normal recurring items.  The
consolidated financial statements and notes thereto should be read in
conjunction with the financial statements and notes for the years
ended September 30, 1995, 1994, and 1993 included in the 1995 Annual
Report of Energen Corporation (the Company) on Form 10-K.  Certain
reclassifications were made to conform prior years' financial
statements to the current quarter presentation.  The Company's
primary business is seasonal in character and influenced by weather
conditions.  Results of operations for the interim periods are not
necessarily indicative of the results which may be expected for the
fiscal year.


As an Alabama utility, Alagasco is subject to regulation by the APSC
which, in 1983, established the Rate Stabilization and Equalization
(RSE) rate-setting process.  RSE was extended for the third time on
December 3, 1990, for a three-year period.  Under the terms of that
extension,  RSE shall continue after November 30, 1993, unless, after
notice to the Company, the Commission votes to either modify or
discontinue its operation.  On October 4, 1993, the Commission
unanimously voted to extend RSE until such time as certain hearings
mandated by the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (Energy Act) in connection
with integrated resource planning and demand side management programs
are completed.  The Energy Act proceedings are expected to conclude
during fiscal 1996 at which time it is expected that the Commission
will begin reviewing Alagasco's RSE.  No time table for review has
yet been established.

Under RSE as extended, the APSC conducts quarterly reviews to
determine, based on Alagasco's projections and fiscal year-to-date
performance, whether Alagasco's return on equity for the fiscal year
will be within the allowed range of 13.15 percent to 13.65 percent.
Reductions in rates can be made quarterly to bring the projected
return within the allowed range; increases, however, are allowed only
once each fiscal year, effective December 1, and cannot exceed 4
percent of prior-year revenues. RSE limits the utility's equity upon
which a return is permitted to 60 percent of total capitalization and
provides for certain cost control measures designed to monitor the
Company's operations and maintenance (O&M) expense. If O&M expense
per customer falls within 1.25 percentage points above or below the
Consumer Price Index For All Urban Customers (index range), no
adjustment is required. If, however, O&M expense per customer exceeds
the index range, three-quarters of the difference will be returned to
the customers.  To the extent O&M expense per customer is less than
the index range, the utility will benefit by one-half of the
difference through future rate adjustments.  Under RSE as extended,
an $8.2 million annual increase in revenue became effective December
1, 1995.

Effective December 15, 1990, the APSC approved a temperature
adjustment to customers' monthly bills to remove the effect of
departures from normal temperature on Alagasco's earnings. The
calculation is performed monthly, and the adjustments to customers'
bills are made in the same month the weather variation occurs.

The Company's rate schedules for natural gas distribution charges
contain a Gas Supply Adjustment (GSA) rider, established in 1993. The
rider permits the pass through to customers of changes in the cost of
gas supply, including Gas Supply Realignment (GSR) surcharges imposed
by the Company's suppliers resulting from changes in gas supply
purchases related to the implementation of FERC Order 636.

On June 12, 1995, the APSC approved Alagasco's application to issue
$50 million of new debt. A portion of the proceeds was used to redeem
all of Alagasco's 9 percent debentures and 11 percent First Mortgage
Bonds. In connection with the early call of the redeemed debt,
Alagasco paid an early call premium of approximately $1.3 million
during the fourth quarter of fiscal 1995. Because the APSC Order
authorized Alagasco to collect the early call premium through
customer rates during the fiscal year ending September 30, 1996,
Alagasco recorded a regulatory asset of $1.3 million during the
quarter ended September 30, 1995, with approximately $.5 million
remaining at March 31, 1996.

In accordance with APSC-directed regulatory accounting procedures,
Alagasco in 1989 began returning to customers excess utility deferred
taxes which resulted from a reduction in the federal statutory tax
rate from 46 percent to 34 percent using the average rate assumption
method. This method provides for the return to ratepayers of excess
deferred taxes over the lives of the related assets. In 1993 those
excess taxes were reduced as a result of a federal tax rate increase
from 34 percent to 35 percent. Approximately $2.9 million of the
remaining excess utility deferred taxes is being returned to
ratepayers over approximately 15 years.

FERC Regulation:  On March 15, 1995, Southern Natural Gas Company
(Southern) filed a comprehensive settlement with the FERC in the form
of a Stipulation and Agreement (the Settlement) to resolve all issues
in Southern's six pending rate cases, as well as to resolve all GSR
and transition cost issues resulting from the implementation of FERC
Order 636. The Settlement is supported by parties representing more
than 90 percent of the firm transportation demand on Southern's
system, including local distribution companies (including Alagasco),
municipal distribution systems, major gas producers, large industrial
end users, marketers, and state commissions (including the APSC).

On September 29, 1995, the FERC issued its Order Accepting
Settlement, Severing Contesting parties, and Issuing Certificates and
Approving Abandonment (Settlement Order). The Settlement Order
approves the Settlement with minor modifications. Contesting parties
had 30 days from the date of the Settlement Order to file motions for
rehearing and several such motions were timely filed. 

On April 11, 1996, the FERC issued its Order on Rehearing
approving the Settlement with minor modifications.
Specifically, the Settlement provides for the following: (1) the
resolution of all cost of service and rate design issues in
Southern's six pending rate cases and the establishment of reduced
rates for the purpose of calculating rate case refunds; (2) the
implementation of reduced settlement rates on an interim basis for
supporting parties commencing March 1, 1995 (by order dated April 4,
1995, FERC approved these interim rates pending its final review of
the merits of the Settlement); (3) the resolution of all GSR and
other transition cost issues resulting from FERC Order 636; (4) lower
GSR cost recovery through the reduction and earlier payout of GSR
costs; (5) a three-year moratorium on general rate increases; and (6)
the resolution and disposition of all rate case and GSR refunds for
supporting parties. With respect to this last point, the Settlement
provides that all rate case refunds will be used to offset a portion
of Southern's remaining GSR liability. In addition, as a result of
the recalculated GSR surcharges for the period January 1, 1994, to
February 28, 1995, subsequent to quarter end,
Southern refunded over-collected GSR costs, Alagasco's share of
which has been determined to be $4.5 million. This amount has been
recorded in the accompanying financial statements as a receivable
with a corresponding refund due customers. The Settlement  will allow
Southern and the supporting parties to resolve all issues relating to
GSR and other transition costs, the majority of which costs will be
collected by the end of calendar 1996. Alagasco estimates that it has
a remaining GSR liability of approximately $1.1  million to be paid
through March 1997 and approximately $2.0 million in other transition
costs to be paid through June 1998. Such amounts have been recorded
in the financial statements. Because these costs will be recovered in
full from Alagasco's customers in a timely manner through the GSA
rider of Alagasco's Tariff, the Company has recorded a corresponding
regulatory asset in the accompanying financial statements.


Energen Corporation

Six months ended March 31,
 (in thousands)                     1996      1995

Interest paid,
 net of amounts capitalized       $ 6,646    $ 6,675
Income taxes paid                 $ 1,089    $ 2,615
Noncash investing activities
 (capitalized depreciation
 and allowance for funds 
  used during construction)       $   773    $   487

Alabama Gas Corporation

Six months ended March 31, 
(in thousands)                      1996       1995

Interest paid                      $ 5,025    $ 5,531
Income taxes paid                  $ 2,258    $ 6,647
Noncash investing activities 
(capitalized depreciation
 and allowance for funds 
 used during construction)         $   773     $   487

Item 2.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
Results of Operations

Consolidated net income for the second quarter of fiscal 1996 of $23,430,000
($2.13 per share) exceeded the prior year's results of $21,714,000 ($1.99 per
share).  The contribution to consolidated earnings from Energen's natural gas
distribution company, Alagasco, was $1.4 million greater this quarter due
largely to the utility earning its allowed return on a higher level of
investment required to support the needs of its service territory.  
Taurus Exploration Inc., Energen's oil and gas exploration and
production subsidiary, also improved its quarterly earnings contribution
primarily due to increased conventional oil and gas production and higher gas
prices partially offset by increased depreciation, depletion, and amortization
(DD&A) and interest expense.  In addition, Taurus's prior-period earnings
included a $.5 million gain from the buy out of a gas sales contract.

For the 1996 fiscal year-to-date, Energen's net income totaled $25,708,000
($2.34 per share) compared with $24,450,000 ($2.24 per share) for the first
six months of fiscal 1995.  Alagasco increased its contribution to
consolidated net income  by $1.6 million primarily by earning its allowed
return on a higher level of investment.  Excluding the prior-period gain from
the sales contract buy out, Taurus's year-to-date earnings remained virtually
unchanged, with increased in production and gas prices being largely offset by
increased DD&A, exploration and interest expenses.  

Weather colder than that of the prior year had the most significant impact on
natural gas revenues in the current year evidenced by a 3 Bcf and 5.4 Bcf
increase in residential sales volumes for the quarter and year-to-date,
respectively, as well as a significant increase in natural gas pricing. 
Alagasco's residential operating margins, however are unaffected due to the
APSC-approved temperature adjustment provision which allows for the adjustment
of customer's bills on a real-time basis to reflect usage under normal
temperature conditions.

Revenues from oil and gas production activities were significantly higher in
the second quarter this year.  Production volumes from both natural gas and
oil were up by .5 Bcf each, largely associated with current year acquisitions.
The impact of higher production was magnified by an increased average sales
price for both gas and oil.  After giving effect to hedged volumes, the
average per Mcf sales price of natural gas was $2.15 compared to $1.76 in the
prior year, and the average per barrel sales price of oil was $16.04 compared
to $15.31 in the prior year.  These factors similarly influenced the six month
comparison.  Natural gas and oil production increased .3 Bcf and .8 Bcf,
respectively; while after giving effect to hedged volumes, the average per Mcf
sales price of natural gas was $1.97 compared to $1.78 in the prior year, and
the average per barrel sales price of oil was $15.42 compared to $15.55 in the
prior year.  Operating and consulting fees did not vary significantly for the
quarter or year-to-date.  

To hedge its exposure to energy price fluctuations on oil and gas production
over the remainder of this fiscal year, Taurus has entered into contracts for
the sale of 4.2 Bcf of its gas production at an average contract price of
$1.84 per Mcf and for the sale of 210 MBbl of its oil production at an average
contract price of $17.49 per Bbl.  Based on current estimates for fiscal 1996
production (excluding additional producing property acquisitions),
approximately 67 percent of estimated firm gas production and 100 percent of
estimated firm oil production are hedged.  At March 30, 1996, the Company's
deferred losses related to its futures contracts totaled $1.7 million.  The
program has been extended into fiscal 1997 for the sale of 7.6 Bcf of gas
production with an average contract price of $1.97 per Mcf.  

Increased volumes, primarily associated with colder weather, and increased
commodity cost of natural gas resulted in an increase in cost of gas for both

For the quarter, consolidated operations and maintenance expense (O&M)
increased 6 percent due primarily to increased activities associated with
colder weather, and increased marketing expenses at Alagasco.
For the year-to-date higher lease operating and
exploration expenses at Taurus combined with the above to create an 8 percent
increase in O&M.

The 12 percent increase in depreciation expense for the quarter and six months
is related primarily to an increased DD&A rate (associated with prior year
reserve revisions) and increased production volumes at Taurus, and the effects
of normal plant growth at Alagasco.

The Company's expense for taxes other than income primarily reflects the
various state and local income business taxes paid by Alagasco as well as
various payroll-related taxes.  State and local business taxes are generally
based on gross receipts of Alagasco and fluctuate accordingly.

Higher average short-term debt outstanding related to the initial financing of
Taurus's multi-year acquisition and development strategy was primarily
responsible for the increase in interest expense for the quarter and 

The reduction in other income for the quarter was primarily due to the
amortization of the call premium associated with Alagasco's early redemption
of long-term debt. For the year-to-date, the impact of this amortization was
offset by income recorded in the first quarter at Taurus related to a sale of
proved properties.

The variance in income tax expense for the quarter and year-to-date was due
largely to the effect of  higher consolidated pretax income  offset somewhat
by increased recognition of nonconventional fuel tax credits on an interim
basis.  The Company's effective tax rates are expected to remain lower than
statutory federal rates through December 31, 2002, as tax credits generated
each year are expected to be fully recognized.  

Liquidity and Capital Resources

Weather colder than that of the prior year had the most significant impact on
the $16 million decrease in cash provided by operations due to its effect on
the timing of collection of certain gas supply costs from customers.  Also
influencing the change was a decrease in Alagasco's storage gas inventory as
the colder weather necessitated greater use of the inventory to meet system
requirements.  Fluctuations in receivables and payables have been influenced
by greater throughput in the current year and are also the result of timing of

The increase in cash used in investing activities is largely the result of
Taurus's initial acquisition investment of $26.4 million for producing oil and
gas properties adding approximately 18.6 Bcf of gas and 3.8 Mmbl of oil, and
an additional $8.5 million in offshore exploration and development. 
Offsetting that impact was the receipt of proceeds from the sale of certain
proved producing properties at Taurus.  Included in Alagasco's capital
expenditures for the six months was the $2.5 million acquisition of an 1,100
customer municipal gas system.

During the six months ended March 31, 1995, the Company redeemed certain of
its notes payable.  Additionally, the Company has utilized its short-term
credit facilities more extensively in the current year to initially finance
its multi-year acquisition strategy.  Accordingly, cash provided by financing
activities has increased $15.8 million.  

Future Capital Expenditures and Liquidity

The most significant event influencing the Company's future capital
expenditures and liquidity is Taurus's plan to increase its level of
investment in the exploration and production business in order to generate
desired earnings growth, increase shareholder return, and increase total
market capitalization.  Therefore, during the next five years, Taurus plans to
invest $400 million for property acquisitions and related development and an
additional $100 million for offshore exploration and development.  To help
facilitate this strategy, Taurus has entered into a three-and-one-half year
agreement with Sonat Exploration Company committing to invest annually up to
between $25 million and $50 million as its proportionate share of acquisitions
in fiscal years 1996 through 1998.  The Company has short-term credit
facilities of $116 million that it anticipates using to initially acquire
properties, but long-term debt and equity will be issued for permanent
financing of these investments.  The exact timing of the permanent financing
is undeterminable at this time as the Company does not know the exact pace of

Consolidated capital and exploration expenditures could approximate $150
million in fiscal 1996, excluding additional municipal gas system
acquisitions.  Of that, Taurus may invest $100 million or more for property
acquisitions and related development, as well as offshore exploration and
development.  Taurus's ability to invest in property acquisitions will be
significantly influenced by industry trends as the producing property
acquisition market has historically been cyclical.  Alagasco expects to invest
$48 million in fiscal 1996, excluding additional municipal gas system
acquisition, and primarily represents additions for normal distribution system

Recent Pronouncements of the FASB

In March 1995, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued
Statement of Financial Accounting Standard (SFAS) No. 121, Accounting for the
Impairment of Long-Lived Assets and for Long-Lived Assets to Be Disposed Of. 
The Company is required to adopt this Statement in its 1997 fiscal year but
implementation is not expected to have a material impact on the Company's
financial statements.  

In October 1995, SFAS No. 123, Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation, was
issued and also requires adoption by the Company in its fiscal year 1997.  The
implementation of SFAS No. 123 is not expected to have a material impact on
the financial statements.
Energen Corporation 

                              Three months ended   Six months ended
                                   March 31,          March 31,
 (in thousands, 
   except share data)        1996       1995          1996     1995

Natural Gas Distribution
Operating revenues
 Residential           $  112,329    $  92,102   $ 160,065   $ 136,452
 Commercial and 
  industrial - small       40,560       31,887      57,429      47,432
 Commercial and industrial
  - large                     675          219         731         250
 Transportation             8,788        9,267      16,945      16,833
 Other                       (209)         666         158         400

   Total               $  162,143     $ 134,141  $ 235,328   $ 201,367

Volumes sold and 
 Residential               18,187       15,219      25,977         20,506
 Commercial and industrial
   - small                  7,003        5,871      10,382          8,338
 Commercial and industrial
   - large                      9            8          18             16
 Transportation            14,927       15,796      31,174         30,086

   Total                   40,126       36,894      67,551         58,946

Other data
 Depreciation and
   amortization        $    5,143       $ 4,784   $  10,251       $ 9,521
 Capital expenditures  $   11,110       $ 7,438   $  18,547       $17,216
 Operating income      $   31,815       $29,066   $  36,872       $33,584

Oil and Gas Exploration and Production
Operating revenues
 Natural gas           $    5,428        $3,564   $   8,846       $ 7,512
 Oil                        2,404           903       3,707         1,695       
 Other                      1,147         1,844       2,222         3,035

   Total               $    8,979       $6,311     $ 14,775       $12,242

Sales volume - natural gas  2,519        2,028        4,484         4,209
Sales volume - oil            150           59          240           109
Average sales price
  - natural gas (per Mcf) $  2.15       $ 1.76       $ 1.97        $ 1.78
Average sales price
  - oil (per barrel)      $ 16.04       $15.31     $  15.42        $15.55
Other data
 Depreciation, depletion
   and amortization    $    3,895       $2,304     $      6,466   $      4,422
 Capital expenditures  $   14,685       $6,730     $     34,300   $      9,735
 Exploration expenditures    $175       $  187     $      1,228   $        616
 Operating income      $    2,255       $1,465     $      2,117   $      2,619

Other Business
 Operating revenues      $    562       $  583     $      1,098   $      1,177
 Depreciation and
   amortization          $    131       $  100     $        262   $        207
 Capital expenditures    $     34       $    5     $         34   $          5
 Operating income        $     51       $  (22)    $        146   $         27

Eliminations and Corporate Expenses        
Operating loss         $     (478)       $(272)     $      (719)   $      (712)



a.   At the annual meeting of shareholders held on January 24, 1996, the Energen
      Shareholders elected the following
      Directors to serve for three year terms:

                      Director       Votes cast for        Votes withheld
                   J. Mason Davis, Jr. 8,629,177        121,209
                   James S.M. French   8,641,771        108,615
                   Wallace L. Luthy    8,633,353        117,033

b.       The shareholders also approved a proposal to amend the 1992 Directors
         Stock Plan of the Company to increase the size of 
         The annual grant from 200 shares to 300 shares for 
         Each non-employee Director beginning in fiscal year 1996.
         The vote was: 7,866,727 for, 690,762 against, and 
         193,097 abstain.          


a. Exhibits

   27.1  Financial data schedule of Energen Corporation (for SEC purposes only)

   27.2  Financial data schedule of Alabama Gas Corporation 
         (for SEC purposes only)

b. Reports on Form 8-K

   No reports on Form 8-K were filed for the three months ended March 31, 1996.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, the 
has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned 
duly authorized.

                                                 ENERGEN CORPORATION
                                                 ALABAMA GAS CORPORATION

     May 15, 1996                                By/s/ Rex J. Lysinger
                                                 Rex J. Lysinger
                                                 Chairman of the Board of
                                                 Directors of
                                                 Energen and all 
                                                 subsidiaries, Chief
                                                 Executive Officer of Energen

     May 15, 1996                                By/s/ G. C. Ketcham        
                                                 G. C. Ketcham
                                                 Executive Vice President, 
                                                 Financial Officer and Treasurer

     May 15, 1996                                By/s/ Paula H. Rushing
                                                 Paula H. Rushing
                                                 Controller of Alagasco