Exhibit - 14

                              PUBLIC STORAGE, INC.

1.       Scope and Purpose

         This  Code of Ethics  for  Senior  Financial  Officers  applies  to the
Company's  principal  executive  officer,   principal  financial  officer,   and
principal  accounting  officer  or  controller,  or persons  performing  similar
functions (each a "Senior Financial Officer").  This Code is designed to promote
(1) honest and ethical  conduct,  (2) avoidance of conflicts of  interests,  (3)
full, fair,  accurate,  timely and understandable  disclosure and (4) compliance
with applicable governmental laws, rules and regulations.  Each Senior Financial
Officer must conduct  himself or herself in  accordance  with this Code and must
seek to  avoid  even the  appearance  of  improper  behavior.  Senior  Financial
Officers  should also refer to and abide by the Company's  Standards of Business
Conduct, which are in addition to this Code. 2. Honest and Ethical Conduct

2.       Honest and Ethical Conduct

         Each Senior  Financial  Officer must always  conduct  him/herself in an
honest and ethical  manner.  Each  Senior  Financial  Officer  must act with the
highest standards of personal and professional integrity and not tolerate others
who,  attempt to deceive,  or evade  responsibility  for actions.  All actual or
apparent  conflicts of interest between personal and professional  relationships
must  be  handled  honestly,  ethically  and in  accordance  with  the  policies
specified in this Code. 3. Compliance with Laws, Rules and Regulations

3.       Compliance with Laws, Rules and Regulations

         Compliance with applicable  governmental  laws,  rules and regulations,
both in letter and in spirit,  is one of the foundations on which this Company's
ethical policies are built.  Each Senior  Financial  Officer must understand and
take  responsibility  for  complying  with  the  governmental  laws,  rules  and
regulations of the cities,  states and countries in which the Company  operates.
For  example,  it is critical  that Senior  Financial  Officers  understand  the
governmental  laws, rules and regulations  applicable to disclosures the Company
is required to make in its  periodic  reports and  otherwise.  Although a Senior
Financial  Officer  may not  know the  details  of all  these  laws,  rules  and
regulations,  it is important  that he or she know enough to  determine  when to
seek advice from the general counsel or other appropriate personnel. 4. Rules to
Promote Full, Fair, Accurate, Timely and Understandable Disclosure

4.       Rules to  Promote  Full,  Fair,  Accurate,  timely  and  Understandable

         Each Senior  Financial  Officer must take the following steps to ensure
full,  fair,  accurate,  timely and  understandable  disclosure  in reports  and
documents that the Company files with the Securities and Exchange Commission and
in other public communications made by the Company:

         1. Carefully  review  drafts of reports  and  documents  the Company is
            required  to file with the SEC  before  they are  filed and  Company
            press  releases  or  other  public  communications  before  they are
            released to the public,  with particular  focus on disclosures  each
            Senior  Financial  Officer does not  understand or agree with and on
            information  known  to the  officer  that  is not  reflected  in the
            report, document, press release or public communication.

                                   Exhibit 14

         2. Meet with the disclosure committee, members of senior management not
            on the  committee,  division  heads,  accounting  staff  and  others
            involved in the disclosure  process to discuss their comments on the
            draft report, document, press release or public communication.

         3. Establish  and  maintain  disclosure  controls and  procedures  that
            ensure  that  material  information  is  included  in  each  report,
            document, press release or public communication in a timely fashion.

         4. Consult with the Audit Committee of the Company's Board of Directors
            on a regular  basis to determine  whether they have  identified  any
            weaknesses or concerns with respect to internal controls.

         5. When relevant,  confirm that neither the Company's internal auditors
            nor its outside accountants are aware of any material  misstatements
            or omissions  in the draft report or document,  or have any concerns
            about the management's discussion and analysis section of a report.

         6. Bring to the  attention  of the  disclosure  committee  and/or Audit
            Committee  matters  that the Senior  Financial  Officer  feels could
            compromise the integrity of the Company's financial reports.

         7. Always act with the highest  standards of personal and  professional
            integrity;  do not  tolerate  others who attempt to  deceive,  or to
            evade responsibility for their actions.

5.       Reporting Violations of the Code

         Any Senior Financial  Officer who becomes aware of any violation of the
Code must promptly  bring the violation to the attention of the Audit  Committee
of the Board of Directors.

6.       Compliance with the Code

         Each Senior Financial Officer will be held accountable for adherence to
this Code. A violator of this Code will be subject to disciplinary action, up to
and  including  a discharge  from the  Company  and,  where  appropriate,  civil
liability and criminal prosecution.

7.       Waiver of the Code

         Any waiver of this Code may be made only by the  independent  directors
on the  Board  of  Directors  or by an  authorized  committee  of the  Board  of
Directors  comprised solely of independent  directors,  and will be disclosed as
required by law or SEC regulations.

8.       Acknowledgement

         Senior  Financial  Officers are  required to sign a form  acknowledging
that they have  received,  read, and agree to comply with the Code of Ethics for
Senior Financial Officers.

[As adopted by the Board of Directors of Public Storage, Inc.]

                                   Exhibit 14