Exhibit 10.1

                      1987 Long-Term Performance Stock Plan

                As Amended and Restated Effective April 25, 1996
                         (As Amended February 12, 1997)

1.     Purpose

     The purpose of the CSX Corporation  Long-Term  Performance Stock Plan is to
attract and retain outstanding  individuals as officers and key employees of CSX
Corporation and its subsidiaries,  to furnish  motivation for the achievement of
long-term  performance  objectives by providing  such persons  opportunities  to
acquire  ownership of common shares of the Company,  monetary  payments based on
the value of such shares or the financial  performance of the Company,  or both,
on terms as herein provided.  It is intended that the Incentives  provided under
this Plan will be treated as qualified performance-based compensation within the
meaning of Section 162(m) of the Code.

2.     Definitions

     Whenever the following  words are  capitalized  and used in the Plan,  they
shall have the respective  meanings set forth below,  unless a different meaning
is expressly provided.  Unless the context clearly indicates to the contrary, in
reading this  document the singular  shall  include the plural and the masculine
shall include the feminine.

     a.   "Beneficiary":  The term Beneficiary  shall mean the person designated
          by the Participant, on a form provided by the Company, to exercise the
          Participant's  rights in accordance with Section 14 of the Plan in the
          event of his death.

     b.   "Board of  Directors":  The term Board of Directors or Board means the
          Board of Directors of CSX Corporation.

     c.   "Cause":  The  term  Cause  means  (i)  an  act or  acts  of  personal
          dishonesty of a Participant intended to result in substantial personal
          enrichment of the  Participant at the expense of the Company or any of
          its subsidiaries, (ii) violation of the management responsibilities by
          the Participant  which is  demonstrably  willful and deliberate on the
          Participant's part and which is not remedied in a reasonable period of
          time after receipt of written notice from the Company or a subsidiary,
          or (iii) the conviction of the Participant of a felony involving moral

     d.   "Change in Control":  The term Change in Control is defined in Section

     e.   "Code":  The term Code means the  Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as

     f.   "Committee":  The term Committee means a committee appointed from time
          to time by the Board of Directors to administer the Plan.

     g.   "Company": The term Company means CSX Corporation.

     h.   "Completed  Month":  The  term  Completed  Month  shall  mean a period
          beginning on the monthly  anniversary  date of a grant of an Incentive
          and ending on the day before the next monthly anniversary.

     i.   "Covered  Employee":  The term Covered  Employee  shall mean the chief
          executive  officer of the Company or any other individual who is among
          the  four (4)  highest  compensated  officers  or who is  otherwise  a
          "covered  employee"  within the meaning of Section 162(m) of the Code,
          as determined by the Committee.

     j.   "Disability":  The  term  Disability  means  long-term  disability  as
          determined  under  the  Company's  Salary  Continuance  and  Long-Term
          Disability Plan.

     k.   "Exchange  Act": The term Exchange Act means the  Securities  Exchange
          Act of 1934, as amended.

     l.   "Exercisability  Requirements":  The term Exercisability  Requirements
          used with respect to any grant of options means such  restrictions  or
          conditions on the exercise of such options that the Committee  may, in
          its discretion,  add to the one-year holding requirement  contained in
          Sections 7 and 8.

     m.   "Fair Market Value":  The term Fair Market Value shall be deemed to be
          the mean between the highest and lowest quoted  selling  prices of the
          stock per share as  reported  under New York Stock  Exchange-Composite
          Transactions on the day of reference to any event to which the term is
          pertinent,  or, if there is no sale that day, on the last previous day
          on which any such sale occurred.

     n.   "Functional  Group":  The  term  Functional  Group  means a  group  of
          employees,  identified  by the  Compensation  Committee,  in its  sole
          discretion, to be subject to a common set of Performance Objectives.

     o.   "Incentive":  The term  Incentive  means any incentive  under the Plan
          described in Section 6.

     p.   "Objective  Standard":  The term Objective Standard means a formula or
          standard by which a third  party,  having  knowledge  of the  relevant
          performance  results,  could  calculate  the  amount  to be  paid to a
          Participant.  Such formula or standard  shall  specify the  individual
          employees  or  class of  employees  to which  it  applies,  and  shall
          preclude   discretion  to  increase  the  amount  payable  that  would
          otherwise be due upon attainment of the objective.

     q.   "Participant":  The term Participant means an individual designated by
          the Committee as a Participant pursuant to Section 5.

     r.   "Performance  Objective":  The term Performance Objective shall mean a
          performance  objective  established in writing by the Committee within
          ninety  (90) days of the  commencement  of the  Performance  Period to
          which the Performance Objective relates and at a time when the outcome
          of  such  objective  is  substantially  uncertain.   Each  Performance
          Objective shall be established in such a way that a third party having
          knowledge of the relevant facts could determine  whether the objective
          is met. A  Performance  Objective may be based on one or more business
          criteria that apply to the individual Participant,  a business unit or
          the  Company as a whole,  and shall  state,  in terms of an  Objective
          Standard,   the  method  of  computing  the  amount   payable  to  the
          Participant if the Performance Objective is attained.  With respect to
          Incentives  granted to Covered  Employees,  the material  terms of the
          Performance  Objective shall be disclosed to, and must be subsequently
          approved by, a vote of the  shareholders  of the  Company,  consistent
          with  the   requirements  of  Section  162(m)  of  the  Code  and  the
          regulations thereunder. The Performance Objectives for any Performance
          Period  shall be based on one or more of the  following  measures,  as
          determined by the Committee in writing  within ninety (90) days of the
          commencement of the Performance Period:

               1.   The  achievement by the Company or business unit of specific
                    levels of Return on Invested Capital ("ROIC").  ROIC for the
                    Company or  business  unit means its  results of  operations
                    divided by its capital.

               2.   The  generation by the Company or business unit of free cash

               3.   The  creation by the  Company or  business  unit of specific
                    levels of Economic Value Added ("EVA").  EVA for the Company
                    or  business  unit  means its ROIC less its cost of  capital
                    multiplied by its capital.

               4.   The  creation  by the  Company of  specific  levels of Total
                    Shareholder Return ("TSR").  TSR for the Company means total
                    return  to   shareholders   as   measured   by  stock  price
                    appreciation plus dividends.

     s.   "Performance Period": The term Performance Period means a fixed period
          of time,  established  by the  Committee,  during which a  Participant
          performs  service  for  the  Company  and  during  which   Performance
          Objectives may be achieved.

     t.   "Plan":  The term  Plan  means  this CSX  Corporation  1987  Long-Term
          Performance Stock Plan as amended or restated from time to time.

     u.   "Retirement": The term Retirement means termination of employment with
          immediate  commencement  of  retirement  benefits  under the Company's
          defined benefit pension plan.

     v.   "Separation  From  Employment":  The term  Separation  From Employment
          means an employee's  separation  from employment with the Company as a
          result of Retirement,  death, Disability, or termination of employment
          (voluntarily or  involuntarily).  A Participant in receipt of periodic
          severance  payments shall be considered  separated from  employment on
          the day preceding the day such severance payments commenced.

     w.   "Trust":  The term Trust  means the CSX  Corporation  Executive  Stock
          Trust or such  other  trust  which will  substantially  conform to the
          terms of the  Internal  Revenue  Service  model trust as  described in
          Revenue Procedure 92-64, 1992-2 C.B. 422.

3.     Number of Shares

     Subject to the provisions of Section 16 of this Plan, the maximum number of
shares which may be issued pursuant to the Incentives shall be 16,000,000 shares
of the Company's common stock,  par value $1.00 per share.  Such shares shall be
authorized  and unissued  shares of the Company's  common stock.  Subject to the
provisions  of  Section  16,  if any  Incentive  granted  under  the Plan  shall
terminate or expire for any reason  without  having been  exercised in full, the
unissued shares subject thereto shall again be available for the purposes of the
Plan. Similarly, shares which have been issued, but which the Company retains or
which the  Participant  tenders  to the  Company in  satisfaction  of income and
payroll tax withholding  obligations or in satisfaction of the exercise price of
any option shall remain authorized and shall again be available for the purposes
of the Plan, provided, however, that any such previously issued shares shall not
be the subject of any grant under the Plan to any officer of the Company who, at
the time of such grant,  is subject to the  short-swing  trading  provisions  of
Section 16 of the Exchange Act.

4.     Administration

     The Plan  shall be  administered  by the  Committee.  The  Committee  shall
consist  of three or more  members of the Board of  Directors.  No member of the
Committee  shall be eligible to receive  any  Incentives  under the Plan while a
member of the Committee.  A majority of the Committee shall constitute a quorum.
The Committee  shall recommend to the Board  individuals to receive  Incentives,
including the type and amount thereof,  unless the Board shall have delegated to
the Committee the authority and power to select  persons to whom  Incentives may
be granted, to establish the type and amount thereof, and to make such grants.

     Subject to the express  provisions of the Plan,  the  Committee  shall have
authority to construe any agreements  entered into with any person in respect of
any  Incentive  or  Incentives,  to  prescribe,  amend  and  rescind  rules  and
regulations  relating to the Plan, to determine the terms and  provisions of any
such agreements and to make all other determinations  necessary or advisable for
administering  the Plan.  The  Committee  may  correct  any defect or supply any
omission or reconcile any  inconsistency  in the Plan or in any agreement  under
the Plan in the manner and to the  extent it shall  deem  expedient  to carry it
into effect,  and it shall be the sole and final judge of such  expedience.  Any
determination  of the  Committee  under the Plan may be made  without  notice of
meeting of the  Committee  by a writing  signed by a majority  of the  Committee
members.  The determinations of the Committee on the matters referred to in this
Section 4 shall be conclusive.

5.     Eligibility and Participation

     Incentives may be granted only to officers and key employees of the Company
and of its  subsidiaries  at the time of such grant as the Committee in its sole
discretion  may  designate  from  time  to  time  to  receive  an  Incentive  or
Incentives.  An officer or key  employee  who is so  designated  shall  become a
Participant.  A director  of the Company or of a  subsidiary  who is not also an
officer or employee of the Company or of such subsidiary will not be eligible to
receive an Incentive.

     The Committee's designation of an individual to receive an Incentive at any
time shall not  require the  Committee  to  designate  such person to receive an
Incentive at any other time.  The  Committee  shall  consider such factors as it
deems pertinent in selecting Participants and in determining the type and amount
of their respective  Incentives,  including without limitation (a) the financial
condition of the Company,  (b) anticipated  financial results for the current or
future years,  including return on invested capital, (c) the contribution by the
Participant  to  the  profitability  and  development  of  the  Company  through
achievement  of established  strategic  objectives,  and (d) other  compensation
provided to Participants.

6.     Incentives

     Incentives  may be granted  in any one or a  combination  of (a)  Incentive
Stock Options;  (b) Non-Qualified Stock Options;  (c) Stock Appreciation Rights;
(d) Performance  Shares;  (e) Performance  Units; (f) Restricted  Stock; and (g)
Incentive  Compensation  Program Shares,  all as described below and pursuant to
the terms set forth in Sections 7-12 hereof. With respect to Items (a)-(c),  the
maximum  number of shares of common  stock of the Company  with respect to which
these  Incentives  may be  granted  any  Plan  Year to any  Participant  will be
750,000.  With respect to Items (d)-(f),  the maximum number of shares of common
stock of the  Company  with  respect to which  these  Incentives  may be granted
during any Plan Year to any Participant will be 150,000.

7.     Incentive Stock Options

     Incentive  Stock Options (ISOs) will consist of options to purchase  shares
of the  Company's  common stock at purchase  prices not less than 100 percent of
the Fair Market  Value of such common  stock on the date of grant.  ISOs will be
exercisable upon the date or dates specified in an option agreement entered into
with a Participant  but not earlier than one year after the date of grant of the
options  and not later  than 10 years  after  the date of grant of the  options;
provided,  however,  that whether or not the  one-year  holding  requirement  is
satisfied,  any  Exercisability  Requirements  must be  satisfied.  For  options
granted after December 31, 1986, the aggregate Fair Market Value,  determined at
the date of grant,  of shares for which ISOs are  exercisable for the first time
by a Participant during any calendar year shall not exceed $100,000.

     Notwithstanding  the  provisions  of Section 5 of this Plan,  no individual
will be  eligible  for or  granted an ISO if that  individual  owns stock of the
Company  possessing  more than 10 percent of the total combined  voting power of
all classes of the stock of the Company or its subsidiaries.

     Any Participant who is an option holder may exercise his option to purchase
stock in  whole or in part  upon  the  date or  dates  specified  in the  option
agreement  offered to him. In no case may an option be exercised  for a fraction
of a share. Except as set forth in this Section 7 and in Sections 12 through 15,
no option  holder may  exercise an option  unless at the time of exercise he has
been in the continuous  employ of the Company or one of its  subsidiaries  since
the grant of such option.  An option holder under this Plan shall have no rights
as a  shareholder  with respect to any shares  subject to such option until such
shares have been issued.

     For purposes of this Section 7, written notice of exercise must be received
by the  Corporate  Secretary of the Company not less than one year nor more than
10 years  after the  option is  granted.  Such  notice  must state the number of
shares being  exercised and must be  accompanied by payment of the full purchase
price of such  shares.  Payment for the shares for which an option is  exercised
may be made by (1) a personal  check or money order payable to CSX  Corporation;
(2) a tender by the employee (in accordance with  procedures  established by the
Company) of shares of the  Company's  common stock having a Fair Market Value on
the date of tender  equaling  the  purchase  price of the  shares  for which the
option is being exercised; or (3) any combination of (1) and (2).8.

8.     Non-Qualified Stock Options

     Non-Qualified  Stock  Options  (NQSOs)  will consist of options to purchase
shares  of the  Company's  common  stock at  purchase  prices  not less than 100
percent of the Fair Market Value of such common stock on the date of grant.

     NQSOs will be  exercisable  upon the date or dates  specified  in an option
agreement  entered into with a  Participant  but not earlier than one year after
the date of grant of the  options  and not later than 10 years after the date of
grant of the  options;  provided,  however,  that  whether  or not the  one-year
holding  requirement  is  satisfied,  any  Exercisability  Requirements  must be

     Any  Participant  may exercise an option to purchase stock upon the date or
dates specified in the option agreement offered to him. In no case may an option
be  exercised  for a fraction of a share.  Except as set forth in this Section 8
and in Sections 12 through 15, no option holder may exercise an option unless at
the time of exercise he has been in the continuous  employ of the Company or one
of its subsidiaries  since the grant of his option.  An option holder under this
Plan shall have no rights as a shareholder with respect to any shares subject to
such option until such shares have been issued.

     For purposes of this Section 8, written notice of exercise must be received
by the Corporate  Secretary of the Company,  not earlier than one year nor later
than 10 years after the option is granted.  Such notice must state the number of
shares being  exercised and must be  accompanied by payment of the full purchase
price of such  shares.  Payment for the shares for which an option is  exercised
may be made by (1) a personal  check or money order payable to CSX  Corporation;
(2) a tender by the employee (in accordance with  procedures  established by the
Company) of shares of the  Company's  common stock having a Fair Market Value on
the date of tender  equaling  the  purchase  price of the  shares  for which the
option is being  exercised;  (3) the  delivery of a properly  executed  exercise
notice,  together with irrevocable  instructions to a broker to promptly deliver
to the Company  either sale proceeds of shares sold to pay the purchase price or
the  amount  loaned  by the  broker  to  pay  the  purchase  price;  or (4)  any
combination of (1), (2) and (3).

9.     Stock Appreciation Rights

     Any option  granted under the Plan may include a stock  appreciation  right
(SAR) by which the  participant may surrender to the Company all or a portion of
the option to the extent  exercisable  at the time of  surrender  and receive in
exchange a payment  equal to the excess of the Fair  Market  Value of the shares
covered by the option  portion  surrendered  over the aggregate  option price of
such shares.  Such payment shall be made in shares of Company  common stock,  in
cash,  or partly in shares  and  partly in cash,  as the  Committee  in its sole
discretion shall determine, but in no event shall the number of shares of common
stock delivered upon a surrender  exceed the number the option holder could then
purchase  upon  exercise  of the  option.  Such  rights  may be  granted  by the
Committee  concurrently  with the option or  thereafter  by amendment  upon such
terms and conditions as the Committee may determine.

     The  Committee  may also grant,  in  addition  to, or in lieu of options to
purchase  stock,  SARs which will entitle the  Participant  to receive a payment
upon  surrender of that right,  or portion of that right in accordance  with the
provisions of the Plan, equaling the difference between the Fair Market Value of
a stated  number of shares of Company  common stock on the date of the grant and
the Fair Market Value of a comparable  number of shares of Company  common stock
on the day of surrender,  adjusted for stock dividends declared between the time
of the grant of the SAR and its surrender. The Committee shall have the right to
limit the amount of appreciation with respect to any or all of the SARs granted.
Payment  made upon the  exercise of the SARs may be in cash or shares of Company
common  stock,  or partly in shares and partly in cash,  as the Committee in its
sole discretion shall determine.

     For  purposes  of this  Section 9,  written  notice must be received by the
Corporate  Secretary  of the Company not earlier than one year nor later than 10
years after the SAR is granted.  Such notice must state the number of SARs being
surrendered  and  the  method  of  settlement   desired  within  the  guidelines
established  from time to time by the  Committee.  The SAR holder  will  receive
settlement  based on the Fair  Market  Value on the day the  written  request is
received by the Corporate Secretary of the Company.

     In certain situations as determined by the Committee,  for purposes of this
Section 9,  written  notice must be received by the  Corporate  Secretary of the
Company between the third and twelfth  business days after the public release of
the Company's quarterly earnings report, or between such other, different period
as may hereinafter be established by the Securities and Exchange Commission. For
such settlements,  a Participant  subject to a restricted  exercise period shall
receive  settlement  based on the highest  Fair Market  Value  during the period
described in the foregoing sentence.

     The  Committee may not grant an SAR or other rights under this Section 9 in
connection  with an incentive  stock option if such grant would cause the option
or the Plan not to qualify under Section 422A of the Code or if it is prohibited
by such section or Treasury  regulations issued thereunder.  Any grant of an SAR
or other rights which would disqualify  either the option as an ISO or the Plan,
or which is  prohibited  by  Section  422A of the Code or  Treasury  regulations
issued  thereunder,  is and will be  considered as void and vesting no rights in
the grantee.  It is a condition for  eligibility  for the benefits of the option
and of the Plan  that the  Participant  agree  that in the event an SAR or other
right granted should be determined to be void as provided by the foregoing,  the
Participant has no right or cause of action against the Company.

10.    Performance Unit Awards and Performance Share Awards.

     The Committee  may grant  Performance  Unit Awards  (PUAs) and  Performance
Share Awards (PSAs) under which payment shall be made in shares of the Company's
common stock,  in cash, or partly in shares and partly in cash, as the Committee
in its  sole  discretion  shall  determine.  PUAs and  PSAs  may be  awarded  to
individual  Participants or to a Functional Group.  Awards to a Functional Group
shall be subject to distribution by the Chief Executive  Officer of the Company,
or by his designees, to individuals within such group. At the time of the grant,
the Committee shall establish in writing and communicate to Participants, and to
members of a Functional Group who can be identified,  Performance  Objectives to
be  achieved  during  the  Performance  Period.  Awards  of PUAs and PSAs may be
determined by the average level of attainment  of  Performance  Objectives  over
multiple Performance Periods.

     Prior to the payment of PUAs and PSAs,  the Committee  shall  determine the
extent to which Performance Objectives have been attained during the Performance
Period or  Performance  Periods in order to determine the level of payment to be
made, if any, and shall record such results in the minutes of the meeting of the
Committee. In no instance will payment be made if the Performance Objectives are
not attained.

     Payment, if any, shall be made in a lump sum or in installments, in cash or
shares of Company common stock,  as determined by the  Committee,  commencing as
promptly as feasible  following the end of the Performance  Period,  except that
(a)  payments  to be made in cash may be  deferred  subject  to such  terms  and
conditions as may be  prescribed by the Company,  and (b) payments to be made in
Company  common  stock may be deferred  pursuant  to an election  filed on forms
prescribed and provided by and filed with the Company.  A Participant  may elect
annually to defer to a date certain,  or the occurrence of an event, as provided
in the form, the receipt of all or any part of shares of Company common stock he
may subsequently become entitled to receive. On forms provided by and filed with
the  Company,  the  Participant  shall also specify  whether,  when the deferral
period expires or when the restrictions  below lapse,  payment will be in a lump
sum or installments over a period not exceeding twenty (20) years. The Committee
shall  prescribe  the time periods  during  which the election  must be filed in
order to be effective.  Elections to defer,  once  effective,  are  irrevocable.
Changes regarding the date of payment,  the period over which payments are to be
made and the method of payment are subject to substantial penalties.  However, a
One-Time Change of Distribution Election may be made to change the timing or the
form of payment without penalty.  Any such election which changes a distribution
election specified "termination of employment" or "the earlier of termination or
a  specified  age"  shall  be void in the  event  the  Participant's  employment
terminates within twelve (12) months following the date of the election.

     If a  Participant  has made an  effective  election to defer the payment of
shares of common stock,  the Company shall,  within a reasonable  period of time
after the deferral  election is made,  transfer  shares of common stock or other
assets equal in value to the number of shares as to which payment is deferred to
the Trust to secure the  Company's  obligation  to pay shares of common stock to
the Participant in the future. However, in any event, the Company shall make any
previously deferred payment of shares to the Participant upon:

       a.    the death of the Participant;
       b.    the Disability of the Participant;
       c.    the  Participant's  termination  of  employment  with the Company
             or a subsidiary  of the Company, subject to the Participant's
             deferral election; or
       d.    a Change in Control.

11.    Restricted Stock

     A Restricted  Stock Award (RSA) shall entitle the  Participant,  subject to
his  continued  employment  during  the  restriction  period  determined  by the
Committee and his complete  satisfaction of any other  conditions,  restrictions
and  limitations  imposed  in  accordance  with the Plan,  to the  unconditional
ownership  of the  shares of the  Company's  common  stock  covered by the grant
without payment therefore.

     The  Committee  may  grant  RSAs  at any  time  or  from  time to time to a
Participant  selected by the  Committee in its sole  discretion.  The  Committee
shall  establish  at the  time of grant of each  RSA a  Performance  Period  and
Performance Objectives to be achieved during the Performance Period.

     At the time of grant,  the Performance  Period and  Performance  Objectives
shall be set forth either in  agreements or in  guidelines  communicated  to the
Participant  in such  form  consistent  with this  Plan as the  Committee  shall
approve from time to time.

     Following the conclusion of each  Performance  Period and prior to payment,
the Committee  shall determine the extent to which  Performance  Objectives have
been attained or a degree of achievement between maximum and minimum Performance
Objectives  during the  Performance  Period in order to  determine  the level of
payment to be made,  if any, and shall record such results in the minutes of the
meeting of the Committee. In no instance will payment be made if the Performance
Objectives are not attained.

     At the time that an RSA is granted,  the Committee  shall  establish in the
written agreement a restriction  period applicable to all shares covered by such
grant.  Subject  to  the  provisions  of  the  next  following  paragraph,   the
Participant shall have all of the rights of a stockholder of record with respect
to the shares covered by the grant to receive  dividends or other  distributions
in respect of such shares  (provided,  however,  that any shares of stock of the
Company  distributed  with respect to such shares shall be subject to all of the
restrictions  applicable  to such shares) and to vote such shares on all matters
submitted to the stockholders of the Company, but such shares shall not be sold,
exchanged,  pledged,  hypothecated or otherwise disposed of at any time prior to
the expiration of the restriction period, including by operation of law, and any
purported disposition,  including by operation of law, shall result in automatic
forfeiture of any such shares.

     Except  as  hereinafter   provided,   if,  during  the  restriction  period
applicable to such grant, a Separation From  Employment of a Participant  occurs
for any reason other than death, Disability or Retirement, all shares covered by
such grant shall be forfeited to the Company automatically. If the Participant's
Separation From Employment is because of Retirement or death, or in the event of
Disability,  the  Participant  or his successor in interest shall be entitled to
unconditional  ownership of a fraction of the total number of shares  covered by
such grant of which the numerator is the number of whole calendar  months in the
period  commencing  with the first whole  calendar  month  following the date of
grant and ending  with the whole  calendar  month  including  the date of death,
Disability or  Retirement,  and of which the  denominator is the number of whole
calendar  months in the applicable  restriction  period.  Any fractional  shares
shall be disregarded.

     The  Committee  may,  at the time of  granting  any RSA,  impose such other
conditions,  restrictions  or  limitations  upon the rights of the  Participants
during  the  restriction  period  or upon the  Participant's  right  to  acquire
unconditional  ownership  of shares as the  Committee  may,  in its  discretion,
determine  and set forth in the  written  agreement.  At the time of grant of an
RSA,  the  Company  shall cause to be issued and  registered  in the name of the
Participant a stock  certificate  representing the full number of shares covered
thereby,  which  certificate  shall bear an appropriate  legend referring to the
terms,  conditions and  restrictions  applicable to such grant,  and the grantee
shall  execute  and  deliver  to the  Company a stock  power  endorsed  in blank
covering such shares.  Such stock  certificate  and stock power shall be held by
the Company or its designee until the expiration of the restriction  period,  at
which time the same shall be delivered to the Participant or his designee if all
of the conditions and  restrictions of the grant have been  satisfied,  or until
the forfeiture of such shares, at which time the same shall be cancelled and the
shares shall be returned to the status of unissued shares.

12.    Incentive Compensation Program Shares

     A Participant who receives base compensation in excess of a dollar level to
be determined by the Committee and who is eligible to receive an award under the
Company's  Incentive  Compensation  Program  ("ICP")  may  elect,  by filing the
prescribed  election form with the Company in accordance with rules  established
by the  Committee,  to receive  all or part of his annual ICP award in shares of
the Company's common stock, rather than cash; provided, however, the Participant
must agree that his receipt of the stock will be deferred  until his  retirement
or termination of employment, with a minimum deferral period of three (3) years.
Elections to defer are irrevocable. A Participant who makes such election shall,
at the time that the stock is  deferred,  receive an  additional  award of stock
equal to a percentage,  established  by the Committee  from time to time, of the
amount  that he elected  to have  deferred,  but not to exceed  25% (the  "Stock
Premium").  The  Participant's  election  to defer shall also apply to the Stock

     If a Participant made an effective  election to defer the payment of shares
of common  stock and receive the Stock  Premium,  the  Company  shall,  within a
reasonable period of time after the deferral  election is made,  transfer shares
of common  stock or other  assets  equal in value to the  number of shares as to
which payment is deferred to the Trust to secure the Company's obligation to pay
shares of common stock to the Participant in the future.  However, in any event,
the  Company  shall  make any  previously  deferred  payment  of  shares  to the
Participant upon:

       a.    the death of the Participant;
       b.    the Disability of the Participant;
       c.    the  Participant's  termination  of  employment with the Company or
             a subsidiary of the Company, subject to the Participant's  deferral
             election and the three (3) year deferral requirement; or
       d.    a Change in Control."

13.    Separation From Employment

     If the Participant's Separation From Employment is because of Disability or
death,  the right of the Participant or his successor in interest to exercise an
ISO,  NQSO or SAR shall  terminate  not later than five years  after the date of
such  Disability or death,  but in no event later than 10 years from the date of
grant;  provided,  however,  that if such Participant is eligible to retire with
the  ability  to begin  immediately  receiving  retirement  benefits  under  the
Company's pension plan, his or his successor in interest's right to exercise any
ISOs, NQSOs or SARs shall be determined as if his Separation From Employment was
because of Retirement.

     If  the  Participant's   Separation  From  Employment  is  because  of  his
Retirement,  the  right of the  Participant  or his  successor  in  interest  to
exercise an ISO,  NQSO or SAR shall  terminate  not later than 10 years from the
date of grant.

     Unless the Committee  deems it necessary in  individual  cases (except with
respect to Covered  Employees) to extend a Participant's  exercise period,  if a
Participant's   Separation   From  Employment  is  for  any  reason  other  than
Retirement,  Disability or death,  the right of the  Participant  to exercise an
ISO,  NQSO or SAR  shall  terminate  not  later  than one year  from the date of
Separation From  Employment,  but in no event later than 10 years after the date
of grant.

     At the time of his  Separation  From  Employment  for any reason other than
Cause,  a Participant  shall vest in a portion of any  Incentives  granted under
sections 7 (ISOs), 8 (NQSOs) or 9 (SARs) that he has held for less than one year
from the  date of the  grant.  The  portion  of such  Incentives  in  which  the
Participants shall vest shall be determined by multiplying all shares subject to
such  Incentives  by a fraction,  the  numerator of which shall be the number of
Completed  Months of employment  following the date of grant and the denominator
of which shall be twelve.

     A Participant who vests in any Incentives under the preceding paragraph may
not exercise such Incentives  prior to the  satisfaction of the one-year holding
requirement and the Exercisability  Requirements  pertaining to such Incentives.
Any Incentives vested under the preceding paragraph must be exercised within one
year from the date of the Participant's Separation From Employment.

     As to PUAs  or  PSAs,  in the  event  of a  Participant's  Separation  from
Employment  because of his  Retirement,  Disability or death prior to the end of
the applicable  Performance Period,  payment, if any, to the extent earned under
the applicable  Performance  Objectives  and awarded by the Committee,  shall be
payable at the end of the Performance Period in proportion to the active service
of  the  Participant  during  the  Performance  Period,  as  determined  by  the
Committee. If the Separation From Employment prior to the end of the Performance
Period is for any other reason, the Participant's participation in Section 10 of
the Plan shall  immediately  terminate,  his agreement shall become void and the
PUA or PSA shall be canceled.

     Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary in this Plan, if a Participant or
former  Participant (a) becomes the owner,  director or employee of a competitor
of the Company or its  subsidiaries,  (b) has his  employment  terminated by the
Company or one of its  subsidiaries  on  account  of actions by the  Participant
which are  detrimental to the interests of the Company or its  subsidiaries,  or
(c) engages in conduct  subsequent to the termination of his employment with the
Company or its subsidiaries which the Committee  determines to be detrimental to
the interests of the Company or its subsidiaries  then the Committee may, in its
sole discretion,  pay the Participant or former Participant a single sum payment
equal to the amount of his unpaid benefits which were awarded and deferred under
Sections 10 or 12 of the Plan;  provided,  however, if the deferral has been for
less  than  three (3) years  under  Section  12,  the  Participant  shall not be
eligible to receive the Stock  Premium.  The single sum payment shall be made as
soon as practicable  following the date the  Participant  or former  Participant
becomes an owner,  director or  employee of a  competitor,  his  termination  of
employment or the Committee's  determination of detrimental conduct, as the case
may be, and shall be in lieu of all other  benefits  which may be payable to the
Participant or former Participant under this Plan.

14.    Incentives Non-assignable and Non-transferable

     Any  Incentive  granted  under  this  Plan  shall  be  non-assignable   and
non-transferable  other than as provided in Section 15 and shall be  exercisable
(including  any action of  surrender  and  exercise of rights  under  Section 9)
during the  Participant's  lifetime only by the Participant who is the holder of
the Incentive or by his guardian or legal representative.

15.    Death of Option Holder

     In the event of the death of a Participant who is an Incentive holder under
the Plan while  employed by the Company or one of its  subsidiaries  or prior to
exercise of all rights under an Incentive, the Incentive theretofore granted may
be exercised  (including  any action of  surrender  and exercise of rights under
Section 9) by the Participant's Beneficiary or, if no Beneficiary is designated,
by the  executor or executrix  of the  Participant's  estate or by the person or
persons to whom  rights  under the  Incentive  shall pass by will or the laws of
descent and  distribution  in accordance  with the provisions of the Plan and of
the option and to the same extent as though the Participant were then living.

16.    No Right to Continued Employment

     Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Plan to the contrary,  it is a
condition  for  eligibility  for any  benefit or right under this Plan that each
individual  agrees that his or her  designation  as a Participant  and any grant
made under the Plan may be rescinded  and  determined  to be void and  forfeited
entirely in the absolute and sole  discretion of the Committee in the event that
such individual is discharged for Cause.

     Incentives  granted  under the Plan shall not be  affected by any change of
employment  so long as the Incentive  holder has not suffered a Separation  From
Employment. A leave of absence granted by the Company or one of its subsidiaries
shall not  constitute  Separation  From  Employment  unless so determined by the
Committee.  Nothing in the Plan or in any Incentive granted pursuant to the Plan
shall  confer on any  individual  any  right to  continue  in the  employ of the
Company or one of its subsidiaries or interfere in any way with the right of the
Company or such subsidiary to terminate employment at any time.

17.    Adjustment of Shares

     In  the   event   of  any   change   (through   recapitalization,   merger,
consolidation,  stock dividend, split-up,  combination or exchanges of shares or
otherwise)  in the  character or amount of the  Company's  common stock prior to
exercise of any Incentive granted under this Plan, the Incentives, to the extent
not exercised,  shall entitle the  Participant  who is the holder to such number
and kind of securities  as he would have been entitled to had he actually  owned
the  stock  subject  to the  Incentives  at the time of the  occurrence  of such
change.  If any such event  should  occur,  prior to  exercise  of an  Incentive
granted  hereunder,  which shall increase or decrease the amount of common stock
outstanding  and which the Committee,  in its sole  discretion,  shall determine
equitably  requires an  adjustment  in the number of shares which the  Incentive
holder should be permitted to acquire,  such  adjustment as the Committee  shall
determine  may be made,  and when so made shall be effective and binding for all
purposes of the Plan.

     Incentives may also be granted having terms and provisions  which vary from
those  specified in the Plan provided that any  Incentives  granted  pursuant to
this  paragraph  are  granted in  substitution  for, or in  connection  with the
assumption  of, then  existing  Incentives  granted by another  corporation  and
assumed or otherwise  agreed to be provided for by the Company pursuant to or by
reason of a transaction involving a corporate merger, consolidation, acquisition
of property or stock,  separation,  reorganization  or  liquidation to which the
Company or a subsidiary corporation is a party.

18.    Loans to Option Holders

     The  Committee  may adopt  programs  and  procedures  pursuant to which the
Company may lend money to any  Participant  who is an  Incentive  holder for the
purpose of assisting the  Participant to acquire or carry shares of common stock
issued upon the exercise of Incentives granted under the Plan.

19.    Termination and Amendment of Plan

     Unless  the Plan  shall  have been  previously  terminated  as  hereinafter
provided,  the Plan shall  terminate on May 2, 1999, and no Incentives  under it
shall be granted thereafter. The Board of Directors, without further approval of
the  company's  shareholders,  may at any time prior to that date  terminate the
Plan,  and  thereafter  no further  Incentives  may be  granted  under the Plan.
However,  Incentives  previously granted thereunder may continue to be exercised
in accordance with the terms thereof.

     The Board of Directors,  without further approval of the shareholders,  may
amend  the  Plan  from  time to time in such  respects  as the  Board  may  deem
advisable;  provided,  however, that no amendment shall become effective without
prior  approval  of the  shareholders  which  would:  (i)  increase  (except  in
accordance  with Section 17) the maximum  number of shares for which  Incentives
may be granted under the Plan;  (ii) reduce  (except in accordance  with Section
16) the  Incentive  price below the Fair Market  Value of the  Company's  common
stock on the date of grant of the  Incentive;  (iii) extend the term of the Plan
beyond May 2, 1999;  (iv) change the  standards  of  eligibility  prescribed  by
Section 5; or (v) increase the maximum awards identified in Sections 7, 8, 9, 10
and 11.

     No  termination  or  amendment  of the Plan may,  without  the consent of a
Participant who is a holder of an Incentive then existing,  terminate his or her
Incentive  or  materially  and  adversely  affect  his or her  rights  under the

20.    Change in Control

     a.  Notwithstanding  any provision of this Plan to the  contrary,  upon the
occurrence of a Change in Control as set forth in subsection b., below:  (i) all
stock options then outstanding under this Plan shall become fully exercisable as
of the date of the Change in Control, whether or not then otherwise exercisable;
(ii) all SARs which have been  outstanding  for at least six months shall become
fully  exercisable as of the date of the Change in Control,  whether or not then
otherwise  exercisable;  (iii) all terms and conditions of RSAs then outstanding
shall be deemed satisfied as of the date of the Change in Control; (iv) all PUAs
and PSAs then  outstanding  shall be deemed to have been fully  earned and to be
immediately  payable in cash as of the date of the Change of  Control,  however,
Participants may defer those case payments, as stock, into the Trust, consistent
with the deferral  provisions  of Section 10; and (v) the three (3) year holding
requirement of the Stock Premium for deferred ICP shall be deemed satisfied.

     b. A "Change in Control" shall mean any of the following:

          (i)  STOCK ACQUISITION. The acquisition, by any individual,  entity or
               group [within the meaning of Section  13(d)(3) or 14(d)(2) of the
               Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act")]
               (a "Person") of beneficial  ownership (within the meaning of Rule
               13d-3  promulgated  under  the  Exchange  Act)  of 20% or more of
               either  (A) the then  outstanding  shares of common  stock of the
               Company (the  "Outstanding  Company  Common  Stock"),  or (B) the
               combined voting power of the then outstanding  voting  securities
               of the Company  entitled  to vote  generally  in the  election of
               directors  (the   "Outstanding   Company   Voting   Securities");
               provided,  however, that for purposes of this subsection (i), the
               following  acquisitions shall not constitute a Change of Control:
               (A)  any   acquisition   directly  from  the  Company;   (B)  any
               acquisition by the Company;  (C) any  acquisition by any employee
               benefit plan (or related  trust)  sponsored or  maintained by the
               Company or any corporation  controlled by the Company; or (D) any
               acquisition by any  corporation  pursuant to a transaction  which
               complies  with clauses (A),  (B) and (C) of  subsection  (iii) of
               this Section 20(b); or

          (ii) BOARD  COMPOSITION.  Individuals  who,  as of  the  date  hereof,
               constitute the Board of Directors (the  "Incumbent  Board") cease
               for any reason to  constitute at least a majority of the Board of
               Directors;  provided,  however,  that any  individual  becoming a
               director   subsequent  to  the  date  hereof  whose  election  or
               nomination  for  election  by  the  Company's  shareholders,  was
               approved by a vote of at least a majority of the  directors  then
               comprising the Incumbent Board shall be considered as though such
               individual were a member of the Incumbent  Board,  but excluding,
               for this purpose, any such individual whose initial assumption of
               office  occurs as a result of an  actual or  threatened  election
               contest  with  respect to the election or removal of directors or
               other actual or threatened solicitation of proxies or consents by
               or on behalf of a Person other than the Board of Directors; or

          (iii)BUSINESS COMBINATION. Approval by the shareholders of the Company
               of a  reorganization,  merger,  consolidation  or sale  or  other
               disposition  of all or  substantially  all of the  assets  of the
               Company or its  principal  subsidiary  that is not subject,  as a
               matter of law or contract, to approval by the Interstate Commerce
               Commission  or any  successor  agency or  regulatory  body having
               jurisdiction  over such  transactions (the "Agency") (a "Business
               Combination"),  in each case,  unless,  following  such  Business

               (A)  all or substantially all of the individuals and entities who
                    were the beneficial owners, respectively, of the Outstanding
                    Company   Common  Stock  and   Outstanding   Company  Voting
                    Securities  immediately  prior to such Business  Combination
                    beneficially own, directly or indirectly,  more than 50% of,
                    respectively,  the then  outstanding  shares of common stock
                    and the combined voting power of the then outstanding voting
                    securities  entitled to vote  generally  in the  election of
                    directors,  as the case may be, of the corporation resulting
                    from   such   Business   Combination   (including,   without
                    limitation,   a  corporation  which  as  a  result  of  such
                    transaction owns the Company or its principal  subsidiary or
                    all or substantially all of the assets of the Company or its
                    principal  subsidiary either directly or through one or more
                    subsidiaries) in substantially the same proportions as their
                    ownership, immediately prior to such Business Combination of
                    the Outstanding Company Common Stock and Outstanding Company
                    Voting Securities, as the case may be;

               (B)  no Person  (excluding  any  corporation  resulting from such
                    Business  Combination  or  any  employee  benefit  plan  (or
                    related trust) of the Company or such corporation  resulting
                    from such Business Combination)  beneficially owns, directly
                    or  indirectly,  20% or  more  of,  respectively,  the  then
                    outstanding  shares  of  common  stock  of  the  corporation
                    resulting  from such  Business  Combination  or the combined
                    voting power of the then  outstanding  voting  securities of
                    such  corporation  except to the extent that such  ownership
                    existed prior to the Business Combination; and

               (C)  at least a majority of the members of the board of directors
                    resulting from such Business Combination were members of the
                    Incumbent  Board at the time of the execution of the initial
                    agreement,  or of the  action  of the  Board  of  Directors,
                    providing for such Business Combination; or

          (iv) REGULATED BUSINESS  COMBINATION.  Approval by the shareholders of
               the  Company  of a Business  Combination  that is  subject,  as a
               matter  of  law  or  contract,  to  approval  by  the  Agency  (a
               "Regulated   Business    Combination")   unless   such   Business
               Combination  complies with clauses (A), (B) and (C) of subsection
               (iii) of this Section 20(b); or

          (v)  LIQUIDATION OR DISSOLUTION.  Approval by the  shareholders of the
               Company of a complete  liquidation  or dissolution of the Company
               or its principal subsidiary.

     c.   Each Participant who has elected to defer the payment of PSAs pursuant
          to Section 10 or an ICP award  pursuant  to Section 12, may elect in a
          time and manner  determined  by the  Committee,  but in no event later
          than December 31, 1996 or the  occurrence  of a Change in Control,  if
          earlier,  to have amounts and benefits currently  deferred,  and to be
          deferred, under the Plan determined and payable under the terms of the
          Plan as if a Change in Control had not occurred.  New  Participants in
          the Plan may elect in a time and manner  determined by the  Committee,
          but  in no  event  later  than  ninety  (90)  days  after  becoming  a
          Participant,  to have amounts and benefits currently deferred,  and to
          be deferred,  under the Plan determined and payable under the terms of
          the Plan as if a Change in Control had not occurred. A Participant who
          has made an election, as set forth in the two preceding sentences, may
          at any time and from time to time,  change  that  election;  provided,
          however, a change of election that is made within one year of a Change
          in Control shall be invalid.

     d.   If a Change in Control has  occurred,  the  Committee  shall cause the
          Company  to  contribute  to the Trust,  within  seven (7) days of such
          Change in Control,  a lump sum payment equal to the aggregate value of
          the amount each  Participant  deferred  pursuant to Sections 10 and 12
          (including  the Stock  Premium  under  Section  12) to the extent such
          amounts are not already in the Trust.

21.    Compliance with Regulatory Authorities

     Any shares  purchased or  distributed  pursuant to any  Incentives  granted
under  this  Plan  must  be  held  for  investment  and  not  with a view to the
distribution  or resale  thereof.  Each person who shall  exercise an  Incentive
granted under this Plan may be required to give satisfactory  assurances to such
effect to the Company as a condition  to the issuance to him or to her of shares
pursuant to such exercise;  provided,  however,  that the Company may waive such
condition  if it  shall  determine  that  such  resale  or  distribution  may be
otherwise  lawfully made without  registration under the Securities Act of 1933,
or if satisfactory  arrangements for such  registration are made. Each Incentive
granted under this Plan is further  subject to the condition that if at any time
the Board shall in its sole discretion determine that the listing,  registration
or  qualification  of the shares  covered by such  Incentive upon any securities
exchange  or under any state or federal  law,  or the consent or approval of any
governmental  regulatory body, is necessary or desirable as a condition of or in
connection  with the granting of such  Incentives or the purchase or transfer of
shares  thereunder,  the  delivery  of any or all  shares of stock  pursuant  to
exercise  of the  Incentive  may be  withheld  unless  and until  such  listing,
registration,  qualification,  consent or approval  shall have been  effected or
obtained free of any conditions not acceptable to the Board.

22.    Withholding Tax

     Whenever the Company proposes or is required to issue or transfer shares of
common stock under the Plan, a Participant  shall remit to the Company an amount
sufficient  to  satisfy  any  federal,  state or local  income and  payroll  tax
withholding  liability  prior to the delivery of any certificate or certificates
for such shares. Alternatively, to the extent permitted by applicable laws, such
federal,  state or local  income and payroll tax  withholding  liability  may be
satisfied  prior to the  delivery of any  certificate  or  certificates  for the
shares by an  adjustment,  equal in value to such  liability,  in the  number of
shares to be  transferred to the  Participant.  Whenever under the Plan payments
are to be made in cash,  such payments  shall be net of an amount  sufficient to
satisfy  any  federal,  state  or  local  income  and  payroll  tax  withholding

23.    Non-Uniform Determinations

     Determinations  by  the  Committee  under  the  Plan,  including,   without
limitation,  determinations  of the persons to receive  Incentives and the form,
amount  and  timing of such  Incentives,  and the terms and  provisions  of such
Incentives and the agreements  evidencing the same need not be uniform,  and may
be made by the Committee  selectively among persons who receive, or are eligible
to receive, Incentives under the Plan, whether or not such persons are similarly

     Without amending the Plan,  Incentives may be granted to eligible employees
who are foreign nationals or who are employed outside the United States or both,
on such terms and conditions  different from those specified in the Plan as may,
in the  judgment of the  Committee,  be  necessary  or  desirable to further the
purposes of the Plan.  Such  different  terms and conditions may be reflected in
Addenda to the Plan.