Washington, D.C.  20549

                            FORM 10-Q

       Quarterly Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of
               the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

            For the Six Months Ended December 31, 1995

                 Commission File Number: 0-9047


     (Exact Name of Registrant as specified in its charter)

       Delaware                                    02-0314487
(State or other jurisdiction of                 (IRS Employer Identification
incorporation or organization)                   Number)

       2575 South Highland Drive, Las Vegas, Nevada 89109
            (Address of principal executive offices)

Registrant's Telephone Number, including Area Code:   702/794-0336

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:   None

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act: Common

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports 
required to be filed by Section 12 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 
1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the 
registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to 
such filing requirements for the past 90 days.
                         X   YES        NO

As of December 31, 1995, there was issued and outstanding 26,378,577 shares 
of Common Stock of Registrant.  The aggregate market value of the shares of 
Common Stock held by non-affiliates (without admitting that any person whose 
shares are not included in determining such value is an affiliate) was not 
available because the prices for such shares are not quoted by the National 
Association of Securities Dealers through NASDAQ, its automated system for 
reporting quotes.

               Global Gaming and Technology, Inc.
                            Form 10-Q
                Quarter Ended December 31, 1995

                        TABLE OF CONTENTS

                PART I  - Financial Information

                     Item I  - Financial Statements

                     Item II - Management's Discussion and Analysis
                               of Financial Condition and Results of

                PART II - Other Information 

                              PART I

                 Global Gaming and Technology, Inc.
                      Financial Statements
                       December 31, 1995
                (See Accountant's Review Report)

                 Global Gaming and Technology, Inc.
                      Financial Statements
                       December 31, 1995
                (See Accountant's Review Report)

                        TABLE OF CONTENTS


   Accountant's Review Report                               1
   Balance Sheet                                            2

   Statement of Operations and Deficit                    3 - 4

   Statement of Cash Flows                                  5

   Summary of Significant Accounting Policies             6 - 7

   Notes to Financial Statements                          8 - 10

To the Board of Directors
and Stockholders of
Global Gaming and Technology, Inc.

We have reviewed the accompanying balance sheet of Global Gaming and 
Technology, Inc. as of December 31, 1995 and the related statements of 
operations, deficit, and cash flows for the three months and six months
ended December 31, 1995 and 1994, in accordance with Statements on Standards 
for Accounting and Review Services issued by the American Institute of 
Certified Public Accountants.  All information included in these financial 
statements is the representation of the management of Global Gaming and 
Technology, Inc.

A review consists principally of inquiries of company personnel and analytical 
procedures applied to financial data.  It is substantially less in scope than 
an examination in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, the 
objective of which is the expression of an opinion regarding the financial 
statement taken as a whole.  Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion.

Based on our review and subject to the preceding paragraph, we are not aware 
of any material modifications that should be made to the accompanying
comparative financial statements in order for them to be in conformity with 
generally accepted accounting principles.

The financial statements for the year ended June 30, 1995 were audited by us 
and we expressed an unqualified opinion on them in our report dated September
11, 1995, but we have not performed any auditing procedures since that date.

Las Vegas, Nevada
February 9, 1995

                             - 1 -

                Global Gaming and Technology, Inc.
                         Balance Sheet
              December 31, 1995 and June 30, 1995
                (See Accountant's Review Report)

                                          December 31          June 30  
                                          1995                 1995
    Cash                                  $    14,792          $    24,081
    Note Receivable-Current (Note 1)          110,159              106,345
                                          -----------          -----------
                                              124,951              130,426
                                          -----------          -----------
     Net of Accum Depreciation                  -0-                  -0-
                                          -----------          -----------

     Note Receivable (Note 1)                 582,850              642,063
     Deposits                                     300                  300
                                          -----------          -----------
                                              583,150              642,363
                                          -----------          -----------
        Total Assets                      $   708,101          $   772,789
                                          ===========          ===========

     Accounts Payable & Accrued Exp         1,073,219            1,042,044
     Notes Payable (Note 3)                 1,173,785            1,173,785
                                          -----------          -----------
                                            2,247,004            2,215,829

     Notes Payable - Net of Current
     Maturities (Note 3)                        -0-                  -0-
                                          -----------          -----------
     Preferred Stock, $.01 par value,
       1,000,000 shares authorized,
       none issued.                             -0-                 -0-
     Common Stock, $.01 par Value,
       27,000,000 Shares Authorized,
       26,378,577 shares issued
       (Including 51,382 held in the
        company name at no cost).             263,786              263,786
     Paid in Capital in excess of
       par value                            3,395,062            3,395,062
     Deficit                              ( 5,197,751)         ( 5,101,888)
                                          -----------          -----------
                                          ( 1,538,903)         ( 1,443,040)
                                          -----------          -----------
       Total Liabilities and
       Stockholders' Deficiency           $   708,101          $   772,789
                                          ===========          ===========
The Accompanying Summary of Significant Accounting Policies and 
Notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                               - 2 -

                 Global Gaming and Technology, Inc.
                Statement of Operations and Deficit
         For the Three Months Ended December 31, 1995 and
               the Six Months Ended December 31, 1995
                 (See Accountant's Review Report)

                                          3 Mnths Ended        6 Mnths Ended
                                          December 31          December 31
                                          1995                 1995
     Royalty & Interest Income            $     2,524          $     5,600
                                          -----------          -----------
     Professional Services                     38,985               53,082
     Interest                                  23,087               46,174
     Other General & Administrative             1,060                2,207
                                          -----------          -----------
        Costs and Expenses                     63,132              101,463
                                          -----------          -----------

Loss from Operations before
     Extraordinary Item                   (    60,608)         (    95,863)

Extraordinary Item                               -0-                  -0-
                                          -----------          -----------
Net Income (Loss)                         (    60,608)         (    95,863)
                                          -----------          -----------
Deficit Beginning of Period
     as Previously Reported               ( 5,137,143)         ( 5,101,888)

Prior Period Adj                                 -0-                  -0-
                                          -----------          -----------
Deficit Beinning of Period
     as Restated                          ( 5,137,143)         ( 5,101,888)
                                          -----------          -----------
Deficit End of Period                     ( 5,197,751)         ( 5,197,751)
                                          ===========          ===========
Net Income (Loss) per Common
     Share (Note 5)                       ($    .0023)         ($    .0036)
                                          ===========          ===========

The accompanying Summary of Significant Accounting Policies and
Notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                                - 3 -

                    Global Gaming and Technology, Inc.
                   Statement of Operations and Deficit
             For the Three Months Ended December 31, 1994 and
                   the Six Months Ended December 31, 1994
                      (See Accountant,s Review Report)

                                          3 Mnths Ended        6 Mnths Ended
                                          December 31          December 31
                                          1994                 1994

     Royalty & Interest Income            $     4,667          $    14,803
                                          -----------          -----------

     Professional Services                     21,877               29,219
     Interest                                  28,332               57,198
     Other General & Administrative             2,456                4,635
                                          -----------          -----------
        Costs and Expenses                     52,665               91,052
                                          -----------          -----------
Loss from Operations before
     Extraordinary Item                   (    47,998)         (    76,249)

Extraordinary Item - Gain on
     Extinguishment of Debt                      -0-                48,397
                                          -----------          -----------
Loss for the period                       (    47,998)         (    27,852)
                                          -----------          -----------
Deficit Beginning of Period
     as Previously Reported               ( 4,944,109)         ( 4,954,519)

Prior-Period Adjustment
     Income Taxes                                -0-           (     9,736)
                                          -----------          -----------
Deficit Beginning of Period
     as Restated                          ( 4,944,109)         ( 4,964,255)
                                          -----------          -----------
Deficit End of the Period                 ($4,992,107)         ($4,992,107)
                                          ===========          ===========
Loss per Common Share (Note 5)            ($    .0018)         ($    .0010)
                                          ===========          ===========

The accompanying Summary of Significant Accounting Policies and
Notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                                - 4 -

                  Global Gaming and Technology, Inc.
                      Statement of Cash Flows
         For the Six Months Ended December 31, 1995 and 1994
                 (See Accountant's Review Report)

                                          December 31          December 31
                                          1995                 1994 

     Net Income (Loss)                    ($   95,863)         ($   27,852)
     Non-Cash Items Included in
        Net Income Depreciation                  -0-                  -0-
     Changes in
          Accounts Payable                     31,175               24,045
          Note Receivable                      55,399              109,483
          Loan to Officer                        -0-           (     5,000)
          Prior-Period Adjustment
               Income Taxes                      -0-           (     9,736)
                                          -----------          -----------
                                          (     9,289)              90,940
                                          -----------          -----------


     Capital Expenditure                         -0-                  -0-
                                          -----------          -----------


     Repayment of Notes Payable                 -0-            (    70,376)
                                          -----------          -----------
Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash           ($    9,289)          $   20,564
                                          ===========          ===========

The accompanying Summary of Significant Accounting Policies and
Notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                              - 5 -

                Global Gaming and Technology, Inc.
            Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
                 and Notes to Financial Statements
                        December 31, 1995

                            THE COMPANY

The Company was incorporated in the State of Delaware in 1973 and has elected 
June 30 as its year end.  The Company has ben engaged in the research, devel-
opment, manufacture, and marketing of electronic gaming devices and coinless
games of chance.

                      PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT

Property and equipment, including significant improvements thereto, are 
carried at cost, less accumulated depreciation.  Expenditures for repairs and 
maintenance are charged to expenses as incurred. When assets are retired or 
disposed of, the cost and related accumulated depreciation are removed from 
the accounts.  Gains and losses from the disposition of property are included
in operations. Depreciation is provided using Straight-Line methods.

                           INCOME TAXES

Because of a net operating loss carry forward from prior years, the Company 
does not have an income tax obligation.


On or about May, 1994, the Company instituted litigation in the United States 
District Court for the District of New Jersey for patent infringement against 
Bally's Park Place, Inc., Trump Plaza Associates, Trump Taj Mahal Associates, 
Trump Castle Associates, The Claridge Hotel and Casino Corporation, Resorts 
International Hotel, Atlantic Showboat Inc., and Greate Bay Hotel and Casino,
Inc.  Global was seeking damages to adequately compensate for the past 
infringement of the patent in suit by each of the defendants together with
interest and cost.

As a result of this action, on June 30, 1994 the Company entered into a 
license agreement with Bally Gaming, whereby the Company grants a non 
exclusive, personal, non-transferable right and paid-up license to make, have 
made, use and sell, test, lease or otherwise dispose of licensed products 
under claims of this license patent.  The Company will receive a non-
refundable net royalty payment in the amount of one million dollars 
($1,000,000).  (See Note 1 for details)

                              - 6 -

                Global Gaming and Technology, Inc.
            Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
                 and Notes to Financial Statements
                        December 31, 1995

                     LITIGATION - (Continued)

In this law suit, Global Gaming and Technology, Inc. contends that the 
defendants named in the complaint infringed upon a patent owned in connection 
with the manufacture, use or sale of slot machines driven by stepper motors.
This case is in its early stage, and the Company intends to prosecute the 
matter fully until such time as the case is either tried or settled to the 
Company's satisfaction.

On or about July 6, 1994, IGT North America, Universal Distributing of Nevada,
Inc. and Sigma Game, Inc. filed a civil complaint in the United States 
District Court for the District of Nevada against Global Gaming and 
Technology, Inc. for declaratory judgment of non-infringement, invalidity, 
unenforceability and laches.

This lawsuit arose as a result of the New Jersey litigation (see above 
paragraph), and was filed for the purpose of having Global's patent declared 
invalid.  The Company is vigorously contesting the allegations alleged in the 
complaint and has filed a counter-claim for infringement against IGT North 
America, Universal Distributing of Nevada, Inc. and Sigma Game, Inc. Inasmuch
as this case is early in the discovery process, its counsel cannot, yet, 
render a more definite opinion with respect to this case.

At this time, the Company believes that its only financial exposure in this 
case is (i) the financial impact of having its patent declared invalid (which 
patent expired at the end of July 1995) and (ii) the payment of any fees and 
costs that may be awarded by the court, if IGT, Universal and Sigma prevail 
on their claims, the amount of which exposure is difficult to predict at 

The Company will be incurring legal costs regarding the prosecution of its 
infringement claims.  Per counsel of the Company, at present it is very 
difficult to determine these future legal costs.

On September 11, 1995, the Court ordered that discovery in this case will 
close on May 1, 1996 and set a trial date of September 9, 1996.  In 
connection with this ruling, the Court also denied IGT's, Sigma Game's and 
Universal Distributing's motion to bifurcate the damages and liability phases
of this case.

                             - 7 -

                 Global Gaming and Technology, Inc.
             Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
                 and Notes to Financial Statements
                        December 31, 1995

NOTE 1 - Note Receivable

The total amount due pursuant to this promissory note shall be paid in sixty
consecutive installments, pursuant to the following schedule:

     A.  $10,166.66 per month shall be paid on the first day of each month,
         starting on July 1, 1994, and continuing through December 1, 1996.

     B.  $21,500.00 per month shall be paid on the first day of each month,
         starting on January 1, 1997, and continuing through June 1, 1999.

     C.  $50,000 was received by the Company on July 1, 1994.  An additional
         $112,717 was received during the year ended 6/30/95.  $71,000 was
         received in the six months ended 12/31/95.  The scheduled payments 
         under this note have been discounted at 8% to reflect the present 
         value of the note.

         Note Receivable - Current Portion           $107,484
         Note Receivable - Long Term                  582,850
         Total as of September 30, 1995              $690,334

The amount of this royalty payment is secured by a note from Bally's Gaming 
and the collectability of this note is not doubtful. Since June 30, 1994, the
company has been receiving timely monthly installment payments on this note.

Also included in Note Receivable - Current Portion is a Note for $2,675 due 
from a local firm for the sale of all inventory.

NOTE 2 - Property and Equipment

Furniture and Equipment                   $60,843
     Less: Accumulated Depreciation      ( 60,843)
                                          $ - 0 -

                               - 8 -

                   Global Gaming and Technology, Inc.
              Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
                   and Notes to Financial Statements
                          December 31, 1995

NOTE 3 - Note Payable

                             Current          Non-Current
                             Maturities       Maturities       Total
Michael Wichinsky
Payable upon demand.
Interest payable
quarterly at 8%              $  736,389       $    - 0 -       $  736,389

Michael Wichinsky
Payable upon demand.
Interest payable
quarterly at 10%                105,490            - 0 -          105,490

William T. O'Donnel, Sr.
Payable upon demand.
Interest payable
quarterly at 8%                 312,463            - 0 -          312,463

State of New Jersey
Payable in monthly
installments of $1,363
including interest.
This note is in arrears.         19,443            - 0 -          19,443
                             ----------         ---------     ----------
                             $1,173,785            - 0 -      $1,173,785
                             ==========         =========     ==========
Interest is accrued on these notes at 8%.  Accrued interest payable at 
12/31/95 is $1,065,044.

NOTE 4 - Stockholders' Deficiency

                                                   Paid in
                                                   Capital in
                      Number of        $.01 Par    Excess of
                      Shares           Value       Par Value    (Deficit)
                      -----------      --------    ----------   ------------
Balance at
June 30, 1994          26,378,577      $263,786    $3,395,062   ($4,954,519)

Net Income
 (Loss) For The
 Year Ended
 June 30, 1995                                                  (   186,030)

 Item - Gain                                                         48,397

Prior Period
 Adjustment                                                     (     9,736)
                      -----------      --------    ----------   ------------
Balance at
June 30, 1995          26,378,577      $263,786    $3,395,062   ($5,101,888)
                      -----------      --------    ----------   ------------
Net Income (Loss)
 For the six months
 ended 12/31/95                                                 (    95,863)  
                      -----------      --------    ----------   ------------
Balance at
 12/31/95              26,378,577      $263,786    $3,395,062   ($5,197,751)
                      ===========      ========    ==========   ============

                                - 9 -

                   Global Gaming and Technology, Inc.
             Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
                and Notes to Financial Statements
                       December 31, 1995

NOTE 5 - Earnings (Loss) Per Share

Income (Loss) per share was computed by dividing the net income or loss by 
the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the period.

                             - 10 -

ITEM II - Management's Discussion and
          Analysis of Financial Condition
          and Results of Operations

As of December 31, 1995, the Company had negative working capital of 
$2,122,053.  The Company has no commitments for capital expenditures.

As of December 31, 1995, the Company had negative stockholders' equity of 

During the six months ended December 31, 1995, the Company realized total 
revenues of $5,600 and expenses of $101,463.

GLOBAL GAMING AND TECHNOLOGY, INC. has been engaged in the design,
manufacture, and marketing of electronic microprocessor-controlled gaming 
machines.  The Company, which was incorporated in Delaware in 1973, maintains
its principal offices at 2575 South Highland Drive, Las Vegas, Nevada 89109. 
No machines have been manufactured during the six months ended December 31, 
1995. The Company has been dormant during the six months ended December 31,

The Company does not anticipate any shortage of raw materials or parts.

Patents are the subjects of current litigation.

The Company is not subject to seasonal variation in sales.

Primary North American markets for gaming devices are Las Vegas, Nevada, and 
Atlantic City, New Jersey.  Because of the high cost of obtaining gaming 
licenses in Nevada and New Jersey, the Company does not sell its machines in 
these states.  Compared to Nevada and New Jersey, other markets are 
relatively immaterial, but growing. The Company does not have the resources 
to apply for licenses in Nevada and New Jersey at the present time.

The Company will be incurring legal costs regarding the prosecution of its 
infringement claims.  Per counsel of the Company, at present it is very 
difficult to determine these future legal costs.

The gaming industry is highly competitive, and the Company is at a severe 
competitive disadvantage because of its size and lack of resources.  The 
Company has not generated any sales in the last three months and does not 
anticipate sales in the foreseeable future.

The Company employs approximately 1 person on a part-time basis.

The lack of gaming licenses in Nevada and New Jersey is a severe detriment to
growth.  In effect, sales are confined to much smaller and less lucrative 
markets.  During the six months ended December 31, 1995, the Company was 
unable to achieve any sales.

                      PART II - OTHER INFORMATION

ITEM 1 - Legal Proceedings

On or about May, 1994, the Company instituted litigation for patent
infringement against Bally's Park Place, Inc. and several other New Jersey 
hotels and casinos.  Global was seeking damages to adequately compensate for 
the past infringement of the patent in suit by each of the defendants 
together with interest and costs. As a result of this action, the Company 
entered into a license agreement with Bally Gaming on June 30, 1994 whereby 
the Company grants a non exclusive, personal, non-transferable right and 
paid-up license to make, have made, use and sell, test, lease or otherwise
disopose of lecensed products under claims of this license patent.  The 
Company is receiving a non-refundable net royalty payment in the amount of 
one million dollars ($1,000,000) in periodic installments.

In this lawsuit, Global Gaming and Technology, Inc. contends that the 
defendants named in the complaint infringed upon a patent owned in connection
with the manufacture, use or sale of slot machines driven by stepper motors.

On or about July 6, 1994, IGT, Universal Distributing of Nevada, Inc. and 
Sigma Game, Inc. filed a civil complaint against Global Gaming and 
Technology, Inc. for declaratory judgment of non-infringement, invalidity, 
unenforceability and laches.

This Nevada lawsuit arose as a result of the New Jersey litigation (see above 
paragraph), and was filed for the purpose of having Global's patent declared 
invalid.  The Company is vigorously contesting the allegations alleged in the 
complaint and have, in fact, filed a counter-claim for infringement against 
these defendants.  It is expected by Global, that the pretrial process will 
continue through fiscal year 1995, with trial following no earlier than 
fiscal year 1996.  At present the New Jersey lawsuit has been stayed in 
deference to the Nevada case which is presently proceeding.  Per counsel of
the Company, presently it is too early in the discovery process to render a 
more definitive opinion regarding the ultimate outcome of these lawsuits.

ITEM 2 - Changes in Securities


ITEM 3 - Defaults Upon Senior Securities


ITEM 4 - Submission of Matters to a Vote to Security Holders


                    PART II - OTHER INFORMATION


ITEM 5 - Related Party Transactions

The Debt amount of $1,048,852 has been restructured by agreement between 
Michael Wichinsky (a 30% stockholder of the Company) and William T. 
O'Donnell, Sr. (a 22% stockholder of the Company), whereby the Company owes 
Michael Wichinsky the amount of $736,389 and owes William T. O'Donnell, Sr. 
the amount of $312,463 under the same terms and conditions agreed upon for 
the original advancement of funds.  These notes are payable upon demand and 
interest is payable quarterly at 8% per annum.  These funds were used for 
Working Capital and were in addition to the amounts evidenced by formal notes
payable (See Note 3 to financial statements). Additionally, the Company owes 
$105,490 to Michael Wichinsky (See Note 3 to the Financial statements).


Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or Section 15(d) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed
on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

DATED:    2/13/96

                                  GLOBAL GAMING & TECHNOLOGY, INC.

                                  BY:   Mark Sarason
                                        Mark Sarason
                                        President and Director

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this 
report has been signed below by the following persons as a majority of the 
members of the Board of Directors of the registrant and in the capacities
and on the dates indicated.

DATED:     2/13/96

                                         Mark Sarason
                                         Mark Sarason
                                         Secretary/Treasurer & Director