Exhibit 99.1


HOLTSVILLE, N.Y., April 10, 2003 - Symbol Technologies, Inc.
(NYSE: SBL) today announced that it expects revenue for the
first quarter ended March 31, 2003, to be nearly 20 percent
higher than revenue of $301 million reported in first quarter
2002 but slightly below revenue of $363 million reported in
the fourth quarter of 2002.  Earnings per share, before
restructuring charges, will be at or above diluted EPS of
$0.03 for the first quarter of last year but below EPS of
$0.08 of the fourth quarter of 2002.  The Company continues to
anticipate 2003 sequential quarterly revenue and EPS
improvement from the first-quarter base.  These preliminary
results are based on management's initial analysis of
operating results and are subject to change.

     First-quarter 2003 earnings are anticipated to be lower
sequentially because of greater expenses recognized and
incurred as compared to the prior quarter.  These included the
full impact of certain costs that historically had been
amortized throughout the year; professional fees associated
with the previously announced investigation of the Company by
the Securities and Exchange Commission and related matters;
the impact of certain accrued expenses that in prior periods
had been improperly understated or applied and not in
conformance with generally accepted accounting principles; and
expenditures associated with a restructuring of the Global
Services and Support organization, which is expected to reduce
expenses in the second half of 2003 and 2004.

     Symbol intends to report unaudited results for first
quarter 2003 on April 29, 2003.

     "We were pleased with the revenue results and quality of
business in the first quarter.  Symbol continued to make
progress on our balance sheet in the period with ongoing
positive cash flow, driven primarily by working capital
improvements, leading to an increase in cash balances of
approximately $20 million and debt reduction of approximately
$35 million.  Nevertheless, we're disappointed by the negative
impact of operating expenses; this is an area of intense focus
for the Symbol leadership team," Richard Bravman, Symbol vice
chairman and chief executive officer, said.

     William Nuti, president and chief operating officer,
said, "Our first quarter is traditionally challenging for
Symbol Technologies, so we were pleased to see quarterly
revenue as strong as it was, especially given the state of the
global economy, unstable geopolitical environment and
continued weak capital spending.  While our outlook for the
next several quarters remains cautiously optimistic, we are
focused on those factors under our control, with
restructuring, consolidation and other cost-containment
measures progressing."

     Any forward-looking guidance is subject to, among other
factors, material changes in the global economic outlook,
geopolitical climate and levels of corporate information
technology investment.  The Company has limited visibility to
forward-looking guidance and there can be no assurances the
anticipated results will be achieved.

Status of restatement, investigations

     The Company anticipates that by June 30, 2003, it will
complete the restatement of its revenue, income and certain
reserves previously reported in financial statements
principally issued with respect to the years 1999 through
2002; at that time it also believes it will publish audited
results for the year ended Dec. 31, 2002.  The restatement may
have an impact on the results referred to herein.  Upon
completion of the restatement, the Company plans to file its
2002 Annual Report on Form 10-K with the Securities and
Exchange Commission.  There can be no guarantee that the
restatement will be completed in June.  The Company
anticipates no change in the previously estimated scope of the

     The Company continues to cooperate with the SEC and the
U.S. Attorney's office investigations of certain of its past
accounting practices.  In March the Company announced that the
SEC staff in the Northeast Regional Office was considering
recommending to the Commission that it authorize civil actions
against the Company and a number of former employees alleging
violations of various sections of the federal securities laws
and regulations.  Pursuant to any action against Symbol, the
SEC may seek permanent injunctive relief and appropriate
monetary relief, including a fine, from the Company.  Symbol
has not accrued for any potential fine or monetary relief.

April 29 teleconference information

     The Company will host a teleconference at 4:45 p.m.
Eastern Time on April 29.  Those interested in participating
in the conference call should dial 719-457-2653 at least 10
minutes prior to commencement of the call, which also will be
available as an audio Web cast via the Symbol Web site,
www.symbol.com/investors.  A replay of the call will be
available approximately two hours after its conclusion and
will continue for five business days.  Interested parties can
listen to the replay by dialing 719-457-0820, access code

About Symbol Technologies

     Symbol Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:SBL), founded in 1975, is
a global leader in secure mobile information systems that
integrate application-specific handheld computers with
wireless networks for data and voice and bar code data
capture.  Symbol products and services increase productivity
and reduce costs for the world's leading retailers, logistics
and transportation companies, government agencies,
manufacturers and providers of healthcare, hospitality and
security.  More information is available at www.symbol.com and
1-800-722-6234 or 632-738-2400.

                             # # #

For financial information:           For media information:
Symbol Technologies, Inc.            Symbol Technologies, Inc.
Nancy Tully                          Arthur Germain
631-738-5050                         631-738-3238