Washington, D.C.  20549

                         - - - - - - -

                           FORM 8-K/A

                       (AMENDMENT NO. 1)

                        CURRENT REPORT
             PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15 (d) OF THE
                SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

Date of report
 (Date of earliest event reported):      September 17, 2003

                      Symbol Technologies, Inc.
- -----------------------------------------------------------
   (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

   Delaware                 1-9802            11-2308681
   --------                 ------            ----------
(State or other        (Commission File      (IRS Employer
Jurisdiction of           Number)       Identification No.)

  One Symbol Plaza
  Holtsville, New York                               11742
 ---------------------                           ----------
  (Address of principal                          (Zip Code)
    executive offices)

Registrant's telephone number, including
   area code:                                (631) 738-2400

Former name or former address, if changed
    since last report:                       Not Applicable

This Amendment No. 1 to the Current Report on Form 8-K of
Symbol Technologies, Inc. (the "Registrant") amends and
restates in its entirety the Current Report on Form 8-K of
the Registrant, dated September 17, 2003, and filed with
the Securities and Exchange Commission on October 14, 2003.
This Amendment is being filed to correct inadvertent
typographical errors contained in the heading to Item 5 of
the Form 8-K and the title of the press release referenced
as Exhibit 99.1 in the Exhibit Table contained in the Form
8-K.  Item 5 has been revised to read "Other Events and
Regulation FD Disclosure" and the description of Exhibit
99.1 in the Exhibit Table has been revised to read as
updating the "Telxon" litigation.  No other revisions have
been made.


         The Registrant issued a press release dated
October 10, 2003 which updates the status of the litigation
between its wholly owned subsidiary, Telxon Corporation,
and Smart Media.  A copy of the press release is attached
as Exhibit 99.1 hereto, and is incorporated herein by


          Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this
report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned
hereunto duly authorized.

                                 SYMBOL TECHNOLOGIES, INC.

Date: October 15, 2003         By: Mark T. Greenquist
                               Name:  Mark T. Greenquist
                               Title: Senior Vice President
                                      and Chief Financial

                          EXHIBIT INDEX

Exhibit            Description

Exhibit 99.1      Press release updating the status of the
                  Telxon litigation.

                         Exhibit 99.1

               Status of Telxon Litigation Updated

     HOLTSVILLE, N.Y., Oct. 10, 2003, -- Symbol
Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:SBL) today provided an update to
the status of the case involving Telxon Corporation, a
wholly owned subsidiary of Symbol, and Smart Media of
Delaware, Inc.

     The Summit County Court of Common Pleas in Ohio held a
status conference on October 9, 2003, and, as a result,
Symbol expects that the briefing on post judgment motions
will take at least a month, and may take longer.  No
judgment has yet been entered in the case, and Telxon has
filed a motion for judgment notwithstanding the verdicts
and for a new trial.

The following addresses the status of the Telxon case:

Q1:      What is the background of the litigation between
         Telxon and Smart Media, et al.?

A1:      The litigation between Telxon and Smart Media
         began in December 1, 1998, prior to Symbol's
         acquisition of Telxon, when Telxon filed suit
         against Smart Media in the Court of Common Pleas
         for Summit County, Ohio.  The suit filed by Telxon
         was for a declaratory judgment that, contrary to
         the position of Smart Media and several of its
         shareholders, Telxon neither agreed with nor
         promised Smart Media to develop a product or to
         provide financial support for the development of a
         product.  Smart Media denied Telxon's suit for
         declaratory judgment and claimed that it suffered
         substantial damages because of Telxon's alleged
         failure to provide funding of several million
         dollars. The damages claimed by Smart Media are
         for allegedly lost profits.

Q2:      Is there a judgment against Telxon at this point?

A2:      No.  No judgment has been entered at this time.

Q3:      What are the next procedural steps, and the
         timing, relating to the case?

A3:      The parties had a conference with the judge on
         October 9, 2003, that addressed, among other
         matters, the next steps in the case.  Symbol and
         Telxon believe that post trial motion practice
         will take at least a month and that no judgment
         will be entered until the Court rules on the
         parties' post trial motions.  Symbol and Telxon
         cannot predict when the Court will render its

Q4:      Has Telxon made any post trial motions?

A4:      On October 7, 2003, Telxon made a motion to
         impound and secure the trial record of certain
         exhibits, and on October 8, 2003, Telxon made
         motions for judgment in its favor notwithstanding
         the jury's verdicts, and for a new trial.  In the
         event this relief is not granted, Telxon requested
         that the amount of the jury's verdicts be reduced.
         Also, Telxon requested that the execution of any
         judgment against Telxon entered by the Court be
         stayed without the posting of a bond, or in the
         alternative, that a bond be set at a maximum of
         $3.7 million.

Q5:      What arguments has Telxon made to support its

A5:      Telxon, among other arguments, has argued that the
         jury's verdicts were based upon inadmissible
         evidence being improperly provided to the jury
         during its deliberations; that the absence of
         liability on the part of Telxon was conclusively
         established by the documents in evidence; and that
         the amounts awarded to Smart Media were based on
         legally irrelevant projections, and are wildly
         speculative, particularly given that Smart Media
         never had any revenue or profits.  In addition,
         Telxon argued that the jury verdicts incorrectly
         awarded damages more than once for the same
         alleged injury by adding together two separate
         awards for lost profits, and by improperly
         combining different measures of damages.

Q6:      Has Smart Media made any post trial motions?

A6:      As previously reported, Smart Media made a motion
         to join or substitute Symbol as a defendant. In
         addition on October 7, 2003, Smart Media made a
         motion for prejudgment interest in the amount of
         approximately $146 million based upon a 10 percent
         per annum rate on the aggregate amounts of the
         jury's verdicts from October 23, 1996, to
         September 17, 2003.  Symbol and Telxon believe
         these motions are without merit and intend to
         oppose them vigorously.

Q7:      If the Ohio trial court judge enters a judgment on
         the jury's verdicts, would Telxon have a right to

A7:      Yes, Telxon may appeal the jury's verdicts as a
         matter of right to the Ohio Court of Appeals for
         the 9th District.  Following that appeal, any
         party could petition the Ohio Supreme Court to
         hear the case, but Ohio Supreme Court review is
         not an appeal as a matter of right.

Q8:      How long could the appeal process last?

A8:      The length of the appeals process is uncertain.
         It could last a number of months, and perhaps more
         than a year.

Q9:      Pending the appeal, can Telxon stay execution of
         any judgment against it?

A9:      Yes, if Telxon posts a bond, if one is required,
         as determined by the Ohio trial court.

Q10:     In the event of an enforceable judgment against
         Telxon that it was unable to satisfy, could Symbol
         be responsible for the judgment?

A10:     Under such circumstances, Smart Media may pursue
         various legal theories and tactics to try to
         recover from Symbol or otherwise obligate Symbol
         to provide funds to Telxon to satisfy a judgment
         against Telxon.  While Symbol will vigorously
         oppose such efforts, there can be no assurance
         that Symbol will not be liable for or otherwise be
         obligated to provide funds to Telxon to satisfy
         any judgment against Telxon.

Q11:     Could the litigation between Smart Media and
         Telxon, or even a bankruptcy of Telxon, have an
         impact on Symbol's credit facility?

A11:     The credit facility remains in place at this time.
         Whether the credit facility could be impacted will
         depend on developments in the litigation.  At the
         present time, Symbol is not borrowing under its
         credit facility.

Q12:     Will the amount of the jury verdicts be reserved
         against on Symbol's balance sheet?

A12:     At this time, Symbol believes that the amounts
         indicated in the jury verdicts are not probable
         and estimable.  Therefore, Symbol has not recorded
         any reserves in its balance sheets.

Q13:     Ultimately, if Symbol were found liable for the
         entire amount of the verdicts, does Symbol have
         adequate liquidity and capital resources to
         satisfy that amount?

A13:     Symbol believes that it could satisfy the entire
         amount with a combination of internal funds and
         funds obtained from the public and/or private
         capital markets, although access to the public
         markets will be subject to Symbol completing the
         pending restatement of its financial statements.
         In addition, Symbol's ability to access the
         capital markets would be subject to market
         conditions, industry conditions and the financial
         condition and prospects of Symbol at the time the
         capital markets are accessed.

About Symbol Technologies

     Symbol Technologies, founded in 1975, is a global
leader in secure mobile information systems that integrate
application-specific hand-held computers with wireless
networks for data and voice and bar code data capture.
Symbol products and services increase productivity and
reduce costs for the world's leading retailers, logistics
and transportation companies, government agencies,
manufacturers and providers of healthcare, hospitality and
security. More information is available at
and 1-800-722-6234 or 631-738-2400.

     This news release contains forward-looking statements
based on current expectations, forecasts and assumptions
that involve risks and uncertainties that could cause
actual outcomes and results to differ materially.  These
risks and uncertainties include litigation developments,
price and product competition, dependence on new product
development, reliance on major customers, customer demand
for our products and services, control of costs and
expenses, international growth, general industry and market
conditions and growth rates and general domestic and
international economic conditions including interest rate
and currency exchange rate fluctuations.  For a further
list and description of such risks and uncertainties, see
the reports filed by Symbol with the Securities and
Exchange Commission.  Symbol disclaims any intention or
obligation to update or revise any forward-looking
statements, whether as a result of new information, future
events or otherwise.

                            # # # #

For financial information:        For press information:

Nancy Tully                       Doug Picker
Symbol Technologies, Inc.         Symbol Technologies, Inc.
631-738-5050                      631-738-4699