Daniel C. Potter, Treasurer
(603) 893-9701

           Standex Reports Third-Quarter Fiscal 2003 Results

              Quarterly Sales Hold Steady at $138 Million
   Weak Retail Market Leads Decline in Operating Income, Net Profit

SALEM,  N.H  -  April  24,  2003 . Standex  International  Corporation
(NYSE:SXI)  today reported net income of $1.5 million,  or  $0.13  per
diluted  share,  on revenues of $137.7 million for  the  fiscal  third
quarter  ended March 31, 2003.  This compares with net income for  the
third   quarter ended March 31, 2002, of $3.6 million,  or  $0.29  per
diluted  share,  on  revenues  of $136.9  million.  The  third-quarter
includes  pretax restructuring charges of $2.2 million  or  $0.09  per
diluted   share   relating  to  the  Company's  previously   announced
restructuring program.  These restructuring charges include  a  pretax
non-cash  component of $682,000. Excluding the restructuring  charges,
net income in the third quarter was $0.22 per share as compared to the
prior  year of $0.29 per share. The third-quarter results also include
a  $0.05 per share tax benefit related to R&D tax credits for the 2003
fiscal year.

For  the first nine months of fiscal 2003, Standex reported net income
of  $9.7  million, or $0.80 per diluted share, versus  net  income  of
$15.5  million, or $1.26 per diluted share, for the nine months  ended
March  31,  2002.  Year to date net income for fiscal 2003 includes  a
pretax  charge  of $4.5 million or $0.18 per share for non-reoccurring
items  (including  restructuring expenses, a gain on  the  sale  of  a
building  and  expenses associated with the retirement of  two  senior
corporate  executives).    Excluding the  non-reoccurring  items,  net
income  for  the first 9 months was $0.98 per share versus  $1.26  per
share last year.

Revenues  for  the first nine months of fiscal year 2003  were  $434.1
million,  compared with $430.5 million for the first  nine  months  of
fiscal  2002.  Standex's nine-month fiscal 2003  revenues  include  an
extra  month or approximately $4.4 million of European sales resulting
from  the  decision  to conform the accounting year  of  its  European
operations to the Standex fiscal year ending June 30.

The  nine-month fiscal 2002 results above do not reflect the Company's
adoption  of Statement of Accounting Standards No. 142 (SFAS No.  142)
which relates to goodwill and other intangibles.  The Company recorded
a  goodwill impairment charge of $3.8 million ($0.31 per share) as  of
July 1, 2001 upon adoption of this standard.

Comments on the Third Quarter
"Many of the trends we reported in the second quarter continued during
the  third  quarter," stated Roger Fix, President and CEO of  Standex.
"Performance  of  our  Consumer Group was  significantly  impacted  by
overall  weakness  in  the  retail sector caused  by  the  decline  in
consumer  confidence and the effect of the war in Iraq.  In  addition,
Easter  occurs during the company's fourth quarter this year while  it
occurred  in the 3rd quarter last year which impacts particularly  our
Berean Christian book store business."

Revenues  for  the  Consumer Group were down 12 percent  quarter  over
quarter,  from  $27.5  million  to  $24.4  million,  and  the  group's
operating  income  decreased from $1.7 million for the  third  quarter
last year to $119,000 for the third quarter ended March 31, 2003.  For
the  first  nine months of fiscal 2003, Consumer Group  revenues  were
$76.5  million, compared with revenues of $84.7 million for the  group
for  the year-earlier period.  Consumer Group operating income for the
nine months just ended declined from $5.6 million to $632,000.

The  Company's strongest performance continued to be delivered by  its
Industrial  Group, where quarter over quarter revenues  were  up  from
$76.9 million to $80.0 million.  Operating income held steady at  $6.5
million,  the  same  as  the year-earlier quarter.   Industrial  Group
revenues for the first nine months of fiscal 2003 were $253.6 million,
compared  with  year-earlier  revenues of  $244.4  million;  operating
income for the nine months was $27.4 million, up from $26.9 million in
2002.   Good year over year performance improvements were recorded  in
the  Standex Electronics, Standex Engraving and Spincraft units during
the  third quarter.   The performance improvements in these businesses
were  offset  by declining performance in our Standex Air Distribution
Products  business.    Air Distribution Products  has  been  a  strong
performer  for  the  last several years, however, the  group's  third-
quarter  results were affected by higher steel prices  resulting  from
the tariffs on imported steel imposed during 2002.

Revenues  in  Standex's Food Service Group were $33.4 million  in  the
third  quarter  of  fiscal 2003, compared with $32.5  million  a  year
earlier.   Quarterly  operating  income  declined  slightly  to   $1.7
million,  from  $1.9 million in the prior year.  The  Master-Bilt  and
Federal operating units recorded higher sales and earnings versus  the
prior  year.   The improvement in performance of these  divisions  was
offset by performance in USECO.

During the third quarter, Standex continued to aggressively manage its
balance  sheet  assets,  ending  the  quarter  in  stronger  financial
condition.   The  Company reduced its net working  capital  to  $137.6
million, down 13.4 percent from March 31, 2002, and improved its  debt
to  capital ratio from 45.5 percent to 38.3 percent at March 31, 2003.
In  February,  Standex closed a three-year unsecured revolving  senior
credit  facility with eight regional and money center banks  for  $130
million.   "In  a difficult lending environment, where few  banks  are
providing  unsecured  credit facilities, this  transaction  served  as
important affirmation of our financial and operating strengths,"  said

In  line with the Company's tax planning strategies, Standex completed
a  multi-year R&D tax credit project during the third quarter. The net
benefits  arising  from this project, net of associated project costs,
may be as high as  $2.0  million.  Certain  of  these  tax benefits
will be recognized when  the  Company obtains greater certainty as to
the realization of the pending claims.  Due  to this project, and other
tax planning strategies, we expect the effective tax rate to continue
to improve. 1

Strategic Realignment and Restructuring Program
"During  the  most  recent  quarter, we  continued  to  implement  our
strategic  realignment and restructuring program which is designed  to
improve  operating margins and cash flows of the overall Corporation,"
added  Fix.   "During the third quarter we closed the  National  Metal
Industries  operation.   Over  the past several  years  the  financial
performance  of  National Metals, which represents  less  than  1%  of
Company  sales, had been significantly impacted by foreign competition
and  was dilutive to the overall performance of Standex which  led  to
the  decision  to  close  this  operation.    We  have  completed  the
integration  of the Cin-Tran acquisition into our Standex  Electronics
Mexican  operation.   In addition, we transferred  the  production  of
several  ATC  Frost  product lines to our Mexican  operation  as  well
during the quarter.

Restructuring  activities resulted in a pretax charge  for  the  third
quarter  of  $2.2  million.  Year to date Standex has  incurred  total
pretax  restructuring  charges of $3.2M including  a  pretax  non-cash
component  of  $682,000.The year to date restructuring activities  are
expected  to  result  in annual pretax savings of  approximately  $3.5
million.    The  company  expects  to implement  the  balance  of  the
strategic  realignment and restructuring program, first  announced  in
October  2002, during the next 12 months.  This program  includes  the
consolidation  of  smaller  businesses into  larger  operating  units,
disposing  of under-performing or underutilized operations  and  other
cost-reduction  activities.   Standex  expects  to  generate  cash  by
selling the underutilized facilities to fund a significant portion  of
the restructuring." 1

Comments on Outlook
"In  today's challenging business environment, Standex has been taking
aggressive steps to improve the position of the Company in several  of
its  markets  so that we can leverage opportunities when  the  economy
improves.  Clearly we have been taking market share from some  of  our
Food Service and Industrial competitors in several divisions where  we
have  seen improvements in booking and sales activity despite  markets
which  are  flat to down year over year. In our Consumer Group,  where
the outlook for retail spending continues to be weak in the near term,
we  have been particularly focused on taking costs out of the business
by reducing headcount and expenses." 1

"Going  forward,  we will continue to focus on growth  through  market
share gains, cost reductions, aggressive balance sheet management  and
timely  execution  of  the  realignment  and  restructuring  program,"
concluded Fix.

Conference Call Information
Standex  invites  you to attend a conference call with  President  and
Chief   Executive  Officer  Roger  Fix  and  Chief  Financial  Officer
Christian Storch at: 10:00 a.m. ET, today.  To join a live Webcast  of
the conference call, please access the "Investor Relations" section of
the Company's Web site, located at:  For those unable
to  listen  to  the live broadcast of the conference  call,  an  audio
playback  will  be available beginning at 1:30 p.m. ET on  April  24th
through  midnight ET on April 30th.  To listen to the  audio  playback
from  the United States, please call (800) 475-6701; from outside  the
United States, (320) 365-3844; access code is 679537.  In addition,  a
replay can also be accessed in the "Investor Relations" section of the
Company's Web site, located at

About Standex International Corporation
Standex International Corporation is a multi-industry manufacturer  in
three  broad business segments: Food Service, Industrial and  Consumer
with  operations  in  the  United States, Europe,  Canada,  Australia,
Singapore and Mexico.

                      (In thousands, except per share data)

                                                   THREE MONTHS            NINE MONTHS
                                                  ENDED MARCH 31         ENDED MARCH 31
                                                   2003      2002        2003     2002

NET SALES                                      $137,683  $136,865     $434,072  $430,502
                                               --------  --------     --------  --------

INCOME BEFORE TAXES                              $1,375    $5,495      $14,525   $25,121
(CREDIT)/PROVISION FOR TAXES                      (166)     1,906        4,831     9,656
Net Income before cumulative effect of          -------  --------      -------   -------
  change in accounting principle                 $1,541    $3,589       $9,694   $15,465

  Cumulative effect of change in accounting
     principle                                        -         -            -   (3,779)
                                                -------   -------      -------   -------
Net Income                                       $1,541    $3,589      $9,694    $11,686
                                                -------   -------      -------   -------

EARNINGS PER SHARE (before cumulative
 effect of  change in accounting principle)
 Basic                                            $.13      $.29         $.80     $1.27
 Diluted                                          $.13      $.29         $.80     $1.26

EARNINGS PER SHARE (after cumulative
   effect of  change in accounting principle)
 Basic                                            $.13      $.29         $.80      $.96
 Diluted                                          $.13      $.29        $.80       $.95

 Basic                                          11,998    12,107       12,055    12,130
 Diluted                                        12,075    12,316       12,188    12,309

                                                                   NET SALES

Food Service                                    $33,362   $32,462     $103,921  $101,416
Industrial                                       79,964    76,869      253,614   244,352
Consumer                                         24,357    27,534       76,537    84,734
                                               --------  --------     --------  --------
     TOTAL                                     $137,683  $136,865     $434,072  $430,502

                                                               OPERATING INCOME

Food Service                                     $1,727    $1,915       $6,469    $7,154
Industrial                                        6,506     6,466       27,400    26,909
Consumer                                            119     1,688          632     5,558
Restructuring                                   (2,171)         -      (3,200)         -
Other expense, net                                    -         -      (1,306)         -
Corporate                                       (3,031)   (2,493)     (10,215)   (8,033)
                                                -------   -------      -------   -------
TOTAL                                            $3,150    $7,576      $19,780   $31,588
                                                -------   -------      -------   -------

   Cash Flow from Operations                                           $30,219   $33,602
   Net Working Capital                                                $137,599  $158,808
   Total Debt                                                         $116,365  $148,938

1 These statements are forward looking and involve certain risks and
uncertainties and assumptions.  Factors affecting outcomes and results
include changes in economic growth in the domestic and international
markets, failure to achieve the Company's acquisition, disposition and
restructuring goals in the anticipated timeframes, competitor
activities including pricing pressures or marketing of new products
and significant changes in domestic and international fiscal policies
or tax legislation.