Washington, D.C. 20549

                                FORM 10-Q


For the quarterly period ended            Commission File Number 1-7233
March 31, 2003

         (Exact name of Registrant as specified in its Charter)

     DELAWARE                                  31-0596149
(State of incorporation)       (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)

(Address of principal executive office)       (Zip Code)

                             (603) 893-9701
          (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

  Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period
that the Registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been
subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days.  YES   X   NO

  Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant is an accelerated filer
(as defined in Rule 12.b-2).
YES   X      NO

  The number of shares of Registrant's Common Stock outstanding on
March 31, 2003 was 12,004,457.


                                I N D E X

                                                             Page No.

Item 1.
 Condensed Statements of Consolidated Income
   for the Three and Nine Months Ended
   March 31, 2003 and 2002                                       2

 Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets,
   March 31, 2003 and June 30, 2002                              3

 Condensed Statements of Consolidated Cash Flows
   for the Nine Months Ended March 31, 2003 and 2002             4

 Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements         5-11

Item 2.
 Management's Discussion and Analysis of
   Financial Condition and Results of Operations             12-20

Item 3.
 Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk     21

Item 4.
 Controls and Procedures                                        21


 Not applicable                                                 22

                         PART I.  FINANCIAL INFORMATION

                   Condensed Statements of Consolidated Income
                      (In thousands, except per share data)

                                            Three Months Ended      Nine
Months Ended
                                               March 31
March 31
                                         2003          2002           2003      2002
Net sales                             $137,683      $136,865      $434,072  $430,502
Cost of sales                           94,959        93,468       294,538   288,681
Gross profit                            42,724        43,397       139,534   141,821
Operating Expenses:
  Selling, general and
     administrative expenses            37,403        35,821       115,248   110,233
  Other expense, net                         -             -         1,306         -
  Restructuring/Asset Impairment         2,171             -         3,200         -
      Total operating expenses          39,574        35,821       119,754   110,233
Income from operations                   3,150         7,576        19,780    31,588
Interest expense                       (1,824)       (2,070)       (5,295)   (6,618)
Other, net                                  49          (11)            40       151
Income before income taxes               1,375         5,495        14,525    25,121
(Credit)/Provision for income taxes      (166)         1,906         4,831     9,656
Income before cumulative effect of
   a change in accounting principle      1,541         3,589         9,694    15,465
Cumulative effect of a change in
accounting principle                        -             -             -    (3,779)
Net income                              $1,541        $3,589        $9,694   $11,686

Earnings per share: (before cumulative
 effect of a change in accounting
 Basic                                    $.13          $.29          $.80     $1.27
 Diluted                                  $.13          $.29          $.80     $1.26

Earnings per share: (after cumulative
  effect of a change in accounting
    Basic                                 $.13          $.29          $.80      $.96
 Diluted                                  $.13          $.29          $.80      $.95

Cash dividends per share                  $.21          $.21          $.63      $.63

See notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.

                      Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets
                                 (In thousands)
                                              March 31     June 30
                                                  2003        2002
Current assets
 Cash and cash equivalents                        $13,055           $8,092
 Receivables, net                                  82,036           93,219
 Inventories                                       90,325           92,931
 Prepaid expenses                                   7,458            4,570
    Total current assets                          192,874          198,812

Property, plant and equipment                     278,768          273,630
 Less accumulated depreciation                    169,582          160,738
    Property, plant and equipment, net            109,186          112,892

Other assets
 Prepaid pension cost                              48,649           47,405
 Goodwill, net                                     37,130           36,250
 Other                                             19,342           10,680
    Total other assets                            105,121           94,335

      Total                                      $407,181         $406,039

Current liabilities
   Short-term borrowings and current portion
    of long-term debt                              $1,536          $82,221
 Accounts payable                                  34,762           35,209
 Income taxes                                       1,508            1,221
 Accrued expenses                                  37,792           36,128
    Total current liabilities                      75,598          154,779

Long-term debt (less current
  portion included above)                         114,829           50,087

Deferred income taxes and other liabilities        31,396           22,741

Stockholders' equity
 Common stock                                      41,976           41,976
 Additional paid-in capital                        12,447           12,075
 Retained earnings                                386,656          384,589
 Unamortized value of restricted stock              (104)            (655)
 Accumulated other comprehensive loss             (2,549)          (8,473)
 Treasury shares                                (253,068)        (251,080)
    Total stockholders' equity                    185,358          178,432
      Total                                      $407,181         $406,039

See notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.

                 Condensed Statements of Consolidated Cash Flows
                                 (In thousands)

                                                          Nine Months Ended
                                                               March 31
                                                            2003     2002

Cash flows from operating activities:
 Net income                                              $9,694   $11,686
 Cumulative effect of a change in
     accounting principle                                     -     3,779
 Depreciation and amortization                           10,157     9,847
 Net changes in operating assets and liabilities         10,368     8,290
    Net cash provided by operating activities            30,219    33,602

Cash flows from investing activities:
 Expenditures for property and equipment                (5,982)   (9,133)
 Expenditures for acquisitions                          (1,599)         -
 Proceeds from sale of real estate                        5,293         -
 Other                                                      521       167
    Net cash used for investing activities              (1,767)   (8,966)

Cash flows from financing activities:
 Repayment of debt                                     (40,943)   (7,576)
 Proceeds from additional borrowings                     25,000       962
 Cash dividends paid                                    (7,627)   (7,593)
 Reacquisition of shares-open market                          -      (22)
   Reacquisition of shares-stock incentive
     programs and employees                             (3,399)   (5,088)
 Other, net                                               2,336     2,756
    Net cash used for financing activities             (24,633)  (16,561)

Effect of exchange rate changes on cash                   1,144      (66)

Net change in cash and cash equivalents                   4,963     8,009

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year            8,092     8,955

Cash and cash equivalents at March 31                   $13,055   $16,964

Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information:
 Cash paid during the nine months for:
    Interest                                             $4,852    $7,019
    Income taxes                                         $4,544    $8,158

See notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.


1.   Management Statement

  The financial statements as reported in this Form 10-Q reflect
  all adjustments (including those of a normal recurring nature)
  which are, in the opinion of management, necessary to a fair
  statement of results for the three and nine months ended March
  31, 2003 and 2002.

  These financial statements should be read in conjunction with the
  Annual Report on Form 10-K, and in particular, the audited
  financial statements for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2002.
  Accordingly, footnote disclosures that would substantially
  duplicate the disclosures contained in the latest audited
  financial statements have been omitted from this filing.

2.   Non-U.S. Adjustment

  In July 2002, the Company conformed the year end of its non-U.S.
  operations which had previously reported on a one month lag.  An
  additional month of sales of $4.4 million were included in the
  nine months ended March 31, 2003 as a result of this conformation
  of year end.

3.   Inventories

  Inventories at March 31, 2003 and June 30, 2002 are comprised of
  (in thousands):

                                          March 31      June 30
          Raw materials                    $34,788      $33,257
          Work in process                   19,244       21,779
          Finished goods                    36,293       37,895
              Total                        $90,325      $92,931

4.   Debt

  Debt is comprised of (in thousands):
                                         March 31      June 30
                                             2003         2002

         Bank credit agreements           $41,175      $74,732
          Institutional investors
          5.94% to 7.13% (due 2003-2012)   71,428       53,571
          Other 3.0% to 4.85%
          (due 2003-2018)                   3,762        4,005
              Total                       116,365      132,308
         Less current portion               1,536       82,221
            Total long-term debt         $114,829      $50,087

  The Company's loan agreements contain a limited number of
  provisions relating to the maintenance of certain financial
  ratios and restrictions on additional borrowings and investments.
  The most restrictive of these provisions requires that the
  Company maintain a minimum ratio of earnings to fixed charges, as
  defined, on a trailing four quarters basis.

  In October 2002, the Company completed a private placement of $25
  million aggregate principal amount of 5.94% Senior Notes due
  October 17, 2012.  The Notes are unsecured and carry an average
  life of approximately seven years.  Proceeds were used to repay
  debt and for general working capital purposes.

  On February 7, 2003, the Company entered into a 3-year, $130
  million revolving credit facility (RCF) replacing the existing
  facility which was to expire in May 2003.  Proceeds under the
  agreement may be used for general corporate purposes or to
  provide financing for acquisitions.  At March 31, 2003, the
  Company had available $90 million under this facility.  The
  agreement contains certain covenants including limitations on
  indebtedness and liens.  Borrowings under the agreement bear
  interest at a rate equal to the sum of a base rate or a
  Eurodollar rate, plus an applicable percentage based on the
  Company's consolidated leverage ratio, as defined by the
  agreement.  The effective interest rate would have been 2.4% if
  there had been borrowings under the agreement on the date the
  agreement was signed.  Borrowings under the agreement are not
  collateralized.  The facility will expire in February 2006.

  Debt is due as follows by fiscal year:  2003, $1,278,000; 2004,
  $7,502,000; 2005, $7,143,000; 2006, $47,142,000; 2007,
  $3,571,000; and thereafter, $49,729,000.

5.   U.S. Pension Plan Credits

  In the fiscal year ended June 30, 2002, the Company recorded a
  net pension credit of $2.9 million for its defined benefit U.S.
  pension plans.  The Company expects to report a pension credit of
  approximately $770,000 in the current fiscal year.

6.   Earnings Per Share Calculation

  The following table sets forth the computation of basic and
  diluted earnings per share (in thousands):

                              Three Months Ended  Nine Months Ended
                                    March 31           March 31
                                2003      2002     2003      2002

   Income before cumulative
    effect of a change in
    accounting principle      $1,541    $3,589    $9,694  $15,465
   Cumulative effect of a
    change in accounting
    principle                      -         -         -  (3,779)
      Net income              $1,541    $3,589    $9,694  $11,686

  Basic - Average Shares
    Outstanding               11,998    12,107    12,055   12,130
   Effect of Dilutive
    Securities-Stock Options      77       209       133      179
  Diluted - Average Shares
    Outstanding               12,075    12,316    12,188   12,309

  Earnings per share (before
   cumulative effect of a change
   in accounting principle):
     Basic                    $0.13     $0.29     $0.80    $1.27
     Diluted                  $0.13     $0.29     $0.80    $1.26

  Earnings per share (after
   cumulative effect of a change
   in accounting principle):
     Basic                    $0.13     $0.29     $0.80    $0.96
     Diluted                  $0.13     $0.29     $0.80    $0.95

  Cash dividends per share have been computed based on the shares
  outstanding at the time the dividends were paid.  The shares (in
  thousands) used in this calculation for the three and nine months
  ended March 31, 2003 and 2002 were as follows:

                                         2003      2002
            Quarter                    11,980    12,021
            Year-to-date               12,106    12,053

7.Adoption of SFAS Nos. 144, 145, 146 and 148

  Effective July 1, 2002, the Company adopted Statement of
  Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) Nos. 144, 145 and 146.
  SFAS No. 144, "Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of Long-
  Lived Assets," creates one accounting model, based on the
  framework established in SFAS No. 121, to be applied to all long-
  lived assets including discontinued operations. The impact of the
  adoption of SFAS No. 144 was not significant.

  SFAS No. 145, "Rescission of FASB Statements No. 4, 44 and 64,
  amendment to FASB Statement No. 13, and Technical Corrections,"
  among other things, restricts the classification of gains and
  losses from extinguishment of debt as extraordinary to only those
  transactions that are unusual and infrequent in nature as defined
  by APB Opinion No. 30 as extraordinary.  There was no impact from
  the adoption of this SFAS.

  SFAS No. 146, "Accounting for Costs Associated with Exit or
  Disposal Activities," addresses financial accounting and
  reporting for costs associated with exit or disposal activities
  and nullifies Emerging Issues Task Force Issue No. 94-3,
  "Liability Recognition for Certain Employee Termination Benefits
  and Other Costs To Exit an Activity (including Certain Costs
  Incurred in a Restructuring)."  The SFAS requires that a
  liability for costs associated with an exit or disposal activity
  be recognized when the liability is incurred.  The Company
  announced in October 2002 that restructuring charges in the range
  of $11 to $12 million (pre-tax) would be recorded over the next
  18 months (see below).  If this SFAS had not been adopted, a
  significant portion of these charges would have been recorded in
  the current nine month period instead of the $3.2 million (pre
  tax) which has been recorded.

  In December 2002, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued
  Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 148, "Accounting
  for Stock-Based Compensation -Transition and Disclosure," which
  amends the transition and disclosure provisions of Statement of
  Financial Accounting Standards No. 123, "Accounting for Stock -
  Based Compensation."  Statement 148 provides methods of
  transition for a voluntary change to the fair value based method
  of accounting for stock-based employee compensation and amends
  the disclosure requirements of Statement 123 to require more
  prominent and more frequent disclosures in financial statements
  about the effects of stock-based compensation.  The transition
  provisions are effective for fiscal years ending after December
  15, 2002.  The disclosure provisions are effective for interim
  periods beginning after December 15, 2002.  The Company adopted
  the interim period disclosure provisions of Statement 148 this
  quarter.  The adoption of Statement 148 had no effect on the
  Company's financial condition or results of operations.

8.   Other Expenses, Net

  During the current nine month period, the Chief Executive Officer
  and the Executive Vice President/Operations elected early
  retirement.  As participants in certain executive life insurance
  plans, they were entitled to certain plan-specified benefits.
  The charges related to these benefits include costs that
  previously were being amortized to an anticipated retirement age
  of 65, the net present value of a conversion feature and a
  retirement bonus.  The majority of these benefits will be paid
  over the next ten years, and, accordingly, the total benefits
  have been discounted to their present value of $5.6 million,
  which is included in the caption "Other expenses, net" in the
  Condensed Statements of Consolidated Income.

  Also included in this caption is a gain ($4.3 million) on the
  sale of a manufacturing facility of a UK subsidiary which was
  completed in October 2002.  The sale is part of the Company's
  realignment strategy.

9.   Restructuring/Asset Impairment

  In October 2002, the Company announced it was incurring
  restructuring charges over the next eighteen months in the amount
  of $11 to $12 million before taxes.  The restructuring plan
  involves the (1) disposal, closing or elimination of certain
  under-performing and unprofitable operating plants, product
  lines, manufacturing processes and businesses; (2) realignment
  and consolidation of certain marketing and distribution
  activities; and (3) other cost containment actions, including
  selective personnel reductions.  The charges will be recorded in
  the Condensed Statements of Consolidated Income under the caption
  "Restructuring costs."  The components of the total estimated
  charges include involuntary employee severance and benefits costs
  totaling $4,772,000, asset impairments of $1,773,000 and shutdown
  costs of $4,812,000.

  The Company has early adopted SFAS No. 146 (described above),
  and, accordingly, these charges will be recorded generally when a
  liability is incurred or a severance plan is initiated.  A
  summary of the charges is as follows (in thousands):

                                Three Months Ended March 31, 2003
                        Benefits        Asset   Shutdown
                           Costs   Impairment      Costs    Total

     Cash expended           $750          $-       $121      $871
     Accrued/Non-Cash         618         682          -     1,300
      Total expense        $1,368        $682       $121    $2,171

                                Nine Months Ended March 31, 2003
                        Benefits       Asset   Shutdown
                           Costs  Impairment      Costs     Total

     Cash expended           $849       $  -        $345    $1,194
     Accrued/Non-Cash       1,324        682           -     2,006

      Total expense        $2,173       $682        $345    $3,200

10.  Contingencies

  The Company is a party to various claims and legal proceedings
  related to environmental and other matters generally incidental
  to its business.  Management has evaluated each matter based, in
  part, upon the advice of its independent environmental
  consultants and in-house counsel and has recorded an appropriate
  provision for the resolution of such matters in accordance with
  SFAS No. 5, "Accounting for Contingencies."  Management believes
  that such provision is sufficient to cover any future payments,
  including legal costs, under such proceedings.

11.  Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss

  The change in accumulated other comprehensive loss is as follows
  (in thousands):

                               Three Months Ended  Nine Months
                                    March 31            March 31
                                2003       2002      2003      2002
   Accumulated other
     comprehensive loss -
     beginning               $(4,698)  $(10,216)   $(8,473)  $10,134)
   Foreign currency
     translation adjustment     2,002      (303)      5,539     (605)
   Change in fair market
     value of interest rate
     swap agreements              147        479        385       699
   Accumulated other
     comprehensive loss at
     March 31                $(2,549)  $(10,040)   $(2,549) $(10,040)

12.  Income Taxes

  A reconciliation of the U.S. Federal income tax rate to the
  effective income tax rate is as follows:

                                Three Months Ended   Nine Months Ended
                                    March 31             March 31
                                  2003     2002       2003     2002

  Statutory tax rate              35.0%     35.0%      35.0%    35.0%
  Non-U.S.                         3.8%    (3.4)%      0.9%     0.3%
  State taxes                     (4.8)%    2.8%       2.9%     2.9%
       Other including change
    in contingency               (46.1)%    0.3%      (5.5)%    0.2%

  Effective income tax rate      (12.1)%   34.7%      33.3%    38.4%

  As part of the Company's tax planning strategies, a multi-year
  R&D (research and development) tax credit project was completed
  in the third quarter.  As a result, the Company amended its filed
  Federal and state tax returns for 1997 to 2001 and claimed an R&D
  tax credit in its fiscal year 2002 filing.  Based on these tax
  returns, benefits, net of associated project costs, of up to $2
  million could be realized for these fiscal years.  In the current
  quarter, $560,000 was recorded to reflect the appropriate year-to-
  date benefit for this fiscal year.

  The tax benefits of the amended returns will be recorded when the
  actual benefits become more certain.  In addition, as a result of
  this project, future effective tax rates could improve to the
  benefit of the Company.

13.  Industry Segment Information

  The Company is composed of three business segments.  Net sales
  include only transactions with unaffiliated customers and include
  no intersegment sales.  Operating income by segment excludes
  general corporate expenses, and interest expense and income.
                                             Net Sales
                              Three Months Ended     Nine Months
                                  March 31              March 31
     Segment                 2003       2002        2003       2002
     Food Service         $33,362    $32,462    $103,921   $101,416
     Industrial            79,964     76,869     253,614    244,352
     Consumer              24,357     27,534      76,537     84,734
     Total               $137,683   $136,865    $434,072   $430,502

                                        Income From Operations
                               Three Months Ended  Nine Months Ended
                                   March 31              March 31
     Segment                 2003       2002        2003       2002
     Food Service          $1,727     $1,915      $6,469    $7,154
     Industrial             6,506      6,466      27,400    26,909
     Consumer                 119      1,688         632     5,558
        Asset Impairment  (2,171)          -     (3,200)         -
     Other expense, net         -          -     (1,306)         -
     Corporate            (3,031)    (2,493)    (10,215)   (8,033)
     Total                 $3,150     $7,576     $19,780   $31,588

14.  Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities

  Standex manages its debt portfolio by using interest rate swaps
  to achieve an overall desired position of fixed and floating rate
  debt to reduce certain exposures to interest rate fluctuations.
  Standex designates its interest rate swaps as cash flow hedge
  instruments, whose recorded value in the consolidated balance
  sheet approximates fair market value.  The Company assesses the
  effectiveness of its hedge instruments on a quarterly basis.  For
  the quarter ended March 31, 2003, the Company completed an
  assessment of the cash flow hedge instruments and determined
  these hedges to be highly effective.  The Company also determined
  the fair market value of its interest rate swap.  The change in
  value, adjusted for any inefficiency, was recorded to other
  comprehensive income and the related derivative liability.  For
  the quarter ended March 31, 2003 the increase in value totaled
  $147,000 and the ineffective portion of the hedge was immaterial.

15.  Acquisitions

  The Company purchased, as of September 30, 2002, substantially
  all the assets of Cincinnati, Ohio-based CIN-TRAN, Inc. a
  manufacturer of custom UL/CSA approved low-frequency
  transformers.  In December 2002, Millennium Molds, a repairer of
  injection molds, was acquired.  The combined purchase price of
  these acquisitions was $1.6 million, and their combined revenues
  totaled approximately $4.3 million.  The first acquisition will
  be fully integrated with Standex Electronics, and the latter
  acquisition will become part of Standex Engraving.  Both
  acquisitions are part of the Company's Focused Diversity strategy
  to seek bolt-on acquisitions for growth platform companies.

16.  Stock Compensation Plans

  In December 2002, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued
  Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 148, "Accounting
  for Stock-Based Compensation - Transition and Disclosure" ("SFAS
  148") which amends the transition and disclosure provisions of
  SFAS No. 123, "Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation" ("SFAS
  123").  SFAS 148 provides alternative methods of transition for a
  voluntary change to the fair value based method of accounting for
  stock-based employee compensation and amends the disclosure
  requirements of SFAS 123 to require more prominent and more
  frequent disclosures in financial statements about the effects of
  stock-based compensation.  The disclosure provisions are
  effective for interim periods beginning after December 15, 2002.
  The adoption of these provisions had no effect on the Company's
  financial position or results of operations.  The Company applies
  Accounting Principles Board Opinion No. 25, "Accounting for Stock
  Issued to Employees" ("APB No. 25") and related interpretations
  in accounting for its plans, as permitted under SFAS 123.

  The following table illustrates the effect on net earnings and
  earnings per share if the Company had applied the fair value
  recognition provisions of SFAS No. 123 to its stock option plans
  and employee stock purchase plan:

                                Three Months Ended Nine Months
                                     March 31          March 31
                                   2003   2002      2003    2002

Net income, as reported          $1,541 $3,589    $9,694 $11,686
Deduct:  Total stock-based
  employee compensation
  expense determined under
  fair value based method for
  all awards, net of related
  tax effects                     (210)  (304)     (654)   (844)
Proforma net income              $1,331 $3,285    $9,040 $10,842

Earnings per share:
 Basic - as reported              $0.13  $0.29     $0.80   $0.96
 Basic - proforma                 $0.11  $0.27     $0.75   $0.89

    Diluted - as reported         $0.13  $0.29     $0.80   $0.95
 Diluted - proforma               $0.11  $0.27     $0.74   $0.88

17.  Subsequent Event

   Subsequent to March 31, 2003, the Company sold the real estate
  facility of one of its business units for $4.2 million as part
  of its realignment strategy.  Concurrently, the operations at
  that business unit were closed.  Annual net sales at the
  business unit have averaged less than $3.5 million, and it has
  been marginally unprofitable.


               Management's Discussion and Analysis of
            Financial Condition and Results of Operations

Statements contained in the following "Management's Discussion and
Analysis" that are not based on historical facts are "forward-
looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities
Litigation Reform Act of 1995.  Forward-looking statements may be
identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "may,"
"could", "will," "expect," "believe," "estimate," "anticipate,"
"assume," "continue," or similar terms or variations of those terms
or the negative of those terms.  There are many factors that affect
the Company's business and the results of its operations and may
cause the actual results of operations in future periods to differ
materially from those currently expected or desired.  These factors
include uncertainties in competitive pricing pressures or marketing
of new products, failure to achieve the Company's acquisition,
disposition and restructuring goals in the anticipated timeframe,
unforeseen volatility in financial markets, general domestic and
international business and economic conditions, significant changes
in domestic and international fiscal policies or tax legislation and
market demand.


Cash Flow

During the first nine months of fiscal 2003 operating activities
generated $30.2 million in cash flow, as compared to the $33.6
million for the comparable period in fiscal 2002.  Despite a decline
in operating income of $11.8 million, the Company has been able to
more closely maintain similar cash flows due to its working capital
initiatives.  The Company redeployed those resources by investing
$6.0 million in plant and capital equipment while returning $7.6
million to shareholders through cash dividends and reducing net debt
by $20.9 million.  Capital expenditures declined by $3.2 million as
compared to the first nine months of last year as the Company
reacted to the downturn in the economy and focused on replacement
activities.  Capital expenditures are expected to be $9 to $10
million for the current fiscal year.

In addition to measuring the cash flow generation or usage based
upon operating, investing, and financing classifications included in
the Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows, the Company also
measures free cash flow.  Free cash flow is defined as cash flow
from operating activities less capital expenditures and
acquisitions.  The Company generated free cash flow of $22.6 million
in the first nine months of fiscal 2003 compared with $24.5 million
in the same period of fiscal 2002.

Capital Structure

The following table sets forth the Company's capitalization at March
31, 2003 and June 30, 2002:

                                           March 31      June 30

          Short-term debt                     $1,536      $82,221
          Long-term debt                     114,829       50,087
           Total Debt                        116,365      132,308
          Less cash                           13,055        8,092
           Total net debt                    103,310      124,216
          Stockholders' equity               185,358      178,432
           Total capitalization             $288,668     $302,648

The Company's net debt decreased by $20.9 million to $103.3 million
at March 31, 2003.  The Company's net debt to capital percentage is
35.8% at March 31, 2003 down from 41.0% at June 30, 2002.

In October 2002, the Company completed a private placement of $25
million aggregate principal amount of 5.94% Senior Notes due October
17, 2012.  The Notes are unsecured and carry an average life of
approximately seven years.  Proceeds were used to repay debt and for
general working capital purposes.

In February 2003, the Company entered into a 3-year, $130 million
revolving credit facility (RCF) replacing the existing facility
which was to expire in May 2003.  Proceeds under the agreement may
be used for general corporate purposes or to provide financing for
acquisitions.  At March 31, 2003, the Company had available $90
million under this facility.  The agreement contains certain
covenants including limitations on indebtedness and liens.
Borrowings under the agreement bear interest at a rate equal to the
sum of a base rate or a Eurodollar rate, plus an applicable
percentage based on the Company's consolidated leverage ratio, as
defined by the agreement.  Borrowings under the agreement are not
collateralized.  The facility will expire on February 7, 2006.


                    Quarter Ended March 31, 2003
             As Compared to Quarter Ended March 31, 2002


Net sales for the quarter ended March 31, 2003 were $137.7 million,
slightly ahead of the comparable quarter last year of $136.9
million.  Net sales were favorably impacted by $2.1 million due to
the effect of changes in the average foreign exchange rates.

A decline in net earnings from the same quarter last year of 57% was
incurred.  Earnings per share decreased to 13 cents per share (diluted)
versus 29 cents in the prior year.  Pretax restructuring charges of $2.2
million (9 cents per share after tax) were recorded in the current
quarter.  Excluding the restructuring charge earnings per share were
22 cents versus 29 cents in the prior year.  The current third quarter results
also includes a $560,000 (5 cents per share) tax benefit related to the
R&D tax credit, discussed below, for fiscal 2003.

Both the Industrial and Food Service Segments showed improvement
over the previous year.  However, the Consumer businesses continued
to reflect depressed sales, recording a reduction of 12% from the
prior year.

Standex's businesses in general continue to face flat, or negative,
growth in their markets and are focused on increasing sales through
market share gains.  Headcount reductions continued through the
restructuring program and other cost cutting measures.  A hiring
freeze has also been imposed throughout the Company with exceptions
limited to key replacements.  In addition, a general wage freeze has
been announced for all U.S. based management.

Industrial Segment

The Industrial Segment reported net sales of $80 million for the
latest quarter as compared to $76.9 million last year, a 4%
increase.  However, a significant change in the mix in divisional
sales from the previous quarter was incurred.  Standex Electronics
and Standex Engraving were the primary business units responsible
for the improved sales.  Although sales at the Standex Air
Distribution Products division were flat from the prior year, unit
sales were down due to local construction slowdowns caused by heavy
snowstorms in the Northeast United States and lower housing starts
in the Rocky Mountain region.  Sales price increases off-set the
unit's sales declines.

Both gross profit margins (30%) and operating income ($6.5 million)
for the group were about the same as the comparable quarter last
year.  Income of the Standex ADP Group was negatively impacted by
higher metal prices due to the tariffs imposed by the Bush
administration on imported steel products.  The division has raised
sales prices of its products in response to higher material costs,
but has not been able to recapture all the costs through price

Operating income at Standex Electronics, Standex Engraving and
Spincraft improved due to higher sales, as noted above, and improved
margins at Spincraft.  These divisions' increased income more than
off-set the income deterioration at Standex ADP.

Food Service Segment

An improvement of three percent in net sales was registered by this
segment in the current quarter ($33.4 million) as compared to last
year ($32.5 million).  Both the Master-Bilt and Federal Industries
divisions recorded improved sales.  Partially off-setting these
improvements, the USECO division was negatively impacted by weak
near term customer demand and some production interruptions caused
by the consolidation of its manufacturing into the Master-Bilt

The gross profit margin declined to 25% from 28% primarily due to
the short-term inefficiencies of the USECO/Master-Bilt integration.
Operating income was also down by $188,000 as compared to the
previous year.

Backlogs have increased substantially (33%) for the segment.  Of
particular note in this regard are Master-Bilt, USECO and BKI.

Consumer Segment

A twelve percent decrease was recorded for the 3rd quarter net sales
of this segment.  All three divisions in this segment experienced
reduced sales due to lagging customer confidence and the impact of
the war in Iraq.  Also, Easter occurred in the third quarter in
fiscal 2002, but falls in the fourth quarter in fiscal 2003;
therefore, Easter sales at the Berean bookstores did not impact the
current quarter.

The gross profit margin for the current quarter was 45%, a one
percent decline from the previous year's 46%.  Operating income fell
to $119,000 from last year's $1.7 million.

Cost reduction activity continues in these businesses with
reductions in payroll and discretionary spending.

Restructuring/Asset Impairment

During the current quarter $2.2 million of restructuring/asset
impairment charges were incurred and were primarily for National
Metal products and Standex Electronics.  The National Metal unit was
closed as of the end of February.  The sales of this operation have
been significantly impacted by foreign competition, and it was
experiencing operating losses that were diluting the overall
operating margins of the Company.  The restructuring charges
incurred by Standex Electronics are the result of moving some of its
Canadian and Cincinnati manufacturing operations to Mexico.  Lower
Mexican labor rates should improve gross profit margins.


This segment's expenses increased by $538,000 due to higher
professional fees, a lower pension credit and divisional expenses
not allocated to the divisions.

R&D Tax Credit

As part of the Company's tax planning strategies, a multi-year R&D
(research and development) tax credit project was completed in the
third quarter.  As a result, the Company amended its filed Federal
and state tax returns for 1997 to 2001 and claimed an R&D tax credit
in its 2002 fiscal year filing.    Based on these tax returns,
benefits, net of associated project costs, of up to $2 million could
be realized.  In the current quarter, $560,000 was recorded to
reflect the appropriate year-to-date benefit for this fiscal year.

The tax benefits of the amended returns will be recorded when the
actual benefits become more certain.  In addition, as a result of
this project, future effective tax rates could improve to the
benefit of the Company.

                  Nine Months Ended March 31, 2003
         As Compared to the Nine Months Ended March 31, 2002


The current nine-month period reflects net sales of $434.1 million
or $3.6 million higher than the same period in fiscal 2002.  The
extra month of European sales ($4.4 million), discussed above, and
the favorable impact ($4.5 million) of the effect of changes in
average foreign exchange rates were partially off-set by declines in
operational sales which are discussed below.

In fiscal 2002, the comparable nine-month operating income was $31.6
million (before a cumulative effect of a change in accounting
principle) versus $19.8 million this year.   This decrease is
primarily a reflection of several non-recurring items discussed
below, as well as the decline in operating income of the Consumer
Segment which is also discussed below.  The effective tax rate for
the latest nine months was 33.3% as compared to the nine months
ended March 31, 2002 of 38.4%.  The previously discussed R&D tax
credit was the major contributor to this decrease which was also
affected by more income in lower taxed countries than in the
previous year and the Company's various tax strategies.

In the first quarter of fiscal 2002, the Company recorded a charge
of $3.8 million which represented the cumulative effect of a change
in accounting principle.  The change related to the Company's
adoption of Statement of Financial Accounting Standard (SFAS) No.
142 effective July 1, 2001.

Industrial Segment

This segment's sales for the current nine-month period were $253.6
million as compared to $244.4 million for the same period last
fiscal year.  The extra month's European sales ($3.3 million) and
improvements in the engraving and aerospace divisions accounted for
the increase.  Gross profit margins were the same as last year.
Operating income was $27.4 million this year versus $26.9 million, a
result of the higher sales.

Food Service Segment

Net sales for this segment were $2.5 million more than the nine
months ended March 31, 2002.  Of this amount, the extra month of
European sales accounted for $1.1 million.  The remainder is due to
Master-Bilt and Federal Industries, as noted in the quarter
discussion above, partially off-set by the integration costs of
USECO also noted above.  A decline from 30% in gross profit margins
to 27% in the current year is primarily due to USECO.  Operating
income decreased from $7.2 million to $6.5 million.

Consumer Segment

A ten percent decrease in net sales was recorded by this segment in
the current nine month period versus the same period last year while
operating income dropped by $4.9 million.  The results of the mail
order business were negatively impacted by weak consumer demand and
a shorter Christmas holiday season.  Higher marketing expenses were
incurred to reach new customers, but did not yield the expected
results.  The bookstore and publishing divisions also experienced
weak consumer and church customer demand due to lagging customer
confidence and the impact of the war in Iraq.  Additionally,
marketing expenses increased in the publishing unit due to the
launch of a new product.

Restructuring/Asset Impairment and Other Expenses, net

A total of $3.2 million of restructuring costs were recorded in the
current nine-month period.  The primary components of these charges
to date are due to the integration of USECO manufacturing activities
into the Master-Bilt operations, the closure of National Metal
Products (described above) and the transfer to Mexico of some of the
Canadian and Cincinnati manufacturing operations of Standex
Electronics, also noted above.

In the second quarter of the current fiscal year, the Chief
Executive Officer and the Executive Vice President/Operations
elected early retirement.  As participants in certain executive life
insurance plans, they were entitled to certain plan-specified
benefits.  The charges related to these benefits include costs that
previously were being amortized to an anticipated retirement age of
65, the net present value of a conversion feature and a retirement
bonus.  The majority of these benefits will be paid over the next
ten years, and, accordingly, the total benefits have been discounted
to their present value of $5.6 million, which is included in the
caption "Other expenses, net" in the Condensed Statements of
Consolidated Income.

Also included in this caption is a gain ($4.3 million) on the sale
of a manufacturing facility of a UK subsidiary which was completed
in October, 2002.  This sale is part of the Company's realignment


The expenses of this segment increased to $10.2 million from the
comparable period last year of $8.0 million.  This increase reflects
several items some of which were higher professional fees, duplicate
salaries, a reduction in the Corporate pension credit, and
divisional fees not allocated to the divisions.

Other Matters

Inflation - Certain of the Company's expenses, such as wages and
benefits, occupancy costs and equipment repair and replacement, are
subject to normal inflationary pressures.

Foreign Currency Translation - The Company's primary
functional currencies used by its non-US subsidiaries are
the Euro and the British Pound Sterling (Pound).  During the
last nine months, both these currencies have experienced
significant increase in value relative to the US dollar, the
Company's reporting currency.  Since June 30, 2002 the Euro
has appreciated in value by 13.6% relative to the US dollar,
and the Pound has appreciated in value by 7.2% relative to
the US dollar.  These higher exchange values were used in
translating the appropriate non-US subsidiaries' balance
sheets in to US dollars at the end of the current quarter.

Environmental Matters - The Company is party to various claims and
legal proceedings, generally incidental to its business and has
recorded an appropriate provision for the resolution of such
matters.  As explained more fully in the Notes to the Consolidated
Financial Statements, the Company does not expect, at this time, the
ultimate disposition of these matters to have a material adverse
effect on its financial statements.

Seasonality - Increased consumer spending during the  holiday season
results in a higher level of activity in the Consumer Segment in the
second quarter of the fiscal year and lower activity in the
remaining quarters.  The Industrial Segment experiences higher
activity levels in the fiscal quarters ending September 30, December
31 and June 30 of each year and decreased activity in the quarter
ending March 31, generally due to the effects of weather conditions
on the construction industry.


The Company purchased, as of September 30, 2002, substantially all
the assets of Cincinnati, Ohio-based CIN-TRAN, Inc. a manufacturer
of custom UL/CSA approved low-frequency transformers.  In December
2002, Millennium Molds, a repairer of injection molds, was
acquired.  The combined purchase price of these acquisitions was
$1.6 million, and their combined revenues totaled approximately
$4.3 million.  The first acquisition will be fully integrated with
Standex Electronics, and the latter acquisition will become part
of Standex Engraving.  Both acquisitions are part of the Company's
Focused Diversity strategy to seek bolt-on acquisitions for growth
platform companies.


Presented below is a discussion about the Company's application of
critical accounting policies that requires assumptions about matters
that are uncertain at the time the accounting estimate is made, and
where different estimates that reasonably could have been used in
the current period, or changes in the accounting estimate that are
reasonably likely to occur from period to period, have a material
impact on the presentation of the Company's financial condition,
changes in financial condition or results of operations.  Management
has identified the following accounting estimates as critical for
the Company, and will discuss them separately below; allowance for
bad and doubtful accounts; inventory obsolescence provision; income
tax accruals; workers' compensation accruals; environmental
liabilities; goodwill impairment; and pension and other
postretirement benefits.

Allowance for Bad and Doubtful Accounts

The Company's recognition of revenue from sales to its customer base
is impacted by the financial viability of its customers.  At the
time the Company recognizes revenue, upon product shipment,
measurement of those sales are reduced by an estimate of customer
non-payment, and the measurement of accounts receivable is also
reduced by the same amount.  Currently, the net accounts receivables
balance of $82.0 million is about 20% of total assets, and the
reserve of $5.7 million is about 6.5% of gross accounts receivable.

For each of the Company's divisions, a historical correlation exists
between the amount of sales made and the amount of bad debt.  The
greater sales level, the more bad debt is expected.  For each of the
Company's divisions, the Company monitors the levels of sales and
receivables turnover and aging as part of its effort to reach an
appropriate accounting estimate for bad debts.  In estimating a bad
debt reserve, the Company analyzes historical write-offs, current
credit sales aging, current economic trends, changes in customer
base, and recovery of bad debts.

In recent years, as a result of a combination of the factors
described above, the bad debt reserve has been increased to reflect
the estimated valuation of gross receivables.  It is possible that a
large customer could default; however, no customer represents more
than 3% of receivables.  Estimating an allowance for doubtful
accounts requires significant management judgment.  In addition,
different reserve estimates that reasonably could have been used
would have had a material impact on reported receivable balances and
thus have had a material impact on the presentation of the results
of operations.  For those reasons, since receivables balances are a
material part of its balance sheet, and the majority of its sales
are on a credit basis, the Company believes that the accounting
estimate related to bad debts is a critical accounting estimate.

Inventory Obsolescence

A significant portion of the Company's assets (about 22%) are in the
form of inventories in the various industries in which it operates.
The Company's profitability and viability is highly dependent on the
demand for products in the food service, consumer and industrial
segments.  An imbalance between purchasing, production levels and
sales, could cause obsolescence and loss of competitive price
advantage and market share.  The Company's diversity and the various
markets in which it participates somewhat mitigates this risk.  The
Company reduces its inventory valuation by its estimate of the
portion which might remain unsold, and recognizes an expense of this
same amount which is classified within cost of sales in the
statement of operations.

For its products, a historical correlation exists between the rate
of inventory turnover and the levels of inventory.  For each of its
products, the Company monitors the levels of product sales and
inventory at the division level as part of its effort to reach an
appropriate accounting estimate of obsolescence reserves.  In
estimating impairment, the Company analyzes historical returns,
current inventory levels, current economic and industry trends,
changes in consumer demand, introduction of new competing products
and acceptance of its products.  As a result of a combination of the
factors described above, the reserves for inventory obsolescence
were materially increased in the last fiscal year.  In addition,
different reserve estimates that the Company reasonably could have
used would have had a material impact on reported net inventory and
cost of sales, and thus have had a material impact on the
presentation of the results of operations.  For those reasons, the
Company believes that the accounting estimate related to inventory
obsolescence is a critical accounting estimate.

Income Taxes

The Company's estimate of current year tax expense and accrual, and
recognition of a deferred tax liability ($19 million at March 31,
2003) follows the provisions of SFAS No. 109.

The Company provides for potential tax contingencies arising from
routine audits by revenue taxing agencies.  Its estimate is based on
historical evidence as well as expert advice from its tax advisors.
It is reasonably possible to assume that actual amounts payable as a
result of such audits could differ from that accrued in the
financial statements.

Workers' Compensation Accrual

The Company is self-insured for workers' compensation at the
majority of its divisions, and evaluates its accrual on a monthly
basis.  The accrual is adjusted monthly based on actual claims
experience.  Management believes, and past experience has confirmed,
that total service fee savings for the Company outweigh certain
financial risks incurred by self-insurance of workers' compensation.
Accounting standards require that a related loss contingency be
recognized as part of the Company's financial position.  The accrual
as of March 31, 2003, was $4.7 million, of which approximately $3.1
million relates to the future liability for incidents which have
already occurred but not yet reported.

The Company believes that the accounting estimate related to the
assessment of future liability for current work-related injuries is
a critical accounting estimate because it is highly susceptible to
change from period to period due to the requirement that Company
management make assumptions about future costs of claims based on
historical costs.

Environmental Liabilities

At several of its divisions, the Company's operations utilize
materials defined under federal and state regulations as
"hazardous."  On occasion, the Company has incurred costs both in
connection with environmental remediation of its facilities (whether
ongoing operations or facilities being sold) and disposal of waste
at licensed, third party disposal facilities.  A recorded liability
for potential future environmental remediation reflects the
Company's estimate of the potential future costs of possible
remediation based primarily on experience with properties of that
type, consultation with independent environmental consultants and
previous environmental involvement.  The Company believes the
accounting estimate related to remediation expenses is a critical
accounting estimate because legal requirements related to any
remediation could affect net income. However, a number of
contingencies could affect the Company's future exposure in
connection with this item including, but not limited to, changes in
legislation and unforeseen incidents which could occur at the
Company's divisions.  The forecasting of environmental remediation
costs is highly uncertain and requires a large degree of judgment.
However, based upon the Company's experience with environmental
issues, the Company believes the recorded liability is appropriate.
Further, the charges related to environmental remediation in the
past three years have been insignificant.

Goodwill Impairment

The Company adopted SFAS No. 142, "Goodwill and Other Intangibles"
effective July 1, 2001.  In accordance with this SFAS, the Company
evaluated its carrying value of goodwill on a division by division
basis at both December 31, 2001 and June 30, 2002.  As a result of
the initial evaluation an impairment charge of $3.8 million was
recorded in fiscal 2002.  The Company's carrying value of goodwill
at March 31, 2003, was $37.1 million and relates to several
divisions and industries.  All of these divisions and industries are
subject to changes in markets, processes and products which could
impact the carrying value of the division and its goodwill.  The
valuation of these divisions is a critical accounting policy since
the reduction in value in any one division could have a significant
impact on the financial statements of the Company.

Pension and Other Postretirement Benefits

The Company records pension and other postretirement benefit costs
in accordance with SFAS No. 87, "Employers' Accounting for
Pensions," and SFAS No. 106, "Employers' Accounting for
Postretirement Benefits Other than Pensions."  Under these
accounting standards, assumptions are made regarding the valuation
of benefit obligations and performance of plan assets.  The primary
assumptions relate to discount rate, expected return on plan assets,
rate of compensation increase, health care cost trend, and
amortization of gains and (losses).  While the Company believes that
the assumptions used are appropriate, significant differences in the
actual experience or significant changes in the assumptions may have
a material impact on its results of operations and financial

Adoption of SFAS Nos. 144, 145, 146 and 148

Effective July 1, 2002, the Company adopted SFAS Nos. 144, 145 and
146.  SFAS No. 144, "Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of
Long-Lived Assets" creates one accounting model, based on the
framework established in SFAS No. 121, to be applied to all long-
lived assets including discontinued operations.  The impact of the
adoption of SFAS No. 144 was not significant.

SFAS No. 145, "Rescission of FASB Statements No. 4, 44 and 64,
amendment to FASB Statement No. 13, and Technical Corrections,"
primarily restricts the classification of gains and losses from
extinguishment of debt as extraordinary to only those transactions
that are unusual and infrequent in nature as defined by APB Opinion
No. 30 as extraordinary.  There was no impact from the adoption of
this SFAS.

SFAS No. 146, "Accounting for Costs Associated with Exit or Disposal
Activities," addresses financial accounting and reporting for costs
associated with exit or disposal activities and nullifies Emerging
Issues Task Force Issue No. 94-3, "Liability Recognition for Certain
Employee Termination Benefits and Other Costs to Exit an Activity
(including Certain Costs Incurred in a Restructuring)."  The SFAS
requires that a liability for cost associated with an exit or
disposal activity be recognized when the liability is incurred.  The
Company announced in October 2002, that restructuring charges in the
range of $11 to $12 million (pre tax) would be recorded over the
next 18 months (see below).  If this SFAS had not been adopted,
these charges would have been recorded in full in the current nine
month period instead of the $3.2 million (pre tax) which was

In December 2002, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued
Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 148, "Accounting for
Stock-Based Compensation -Transition and Disclosure," which amends
the transition and disclosure provisions of Statement of Financial
Accounting Standards No. 123, "Accounting for Stock-Based
Compensation."  Statement 148 provides methods of transition for a
voluntary change to the fair value based method of accounting for
stock-based employee compensation and amends the disclosure
requirements of Statement 123 to require more prominent and more
frequent disclosures in financial statements about the effects of
stock-based compensation.  The transition provisions are effective
for fiscal years ending after December 15, 2002.  The disclosure
provisions are effective for interim periods beginning after
December 15, 2002.  The Company adopted the interim period
disclosure provisions of Statement 148 this quarter.  The adoption
of Statement 148 had no effect on the Company's financial condition
or results of operations.

New Accounting Pronouncements

In October 2002, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued
SFAS No. 147, "Acquisitions of Certain Financial Institutions."
This SFAS will not apply to the Company.


In October 2002, the Company announced it was incurring
restructuring charges over the next eighteen months in the amount of
$11 to $12 million before taxes.  The restructuring plan involves
the (1) disposal, closing or elimination of certain under-performing
and unprofitable operating plants, product lines, manufacturing
processes and businesses; (2) realignment and consolidation of
certain marketing and distribution activities; and (3) other cost
containment actions, including selective personnel reductions.  The
charges will be recorded in the Condensed Statements of Consolidated
Income under the caption "Restructuring costs."  The components of
the estimated charges include involuntary employee severance and
benefits costs totaling $4,772,000, asset impairments of $1,773,000
and shutdown costs of $4,812,000.

The restructuring will consist of a series of initiatives that are
expected to yield significant savings and individual pay backs in
the range of 12 to 24 months.  In addition, the Company anticipates
generating cash by selling underutilized facilities to fund a
significant portion of the restructuring.

The Company has early adopted SFAS No. 146 (described above), and,
accordingly, these charges will be recorded generally when a
liability is incurred or a severance plan is initiated.  At March
31, 2003, $3.2 million (pre tax) of the charges had been incurred.
See the notes to condensed consolidated financial statements for
details of these charges.


The Company is subject to market risk associated with changes in
foreign currency exchange rates and interest rates.  The Company
mitigates certain of its foreign currency exchange rate risk by
entering into forward foreign currency contracts.  These contracts
are primarily used as a hedge against anticipated foreign cash
flows, such as dividend and loan payments, and are not used for
trading or speculative purposes.  The fair value of the forward
foreign currency exchange contracts is sensitive to changes in
foreign currency exchange rates, as an adverse change in foreign
currency exchange rates from market rates would decrease the fair
value of the contracts.  However, any such losses or gains would
generally be offset by corresponding gains and losses, respectively,
on the related hedged asset or liability.  Due to the absence of
forward foreign currency contracts at May 6, 2003, the Company did
not have any fair value exposure.

There have been no significant changes in the exposure to changes in
both foreign currency and interest rates from June 30, 2002 to May
6, 2003.

                  ITEM 4.  CONTROLS AND PROCEDURES

The management of the Company including Mr. Roger L. Fix as Chief
Executive Officer and Mr. Christian Storch as Chief Financial
Officer have evaluated the Company's disclosure controls and
procedures.  Under the rules promulgated by the Securities Exchange
Commission, disclosure controls and procedures are defined as those
"controls or other procedures of an issuer that are designed to
ensure that information required to be disclosed by an issuer in
the reports issued or submitted by it under the Exchange Act are
recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time
periods specified in the Commission's rules and forms."  Based on
the evaluation of the Company's disclosure controls and procedures,
it was determined that such controls and procedures were effective
as of May 6, 2003 the date of the conclusion of the evaluation.

Further, there were no significant changes in the internal controls
or in other factors that could significantly affect these controls
after May 6, 2003 the date of the conclusion of the evaluation of
disclosure controls and procedures.

                     PART II.  OTHER INFORMATION

                     ALL ITEMS ARE INAPPLICABLE


                         S I G N A T U R E S

     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on
its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                   STANDEX INTERNATIONAL

Date: May 14, 2003                 /s/Robert R. Kettinger
                                   Robert R. Kettinger
                                   Corporate Controller

Date: May 14, 2003                 /s/Christian Storch
                                   Christian Storch
                                   Vice President/CFO


I, Roger L. Fix, certify that:

1.  I have reviewed this quarterly report on Form 10-Q of Standex
International Corporation;

2.  Based on my knowledge, this quarterly report does not contain
any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material
fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the
circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading
with respect to the period covered by this quarterly report;

3.  Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other
financial information included in this quarterly report, fairly
present in all material respects the financial condition, results of
operations and cash flows of the registrant as of, and for, the
periods presented in this quarterly report;

4.  The registrant's other certifying officers and I are responsible
for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures
(as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-14 and 15d-14) for the
registrant and we have:

    a.  designed such disclosure controls and procedures to ensure
that material information relating to the registrant, including its
consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within
those entities, particularly during the period in which this
quarterly report is being prepared;

    b.  evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant's disclosure
controls and procedures as of a date within 90 days prior to the
filing date of this quarterly report (the "Evaluation Date"); and

    c.  presented in this quarterly report our conclusions about the
effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures based on our
evaluation as of the Evaluation Date.

5.  The registrant's other certifying officers and I have disclosed,
based on our most recent evaluation, to the registrant's auditors
and the audit committee of registrant's board of directors (or
persons performing the equivalent function):

    a.  all significant deficiencies in the design or operation of
internal controls which could adversely affect the registrant's
ability to record, process, summarize and report financial data and
have identified for the registrant's auditors any material
weaknesses in internal controls; and

     b.  any fraud, whether or not material, that involves
management or other employees who have a significant role in the
registrant's internal controls; and

6.  The registrant's other certifying officers and I have indicated
in this quarterly report whether or not there were significant
changes in internal controls or in other factors that could
significantly affect internal controls subsequent to the date of our
most recent evaluation, including any corrective actions with regard
to significant deficiencies and material weaknesses.

Date:  May 14, 2003             /s/Roger L. Fix
                                Roger L. Fix


I, Christian Storch, certify that:

1.  I have reviewed this quarterly report on Form 10-Q of Standex
International Corporation;

2.  Based on my knowledge, this quarterly report does not contain
any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material
fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the
circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading
with respect to the period covered by this quarterly report;

3.  Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other
financial information included in this quarterly report, fairly
present in all material respects the financial condition, results of
operations and cash flows of the registrant as of, and for, the
periods presented in this quarterly report;

4.  The registrant's other certifying officers and I are responsible
for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures
(as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-14 and 15d-14) for the
registrant and we have:

     a.  designed such disclosure controls and procedures to ensure
that material information relating to the registrant, including its
consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within
those entities, particularly during the period in which this
quarterly report is being prepared;

     b.  evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant's disclosure
controls and procedures as of a date within 90 days prior to the
filing date of this quarterly report (the "Evaluation Date"); and

     c.  presented in this quarterly report our conclusions about
the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures based on
our evaluation as of the Evaluation Date.

5.  The registrant's other certifying officers and I have disclosed,
based on our most recent evaluation, to the registrant's auditors
and the audit committee of registrant's board of directors (or
persons performing the equivalent function):

     a.  all significant deficiencies in the design or operation of
internal controls which could adversely affect the registrant's
ability to record, process, summarize and report financial data and
have identified for the registrant's auditors any material
weaknesses in internal controls; and

     b.  any fraud, whether or not material, that involves
management or other employees who have a significant role in the
registrant's internal controls; and

6.  The registrant's other certifying officers and I have indicated
in this quarterly report whether or not there were significant
changes in internal controls or in other factors that could
significantly affect internal controls subsequent to the date of our
most recent evaluation, including any corrective actions with regard
to significant deficiencies and material weaknesses.

Date:  May 14, 2003             /s/Christian Storch
                               Christian Storch
                               Vice President/CFO