Exhibit 10(l)

                                                        Revised: 10/28/96


                           EXECUTIVE LIFE INSURANCE PLAN

                           EXECUTIVE LIFE INSURANCE PLAN

         This Executive Life Insurance Plan (the "Plan") is adopted as of
         the 8th day of June, 1994 (the "Effective Date") by Standex
         International Corporation, a Delaware corporation, with
         executive offices at 6 Manor Parkway, Salem, New Hampshire 03079
         (the "Company").

                                     ARTICLE 1


         The purpose of the Plan is to provide a life insurance benefit
         and, in certain instances, a supplemental retirement benefit in
         lieu of the life insurance benefit to certain Employees of the
         Company in order to encourage such Employees to continue their
         employment and to induce desirable persons to enter into the
         Company's employ in the future.

                                     ARTICLE 2


         Except as otherwise provided, the following terms shall have the
         definitions indicated in this Article 2 whenever used in this
         Plan with initial capital letters:

         "Beneficiary" means the person or persons designated on the
         Designation of Beneficiary Form (attached hereto as Exhibit B)
         as the recipient of a death benefit.

         "Change of Control"  means the purchase or other acquisition by
         any person, entity or group of persons, within the meaning of
         section 13(d) or 14(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
         (the "Act"), or any comparable successor provisions, of
         beneficial ownership (within the meaning of Rule 13d-3
         promulgated under the Act) of 20 percent or more of either the
         outstanding shares of common stock or the combined voting power
         of the Company's then outstanding voting securities entitled to
         vote generally, or the approval by the stockholders of the
         Company of a reorganization, merger, or consolidation, in each
         case, with respect to which persons who were stockholders of the
         Company immediately prior to such reorganization, merger or
         consolidation do not, immediately thereafter, own more than 50
         percent of the combined voting power entitled to vote generally
         in the election of directors of the reorganized, merged or
         consolidated Company's then outstanding securities, or during
         any period of twelve consecutive calendar months, individuals,
         who were directors of the Company on the first day of such
         period shall cease to constitute a majority of the Board of
         Directors of the Company, or a liquidation or dissolution of the
         Company or of the sale of all or substantially all of the
         Company's assets.

         "Compensation" means all earnings and/or net commissions of a
         Participant from the Company paid or made available with respect
         to a calendar year which are reportable for federal income tax
         purposes on Form W-2 (or its successor), but not including, any
         reimbursement for expenses, or any income attributable to:

              (a)  payments made by the Company in connection with a

              (b)  premiums paid by the Company for life insurance

              (c)  the exercise of any stock appreciation rights;

              (d)  the exercise of any stock option;

              (e)  interest on a home purchase loan or stock option loan;

              (f)  the use of any Company-owned or Company-leased

         "Eligible Employee" means an Employee who has been designated by
         the Chief Executive Officer of the Company and approved by the
         Company's Board of Directors as being eligible to participate in
         the Plan.

         "Employee" means any person employed by the Company on a
         regular, full-time, salaried basis.

         "Enrollment Agreement" means the written agreement substantially
         in the form of Exhibit A attached hereto entered into by the
         Company and an Eligible Employee pursuant to which the Eligible
         Employee becomes a Participant in the Plan.

         "Insurer" means such insurance company which the Company may
         from time to time utilize to provide insurance coverage for
         certain benefits under the Plan.

         "Participant" means an Eligible Employee who has filed a
         completed and executed Enrollment Agreement with the Company,
         which Enrollment Agreement has been executed by the Company.

         "Policy" with respect to a particular Participant means any
         policy or policies of life insurance on that Participant's life
         acquired by the Company to provide the life insurance benefits
         under this Plan.
         "Retire or Retirement" means a situation in which a Participant
         has terminated employment with the Company such that, under the
         Standex International Corporation Retirement Plan, he or she is
         considered as retired and receiving benefits thereunder or about
         to receive such benefits.

         "Supplemental Retirement Income Benefit" means the benefit
         payable to a Participant in accordance with Article 4 of this

                                     ARTICLE 3

                              Life Insurance Benefit

         3.01   Insurance Policy.

         The Company has purchased or will purchase a Policy from the
         Insurer with respect to each Participant in this Plan, provided
         the Participant is able to meet the requirements of the Insurer
         including, but not limited to physical condition and risk
         factors.  The Company and the Participant agree to take all
         reasonable actions to cause the Insurer to issue the Policy.

         3.02   Ownership of Policy.

         Except as may otherwise be provided herein, the Company or, in
         the Company's discretion, the Trustee of a rabbi trust shall be
         the sole and absolute owner of the Policy, and may exercise any
         and all ownership rights granted to the owner thereof by the
         terms of the Policy.

         3.03   Payment of Death Benefit Prior to Retirement.

         (a)  Upon the death of a Participant while the Participant is an
              Employee of the Company the total amount provided as a
              death benefit under the Policy shall be paid in the
              following order of priority:

              (1)  All loans against the Policy shall first be repaid;

              (2)  The Company shall, to the extent that the Policy
                   proceeds have not been exhausted, next be paid from
                   the death benefit the total amount of the Policy
                   premiums on such Policy claimed to have been paid by
                   the Company since the Policy was taken out;

              (3)  The Participant's Beneficiary, as provided in the
                   applicable Designation of Beneficiary Form shall, to
                   the extent that the Policy proceeds have not been
                   exhausted, next be paid an amount equal to three times
                   the Participant's Compensation in the calendar year
                   immediately preceding the year in which his or her
                   death occurs;

              (4)  The Participant's beneficiary, as provided in the
                   applicable Designation of Beneficiary Form shall, to
                   the extent the Policy proceeds have not been
                   exhausted, next be paid an amount equal to the
                   economic benefit of the life insurance coverage
                   provided in the policy in accordance with Section 3.06
                   herein; and

              (5)  The Company shall receive the balance, if any, of the
                   death benefit remaining after the payments provided
                   for above.

         (b)  Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, in the event
              that, for any reason whatsoever, no death benefit is
              payable under the Policy upon the death of the Participant
              but, in lieu thereof, the Insurer refunds all or any part
              of the premiums paid for the Policy, the Company and the
              Participant's Beneficiary shall share such premiums based
              on the Company's and the Participant's respective
              cumulative payments toward those premiums.

         3.04   Designation of Beneficiary.

         The Participant may select one or more Beneficiaries to receive
         the portion of the death benefit specified in Section 3.03(a)(3)
         by completing the Designation of Beneficiary Form attached
         hereto as Exhibit B and by delivering the form to the Company.
         Upon receipt of such form, the Company shall execute and deliver
         to the Trustee of any relevant rabbi trust and/or to the Insurer
         a Disposition of Proceeds Endorsement (Exhibit C) with the
         Beneficiary Designation Form attached.

         3.05   Dividends.

         Any dividend declared on the Policy shall be applied to purchase
         paid-up additional insurance on the life of the Participant. The
         Company and the Participant agree that the dividend election
         provisions of the Policy shall be consistent with this

         3.06   Payment of Premiums.

         On or before the due date of each Policy premium, or within the
         grace period provided therein, the Company shall, except to the
         extent premiums are satisfied with borrowings under the Policy,
         pay the full amount of the premium to the Trustee of any
         relevant rabbi trust or directly to the Insurer and shall, upon
         request, promptly furnish the Participant evidence of timely
         payment of such premium.

         On or about December 15th in each year prior to Retirement, each
         Participant will contribute to the cost of maintaining the
         Policy or Policies on his or her life by paying to the Company
         an amount equal to the economic benefit (based on the lowest
         term life insurance rates of the Insurer) of the life insurance
         coverage provided by the Policy or Policies.  On or about
         December 1st in each year, the Company shall furnish to the
         Participant a statement estimating the economic benefit of such

         3.07  Continuation of Life Insurance Benefit in Retirement;
         Vested Amount.

         A Participant who Retires from employment with the Company
         shall, to the extent he or she is vested on his or her
         retirement date, be continued to be covered by the Policy for
         the balance of his or her life as long as he or she has not
         begun to receive the Supplemental Retirement Income Benefit
         specified in Article 4.  Upon the death of a Retired Participant
         the total amount provided as a death benefit under the Policy
         shall be paid in the order of priority and in the amounts
         specified in Section 3.03(a), provided, however, that the amount
         paid under subsection (3) of that Section shall be three times
         the Participant's Compensation in the calendar year immediately
         preceding the year in which his or her Retirement occurred
         multiplied by the applicable percentage from the following

              Number of Full Years of Employment
              With the Company in the capacity
              of Division President or
              Executive Corporate Officer             Percentage

                       5                                  0

                       6                                20%

                       7                                40%

                       8                                60%

                       9                                80%

                      10   or more                     100%

         3.08   Limitation on Benefits.

         A Participant's benefit and the benefit of any Beneficiary under
         this Article 3 are subject to such Participant having satisfied
         any reasonable requirements of the Insurer as to certain
         conditions, including good health, at the time that the Company
         applies for new or increased insurance coverage to provide
         benefits hereunder.  The Company shall always use its best
         efforts to obtain a policy where good health is not a condition
         or requirement.

         3.09   Assignment of Participant's Interest in Insurance.

         Notwithstanding any provision hereof to the contrary, a
         Participant shall have the right to absolutely and irrevocably
         assign by gift all of the Participant's right, title and
         interest in and to the life insurance death benefits provided
         under this Article 3.  This right shall be exerciseable by the
         execution and delivery to the Company and to the Trustee of any
         relevant rabbi trust of a written assignment, in substantially
         the form attached hereto as Exhibit D.  Upon receipt of such
         written assignment executed by the Participant and duly accepted
         by the assignee thereof, the Company shall consent thereto in
         writing, and the Company shall use its best efforts to have the
         Trustee of any relevant rabbi trust also consent thereto in
         writing, and shall thereafter treat the Participant's assignee
         as the sole owner of all of the Participant's right, title and
         interest in and to the life insurance death benefits provided
         under this Article 3.  Thereafter, the Participant shall have no
         right, title or interest in and to such death benefits.  The
         Participant's assignment of all of his or her right, title and
         interest in and to the death benefit shall not reduce or
         eliminate the Participant's conditional right to receive the
         Supplemental Retirement Income Benefit under Article 4.
         3.10   Termination of Participation in Life Insurance Benefit.

         The participation of any Participant in the Life Insurance
         Benefit provided in this Article 3 will be automatically
         terminated by the occurrence of any of the following:

         (a)  Written notice from the Participant to the Company of a
              desire to terminate participation in the Plan;

         (b)  Deposit by the Company or Trustee of any relevant rabbi
              trust of the first payment of the Supplemental Retirement
              Income Benefit in the U. S. Mails.

         (c)  Termination of the Participant's employment with the
              Company (other than due to the Participant's death) prior
              to Retirement; or

         (d)  The removal of the Participant from the position of a
              Division President or an Executive Corporate Officer of the
              Company (other than upon death or Retirement).

         3.11    Disposition of Policy Upon Termination of Participation.

         Upon termination of a Participant's participation in the Life
         Insurance Benefit for any reason listed in Section 3.10, all of
         the rights of the Participant in or to the Policy or those of
         his or her assignee, or any of their heirs, assigns or
         beneficiaries shall be automatically terminated and released.
         The Company or the Trustee of any relevant rabbi trust may
         surrender or cancel the Policy for its cash surrender value, or
         the Company or Trustee it may change the beneficiary designation
         provisions of the Policy, naming the Company or any other person
         or entity as revocable beneficiary thereof, or exercise any
         other ownership rights in and to such Policy.

         3.12 Distribution of Benefit upon a Change of Control.

         Upon a Change of Control of the Company, the Company must pay
         within 5 calendar days, directly or indirectly to the Insurer
         the maximum amount the Insurer will accept as premium payments
         on the Policy existing on the Participant's life.  If the
         Company, in its reasonable discretion determines that more
         funding is likely to be necessary to pay the anticipated
         premiums on the Policy than the Insurer will accept at that
         time, then these additional sums will be paid by the Company
         into any trust which is the owner of the Policy and exists at
         the relevant time.  The Trustee of the trust shall hold these
         additional sums and invest them and pay from them to the Insurer
         annually or more often, in the Trustee's discretion.

                                     ARTICLE 4

                      Supplemental Retirement Income Benefit

         4.01   Eligibility for Benefit.

         If the Participant retires from employment with the Company, the
         Company in its sole and absolute discretion may determine that,
         in lieu of coverage under the Life Insurance Benefit, the
         Participant shall receive the Supplemental Retirement Income

         Notwithstanding any other provision hereof, the Participant's
         entitlement to receive this Supplemental Retirement Income
         Benefit shall terminate, without notice, in the event of the
         death of the Participant prior to the deposit in the U. S. Mails
         by the Company or the Trustee of any relevant rabbi trust of the
         first payment of the Supplemental Retirement Income Benefit.

         4.02  Form of Benefit Upon Change of Control.

         Upon a Change of Control the form of benefit to the Participant
         shall be a Supplemental Retirement Income Benefit.

         4.03   Vesting.

         A Participant's conditional right to receive the Supplemental
         Retirement Income Benefit at Retirement shall vest 20% per year
         (up to a maximum of 100%) upon the completion of each full year
         (consisting of at least 1,000 hours worked) in the capacity of
         Division President or Executive Corporate Officer of the Company
         with said vesting commencing upon the completion of the
         Participant's employment for five full years in such a capacity.
         This vesting is illustrated in the following table:

              Number of Full Years of Employment
              With the Company in the capacity
              of Division President or                 Vesting
              Executive Corporate Officer             Percentage

                       5                                  0

                       6                                20%

                       7                                40%

                       8                                60%

                       9                                80%

                      10   or more                     100%

         4.04   Amount of Benefit.

         Each monthly Supplemental Retirement Income Benefit payment
         shall be equal to one-twelfth of thirty percent (30%) of the
         average of the Participant's Compensation for the three
         consecutive calendar years of highest Compensation preceding the
         date on which the Participant Retires and then multiplied by the
         Participant's vesting percentage (as set forth in the vesting
         table in Section 4.03) at the time of Retirement.  The payments
         shall be in the form of substantially equal monthly installment
         payments, for a period of 10 years, commencing within thirty
         (30) days following the date the Participant Retires from
         employment with the Company.

         4.05   Death Benefit After Commencement of Retirement Benefits.

         In the event of the Participant's death after the deposit in the
         U. S. Mails by the Company or the Trustee of any relevant rabbi
         trust of the first payment of the Supplemental Retirement Income
         Benefit, but prior to the completion of all such payments due
         and owing hereunder, 100% of the monthly amount previously paid
         to the Participant shall be continued to be paid to the
         Participant's Beneficiary, if any, on a monthly basis, until the
         earlier of:  (i) the expiration of the original 10 year period
         or (ii) the death of the Beneficiary.  If the Participant has no
         Beneficiary living at the time of the Participant's death, or if
         a Participant's Beneficiary dies before completion of the 10
         years of payments, an undiscounted lump sum will be paid to the
         Participant's contingent Beneficiary in the amount of all
         remaining payments which have not been previously paid to the
         Participant or to the Participant's Beneficiary, if applicable.
         If the Participant has no contingent Beneficiary and the
         Beneficiary dies, the remaining payments which have not been
         previously paid to the Participant or to the Participant's
         Beneficiary shall be paid to the estate of such Beneficiary.

         4.06   Offset for Obligations to Company.

         If, at such time as the Participant becomes entitled to receive
         Supplemental Retirement Income Benefit payments pursuant to this
         Article 4, the Participant has any debt, obligation or other
         liability representing an amount due and owing to the Company,
         the Company may offset the amount owed it against the amount of
         benefits otherwise distributable hereunder.

         4.07   No Trust Created.

         Notwithstanding anything in this Plan, no action taken pursuant
         to its provisions by either the Company or any Participant shall
         create, or be construed to create, a trust of any kind, or a
         fiduciary relationship between the Company and the Participant,
         his or her spouse or any other person or entity except to the
         limited extent set forth in Section 5.01 herein.

         4.08   Benefits Payable Only From General Corporate Assets;
         Unsecured General Creditor Status of Participant.

         Supplemental Retirement Income Benefit payments to the
         Participant or his or her spouse shall be made from assets which
         shall continue, for all purposes, to be a part of the general,
         unrestricted assets of the Company.   No persons shall have any
         interest in any such assets by virtue of the provisions of this
         Plan.  The Company's obligation hereunder shall be an unfunded
         and unsecured promise to pay money in the future.  This Plan is
         intended to be unfunded both for income tax purposes and for
         purposes of Title I of the Employee Retirement Income Security
         Act of 1974.  To the extent that any person acquires a right to
         receive payments from the Company under the provisions of this
         Plan, such right shall be no greater than the right of any
         unsecured general creditor of the Company.

                                     ARTICLE 5

                                Plan Administration

         5.01   Named Fiduciary, Determination of Benefits, Claims
         Procedure and Administration.
         The Company is hereby designated as the named fiduciary under
         this Plan.  The named fiduciary shall have authority to control
         and manage the operation and administration of this Plan through
         a plan administrator designated by it, and it shall be
         responsible for establishing and carrying out a funding policy
         and method consistent with the objectives of this Plan.  The
         Company shall also have the power to establish, adopt or revise
         such rules and regulations as it may deem advisable for the
         administration of the Plan.  The interpretation and construction
         of the Plan by the Company and any action taken thereunder,
         shall be binding and conclusive upon all parties in interest. No
         officer, Employee or agent of the Company shall, in any event,
         be liable to any person for any action taken or omitted to be
         taken in connection with the interpretation, construction or
         administration of the Plan, so long as such action or omission
         to act is made in good faith.  An Employee of the Company
         serving as plan administrator shall be eligible to participate
         in the Plan while serving as such, but no such Employee shall
         vote or act upon any matter that relates solely to such
         Employee's interest in the Plan as a Participant.

         5.02    Claim Procedures

         (a)  Claim.   A person who believes that he is being denied a
              benefit to which he is entitled under the Plan (hereinafter
              referred to as a "Claimant") may file a written request for
              such benefit with the Company, setting forth his or her
              claim.  The request must be addressed to the CEO of the
              Company at its then principal executive offices.

         (b)  Claim Decision.   Upon receipt of a claim, the CEO shall
              advise the Claimant that a reply will be forthcoming within
              90 days and shall, in fact, deliver such reply within such
              period.  The CEO may, however, extend the reply period for
              an additional 90 days for reasonable cause.

         If the claim is denied in whole or in part, the CEO shall issue
         a written opinion, using language calculated to be understood by
         the Claimant, setting forth:

                 (i)    the specific reason or reasons for such denial;

                (ii)    the specific reference to pertinent provisions of
                        this Plan on which such denial is based;

               (iii)    a description of any additional material or
                        information necessary for the Claimant to perfect
                        his or her claim and an explanation why such
                        material or such information is necessary; and

                (iv)    appropriate information as to the steps to be
                        taken if the Claimant wishes to submit the claim
                        for review.

         5.03 Related Trust(s).

         If any Trust exists, the Trust itself and the administration of
         all assets held by the Trust shall be consistent with the terms
         of the model trust provided in Internal Revenue Service Revenue
         Procedure 92-64.

                                     ARTICLE 6

         6.01   No Contract of Employment.

         Nothing contained herein shall be construed to be a contract of
         employment for any period of time, nor as conferring upon a
         Participant the right to continue in the employ of the Company
         in any capacity.

         6.02   Amendment of Plan.

         This Plan may be amended by the Company at any time, by delivery
         of written notice of such amendment to the Participants,
         provided, however, that no such amendment shall in any material
         way adversely affect any rights of a Participant, to the extent
         vested, in the Life Insurance Benefit after Retirement or any
         rights of a Retired Participant or spouse who is receiving
         payments under the Supplemental Retirement Income Benefit.

         6.03   Conflicting Provisions.

         In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this Plan
         and the provisions of any endorsement to a Policy, beneficiary
         designation or other document related to a Policy, the
         provisions of this Plan shall prevail.  No party shall assert or
         enforce any right which it may have in a Policy, the beneficiary
         designation thereunder, or other document which is inconsistent
         with the rights established by this Plan.

         6.04   Notice.

         Any notice, consent or demand required or permitted to be given
         under the provisions of this Plan shall be in writing, and shall
         be signed by the party giving or making the same.  If such
         notice, consent, or demand is mailed to a party hereto, it shall
         be sent by United States certified mail, postage prepaid,
         addressed to such party's last known address as shown on the
         records of the Company.  The date of such mailing shall be
         deemed the date of notice, consent or demand.  Either party may
         change the address to which notice is to be sent by giving
         notice of the change of address in the manner aforesaid.

         6.05   Benefits Not Transferable.

         Neither the Participant, his or her Beneficiary, nor any other
         person with a beneficial interest under this Plan shall have any
         power or right to transfer, assign, anticipate, hypothecate or
         otherwise encumber any part or all of the amounts payable under
         Article 3 or Article 4.  No such amounts shall be subject to
         seizure by any creditor, by a proceeding at law or in equity,
         nor shall such amounts be transferable by operation of law in
         the event of bankruptcy, insolvency or death of the Participant,
         his or her Beneficiary, or any other person with a beneficial
         interest hereunder.  Any such attempt at assignment or transfer
         shall be void.  These restrictions on transfer or assignment
         shall not limit the Participant's right to assign his right,
         title and interest in the life insurance death benefit provided
         in Section 3.09.

         6.06   Governing Law.

         This Plan shall be governed by and construed in accordance with
         the internal laws of the State of New Hampshire.

         6.07   Written Materials.

         Unless the Participant advises the Company in writing that he or
         she does not want such material, the Company must give a copy of
         all written materials received regarding the Policy on the
         Participant's life to the Participant within thirty (30) days of
         the Company's receipt of such material.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has executed this Plan, such
         execution first having been duly authorized by the Salary and
         Employee Benefits Committee of the Board of Directors of the
         Company pursuant to a delegation of authority from said Board of

                                STANDEX INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION


                                                      EXHIBIT A

                              ENROLLMENT AGREEMENT

                          EXECUTIVE LIFE INSURANCE PLAN

         Name of Employee:

         Social Security No.:

              I hereby elect to participate in the Executive Life
         Insurance Plan (the "Plan") of Standex International
         Corporation (the "Company"), a copy of which I have received
         and read.  By signing this Enrollment Agreement, I agree to be
         bound by the terms of the Plan.  I have designated my
         beneficiary on a Designation of Beneficiary form.

              I authorize and direct the Company, or in the Company's
         discretion, the Trustee of a rabbi trust, subject to the
         provisions of the Plan, to obtain and own insurance policies
         on my life.  This authorization and direction applies to this
         Plan as presently constituted, or hereafter amended, for which
         I am or may become eligible and shall continue to apply until
         revoked by me in writing.

         Dated  _______________        ______________________________
                                       Employee Signature

                Received and approved by the Company.

                                  STANDEX INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION


         Dated: ______________    Title:
                                  EXHIBIT B             Page 1 of 2

                           DESIGNATION OF BENEFICIARY

                          EXECUTIVE LIFE INSURANCE PLAN

      To:            Standex International Corporation

      Attention:     Corporate Benefits Department Designation.

            Pursuant to the provisions of the Executive Life Insurance
      Plan, dated as of June 8, 1994, (the "Plan"), of Standex
      International Corporation (the "Company"), I hereby designate the
      following as my primary and contingent beneficiaries under the
      Plan, to receive payment of any benefits that may be due and
      payable upon my death while a Participant in the Plan:

      Primary Beneficiary

      Last Name, First,                       Age          Relationship
      Middle Initial

      _________________________________       ________     ______________

      Address:  Number and Street

                City                          State        Zip Code

                __________________________    __________   ______________

      Contingent Beneficiary

      Last Name, First,                       Age          Relationship

      Middle Initial

      _________________________________       ________     ______________

      Address:  Number and Street

                City                          State        Zip Code

                __________________________    __________   ______________

                                              EXHIBIT B    Page 2 of 2

           All sums to which this Designation of Beneficiary applies shall
      be paid pursuant to the terms of the Plan.  All prior designations
      of beneficiaries which are inconsistent with the provisions of this
      Designation of Beneficiary, if any, are hereby revoked.

      Reservation of Revocation.

           Unless otherwise provided by law, I hereby reserve the right to
      amend, change or revoke in its entirety this Designation of
      Beneficiary by filing a new form with the Company.

      Effective Date.

           It is hereby agreed that this Designation of Beneficiary shall
      not become effective unless and until it is approved by the Company.


         Dated: ______________

              Received and approved by the Company.

                                    STANDEX INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION


         Dated:  ______________     Title:
                                    EXHIBIT C     Page 1 of 2


              {To be filed by the Company in duplicate with the Trustee of
         any relevant rabbi trust and with the Insurer upon enrollment of
         Participant in the Plan, and at the time that the Participant
         files any change in beneficiary with the Company.  The Company
         must attach a copy of the Beneficiary Designation Form, completed
         by the Participant, to this Beneficiary Provision.  The Company
         shall also notify the Trustee of any relevant rabbi trust and the
         Insurer, upon the death of the Participant, of the amounts to
         which the Company and other beneficiaries are entitled.}

         Name of Insurer:

         Name of Policy Owner:      __            Standex International
         Corporation (the "Company")

                                                  __     Trustee of
         ___(e.g. Trainor)__ Trust under the Standex International
         Corporation Executive Plan

         Name of Insured:

         Policy Number:

              I.  Disposition of Proceeds.  The proceeds due under the
         Policy by reason of the death of the insured shall be paid in the
         following order of priority:

              (1)  All loans against the Policy shall first be repaid;

              (2)  The Company shall, to the extent that the Policy
         proceeds have not been exhausted, next be paid from the death
         benefit the total amount of the Policy premiums on such Policy
         claimed to have been paid by the Company since the Policy was
         taken out;

              (3)  The Participant's Beneficiary, as provided in the
         applicable Designation of Beneficiary Form shall, to the extent
         that the Policy proceeds have not been exhausted, next be paid an
         amount equal to three times the Participant's Compensation in the
         calendar year immediately preceding the year in which his or her
         death occurs;

              (4)  The Participant's beneficiary, as provided in the
         applicable Designation of Beneficiary Form shall to the extent
         the Policy proceeds have not been exhausted, next be paid an
         amount equal to the economic benefit of the life insurance
         coverage provided in the policy in accordance with Section 3.06
         of the Plan; and

              (5)  The Company shall receive the balance, if any, of the
         death benefit remaining after the payments provided for above.

              2.  Release of Insurer.  The receipt by the Insurer of a
         statement signed by the Company setting forth the amount claimed
         to be due each beneficiary in connection with this Policy, shall
         be conclusive as to the amount due each beneficiary, and the
         Insurer shall be fully acquitted, discharged and released from
         the claims of all persons having an interest in this Policy for
         the amount so paid.

                                    STANDEX INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION

         Dated:  ________________   By: _____________________________

              The Insurer hereby acknowledges receipt of a copy of this
         Beneficiary Provision.


         Dated: _________________   By:  _____________________________


              THIS ASSIGNMENT, dated this _____ day of ______________,

              WITNESSETH THAT:

              WHEREAS, the undersigned (the "Assignor") is a participating
         employee in the Executive Life Insurance Plan (the "Plan"), which
         Plan is provided by Standex International Corporation (the
         "Company").  The Plan confers upon the undersigned certain rights
         and benefits with regard to one or more policies of insurance
         insuring the Assignor's life; and

              WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Plan, the
         Assignor retained the right, exerciseable by the execution and
         delivery to the Company and to the Trustee of any relevant rabbi
         trust of a written form of assignment, to absolutely and
         irrevocably assign all of the Assignor's right, title and
         interest in and to the life insurance death benefit provided
         under the Plan to an assignee; and

              WHEREAS, the Assignor desires to exercise that right;

              NOW, THEREFORE, the Assignor, without consideration, and
         intending to make a gift, hereby absolutely and irrevocably
         assigns, gives, grants, and transfers to
         _____________________________________________ (the "Assignee")
         whose last known address is
         ___ all of the Assignor's right, title and interest in and to the
         life insurance death benefit provided under the Plan, intending
         that, from and after this date, the Assignor shall neither have
         nor retain any right, title or interest therein.


                             ACCEPTANCE OF ASSIGNMENT

              The undersigned Assignee hereby accepts the above assignment
         of all right, title and interest of the Assignor therein in and
         to the life insurance death benefit provided in the Plan, and the
         undersigned hereby agrees to be bound by all of the terms and
         conditions of the Plan as they apply to the life insurance death
         benefit, as if the Assignee were the original employee party to
         the Plan.

         Dated: ______________      _____________________________

                               CONSENT TO ASSIGNMENT

              The undersigned Company and Trustee hereby consent to the
         foregoing assignment of all of the right, title and interest of
         the Assignor in and to the life insurance death benefit provided
         under the Plan, to the Assignee designated therein.  The Company
         hereby agrees that, from and after the date hereof, the Company
         shall look solely to such Assignee for the performance of all
         obligations with respect to the life insurance death benefit
         under the Plan which were heretofore the responsibility of the
         Assignor, shall allow all rights and benefits provided therein to
         the Assignor to be exercised only by the Assignee, and shall
         hereafter treat said Assignee in all respects as if the original
         employee party to the Plan.

                                    STANDEX INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION

         Dated: _______________     By: _____________________________

                                    Title: __________________________

                                    ______________________________, as
                                    Trustee of ___(e.g. Trainor)__ Trust
                                    under the Standex International
                                    Corporation Executive Plan

         Dated: _______________     By: ______________________________

                                    Title: ___________________________


                   {To be filed by the Company in duplicate with
                   the Trustee of any relevant rabbi trust and
                   with the Insurer upon enrollment of
                   Participant in the Plan, and at the time that
                   the Participant files any change in
                   beneficiary with the Company.  The Company
                   must attach a copy of the Beneficiary
                   Designation Form, completed by the
                   Participant, to this Beneficiary Provision.
                   The Company shall also notify the Trustee of
                   any relevant rabbi trust and the Insurer, upon
                   the death of the Participant, of the amounts
                   to which the Company and other beneficiaries
                   are entitled.}

         Name of Insurer:

         Name of Policy Owner:  __  Standex International Corporation (the

                                __  Trustee of ___(e.g. Trainor)__ Trust
                                    under the Standex International
                                    Corporation Executive Plan

         Name of Insured:

         Policy Number:

                   I. Disposition of Proceeds.  The proceeds due under the
         Policy by reason of the death of the insured shall be paid in the
         following order of priority:

              (1)  All loans against the Policy shall first be repaid;

              (2)  The Company shall, to the extent that the Policy
                   proceeds have not been exhausted, next be paid from
                   the death benefit the total amount of the Policy
                   premiums on such Policy claimed to have been paid by
                   the Company since the Policy was taken out;

              (3)  The Participant's Beneficiary, as provided in the
                   applicable Designation of Beneficiary Form shall, to
                   the extent that the Policy proceeds have not been
                   exhausted, next be paid an amount equal to three times
                   the Participant's Compensation in the calendar year
                   immediately preceding the year in which his or her
                   death occurs;