Exhibit 99

ANHEUSER-BUSCH COMPANIES                        NEWS
                                                From: Fleishman-Hillard, Inc.
                                                200 North Broadway
                                                St. Louis, Missouri 63102
                                                (314)982-1700 FAX 314-231-2313
For more information, contact
Paul Wagman or Barry Murov
at (314) 982-1700

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- -   Anheuser-Busch achieved record sales, earnings and beer market share in

    the Third Quarter and first nine months of the year.  The company

    outperformed the brewing industry as a whole, which experienced sales

    declines during the first nine months.  Anheuser-Busch achieved higher

    increases in beer volume and share than any other major brewer for the

    first nine months of 1995.

 -  In a series of moves to enhance shareholder value, Anheuser-Busch

    announced the following initiatives:

    1. Selling the snack food business.

    2. Consolidating brewing capacity for greater efficiency, resulting in

       the closing of the company's Tampa brewery.

    3. Selling the St. Louis National Baseball Club (Cardinals).

    4. Lowering beer wholesaler inventories in order to achieve greater

       system-wide efficiencies and reduce costs.

                                     # # #
                                           From: Fleishman-Hillard, Inc.
                                           200 North Broadway
                                           St. Louis, Missouri 63102
                                           (314) 982-1700 FAX 314-231-2313

     ST. LOUIS, Mo., October 25, 1995 -- Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc.

achieved record sales and earnings for the Third Quarter and first nine

months of 1995, it was announced today by August A. Busch III, Chairman of

the Board and President.  The company also achieved record beer sales volume

and share for the first nine months of 1995, despite an estimated .3 percent

decline in overall brewing industry sales for the period.

     The company also announced a series of moves to enhance shareholder

value.  When coupled with the spin-off of Campbell Taggart, these actions

will improve the company's cash position in excess of $200 million.  These

moves are summarized in this Earnings Release and are further detailed in a

separate press release.

      "Anheuser-Busch's sales-to-retailers were up over 1 percent in the

Third Quarter, with August being a record month for sales-to-retailers," said

Mr. Busch.  "We are seeing increasing momentum in our core brands, the

Budweiser and Michelob families, with Bud Light and Michelob Light both

growing at double-digit rates.  Bud Ice sales have grown since its February

introduction, and several new brands were introduced during the Third

Quarter.  This is occurring in conjunction with an improved pricing outlook."
     Operating profits for the company's international brewing, packaging and

theme park operations continued to grow at a double-digit pace during the

Third Quarter.  These results were partially offset by underperformance at

Eagle Snacks and one-time charges for plant consolidations and other

productivity enhancement initiatives at Campbell Taggart.

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Anheuser-Busch/Add One

Third Quarter 1995 Financial Results
- ------------------------------------
     Key financial results for the Third Quarter of 1995 compared to the

Third Quarter of 1994 are summarized below:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                       Third Quarter Ended September 30,
($ In Millions, Except Per Share)                     |    1995   vs.  1994
                                      1995      1994  |      $     |    %
                                      ----      ----  |      -     |    -
Gross Sales                          $3,898    $3,759 |   Up $139  |  Up 3.7
Net Sales                             3,436     3,298 |   Up  138  |  Up 4.2
Operating Income                        602       600 |   Up    2  |  Up 0.4
Pretax Income                           560       549 |   Up   11  |  Up 1.9
Net Income                              340       329 |   Up   11  |  Up 3.1
Fully-diluted Earnings Per Share       1.31      1.24 |   Up  .07  |  Up 5.6
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Highlights for the Third Quarter 1995 were as follows:

- -    Net sales rose $138 million, a 4.2 percent increase compared with the

     Third Quarter of 1994.  The increase was driven primarily by higher

     international beer revenues and higher sales by the company's packaging

     and theme park operations.

- -    Operating income increased $2 million, or 0.4 percent, in the quarter. 

     Higher beer packaging material costs, losses at Eagle Snacks and one-

     time charges by Campbell Taggart were offset by earnings growth in the

     company's other businesses.

- -    Net income grew $11 million, or 3.1 percent, and was favorably impacted

     by a slightly lower effective tax rate.

- -    Earnings per share, on a fully-diluted basis, rose $.07, or 5.6 percent,

     to $1.31 per share, compared with $1.24 per share for the Third Quarter

     of 1994.

     Earnings per share growth continues to benefit from fewer shares

     outstanding due to the company's ongoing share repurchase program. 

     Fully-diluted earnings per share assume conversion of the company's   

     convertible debentures and elimination of the related after-tax interest

     expense.                            - more -
Anheuser-Busch/Add Two

Nine Months 1995 Financial Results
- ----------------------------------

     Key financial results for the first nine months of 1995 as compared to 

1994 are summarized below:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                      Nine Months Ended September 30,
($ In Millions, Except Per Share)                     |    1995   vs.  1994
                                      1995      1994  |      $     |    %
                                      ----      ----  |      -     |    -
Gross Sales                         $10,780   $10,383 |   Up $397  |  Up 3.8
Net Sales                             9,485     9,095 |   Up  390  |  Up 4.3
Operating Income                      1,601     1,562 |   Up   39  |  Up 2.5
Pretax Income                         1,458     1,418 |   Up   40  |  Up 2.8
Net Income                              885       856 |   Up   29  |  Up 3.3
Fully-diluted Earnings Per Share       3.40      3.20 |   Up  .20  |  Up 6.3
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Highlights for the first nine months of 1995 were as follows:

- -    Net sales increased $390 million, or 4.3 percent, for the first nine

     months of 1995, reflecting the higher beer sales volume level, higher

     revenue per barrel, stronger international beer revenues and higher 

     sales by the company's packaging and theme park operations.

- -    Operating income rose $39 million, or 2.5 percent, compared to the same

     period of 1994.  The company's beer, packaging and theme park operations

     were solid contributors to consolidated growth during the period, offset

     partially by the underperformance of Eagle Snacks and one-time charges 

     at Campbell Taggart.

- -    Net income grew $29 million, or 3.3 percent.

- -    Fully-diluted earnings per share increased $.20, or 6.3 percent,

     compared to the same period in 1994.  Earnings per share for the first

     nine months also benefited from the company's ongoing share repurchase


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Anheuser-Busch/Add Three

Beer Volume and Market Share
- ----------------------------

     Anheuser-Busch, Inc., the company's  brewing subsidiary, reported record

Third Quarter sales-to-wholesalers of 24.2 million barrels, up slightly 

compared to the Third Quarter of 1994.  Sales-to-wholesalers for the first

nine months of 1995 were a record 68.1 million barrels compared to 67.8 

million barrels during the first nine months of 1994, an increase of 0.4 

percent.  The previously announced fall price increases have been implemented

in seven states, and the environment appears favorable for the company's 

planned February 1996 price increase in the remainder of the country.

     International beer performance increased during the first nine months, 

led by continuing sales expansion in the United Kingdom and Ireland.  

International brewing's contribution to company profitability for the first 

nine months of 1995 increased at a double-digit pace versus the same period 

in 1994.

     The company has recently introduced or announced seven new beer brands 

this year.  Busch Ice and Natural Ice were introduced in selected regional 

markets.  Michelob Amber Bock has been introduced to the national market and 

a special Christmas Brew will be added for the important holiday season.  

Three "American Original" specialty beers (Faust, Muenchener and Black & 

Tan), based on recipes of beers originally brewed by Adolphus Busch in the 

late 1800s, were introduced for test marketing in Seattle and Denver. 

     For the first nine months of 1995, Anheuser-Busch's beer volume 

sales-to-wholesalers accounted for 44.3 percent of total U.S. brewing 

industry sales (including imports and exports), as estimated from information

provided by The Beer Institute.  This compares to a share of 44.0 percent 

for the same period last year, an increase of .3 share points.

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Selected Subsidiary Operations
- ------------------------------

     Campbell Taggart, the company's baking subsidiary, experienced lower 

profits for both the Third Quarter and first nine months of 1995 compared to 

the previous year.  However, this was primarily because of higher raw 

material costs, costs associated with the restructuring of unprofitable 

bakery locations and increased expenses related to implementing productivity

improvements. Underlying profit margins for this subsidiary's core businesses

and international operations are up for both the Third Quarter and first nine

months of 1995.

     As announced in the second quarter, Campbell Taggart is preparing for 

its spin-off from Anheuser-Busch.  In anticipation of the spin-off, Campbell 

Taggart is continuing to restructure its bakery operations and focus on its 

core businesses.  The spin-off is on schedule for completion in the first 

half of 1996.

     Eagle Snacks, the company's snack foods subsidiary, reported operating 

losses for the Third Quarter and first nine months of 1995.

Initiatives to Enhance Shareholder Value
- ----------------------------------------

     In order to enhance future profitability and devote maximum attention to

the company's core domestic and international beer businesses, the following 

initiatives were approved by the Board of Directors today:

     1.   Selling the Snack Food Business

             Anheuser-Busch has decided to sell the snack food business.  The

     company has received serious expressions of interest to purchase Eagle

     Snacks from qualified parties.  "The quality of our snack foods is

     second to none, and our production facilities are among the best in

     the industry," Mr. Busch said.
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          It is anticipated that the sale of Eagle Snacks will result in a

   substantial write-off which will be recognized in the Fourth Quarter of

   1995.  The book value of Eagle Snacks is $240 million and the company

   will lose $25 million in 1995.  The sale of Eagle Snacks, along with the

   spin-off of Campbell Taggart, effectively eliminates Anheuser-Busch's

   food products segment, thereby allowing the company to devote maximum
   attention to its core businesses.
   2.   Consolidation of Brewing Capacity
          Through full production at the Cartersville brewery and its

   ongoing efficiency program, Anheuser-Busch has been able to add a

   significant amount of efficient, lower cost capacity.  The Tampa

   brewery is the company's highest cost per barrel brewery.
          Accordingly, the Tampa brewery will be closed and cease

   production by the end of the year resulting in an estimated pretax

   write-off in the Fourth Quarter of approximately $150 million ($.36 per

   share), but will result in $33 million a year in operational cost savings.

          "Earlier this year, our Cartersville brewery --- the most

   efficient facility of its kind in the world --- brought 3 million

   barrels of expansion capacity on stream,"  Mr. Busch said. "As

   previously announced, Anheuser-Busch will spend $2 billion on a

   benchmarking program to bring all production facilities as near as

   possible to the efficiency levels we have achieved at our Cartersville 

   3.   Sale of St. Louis National Baseball Club (Cardinals)
          Anheuser-Busch has decided to sell the St. Louis National

   Baseball Club (Cardinals) in order to better focus attention on its core

   businesses.  Sale of the club will include Busch Memorial Stadium and

   several nearby parking garages owned by the company's Civic Center Corp.

   subsidiary in downtown St. Louis.         - more -
Anheuser-Busch/Add Six

            In 1995, because of a strike shortened season and the team's 

     performance, the Cardinals will incur an operating loss of $12 million.

            "It is our objective to keep the Cardinals in St. Louis, and the

     company will remain a sponsor of major league baseball," Mr. Busch said.

     "The question is whether our corporate objectives, which are highly

     focused on producing value for Anheuser-Busch shareholders, are

     consistent with the needs of the baseball team," he added. "Similarly,

     continued ownership of the club diverts significant management efforts

     away from the needs of our core businesses."

            "We concluded that it is in the best interests of everyone,

     including the Cardinals, and the fans, to seek a new owner for the

     team," he added.

            It is anticipated that the sale of the Cardinals will result in

     a substantial gain which will be recognized when the sale is completed.
     4.   Beer Wholesaler Inventory Reduction Program
            In a move that will minimize inventory system costs, the company

     will reduce wholesaler inventories during the final two months of the
            This lower inventory level will result in a $12 million

     system-wide cost savings by both Anheuser-Busch and wholesalers through

     improved scheduling, lower transportation costs and reduced working

     capital requirements.
            "Today's marketplace demands that we take every step we can to be

     as efficient as possible," Mr. Busch said. "This step will not only

     provide significant savings, but will improve production scheduling at

     our breweries and ensure that we continue to have the freshest beer in

     the market. Thus, it provides a competitive advantage as well."

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            Lowering wholesaler inventories will require a one-time reduction

     in production levels at the company's breweries.  As a result, total

     shipments will be down approximately 1.1 million barrels, or 5 percent,

     in the Fourth Quarter which will reduce operating profits by

     approximately $71 million.  For all of 1995, shipments will be reduced

     about 1 percent. However, sales-to-retailers --- a more accurate measure

     of consumer demand --- will not be affected and will reflect record

     levels for the year.

- ----------

     "As a result of the moves announced today, and the spin off of Campbell

 Taggart, Anheuser-Busch will be a more focused and competitive company,"

 Mr. Busch said.

     "We plan to achieve three major objectives in coming years," Mr. Busch

stated.  "First, we will continue to gain an increased share of the brewing 

industry margin pool in the United States. Second, we will continue to 

globalize our beer operations.  Finally, we will support the growth of our 

entertainment and packaging subsidiaries.

     "Focus on these objectives will permit the company to capitalize on its 

market leadership and competitive advantages in its core brewing business, 

enhance profitability through the entertainment of more than 20 million 

guests annually, and gain efficiencies through the manufacture of beverage 

containers," Busch added.
                                     # # #

                     (IN MILLIONS, EXCEPT PER SHARE)

                                  Third Quarter   |       Year-to-Date
                                  -------------   |       ------------
                               1995        1994   |    1995         1994
                               ----        ----   |    ----         ----
Gross Sales                $ 3,897.5   $ 3,759.3  | $ 10,780.2   $ 10,383.3
Excise Taxes                  (461.3)     (461.4) |   (1,295.4)    (1,288.7)
                           ----------  ---------- | -----------  -----------
Net Sales                    3,436.2     3,297.9  |    9,484.8      9,094.6
Cost of Products & Services  2,180.1     2,062.0  |    6,091.5      5,808.4
Marketing, Distribution and                       |
   Administrative Expenses     653.7       635.7  |    1,792.8      1,724.4
                            ---------  ---------- | -----------  -----------
Operating Income               602.4       600.2  |    1,600.5      1,561.8
Interest Expense               (54.7)      (54.3) |     (169.2)      (165.1)
Interest Capitalized             6.0         5.6  |       16.8         15.2
Interest Income                  2.3         1.3  |        6.6          2.7
Other Income/(Expense), Net      3.9        (3.5) |        3.0          3.2
                           ----------  ---------- | -----------  -----------
Income Before Income Taxes     559.9       549.3  |    1,457.7      1,417.8
Income Taxes                  (220.2)     (219.9) |     (572.8)      (561.4)
                           ----------  ---------- | -----------  -----------
Net Income                 $   339.7   $   329.4  | $    884.9   $    856.4
                           ==========  ========== | ===========  ===========
Primary Earnings Per Share $    1.32   $    1.26  | $     3.43   $     3.23
                           ==========  ========== | ===========  ===========
Fully-Diluted Earnings Per                        |
  Share                    $    1.31   $    1.24  | $     3.40   $     3.20
                           ==========  ========== | ===========  ===========
Capital Expenditures       $   279.6   $   181.1  | $    752.6   $    542.2
                           ==========  ========== | ===========  ===========
Depreciation and                                  |
  Amortization             $   168.8   $   153.4  | $    482.6   $    465.7
                           ==========  ========== | ===========  ===========
Weighted Average Shares                           |
  Outstanding-Primary          256.7       262.4  |      258.1        265.4
                           ==========  ========== | ===========  ===========
Weighted Average Shares                           |
  Outstanding-Fully-Diluted    260.9       267.4  |      262.6        270.4
                           ==========  ========== | ===========  ===========