Form 10-Q


                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                    SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

For the quarterly period ended            March 31, 2000


                    SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

For the transition period from                    to
                               ------------------   --------------

Commission File Number 1-2297

                               EASTERN ENTERPRISES
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                MASSACHUSETTS                          04-1270730
       ------------------------------               --------------
      (State or other jurisdiction of              (I.R.S. Employer
       incorporation or organization)               Identification No.)

                  (Address of principal executive offices)
                                (Zip Code)

               (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

                Former name, former address and former fiscal year,
                             if changed since last report.

   Indicate  by check mark  whether  the  registrant  (1) has filed all  reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of
1934  during  the  preceding  12 months  (or for such  shorter  period  that the
registrant was required to file such reports),  and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days.

Yes X    No
   ----    ----

The number of shares of Common Stock  outstanding  of Eastern  Enterprises as of
April 27, 2000 was 27,146,678.

                                                                  Form 10-Q
                                                                  Page  2


Company or group of companies for which report is filed:

Consolidated Statements of Operations
- -------------------------------------

                                                                               Three months ended March 31,
 (In thousands, except per share amounts)                                           2000               1999
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Revenues                                                                        $433,695           $344,829
Operating costs and expenses:
  Operating costs                                                                283,000            229,988
  Selling, general & admini-
      strative expenses                                                           35,502             31,230
  Depreciation & amortization                                                     33,077             25,665
                                                                                --------            -------
                                                                                 351,579            286,883
                                                                                --------            -------
Operating earnings                                                                82,116             57,946
Other income (expense):
  Interest income                                                                    634              2,217
  Interest expense                                                               (12,124)            (8,779)
  Other, net                                                                         203                925
                                                                                --------             ------
Earnings before income
  taxes                                                                           70,829             52,309
Provision for income taxes                                                        29,790             20,013
                                                                                --------             ------
Net earnings                                                                    $ 41,039            $32,296
                                                                                ========            =======
Basic earnings per share                                                        $   1.51            $  1.43
                                                                                ========            =======
Diluted earnings per share                                                      $   1.50            $  1.42
                                                                                ========            =======
Dividends per share                                                             $    .43            $   .42
                                                                                ========            =======

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                                                                From 10-Q
                                                                Page 3

Eastern Enterprises and Subsidiaries
- ------------------------------------

Consolidated Balance Sheets
- ---------------------------

                                                                     March 31,       December 31,            March 31,
(In thousands)                                                            2000               1999                 1999
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Current assets:
  Cash and short-term investments                                      $31,722           $ 44,332             $178,818
  Receivables, less reserves                                           194,208            135,409              158,308
  Inventories                                                           39,326             74,555               37,837
  Deferred gas costs                                                    24,626             64,503                    -
  Other current assets                                                   5,443              5,008                3,920
                                                                     ---------          ---------            ---------
     Total current assets                                              295,325            323,807              378,883

Property and equipment, at cost                                      2,202,855          2,197,156            1,731,589
   Less--accumulated depreciation                                      929,594            906,953              772,010
                                                                     ---------          ---------            ---------

      Net property and equipment                                     1,273,261          1,290,203              959,579

  Goodwill, less amortization                                          245,613            247,137                    -
  Deferred postretirement health care
    costs                                                               71,420             72,760               77,228
  Investments                                                           13,444             14,671               14,965
  Deferred charges and other costs,
    less amortization                                                   71,860             71,179               71,622
                                                                    ----------         ----------           ----------
    Total other assets                                                 402,337            405,747              163,815
                                                                    ----------         ----------           ----------

     Total assets                                                   $1,970,923         $2,019,757           $1,502,277
                                                                    ==========         ==========           ==========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                                                                   Form 10-Q
                                                                   Page 4

Eastern Enterprises and Subsidiaries
- ------------------------------------

Consolidated Balance Sheets
- ---------------------------

                                                                         March 31,          December 31,            March 31,
(In thousands)                                                                2000                  1999                 1999
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Current liabilities:
  Current debt                                                             $71,551             $ 123,251             $  7,353
  Accounts payable                                                          52,517                75,770               48,002
  Accrued expenses                                                          75,294                37,516               62,529
  Other current liabilities                                                 47,835                50,234               43,501
                                                                          --------             ---------             --------
     Total current liabilities                                             247,197               286,771              161,385

Gas inventory financing                                                     22,202                54,020               32,554

Long-term debt                                                             513,997               515,232              384,307

Reserves and other liabilities:

  Deferred income taxes                                                    176,372               179,426              137,136
  Postretirement health care                                                99,430               100,016               96,739
  Preferred stock of subsidiary                                             26,462                26,454               29,368
  Other reserves                                                           100,417               103,208               90,647
                                                                           -------               -------              -------
      Total reserves and other
         liabilities                                                       402,681               409,104              353,890

Commitments and Contingencies

Shareholders' equity:
  Common stock, $1.00 par value
   Authorized shares -- 50,000,000;
   Issued shares -- 27,163,570 at
     March 31, 2000; 27,131,090 at
     December 31, 1999, and 22,634,750
     at March 31, 1999                                                      27,164                27,131               22,635
  Capital in excess of par value                                           245,720               244,449               55,270
  Retained earnings                                                        513,120               483,710              493,418
  Accumulated other comprehensive
    (loss)                                                                    (575)                  (77)                (823)
  Treasury stock at cost - 16,892
     shares at March 31, 2000 and
     December 31, 1999; 10,461 shares
     at March 31, 1999                                                        (583)                 (583)                (359)
                                                                        ----------            ----------           ----------
       Total shareholders' equity                                          784,846               754,630              570,141
                                                                        ----------            ----------           ----------

     Total liabilities and
       shareholders' equity                                             $1,970,923            $2,019,757           $1,502,277
                                                                        ==========            ==========           ==========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                                                                Form 10-Q
                                                                Page 5

Eastern Enterprises and Subsidiaries
- ------------------------------------

Consolidated Statement of Cash flows
- ------------------------------------

                                                                                               Three months ended March 31,
(In thousands)                                                                                      2000               1999
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash flows from operating activities:
  Net earnings                                                                                  $ 41,039           $ 32,296
  Adjustments to reconcile net earnings to net
    cash provided by operating activities:
  Depreciation and amortization                                                                   33,077             25,665
  Income taxes and tax credits                                                                    26,487             14,597
  Net gain on sale of assets                                                                         (40)              (267)
  Other changes in assets and liabilities:
    Receivables                                                                                  (58,799)           (53,176)
    Inventories                                                                                   35,230             18,030
    Deferred gas costs                                                                            39,877             54,642
    Accounts payable                                                                             (23,254)            (8,338)
    Other                                                                                          5,753             11,040
                                                                                                --------           --------
  Net cash provided by operating activities                                                       99,370             94,489
                                                                                                --------           --------
Cash flows from investing activities:
  Capital expenditures                                                                           (15,112)            (9,552)
  Proceeds on sale of assets                                                                       4,261              1,941
  Investments                                                                                     (3,834)            (1,944)
  Other                                                                                           (1,252)              (118)
                                                                                                --------           --------
  Net cash used by investing activities                                                          (15,937)            (9,673)
                                                                                                --------           --------
Cash flows from financing activities:
  Dividends paid                                                                                 (11,621)            (9,455)
  Repayment of long-term debt                                                                     (1,410)            (1,260)
  Changes in notes payable                                                                       (51,509)           (35,985)
  Changes in gas inventory financing                                                             (31,818)           (20,090)
  Other                                                                                              315                956
                                                                                                --------           --------
Net cash used by financing activities                                                            (96,043)           (65,834)
                                                                                                --------           --------
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                                             (12,610)            18,982
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                                                    44,332            159,836
                                                                                                --------           --------
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period                                                31,722            178,818
Short-term investments                                                                                 -                  -
                                                                                                --------           --------
Cash and short-term investments                                                                 $ 31,722           $178,818
                                                                                                ========           ========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                                                                Form 10-Q
                                                                Page 6

                                        EASTERN ENTERPRISES AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                            NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                                   March 31, 2000

1.  Accounting Policies

It is Eastern's opinion that the financial  information contained in this report
reflects all  adjustments  necessary to present a fair  statement of results for
the periods reported. All of these adjustments are of a normal recurring nature.
Results for the periods are not necessarily indicative of results to be expected
for the year, due to the seasonal nature of Eastern's operations. All accounting
policies  have been  applied in a manner  consistent  with prior  periods.  Such
financial  information  is subject to year-end  adjustments  and annual audit by
independent public accountants.

The preparation of financial  statements in conformity  with generally  accepted
accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that
affect the  reported  amounts  of assets  and  liabilities,  the  disclosure  of
contingent  assets and  liabilities at the date of the financial  statements and
the  reported  amounts of revenues  and expenses  during the  reporting  period.
Actual results could differ from those estimates.

Certain  information  and footnote  disclosures  normally  included in financial
statements prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting  principles
have been  condensed  or  omitted  in this Form 10-Q.  Therefore  these  interim
financial  statements  should be read in conjunction  with Eastern's 1999 Annual
Report filed on Form 10-K with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Earnings Per Share

Basic  earnings  per  share is based on the  weighted  average  number of shares
outstanding.  Diluted  earnings  per share gives effect to the exercise of stock
options using the treasury stock method, as reflected below:

                                                                    Three months ended
                                                                         March 31,
(In thousands)                                                  2000                 1999
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Weighted average shares                                       27,138               22,600
Dilutive effect of options                                       239                  126
                                                              ------               ------
Adjusted weighted average shares                              27,377               22,726
                                                              ======               ======

Comprehensive Income

The following is a summary of the  reclassification  adjustments  and the income
tax effects for the  components  of other  comprehensive  income  (loss) for the
three months ended March 31:

                                                                Form 10-Q
                                                                Page 7

                      Unrealized Holding       Reclassification
                      Gains (Losses) on        Adjustments for                Other
                         Investments            (Gains) Losses            Comprehensive
                      Arising During the      Included in Net             Income (Loss)
(In thousands)             Period                 Income
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pretax loss                     $ (852)                $ (253)                $(1,105)
Income tax credit                 (298)                   (89)                   (387)
                                ------                 ------                 -------
   Net change                   $ (554)                $ (164)                $  (718)
                                ======                 ======                 =======

Pretax loss                     $  (74)                $ (692)                $  (766)
Income tax credit                  (26)                  (242)                   (268)
                                ------                 ------                 -------
   Net change                   $  (48)                $ (450)                $  (498)
                                ======                 ======                 =======

2.  Planned Merger with KeySpan

On November 4, 1999 Eastern signed a definitive  agreement that provides for the
merger  of  Eastern  with  a  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of  KeySpan  Corporation
("KeySpan"),  with  Eastern  surviving  the merger and  becoming a  wholly-owned
subsidiary  of KeySpan.  In the  merger,  holders of Eastern  common  stock will
receive $64.00 in cash plus, in certain circumstances,  an accrued dividend, per
share of Eastern common stock, as well as an additional $0.006 per share per day
for each day the merger has not closed  beginning  on the later of (a) August 4,
2000 or (b) ninety days after the state of New Hampshire gives final  regulatory
approval  to  Eastern's  acquisition  of  EnergyNorth,  Inc.  (see  below).  The
transaction,  which is subject to receipt of regulatory  approvals,  is hoped to
close in the early fall of 2000. The merger was approved by Eastern shareholders
on April 26, 2000.

3.  Planned Merger with EnergyNorth, Inc.

Under a  definitive  agreement  signed  in  1999,  Eastern  expects  to  acquire
EnergyNorth,  Inc.  ("EnergyNorth")  for  approximately  $203  million  in  cash
simultaneously  with  Eastern's  merger with KeySpan.  If the KeySpan  merger is
terminated,  the  agreement  provides  for  Eastern to acquire  EnergyNorth  for
approximately $78 million in cash and 1.7 million in Eastern shares,  subject to
a collar arrangement.

The  transaction  is subject to receipt of  regulatory  approvals.  A regulatory
settlement  agreement  has been filed with the New  Hampshire  Public  Utilities
Commission  and a final order is expected  shortly.  The merger was  approved by
EnergyNorth shareholders on April 27, 2000.

4.  Business Segments

Eastern's  reportable  business  segment  information for revenues and operating
earnings is presented below:

Revenues:                                                  Three months ended March 31,
(In thousands)                                                 2000               1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Natural Gas Distribution                                   $355,782           $280,283
Marine Transportation                                        71,270             61,326
Other Services                                                6,643              3,220
                                                           --------           --------
                                                           $433,695           $344,829
                                                           ========           ========

                                                                Form 10-Q
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Operating Earnings:                                        Three months ended March 31,
(In thousands)                                                 2000               1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Natural Gas Distribution                                    $81,185            $57,294
Marine Transportation                                         3,075              3,141
Other Services                                                 (425)            (1,296)
Headquarters                                                 (1,719)            (1,193)
                                                            -------            -------
                                                            $82,116            $57,946
                                                            =======            =======

5.  Inventories

The components of inventories were as follows:

                                                           March 31,       December 31,          March 31,
(In thousands)                                                 2000               1999               1999
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Supplemental gas supplies                                   $22,958            $57,935            $26,072
Other materials, supplies and
  marine fuels                                               16,368             16,620             11,765
                                                            -------            -------            -------
                                                            $39,326            $74,555            $37,837
                                                            =======            =======            =======

6.  Supplemental Cash Flow Information

The following are supplemental disclosures of cash flow information:

                                                                                        Three months ended March 31,
                 (In thousands)                                                               2000              1999
                 Cash paid during the year for:
                   Interest, net of amounts capitalized                                     $4,493           $1,453
                   Income taxes                                                             $3,251           $4,952

                                                                Form 10-Q
                                                                Page 9

Item 2.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
Results of Operations

In November 1999 Eastern signed a definitive agreement to be acquired by KeySpan
Corporation  ("KeySpan") for $64.00 per share in cash, as discussed in Note 2 of
Notes to  Financial  Statements.  Such  information  is  incorporated  herein by
reference. The transaction is hoped to close in the early fall of 2000.

In 1999 Eastern  signed a  definitive  agreement  to acquire  EnergyNorth,  Inc.
("EnergyNorth")  for  approximately  $203  million in cash  simultaneously  with
Eastern's merger with KeySpan,  as discussed in Note 3. If the KeySpan merger is
terminated,  the  agreement  provides  for  Eastern to acquire  EnergyNorth  for
approximately $78 million in cash and 1.7 million in Eastern shares,  subject to
a collar arrangement.


Natural Gas Distribution

The natural gas  distribution  segment  includes  the  operations  of Boston Gas
Company,  Essex Gas Company and Colonial Gas Company,  which Eastern acquired in
August 1999.  The 27% increase in revenues  primarily  reflects the inclusion of
Colonial Gas revenues  ($86  million) and growth in  throughput  ($10  million),
partially  offset by the pass  through  of lower gas costs  ($16  million),  the
impact of warmer  weather ($4 million) and the migration of customers  from firm
sales to transportation-only service ($3 million). The pass through of gas costs
and the migration of customers to transportation-only  service have no impact on
operating  earnings.  Weather  for the  quarter was 7% warmer than normal and 2%
warmer than the first quarter of 1999.

Operating  earnings for 2000  increased by $23.9 million,  primarily  reflecting
inclusion of Colonial Gas  operations  ($27.4  million) and growth in throughput
($4 million),  partially offset by a cumulative adjustment for prior years which
increased gas costs by $3 million, higher labor charges ($3 million), the impact
of warmer weather ($1 million) and the absence of a pension  settlement gain ($1
million) recognized in 1999.

Marine Transportation

First quarter revenues  increased 16% over last year on higher coal shipments by
electric  utility  customers and increased  demand for industrial raw materials.
Market  rates for spot  business  improved  as a result of  stronger  demand for
transportation  services and a slightly reduced  industry-wide supply of barges.
In addition,  fuel  adjustment  mechanisms  contained in  multi-year  and annual
contracts further increased revenues reflecting a portion of the 80% increase in
fuel  prices as  compared  to the first  quarter  of 1999.  As a result of these
factors,  rates per ton mile increased 6% for the quarter. First quarter tonnage
increased  14%,  while ton miles  increased  10%,  reflecting a shorter  average
length of haul.

                                                                Form 10-Q
                                                                Page 10

Operating  conditions were generally  improved as compared to 1999, with reduced
winter icing and  flooding.  Although  fleet  productivity  improved  over 1999,
operating  costs  increased  21%,  mainly as a result  higher fuel  prices.  The
Company estimates the net impact of higher fuel costs reduced operating earnings
by approximately $2.0 million,  as compared to 1999.  Terminal operating results
were also lower than in 1999, reflecting higher fuel costs and lower throughput.
As a result of these factors, operating earnings were essentially unchanged from
the prior year.

Other Services

First quarter revenues for other services increased from $3.2 million in 1999 to
$6.6 million in 2000,  primarily  reflecting the results of Transgas,  which was
acquired as part of Colonial Gas.  Transgas results also accounted for more than
half the reduction of the other services operating loss for the first quarter.


The $4.9 million increase in net interest expense reflects the inclusion of $2.8
million  interest expense for Colonial Gas and the use of $150.1 million of cash
in the Colonial Gas acquisition.

The  increase  in the  effective  tax rate  from 38% to 42%  primarily  reflects
Colonial Gas goodwill amortization.

The 20%  increase  in  diluted  shares  outstanding  reflects  the  issuance  of
approximately 4.2 million shares of stock in the Colonial Gas acquisition.


Eastern continued to monitor its systems through the end of the first quarter of
2000, including the quarter closing activity. No significant year 2000 errors or
discrepancies  were detected and no costs were incurred.  Eastern will no longer
report on Year 2000 issues.


This report and other company statements and statements issued or made from time
to time contain certain "forward-looking statements" concerning projected future
financial  performance,  expected plans or future  operations.  Eastern cautions
that actual results and developments may differ materially from such projections
or expectations.

Investors  should be aware of important  factors that could cause actual results
to differ  materially from  forward-looking  projections or expectations.  These
factors include,  but are not limited to: the effect of the pending mergers with
KeySpan and EnergyNorth, Eastern's ability to successfully integrate its new gas
distribution   operations,   temperatures  above  or  below  normal  in  eastern
Massachusetts,  changes in market conditions for barge  transportation,  adverse
weather and operating  conditions on the inland  waterways,  changes in economic
conditions,  including  interest  rates and the value of the dollar versus other
currencies,  regulatory  and court  decisions and  developments  with respect to
Eastern's previously-disclosed  environmental liabilities. Most of these factors
are difficult to predict accurately and are generally beyond Eastern's control.

                                                                  Form 10-Q
                                                                  Page 11


Management  believes that projected cash flows from  operations,  in combination
with  currently  available  resources,  will be  more  than  sufficient  to meet
Eastern's   2000   capital   expenditure   requirements   and  working   capital
requirements,  potential funding of its environmental  liabilities,  normal debt
repayments and anticipated dividends to shareholders. Management expects KeySpan
to provide the funds needed for the acquisition of  EnergyNorth.  If the KeySpan
agreement is terminated,  management  expects the EnergyNorth  acquisition to be
funded through a combination of internal sources and additional borrowings.

Consolidated  capital  expenditures are budgeted at approximately  $107 million,
with about 90% at natural  gas  distribution  segment  and the balance at marine

                                                                Form 10-Q
                                                                Page 12

                           PART II. OTHER INFORMATION

Item 2.  Changes in Securities

Eastern  issued an  aggregate of 9,286 shares of its common stock on January 26,
2000 to executives of Eastern and its subsidiaries,  other than its Chairman and
Chief Executive Officer and its President and Chief Operating Officer,  pursuant
to Eastern's Executive Incentive  Compensation Plan ("Incentive Plan").  Eastern
issued 6,344 shares of its common stock on February 23, 2000 to its Chairman and
Chief Executive  Officer and its President and Chief Operating  Officer pursuant
to  its  Incentive   Plan.  The  issuances  of  such  shares  were  exempt  from
registration under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, pursuant to Section 4
(2) thereof.

Item 4.  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

The Annual Meeting of Shareholders of the registrant was held on April 26, 2000,
at which the  shareholders  voted (i) to amend the  registrant's  Declaration of
Trust to authorize certain mergers, (ii) approve and adopt an Agreement and Plan
of merger,  dated as of November  4, 1999,  as  amended,  among the  registrant,
KeySpan Corporation and ACJ Acqusition LLC and (iii) to elect Trustees for terms
of office expiring at the 2003 Annual Meeting of Shareholders as follows:

(i)         to amend the registrant's Declaration of Trust, with 16,306,529
            shares voting for, 160,228 shares voting against and 228,164
            shares abstaining;

(ii)        to approve and adopt the Agreement  and Plan of merger,  dated as
            of November 4, 1999, as amended,  among the  registrant,  KeySpan
            Corporation  and ACJ  Acquisition  LLC,  with  16,326,123  shares
            voting for,  182,221  shares  voting  against  and  186,415
            shares abstaining;

(iii)       Richard R. Clayton, with 23,492,419 shares voting for and
            237,443 shares withholding authority;

            Leonard R. Jaskol, with 23,492,301 shares voting for and
            237,372 shares withholding authority;

            David B. Stone, with 23,488,734 shares voting for and
            237,371 shares withholding authority;

Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

     (a)          List of Exhibits

                  27.1  Financial Data Schedule

     (b)          Report of Form 8-K

                  There we no reports on Form 8-K filed in the First  Quarter
                  of 2000.

                                                                Form 10-Q
                                                                Page 13


         It is Eastern's  opinion that the  financial  information  contained in
this report  reflects all  adjustments  necessary to present a fair statement of
results  for the  period  reported.  All of  these  adjustments  are of a normal
recurring  nature.  Results  for the period are not  necessarily  indicative  of
results to be expected  for the year,  due to the  seasonal  nature of Eastern's
operations.  All  accounting  policies have been applied in a manner  consistent
with  prior  periods  other  than  changes   disclosed  in  Notes  to  Financial
Statements.  Such financial  information is subject to year-end  adjustments and
annual audit by independent public accountants.

         Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
Eastern  has  duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on  its  behalf  by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                            EASTERN ENTERPRISES

Date:             April 28, 2000            By /s/ WALTER J. FLAHERTY
                  --------------                   ----------------------
                                                   Walter J. Flaherty
                                               Executive Vice President and
                                                  Chief Financial Officer

Date:             April 28, 2000             By /S/  JAMES J. HARPER
                  --------------               ---------------------
                                                     James J. Harper
                                               Vice President and Controller
                                                 (Chief Accounting Officer)