Exhibit 10.5.2

                               EASTERN ENTERPRISES

                     Deferred Compensation Plan for Trustees
                   (amended and restated as of April 22, 1998)

1.       Purpose

         The purpose of this plan (the "Plan") is to assist members of the Board
of Trustees (the  "Board") of Eastern  Enterprises  ("Eastern")  who are not and
have  never  been  employees  of  Eastern  or its  subsidiaries  in making  more
satisfactory  provision for their income  following  their  retirement  from the
Board.  To  accomplish  this  purpose,  the Plan  provides  for (a) the elective
deferral of certain fees until the  participating  member retires from the Board
and for the  crediting  of such  deferrals,  at the  election  of the  member as
hereinafter  provided, in Share Units, and (b) the crediting of additional Share
Units to accounts maintained hereunder for eligible members of the Board.

2.       Administration

         The  Plan  will  be  administered  by the  Treasurer  of  Eastern  (the

3.       Deferral of Retainers and of Fees for Attendance at Meetings

         Each  member of the Board who is not and has never been an  employee of
Eastern or its subsidiaries (an "Eligible Trustee") will have the right to defer
receipt of payments on account of all cash  retainers and fees for attendance at
meetings  ("meeting  fees") to which he or she may be entitled  for any calendar
year as a member of the Board, including those to which he or she is entitled as
a member of any Committee of the Board or as Chairman of any such Committee.  In
order to exercise  his or her right to defer  receipt of such cash  payments for
any calendar year, the Eligible Trustee must make an election in accordance with
the  provisions  of  paragraph 4 below.  Such  election  must also set forth the
method by which the deferred amounts will be paid,  subject to the provisions of
paragraph 9 below.

         Any election to defer  receipt of payments on account of retainers  and
meeting  fees  payable in cash will apply to all such  payments for the calendar
year to which the election relates.

4.       Election to Defer

         a. Except as provided in 4.b. below, any Eligible Trustee who wishes to
                  defer  receipt of payments on account of  retainers or meeting
                  fees  payable  in cash  for any  calendar  year  must  make an
                  irrevocable  election on a form  satisfactory to the Treasurer
                  that is filed with the Treasurer prior to the beginning of the
                  calendar  year in which the  amounts  would be paid if no such
                  election were made.

         b.       In the case of the first  calendar  year in which an  Eligible
                  Trustee  becomes a member of the Board or becomes  entitled to
                  retainers and meeting  fees,  the election must be made within
                  thirty  (30) days  following  the date on which  the  Eligible
                  Trustee  becomes a member of the Board or becomes so entitled.
                  Such  election  will apply to all such amounts  which would be
                  paid in cash during such year (and following such election) if
                  no such election had been made.

5.       Cash Accounts; Share Unit Accounts

         The Treasurer shall maintain for each Eligible Trustee two Accounts:  a
Share Unit Account representing that portion, if any, of the amounts credited to
the Eligible  Trustee  hereunder that are denominated in Share Units, and a Cash
Account for all remaining  amounts,  if any, credited  hereunder to the Eligible
Trustee.  A  "Share  Unit"  for  purposes  of the  plan is a  book-keeping  unit
representing one share of the common stock, $1.00 par value, of Eastern ("Common

6.       Crediting of Elective Deferrals

         a.       Each Eligible Trustee who for any calendar year elects a
                  deferral under
                  paragraph 4 shall,  on the form  referred to therein,  make an
                  irrevocable  election to credit each such deferred  payment to
                  his or her Cash  Account or Share  Unit  Account or to both on
                  the  basis  of  a  percentage  allocation  specified  in  such
                  election.  Amounts shall be credited to the Eligible Trustee's
                  Accounts  as of the date they would have been paid  absent the
                  deferral (the "crediting date").

         b.       If an Eligible Trustee has a balance in his or her Cash
                  Account, then an
                  additional  amount in the nature of interest  will be credited
                  to such Cash Account as of the end of each calendar year based
                  upon the average  balance  therein during such year (including
                  any prior interest  credits) and upon a rate, as determined by
                  the Treasurer,  equal to the prime rate, plus one percent,  of
                  interest  charged by  BankBoston,  N.A. as of the first day of
                  such year or upon a rate  based on such  other  indices as the
                  Treasurer  in his or her  sole  discretion  from  time to time
                  selects.  Such  credits  will be made as long as  there is any
                  amount credited to such Cash Account.

         c.       If an Eligible  Trustee elects to have all or a portion of any
                  deferral  under  paragraph 4 credited to his or her Share Unit
                  Account,  the  number  of whole  and  fractional  Share  Units
                  credited  with  respect to such  deferral  or portion  thereof
                  shall be the quotient  obtained by dividing the amount of such
                  deferral  or  portion  thereof by the Fair  Market  Value of a
                  share of Common  Stock on the  crediting  date with respect to
                  such deferral or portion thereof.

         d.     Commencing six months and one day following the date on which an
                  Eligible  Trustee  ceases  to be a member of the  Board,  such
                  former  Eligible  Trustee,  to the  extent  of  the  remaining
                  balance (if any) in his or her  Account,  may elect in writing
                  to make annual  transfers  from the Cash  Account to the Share
                  Unit  Account  and vice  versa.  Each such  transfer  shall be
                  effected  on the first  business  day of  January  of the year
                  following the year in which the transfer  election is made. In
                  the event of a  transfer  from a Cash  Account to a Share Unit
                  Account,  the Cash  Account  shall be reduced by the amount of
                  the transfer and the Share Unit Account shall be credited with
                  additional  whole  or  fractional  Share  Units  equal  to the
                  quotient  obtained by dividing  the amount of the  transfer by
                  the Fair Market  Value of a share of Common  Stock on the date
                  of  transfer.  In the event of a  transfer  from a Share  Unit
                  Account to a Cash  Account,  the Share Unit  Account  shall be
                  reduced by the number of Share Units  transferred and the Cash
                  Account  shall be credited with an amount equal to the product
                  of the number of Share  Units  transferred  multiplied  by the
                  Fair  Market  Value of a share of Common  Stock on the date of

7.       Additional Annual Share Unit Credits.   As of the date this amended and
         restated  Plan is approved by the Board and  thereafter as of the first
         day of each  calendar  quarter  beginning  with July 1, 1998 and ending
         with  January 1, 2002 (each,  a  "paragraph  7 crediting  date"),  each
         individual  who is an  Eligible  Trustee on such  paragraph 7 crediting
         date shall have  credited  to his or her Share Unit  Account  150 Share
         Units.  The  credit  described  in  the  preceding  sentence  shall  be
         appropriately  adjusted  in the  event of an  occurrence  described  in
         paragraph 8.c. below. In the case of an individual who first becomes an
         Eligible  Trustee  after the date this  amended  and  restated  Plan is
         approved by the Board and before April 1, 2002,  the first  paragraph 7
         crediting  date for such  individual  shall be the date he or she first
         becomes  an  Eligible  Trustee  and the  credit  made to such  Eligible
         Trustee's  Share Unit  Account as of such date shall be 150 Share Units
         (adjusted  as  appropriate  to  reflect  any  occurrence  described  in
         paragraph 8.c. below).

8.       Certain General Provisions Applicable To Share Unit Accounts.

         a.   For purposes of this Plan, the "Fair Market Value" of a share of
                  Common  Stock on any day shall be the  average of the high and
                  low prices of the Common  Stock as  published  in the new York
                  Stock Exchange  Composite  Transactions  listing for such date
                  (or, if the New York Stock Exchange is not open for trading on
                  such  day,  the  last  previous  day  on  which  such  trading
                  occurred);  provided  that,  in the event that such prices for
                  the Common  Stock shall not be so  published,  the Fair Market
                  Value of the Common Stock shall be  reasonably  determined  by
                  the Treasurer.

         b.       On the date of payment of each cash  dividend  declared on the
                  Common  Stock,  there  shall be  credited  to each  Share Unit
                  Account  with  Share  Units  therein  on such date a number of
                  additional  whole  and  fractional  Share  Units  equal to the
                  quotient  obtained by dividing the dollar  amount of dividends
                  that would be payable on the number of shares of Common  Stock
                  represented  by the Share Units in such  Account on the record
                  date for such dividend, by the Fair Market Value of a share of
                  Common Stock on the payment date of such dividend.

         c.       The number of Share Units in each Share Unit Account  shall be
                  appropriately  adjusted by the  Treasurer  in the event of any
                  stock  dividend  or split,  recapitalization,  merger in which
                  Eastern is the surviving  entity,  combination  or exchange of
                  shares or similar  corporate  change  affecting  the number or
                  type of shares of Eastern stock outstanding.

9.       Payment of Amounts Deferred

         a.       Amounts in an Eligible Trustee's Cash Account and/or Share
                  Unit Account will be paid in cash only,  in either of the
                  following ways as elected by the Eligible Trustee:

                  (i)      in a lump sum on the first business day in January of
                           the year following the year in which the Eligible
                           Trustee ceases to be a member of the Board; or

                  (ii)     in a number of consecutive annual installments (the
                           number of such installments, not to exceed ten, to
                           be elected by the Eligible Trustee) beginning in the
                           calendar year following the calendar year in which
                           the Eligible Trustee ceases to be a member of the
                           Board, the installment in each year to be paid on
                           the first business day of January in such year and
                           each installment to equal to the quotient obtained
                           by dividing (x) the total amount remaining in the
                           member's Cash Account and Share Unit Account on the
                           payment date (valuing the Share Unit Account based
                           on the Fair Market Value of the Common Stock on such
                           date), by (y) the number of annual installments
                           elected by the Eligible Trustee that remain unpaid
                           (including the installment to be paid on such date).

                  An  Eligible  Trustee  shall  elect the form of payment at the
                  time of his or her first deferral  election under paragraph 4;
                  provided,  that if an individual who is an Eligible Trustee on
                  the date this  amended  and  restated  Plan is approved by the
                  Board has not previously  elected any deferral under paragraph
                  4,  he or she  shall  make  the  election  described  in  this
                  paragraph  within  thirty (30) days from and after the date of
                  such approval;  and further  provided,  that in the case of an

                  individual  who first  becomes an Eligible  Trustee  after the
                  date this amended and  restated  Plan is approved by the Board
                  and before April 1, 2002,  such election  shall be made within
                  thirty (30) days of becoming an Eligible Trustee. Any election
                  under this  paragraph 9.a that is not made in connection  with
                  an Eligible  Trustee's first deferral election under paragraph
                  4  shall  be  made  in  writing  on a form  acceptable  to the
                  Treasurer and filed with the Treasurer  within the time limits
                  described  in the  preceding  sentence.  In the  absence of an
                  effective  election  under this  paragraph  9.a.,  an Eligible
                  Trustee  shall be deemed to have  elected the lump sum payment
                  described at (i) above.  Except as provided in  paragraph  9.b
                  below,  once filed with the Treasurer,  an Eligible  Trustee's
                  election  under this  paragraph 9.a. as to the method by which
                  amounts credited to his or her Accounts will be paid to him or
                  her will be irrevocable.

         b.       If an Eligible Trustee or former Eligible Trustee, or any
                  beneficiary of an Eligible Trustee after the Eligible
                  Trustee's death, incurs a severe financial hardship, the
                  Treasurer, in his or her sole discretion, may accelerate
                  payment from the Eligible Trustee's Cash Account, if any, to
                  the extent reasonably necessary to alleviate the severe
                  financial hardship.  No revision shall be made with respect
                  to the schedule for payments from the Eligible Trustee's or
                  former Eligible Trustee's Share Unit Account.  Any such severe
                  financial hardship must have been caused by an accident, 
                  illness, or event beyond the control of the member, former
                  member, or beneficiary.  If payment of any portion of an
                  Eligible Trustee's Cash Account is accelerated pursuant to
                  this paragraph 9.b., the remainder of such Account shall be
                  paid in accordance with the Eligible Trustee's election or
                  deemed election under paragraph 9.a.

         c.       If at the time of death of an Eligible Trustee or former
                  Eligible Trustee there is any balance remaining in his or her
                  Cash Account and/or Share Unit Account, Eastern will pay such
                  balance in cash to the beneficiary or beneficiaries
                  designated by the Eligible Trustee on a form satisfactory to
                  the Treasurer.  At the Eligible Trustee's election, such
                  payment will be made either in a lump sum on the first
                  business day of January of the year following the year of the
                  Eligible Trustee's death or in a number of consecutive annual
                  installments (as elected by the Eligible Trustee but not to
                  exceed 10) beginning in the calendar year following the year
                  of the Eligible Trustee's death, each annual installment to
                  be paid on the first business day of January in such year and
                  the amount of each installment to be calculated in the manner
                  provided in paragraph 9.a.(ii) above.  The Eligible Trustee
                  may at any time change his or her designation of a
                  beneficiary or beneficiaries and the schedule for payments
                  to such

                  beneficiary or beneficiaries with respect to amounts in his
                  or her Cash Account by filing an additional form with the 
                  Treasurer.  The Eligible Trustee may at any time change his
                  or her designation of beneficiary or beneficiaries with
                  respect to amounts in his or her Share Unit Account by filing
                  an additional form with the Treasurer.  However, the Eligible 
                  Trustee's election as to the schedule for payments to his or 
                  her beneficiary or beneficiaries from a Share Unit Account 
                  must be made prior to the beginning of the first calendar
                  year in which he or she defers receipt of payments into a
                  Share Unit Account under the Plan (or, if later, the election
                  date specified in paragraph 9 above), and shall be
                  thereafter until six months and one day following the date on 
                  which such Eligible Trustee ceases to be a member of the 
                  Board, after which time such former Eligible Trustee may at 
                  any time change the schedule for payments to such beneficiary 
                  or beneficiaries with respect to amounts, if any, remaining
                  in his or her Share Unit Account.

         d.       On the date of any payment from a Share Unit Account pursuant
                  to paragraph 9.a., 9.b. or 9.c. above, the number of whole
                  and fractional Share Units required to make such payment
                  shall be
                  converted to cash based on the Fair Market Value of the Common
                  Stock on such date.  Payments from Share Unit Accounts shall 
                  be made in cash only.  Eligible Trustees, former Eligible
                  Trustees and beneficiaries shall in no event have any right
                  to receive Share Units or shares of Common Stock under the
                  Plan. In the event that any installment payment under
                  paragraph 9.a., 9.b. or 9.c. is to be made from both an
                  Eligible Trustee's or former Eligible Trustee's Share Unit 
                  Account and Cash Account, an amount shall be paid from each
                  Account in proportion to the value of such Account on the
                  payment date, as determined by the Treasurer.
10.      Payments Under the Plan

         Eastern will comply with any  requirements  which may be established by
law with respect to payments under the Plan, including the filing of any notices
and the withholding of any taxes which may be required.

11.      Rights of Eligible Trustees and Other Persons

         Any rights  accruing to any Eligible  Trustee or other person under the
Plan will be solely  those of an  unsecured  general  creditor of Eastern.  Such
rights may not be assigned or otherwise  transferred by such Eligible Trustee or
person and will not be subject to be taken by creditors of such Eligible Trustee
or person by any process  whatsoever,  and any attempt to cause such interest to
be so subjected will not be recognized, except to such extent as may be required
by law.

         Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  Eastern  in its sole  discretion  may
establish a so-called "rabbi" trust or similar trust,  whether or not conforming
to Rev.  Proc.  92-64,  or may  avail  itself  of any  such  trust  which it has
previously  established,  to  provide  for the  payment of  benefits  hereunder,
subject  to such  terms as the Board may  determine  (a  "trust").  In the event
Eastern  establishes  a trust in  respect  of the Plan or causes a  pre-existing

trust to cover the Plan,  and at the time of a Change of Control  such trust (i)
has  not  been  terminated  or  revoked  and  (ii)  is not  "fully  funded"  (as
hereinafter  defined),  Eastern  shall  promptly  deposit  in  such  trust  cash
sufficient  to  cause  the  trust  to be  "fully  funded"  as of the date of the
deposit.  For  purposes  of this  subparagraph,  any such trust  shall be deemed
"fully  funded" as of any date if, as of that date, the fair market value of the
assets  held in trust  is not  less  than  (1) the  aggregate  of the  balances,
determined  as of such  date,  of all Cash  Accounts  and  Share  Unit  Accounts
hereunder, plus (2) the aggregate of the account balances, determined as of such
date, under all other  individual-account  type plans and arrangements  provided
for through the trust, plus (3) the aggregate of the benefits then in pay status
or otherwise payable under all other plans and arrangements provided for through
the trust,  as determined  in accordance  with the rules set forth in such plans
and arrangements (or, with respect to any such plan or arrangement where no such
rules are set forth,  the aggregate of the present value of all accrued benefits
under  such  plan or  arrangement,  determined  by  applying  the  interest  and
mortality  assumptions  used in  determining  lump sum present  values under the
qualified  defined  benefit  pension plan  maintained by Eastern,  or if no such
qualified plan is then maintained by Eastern,  by applying the assumptions  used
prior to the Change of Control in determining  Eastern's  pension  expense under
FAS 87 or any successor pronouncement with respect to such plan or arrangement).
For  purposes of this  subparagraph,  a Change of Control will be deemed to have
occurred  if (i) after  January  1, 1988 any  "person"  (as such term is used in
Sections  13(d) and 14(d) of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934),  other than
Eastern,  becomes a  beneficial  owner  directly  or  indirectly  of  securities
representing  twenty-five  percent (25%) or more of the combined voting power of
the then  outstanding  voting  securities  of Eastern;  or (ii) within two years
after the  commencement  of a tender  offer or  exchange  offer  for the  voting
securities  of  Eastern  (other  than by  Eastern),  or as a result of a merger,
consolidation, sale of assets or contested election of trustees or directors, or
any  combination of the foregoing,  the individuals who were trustees of Eastern
immediately  prior  thereto shall cease to constitute a majority of the Board or
of the board of trustees or  directors  of any  successor  to Eastern by merger,
consolidation or sale of assets.

12.      Modification and Termination of the Plan

         The Plan may be  amended  or  terminated  by the Board at any time,  in
whole or in part, such amendment or termination to become  effective on the date
specified by the Board.

13.      Miscellaneous

         The Plan was  originally  effective as of April 1, 1980 and was amended
and  restated to  incorporate  certain  additional  Share Unit  provisions  (see
paragraph 7 above and passim) effective as of April 22, 1998. Certain provisions
applicable to individuals  who  participated in the Plan prior to April 22, 1998
are set forth in the Plan as in effect  prior to this April 22,  1998  amendment
and restatement.
- -----------------------------------------------------
As amended and restated by the Board of Trustees April 22, 1998