Exhibit 10.2


         AGREEMENT  made as of the 1st day of  September  1998,  by and
between  Eastern  Enterprises  ("Eastern")  and Fred C. Raskin ("Executive"):


         WHEREAS Executive is President and Chief Operating Officer of Eastern;

         WHEREAS  Eastern is  simultaneously  entering  into a Change of Control
Agreement  dated as of September 1, 1998 with  Executive (the "Change of Control
Agreement"),  under which Eastern has agreed to pay Executive certain income and
benefits  in the event of  termination  of  Executive's  employment  following a
change of control; and

         WHEREAS Eastern and Executive believe it to be in their mutual interest
that  Executive  should be  assured  of certain  additional  salary and  benefit
amounts  following  termination of his  employment,  whether in the context of a
change of control or otherwise, all as hereinafter more fully set forth;

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of these presents and other good and
valuable   consideration  the  receipt  and  sufficiency  of  which  are  hereby
acknowledged, Eastern and Executive agree as follows.

         1.  Definitions.  Capitalized  terms used in this Agreement and not
             otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings set forth in
             Appendix A.

         2. Salary Continuation. For a period of 24 months following a Qualified
Termination of Employment,  Eastern will continue to pay to Executive  bi-weekly
an amount equal to the excess of (i) Executive's  bi-weekly salary (less legally
required  and  voluntarily   authorized   deductions)  at  the  rate  in  effect
immediately  prior  to such  termination,  over  (ii)  any  disability  payments
(expressed as a bi-weekly amount) paid to Executive for such period under a plan
or program of Eastern. If Executive is awarded disability payments retroactively
for any period for which he has already  received salary  continuation  payments
under the preceding  sentence,  he shall reimburse Eastern for the excess of the
salary continuation  payments so received over the amount he would have received
had such  disability  payments  been paid in  bi-weekly  installments  over such
period. If Executive should die before the completion of any salary continuation
payments  under this  paragraph,  the  remaining  installments  shall be paid to
Executive's  spouse or, if he is not survived by his spouse,  for the benefit of
his Dependents,  if any;  provided,  that such remaining  installments  shall be
determined  without  the offset  described  in (ii)  above  except to the extent
disability  payments  under a plan or program of Eastern  continue to be paid to
Executive's surviving spouse or Dependents, as the case may be. Payments for the
benefit of any Dependent who is incompetent or a minor may be made to his or her
legal  representative  or  custodian.  In no event  shall  payments  under  this
paragraph 2 continue beyond the first day of the first month  coinciding with or
next following Executive's attainment of age 65.

         3. Certain Welfare  Benefits.  During the 24-month period  described in
paragraph 2, Eastern will continue to provide  Executive and his family coverage
under  Eastern's  health  (medical/dental),  disability,  and life insurance (or
other death benefit) programs, on the same terms (including cost sharing) and at
the same levels of  coverage as apply to other  senior  executive  employees  of
Eastern. To the extent such continued coverage cannot be offered under the terms
of Eastern's  plans or programs,  Eastern  will attempt to  accomplish  the same
result through alternative  arrangements.  It is expressly understood and agreed
that the benefits of each of the plans shall be subject to such  conditions  and
limitations  as are set forth in the  applicable  plan,  policy,  or contract of
insurance,  and that any  disputes  concerning  eligibility  for or  payment  of
benefits under any such plan,  policy or contract shall be settled in accordance
with its terms.

         4. Pension  Benefits.  For purposes of  determining  any benefit  under
Eastern's  SERP,  if  Executive  should  suffer  any  Qualified  Termination  of
Employment before he reaches the age of 55, he shall nonetheless be deemed to be
an  Eligible  Officer,  as defined in SERP,  and  entitled  to receive a benefit
thereunder upon reaching age 55. For purposes of SERP, any Qualified Termination
of  Employment  shall  be  deemed  to have  been  approved  by the  Compensation

         5. No Duplication of Benefits.  Salary-continuation  benefits  provided
under  paragraph  2 above  shall  be  subject  to  reduction  for  severance  or
severance-type  benefits  provided  under  any  other  plan  of  Eastern  or its
affiliates.  Payments under paragraph 2 for the period beginning 18 months after
the date of the Qualified Termination of Employment shall also be reduced by the
amount of any remuneration earned by Executive from other employment  (including
self-employment)  during that period. Benefits provided under paragraphs 3 and 7
shall be provided only to the extent  substantially  comparable benefits are not
available (on  substantially  comparable terms) to the Executive and his family.
The  provisions  of this  paragraph  shall be  construed  liberally to avoid the
duplication of benefits.

         6.  Inconsistency  with  Change of  Control  Agreement.  Subject to the
following  sentence,  in the event  Executive's  employment  with Eastern should
terminate  under  circumstances  entitling him (at the time or upon a subsequent
Change of Control,  as that term is defined in the Change of Control  Agreement)
to benefits under the Change of Control  Agreement,  no salary  continuation  or
other benefits shall be provided to Executive under this Agreement nor shall the
other terms and  provisions of this Agreement  apply,  and instead the terms and
provisions of the Change of Control  Agreement shall control.  If at the time of
termination  of  Executive's  employment  with  Eastern a Change of Control  (as
defined in the  Change of Control  Agreement)  has not yet  occurred,  Executive
shall be entitled to the salary  continuation  and  benefits  described  in this
Agreement  provided such  termination is a Qualified  Termination of Employment;
provided,  that if, by  reason of a  subsequent  Change  of  Control,  Executive
becomes  entitled  to  remuneration  or  benefits  under the  Change of  Control
Agreement with respect to such  termination of employment,  amounts  payable and
benefits  provided to Executive  under the Change of Control  Agreement shall be
equitably  reduced  to the extent  necessary  to  reflect  amounts  or  benefits
previously paid or provided to him under this Agreement.

         7. Company  Vehicle.  During the 24-month period described in paragraph
2, Executive will have the continued use of the company-provided vehicle used by
Executive  at the time of his  termination  of  employment.  During such period,
Eastern will provide  insurance  coverage for such vehicle but Executive will be
responsible,  at his  own  expense,  for  all  normal  costs  of  operation  and
maintenance.  At the end of such  period,  Eastern  will  afford  Executive  the
opportunity to purchase said vehicle at its "blue book" value, determined on the
basis of the most recently issued list of such values.

         8.  Agreement Not to Compete or to Disclose  Confidential  Information.
Executive  agrees  that  during the period of 24 months  following  a  Qualified
Termination  of  Employment,  Executive  will not,  within  the  states in which
Eastern operates its business or in which any of Eastern's subsidiaries operates
its business, engage, either as a principal,  employee,  partner,  consultant or
investor  (other than through a  less-than-l%  interest in a  corporation)  in a
business which  competes with any such business of Eastern or its  subsidiaries.
Executive  agrees  that if,  at any  time,  pursuant  to  action of any court of
competent  jurisdiction,  the operation of any part of this  paragraph  shall be
determined to be unlawful or otherwise unenforceable,  then the coverage of this
paragraph shall be deemed to be restricted as to duration, geographical scope or
otherwise,  to the  extent,  but  only to the  extent,  necessary  to make  this
paragraph  lawful and  enforceable in the particular  jurisdiction in which such
determination is made.

         Executive  agrees that,  following  termination of employment,  he will
continue to comply with Eastern's policies and procedures regarding Confidential
Information  and  will  never,  directly  or  indirectly,  use or  disclose  any
Confidential Information.

         9. Reduction for Certain Parachute  Payments.  Payments hereunder shall
be made without  regard to whether the  deductibility  of such  payments (or any
other payments to or for the benefit of Executive) would be limited or precluded
by  Internal  Revenue  Code  Section  280G and  without  regard to whether  such
payments (or any other payments)  would subject  Executive to the federal excise
tax under  Internal  Revenue  Code  Section  4999 on certain  "excess  parachute
payments";  provided, that if the total of all payments to or for the benefit of
Executive, after reduction for all federal taxes (including the tax described in
Internal Revenue Code Section 4999, if applicable) with respect to such payments
("Executive's total after-tax  payments"),  would be increased by the limitation
or elimination of any payments under this Agreement, amounts so payable shall be
reduced to the extent, but only to the extent, necessary to maximize Executive's
total after-tax  payments.  The  determination  as to whether and to what extent
payments  hereunder are required to be reduced in accordance  with the preceding
sentence shall be made at Eastern's expense by its regular outside  accountants.
In the event of any underpayment or overpayment hereunder, as determined by such
accountants,  the amount of such  underpayment or overpayment shall forthwith be
paid to Executive or refunded to Eastern, as the case may be, with interest at a
rate equal to 120% of the federal  rate  provided for in Section 7872 (f) (2) of
the Internal Revenue Code.

         10. Agreement Binding on Successors. This Agreement shall be binding
             on Eastern, its successors and assigns.

         11. Amendment. This Agreement may be amended only by an instrument in
             writing executed by both parties hereto.

         12. Governing Law; Miscellaneous.

                  (a) The laws of the Commonwealth of  Massachusetts
                      shall govern the  construction  and  administration
                      of this Agreement.

                  (b) The  invalidity  or  unenforceability  of any provision of
         this Agreement shall not affect the validity or unenforceability of any
         other provision of this Agreement.

                  (c) Executive shall not be obligated to seek other  employment
         in  mitigation  of  amounts  payable  or  arrangements  made  under any
         provision of this Agreement.

         Reference  is  hereby  made to the  declaration  of trust  establishing
Eastern  Enterprises dated July 18, 1929, as amended, a copy of which is on file
in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth of  Massachusetts.  The name,
"Eastern  Enterprises" refers to the trustees under said declaration of trust as
trustees and not personally,  and no trustee,  shareholder,  officer or agent of
Eastern  Enterprises shall be held to any personal  liability in connection with
the affairs of said Eastern Enterprises, but the trust estate only is liable.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Eastern Enterprises has caused this Agreement to be
executed by its duly  authorized  officer,  and  Executive  has hereunto set his
hand, as of the date first above written.

                                                       EASTERN ENTERPRISES
                                                       By: /s/ J. Atwood Ives

                                                           /s/ Fred C. Raskin
                                                               Fred C. Raskin

                            Appendix A Definitions

1.        "Cause"  means  fraud,   misappropriation,   embezzlement,   or  other
          malfeasance,  misfeasance  or other  act which in the  opinion  of the
          Compensation Committee casts such discredit on Executive or Eastern as
          to justify  termination of Executive's  employment without the payment
          or provision of benefits hereunder.

2.        "Confidential Information" means any and all information not generally
          known to others with whom Eastern,  its  subsidiaries  and affiliates,
          do, or plan to, compete or do business  (including  without limitation
          information  related to the development and implementation of business
          strategy,  financial and operating  forecasts,  business  policies and
          practices,  and all other information related to the future conduct of
          business) and also includes comparable  information that Eastern,  its
          subsidiaries  and affiliates,  receive or have received,  belonging to
          others who do business with them.

3.       "Dependent"  means, in respect of periods after  Executive's  death,
          any dependent child of Executive who is under the age of
          nineteen (19) or, if a full-time student, under the age of
          twenty-three (23).

4.       "Good Reason" means:

         (a)       The removal of Executive  from the position of President  and
                   Chief Operating Officer of Eastern;  the assignment to him of
                   duties    inconsistent    with   his    positions,    duties,
                   responsibilities,  reporting  requirements  and status within
                   Eastern as  President  and Chief  Operating  Officer;  or any
                   other action by Eastern  which results in a  diminishment  of
                   his position, authority, duties, responsibilities,  reporting
                   requirements,  or  status,  other than an  insubstantial  and
                   inadvertent action that is remedied by Eastern promptly after
                   receipt of notice thereof; or

         (b)       Any diminishment by Eastern in Executive's cash  compensation
                   opportunities,   other  than  in  connection  with  a  change
                   affecting executive officers of Eastern generally; or

         (c)       Any relocation of Executive by more than 50 miles.

5.       "Compensation Committee" means the Compensation Committee of the Board
          of Trustees of Eastern Enterprises.

6.        "Qualified   Termination  of   Employment"   means  a  termination  of
          Executive's  employment  with Eastern either (a) by Eastern other than
          for Cause (in which event the burden of proving the existence of Cause
          would be on Eastern), or (b) by Executive for Good Reason.

7.       "SERP" means Eastern's Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan as from
         time to time in effect, or any successor plan.