
                        99.1 - Press Release

                                                           Exhibit 99.1


         WESTON, Massachusetts and MANCHESTER, New Hampshire -- July 15, 1999 --
Eastern  Enterprises (NYSE:  EFU), New England's largest  distributor of natural
gas, and  EnergyNorth,  Inc. (NYSE:  EI) jointly  announced today that they have
entered into a definitive agreement which provides for the merger of EnergyNorth
into a  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of Eastern,  intended to qualify as a tax-free
merger.  Under  the  terms of the  agreement,  EnergyNorth's  shareholders  will
receive  $47.00 per  EnergyNorth  share in Eastern  common  stock and cash.  The
purchase price represents a 58% premium to  EnergyNorth's  closing price on July
14, 1999 and a multiple  of 2.64x  EnergyNorth's  book value at March 31,  1999.
Based on EnergyNorth's  shares outstanding as of March 31, 1999, the transaction
values  EnergyNorth's  equity at $156  million,  and  taking  into  account  its
outstanding long-term debt, results in an enterprise value of $202 million.
         EnergyNorth's  shareholders  can elect to receive cash,  Eastern common
stock,  or a combination of cash and stock (subject to pro-ration and the collar
mechanism  described below).  Under the agreement,  50.1% of the common stock of
EnergyNorth will be converted into Eastern common stock and 49.9% of EnergyNorth
shares will be converted  into cash. The exchange ratio for the stock portion of
the  consideration  will be determined  based upon the weighted average price of
Eastern common stock during a ten-day period prior to closing.  Furthermore,  if
Eastern's  weighted average stock price per share for the period is either lower
than $36.00 or higher than $44.00,  the portion of the purchase price payable in

Eastern shares would be determined  based upon a fixed exchange ratio calculated
at such  prices.  The  transaction  is intended  to be  tax-free to  EnergyNorth
shareholders  to  the  extent  they  receive  Eastern  common  stock  and  these
shareholders  will  benefit  from a 41%  dividend  increase  based on  Eastern's
current  dividend  rate and its  closing  price on July 14,  1999 of $40.00  per
         Eastern  expects to issue about 2 million  shares in this  transaction,
based on Eastern's current stock price. Eastern expects to fund the cash portion
of the  transaction,  which is expected to be  approximately  $78 million,  with
available cash and the issuance of debt securities.
         J.  Atwood  Ives,   Eastern  chairman  and  chief  executive   officer,
commented,  "The  combination of  EnergyNorth's  businesses with Eastern's makes
great sense and is  consistent  with our  objective of operating  New  England's
premier  natural gas  distribution  business.  Its  regulated  gas  distribution
utility,  EnergyNorth  Natural  Gas,  serves  70,000  customers  just  north  of
Eastern's  Massachusetts-based  gas distribution  companies -- Boston Gas, Essex
Gas and,  upon the  completion  of its pending  merger,  Colonial  Gas. When the
Colonial Gas merger and this transaction are completed,  Eastern will serve more
than 800,000 natural gas customers in New England and will be by far the largest
gas  distribution  company in the region.  The  increased  size and scope of the
combined  organization  will  enable  us  to  provide  enhanced,  cost-effective
customer service and to capitalize on the above-average growth opportunities for
natural gas in New England.
         "The addition of EnergyNorth's unregulated propane business adds access
to an additional  15,000 New Hampshire  customers,  as well as to another 10,000
customers in Vermont  through its 49%  ownership  in VGS  Propane,  that state's

largest propane  distributor.  The combination of ENI  Mechanicals,  Inc., which
includes Northern Peabody and Granite State Plumbing and Heating,  with our HVAC
business,  ServicEdge,  will broaden our service  offering,  as well as leverage
management expertise over a substantially larger business base.
         Mr. Ives  concluded,  "EnergyNorth  is a  well-managed  growth  company
operating in an economically dynamic region. We look forward to working with Bob
Giordano and his management team to continue to provide safe and reliable energy
services to  customers  in New  Hampshire  and to build  future value for all of
Eastern's shareholders.  We expect this transaction to be accretive to Eastern's
earnings after the first full year of combined operations."
         Robert R. Giordano,  EnergyNorth president and chief executive officer,
commented,  "We are pleased to be joining Eastern's family of energy businesses.
Together,  EnergyNorth  and Eastern will be a strong  competitor in the emerging
energy  markets.  This merger is consistent  with our vision for growth,  and it
accelerates our plans to become a diversified  energy company.  This transaction
will  benefit  our  customers,  who will  have the  benefit  of a  larger,  more
efficient  service  organization;  our  shareholders,  who will  receive  both a
premium,  based on current market prices,  and the opportunity to participate in
the future growth of the natural gas distribution  business;  and our employees,
who can benefit from being part of a larger company."
         The  combination of Eastern and  EnergyNorth  has been approved by both
companies' boards and will be accounted for as a stock purchase transaction. The
transaction is expected to close within  approximately  nine months,  subject to
satisfactory  regulatory  approvals,  including  those from the  Securities  and

Exchange  Commission,  the New Hampshire  Public  Utilities  Commission  and the
approval of EnergyNorth shareholders.  One member of EnergyNorth's board will be
invited to join Eastern's Board of Trustees upon completion of the merger.
         After the merger is completed,  EnergyNorth Natural Gas will operate as
a  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of Eastern  and as a sister  company of Boston Gas,
Essex  Gas,  and  Colonial  Gas,  upon   completion  of  that  pending   merger.
EnergyNorth's  profitable,  unregulated energy businesses,  EnergyNorth Propane,
Inc. and ENI Mechanicals, Inc., will operate as separate subsidiaries within the
Eastern family and will benefit from Eastern's additional financial resources.
         EnergyNorth,  Inc. is an energy services holding company  headquartered
in  Manchester,  New  Hampshire.  Its  subsidiaries  distribute  natural gas and
propane to approximately  95,000 customers throughout New Hampshire and Vermont,
as well as providing  mechanical  contracting  and HVAC services for commercial,
industrial and institutional  customers in northern New England.  For the twelve
months  ended March 31,  1999,  EnergyNorth  earned $5.7  million,  or $1.73 per
share, on operating revenues of $116.5 million.
         Eastern  Enterprises  owns and operates  Boston Gas Company,  Essex Gas
Company, Midland Enterprises Inc. and ServicEdge Partners, Inc. Together, Boston
Gas  and  Essex  Gas are New  England's  largest  distributor  of  natural  gas,
currently serving 580,000  residential,  commercial and industrial  customers in
Boston and 90 other  eastern  and  central  Massachusetts  communities.  Midland
Enterprises,  headquartered in Cincinnati,  Ohio, is the leading carrier of coal
and a major carrier of other dry bulk cargoes on the nation's inland  waterways,
with a  fleet  of  2,399  barges  and 87  towboats.  ServicEdge  is the  largest
unregulated  provider of residential HVAC equipment  installation and service to
customers in Massachusetts.
         On October 19, 1998, Eastern announced an agreement to acquire Colonial
Gas Company  (NYSE:  CLG).  Colonial  Gas serves over  155,000  customers  in 24
communities  northwest of Boston (which are contiguous to towns served by Boston
Gas and Essex Gas) as well as on Cape Cod. The transaction, with an equity value

of approximately $332 million, is subject to receipt of satisfactory  regulatory
approvals.  The merger, which will be paid for with $150 million in cash and the
balance in Eastern common stock, will be accounted for as a purchase transaction
and is expected to close in the third quarter of 1999.

         Eastern  Enterprises:  This  release  and  other  company  reports  and
statements  issued or made from time to time  contain  certain  "forward-looking
statements" concerning projected future financial performance, expected plans or
future  operations.  Eastern  cautions that actual results and  developments may
differ materially from such projections or expectations.
         Investors should be aware of important  factors that could cause actual
results  to  differ   materially   from  the   forward-looking   projections  or
expectations.  These  factors  include,  but are not limited to: o the effect of
this  merger and other  strategic  initiatives  on  earnings  and cash  flow,  o
Eastern's ability successfully to integrate its new gas distribution operations,
o  temperatures  above or below  normal in eastern  Massachusetts,  o changes in
market  conditions  for barge  transportation,  o adverse  weather and operating
conditions  on the inland  waterways,  o  uncertainties  regarding  the ultimate
profitability  of  ServicEdge,  o the  timetable  and  cost  for  completion  of
Eastern's year 2000 plans,  o the impact of third  parties' year 2000 issues,  o
changes in economic  conditions,  including  interest rates and the value of the
dollar  versus  other  currencies,  o  regulatory  and  court  decisions,  and o
developments  with  respect  to  Eastern's  previously-disclosed   environmental
         Most of these  factors  are  difficult  to  accurately  predict and are
         generally beyond the control of the Company.  EnergyNorth: This release
         contains forward-looking  statements.  The company cautions that, while
         it believes such statements
to be  reasonable  and makes them in good faith,  they  almost  always vary from
actual results,  and the  differences  between assumed facts or basis and actual
results can be material,  depending upon the circumstances.  Investors should be
aware of important  factors that could have a material impact on future results.
Factors include,  but are not limited to, the impact of weather on the company's
revenues  and  profitability,   and  the   unpredictability  of  future  weather
conditions;   the  general  regulatory   environment;   customers'  preferences;
unforeseen competition;  and other uncertainties;  all of which are difficult to
predict, and many of which are beyond the control of the company.

Eastern Enterprises'  press  releases  are available   via  fax  by  calling,
toll-free,  1-800-311-4607  or  on the Internet at http://www.efu.com.
Information regarding EnergyNorth can be found on the Internet at
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