Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                Current Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of
                       The Securities Exchange Act of 1934

        Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported): August 31, 1999

                              EASTERN ENTERPRISES
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

Massachusetts                      1-2297                         04-1270730
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(State or other            (Commission File Number)       (IRS Employer
jurisdiction of                                           Identification No.)

                  9 Riverside Road, Weston, Massachusetts              02493
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                  (Address of principal executive offices)        (Zip Code)

        Registrant's telephone number, including area code (781) 647-2300

          (Former name or former address, if changed since last report)

Item 1, 3 through 6, 8 and 9.  Not Applicable.
- -----------------------------

Item 2.  Acquisition or Disposition of Assets.
- ---------------------------------------------

                  Eastern Enterprises ("Eastern") consummated the acquisition of
         Colonial  Gas  Company  ("Colonial Gas")  on  August  31,  1999 by
         merging Colonial Gas into a wholly-owned  subsidiary of Eastern
         pursuant to the
         terms  of  an  Agreement  and  Plan  of  Reorganization   (the  "Merger
         Agreement"),  dated as of October 17, 1998, by and between  Eastern and
         Colonial   Gas.   Eastern   paid  $150   million  in  cash  and  issued
         approximately  4,220,000 shares of its common stock as consideration in
         the transaction.  Eastern used  approximately  $135 million of its cash
         reserves and borrowed under existing  credit  facilities  approximately
         $15 million from a group of banks  consisting of BankBoston,  N.A., The
         Bank of Nova  Scotia,  Fifth  Third Bank,  Mellon  Bank,  N.A.,  Morgan
         Guaranty Trust Company of New York and Fleet National Bank for the cash
         portion of the  consideration.  A copy of the Merger  Agreement and the
         press  release  made  by  Eastern   announcing   the  closing  of  this
         acquisition  are  attached  hereto as  Exhibit  2.1 and  Exhibit  99.1,
         respectively, and are incorporated herein by reference.

                  Colonial Gas is a regulated  utility that distributes  natural
         gas  on  Cape  Cod  and  eastern   Massachusetts.   Transgas   Inc.,  a
         wholly-owned  subsidiary  of  Colonial  Gas, is an  unregulated  energy
         trucking  company,  which  provides  over-the-road   transportation  of
         liquefied  natural gas,  propane and other  commodities.  Both of these
         entities will continue to operate in these fields.

Item 7.  Financial Statements and Exhibits.
- ------------------------------------------

(a)      Financial statements of business acquired.

(1)                        Audited  Consolidated  Statement  of Income,  Balance
                           Sheets,  Statements  of Cash  Flows  and  Statement
                           Common  Equity of  Colonial  Gas Company for the year
                           ended  December  31,  1998,  together  with Notes and
                           Report of Independent  Certified  Public  Accountants
                           (incorporated   by  reference  to  Annual  Report  of
                           Colonial  Gas Company on Form 10-K for the year ended
                           December 31, 1998 (File No. 0-10007)).

(2)                        Unaudited   Consolidated   Condensed   Statements of
                           Operations, Balance Sheets and Statements of Cash
                           of Colonial Gas Company for the six months ended June
                           30,  1999,   together  with  Notes  (incorporated  by
                           reference to Quarterly Report of Colonial Gas Company
                           on Forms 10-Q and 10-Q/A for the  quarter  ended June
                           30, 1999 (File No. 0-10007)).

(b)    Pro forma financial information.

     (1)      Combined Unaudited Pro Forma Balance Sheet of Eastern Enterprises
              as of June 30, 1999, including Notes.

     (2)      Combined Unaudited Pro Forma Statement of Operations of Eastern
              Enterprises for the six months and year ended June 30, 1999, and
              December 31, 1998, respectively, including Notes.

     (c)  Exhibits.

          2.1         Agreement and Plan of Reorganization,  dated as of October
                      17,  1998,  by  and  between   Eastern  and  Colonial  Gas
                      (incorporated  by  reference  to  Exhibit  2.1 to  Current
                      Report on Form 8-K of Colonial Gas dated  October 17, 1998
                      (File No.

          99.1        Press Release.

          99.2        Audited Consolidated  Statement of Income,  Balance
                      Sheets, Statements of Cash Flows and  Statements of
                      Common Equity of Colonial Gas Company for the year ended
                      December 31, 1998, together  with Notes and Report of
                      Independent  Certified Public Accountants.

          99.3        Unaudited  Consolidated Statements of Operations, Balance
                      Sheets and  Statements  of Cash Flows of Colonial Gas
                      Company for the six months ended June 30, 1999, together
                      with Notes.

          99.4       Consent of Grant Thornton LLP.

Item 7(b) Pro forma Financial Information

                              FINANCIAL INFORMATION

Eastern  completed  its  acquisition  of Colonial  Gas on August 31, 1999 and is
accounting  for this  transaction  under the purchase  method of accounting  for
business combinations.

The  Eastern  unaudited  adjusted  historical  balance  sheet as of June 30,
1999  includes  the effect of this  acquisition  as if the acquisition had
occurred on June 30, 1999.

The Eastern unaudited adjusted  historical  statements of operations for the six
months and year ended June 30, 1999 and  December 31, 1998 include the effect of
this acquisition, as if the acquisition had occurred on January 1, 1998.

The  Eastern  unaudited  adjusted  historical   financial   information  is  not
necessarily  indicative  of the  results  of  operations  which  would have been
reported  if the  acquisition  had  occurred  on the  indicated  dates nor is it
necessarily  indicative of the future operating results of the combined company.
Furthermore,  the adjusted historical financial information does not give effect
to (a) the  efficiencies  that may be obtained by combining  the  operations  of
Eastern and Colonial Gas, (b) the costs incurred for restructuring,  integrating
and  consolidating  the  operations  of Eastern and Colonial  Gas  preliminarily
estimated at $5.0 million, net of tax of $3.4 million which will be charged to
income as incurred,  (c) the
impact of the  discontinuation  of regulatory  accounting,  which is expected to
result in no purchase price  allocated to regulatory  assets and a corresponding
increase  in  goodwill  of  approximately  $11.5  million  or (d) the  impact of
recording  certain  liabilities for severance,  enhanced benefits and a contract
cancellation  all totaling $10.0 million  expected to be incurred as a result of
the merger. In the opinion of management,  all adjustments  necessary to present
fairly such adjusted historical statement of operations have been made.

The  Eastern  unaudited  historical  financial  information  should  be  read in
conjunction  with the historical  consolidated  financial  statements of Eastern
which are incorporated by reference into this proxy statement/prospectus and the
historical consolidated financial statements of Colonial Gas.

                                  JUNE 30, 1999
                                 (in thousands)

                                             EASTERN             COLONIAL
                                                AS                  AS               PRO FORMA                PRO FORMA
                                           REPORTED(2)       RECLASSIFIED(2)        ADJUSTMENTS               BALANCES(1)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         Cash and short-term investments        $ 179,851               $ 2,491      $(154,919)(5)            $27,423
         Receivables, less reserves of
          $17,850                                  99,308                12,887        --------               112,195
         Inventories                               44,158                12,358        --------                56,516

         Deferred gas costs                     ---------                (4,484)       --------                (4,484)

         Other current assets                       7,646                 6,207        --------                13,853
                                              -----------            ----------      ---------            -----------

                  Total current assets            330,963                29,459       (154,919)               205,503

          AT COST                               1,751,233               417,850        -------              2,169,083
          Less - accumulated depreciation         788,852               115,463        -------                904,315
                                              -----------            ----------      ---------            -----------

                  Net property and equipment      962,381               302,387        -------              1,264,768

          Deferred post-retirement health
          care costs                               75,888                 3,307        -------                 79,195

          Investments                              15,708                 -----        -------                 15,708

          Deferred charges and other costs,
          Less amortization                        70,013                27,905        205,586(3)              ------
                                              -----------            ----------      ---------            -----------
                  Total other assets              161,609                31,212        205,586                398,407
                                              -----------            ----------      ---------            -----------

TOTAL ASSETS                                  $ 1,454,953            $  363,058      $  50,667            $ 1,868,678
                                              ===========            ==========      =========            ===========

                                  JUNE 30, 1999
                                 (in thousands)

                                                   EASTERN            COLONIAL
                                                      AS                  AS               PRO FORMA       PRO FORMA
                                                  REPORTED(2)       RECLASSIFIED(2)       ADJUSTMENTS      BALANCES(1)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         Current debt                             $5,632            $9,161               $---------        $ 14,793

         Accounts payable                         37,793            16,830                ---------          54,623

         Accrued expenses                         38,547             6,743                ---------          45,290

         Other current liabilities                44,675             4,400                ---------          49,075
                                             -----------         ---------               ----------      ----------

            Total current liabilities            126,647            37,134                ---------         163,781

GAS INVENTORY FINANCING                           31,438             8,269                ---------          39,707

LONG-TERM DEBT                                   383,173           121,021                ---------         504,194

         Deferred income taxes                   135,306            56,346                ---------         191,652

         Post-retirement health care              96,750             4,495                ---------         101,245

         Preferred stock of subsidiary            29,377            -------               ---------          29,377

         Other reserves                           92,716                808               ---------          93,524
                                             -----------         ----------              ----------      ----------

            Total reserves and other liabilities 354,149             61,649               ---------         415,798


         Common stock, authorized;

         Eastern -- 50 million,

         Colonial Gas -- 15 million

         issued and outstanding;

         Eastern -- 22.7 million
           27.0 million pro forma                 22,649            -------                   4,220(4)       26,869
         Colonial Gas -- 9.0 million             -------             29,806                 (29,806)(4)      ------

         Capital in excess of par                 56,004             64,342                 117,090(4)      237,436

         Retained earnings                       481,315             40,837                 (40,837)(4)     481,315

         Accumulated other comprehensive
           earnings (loss)                           (63)            ------                  ------             (63)

         Treasury stock                             (359)            ------                  ------            (359)
                                             -----------         ----------              ----------      ----------

            Total stockholders' equity           559,546            134,985                  50,667         745,198
                                             -----------         ----------              ----------      ----------

           STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY              $ 1,454,953         $  363,058              $   50,667      $1,868,678
                                             ===========         ==========              ==========      ==========

See accompanying notes to Combined Unaudited Pro Forma Financial Information

                         SIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 1999
                      (in thousands, except per share data)

                                           EASTERN               COLONIAL
                                              AS                    AS                 PRO FORMA             PRO FORMA
                                         REPORTED(2)         RECLASSIFIED(2)          ADJUSTMENTS            BALANCES
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Revenues                                      $515,349                $120,132              $-------             $635,481

Operating costs and expenses:
         Operating costs                       353,008                  72,663               -------              425,671

         Selling, general and
            administrative expenses             59,049                  16,375                  (673)(3)           74,751

Depreciation and amortization                   43,649                   8,281                 2,570 (3)           54,500
                                               -------                 -------               -------              -------

Operating earnings                              59,643                  22,813                (1,897)              80,559

Other income (expense):
         Interest income                         4,870                     821                                      1,431
         Interest expense                      (17,414)                 (5,185)                                   (22,599)
                                                                                             ------- (6)
         Other, net                              1,103                     137               -------                1,240
                                               -------                 -------               -------              -------

Earnings from continuing
    operations before income taxes              48,202                  18,586                (6,157)              60,631

Provision for income taxes                      18,474                   7,671                (1,309)(7)           24,836
                                               -------                 -------               -------              -------

Net earnings from continuing
    operations before extraordinary
    items                                      $29,728                 $10,915               $(4,848)             $35,795
                                               =======                 =======               =======              =======

Basic earnings per share from
    continuing operations (4):                   $1.31                  $ 1.22                                      $1.33
                                                 =====                  ======                                      =====

Diluted earnings per share from
    continuing operations (4):                  $ 1.31                  $ 1.22                                      $1.33
                                                ======                  ======                                      =====

Weighted average number of
  common shares outstanding:
         Basic                                  22,618                   8,936                                     26,838
                                                ======                   =====                                     ======

         Diluted                                22,725                   8,936                                     26,945
                                                ======                   =====                                     ======

  See accompanying notes to Combined Unaudited Pro Forma Financial Information

                          YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1998
                      (in thousands, except per share data)

                                          EASTERN              COLONIAL
                                            AS                    AS                PRO FORMA           PRO FORMA
                                         REPORTED(2)         RECLASSIFIED(2)        ADJUSTMENTS         BALANCES
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Revenues                                 $935,264            $ 183,093              $-------            $1,118,357

Operating costs and expenses:
         Operating costs                  640,792              111,705               -------               752,497
         Selling, general and
           administrative expenses        118,546               28,795                (1,808) (3)          145,533

Depreciation and amortization              75,521               14,727                 5,140                95,388
                                         --------            ---------              --------               -------

Operating earnings                        100,405               27,866                (3,332)              124,939

Other income (expense):
         Interest income                    7,582                2,360                (8,521)(6)             1,421

         Interest expense                 (33,584)             (10,861)              -------               (44,445)

         Other, net                         5,591                  847               -------                 6,438
                                         --------            ---------              --------               -------

Earnings from continuing
    operations before income taxes         79,994               20,212               (11,853)               88,353

Provision for income taxes                 29,166                7,910                (2,300)(7)            34,776
                                         --------            ---------              --------               -------

Net earnings from continuing
    operations before extraordinary
    items                                $ 50,828            $ 12,302               $ (9,553)              $53,577
                                         ========            ========               ========               =======

Basic earnings per share from
    continuing operations
    before extraordinary items (4):       $  2.26            $   1.40                                     $   2.01
                                          =======            ========                                     ========

Diluted earnings per share from
    continuing operations
    before extraordinary items (4):       $  2.24            $   1.40                                     $  1.99
                                          =======            ========                                     =======

Weighted average number of
 common shares outstanding:

         Basic                            22,474                8,781                                      26,694
                                          ======                =====                                      ======

         Diluted                          22,680                8,781                                      26,900
                                          ======                =====                                      ======

  See accompanying notes to Combined Unaudited Pro Forma Financial Information

                              FINANCIAL INFORMATION

(1) The Acquisition

The  acquisition  will be accounted for under the purchase  method of accounting
for business  combinations.  The adjusted historical financial  information does
not give effect to (a) the  efficiencies  that may be obtained by combining  the
operations   of  Eastern  and  Colonial   Gas,   (b)  the  costs   incurred  for
restructuring,  integrating  and  consolidating  the  operations  of Eastern and
Colonial Gas  preliminarily  estimated at $5.0 million, net of tax of $3.4
million which will be charged to
income  as  incurred,  (c)  the  impact  of the  discontinuation  of  regulatory
accounting,  which is  expected  to result in no  purchase  price  allocated  to
regulatory  assets and a  corresponding  increase in  goodwill of  approximately
$11.5 million or (d) the impact of recording certain  liabilities for severance,
enhanced  benefits  and a  contract  cancellation  all  totaling  $10.0  million
expected to be incurred  as a result of the merger.  There were no  intercompany
transactions  between Eastern and Colonial Gas during the periods presented that
require elimination.

On  September  30,  1998,  Eastern  completed  a merger with Essex Gas which was
accounted for as a pooling of interests. Accordingly, the accompanying unaudited
pro forma  combined  financial data include in Eastern the accounts of Essex Gas
for all periods presented.

(2) Reclassifications

These columns represent  historical results of operations and financial position
of the respective  companies.  Certain  reclassifications  have been made to the
historical balance sheet and statements of operations of Colonial Gas to conform
with Eastern's historical financial statement presentation.

 (3)   Purchase Price Allocation

The fair value of the  consideration  exchanged  to acquire  Colonial Gas common
stock,  determined  as of August 31,  1999,  will be allocated to the assets and
liabilities  of Colonial Gas based on their  estimated fair value. A preliminary
allocation of the purchase  price has been  presented in the unaudited  adjusted
historical financial information in which the fair value of the identifiable net
tangible  assets of Colonial  Gas is assumed to equal the net book value of such
assets.  The excess of consideration over the fair value of the identifiable net
tangible assets for Colonial Gas has been preliminarily allocated to goodwill as
follows (in thousands, except price per share):

    Shares of Colonial Gas common stock outstanding on
    August 31, 1999                                                   8,951
    Consideration per Colonial Gas share (a)                      $   37.50
    Consideration exchanged for Colonial Gas common stock         $ 335,652
    Plus: estimated transaction costs (b)                             4,919
    Total estimated purchase price                                  340,571
    Less: estimated fair value of Colonial Gas identifiable net
    assets (net book value) on June 30, 1999                        134,985
    Total estimated goodwill due to acquisition                   $ 205,586

(a) The estimated  consideration  and purchase price allocation used for pro
forma purposes are based on a value of $37.50 per share of Colonial Gas common

(b)  Transaction  costs  primarily  include  investment  banking  fees and other
professional fees. Transaction costs related to the Colonial Gas acquisition are
estimated to be $7.4 million but are presented  herein net of $2.481  million of
costs  previously  expensed  by  Colonial  Gas  in the  accompanying  historical
statements of operations.

(c) A pro forma  adjustment has been made for the six months ended June 30, 1999
and  the  twelve  months  ended   December  31,  1998  to  reflect   incremental
amortization  expense on the goodwill  created by the  acquisition.  Goodwill is
amortized over a 40-year life.

(d) A pro  forma  adjustment  has  been  made  to  reverse  previously  expensed
transaction  costs for the six months ended June 30, 1999 and the twelve  months
ended December 31, 1998.  These costs are  non-recurring  and relate directly to
the acquisition.

(4) Stock Consideration

(a) Colonial Gas - The  acquisition  consideration  consisted of $150 million in
cash and the balance in Eastern Gas common stock.  4,000,000  shares of Colonial
common stock were exchanged for cash  consideration in an amount equal to $37.50
per share.  Shares of Colonial  common stock which were not  exchanged  for cash
consideration  were  converted  into a number of shares of Eastern  common stock
based on the exchange ratio of 0.852. As provided in the merger  agreement,  the
exchange ratio was computed based on the average closing price of Eastern common
stock on the New York Stock  Exchange  for the ten trading  day period  ended on
August 26, 1999 ($43.99).  Eastern issued  approximately 4.220 million shares in
the  transaction.  The  unaudited  pro forma net earnings per share  reflect the
weighted   average  number  of  Eastern  common  shares  that  would  have  been
outstanding  if the  acquisition  occurred  at  the  beginning  of  the  periods
presented upon the conversion of each outstanding share of Colonial common stock
not exchanged for cash into 0.852 shares of Eastern common stock, as provided in
the merger agreement.

(b) Pro forma  adjustments  have been made as of June 30,  1999 to  reflect  the
issuance of  approximately  4.220 million  shares of Eastern common stock ($1.00
par value per share) exchanged together with cash of $150 million for all of the
outstanding  shares of Colonial common stock and to eliminate the  shareholders'
equity accounts of Colonial Gas.

(5) Cash Consideration

A pro forma  adjustment  has been made to reflect the use of  available  on-hand
cash and  short-term  investments to fund the cash portion of the purchase price
of a portion  of the  Colonial  Gas common  stock  (fixed at $150  million  cash
consideration) plus an additional $4.919 million for estimated transaction costs
to be incurred for the acquisition.  (See 3(b) above.) The remaining acquisition
consideration will be comprised of Eastern common stock.

(6) Interest Income

A pro  forma  adjustment  has  been  made to  reflect  reduced  interest  income
resulting  from the use of cash more  fully  described  in 5a.  above as if such
funding had  occurred  on January 1, 1998,  assuming a weighted  average  annual
interest rate of 5.5%.

(7) Income Taxes

A pro forma  adjustment has been made for the six months ended June 30, 1999 and
the twelve  months ended  December 31, 1998 to reflect the tax effect of the pro
forma adjustments using Eastern's  incremental tax rate of 35%. Goodwill created
by the acquisition is nondeductible  for tax purposes because the transaction is


         Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
the  registrant  has duly  caused  this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                          EASTERN ENTERPRISES

Date: September 15, 1999                  By: /s/ James J. Harper
     ----------------------                   ------------------------
                                                  James J. Harper
                                                  Vice President and Controller

                                  EXHIBIT INDEX


99.1                  --Press Release.

99.2                  --Audited Consolidated Statements of Income, Balance
                      Sheets, Statements of Cash Flows and  Statements of
                      Common Equity of Colonial Gas Company for the year ended
                      December 31, 1998, together  with Notes and Report of
                      Independent  Certified Public Accountants.

99.3                  --Unaudited  Consolidated  Statements  of  Operations,
                      Balance Sheets and  Statements of Cash Flows of Colonial
                      Gas Company for the six months  ended  June 30,  1999,
                      together  with Notes.

99.4                  --Consent of Grant Thornton LLP.