Officer Change of Control Agreement Jonathan M. Cook


       This  Agreement by and between  Eastern  Enterprises,  a  Massachusetts
business trust with its principal offices in Weston,  Massachusetts ("Eastern"),
Midland  Enterprises,   Inc.,  a  corporation  with  its  principal  offices  in
Cincinnati, Ohio ("Midland") and Jonathan M. Cook (the "Executive"),  is entered
into as of the 22nd day of  September,  1999,  and amends and  supersedes in its
entirety the agreement between the parties dated November 16, 1998:

                          W I T N E S S E T H T H A T:

         WHEREAS the Executive is an executive employee of Midland; and

         WHEREAS the Board of Trustees of Eastern (the "Board") and the Board of
Directors of Midland (the  "Midland  Board") have  determined  that it is in the
best interests of Eastern, Midland,  Eastern's shareholders and the Executive to
assure continuity in the management of Midland's  administration  and operations
by entering into an agreement to provide the Executive  with certain  assurances
pertaining to  compensation  and benefits in the event that a Change of Control,
as defined below, should be under consideration or should have occurred.

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  it is hereby agreed by and between the parties hereto
as follows:

         1. EMPLOYMENT. Midland agrees that from and after the Effective Date as
hereinafter  defined  it shall  continue  the  Executive  in its  employ and the
Executive  agrees that from and after the Effective  Date he shall remain in the
employ of Midland, in each case for the period described in Section 4 hereof and
upon the other terms and conditions herein provided.

         2. CERTAIN DEFINITIONS:  For purposes of this Agreement,  the following
terms shall have the meanings set forth below:

                  (a) "Cause"  shall  mean,  subject to the  provisions  of this
         definition,  (i)  conviction  of the  Executive  for (or a plea of nolo
         contendere by the Executive  with respect to) a felony,  or (ii) an act
         by the Executive of fraud or dishonesty which has resulted or is likely
         to result in material economic damage to Midland,  Eastern or Eastern's
         subsidiaries.  No purported  termination of Executive shall be deemed a
         termination  for Cause  unless  the  Midland  Board  shall  have made a
         determination  that  Cause  exists  nor  unless,  in the  case of Cause
         asserted under clause (a)(ii) above, the Midland Board shall have given
         the  Executive the  opportunity,  upon at least thirty (30) days' prior
         written notice,  to appear and be heard with counsel before the Midland

                  (b) "Change of Control"  shall mean the  occurrence  of any of
         the following after January 1, 1998:

                           (i) any  "person"  (as such term is used in  Sections
                  13(d) and 14(d) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as
                  amended) or group of  "persons"  (as so  defined),  other than
                  Eastern,  becomes a beneficial owner directly or indirectly of
                  securities  representing  twenty-five percent (25%) or more of
                  the  combined  voting  power  of the then  outstanding  voting
                  securities of Eastern; or

                           (ii) there is  consummated a merger or  consolidation
                  ("merger") involving Eastern and immediately after such merger
                  the beneficial owners  immediately prior to such merger of the
                  then outstanding  voting securities of Eastern do not continue
                  to own beneficially at least sixty percent (60%) of the voting
                  securities  of the  entity  or  entities  resulting  from such
                  merger; or

                           (iii) there is consummated a sale,  lease,  exchange,
                  spin-off  or  other   transfer  (any  of  the   foregoing,   a
                  "transfer")  of all or  substantially  all  of the  assets  or
                  business of Eastern and its subsidiaries,  other than any such
                  transfer  resulting in  beneficial  ownership of not less than
                  sixty percent  (60%) of the assets or business so  transferred
                  or not less than sixty percent (60%) of the voting  securities
                  of  the  entity  or   entities   to  which  such  assets  were
                  transferred by the owners immediately prior to the transfer of
                  the then outstanding voting securities of Eastern; or

                           (iv) within any two-year  period,  individuals who at
                  the beginning of such period constituted the Board of Trustees
                  of  Eastern  cease for any  reason to  constitute  a  majority
                  thereof;  provided,  that any  trustee who is not in office at
                  the  beginning of such two-year  period but whose  election or
                  nomination  for  election  was  approved by a vote of at least
                  two-thirds  of the  trustees  in  office  at the  time of such
                  approval who were either  trustees of Eastern at the beginning
                  of such  period or who were  elected to the Board of  Trustees
                  pursuant to an election which was, or for which the nomination
                  for election was,  previously  so approved  shall be deemed to
                  have been in office at the beginning of such two-year  period;

                           (v)  Eastern  sells or  otherwise  disposes of all or
                  substantially  all of its  voting  securities  of  Midland  or
                  Midland  sells or otherwise  disposes of all or  substantially
                  all of its assets,  excluding  in either case any  transaction
                  resulting  in  beneficial  ownership  of not less  than  fifty
                  percent (50%) of the assets or business so  transferred or not
                  less than fifty percent (50%) of the voting  securities of the
                  entity or entities to which such  assets were  transferred  by
                  the  owners  immediately  prior  to the  transfer  of the then
                  outstanding voting securities of Eastern.

                  (c) "Code"  shall mean the federal  Internal  Revenue  Code of
         1986, as amended.

                  (d)  "Disability"  shall  mean  the  Executive's  demonstrated
         inability,  over a continuous period of at least twelve (12) months, to
         perform  the  Executive's  duties and  responsibilities  by reason of a
         disabling  injury or condition  that would  qualify the  Executive  for
         benefits  under  the  long  term  disability   program  maintained  for
         employees of Midland.

                  (e)  "Effective  Date"  means the  earlier  of (i) the date on
         which  Eastern  enters into a definitive  agreement,  the  transactions
         contemplated  by which will, when  consummated,  constitute a Change of
         Control,  or (ii) the date which  precedes the Change of Control by six
         (6) months.

                  (f) "Good Reason" means any of the following  unless promptly,
         fully and  retroactively  corrected  by Midland (or by Eastern,  in the
         case of any employee or executive benefit,  benefit program,  incentive
         program,  or  perquisite  maintained  by Eastern)  or unless  waived in
         writing by the Executive:  (i) any reduction in the annual rate of base
         salary payable to the Executive  below the higher of the annual rate at
         which base  salary is then being  paid to the  Executive  or the annual
         rate at which base salary was being paid to the  Executive  immediately
         prior to the Effective  Date;  (ii) the elimination of or any reduction
         in the bonus  opportunities  made available to the Executive  under any
         bonus or incentive  program;  (iii) the elimination of or any reduction
         in  any  other  employee  or  executive  benefit,  benefit  program  or
         perquisite then available to the Executive or the Executive's family or
         that  was  available  to  the  Executive  or  the  Executive's   family
         immediately  prior to the  Effective  Date,  or any  change in any such
         employee or executive benefit, benefit program or perquisite that would
         result in additional cost to the Executive or the  Executive's  family,
         in each  case  except  for  changes  in  broad-based  employee  benefit
         programs (that is, employee benefit  programs  available to non-officer
         employees  generally as well as officers) that have a similar effect on
         both officer and non-officer  participants  generally in such programs;
         (iv) any  material  change  in the  Executive's  duties,  functions  or
         responsibilities  (including without  limitation  reporting lines); (v)
         any action  resulting in a relocation of the Executive's  regular place
         of employment to a location  that is more than  thirty-five  (35) miles
         from the place where the Executive was regularly  employed  immediately
         prior thereto or immediately  prior to the Effective Date; and (vi) any
         other material breach of this Agreement by Midland or Eastern.

                  (g)  "Protected  Period"  means the  period  beginning  on the
         Effective  Date and ending on the date which follows the related Change
         of Control by twenty-four (24) months.

         3.  POSITION  AND  RESPONSIBILITIES.  During the  period of  employment
hereunder,  the  Executive  agrees to serve  Midland in an  executive  capacity,
subject to the terms of this Agreement.

         4.  TERM AND DUTIES.

                  (a)  The  period  of the  Executive's  employment  under  this
         Agreement  shall be deemed to have  commenced as of the Effective  Date
         and  shall  continue  for a  period  that  ends on the  last day of the
         Protected Period.

                  (b) During the period of  employment  hereunder and except for
         illness or incapacity and reasonable vacation periods,  the Executive's
         business  time,  attention,  skill  and  efforts  shall be  exclusively
         devoted to the  business  and affairs of Midland and its  subsidiaries;
         provided,  however,  that nothing in this Agreement  shall preclude the
         Executive from engaging in the following:

                           (i)  serving as a director, trustee or committee
                  member in any company or organization,

                           (ii) delivering  lectures  and  fulfilling  speaking
                  engagements, and

                           (iii)engaging in charitable and community activities,

         provided that such  activities do not  materially  adversely  affect or
         interfere with the  performance of the  Executive's  obligations  under
         this Agreement.

         5. COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS.  During the Executive's  employment under
this Agreement,  Midland (or, to the extent provided below,  Eastern) shall pay,
provide and make available the following:

                  (a) Midland shall pay the  Executive  base salary at an annual
         rate that is not less than the  annual  rate at which  base  salary was
         being  paid  to the  Executive  by  Midland  immediately  prior  to the
         Effective Date.

                  (b) In addition to the salary  payable  under  subsection  (a)
         above,  Midland  and Eastern  shall  provide or make  available  to the
         Executive, from and after the Effective Date and during the term of the
         Executive's  employment hereunder,  bonus opportunities,  benefits, and
         perquisites not less favorable, and on terms not less favorable, to the
         Executive  than  the  bonus  opportunities,  benefits  and  perquisites
         provided or made  available and on the terms provided or made available
         to the Executive immediately prior to the Effective Date.

         6. BUSINESS  EXPENSE.  Midland shall pay or reimburse the Executive for
all  reasonable  travel  or  other  expenses  incurred  in  connection  with the
performance of the  Executive's  duties under this Agreement in accordance  with
such procedures as Midland may from time to time establish.

         7.  TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT.  Notwithstanding  any other provision of
this  Agreement,   the  Executive's  employment  under  this  Agreement  may  be

                  (a) by  Midland  for Cause  (but only if such  termination  is
         accomplished in the manner specified in Section 2(a));

                  (b) by Midland  other than for Cause  pursuant to Section 7(a)
         and other than on account of Disability or death;

                  (c)  by the Executive for Good Reason;

                  (d) by the Executive other than for Good Reason, Disability or
         death; or

                  (e) by Midland or the  Executive by reason of the  Executive's
         Disability or death.

Except  in the  case of  termination  by  reason  of the  Executive's  death  or
termination  for Cause pursuant to Section 7(a),  any  termination by Midland of
the  Executive's  employment  under this Agreement  shall take effect only after
thirty (30) days' prior written notice by Midland to the Executive.

         8. VESTING OF CERTAIN AWARDS AND BENEFITS.1 In the event of a Change of
Control,  the Executive shall be immediately  vested in all shares of restricted
stock of Eastern then held by the Executive,  and all stock options then held by
the Executive  that were awarded under  Eastern's 1982 Stock Option Plan or 1995
Stock  Option  Plan (or any  successor  plan or  plans)  and that  were not then
exercisable shall become immediately exercisable.  If the Executive's employment
under this Agreement shall have terminated or been terminated under Section 7(b)
or Section  7(c)  above on or after the  Effective  Date but before the  related
Change of  Control,  the  immediately  preceding  sentence  shall be  applied by
substituting the words "held by the Executive  immediately  prior to termination
of employment"  for the words "then held by the  Executive".  If the Executive's
employment  under this Agreement shall have terminated or been terminated  under
Section  7(b) or  Section  7(c)  above,  all of the  Executive's  stock  options
(including  replacement  options,  if any, issued in substitution for such stock
options  in  connection  with  the  Change  in  Control)  held by the  Executive
immediately  prior to such  termination  shall be exercisable  for a period that
ends not earlier than the earlier of (i) the date on which the option would have
expired or terminated had the Executive  continued in  employment,  and (ii) the
date which follows the Change of Control by thirteen (13) months; provided, that
clause  (ii) of this  sentence  shall  not  operate  to  extend  the  period  of
exercisability  for any stock option that is intended to be an "incentive  stock
option"  within the  meaning of Section 422 of the Code;  and further  provided,
that if stock options are not assumed (and no replacement options are issued) in
connection  with the Change of Control,  Eastern shall provide the Executive the
opportunity  to exercise  all of the stock  options  then held by the  Executive
(taking  into  account the  provisions  of this  sentence)  on the same basis as
options held by active employees that become  exercisable in connection with the
Change of Control. The provisions of this Section 8 shall be in addition to, and
not in  limitation  of, any rights  that  Executive  may  otherwise  have to the
vesting of benefits upon a Change of Control.  Without  limiting the  foregoing,
this Agreement shall be treated as a "COC Agreement" for purposes of the Eastern
Enterprises  Supplemental  Executive Retirement Plan and the Eastern Enterprises
Supplemental  Retirement  Plan for Certain  Officers,  each as from time to time


                  (a)  In  the  event  of any  termination  of  the  Executive's
         employment  during the term of this Agreement,  if such  termination is
         (1) by the Executive pursuant to Section 7(c), above, or (2) by Midland
         pursuant to Section 7(b) above,  Midland shall pay to the Executive the
         sum of the  following  amounts  within  30  days  of  such  termination
         (provided,  that if such  termination  of  employment  occurs after the
         Effective Date but before the Change of Control, the Executive shall be
         entitled to the payments  described  at (i),  (ii) and (iii) below only
         upon consummation of the Change of Control):

                           (i) a lump sum cash  amount  equal to the  product of
                  three (3) times the  annual  rate at which the  Executive  was
                  being paid base salary  immediately  prior to such termination
                  or immediately prior to the Effective Date, if greater;

                           (ii) a lump sum cash  amount  equal to the product of
                  three  (3) times  the  Executive's  total  target  benefit  or
                  benefits  under the annual bonus or incentive plan or plans in
                  which the Executive was participating for the period including
                  the date of termination or times the Executive's  total target
                  benefit or benefits  under the annual bonus or incentive  plan
                  or plans in which  the  Executive  was  participating  for the
                  period including the Effective Date if higher;  provided, that
                  for purposes of determining the Executive's target benefit for
                  any  portion  of an award  opportunity  as to which no  target
                  amount  is  specified,   (A)  if  the  portion  of  the  award
                  opportunity  as to which no target  benefit is  specified is a
                  financial award opportunity,  then the target benefit for such
                  portion shall be 66 2/3% of the maximum award  opportunity for
                  such portion,  and (B) if the portion of the award opportunity
                  as to which no target  benefit is  specified  is a  management
                  objective or "MBO" award opportunity,  then the target benefit
                  for such portion shall be 75% of the maximum award opportunity
                  for such portion;  and further provided,  that the Executive's
                  total  target  benefit or  benefits  will equal the sum of the
                  separate  portions  of the award  opportunity  as  hereinabove
                  determined; and

                           (iii) a lump sum cash amount  equal to the product of
                  the Executive's total target benefit or benefits (as described
                  at paragraph (ii) above, but determined solely by reference to
                  the  annual  bonus or  incentive  plan or  plans in which  the
                  Executive was  participating for the period including the date
                  of  termination)  times a fraction,  the numerator of which is
                  the number of days elapsed in such bonus or  incentive  period
                  prior to the date of termination, and the denominator of which
                  is three hundred sixty-five (365).

         In addition,  upon termination of employment Midland shall promptly pay
         to the Executive any salary,  bonuses,  or other payments earned by the
         Executive but not yet paid as of the date of termination.

                  (b) For a period of thirty-six (36) months commencing with the
         month in which a termination  described in (a)(1) or (a)(2) above shall
         have occurred,  the Executive and the Executive's family shall continue
         to be  entitled to  participate  in  Midland's  or  Eastern's  medical,
         dental, life-insurance,  disability and other welfare benefit plans and
         programs at a level of benefits at least as favorable to the  Executive
         and the Executive's  family,  and on terms at least as favorable to the
         Executive  and  the  Executive's  family,  as  were  available  to  the
         Executive and the Executive's  family  immediately prior to termination
         or immediately prior to the Effective Date (whichever is more favorable
         to the Executive and the Executive's  family). For purposes of any such
         benefit  that is based on the  Executive's  length of  employment,  the
         Executive shall be deemed  credited with three (3) additional  years of
         employment.  For  purposes  of any  such  benefit  that is based on the
         Executive's average compensation,  the average taken into account shall
         not be less than the  average  that  would be  determined  by  assuming
         continued  base salary and bonus or incentive  payments for a period of
         three (3) years at the rates  described at Section 9(a) above,  and for
         purposes  of  any  such  benefit  that  is  based  on  the  Executive's
         compensation  at termination  of employment,  there shall be taken into
         account the higher of the  Executive's  compensation  at termination or
         the Executive's  compensation  immediately prior to the Effective Date.
         To the extent the continuation of benefits  described in this paragraph
         cannot be  accommodated  under  the plans or  programs  of  Midland  or
         Eastern  then  in  effect,  Midland  shall  provide  for  substantially
         equivalent  alternative coverage and benefits for the Executive and the
         Executive's family. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Midland shall not be
         obligated  to  provide  a  benefit  or  coverage  under  the  preceding
         provisions  of this  paragraph  to the extent an  equivalent  or better
         benefit or coverage is  available to the  Executive or the  Executive's
         family,  on a basis that is at least as favorable to the  Executive and
         the Executive's  family,  under a plan or program of another  employer.
         Immediately  following the  termination of the benefits  provided under
         this Section 9(b) whenever occurring (or at any earlier time subsequent
         to the termination of employment giving rise to such benefits), Midland
         shall  provide  or  cause  to be  provided  to the  Executive  and  the
         Executive's  family  retiree  health,  dental,  life and other  retiree

         benefits,  in each  case not  less  favorable  (and on  terms  not less
         favorable)  to the  Executive  and the  Executive's  family  than those
         available  to eligible  retirees and their  families  under the retiree
         benefit program of similar type (for example,  retiree medical benefits
         or retiree life  insurance) as in effect (i)  immediately  prior to the
         date of the  termination of the  Executive's  employment if immediately
         prior  to that  date the  benefits  available  under  that  program  to
         eligible retirees and their families were more favorable (and were made
         available  on terms that were more  favorable)  than the  benefits  and
         terms, if any,  available to eligible retirees and their families under
         that program as in effect  immediately  prior to the Effective Date, or
         (ii) in all  other  cases,  the  Effective  Date;  provided,  that  the
         Executive  and the  Executive's  family  shall be eligible  for retiree
         benefits  under this  sentence  only if the  Executive  would have been
         eligible to participate  in the retiree  program of similar type (as in
         effect  immediately prior to the Effective Date or immediately prior to
         the termination of the Executive's  employment,  whichever provided for
         more  liberal  eligibility   requirements)  if  (A)  such  program  had
         continued  unchanged  and the  Executive  had  continued in  employment
         through the end of the benefits  continuation  period  described in the
         first sentence of this Section 9(b)  (determined  without regard to any
         early  termination  of  such  period   attributable  to  benefits  made
         available by a subsequent  employer),  and (B) the  Executive  had then
         retired.  For purposes of applying the immediately  preceding sentence,
         any  minimum  age   requirement   applicable   to  the   Executive  for
         participation   in  a  retiree   benefit  program  of  Eastern  or  its
         subsidiaries  shall  be  deemed  satisfied  if,  as of  the  end of the
         benefits  continuation  period  described in the first sentence of this
         Section 9(b)  (determined  without  regard to any early  termination of
         such period  attributable  to benefits  made  available by a subsequent
         employer), the Executive is or would have been at least age 52. Nothing
         in this paragraph shall be construed as requiring Midland or Eastern to
         pay  severance  in  addition to the  payments  and  benefits  otherwise
         provided for in this Agreement.

                  (c)  If  the  Executive  so  requests  in  connection  with  a
         termination  described in (a)(1) or (a)(2)  above,  Midland will pay in
         accordance  with prior practice the costs of an  out-placement  service
         used by the Executive as a result of such termination.

                  (d) Upon termination of the Executive's  employment under this
         Agreement  for any  reason,  the  Executive  shall  have  the  right to
         purchase the automobile,  if any,  supplied to the Executive by Eastern
         or its subsidiaries in connection with the Executive's  employment,  or
         any automobile  substituted therefor with the Executive's  approval, at
         its "blue book" value.


                  (a) In the event it shall be  determined  that any "payment in
         the nature of  compensation"  (as that term is used in Section  280G of
         the  Code) to or for the  benefit  of the  Executive,  whether  paid or
         payable or distributed or  distributable  pursuant to the terms of this
         Agreement or otherwise  (a  "Payment"),  would be subject to the excise
         tax imposed by Section  4999 of the Code or  comparable  state or local
         tax or any  interest or  penalties  with  respect to such excise tax or
         comparable state or local tax (such excise tax,  together with any such
         interest and penalties, are hereinafter collectively referred to as the
         "Excise  Tax"),  then,  subject  to the  following  sentence,  the cash
         payments  described  at Section  9(a)(i),  (ii) and (iii)  hereof  (but
         excluding,  for the avoidance of doubt, any payments referred to in the
         last sentence of Section 9(a)) shall be reduced, but not below zero, to
         the extent (and only to the extent)  necessary to avoid the  imposition
         of an Excise  Tax.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  if the  preceding
         sentence  would result in a reduction of more than ten percent (10%) in
         the Executive's total "parachute  payments" (as that term is defined in
         Section  280G(b)(2) of the Code), or if the reduction  described in the
         preceding  sentence  would not  eliminate  the Excise Tax, no reduction
         shall be made in the  payments or benefits due to the  Executive  under
         this Agreement or otherwise and instead the Executive shall be entitled
         to receive an additional payment (a "Gross-Up  Payment").  The Gross-Up
         Payment  shall  be  equal to the sum of the  Excise  Tax and all  taxes
         (including  any  interest or  penalties  imposed  with  respect to such
         taxes) imposed upon the Gross-Up Payment.

                  (b) If the  Executive  determines  that a Gross-Up  Payment is
         required, the Executive shall so notify Midland in writing,  specifying
         the  amount  of  Gross-Up  Payment  required  and  details  as  to  the
         calculation  thereof.  Midland shall,  within 30 days,  either pay such
         Gross-Up Payment (net of applicable wage  withholding) to the Executive
         or furnish an  unqualified  opinion  from  Independent  Tax Counsel (as
         defined below),  addressed to the Executive and Midland,  that there is
         substantial  authority (within the meaning of Section 6661 of the Code)
         for the position that no Gross-Up Payment is required. "Independent Tax
         Counsel"  means a  lawyer  with  expertise  in the  area  of  executive
         compensation  tax law, who shall be selected by the Executive and shall
         be reasonably  acceptable to Midland,  and whose fees and disbursements
         shall be paid by Midland.

                  (c) If the  Internal  Revenue  Service or other tax  authority
         proposes in writing an  adjustment  to the income tax of the  Executive
         which would result in a Gross-Up Payment,  the Executive shall promptly
         notify  Midland in writing and shall  refrain for at least  thirty days
         after giving such notice,  if so permitted by law,  from paying any tax
         (including  interest,  penalties  and  additions to tax) asserted to be
         payable as a result of such proposed adjustment.  Before the expiration
         of such  period,  Midland  shall  either  pay the  Gross-Up  Payment or
         provide an opinion from  Independent  Tax Counsel to the  Executive and
         Midland  as to  whether it is more  likely  than not that the  proposed
         adjustment  would be  successfully  challenged if the matter were to be
         litigated.  If the  opinion  provides  that a  challenge  would be more
         likely  than not to be  successful  if the issue  were  litigated,  and
         Midland  requests in writing that the  Executive  contest such proposed
         adjustment,  then the Executive  shall contest the proposed  adjustment
         and shall consult in good faith with Midland with respect to the nature
         of all  action  to be  taken  in  furtherance  of the  contest  of such
         proposed   adjustment;   provided  that  the   Executive,   after  such
         consultation  with Midland,  shall determine in his sole discretion the
         nature of all action to be taken to contest such  proposed  adjustment,
         including  (A)  whether any such action  shall  initially  be by way of
         judicial or  administrative  proceedings,  or both (B) whether any such
         proposed  adjustment shall be contested by resisting payment thereof or
         by  paying  the  same and  seeking  a  refund  thereof,  and (C) if the
         Executive shall undertake judicial action with respect to such proposed
         adjustment,  the court or other  judicial body before which such action
         shall be commenced  and the court or other  judicial  body to which any
         appeals  should  be taken.  The  Executive  agrees to take  appropriate
         appeals of any judicial  decision that would  require  Midland to pay a
         Gross-Up  Payment,  provided  Midland  requests  in  writing  that  the
         Executive do so and provides an opinion from Independent Tax Counsel to
         the  Executive  and  Midland  that it is more  likely than not that the
         appeal would be  successful.  The Executive  further  agrees to settle,
         compromise or otherwise  terminate a contest with the Internal  Revenue
         Service or other tax authority  with respect to all or a portion of the
         proposed  adjustment giving rise to the Gross-Up Payment,  if requested
         by Midland in writing to do so at any time, in which case the Executive
         shall be entitled to receive from Midland the Gross-Up  Payment.  In no
         event shall the Executive  compromise or settle all or any portion of a
         proposed  adjustment  which would result in a Gross-Up  Payment without
         the written consent of Midland, which consent shall not be unreasonably

         The  Executive  shall not be required  to take or  continue  any action
         pursuant to this Section 10 unless Midland  acknowledges  its liability
         under this Agreement in the event that the Internal  Revenue Service or
         other tax authority  prevails in the contest.  Midland hereby agrees to
         indemnify  the  Executive in a manner  reasonably  satisfactory  to the
         Executive for any fees, expenses,  penalties,  interest or additions to
         tax  which  the  Executive  may  incur as a result  of  contesting  the
         validity of any Excise Tax and to reimburse the Executive promptly upon
         receipt of a written demand of the Executive for all costs and expenses
         which  the  Executive  may incur in  connection  with  contesting  such
         proposed  adjustment  (including  reasonable fees and  disbursements of
         Independent Tax Counsel).

         If the Executive shall have contested any proposed  adjustment as above
         provided,  and for so long as the Executive shall be required under the
         terms of this Section 10(c) to continue such contest, Midland shall not
         be  required  to pay a  Gross-Up  Payment  until  there  occurs a Final
         Determination  (as defined below) of the liability of the Executive for
         the tax and any interest, penalties and additions to tax asserted to be
         payable   as  a  result   of  such   proposed   adjustment.   A  "Final
         Determination"  shall mean (A) a  decision,  judgment,  decree or other
         order by any court of competent jurisdiction, which decision, judgment,
         decree or other order has become final after all  allowable  appeals by
         either  party to the action  have been  exhausted,  the time for filing
         such appeal has expired or the  Executive  has no right under the terms
         hereof to request an appeal, (B) a closing agreement entered into under
         Section 7121 of the Code or any other settlement agreement entered into
         in connection with an  administrative  or judicial  proceeding and with
         the consent of the  Executive,  or (C) the  expiration  of the time for
         instituting  a claim  for  refund,  or if such a claim was  filed,  the
         expiration of the time for instituting suit with respect thereto.

                  (d) In the event the  Executive  receives  any refund from the
         Internal  Revenue  Service  or other tax  authority  on  account  of an
         overpayment of Excise Tax, such amount,  together with that part of any
         Gross-Up Payment attributable to such amount, shall be promptly paid by
         the Executive to Midland.

         11.  SOURCE OF  PAYMENTS.  Except as provided  at Section 8 above,  all
payments  provided for under this  Agreement  shall be paid or provided from the
general assets of Midland and its  subsidiaries or affiliates (to the extent not
provided by insurance).  Midland shall not be required to establish a special or
separate fund or other segregation of assets to assure such payments. Nothing in
this Section,  however,  shall be construed as restricting  Midland's ability to
establish  or fund a  so-called  "rabbi  trust" or similar  arrangement  to help
Midland meet its  liabilities  hereunder,  provided  that the  establishment  or
funding of such a trust or arrangement  does not by its terms or by operation of
law limit or purport  to limit  Midland's  liabilities  hereunder  or  otherwise
adversely affect the Executive.

         12.  LITIGATION  EXPENSES.  In the  event  of any  litigation  or other
proceeding  between  Midland or Eastern and the  Executive  with  respect to the
subject matter of this Agreement and the  enforcement of rights asserted in good
faith  hereunder,  or, in the event of  termination  of  employment  pursuant to
Section 7(b) or Section 7(c) above,  with respect to any other  remuneration  or
benefits with respect to the Executive (including, without limitation,  payments
or benefits  with respect to the Executive  under any qualified or  nonqualified
pension or retirement agreement, plan, policy, program or arrangement),  Midland
shall  reimburse  the  Executive  for all costs and  expenses  relating  to such
litigation  or  other  proceeding,   including  reasonable  attorneys  fees  and
expenses,  promptly upon receipt of a written demand  therefor and regardless of
whether such litigation  results in any settlement or judgment or order in favor
of any party.

         Notwithstanding any provision of Ohio law to the contrary,  in no event
shall the  Executive be required to reimburse  Midland or Eastern for any of the
costs and expenses relating to such litigation or other proceeding.

         13. INCOME TAX  WITHHOLDING.  Midland and Eastern may withhold from any
payments made under this  Agreement all federal,  state,  city or other taxes as
shall be required pursuant to any law or governmental regulation or ruling.

         14. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION.  The Executive agrees that, following any
termination of his employment  under this Agreement,  he will continue to comply
with Eastern's policies and procedures regarding  confidential  information,  as
that term is hereinafter  defined,  and will never directly or indirectly use or
disclose,  except to the  Executive's  attorney  or as  required  by judicial or
regulatory  process or order,  any confidential  information as so defined.  For
purposes of this paragraph,  the term  "confidential  information" means any and
all  information  (including  without  limitation  information  related  to  the
development and  implementation  of business  strategy,  financial and operating
forecasts, business policies and practices, and all other information related to
the  future  conduct  of  business)  (i)  that the  Executive  has  acquired  in
connection with his employment with Eastern and its  subsidiaries,  (ii) that is
not generally known or available to others with whom Eastern or its subsidiaries
do, or plan to, compete or do business,  and (iii) that pertains to the business
of, or belongs to, Eastern or its  subsidiaries or a person  described in clause

         The  Executive  acknowledges  and  agrees  that,  were he to breach the
provisions of this Section 14, the harm to Eastern and its subsidiaries would be
irreparable.  The Executive  therefore agrees that in the event of such a breach
or threatened breach, Eastern or its subsidiaries shall have the right to obtain
preliminary  and permanent  injunctive  relief  against any such breach  without
having to post bond.  Nothing herein shall prohibit  Eastern or its subsidiaries
from  seeking  damages  for a breach by the  Executive  of this  Section 14, but
neither  Eastern nor any other person  shall  withhold or offset any payments or
benefits  due or owing to the  Executive  under the terms of this  Agreement  or
otherwise (including,  without limitation,  payments or benefits with respect to
the  Executive  under  any  qualified  or  nonqualified  pension  or  retirement
agreement,  plan,  policy,  program or  arrangement),  and all such payments and
benefits shall be promptly paid or provided to the Executive in accordance  with
the terms of this Agreement (or such other agreement,  plan, policy,  program or
arrangement,  as the case may be)  without  regard to any  breach or  alleged or
threatened breach by Executive of any provision of this Section 14.

pay provisions of Section 5.1 and Section 5.3 of Eastern's  Employee  Salary and
Benefits  Protection  Plan as amended and  restated  September 1, 1999 (the "COC
Severance Plan") (as such provisions would have applied to the Executive had the
Executive  been eligible to  participate  in the COC Severance  Plan) would have
yielded a larger severance pay amount than that determined under paragraphs (i),
(ii)  and  (iii) of  Section  9(a) of this  Agreement,  the  Executive  shall be
entitled under Section 9(a) hereof to such greater  severance pay amount in lieu
of the  formula  amounts  determined  under  Section  9(a)(i),  (ii) and  (iii);
provided,  that such  severance  pay shall  continue  to be subject to the other
terms of this Agreement.  If the benefits continuation provisions of Section 5.2
of the COC  Severance  Plan  (as  such  provisions  would  have  applied  to the
Executive  and  the  Executive's  family  had the  Executive  been  eligible  to
participate in the COC Severance  Plan) would have provided for  continuation of
benefits  at least as good as those  provided  under  this  Agreement  but for a
longer period of time,  the period  described in Section 9(b) of this  Agreement
for the  continuation  of benefits shall be deemed  modified to provide for such
longer period of benefits continuation. Subject to the foregoing, this Agreement
contains the entire  understanding  between  Eastern,  Midland and the Executive
with respect to the subject  matter  hereof and  supersedes  any prior Change of
Control or similar severance or salary continuation agreement between Midland or
Eastern  (including  any of Eastern's  subsidiaries  other than Midland) and the

         16. SEVERABILITY. If, for any reason, any one or more of the provisions
or part of a provision  contained in this Agreement shall be held to be invalid,
illegal  or  unenforceable  in  any  respect,  such  invalidity,  illegality  or
unenforceability  shall not affect any other provision or part of a provision of
this  Agreement not held so invalid,  illegal or  unenforceable,  and each other
provision or part of a provision  shall to the full extent  consistent  with law
continue in full force and effect.

         17. CONSOLIDATION,  MERGER OR SALE OF ASSETS. Nothing in this Agreement
shall preclude Eastern or Midland from consolidating or merging into or with, or
transferring  all or  substantially  all of its assets to,  another  person that
assumes  this  Agreement  and all  obligations  and  undertakings  of Eastern or
Midland, respectfully,  hereunder. Upon such a consolidation, merger or transfer
of assets and assumption,  involving Eastern or Midland, the terms "Eastern" and
"Midland",  respectfully,  as used herein  shall mean such other person and this
Agreement shall continue in full force and effect.

         18.  SURVIVAL OF  OBLIGATIONS.  The  obligations of Eastern and Midland
under  this  Agreement  shall  survive  the  termination  for any reason of this
Agreement (whether such termination is by Eastern, by Midland, by the Executive,
upon the expiration of this Agreement or otherwise).

         19. NOTICES.  All notices,  requests,  demands and other communications
required or permitted hereunder shall be given in writing and shall be deemed to
have been duly given if delivered or mailed,  registered or  certified,  postage
prepaid with return receipt requested, as follows:

                  (a)      To Eastern:

                           Eastern Enterprises
                           9 Riverside Road
                           Weston, MA 02493
                           Attention:  Legal Department

                  (b)      To Midland:

                           Midland Enterprises, Inc.
                           300 Pike Street
                           P.O. Box 1460
                           Cincinnati, OH 45201
                           Attention:  Legal Department (with a copy to Eastern)

                  (c)      To the Executive:


or to such other  address as either  party shall have  previously  specified  in
writing to the other pursuant to this Section 19.

         20. NO  ATTACHMENT.  Except as  required  by law,  no right to  receive
payments under this  Agreement  shall be subject to  anticipation,  commutation,
alienation, sale, assignment, encumbrance, charge, pledge or hypothecation or to
execution,  attachment,  levy or similar  process or  assignment by operation of
law, and any attempt, voluntary or involuntary,  to effect any such action shall
be null, void and of no effect.

         21. BINDING AGREEMENT. This Agreement shall be binding upon (subject to
Section  25(a))and  shall  inure to the  benefit of the  Executive,  Eastern and
Midland and their respective successors and assigns.


                  (a)  Prior  to  the  Effective  Date  this  Agreement  may  be
         modified,  amended or  terminated  by the Board of Trustees of Eastern.
         From and after the Effective  Date this  Agreement may not be modified,
         amended or terminated  except by an instrument in writing signed by the
         parties hereto.

                  (b) No term or condition of this Agreement  shall be deemed to
         have  been  waived,  nor  shall  there  be  any  estoppel  against  the
         enforcement  of any  provision  of this  Agreement  except  by  written
         instrument signed by the party charged with such waiver or estoppel. No
         such  written  waiver  shall  be  deemed  a  continuing  waiver  unless
         specifically stated therein, and each such waiver shall operate only as
         to the  specific  term or condition  waived and shall not  constitute a
         waiver of such term or condition  for the future or as to any act other
         than that specifically waived.

         23.  HEADINGS OF NO EFFECT.  The paragraph  headings  contained in this
Agreement are included  solely for convenience of reference and shall not in any
way  affect the  meaning  or  interpretation  of any of the  provisions  of this

         24.  GOVERNING  LAW. This  Agreement and its validity,  interpretation,
performance and enforcement  shall be governed by the laws of the State of Ohio,
without giving effect to the choice of law provisions in effect in such State.

         25.  MISCELLANEOUS.

                  (a) Eastern shall be liable under this  Agreement  solely with
         respect to its obligations under Sections 5, 8, 9 and 21 hereof.

                  (b)  Reference  is  hereby  made to the  declaration  of trust
         establishing  Eastern  Enterprises  dated July 18, 1929, as amended,  a
         copy of which is on file in the office of the Secretary of State of The
         Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The name "Eastern Enterprises" refers to
         the trustees under said declaration as trustees and not personally, and
         no trustee, shareholder,  officer or agent of Eastern Enterprises shall
         be held to any  personal  liability in  connection  with the affairs of
         said Eastern Enterprises, but the trust estate only is liable.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  Eastern and Midland have caused this Agreement to
be executed by their  respective  officers  thereunto duly  authorized,  and the
Executive has signed this Agreement, all as of the date first above written.

                                       EASTERN ENTERPRISES

                                       By: /s/ J. Atwood Ives

                                       MIDLAND ENTERPRISES, INC.

                                       By: /s/ Peter Z. Hubbard

                                           /s/ Jonathan M. Cook
                                           Jonathan M. Cook

- --------
1 In the event of a Change of Control  intended to be accounted for as a pooling
of interests,  the following  changes would be made to this Section 8 if similar
changes in Eastern's other Officer Change of Control  Agreements were determined
(by the independent  accounting firm serving as Eastern's  independent  auditors
prior to the Change of Control) to be required to preserve the  availability  of
such accounting treatment: (i) the term "Effective Date" as used in this Section
8 would mean the date that  precedes  the Change of Control by six  months,  and
(ii) the  extended  exercisability  provisions  of the  third  sentence  of this
Section 8 shall not  apply;  however,  options  held by the  Executive  prior to
termination  of employment  under  Section 7(b) or Section 7(c), if  termination
occurs after the Effective  Date but before the Change of Control,  would remain
exercisable  until  thirty  (30) days  following  the Change of Control  (or, if
later,  until they would have been exercisable  without regard to the provisions
of this Section 8), subject to earlier expiration and an accelerated opportunity
to  exercise if the options  are not  assumed  (and no  replacement  options are
issued) in connection with the Change of Control.