Via Facsimile
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Mr. Larry Spirgel
Assistant Director - Division of Corporation Finance
United States Securities and Exchange Commission
450 Fifth Street, NW
Washington, DC 20549

         Re:   Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc.
               Form 10-K for fiscal year ended December 31, 2008
               Filed February 27, 2009
               File No. 001-09293

Dear Mr. Spirgel:

Below are our responses to your enumerated  comments contained in your letter of
October 26, 2009 to the above  referenced  filing.  We understand the purpose of
your  review  and  comments  is to assist us in  complying  with the  applicable
disclosure requirements and to enhance the overall disclosure in our filings. We
look forward to your  comments to our  responses  and once agreed upon,  we will
file amended documents in a timely manner.

Item 1 -We note your  response  to our prior  comment  five in our letter  dated
September  25, 2009.  Please  revise to provide a narrative  explanation  of the
membership data provided in the table. For example, explain the significance and
relevance  of the data  provided  in each  column of the  table.  Also,  tell us
whether the table includes  disclosure related to the number of sales associates
that maintain a personal membership to vest. If not, please include that data in
the table.  Finally,  please  consider  revising  the table to include an annual
breakdown  of the number of  associates  selling one  membership,  the number of
associates selling between one and two memberships, and those associates selling
three or more, as these are important metrics for your annual membership vesting
requirements.  Provide in the table or by  footnote to the table how many of the
associates selling three or more memberships did not retain their own membership
but yet vested by virtue of  personally  selling three or more  memberships  per
quarter. Refer to our prior comment 12 in our letter dated August 11, 2009.

After conversation with the Commission staff, we withdraw our previous suggested
disclosure in its entirety and propose the following new tabular disclosures:

(this table and introductory  language would be inserted following the "General"
paragraph at the bottom of page 9 of the printed Form 10-K.)

The following table recaps,  on a quarterly basis for the last two fiscal years,
total vested sales  associates that made new Membership sales and those that did
not as  well  as  those  that  own a  Membership  and  those  that  do not own a
Membership, by their respective levels of sales:

                       Assocs Without A Membership
                                                         Assocs Selling
                     Assocs Selling   Assocs Selling        With a         Assocs Not
     Qtr/Year          3 or more        Less than 3       Membership         Selling        Total Assocs
     --------        --------------   --------------     --------------    ----------       ------------
      Q1/07               212               297              34,443           398,956          433,908
      Q2/07               152               583              33,092           400,387          434,214
      Q3/07               140               540              34,196           408,424          443,300
      Q4/07               146               497              34,444           407,274          442,361
      Q1/08                93               366              30,174           397,575          428,208
      Q2/08                90               358              30,614           401,289          432,351
      Q3/08                95               402              31,702           392,118          424,317
      Q4/08                98               367              29,177           395,376          425,018

(this table and introductory  language would replace existing table and last two
sentences  of  existing  introductory  paragraph  at the  top of  page 30 of the
printed Form 10-K)

The following table presents new Memberships produced,  Memberships canceled and
ending  active  Memberships  for  members  who  are  sales  associates,  and the
respective percentage, and members who are not sales associates.

               Memberships Produced                 Memberships Canceled                  Active Memberships
                 c                  Assoc            s                    Assoc            s                    Assoc
 Year    Non-Asso Assocs    Total     %     Non-Assoc  Assocs    Total      %     Non-Assoc Assocs     Total      %
 2004    535,295   89,230  624,525  14.3    (510,007) (81,815)  (591,822) 16.0    1,148,569 303,131  1,451,700  20.9
 2005    480,437  220,290  700,727  31.4    (496,710) (112,928) (609,638) 18.5    1,132,296 410,493  1,542,789  26.6
 2006    477,937  134,789  612,726  22.0    (466,561) (150,214) (616,775) 24.4    1,143,672 395,068  1,538,740  25.7
 2007    498,072  114,024  612,096  18.6    (456,704) (118,330) (575,034) 20.6    1,185,040 390,762  1,575,802  24.8
 2008    457,000   95,327  552,327  17.3    (499,894) (69,081)  (568,975) 12.1    1,142,146 417,008  1,559,154  26.7

Item 2 - Please  clarify  whether  your  related  party share  repurchases  were
subject  to  your  policies  and  procedures  for  the  review,   approval,   or
ratification of related party  transactions  and, if so, whether such review and
approval was  conducted.  For example,  we note from your  disclosure  that your
audit  committee  approved the share  repurchase  from Randy Harp, but it is not
clear  whether the purchase was first  disclosed in writing to the entire Board.
Discuss  how the terms of the  transactions  between the company and the related
parties involved in the share repurchase  program are determined and whether you
believe that such terms are no less favorable than terms generally  available to
an unaffiliated  third party. In addition,  please file as an Exhibit the letter
agreement executed by Idoya Partners and the Company's CEO or tell us why you do
not  believe  you are  required  to  file it  under  Item  601(b)(10)(ii)(A)  of
Regulation S-K.

Our  related  party  share  repurchases  from Randy  Harp,  our Chief  Operating
Officer,  were  conducted  in  accordance  with (1) our company  trading  policy
regarding material non-public information,  (2) our Code of Business Conduct and
Ethics for  Directors,  Officers,  and  Employees  as  approved  by the Board of
Directors  on February 26, 2004 and (3) our Audit  Committee  Charter as amended
March 7, 2007.  Shares purchased from Mr. Harp were disclosed to the Board prior
to the  purchase  through  unanimous  written  consent of the  Board's  properly
constituted Audit Committee,  which also pre-approved the transaction in writing
in  accordance  with  item  24 of  the  Audit  Committee  charter.  There  is no
disclosure  requirement in our Code of Business  Conduct that such  transactions
must be made to the entire Board of Directors.

Our related  party share  repurchases  from Idoya  Partners were pursuant to the
terms contained in a letter agreement  executed by our Chief Executive  Officer.
We will file the executed letter agreements with Idoya Partners as an exhibit to
the above referenced Form 10-K.

The  shares  repurchased  from Mr.  Harp and Idoya  Partners  were  specifically
approved and ratified in all respects by our entire Board of Directors.

The  transactions  between the company and all related  parties  constitute less
than one tenth of one  percent of total  share  transactions  since the  company
began its share repurchase program. All related parties inherently know that any
such  transaction must not be on terms more favorable than those available to an
unaffiliated  third party, so the only determination or negotiation is to choose
a benchmark that clearly conveys such intent. All three listed transactions were
either priced at the prior day's close or below.

We also acknowledge that we are responsible for the adequacy and accuracy of the
disclosure in our filings with the Commission; that staff comments or changes to
disclosure in response to staff  comments do not foreclose the  Commission  from
taking any action with respect to our filings,  and that we may not assert staff
comments  as a defense in any  proceeding  initiated  by the  Commission  or any
person under the federal securities laws of the United States.

Sincerely yours,
/s/ Randy Harp
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Randy Harp
Chief Operating Officer