December 1, 2009

Via EDGAR and Facsimile @ (703)813-6986
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Mr. Larry Spirgel
Assistant Director - Division of Corporation Finance
United States Securities and Exchange Commission
450 Fifth Street, NW
Washington, DC 20549

         Re:   Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc.
               Form 10-K for fiscal year ended December 31, 2008
               Filed February 27, 2009
               File No. 001-09293

Dear Mr. Spirgel:

Below are our responses to your enumerated  comments contained in your letter of
November 19, 2009 to the above referenced  filing.  We understand the purpose of
your  review  and  comments  is to assist us in  complying  with the  applicable
disclosure requirements and to enhance the overall disclosure in our filings. We
look forward to your  comments to our  responses  and once agreed upon,  we will
file amended documents in a timely manner.

Item 1 -We note your  response  to our prior  comment  one in our  letter  dated
October 26, 2009.  However,  the table's  value would be enhanced by including a
narrative  briefly  highlighting  the  significance  of the membership  data. We
believe a brief  discussion  would help investors  better  understand the annual
membership vesting requirements of the company.

After  conversation with the Commission staff, we propose the following expanded
discussion  of our  quarterly  vesting  process  and the  following  table  with
introductory paragraph and enumerated footnote explanations of the data:

In order to be eligible to receive  commissions,  sales  associates must have an
active  Associate  Agreement.  In  order  to keep  an  active  Agreement;  sales
associates must (1) maintain an active personal legal services membership or (2)
make three personal  membership sales per calendar quarter. If a sales associate
fails to do either, his or her Associate Agreement will be placed in a precancel
status for one quarter ("quarterly vesting  probationary  period").  During this
period,  the Associate  must either (1) reinstate  their personal legal services
membership or (2) make six personal  membership sales. If these requirements are
not  met,  the  Associate  will  go  into a  dropped  status  at the  end of the
probationary  period.  Upon the date the  Associate  Agreement  is dropped,  the
Associate loses all downline,  level,  counters and  qualifications and forfeits
any pending advanced commission, earnings and bonuses.

The following table recaps,  on a quarterly basis for the last two fiscal years,
total vested sales  associates that made new Membership sales and those that did
not as  well  as  those  that  own a  Membership  and  those  that  do not own a
Membership, by their respective levels of sales:

               Assocs Without A Membership
               ---------------------------               (3)
                    (1)               (2)          Assocs Selling        (4)
               Assocs Selling    Assocs Selling        With a          Assocs Not            (5)
Qtr/Year          3 or more        Less than 3       Membership         Selling        Total Assocs
- --------       --------------    ---------------   --------------     -----------    ----------------
 Q1/07               212               297              34,443           398,956          433,908
 Q2/07               152               583              33,092           400,387          434,214
 Q3/07               140               540              34,196           408,424          443,300
 Q4/07               146               497              34,444           407,274          442,361
 Q1/08                93               366              30,174           397,575          428,208
 Q2/08                90               358              30,614           401,289          432,351
 Q3/08                95               402              31,702           392,118          424,317
 Q4/08                98               367              29,177           395,376          425,018

     (1)  Represents  sales  associates  that do not own a Membership  that have
          sold 3 or more new Memberships during the quarter indicated.
     (2)  Represents  sales  associates  that do not own a Membership  that have
          sold less than 3 new Memberships during the quarter indicated.
     (3)  Represents sales associates who owned a Membership and sold at least 1
          new Membership during the quarter indicated.
     (4)  Represents  sales  associates  who owned a Membership or were in their
          quarterly vesting  probationary period but did not sell at least 1 new
          Membership during the quarter indicated.
     (5)  Represents the total vested associates  (including those associates in
          their  quarterly  vesting  probationary  period)  during  the  quarter

This table,  the introductory  language and explanatory  footnotes would replace
existing table and last two sentences of existing introductory  paragraph at the
top of page 30 of the printed Form 10-K.

We will provide  marked copies of the above  referenced  filing  reflecting  all
cumulative proposed changes under separate cover to the staff of the Commission.
Should  these  proposed  changes  be  acceptable  to  the  Commission,  we  will
immediately begin preparing the amended documents for filing in a timely manner.

We also acknowledge that we are responsible for the adequacy and accuracy of the
disclosure in our filings with the Commission; that staff comments or changes to
disclosure in response to staff  comments do not foreclose the  Commission  from
taking any action with respect to our filings,  and that we may not assert staff
comments  as a defense in any  proceeding  initiated  by the  Commission  or any
person under the federal securities laws of the United States.

Sincerely yours,
/s/  Randy Harp
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Randy Harp
Chief Operating Officer