WASHINGTON, DC   20549


    X                OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                 For the quarterly period ended January 24, 1999


______                OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

          For the transition period from ___________ to ___________

                       Commission File Number 1-7699

                         FLEETWOOD ENTERPRISES, INC.____
         (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

        Delaware                         95-1948322
_______________________             ______________________________________
(State or other jurisdiction of     (I.R.S. Employer Identification Number)
incorporation or organization)

3125 Myers Street, Riverside, California    92503-5527
(Address of principal executive offices)    (Zip code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code  (909) 351-3500 .

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the
registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to
such filing requirements for the past 90 days.

                              Yes    X       No _____

Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's classes of
Common stock as of the close of the period covered by this report.

Class	                              Outstanding at January 24, 1999
_________________________          ______________________________________

Common stock, $1 par value          34,867,392 shares

Preferred share purchase rights          --

Item 1.  Financial Statements

The notes to the Financial Statements in the original filing are hereby
amended to read in full as follows, with the only change being the addition of
Note 6 thereof:



                             JANUARY 24, 1999

1)  Reference to Annual Report

    Reference is made to the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
    included in the Company's Form 10-K annual report for the year ended
    April 26, 1998.

2)  Industry Segment Information

    Information with respect to industry segments for the periods ending
January 24, 1999 and January 25, 1998 is shown below (amounts in
                           13 Weeks    13 Weeks     39 Weeks   39 Weeks
                            Ended        Ended       Ended     Ended
                           Jan. 24,    Jan. 25,     Jan. 24,   Jan. 25,
                           1999        1998         1999       1998
                           --------    ---------    ---------  --------

    Manufactured housing -
     Manufacturing         $372,371     $354,872    $1,182,391  $1,112,173
     Retail                 116,384           --       205,263         --
     Less:  intercompany    (61,926)          --      (106,052)        --
                           --------     --------      ---------  --------
                            426,829      354,872     1,281,602   1,112,173
                           --------     --------      --------    --------

    Recreational vehicles   367,638      345,293     1,229,113  1,062,640
    Supply operations         9,944       10,455        31,691     33,350
                           --------     --------     --------    ---------
                           $804,411     $710,620    $2,542,406  $2,208,163
                           ========     ========    ==========  ==========


    Manufactured housing    $22,216*     $18,159       $68,546*    $59,298
    Housing - retail            809**         --         2,675**        --
    Recreational vehicles    18,292       13,519        75,182      47,576
    Supply operations         3,688        4,037        11,384      11,289
    Corporate and other      (5,472)      (3,642)      (13,142)     7,434***
                            -------      -------       -------     -------
                            $39,533      $32,073      $144,645    $125,597
                            =======      =======      ========     =======

    *     After deduction for intercompany profit in inventory of $4,951
          for the quarter and $10,124 year-to-date.
    **    Operating income before deduction of interest expense on
          inventory floor plan financing totaling $2,247 for the quarter
          and $3,889 year-to-date.
    ***   Includes non-recurring insurance gain of $16.2 million.

3)  Earnings Per Share

    Basic earnings per share is computed by dividing income available to
    Common stockholders by the weighted average number of Common shares
    outstanding.  Diluted earnings per share includes the effect of
    potential shares outstanding from dilutive stock options and dilutive
    preferred securities.  After-tax distributions on preferred securities
    are added to net income to arrive at earnings used in the diluted
    earnings per share calculation.  The table below shows the calculation
    components of earnings per share for both basic and diluted earnings
    per share (amounts in thousands):

                             13 Weeks Ended         13 Weeks Ended
                             January 24, 1999       Janaury 25, 1998

                                     Weighted               Weighted
                                      Average                Average
                             Income   Shares         Income  Shares
    Basic earnings per
     share                   $21,261   34,806       $21,149  36,256
    Effect of dilutive securities:
     Stock options                --      312            --     628
     Preferred securities      2,781    5,901            --      --
                             -------   ------       -------  ------
    Diluted earnings per
     share                   $24,042   41,019       $21,149  36,884
                             =======   ======       =======  ======

                             39 Weeks Ended         39 Weeks Ended
                             January 24, 1999       January 25, 1998
                                      Weighted               Weighted
                                      Average                Average
                             Income   Shares         Income  Shares
    Basic earnings per
     share                   $82,597   33,441       $80,215  36,016
    Effect of dilutive securities:
     Stock options                --      454            --     571
     Preferred securities      8,342    5,901            --      --
                             -------   ------       -------  ------
    Diluted earnings per
     share                   $90,939   39,796       $80,215  36,587
                             =======   ======       =======  ======

4)  Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income Balances

    The Company has adopted SFAS 130 "Reporting Comprehensive Income"
    which establishes standards for reporting and displaying
    comprehensive income and its components in a full set of general
    purpose financial statements.  The following reflects the activity
    in the accumulated other comprehensive income balance for the period
    (amounts in thousands):

                           Foreign         Unrealized   Accumulated Other
                           Currency        Gains on      Comprehensive
                            Items          Securities   Income (loss)

    Beginning balance      $(1,759)        $ 298          $(1,461)
    Current period change   (1,030)         (975)          (2,005)
                           -------         -----          -------

    Ending balance         $(2,789)        $(677)         $(3,466)
                           =======         =====          =======


5)  Accounting Period

   The Company's fiscal quarters end in July, October, January and
   April.  Although the third fiscal quarter ended on January 24,
   1999, the Company has included in its consolidated financial
   statements the results of Fleetwood Retail Corp. (FRC), its wholly
   owned housing retail subsidiary, through December 31, 1998.  FCR
   follows a calendar quarter accounting period.

6) Convertible Trust Preferred Securities

   Reference is made to Note 8 in the notes to audited consolidated
   financial statements included in the Company's annual report on
   Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended April 26, 1998.  During fiscal
   1998, Fleetwood Capital Trust (the Trust), a Delaware business trust
   wholly owned by the Company, completed a $287.5 million private
   placement of $5,750,000 shares of 6% Convertible Trust Preferred
   Securities.  The proceeds from the issuance were invested by the Trust
   in 6% convertible subordinated debentures (the Debentures) issued by
   the Company in the aggregate principal amount of $296.4 million,
   maturing on February 15, 2028.  The Debentures are the sole assets of
   the Trust and eliminate in consolidation.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                            FLEETWOOD ENTERPRISES, INC.

                                          Paul M. Bingham
                                          Senior Vice President - Finance
                                          and Chief Financial Officer

January 31, 2000