WASHINGTON, DC   20549


     X              OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

               For the quarterly period ended October 30, 1994


______              OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

          For the transition period from ___________ to ___________

                        Commission File Number 1-7699


(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)


      Delaware                            95-1948322

_______________________       _____________________________________________

(State or other jurisdiction of           (I.R.S. Employer

incorporation or organization)      Identification Number)

3125 Myers Street, Riverside, California  92503-5527


(Address of principal executive offices)        (Zip code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code    (909) 351-3500

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports

required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act

of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the

registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to

such filing requirements for the past 90 days.

                                 Yes      X     No _____

Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's classes

of Common stock as of the close of the period covered by this report.

         Class                      Outstanding at October 30, 1994

_______________________             _____________________________

Common stock, $1 par value          46,037,542 shares

Preferred share purchase rights         --

                          CONDENSED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

      The following unaudited interim condensed financial statements have

been prepared by the Company pursuant to the rules and regulations of the

Securities and Exchange Commission.  Such financial statements have been

reviewed by Arthur Andersen & Co. in accordance with standards established

by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.  As indicated in

their report included herein, Arthur Andersen & Co. does not express an

opinion on these statements.

      Certain information and note disclosures normally included in annual

financial statements prepared in accordance with generally accepted

accounting principles have been condensed or omitted pursuant to those

rules and regulations, although the Company believes that the disclosures

made are adequate to make the information presented not misleading.  In the

Company's opinion, the statements reflect all adjustments (which include

only normal recurring adjustments) necessary to present fairly the results

of operations for the periods ending October 30, 1994 and October 24, 1993

and the balances as of October 30, 1994 and April 24, 1994.  It is

suggested that these condensed financial statements be read in conjunction

with the financial statements and the notes thereto included in the

Company's latest annual report on Form 10-K.





To the board of directors and shareholders of Fleetwood Enterprises, Inc.:

      We have reviewed the accompanying condensed consolidated balance sheet

of FLEETWOOD ENTERPRISES, INC. (a Delaware Corporation) and subsidiaries as

of October 30, 1994, and the related condensed consolidated statements of

income for the  thirteen and twenty-seven week periods ended October 30,

1994, and for the thirteen and twenty-six week periods ended October 24,

1993, the condensed consolidated statement of  cash flows for the twenty-

seven and twenty-six week periods ended October 30, 1994 and October 24,

1993, respectively, and the condensed consolidated statement of changes in

shareholders' equity for the twenty-seven week period ended October 30,

1994.  These condensed consolidated financial statements are the

responsibility of the Company's management.

      We conducted our review in accordance with standards established by

the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.  A review of interim

financial information consists principally of applying analytical procedures

to the financial data and making inquiries of persons responsible for

financial and accounting matters.  It is substantially less in scope than an

audit conducted in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards,

the objective of which is the expression of an opinion regarding the

financial statements taken as a whole.  Accordingly, we do not express such

an opinion.

      Based on our review, we are not aware of any material modifications

that should be made to the condensed consolidated financial statements

referred to above for them to be in conformity with generally accepted

accounting principles.

      We have previously audited, in accordance with generally accepted

auditing standards, the consolidated balance sheet of Fleetwood Enterprises,

Inc. and subsidiaries as of April 24, 1994, and the related consolidated

statements of income, cash flows and changes in shareholders' equity for the

year then ended (not presented herein) and, in our report dated June 23,

1994 we expressed an unqualified opinion on those consolidated financial

statements.  In our opinion, the information set forth in the accompanying

condensed consolidated balance sheet as of April 24, 1994, is fairly stated,

in all material respects, in relation to the consolidated balance sheet from

which it has been derived.

                                             ARTHUR ANDERSEN & CO.

Orange County, California

November 29, 1994



                 (Amounts in thousands except per share data)


                            Thirteen     Thirteen   Twenty-seven  Twenty-six

                             Weeks         Weeks        Weeks        Weeks

                             Ended         Ended        Ended        Ended

                            Oct. 30,     Oct. 24,     Oct. 30,      Oct. 24,

                              1994         1993         1994          1993



   Manufacturing sales     $699,525      $558,756   $1,453,103   $1,087,044

   Finance interest income   10,896         8,689       21,616       17,828

                            -------       -------      -------      -------

                            710,421       567,445    1,474,719    1,104,872


   Cost of products sold    571,799       454,318    1,180,335      886,495

   Operating expenses        99,479        83,759      203,368      162,729

   Finance interest expense   4,524         3,540        9,169        7,518

                            -------       -------      -------      -------

                            675,802       541,617    1,392,872    1,056,742

   Operating income          34,619        25,828       81,847       48,130


   Investment income          2,203         2,935        4,537        5,480

   Interest expense          (1,026)         (622)      (1,844)      (1,195)

   Other                       (181)          554         (192)         594

                              -----         -----        -----        -----

                                996         2,867        2,501        4,879

 Income before provision for income

  taxes and cumulative effect

  of accounting change       35,615        28,695       84,348       53,009

 Provision for

  income taxes              (14,766)      (12,007)     (34,412)     (21,388)

 Minority interest in net loss

  of subsidiary                 360           387          525          580

 Income before cumulative effect

  of accounting change       21,209        17,075       50,461       32,201

 Cumulative effect of change

  in accounting for

  income taxes                   --            --          --        (1,500)

     Net income             $21,209       $17,075      $50,461      $30,701

 Income per share before

  cumulative effect of

  accounting change            $.45          $.37        $1.08         $.70

 Cumulative effect of

  change in accounting

  for income taxes               --            --           --         (.03)

 Net income per Common

  and equivalent share         $.45          $.37        $1.08         $.67

 Dividends declared

  per share of Common

  stock outstanding            $.14         $.125         $.28         $.25

 Common and equivalent

  shares outstanding         46,678        46,208       46,569       46,099

                    See accompanying notes to financial statements.



                           (Amounts in thousands)


                                        October 30,       April 24,

                                           1994             1994



Cash                                    $ 23,952           $ 37,267

Investments                              160,745            121,212


  Manufacturing                          158,979            158,054

  Finance company                        378,340            386,207


  Raw materials                          136,602            117,778

  Work in process and finished products   63,006             65,876

Land held for future development           6,800              6,800

Property, plant and equipment            244,035            220,788

Deferred tax benefits                     65,519             59,084

Other assets                              52,038             51,057

                                      ----------           --------

                                      $1,290,016         $1,224,123


Accounts payable                        $ 95,429           $ 80,568

Commercial paper borrowings

  and long-term debt                     351,775            360,601

Employee compensation and benefits       100,813             98,004

Federal and state taxes on income         (5,231)            (4,323)

Insurance reserves                        44,336             45,343

Other liabilities                        119,192             97,715

    Total liabilities                    706,314            677,908

Contingent liabilities

Minority interest                           (816)              (251)

Shareholders' equity:

  Preferred stock, $1 par value,authorized

    10,000,000 shares, none outstanding       --                 --

  Common stock, $1 par value,authorized

    75,000,000 shares, outstanding 46,038,000

    at October 30, 1994 and 45,996,000

    at April 24, 1994                      46,038            45,996

  Capital surplus                          41,254            40,949

  Retained earnings                       498,662           461,086

  Foreign currency translation

    adjustment                               (782)           (1,565)

  Investment securities

    valuation adjustment                     (654)               --

                                          -------           -------

                                          584,518           546,466

                                       $1,290,016        $1,224,123

                See accompanying notes to financial statements.



                      (Amounts in thousands)


                                           Twenty-seven       Twenty-six

                                           Weeks Ended        Weeks Ended

                                       October 30, 1994     October 24, 1993



Net income                                     $50,461             $30,701

Adjustments to reconcile net income to net

  cash provided by operating activities:

  Depreciation expense                          10,641              8,740

  Amortization of intangibles and goodwill       1,003                907

  Provision for credit losses                    2,946              1,412

  (Gain) loss on sales of property,

    plant and equipment                            192               (594)

  Changes in assets and liabilities:

    (Increase) decrease in

      manufacturing receivables                   (925)            19,540

    (Increase) decrease

      in inventories                           (15,954)             1,601

    Increase in deferred tax benefits           (6,435)            (1,759)

    Increase in other assets                    (1,984)            (7,140)

    Increase in accounts payable                14,861             14,730

    Increase in employee compensation

      and benefits                               2,809              5,017

    Decrease in Federal and

      state taxes on income                       (908)            (7,496)

    Increase (decrease) in

      insurance reserves                        (1,007)             3,178

    Increase in other liabilities               21,477             11,262

  Foreign currency translation adjustment          783               (492)

Net cash provided by operating activities       77,960             79,607


Acquisition of finance receivables            (643,038)          (493,200)

Principal collected on finance receivables     497,959            408,928

Proceeds from sale of retail sales contracts   150,000             93,531

Purchases of investment securities:

  Held-to-maturity                          (3,267,918)        (3,654,107)

  Available-for-sale                          (253,477)          (121,470)

Proceeds from maturity of investment securities:

  Held-to-maturity                           3,267,676          3,643,842

  Available-for-sale                           163,025             20,580

Proceeds from sale of available-for-sale

  investment securities                         50,507             73,127

Purchases of property, plant

  and equipment, net                           (34,080)           (35,603)

Minority interest in subsidiary                   (565)              (580)

Net cash used in investing activities          (69,911)           (64,952)


Proceeds from issuance of commercial paper     928,694            751,249

Principal payments on commercial paper        (937,520)          (730,592)

Principal payments on long-term debt                --            (30,000)

Dividends to shareholders                      (12,885)           (11,418)

Proceeds from exercise of stock options            347                168

Net cash used in financing activities          (21,364)           (20,593)

Decrease in cash                               (13,315)            (5,938)

Cash at beginning of period                     37,267             34,834

Cash at end of period                          $23,952            $28,896

Supplementary disclosures:

  Income taxes paid                            $41,938            $28,943

  Interest paid                                 10,201              8,480

        See accompanying notes to financial statements.




                    (Amounts in thousands)




                                                    Foreign   Secu-

                                                    Currency  rities

                                                    Trans-    Valu-    Total

                  Common Stock                      lation    ation    Share-

                  Number of      Capital  Retained  Adjust-   Adjust- holders'

               Shares    Amount  Surplus  Earnings  ment      ment     Equity



  April 24,

   1994        45,996   $45,996  $40,949  $461,086  $(1,565) $  --    $546,466

  Add (deduct)-

  Net income      --       --         --    50,461      --      --      50,461

  Cash dividends

    declared on

    Common stock  --       --         --   (12,885)     --      --    (12,885)

  Stock options

    exercised      42       42        305       --       --      --       347

  Foreign currency


   adjustment     --       --         --       --       783     --        783




   adjustment     --       --         --       --       --     (654)     (654)


  October 30,

   1994       46,038   $46,038   $41,254  $498,662   $ (782)  $(654)  $584,518

                  See accompanying notes to financial statements.



                               October 30, 1994

1)  Reference to Annual Report

    Reference is made to the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

    included in the Company's Form 10-K annual report for the year ended

    April 24, 1994.


2)  Investment Securities

Effective with the beginning of fiscal year 1995, the Company adopted FAS No.

    115, "Accounting for Certain Investments in Debt and Equity Securities."

    The statement requires that all applicable investments be classified as

    trading securities, available-for-sale securities or held-to-maturity

    securities.  The Company did not have any investments classified as

    trading securities during the periods presented.  The statement further

    requires that held-to-maturity securities be reported at amortized cost

    and available-for-sale securities be reported at fair value, with

    unrealized gains and losses excluded from earnings but reported in a

    separate component of shareholders' equity (net of the effect of income

    taxes) until they are sold.  At the time of sale, any gains or losses,

    calculated by the specific identification method, will be recognized as a

    component of operating results.

The following is a summary of investment securities as of October 30, 1994:

                                                                (Amounts in


                                          Gross       Gross       Estimated

                                Amortized Unrealized  Unrealized  Fair

                                Cost      Gains       Losses      Value


    Available-for-Sale Securities:

      U.S. Treasury securities and

        obligations of U.S.

        government agencies  $ 32,141      $ --       $ 908     $ 31,233

      Obligations of states and

        political subdivisions 39,880         4          86       39,798

      U.S. Corporate securities 1,001        --          --        1,001

      Foreign government

        obligations             8,493        11          57        8,447

      Other debt securities    37,858       336         339       37,855

                             $119,373      $351      $1,390     $118,334

    Held-to-Maturity Securities:

      Foreign government

        obligations          $  1,839     $  --       $  --     $  1,839

      Other debt securities    40,187        --          --       40,187

                              $42,026     $  --       $  --      $42,026

         The amortized cost and estimated fair value of the securities at

    October 30, 1994, by contractual maturity, are shown below.  Expected

    maturities will differ from contractual maturities because the issuers of

    the securities may have the right to prepay obligations without

    prepayment penalties.

                                           (Amounts in thousands)


Cost          Value



      Due in one year or less                   $ 77,628      $ 77,371

      Due after one year through five years       22,787        22,558

      Due after five years through ten years      18,958        18,405

$119,373                            $118,334


      All due in one year or less                $42,026       $42,026

    Investment income for the six months ended October 30, 1994 consisted of

the following:


      Interest income                      $4,281

      Gross realized gains                    298

      Gross realized losses                    (9)

      Investment management fees              (33)






                            (Amounts in thousands)


The following is an analysis of changes in key items included in the

consolidated statements of income for the 13-week and 27-week periods ended

October 30, 1994.


                               Thirteen Weeks Ended   Twenty-seven Weeks Ended

                                 October 30, 1994        October 30, 1994

                               Increase      %         Increase      %

                               (Decrease)  Change      (Decrease)  Change

[S]                             [C]         [C]         [C]          [C]

Manufacturing sales             $140,769    25.2  %     $366,059     33.7  %

Cost of products sold            117,481    25.9         293,840     33.1

  Manufacturing gross profit      23,288    22.3          72,219     36.0

Finance interest income            2,207    25.4           3,788     21.2

Finance interest expense             984    27.8           1,651     22.0

  Net finance revenues             1,223    23.8           2,137     20.7

Selling expenses                  11,953    37.2          27,149     45.0

General and admin. expenses        3,767     7.3          13,490     13.2

  Operating expenses              15,720    18.8          40,639     25.0

  Operating income                 8,791    34.0          33,717     70.1

  Other income (expense)          (1,871) (65.3)          (2,378)   (48.7)

  Income before taxes              6,920    24.1          31,339     59.1

  Provision for income taxes       2,759    23.0          13.024     60.9

  Net income                      $4,134    24.2  %      $19,760     64.4  %


Current Quarter Compared to Same Quarter Last Year

Net income for the quarter ended October 30, 1994 rose 24 percent to

$21,209,000 or 45 cents per share compared to $17,075,000 or 37 cents per

share for the similar period last year.  This was the result of solid

revenue growth from both manufactured housing and recreational vehicles.

Overall revenues reached a new second quarter high of $710.4 million, up 25

percent from $567.4 million a year ago.

Housing revenues of $344.1 million were the highest on record for the

October quarter and 32 percent ahead of last year's $260.5 million.  Housing

unit volume rose 21 percent in the second quarter to 17,542 homes.  Housing

group sales represented 48 percent of total Company revenues compared to 46

percent last year.

Recreational vehicle revenues rose 18 percent in the second quarter to

$344.7 million reflecting good sales gains from towable products and motor

homes.  Motor home sales were up 15 percent to $191.2 million on a 10

percent gain in unit volume to 4,004.  Travel trailer revenues increased 22

percent to $121.0 million on 14 percent unit growth to 8,939.  The Company's

folding trailer division experienced a 2 percent decline in revenues to

$20.3 million as a result of an 11 percent drop in shipments to 4,723 units.

European RV revenues improved to $12.2 million in the second quarter.

Recreational vehicle sales accounted for 49 percent of total Company

revenues, down from 51 percent last year.

The benefits of higher volume were partially offset by rising raw material

costs and a higher than expected loss from the Company's European RV

operation.  Despite improved sales volume in Europe, thin gross profit

margins and high operating costs led to a $1.6 million operating loss for

the quarter.  Management expects that losses in its European operations are

likely to continue throughout the balance of fiscal 1995.

A 26 percent rise in the cost of products sold led to a decline in the gross

margin percentage.  Manufacturing gross profit dropped from 19.2 percent of

sales last year to 18.3 percent, primarily reflecting margin pressure in the

housing group.  Most of the profit margin erosion stemmed from rising raw

material costs which were not fully recovered in the selling prices of

manufactured homes.

Net finance revenues increased $1.2 million or 24 percent primarily due to

higher wholesale loan volume.  Finance interest income as well as finance

interest expense were effected by increasing interest rates; however, the

spread between lending and borrowing rates was largely maintained.

Operating expenses rose $15.7 million or 19 percent to $99.5 million, but

decreased as a percentage of sales from 14.8 percent to 14.0 percent,

reflecting the effect of higher volume.  Selling expenses of $44.1 million

were up nearly $12.0 million or 37 percent.  This was primarily due to

higher costs for product warranty service, sales commissions, sales

promotion and provisions for loan losses.  General and administrative

expenses increased $3.8 million or 7 percent to $55.4 million; however, as a

percentage of revenues these costs declined to 7.8 percent from 9.1 percent

in the prior year.  The dollar increase was primarily due to higher employee

compensation and benefits, largely caused by increased staffing for new

plants and merit increases, accompanied by higher payroll taxes and

retirement plan contributions.

Non-operating income declined $1.9 million or 65 percent due to a 49 percent

drop in net investment income and a $735,000 unfavorable swing in gains and

losses on sales of fixed assets.  The $1.2 million reduction in net interest

income reflects higher interest expense as well as lower investment income.

Higher interest rates and increased borrowing by the European RV operation

led to the rise in interest expense.  The reduced investment income resulted

from a decline in realized gains on sales of investments.

The combined Federal and state income tax rate declined to 41.5 percent

compared to 41.8 percent last year.

Current Year-To-Date Compared to Same Period Last Year

Earnings for the first six months of fiscal 1995 reached $50,461,000 or

$1.08 per share, up 64 percent from $30,701,000 and 67 cents per share in

last year's first half.  Last year's earnings included a $1.5 million charge

(3 cents per share) for a change in accounting for income taxes.  First half

revenues were a record, rising 33 percent to $1.47 billion versus $1.10

billion last year.

Manufactured housing revenues reached a record $696.0 million, up 43 percent

from $488.2 million last year.  Unit shipments for the first half of 1995

totaled 35,901, a gain of 34 percent over last year's same period.  This

improvement resulted from a healthy manufactured housing market and

continued market share growth by Fleetwood.  Industry unit volume grew 21

percent through the first nine months of calendar 1994, but the Company's

home sales during that period were 36 percent ahead of the prior year.

Housing revenues were 47 percent of total Company revenues, up from 44

percent for the similar period last year.

Increased sales of motor homes and travel trailers led to a six-month sales

gain of 25 percent for the RV group.  As a result of a robust market for

recreational vehicles, revenues reached a record $734.6 million in the first

half, up from $585.7 million last year.  Motor home and travel trailer

revenues were both 25 percent ahead of last year's first half, rising to

$411.2 million and $256.4 million, respectively.  Fleetwood's folding

trailer division generated revenues of $41.9 million in the first six

months, up 3 percent over the prior year.  European RV sales improved to

$25.1 million in the first half.  Recreational vehicle sales represented 50

percent of total Company revenues compared to 53 percent last year.

The cost of products sold rose 33 percent, giving rise to a higher gross

margin percentage.  Manufacturing gross profit increased to 18.8 percent of

sales from 18.4 percent last year due to improved RV profit margins.

Improvements in direct labor and manufacturing overhead costs, relative to

sales, more than offset the effect of rising raw material costs.

Net finance revenues rose $2.1 million or 21 percent primarily as a result

of higher wholesale loan volume and increased loan servicing income.

Finance interest income and interest expense were both influenced by higher

interest rates, but the spread between lending and borrowing rates was

essentially maintained.

Operating expenses increased $40.6 million or 25 percent to $203.4 million,

but higher sales volume caused operating expenses to decline as a percentage

of revenues from 14.7 percent to 13.8 percent.  Selling expenses rose $27.1

million or 45 percent to $87.5 million, primarily due to cost increases for

product warranty service, product financing, sales commissions and sales

promotion.  As a percentage of revenues, selling expenses rose from 5.5

percent to 5.9 percent.  General and administrative expenses were up $13.5

million or 13 percent to $115.9 million primarily reflecting increased

staffing and higher management incentive compensation (tied to

profitability), along with increases in related payroll taxes and benefits.

As a percentage of revenues, general and administrative costs declined from

9.3 percent to 7.9 percent.

Non-operating income in the first half of fiscal year 1995 declined $2.4

million or 49 percent to $2.5 million.  The combination of lower investment

income, higher interest expense for the European operation and the absence

of gains on sales of property, plant and equipment led to the decline.  With

respect to investment income, the favorable impact of larger invested

balances and higher yields was more than offset by a decline in realized

gains on sales of investment securities.

The combined Federal and state income tax rate rose to 40.8 percent, up from

40.3 percent last year due to higher accruals for state income taxes.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

The Company generally relies upon internally generated cash flows to fund

capital expenditures and to satisfy working capital needs for its

manufacturing operations.  Positive cash flows from operations during the

first six months of fiscal 1995 resulted in a strengthened cash position as

of October 30, 1994.  Despite healthy capital expenditures and a higher

shareholder dividend, cash and investments rose from $158.5 million in April

1994 to $184.7 million at the end of October 1994.

Cash outflows in the six months ended October 1994 included capital

expenditures of $34.1 million, most of which was related to continuing

capacity expansion in the Company's housing group.  The quarterly

shareholder dividend was increased from a per share rate of 12.5 cents to 14

cents in June 1994 which increased the aggregate dividend payments to $12.9

million for the first half of fiscal 1995.

The Company's finance subsidiary secured cash for lending operations

primarily through the issuance of commercial paper and the sale to investors

of securities backed by retail sales contracts on Fleetwood recreational

vehicles.  In June 1994, Fleetwood Credit Corp. presold $150 million of

asset-backed securities which were fully funded by August 1994.  The

proceeds were principally used to pay down commercial paper debt.

The finance subsidiary uses the commercial paper market to fund both its

wholesale receivables, which are prime rate based, and its fixed-rate retail

installment sale contract receivables prior to their sale in the asset-

backed securities market.  To protect the value of the retail installment

sale contract portfolio from unfavorable changes in interest rates, the

finance subsidiary typically enters into interest rate exchange agreements

or other interest rate hedging transactions during the period between

origination of the receivables and their sale in the asset-backed securities


The finance company maintains a committed revolving credit facility with a

number of major banks to support the issuance of commercial paper.  In

September 1994, Fleetwood Credit Corp. established a new $300 million credit

facility to replace the existing $250 million facility, which is to be used

for general corporate purposes, including commercial paper back-up.

Other Matters

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in the past year has

issued new regulations relating to the construction of manufactured housing

so the homes will be better able to withstand high winds and extreme

temperatures.  Houses manufactured after July 13, 1994 must comply with

construction and installation standards to withstand high winds in certain

"hurricane zones" along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts, including all of

Florida.  The thermal standards, which principally relate to insulation

ratings and the use of storm windows, apply to homes manufactured beginning

October 26,1994.  The wind and thermal standards vary according to the

geographic regions or zones where the houses are sold.

The Company has increased the base retail prices of its homes to cover the

costs of complying with the new standards as well as the profit on these

costs.  With respect to the wind standard, the increase in the average

retail price of homes resulting from such cost increases ranges from 7

percent to 15 percent, depending on the geographic region and whether a home

is single-section or multi-section.  The increase in the average retail

price of homes resulting from the cost of compliance with the thermal

standard generally ranges from 7 percent to 8 percent.  The Company does not

believe that the cost increases resulting from these new standards will have

a material effect on the Company's sales or gross profit margins.

                      PART II         OTHER  INFORMATION

Item 4.  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

At Fleetwood's Annual Meeting of Shareholders held on September 13, 1994, the

following directors were elected to three-year terms to Fleetwood's Board of

Directors:  Glenn F. Kummer, Dale T. Skinner and Thomas A. Fuentes.  The

following directors continued in office after the meeting, but were not

elected at the meeting:  John C. Crean, William W. Weide, Andrew Crean, Dr.

Douglas M. Lawson and Walter F. Beran.

The shareholder votes on the elections were as follows:

                                  For                   Withheld Vote

    Glenn F. Kummer           39,515,772                 278,104

    Dale T. Skinner           39,510,048                 283,828

    Thomas A. Fuentes         39,514,086                 279,790

In addition, the shareholders approved the adoption of the Senior Executive

Incentive Compensation Plan which was approved by the Compensation Committee

of the Board of Directors on April 21, 1994 and ratified by the Board of

Directors on June 14, 1994.  The shareholder vote on the proposed plan was as


         For:             37,424,334

         Against:          1,704,583

         Abstain:            664,959

The shareholders also approved the adoption of the Company's Amended and

Restated Long-Term Incentive Plan which was adopted by the Board of Directors

on March 8, 1994.  The shareholder vote on the proposed plan was as follows:

         For:             37,826,491

         Against:          1,240,611

         Abstain:            726,774

The total number of shares of Fleetwood Common stock outstanding as of July

20, 1994, the record date for the Annual Meeting, was 45,995,542 shares.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the

registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the

undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                          FLEETWOOD ENTERPRISES, INC.


                                          Paul M. Bingham

                                          Financial Vice President

                                          and Chief Financial Officer

December 8, 1994

                          FLEETWOOD ENTERPRISES, INC.


                            FINANCIAL DATA SCHEDULE