WASHINGTON, DC   20549


     X               OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                For the quarterly period ended October 26, 1997



       For the transition period from ___________ to ___________

                      Commission File Number 1-7699

                    FLEETWOOD ENTERPRISES, INC.               
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
           (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

            Delaware                     95-1948322
_______________________               _________________________
(State or other jurisdiction of      (I.R.S. Employer Identification
incorporation or organization)        Number)

3125 Myers Street, Riverside, California	92503-5527
(Address of principal executive offices)   (Zip code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code  (909) 351-3500

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports 
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act 
of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that 
the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been 
subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days.

           Yes   X        No _____

Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's classes 
of Common stock as of the close of the period covered by this report.

Class                                 Outstanding at October 26, 1997
- -----------------------               -------------------------------
Common stock, $1 par value             35,979,799  shares

Preferred share purchase rights              --


                 (Amounts in thousands except per share data)

                          Thirteen   Thirteen  Twenty-six  Twenty-six
                          Weeks      Weeks     Weeks       Weeks
                          Ended      Ended     Ended       Ended
                          Oct. 26    Oct. 27   Oct. 26     Oct. 27
                          1997       1996      1997        1996


Sales                     $769,089   $748,780  $1,497,543  $1,500,025
Cost of products sold      617,909    607,268   1,212,694   1,212,609
                          --------   --------   ---------  ----------
  Gross profit             151,180    141,512     284,849     287,416

Operating expenses         106,730    100,585     191,325     201,811
                          --------   --------    --------   ---------

  Operating income          44,450     40,927      93,524      85,605

Other income (expense):
  Investment income          2,580      2,660       4,873       8,054
  Interest expense            (895)    (1,024)     (1,774)     (2,474)
  Other                       (273)      (187)       (417)       (207)
                            ------     ------       -----       -----
                             1,412      1,449       2,682       5,373
                           -------     ------       -----       -----

Income from continuing operations
  before income taxes       45,862     42,376      96,206      90,978

Provision for income 
  taxes                    (17,738)   (16,604)    (37,140)    (35,874)
                            ------     -------     -------    -------

Income from continuing 
  operations                28,124     25,772      59,066      55,104

Income from discontinued operations:
  Income from operations 
   of finance subsidiary (net of
   income taxes)                --         --          --         887
Gain on sale of finance 
  subsidiary (net on
   income taxes)                --         --          --      33,891
                           -------      -----       ------     ------
                                --         --          --      34,778
                           -------      -----       ------     ------

Net income                 $28,124    $25,772      $59,066    $89,882
                           =======    =======      =======    =======

Net income per Common and
  equivalent share:
  Continuing operations       $.77       $.68        $1.61      $1.32
  Discontinued operations:
    Income from operations of
      finance subsidiary      --           --           --        .02
    Gain on sale of finance
      subsidiary              --           --           --        .82
                           ------       -------       ------     -----

  Total                      $.77        $.68        $1.61      $2.15
                           ======       =====       ======      =====

  Dividends declared
   per share
   of Common stock 
   outstanding               $.17        $.16         $.34       $.32
                           ======       =====         ====       ====

 Common and equivalent
  shares outstanding       36,514      37,837       36,584     41,877
                          =======      ======       ======     ======

                    See accompanying notes to financial statements.



                         OCTOBER 26, 1997

1)   Reference to Annual Report

Reference is made to the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements 
included in the Company's Form 10-K annual report for the year ended 
April 27, 1997.

2)  Industry Segment Information

    Information with respect to industry segments for the periods ending 
October 26, 1997 and October 27, 1996 is shown below:

                            13 Weeks    13 Weeks     26 Weeks     26 Weeks
                            Ended       Ended        Ended        Ended
                            Oct. 26,    Oct. 27,     Oct. 26,     Oct. 27,
                            1997        1996         1997         1996


    Manufactured housing   $390,652    $385,497      $757,301      $762,642
    Recreational vehicles   366,654     348,835	      717,347	    706,689
    Supply operations        11,783      14,448	       22,895	     30,694

                           $769,089    $748,780	   $1,497,543	 $1,500,025
                           ========    ========    ==========    ==========

    Manufactured housing    $25,309     $24,563	      $41,139      $54,008
    Recreational vehicles    17,944      19,704	       34,057       38,813
    Supply operations         3,860          78	        7,252        1,471
    Corporate and other*     (2,663)     (3,418)       11,076	    (8,687)

                            $44,450     $40,927       $93,524      $85,605
                            =======     =======       =======      =======

    * Including adjustments and eliminations.

3)  Change in Estimate of Insurance Reserves

    In July 1997, the Company recorded a $19.3 million change in estimate 
in its products liability reserves and concurrently paid a $3.1 million 
premium to an outside insurance company to lower its self-insured 
retention (i.e.,deductible) on its products liability insurance.  The net
effect of these transactions was an addition to operating income of $16.2
million ($10.4 million after tax or 28 cents per share).


(Amounts in thousands)

The following is an analysis of changes in key items included in the 
consolidated statements of income for the 13-week and 26-week periods ended 
October 26, 1997.  The amounts shown below apply only to continuing 

                          Thirteen Weeks Ended      Twenty-six Weeks Ended
                            October 26, 1997           October 26, 1997
                          Increase       %          Increase        %
                          (Decrease)   Change       (Decrease)    Change
Sales                      $20,309      2.7%        $(2,482)       (.2)%
Cost of products sold       10,641      1.8              85         --
                           -------      ----         ------         ---
  Gross profit               9,668      6.8          (2,567)       (.9)

Selling expenses             5,516     12.4           9,407       10.7
General and admin. expenses    629      1.1         (19,893)     (17.4)
                            -------    ----          ------       ----

Operating expenses           6,145      6.1         (10,486)      (5.2)
                             -----     ----         -------       ----
  Operating income           3,523      8.6           7,919        9.3

Other income (expense)         (37)    (2.6)         (2,691)     (50.1)

Income before taxes          3,486      8.2           5,228        5.7

Provision for income taxes   1,134      6.8           1,266        3.5

Net income                  $2,352      9.1%         $3,962        7.2%
                            ======      ===          ======        ===

Current Quarter Compared to Same Quarter Last Year

Net income for the quarter ended October 26, 1997 increased nine 
percent to a record $28.1 million or 77 cents per share compared to 
$25.8 million or 68 cents per share in last year's similar period.  A 
rebound in profitability for the manufactured housing and supply 
groups stimulated the second quarter earnings gain, which was 
partially offset by lower recreational vehicle earnings.

Total revenues rose three percent to a record $769.1 million in the 
second quarter, up from $748.8 million a year ago, largely due to 
higher recreational vehicle sales.

Recreational vehicle revenues reached $366.6 million, five percent 
ahead of last year's $348.8 million.  Motor home revenues of $215.2 
million were almost unchanged from last year's second quarter, 
despite an 11 percent decline in unit volume to 3,144 motor homes.  
Towable RV products did considerably better as both travel trailers 
and folding trailers produced sales gains.  Travel trailer revenues 
were up 11 percent to $122.7 million as unit volume rose five percent 
to 8,319.  Folding trailer sales jumped 31 percent to $28.7 million 
on a 15 percent gain in shipments to 5,472 units.  Recreational 
vehicle sales accounted for 48 percent of total Company revenues, up 
from 47 percent last year.

Manufactured housing revenues for the second quarter were a record 
$390.7 million, up about one percent from last year's comparable 
period.  A total of 17,248 homes were sold in the quarter, three 
percent below last year's similar period, but the number of floors 
shipped were two percent higher due to a heavier mix of multi-section 
homes.  Housing group sales represented 51 percent of total Company 
revenues which was unchanged from last year's second quarter.

Fleetwood's supply operations contributed second quarter revenues of 
$11.8 million compared to last year's $14.4 million.

Gross profit rose as a percentage of sales from 18.9 percent to 19.7 
percent, as improved manufactured housing margins more than offset 
lower RV margins.

Operating expenses increased six percent to $106.7 million, and rose 
as a percentage of sales from 13.4 percent to 13.9 percent.  Selling 
expenses climbed 12 percent to $50.0 million primarily reflecting 
higher sales promotion and advertising costs.  As a percentage of 
sales, selling expenses rose from 5.9 percent to 6.5 percent.  
General and administrative expenses increased one percent to $56.7 
million, but declined as a percentage of sales from 7.5 percent to 
7.4 percent.  The dollar increase was primarily a result of higher 
management incentive compensation, which is directly related to 
improved profits.

The effective tax rate decreased from 39.2 percent to 38.7 percent 
primarily because of reduced state income tax accruals.

Current Year-To-Date Compared to Same Period Last Year

Earnings from continuing operations for the first six months of 
fiscal 1998 rose seven percent to $59.1 million or $1.61 per share 
versus $55.1 million and $1.32 per share for last year's first half.  
Earnings per share increased an even greater 22 percent due to fewer 
outstanding shares stemming from large share repurchases last year.  
The current year earnings improvement resulted from a gain of $10.4 
million or 28 cents per share from a non-recurring insurance 
transaction as explained in a following paragraph (see Change in 
Estimate of Insurance Reserves).

Last year's first half included income from discontinued operations 
of $34.8 million or 83 cents per share which, when added to income 
from continuing operations, resulted in total earnings of $89.9 
million or $2.15 per share.  The income from discontinued operations 
reflected an after-tax gain of $33.9 million or 81 cents per share 
from the sale of the Company's RV finance subsidiary.

Six-month RV revenues totaled $717.3 million, a two percent gain over 
last year's first half.  This improvement resulted from a six percent 
increase in travel trailer sales and a strong 35 percent gain in 
folding trailer volume.  Travel trailer sales totaled $242.0 million 
and folding trailers reached a record volume of $52.7 million.  
Travel trailer shipments were up one percent to 16,873 units and 
folding trailer unit volume rose 23 percent to 10,192 units.  The 
motor home division recorded first half revenues of $422.7 million, 
off four percent from last year's record pace, while shipments 
dropped 16 percent to 6,461 units.  This reflects a shift in product 
mix toward higher-priced and more fully-featured Class A motor homes.  
RV revenues, as a percentage of total Company revenues, increased 
from 47 percent a year ago to 48 percent in the current year.

For the first six months of fiscal 1998, housing revenues eased one 
percent to $757.3 million on a five percent drop in shipments to 
33,607 homes.  A shift to higher-priced multi-section homes resulted 
in a one percent increase in floor shipments.  Housing revenues 
remained unchanged from last year at 51 percent of total Company 

For the six months, supply operations generated revenues of $22.9 
million versus $30.7 million in last year's first half.

Gross profit margin for the first half of fiscal 1998 declined from 
19.2 percent to 19.0 percent.  Both housing and recreational vehicle 
groups experienced higher direct labor and manufacturing overhead 
costs that more than offset material cost reductions.

Operating expenses, which included the effect of the change in 
estimate of insurance reserves, fell five percent to $191.3 million, 
and also decreased as a percentage of sales from 13.5 percent to 12.8 
percent.  As a percentage of sales, selling expenses were up from 5.8 
percent a year ago to 6.5 percent, while general and administrative 
expenses fell from 7.6 percent to 6.3 percent this year.  Selling 
expenses increased 11 percent to $97.0 million primarily due to 
higher promotional and advertising costs and product warranty and 
service expenses.  General and administrative expenses declined 17 
percent to $94.4 million reflecting the aforementioned insurance 
adjustment and slightly reduced management incentive compensation for 
the first half of fiscal 1998.

Non-operating income of $2.7 million was off 50 percent on lower 
investment income.  Investment income was down 39 percent to $4.9 
million, reflecting higher cash balances available for investment 
last year primarily as a result of the sale of Fleetwood Credit Corp.

The effective tax rate for the current year was 38.6 percent compared 
to 39.4 percent last year, largely reflecting reduced state income 
tax accruals.

Change in Estimate of Insurance Reserves

The Company self insures its primary layer of products liability 
risk.  Products liability reserves are based upon claims projections 
from an independent actuarial study.  There can be significant 
variability in claims experience from year to year, and there is 
typically a long loss development period for products cases.  
Accordingly, actuarial projections are updated annually to reflect 
current loss development trends, which results in frequent 
adjustments to reserves for prior years' cases.  Because of the 
variability and long loss development of products liability claims, 
the Company actuary has consistently followed conservative reserving 
practices.  In July 1997, after several years of favorable claims 
experience, the Company was able to lower its self-insured retention 
(i.e., deductible) from $47.5 million to $18.7 million (of which 
losses of $9.3 million have been paid) for a five-year underwriting 
period between 1991 and 1995 by entering into a commercial insurance 
contract.  Prior to entering into the insurance contract, the Company 
carefully reviewed the economics of the transaction and its 
implications as to current reserve levels.  The Company concluded 
that, based upon recent favorable loss development trends (a factor 
that was clearly confirmed by the proposed insurance arrangement), a 
change in estimate of reserves was appropriate.  The outcome was a 
$19.3 million adjustment to estimated reserves, offset by a $3.1 
million premium for the outside insurance.  This resulted in an 
addition to operating income of $16.2 million before taxes, and an 
increase to after-tax earnings of $10.4 million or 28 cents per 

Liquidity and Capital Resources

The Company generally relies upon internally generated cash flows to 
satisfy working capital needs and to fund capital expenditures.  Cash 
generated from operations improved to $92.2 million for the first 
half of fiscal 1998 compared to $53.4 million last year.  This change 
primarily reflects a $30.3 million difference in the change in 
inventory levels, year over year.

Last year's cash flows included $132.2 million, net of income taxes, 
received from the sale of Fleetwood Credit Corp.  These proceeds, 
along with the sale of investment securities, yielded net cash from 
investing activities of $295.0 million in last year's first half, 
most of which was used to make share repurchases.  In the first six 
months of last year, the Company purchased approximately 23 percent 
of its outstanding Common stock at a cost of $311.7 million.  Also, 
$25.0 million in long-term debt was retired last year.

Cash outlays in the current year included $12.2 million in dividends 
to shareholders and $13.7 million for capital expenditures.  This 
compares with $13.0 million and $22.3 million, respectively, last 

Millennium Computer Project

The Company is dependent on a cluster of centralized computers to 
provide data in support of vital company-wide operational and 
accounting functions.  Many of the computer routines used to generate 
this data were programmed in-house, following the common practice of 
using only two digits to designate a year.  As a consequence, as we 
approach the year 2000, programs with date-related logic will not be 
able to distinguish between the years 1900 and 2000, potentially 
causing software and hardware to fail, generate erroneous 
calculations or present information in an unusable form.  In 
recognition of this potential, the Company launched a "Year 2000" 
conversion project in February 1996 to correct and fully test all 
offending computer codes by mid-1998.  At this date, the project is 
progressing as planned and is expected to be completed on schedule.  
Given these efforts, management does not anticipate any appreciable 
impact on Company operations consequent to the use of the Company's 
computer systems in the new millennium.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the 
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the 
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                         FLEETWOOD ENTERPRISES, INC.

                                         Paul M. Bingham
                                         Senior Vice President - Finance
                                         and Chief Financial Officer

June 24, 1998