WASHINGTON, DC   20549



              For the quarterly period ended July 27, 1997



             For the transition period from ___________ to __________

                  Commission File Number 1-7699

                  FLEETWOOD ENTERPRISES, INC.          
         (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

     Delaware                    95-1948322
_______________________          _______________________________
(State or other jurisdiction of  (I.R.S. Employer Identification Number)
incorporation or organization)  

3125 Myers Street, Riverside, California 	92503-5527
(Address of principal executive offices)       (Zip code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code    (909)  351-3500

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports 
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act 
of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the 
registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to 
such filing requirements for the past 90 days.

                                 Yes     X    No 
                                      -------    -----
Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's classes 
of Common stock as of the close of the period covered by this report.

     Class                        Outstanding at July 27, 1997
- -------------------------         --------------------------- 
Common stock, $1 par value        35,940,799   shares

Preferred share purchase rights     --


                 (Amounts in thousands except per share data)

                                      Thirteen           Thirteen
                                      Weeks Ended        Weeks Ended
                                      July 27, 1997      July 28, 1996


Sales                                 $728,454           $751,245
Cost of products sold                  594,785            605,341
                                      --------           --------
  Gross profit                         133,669            145,904

Operating expenses                      84,595            101,226
                                      --------            --------

  Operating income                      49,074             44,678

Other income (expense):
  Investment income                      2,293              5,394
  Interest expense                        (879)            (1,450)
  Other                                   (144)               (20)
                                       --------            -------
                                         1,270              3,924
                                       --------            -------

Income from continuing operations
  before income taxes                   50,344             48,602

Provision for income taxes             (19,402)           (19,270)
                                       -------             ------

Income from continuing operations       30,942             29,332

Income from discontinued operations:
  Income from operations of finance
   subsidiary (less applicable income
   taxes of $511)                           --                887
Gain on sale of finance subsidiary
   (net of income taxes of $19,607)         --             33,891
                                       --------           -------
                                            --             34,778
                                       --------           -------
Net income                             $30,942            $64,110
                                       =======            =======
Net income per Common and
  equivalent share:
  Continuing operations                   $.84               $.64
  Discontinued operations:
    Income from operations of
      finance subsidiary                   --                 .02
    Gain on sale of finance
      subsidiary                           --                 .74
                                       -------            -------
  Total                                   $.84              $1.40
                                          ====              =====
  Dividends declared per share
   of Common stock outstanding            $.17               $.16
                                          ====               ====
 Common and equivalent
  shares outstanding                    36,668             45,916
                                       =======             ======

             See accompanying notes to financial statements.



                   JULY 27, 1997

1)   Reference to Annual Report

Reference is made to the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements 
included in the Company's Form 10-K annual report for the year ended 
April 27, 1997.

2)   Industry Segment Information

     Information with respect to industry segments for the periods ending 
July 27, 1997 and July 28, 1996 is shown below:

                                   13 Weeks Ended    13 Weeks Ended
                                    July 27, 1997     July 28, 1996

    Manufactured housing             $366,649	           $377,145
    Recreational vehicles             350,693	            357,854
    Supply operations                  11,112	              6,246
                                     --------              ---------

                                     $728,454              $751,245
                                     ========              ========


    Manufactured housing              $15,830              $29,893
    Recreational vehicles              16,113               19,837
    Supply operations                   3,392                1,464
    Corporate and other*               13,739	            (6,516)
                                     --------               -------
                                      $49,074               $44,678
                                      =======               =======

    *  Including adjustments and eliminations.

3)  Change in Estimate of Insurance Reserves

    In July 1997, the Company recorded a $19.3 million change in estimate 
in its products liability reserves and concurrently paid a $3.1 
million premium to an outside insurance company to lower its self-
insured retention (i.e., deductible) on its products liability insurance.
The net effect of these transactions was an addition to operating income 
of $16.2 million ($10.4 million after tax or 28 cents per share).


                        (Amounts in thousands)

The following is an analysis of changes in key items included in the 
consolidated statements of income for the 13-week period ended July 27, 
1997 compared to the 13-week period ended July 28, 1996.  The amounts shown 
below apply only to continuing operations.

                                            Thirteen Weeks Ended
                                             July 27, 1997     

                                            Increase         %
                                           (Decrease)      Change
Sales                                      $(22,791)       (3.0)%
Cost of products sold                       (10,556)       (1.7)
                                           ---------       ----
   Gross profit                             (12,235)       (8.4)

Selling expenses                              3,891         9.0
General and administrative expenses         (20,522)      (35.3)
                                           --------        ----
Operating expenses                          (16,631)      (16.4)

  Operating income                            4,396         9.8

Other income (expense)                       (2,654)      (67.6)

Income before taxes                           1,742         3.6

Provision for income taxes                      132          .7

Net income                                   $1,610         5.5%
                                             ======         ====

Current Quarter Compared to Same Quarter Last Year

Income from continuing operations in the first quarter of fiscal 1998 
was $30,942,000 or 84 cents per share, and included $10,400,000 or 28 
cents per share from a non-recurring insurance transaction.  This 
compares to $29,332,000 or 64 cents per share a year ago.  Per share 
earnings from continuing operations were up 31 percent in fiscal 1998 
due to fewer outstanding shares stemming from large share repurchases 
last year.
Last year's first quarter included income from discontinued 
operations of $34.8 million or 76 cents per share which, when added 
to income from continuing operations, resulted in total earnings of 
$64.1 million or $1.40 per share in the year ago period.  The income 
from discontinued operations reflected an after-tax gain of $33.9 
million or 74 cents per share on the sale of Fleetwood Credit Corp., 
the Company's RV finance subsidiary, and two cents per share for the 
final month of finance company operations.

Consolidated operating income was ten percent ahead of last year's 
first quarter due to a change in estimate of insurance reserves 
discussed below (see Change in Estimate of Insurance Reserves).  
Operating income from manufacturing operations was 26 percent behind 
the prior year reflecting lower gross margins and higher operating 
costs in the manufactured housing segment.  In the past year, the 
Company has added five new housing factories which has increased 
fixed operating costs, and this has been accompanied by lower 
operating rates and reduced housing revenues.  In addition, the 
Company incurred a loss of approximately $2.2 million before taxes 
due to flood damage at its Mississippi manufactured housing 
operation, and was also saddled with plant startup and plant shutdown 
costs totaling about $3.0 million.  Recreational vehicle profits were 
also off from last year's strong first quarter because of slower 
motor home sales and non-recurring costs related to a realignment of 
motor home plant production.

Slower sales of both manufactured housing and recreational vehicles 
led to a three percent decline in consolidated revenues from $751.2 
million to $728.5 million.

Manufactured housing revenues slipped three percent to $366.6 million 
on a six percent decline in unit sales to 16,359 homes.  A higher mix 
of multi-section homes, which rose from 47 percent to 55 percent, 
resulted in a moderate one percent decline in floor shipments.  
Housing group sales represented 50 percent of total Company revenues, 
which was virtually identical to last year's percentage.

Recreational vehicle revenues in the first quarter totaled $350.7 
million compared to $357.9 million in last year's strong first 
period.  A seven percent decline in motor home sales was partially 
offset by higher sales of towable RV products.  Motor home revenues 
eased to $207.5 million on a 21 percent decline in shipments to 3,317 
units.  In the towable category, travel trailer sales rose two 
percent to $119.3 million on a three percent decline in unit sales to 
8,554, while folding trailer revenues jumped 40 percent to $23.9 
million on a 34 percent unit volume increase to 4,720 units.  As in 
the prior year, recreational vehicle sales accounted for 48 percent 
of total Company revenues.

The Company's supply group recorded sales of $11.1 million in the 
July quarter compared to $16.2 million in last year's similar period.

Manufacturing gross profit declined as a percentage of sales from 
19.4 percent to 18.3 percent primarily due to lower manufactured 
housing margins stemming from more competitive pricing.  Recreational 
vehicle margins were also off from last year's strong first quarter, 
largely as a result of less efficient motor home operations and 
slimmer travel trailer margins caused by West Coast pricing 

Operating expenses of $84.6 million, which included the effect of the 
change in estimate of insurance reserves, were down 16 percent from 
last year's similar period, while declining as a percentage of sales 
from 13.5 percent to 11.6 percent.  Selling expenses were up nine 
percent to $47.0 million, primarily reflecting higher housing 
marketing expenses as well as increased product warranty and service 
costs.  As a percentage of sales, selling expenses rose from 5.7 
percent to 6.5 percent.  General and administrative expenses declined 
35 percent to $37.6 million, and decreased as a percentage of sales 
from 7.7 percent to 5.2 percent.  This reduction was primarily 
related to the aforementioned change in estimate of insurance 
reserves, but also included lower management incentive compensation 
resulting from the decline in profits.  Also included in general and 
administrative costs was the $2.2 million flood loss mentioned 

Non-operating income of $1.3 million was off 68 percent from the 
prior year due to a decline in investment income.  Income from 
investments of $2.3 million was 57 percent below last year's first 
quarter, largely due to significantly higher cash balances that were 
available for investment last year, most of which arose from the sale 
of Fleetwood Credit Corp.

The effective income tax rate declined to 38.5 percent in the first 
quarter from 39.6 percent a year ago, primarily as a result of lower 
state income tax accruals.  The lower tax rate added about 1.5 cents 
per share to earnings.

Change in Estimate of Insurance Reserves

The Company self insures its primary layer of products liability 
risk.  Products liability reserves are based upon claims projections 
from an independent actuarial study.  There can be significant 
variability in claims experience from year to year, and there is 
typically a long loss development period for products cases.  
Accordingly, actuarial projections are updated annually to reflect 
current loss development trends, which results in frequent 
adjustments to reserves for prior years' cases.  Because of the 
variability and long loss development of products liability claims, 
the Company actuary has consistently followed conservative reserving 
practices.  In July 1997, after several years of favorable claims 
experience, the Company was able to lower its self-insured retention 
(i.e., deductible) from $47.5 million to $18.7 million (of which 
losses of $9.3 million have been paid) for a five-year underwriting 
period between 1991 and 1995 by entering into a commercial insurance 
contract.  Prior to entering into the insurance contract, the Company 
carefully reviewed the economics of the transaction and its 
implications as to current reserve levels.  The Company concluded 
that, based upon recent favorable loss development trends (a factor 
that was clearly confirmed by the proposed insurance arrangement), a 
change in estimate of reserves was appropriate.  The outcome was a 
$19.3 million adjustment to estimated reserves, offset by a $3.1 
million premium for the outside insurance.  This resulted in an 
addition to operating income of $16.2 million before taxes, and an 
increase to after-tax earnings of $10.4 million or 28 cents per 

Liquidity and Capital Resources

The Company generally relies upon internally generated cash flows to 
satisfy working capital needs and to fund capital expenditures.  The 
Company's cash equivalents (cash plus investments) totaled $132.2 
million at the end of July compared to $110.4 million at the end of 
April.  Cash flow from operations decreased to $29.3 million in the 
first quarter compared to $41.0 million in the prior year, primarily 
as a result of the decline in profitability.

Cash received during last year's first quarter included the proceeds 
from the sale of Fleetwood Credit Corp., which totaled $132.2 million 
net of income taxes.

During last year's first quarter, the Company completed a Dutch 
Auction tender offer resulting in the purchase of 7.7 million shares, 
or approximately 17 percent of its outstanding Common stock, at a 
cost of $240.5 million.

Cash outflows during the current quarter included $6.1 million for 
quarterly dividends to shareholders and $8.4 million  in capital 


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the 
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the 
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                       FLEETWOOD ENTERPRISES, INC.

                                       Paul M. Bingham
                                       Senior Vice President - Finance
                                       and Chief Financial Officer

June 24, 1998