N M Rothschild & Sons Limited
                 New Court, St. Swithin's Lane
                        London, EC4P 4DU
                    Registered Number 925279

                                                    July 11, 1996

141 Union Blvd., Suite 100
Lakewood, Colorado 80228

Dear Sirs:

Further to our recent discussions, we write to advise USMX OF
ALASKA, INC., the wholly-owned subsidiary of USMX, INC. (with
USMX of Alaska, Inc. referred to herein as "USMX" or "you") that
in principle, as contemplated by the Credit Agreement dated as of
July 11, 1996 (the "Credit Agreement") by and between USMX OF
ALASKA, INC. and NM Rothschild & Sons Limited ("NMR"), we are
prepared to deal with you on an uncommitted basis in spot and
forward gold and silver transactions and in gold and silver
options subject to the terms and conditions of this letter.

1.   Effective Date

     The arrangements in this letter will be effective on:

             (a)    your acceptance of such arrangements in
             accordance with the terms of this letter; and

             (b)    receipt by us of all the documents listed in
             the Schedule to this letter in form and substance
             satisfactory to us.

     Our entry into any transaction under this letter is also
     conditional upon you being in compliance at the relevant
     time with the terms and conditions of, and there being no
     breach of or default under (including any conditions which
     with the passing of time or the giving of notice or the
     occurrence of any other event, might constitute such a

     breach or default) this letter.

2.   Single Agreement

     Each party acknowledges that this letter, any confirmation
     in writing (a "Confirmation"), including any telex or
     facsimile communication from either party to the other,
     evidencing and setting out the principal terms of a Spot,
     Option or Forward (as each such transaction is defined
     below) agreed between the parties and all Spots, Options and
     Forwards entered into at any time pursuant to this letter,
     shall constitute a single agreement between the parties, it
     being understood that the parties would not otherwise enter
     into any such Spot, Option or Forward.

3.   Maturity

     Notwithstanding any other provision of this letter, no
     Option shall expire and no Forward shall mature after
     December 31, 1999.

4.   Options

A.   Granting of Options

             (i)    Subject always to our mutual agreement as to
             terms, either party (the "Writer") may from time to
             time grant the other (the "Buyer") an option (an
             "Option") entitling, but not obliging, the Buyer to
             purchase from (a "Call Option") or sell to (a "Put
             Option") the Writer a specified quantity of Metal
             (the "Metal Quantity") at a stated or defined price
             per unit of Metal according to market practice (the
             "Strike Price"), no later than a specified time (the
             "Expiration Time") on a specified day (the "Expiry

             (ii)   In this letter "Option" means a Put Option or
             a Call Option and "Options" means Put Options and/or
             Call Options.

B.   Option Premium

     In consideration of the Writer granting an Option to the
     Buyer, the Buyer will pay to the Writer an option premium
     agreed at the time the Option is granted no later than two
     Business Days after the date on which the Option is granted.

C.   Exercise of Options

             (i)    Exercise Date

                    Unless otherwise agreed, an Option under this
             letter may be exercised only on its Expiry Date.
             However, the parties may from time to time agree to
             enter into other types of Options on terms to be
             agreed between us.

             (ii)   Automatic Exercise

                    If the Writer has not received notice of
             exercise (where such exercise is possible under the
             terms of the Option) prior to the Expiration Time of
             an Option having positive Option Value for the
             Buyer, the Writer will immediately (and
             automatically) exercise such Option on the Buyer's
             behalf in accordance with paragraph 4.C.(iii)
             without further reference to the Buyer ("Automatic

     (iii)   Settlement

                    Subject to paragraph 4.C.(iv), immediately
             upon Automatic Exercise an Option will be
             automatically converted into a sale by the Writer to
             the Buyer (in the case of a Call Option) or a
             purchase by the Writer from the Buyer (in the case
             of a Put Option) at the Transaction Value for
             Settlement (as defined below) two Business Days (the
             "Settlement Date") after such exercise.

     (iv)    Cash Settlement

                    Where the Option so requires or where the
             parties so agree at the time the Option is entered
             into, settlement by the parties shall be by delivery
             or receipt of the positive Option Value of such
             Option on the Settlement Date.

     (v)     Alternative Settlement

                    As an alternative to Settlement of an
             exercised Option you may settle by requesting us to
             convert the relevant maturing spot transaction into
             a Forward.

     (vi)    Default Settlement

                    If you do not specify which method of
             settlement available to you under this paragraph 4
             you wish to adopt before 10:00 a.m. London time on
             the day falling two Business Days prior to the
             Settlement Date, we shall settle such transaction in
             accordance with Clause 4.C.(iv).

     (vii)   In this letter,-

                         (a)  "Option Value" at any time means,
                    in the case of a Call Option, Market Value
                    minus Transaction Value and, in the case of a
                    Put Option, Transaction Value minus Market
                    Value; and

                         (b)  "Market Value" in relation to
                    Options means the product of (x) the Metal
                    Quantity and (y) the then prevailing market
                    bid (in the case of a Call Option) or offered
                    (in the case of a Put Option) price for the
                    Metal for settlement on the Settlement Date.

                         (c)  "Transaction Value" means the
                    amount equal to the product of the Metal
                    Quantity and the Strike Price.

D.   Expiry/Cancellation

     Subject to Automatic Exercise an Option shall expire on its
     stated Expiry Date without value if not exercised by such

5.   Forward and Spot Transactions

A.   Purchase and Sale

     (i)     Spot Transactions

                    We may purchase from you and/or sell to you
             Metal for Settlement two Business Days thereafter at
             a price (the "Spot Price") which you may choose to
                         i)   our loco London spot price
                    prevailing at the time you wish to deal; or

                         ii)  in the case of gold, the morning or
                    afternoon US Dollar London Gold Market Fixing
                    Price; or

                         iii) in the case of silver, the spot US
                    Dollar London Silver Market Fixing Price,

                    in each case on the day of entering into the
             transaction (each such transaction a "Spot").

     (ii)    Forward Transactions

                    We may purchase from you and/or sell to you
             Metal for settlement on a specified future date (the
             "Maturity Date") on the basis of a price (the
             "Forward Price") determined in accordance with the
             provisions of this letter (each such transaction a

     (iii)   Fixed or Floating Forwards

                    Each Forward shall have a Forward Price
             comprising the Spot Price on the day of entering
             into the Forward and a forward premium determined in
             accordance with the terms of this letter on a fixed
             rate basis (a "Fixed Rate Forward") or on a Floating
             rate basis ("Floating Rate Forward").

B.   Fixed Rate Forwards

     (i)     Premium

                    Unless the parties agree otherwise and
             subject to paragraph 5.D., the forward premium for a
             Fixed Rate Forward will be determined by reference
             to the then prevailing market interest rates for the
             period of the Forward applied to the Spot Price.
             The forward premium will be calculated on an annual
             basis based on a 360-day year.

     (ii)    Settlement

                    You may settle any Fixed Rate Forward on its
             Maturity Date on giving us not less than two
             Business Days' prior written notice or by closing
             out such Forward by either:

                         (a)  entering into a matching Forward at
                    any time in the same quantity and for the
                    same Maturity Date as the original Forward,

                    with the matching Forward Price being
                    determined in accordance with the terms of
                    this letter.  The difference between the
                    original Forward Price and the matching
                    Forward Price multiplied by the Metal
                    Quantity will be paid on the Maturity Date;

                         (b)  entering into a matching Spot on
                    the Maturity Date of the original Forward at
                    a price based, at your election, on:

                                   (1)  our prevailing spot price
                         by reference to the market prices quoted
                         two Business Days before the Maturity
                         Date; or

                                   (2)  the morning London Gold
                         Market US Dollar Fixing Price two
                         Business Days before the Maturity Date;

                                   (3)  in the case of silver,
                         the London Silver Market spot US Dollar
                         Fixing price two Business Days before
                         the Maturity Date; and

                              cash payment of the amount equal to
                    the product of the Metal Quantity and the
                    difference between the original Forward Price
                    and the matching spot price will be made on
                    the Maturity Date.

                 (i)  New Forward

                    At the time you close out a Fixed Rate
             Forward under this letter you may elect to enter
             into a new Forward in the same Metal Quantity with a
             Maturity Date and Forward Price determined in
             accordance with the terms of this letter.

             (ii)   Conversion

                    As an alternative to closing out a Fixed Rate
             Forward you may elect on not less than two Business
             Days' prior notice to settle such Forward by
             requesting us to convert it into a Floating Rate

C.   Floating Rate Forwards

     (i)     Premium

                         (a)  Unless the parties agree otherwise,
                    and subject to the remainder of paragraph
                    5.C., the forward premium for a Floating Rate
                    Forward will be determined by us by reference
                    to market interest rates for gold and Dollars
                    for successive floating rate periods (each a
                    "Floating Rate Period") over the term of the

                         (b)  In calculating the gold or silver
                    floating rate of interest, the purchaser may
                    elect for one or more tranches of the gold or
                    silver (as the case may be) purchased
                    pursuant to a Forward to be subject to our
                    quoted rate for an interest period agreed by
                    the parties which does not exceed thirty-six
                    months, PROVIDED that each such tranche
                    comprises at least 5,000 fine ounces of gold
                    or (as the case may be) 50,000 ounces of

                         (c)  If a Forward is not settled on the
                    last day of a Floating Rate Period, the
                    accrued forward premium will be aggregated
                    with the Spot Price for such Forward, such
                    aggregate being the new Spot Price for the
                    succeeding floating rate period.  The forward
                    premium for the succeeding floating rate
                    period will be calculated by reference to and
                    will apply to such new Spot Price.  Forward
                    premiums shall be aggregated in such manner
                    to each successive floating rate period until

                         (d)  If you elect to settle a Floating
                    Rate Forward prior to the Rollover Date (as
                    defined below), the accrued forward premium
                    will be calculated by discounting to present
                    value the forward premium for said floating
                    rate period from the date of settlement to
                    the last day of such period at the rate
                    determined by us by reference to the market
                    for the unexpired portion of such period.

                         (e)  The forward premium will be
                    calculated on an annual basis based on a 360-
                    day year.

     (ii)    Floating Rate Periods

                    You may select the duration of each Floating
             Rate Period provided that:

                         (a)  you notify us no later than two
                    Business Days before the beginning of the
                    relevant Floating Rate Period of such
                    duration; and

                         (b)  the first Floating Rate Period will
                    commence two Business Days after the date on
                    which we enter into the relevant Floating
                    Rate Period; and

                         (c)  no Floating Rate Period shall
                    extend beyond the Maturity Date.

     (iii)   Rollover

                    On the last day of each Floating Rate Period
             (the "Rollover Date" and the last Rollover Date
             shall fall on the Maturity Date) you may on
             notifying us no later than two Business Days before
             such Rollover Date:

                         (a)  Settle; or

                         (b)  close out the Forward in accordance
                    with paragraph 5.C.(iv)(b)(2), except that
                    (1) if the Floating Rate Period ends on the
                    Maturity Date, the appropriate Spot Price
                    will be the relevant quotes two Business Days
                    before the Maturity Date and (2) the Forward
                    Price will not be discounted to present
                    value; or

                         (c)  except where the Rollover Date is
                    the Maturity Date, elect that the relevant
                    Forward continues as a Floating Rate Forward
                    with a new Floating Rate Period and in the
                    same Metal Quantity, with the new Forward
                    Price determined in accordance with the terms
                    of this letter,

                    provided that if by 10:00 a.m. on the
             Rollover Date we have not received such notification
             we shall settle the Forward in such manner as we may
             in our discretion consider appropriate.

     (iv)    Settlement

             On any date prior to the Maturity Date of a
             Floating Rate Forward you may:

                         (a)  on notifying us no later than two
                    Business Days before the proposed settlement
                    date Settle; or

                         (b)  except on Rollover Dates or the
                    Maturity Date close out such Forward by:

                                   1)   entering (except on
                         Rollover Dates or the Maturity Date)
                         into a matching Forward in the same
                         Metal Quantity and for the Rollover Date
                         for the relevant Floating Rate Period,
                         with the matching Forward Price being
                         determined in accordance with the terms
                         of this letter.  The difference between
                         the original Forward Price and the
                         matching Forward Price multiplied by the
                         Metal Quantity will be paid on the
                         Rollover Date.  In this subparagraph,
                         the Maturity Date shall be deemed to be
                         the Rollover Date if the Floating Rate
                         Period ends on the Maturity Date; or

                                   2)   entering (subject to
                         paragraph 5.C.(iii)(b)) into a Spot in
                         the same Metal Quantity at a Spot Price
                         determined in accordance with the terms
                         of this letter.  The difference between
                         the Forward Price (discounted to present
                         value) and the Spot Price multiplied by
                         the Metal Quantity will be paid two
                         Business Days after the date of the Spot
                         is entered into.

D.   Fixing Commission

             (i)    In respect of your sales of Metal to us based
             on a London Fixing Price we will until further
             notice allow you a return commission of $0.05 per
             fine ounce (in the case of gold) and one-sixteenth
             of one percent of the price per ounce (in the case
             of silver).  In respect of your purchases of Metal
             from us based on a London Fixing Price we shall
             until further notice charge you Fixing commission at
             the rate of $0.15 per fine ounce (in the case of
             gold) and three-sixteenths of one percent of the
             price per ounce (in the case of silver).

             (ii)   If you use the London Fixing Price as a base
             price for a Forward, the forward premium will be
             calculated on such Fixing Price (excluding Fixing
             commission) and the relevant Fixing commission
             specified above will then be added to the Forward

6.   Open Position Limit

A.   Open Position Limit

     The maximum Open Position Limit that we are currently
     prepared to have outstanding with you at any time will
     (subject to paragraph 6.C.) be 150,000 ounces of gold.

B.   Utilization of Limit

     Utilization of the Open Position Limit will be deemed to be
     the difference between:

                         (a)  your outstanding Forward Sales of
                    Metal to us;

                         (b)  outstanding Call Options sold by us
                    to you; and

                         (c)  outstanding Put Options sold by us
                    to you and the Open Position Limit.

C.   Variation

     We hereby reserve the right to vary the Open Position Limit
     at any time by notice to you in writing.

7.   Exposure Limit and Margin

A.   Exposure Limit

             (i)    Without prejudice to paragraphs 6.A. and
             7.C., your Exposure Limit under the terms of this
             letter is US$7,500,000.00 (Seven Million Five
             Hundred Thousand United States Dollars).

     (ii)    Your Exposure Limit will comprise the aggregate of:

                         (a)  the notional cost to us of
                    replacing in the market any Options sold by
                    you to us; and

                         (b)  the amount by which the Market
                    Value of your outstanding Forward sales to us
                    under the terms of this letter is in excess
                    of their Contractual Values; and

                         (c)  the amount by which the Contractual
                    Value of your outstanding Forward purchases
                    from us under the terms of this letter is in
                    excess of their Market Value,

             less the aggregate of

                         (d)  the notional cost to you of
                    replacing in the market any Options sold by
                    us to you; and

                         (e)  the amount by which the Market
                    Value of your outstanding Forward sales to us
                    under the terms of this letter is less than
                    their Contractual Value; and

                         (f)  the amount by which the Contractual
                    Value of your outstanding Forward purchases
                    from us under the terms of this letter is
                    less than their Market Value; and

             (iii)     In this letter, Market Value means in relation
             to a Forward, the product of(x) the Metal Quantity and 
             (y) the Market Price Portion of the Forward Price determined 
             by reference to the latest available London Market Price for
             the Metal adjusted by a forward premium determined by us
             by reference to market prices.

B.   Margin

             (i)    In the event that the Exposure Limit is
             exceeded, you will, within two Business Days after
             demand by us in writing at any time, provide us with
             an acceptable margin ("Margin") at least equal to
             such excess but in any event equal in value to not
             less than US$250,000.00 (Two Hundred Fifty Thousand
             United States Dollars).

             (ii)   Subject to the following provisions of
             paragraph 7.B., to the extent that at any time you
             have provided us with any Margin in excess of the
             amount required by clause (i) above or otherwise
             required by this Agreement, we shall release to you
             such excess Margin within our possession five
             Business Days after your request therefor, provided
             always that we shall not be obligated to release any
             Margin within seven Business Days of your having
             lodged the same with us.

             (iii)  Margin may be provided by you in the form of
             any combination of the following:

                         (a)  deposits placed with us on which we
                    will pay to you the relevant London Interbank
                    Bid Rate for the period concerned as mutually
                    agreed at the time of deposit.

                         (b)  Metal (conforming to the good
                    delivery specifications of the London Bullion
                    Market Association and being for loco London
                    delivery unless agreed otherwise by us in
                    writing) which may be deposited with us
                    either by way of physical delivery or by way
                    of book transfer in a manner acceptable to

             (iv)   When releasing physical Metal placed with us
             by way of Margin we shall not be obliged to release
             the identical Metal placed with us but rather Metal
             of an equivalent quantity, type and assay.

             (v)    You shall not pledge, mortgage, charge or
             create any other form of encumbrance over Margin, or
             your rights in respect thereof, delivered (or to be
             delivered) to us (except liens in favor of
             N M Rothschild & Sons Limited), and such rights
             shall not be capable of being transferred, assigned,
             mortgaged, charged or otherwise dealt with in any
             way without our prior written consent.  At all times
             (whether before or after the occurrence of an Event
             of Default) your rights in respect of Margin
             provided hereunder shall constitute contractual
             rights for the delivery, subject to the provisions
             hereof, of identical amounts of gold (to the intent
             that you shall not retain any proprietary right to
             or entitlement in gold delivered as Margin to us and
             we shall be entitled in our absolute discretion to
             lend, lease, dispose of or otherwise deal with the
             same as the beneficial owner thereof).

C.   Variation

     We hereby reserve the right to vary your Exposure Limit at
     any time by notice to you in writing.

8.   Termination

A.   Termination Date

     Subject to paragraph 8.B., the facilities in this letter are
     available to you until December 31, 1999 (the "Termination

B.   Termination by Notice

             (i)    We may at any time, by notice to you in
             writing, immediately terminate the arrangements set
             out herein by giving you written notice of
             termination, provided that such termination shall be
             without prejudice to transactions entered into
             between us hereunder then outstanding, subject
             always to paragraph 11.

             (ii)   After giving you notice of termination, we
             will be prepared to enter into matching transactions
             with you to close out existing transactions between

9.   Representations

     You represent to us, on the date of your acceptance of this
     letter and on each date that any transaction under this
     letter is outstanding (with reference to the facts and
     circumstances then existing) as follows:

A.   USMX is a corporation duly organized under the laws of
     Delaware with the necessary power and authority to enter
     into the transactions and arrangements referred to in this
     letter; and your obligations under this letter are legal and
     valid obligations binding on you in accordance with its

B.   your entry into and/or performance of or observance of your
     obligations under this letter does not and will not violate
     or breach any law, regulation, agreement, deed, license,
     order, obligation or document which is applicable to you;

C.   you will not be required to make any deduction or withhold
     ing from any payment you may make pursuant to this letter;

D.   our claims made in respect of, or pursuant to, this letter
     will rank at least pari passu with the claims of all your
     other secured creditors (save those preferred solely by any
     bankruptcy, insolvency, liquidation or other similar laws of
     general application);

E.   in any proceedings taken in your jurisdiction of incorpora
     tion in relation to this letter, you will not be entitled to
     claim for yourself or any of your assets immunity from suit,
     execution, attachment or other legal process;

F.   all acts, conditions and things required to be done,
     fulfilled and performed in order (a) to enable you lawfully
     to enter into, exercise your rights under and perform and

     comply with the obligations under this letter, (b) to ensure
     that your obligations under this letter are and shall be
     legal, valid and binding, and (c) to make this letter
     admissible in evidence in your jurisdiction of
     incorporation, have been done, fulfilled and performed;

G.   under the laws of your jurisdiction of incorporation, it is
     not necessary that this letter or any document issued
     pursuant hereto be filed, recorded or enrolled with any
     court or other authority in such jurisdiction or that any
     stamp, registration or similar tax be paid on or in relation
     to this letter or any such document;

H.   no Event of Default (as defined below) has occurred;

I.   no action or administrative proceeding of or before any
     court or agency which might have a material adverse effect
     on your business or financial condition has been started or

J.   you are a producer, processor or commercial user of, or a
     merchant handling, Metal or Metal products or by-products;
     and in entering into the transactions and arrangements
     referred to in this letter are doing so solely for the
     purpose related to your business as such;

K.   you are acting as principal in connection with each Spot,
     Forward and Option under this letter and not as agent;

L.   you have carefully reviewed this letter and the transactions
     contemplated under it and have determined that you can bear
     the risks involved in such transactions; and

M.   you are an eligible swap participant as defined in
     applicable commodity futures trading laws.

10.  Covenants

     You shall:

A.   not enter into contracts or options hereunder or otherwise
     hedge pursuant to other hedging arrangements more than
     eighty percent (80%) of its annual Metals production;

B.   from time to time on our request, furnish us with such
     information about your business and financial condition as
     we may reasonably require;

C.   obtain, comply with the terms of and do all that is
     necessary to maintain in full force and effect all
     authorizations, approvals, licenses and consents required in
     or by the laws and regulations of your jurisdiction of
     incorporation to enable you lawfully to enter into and
     perform your obligations arising under or pursuant to this
     letter or to ensure the legality, validity, enforceability
     or admissibility in evidence in your jurisdiction of
     incorporation of this letter and/or any agreements or
     documents made or issued pursuant to it;

D.   promptly inform us of the occurrence of any event which is
     or may become (with the passage of time, the giving of
     notice, the making of any determination hereunder, or any
     combination thereof) an Event of Default and, upon receipt
     of a written request to that effect from us confirm to us
     that, save as previously notified to us or as notified in
     such confirmation, no such event has occurred.

11.  Events of Default and Close-Out

A.   Events of Default

     Any of the following shall constitute an Event of Default:

             (i)    you fail to make any payment or delivery
             (including the supply of Margin) when due under this
             letter or any Option and/or Forward and/or Spot or
             breach any other term of this letter;

             (ii)   any steps are taken, petition presented,
             application made, resolution proposed, meeting
             summoned to consider a resolution, or request made for
             your liquidation, bankruptcy, administration,
             voluntary arrangement, dissolution or any other
             insolvency proceedings whatsoever are taken in respect
             of you or for the appointment of a receiver,
             administrative receiver, liquidator, administrator or
             other insolvency representative whatsoever in respect
             of you;

             (iii)  you convene a meeting for the purpose of
             making, or propose entering into, any agreement or
             composition for the benefit of your creditors or any
             class of them;

             (iv)   you cease or threaten to cease to carry on your
             business, or dispose or threaten to dispose of your
             undertaking or assets or become unable to pay or stop
             or suspend payment of your debts as they fall due;

             (v)    any of your indebtedness or obligations for the

             repayment of any borrowed moneys becomes due and
             payable, or capable of being declared due and payable,
             prior to the specified maturity date thereof due to
             any default thereunder or is not paid when due;

             (vi)   an encumbrancer takes possession or a receiver,
             administrative receiver, liquidator, administrator or
             other similar officer is appointed in respect of you
             or any part of your undertaking or assets or a
             distress, execution or other process is levied or
             enforced upon or against any of your property and is
             not removed, discharged or paid out within seven days;

             (vii)  any security created by any mortgage or charge
             or other security interest created by you becomes

             (viii) any event occurs or proceeding is taken with
             respect to you in any jurisdiction to which you are
             subject which has an effect equivalent or similar to
             any of the events mentioned in paragraphs (ii), (iii),
             (iv) and (vi) above;

             (ix)   any representation made pursuant to paragraph
             9. proves to have been materially incorrect or
             misleading when made;

             (x)    at any time it becomes unlawful for you to
             perform or comply with any or all of your obligations
             arising under this letter or under any Option or
             Forward or such obligations cease to be legal, valid
             and binding;

             (xi)   if any circumstances arise which in our opinion
             have or may have a material adverse effect on your
             ability to perform your obligations under this letter;

             (xii)  an Event of Default (as therein defined) occurs
             under the Credit Agreement.

B.   Rights on Default

             (i)    If an Event of Default occurs and is not
             corrected within one Business Day in respect of a late
             payment under paragraph 11.A.(i), or within five
             Business Days in respect of any other Event of
             Default, we shall have the absolute discretion at any
             time (without prior notice to you) to immediately

                         (a)  determine the replacement cost to
                    either party of outstanding Options and
                    exercise any Option having positive Option

                    Value for either party and to close out the
                    resultant open position by entering into a
                    matching transaction with you; and/or

                         (b)  to close out all outstanding Forwards
                    by entering into matching transactions for the
                    relevant Metal Quantity in the market; and/or

                         (c)  terminate our obligations under
                    this letter by written notice to you; and/or

                         (d)  restrict the maximum duration of
                    future Forwards; and/or

                         (e)  change the Termination Date; and/or

                         (f)  amend any other provision of this

                    provided always that upon the occurrence of
             any Event of Default arising under any one or more
             of paragraphs 11.A(ii), (iii), (iv), (vi), (vii) and
             (viii), then we shall be deemed automatically and
             immediately to have exercised our rights set out in
             11.B(i)(a) and (b) above so as to reduce outstanding
             obligations between us to the payment of a single
             cash sum payable by either party to the other.

            (ii) If an Event of Default occurs and is corrected within the
            time periods stated in paragraph 11.B., we shall have the absolute
            right in our sole discretion to exercise any one or more of our
            rights under paragraph 11.B.(i)(d),e) and (f) without prejudice
            to existing options or contracts established pursuant to 
            paragraphs 4 and 5 hereof.

C.   Default Netting

     Having exercised our rights in accordance with
     paragraph 11.B.(i)(a) and (b) we shall:

             (i)    net the transaction amounts and quantities in
             the manner described in paragraph 12.A. and adjust
             any resulting amount to present value from the value
             date of the forward transaction and matching
             transaction to the close-out date by discounting
             such amount at the appropriate Eurodollar rate for
             the period concerned (as determined by us at our
             absolute discretion) assuming a 360-day year.

             (ii)   liquidate any of your property in our

             possession by sale or other commercially reasonable
             means; and

             (iii)  convert any such amounts resulting from
             paragraph 11.C.(i) and (ii) above into US Dollars in
             such manner and at such rates as we may in our
             reasonable discretion determine.

The net resulting amount shall be paid by us to you or by you to
us (as the case may be) forthwith in Dollars upon notice to you
of the amount so determined and shall be in full and final
settlement and discharge of all payment and delivery obligations
between you and us under this letter.

D.   Performance on Default

     Without prejudice to the foregoing provisions of paragraph
     11, upon the occurrence of an Event of Default, we shall not
     be required to deliver US Dollars or Metal hereunder or
     under any transaction entered into pursuant to this letter
     unless and until you first satisfy all your obligations to

12.  Netting and Payments

A.   Netting

     If on any date in respect of Spots or maturing Forwards or
     Options any amounts are payable by both parties in the same
     currency or any amounts of Metal having the same assay and
     delivery location are transferable by both parties, then:

             (i)    the amounts so payable or transferable by
             each party respectively in that currency or metal
             type shall be aggregated; and

             (ii)   if the aggregate amount payable by one party
             hereto ("the first party") exceeds the aggregate
             amount payable or transferable by the other party
             hereto, the respective obligations of the parties to
             pay or transfer such aggregate amounts shall be
             deemed to be satisfied and discharged and replaced
             by an obligation on the part of the first party to
             pay to the other party an amount equal to such
             excess; and

             (iii)  if the aggregate amounts payable by each
             party hereto are equal, such amounts shall be deemed
             to be satisfied and discharged and no payment or
             transfer shall be made by either party in respect

B.   Payment Instructions

             (i)    All payments due to us hereunder shall be
             remitted by telegraphic transfer in same day funds
             to our  Account Number 001-1-948262, with The Chase
             Manhattan Bank N.A., 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza, New
             York, NY 10081.

             (ii)   All payments due to you hereunder will be
             remitted by telegraphic transfer in same day funds
             in accordance with your written instructions.

C.   Non-Business Day

     Any amount due for payment hereunder which falls due on a
     day which is not a Business Day shall be payable on the next
     succeeding Business Day and the amount due will be adjusted
     accordingly by an appropriate rate of interest to be agreed
     between us.

D.   Settlement Limit

     Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of paragraph 12,
     the maximum sum or value of Metal that we shall be obliged
     to pay or deliver to you or to your order, as the case may
     be, without our first having received confirmation that the
     Metal or funds (as the case may be) due to be delivered or
     paid to us by you, respectively, have actually been received
     by us at our nominated correspondent, shall not exceed
     US$25,000,000.00 (Twenty-Five Million United States

E.   Gross-Up

     If you are required at any time to make any deduction or
     withholding for or on account of tax in respect of any
     payment due from you hereunder or under any transaction,
     then you shall increase the amount of such payment to the
     extent necessary to ensure that the amount we receive is not
     less than the amount we would have received had no such
     deduction or withholding been required.

13.  Confirmations, Statements and Notices

A.   Confirmations

     Upon entering into any Option, Spot or Forward transaction
     with you under the terms of this letter we will promptly

     send you by telex or facsimile a confirmation setting out
     the principal terms of the transaction.

B.   Statements

     We will also send you monthly statements of your accounts
     maintained with us.

C.   Notices

     Unless the contrary is stated, any notice or communication
     to be given by either party hereunder shall be sent to the
     facsimile or telex numbers set out below and shall be deemed
     received upon despatch by the relevant party, provided that
     such party shall have received the appropriate answer back.

             To:    N M Rothschild & Sons Limited
             Fax:   071-280-5139
             Telex: 888031

             To:    USMX OF ALASKA, INC.
             Fax:   303-980-1363

14.  Fixing Business

     To the extent that you wish to execute business based on a
     London Market Fixing Price you will place your purchase or
     sale order with us no later than 10:15 a.m. London time on
     the day in question (in the case of the morning London Gold
     Market Fixing Price), no later than 2:45 p.m. London time on
     the day in question (in the case of the afternoon US Dollar
     London Gold Market Fixing Price) and no later than 11:30
     a.m. (in the case of the US Dollar London Silver Market
     Fixing Price).

15.  Expenses

     You agrees to indemnify us in full and on demand for all
     reasonable fees (including legal fees), costs and expenses
     incurred in connection with the protection and enforcement
     of our rights hereunder.

16.  Law and Jurisdiction

     The terms of this letter will be governed by, and construed
     in accordance with, the laws of England.  For our exclusive
     benefit you hereby agree to submit to the jurisdiction of
     the English courts to settle any disputes which may arise
     out of or in connection with this letter.  Nothing in this
     paragraph limits our right to bring proceedings against you

     in connection with this letter in any other court of
     competent jurisdiction, nor shall the taking of proceedings
     in one or more jurisdictions preclude the taking of
     proceedings in any other jurisdiction whether concurrently
     or not, to the extent permitted by the law of such other

17.  General Provisions

A.   Assignment

     Your rights arising under any transaction entered into
     pursuant hereto shall not be capable of assignment by you.

B.   Severability

     Each of the provisions of this letter and any transaction
     made pursuant to it shall be severable and distinct from one
     another and if at any time any one or more of such
     provisions is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable,
     the validity, legality and enforceability of each of the
     remaining provisions of this letter or any such transaction
     shall not in any way be affected, prejudiced or impaired

C.   Cumulative Rights

     The rights, powers and remedies provided by this letter are
     cumulative and are not, nor are they to be construed as,
     exclusive of any right of set-off or other rights, powers
     and remedies provided by law or by any other agreement
     between the parties.  No failure on our part to exercise, or
     delay in exercising, any of the rights, powers and remedies
     provided by this letter, law or any other such agreement
     shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or
     partial waiver of any such right, power or remedy preclude
     any further or other exercise thereof.

D.   Reliance

     Each Spot, Forward or Option shall be deemed to have been
     entered into by you in reliance only upon your own judgment
     and deliberations and we do not hold ourselves out, or any
     of our employees or agents having our authority, to advise
     you on the terms thereof or on any other matters connected
     with Metal transactions under this letter, and neither we
     nor any of our employees or agents shall have any
     responsibility or liability whatsoever in respect of any
     such advice given to you, whether or not such advice was
     requested by you.

E.   Set-Off

     Without prejudice to our rights under paragraph 11.C. we may
     without notice to you set off any matured obligation owed by
     you to us under this letter against any obligation (whether
     or not matured) owed by us to you, regardless of payment,
     booking branch, currency or Metal of such obligations.  This
     paragraph is intended to give rise to rights in contract
     only and is not intended to constitute, create or give rise
     to a security interest of any kind over any of your assets.

18.  Acceptance

     Please arrange for an authorized signatory of your Company
     to sign and return to us the attached copy of this letter,
     thereby signifying your agreement to the terms set out
     herein.  In the event that you have not so signed and
     returned the attached copy of this letter by close of
     business on July 13, 1996 (or such later date as we may
     agree), the uncommitted facility offered by this letter
     shall lapse.

19.  Definitions

     "Business Day" means a day on which Banks in London, New
     York, Denver and Johannesburg are open for a full day's

     "Dollars" and "$" means the lawful currency of the United
     States of America.

     "gold" means 995+ gold which would constitute good delivery
     on the London Bullion Market.

     "Metal" means gold and/or silver.

     "Settlement" means:

             (a)    in respect of a sale of Metal to you,
             settlement by your remitting to us on the Settlement
             Date or Maturity Date (as appropriate) the
             Transaction Value or Spot Price or Forward Price (as
             appropriate) against which we will credit your
             relevant London Gold Holding Account or, as the case
             may be, London Silver Holding Account in our books;

             (b)    in respect of a purchase of Metal from you,
             settlement by your arranging physical delivery of
             loco London good delivery gold to us or by your

             arranging for another acceptable London Bullion
             Market Association member to credit our relevant
             London Gold Exchange Account or, as the case may be,
             London Silver Exchange Account with such member on
             the Settlement Date or Maturity Date (as
             appropriate) against which we will remit the
             Transaction Value or Spot Price or Forward Price (as
             appropriate) to you in accordance with your
             instructions; and

     "Settle" and "Settled" shall be construed accordingly.

     "silver" means 999 silver which would constitute good
     delivery on the London Bullion Market.

     Unless otherwise stated, any reference herein to a numbered
     "paragraph" shall be a reference to such paragraph contained
     in this letter.  Headings used in this letter shall not
     affect the meaning hereof.

                                   Yours very truly,

                                   PER PRO

                                   N M ROTHSCHILD & SONS LIMITED



Countersigned by way of acceptance the
terms and conditions set out above.
For and on behalf of


Authorized Signatory


                        Condition Precedent Documents

1.      A copy, certified a true copy by a duly authorized officer of 
        USMX OF ALASKA, INC. ("USMX") Board Resolutions of USMX approving
        the execution, delivery and performance of this letter and the 
        terms and conditions hereof and authorizing a named person or 
        persons to sign this letter and any documents to be delivered by 
        USMX pursuant hereto.

2.      A certificate of a duly authorized officer of USMX setting out 
        the names and signatures of the persons authorized to sign, on 
        behalf of USMX, this letter and any documents to be delivered by 
        USMX pursuant hereto.