Amendment") is made and entered into as of November __, 1996, by and
between N M ROTHSCHILD & SONS LIMITED, a company organized and
existing under the laws of England with an address at New Court, St.
Swithin's Lane, London EC4P 4DU ("Lender"), and USMX OF ALASKA, INC.,
a company organized and existing under the laws of Alaska with an
address at 141 Union Blvd., Suite 100, Lakewood, Colorado 80228
("Borrower") pursuant to Section 11.1 of that certain Credit Agreement
dated as of July 11, 1996, between Lender and Borrower (the "AK Credit

                        R E C I T A L S

          I.   Pursuant to the AK Credit Agreement, Lender agreed,
under certain terms and conditions, to loan to Borrower up to
$19,500,000 to be used to finance the construction and initial
operation of the Illinois Creek, Alaska gold mining facility.

          II.  USMX, INC., a Delaware corporation and sole shareholder
of Borrower ("USMX"), has (i) executed a Guaranty, dated as of July
11, 1996 (the "Guaranty"), in favor of Lender pursuant to which USMX
guarantees the obligations of Borrower to Lender under the AK Credit
Agreement and the other Loan Documents; and (ii) entered into a
separate Credit Agreement, dated as of July 11, 1996, between Lender
and USMX (the "USMX Credit Agreement") pursuant to which Lender has
agreed, under certain terms and conditions, to loan to USMX

          III. The following Events of Default are known to Lender to
be currently outstanding under the AK Credit Agreement, the Guaranty
and the USMX Credit Agreement and under the other Loan Documents:

          (1)  USMX has failed to make an additional equity
          contribution of $1,500,000 to Borrower as required by
          Section 10 of the Guaranty; and

          (2)  USMX is not in compliance with the financial covenants
          set forth in Section 11 of the Guaranty.

          IV.  Lender, Borrower and USMX have entered into that
certain Letter Agreement, dated October 29, 1996 (the "Letter
Agreement"), pursuant to which Lender has agreed to waive until
December 31, 1996 the Defaults listed in (1) and (2) of Recital III
(the "Waived Defaults") in exchange for certain actions, agreements
and undertakings by Borrower and USMX, including the execution and
delivery to Lender of this AK Amendment and the First Amendment to
USMX Credit Agreement, dated the date hereof, by and between USMX and
Lender, and the documents and agreements contemplated by those two
amendments (together, the "Waiver Documents").

                       A G R E E M E N T

          NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual provisions
set forth below, the parties agree as follows:

          A.   Definitions.  Capitalized terms used herein but not
otherwise defined shall have the meanings given thereto in the AK
Credit Agreement.

          B.   Status of Loan Documents.  Borrower reaffirms its
liability for all of the obligations evidenced or secured by the Loan
Documents, and acknowledges that Borrower has no defenses to
enforcement of the Loan Documents in accordance with their respective
terms and no basis for asserting any offset or other claim against

          C.   Amendment of Credit Agreement.  The AK Credit Agreement
is hereby amended as follows:

               1.   A new Section 2.3(d) is hereby added to read in
                    its entirety as follows:

                         (d)  First Amendment Fee.   In consideration
               of Lender agreeing to enter into the First Amendment to
               this Agreement and the other documents and agreements
               executed and delivered by Lender related to such First
               Amendment, Borrower, jointly and severally with USMX,
               agrees to pay Lender a fee in the amount of $100,000
               (the "First Amendment Fee"), which fee shall be payable
               on the first to occur of (i) the offer and sale of
               equity interests of USMX required by Section 7.12(a) of
               the USMX Credit Agreement; (ii)  April 15, 1997; or
               (iii) such other time as the First Amendment Fee can be
               paid by either Borrower or USMX without reducing
               working capital available to Borrower to an amount less
               than required by Borrower for its continued operations,
               in the reasonable judgement of Lender.  The First
               Amendment Fee is in addition to all other fees,
               expenses and reimbursements paid or required to be paid
               by Borrower or USMX to Lender.

               2.   Section 3.5(b) is hereby amended and restated in
                    its entirety as follows:

                              (b)  Interest Periods.  Borrower may
                    select an interest period with respect to each
                    Advance ("Interest Period") of 30, 90 or 180 days,
                    or of such other period of days as may be agreed
                    to by Lender in its sole discretion, on a 360-day
                    year basis; provided that in no event may more
                    than three (3) different Interest Periods be in
                    effect hereunder at any one time.  Borrower will
                    select Interest Periods by giving notice to Lender
                    in the Request for Advance and thereafter at least
                    three (3) Business Days prior to the expiration of
                    the Interest Period then in effect by a
                    Conversion/Interest Period Notice.  If at any time
                    Borrower fails to give timely notice of its
                    Interest Period selection, then Borrower shall be
                    deemed to have selected an Interest Period of
                    thirty (30) days.  No Interest Period shall end
                    after the Scheduled Maturity Date.  Interest will
                    be payable in full at the end of each Interest
                    Period, provided that accrued interest will be
                    payable every ninety (90) days for Interest
                    Periods greater than 90 days.

               3.   A new Section 3.14(d) is hereby added to read in
                    its entirety as follows:

                         (d)  In the event that, with the prior
               consent of Lender (which may be given or withheld in
               Lender's sole discretion), Borrower sells any royalty
               or other interest in or to the Mining Properties or
               assets related thereto or production of valuable
               minerals therefrom (other than sales of assets or
               minerals in the ordinary course of Borrower's
               business), Borrower shall deposit in the Proceeds
               Account the proceeds from such sale or sales
               immediately upon their receipt.

               4.   Section 8.11 is hereby amended by appending the
                    following two sentences to the end of that

                    No later than December 2, 1996, Borrower shall
               have submitted to Lender a draft of an amended
               Development Plan reflecting the results of operations
               through that date and, no later than December 11, 1996,
               Borrower shall make such changes therein as are
               necessary in order to obtain the approval of Lender
               required by this Agreement of such amended Development
               Plan.  Provided that such amended Development Plan
               meets with Lender's approval as provided by this
               Agreement, Lender shall grant its approval hereunder no
               later than December 16, 1996.

               5.   A new Section 8.14 is hereby added to read in its
                    entirety as follows:

                         8.14  Project Monitoring.  In addition to any
               reporting and other obligations of Borrower pursuant to
               this Article VIII, Borrower shall consult with Lender
               and its agents regarding management of the Project
               through Completion, with such consultations to include:

                                   (a)  Instituting arrangements for
                    monitoring by Lender and its agents of
                    construction of the Project and initial mining
                    through Completion, including the management
                    thereof, and the payment of costs and expenses
                    associated therewith;

                                   (b)  Review of and, to the extent
                    deemed necessary or desirable by Lender and its
                    agents in Lenders sole judgement, modification of
                    the mining, construction and other working plans
                    related to the Project, and any budgets associated
                    therewith, including review and modification of
                    approved vendors, suppliers and creditors to the
                    Project through Completion; and

                                   (c)  Final decision regarding the
                    date on which construction of the Project and
                    mining will be suspended for the 1996-97 winter

               6.   Section 11.4 is hereby amended by changing each
          use of the word "Agreement" to read "Agreement (and any
          amendment to this Agreement)".

          D.   Reaffirmation.  Borrower hereby reaffirms each
representation, warranty, and covenant contained in the AK Credit
Agreement with the same force and effect as if each were separately
stated herein and made as of the date hereof, except (i) for such made
as of a certain date, which are hereby reaffirmed as of such date, and
(ii) to the extent of any variance therefrom disclosed on Exhibit A to
the Omnibus Certificate supplied to Lender pursuant to Paragraph H.3

          E.   Title Matters.  Borrower represents and warrants to
Lender that, except as previously disclosed to Lender, it is the sole
owner of the Mining Properties, and that the Mining Properties are
free and clear of all material defects of title or Liens except as
have previously been permitted by Lender.

          F.   Default Under Loan Documents.  Borrower acknowledges
and agrees that any Default by Borrower under this AK Amendment shall
constitute a Default under each of the Loan Documents, entitling
Lender to exercise any or all rights and remedies provided for in the
Loan Documents.  Lender's execution and delivery of this AK Amendment
shall not be construed as a waiver of any presently-existing Default
under any of the Loan Documents, whether or not such Default is known
to Lender, except that compliance by Borrower with the Waived Defaults
is hereby waived by Lender until December 31, 1996.

          G.   Ratification of Credit Agreement.  As modified by this
AK Amendment, the AK Credit Agreement is in all respects ratified,
approved and confirmed, and as so amended, shall remain in full force
and effect.  From and after the date hereof, all references to the
Credit Agreement in any Loan Document or in any Waiver Document shall
be references to the AK Credit Agreement as amended by this AK

          H.   Conditions Precedent.  The obligations of the Lender
under this AK Amendment or the other Wavier Documents, including
specifically the waiver until December 31, 1996 of the Waived
Defaults, are, in addition to the conditions precedent specified in
Section 6.2 of the AK Credit Agreement, subject to the following
conditions precedent, wherein each document to be delivered to the
Lender will be in form and substance satisfactory to the Lender:

               1.   Closing.  The execution and delivery of each of
          the Waiver Documents shall have occurred on or before
          November 15, 1996, or such later date as agreed to by Lender
          in its sole discretion.

               2.   Proceeds Account.  $4,500,000 shall have been
          transferred from the Proceeds Account to Lender, provided
          that (i) Lender shall have given such consent as is required
          for such a disbursement by the Proceeds Account Agreement;
          (ii) notwithstanding the second sentence of Section 3.6(a),
          such $4,500,000 shall be available for Advance to Borrower
          after the date hereof under the terms and conditions of the
          AK Credit Agreement, (iii) such $4,500,000 shall be subject
          after the date of such transfer to Lender to the Commitment
          Fee in the same manner as other funds subject to the
          Commitment that have not been Advanced to Borrower; and (iv)
          nothing contained herein will relieve Borrower from its
          obligation to pay interest as required by the terms of the
          AK Credit Agreement accrued on such $4,500,000 prior to its
          payment to Lender.

               3.   Omnibus Certificate.  Lender shall have received a
          certificate, signed by the chief executive officer of the
          Borrower, in the form attached hereto as Attachment 1.

               4.   Opinion of Borrower's Counsel.  Lender shall have
          received the opinion of counsel to Borrower and USMX in the
          form attached hereto as Attachment 2.

               5.   Acknowledgement from Guarantor.  Lender shall have
          received the Guarantor's Acknowledgement, executed and
          delivered by USMX, in the form attached hereto as Attachment

               6.   Waivers and Consents.  Borrower shall have
          obtained all waivers and consents necessary or desirable to
          enable it to enter into this AK Amendment and the other
          Waiver Documents.

               7.   Other Conditions.  All conditions precedent under
          each of the other Waiver Documents shall be satisfied as
          determined by Lender in its sole discretion.

          I.   Successors and Assigns.  Nothing in this AK Amendment
shall be construed as waiving or modifying any provision of the AK
Credit Agreement prohibiting transfer of the Mining Properties without
the prior written consent of Lender, or making any such transfer a
Default under the AK Credit Agreement.  Subject to the preceding
sentence, this AK Amendment shall bind and benefit the parties and
their respective heirs, personal representatives, successors and

          J.   Governing Law; Severability; Merger.  This AK Amendment
shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the
State of Colorado.  Wherever possible, each provision of the Loan
Documents is to be interpreted so as to be effective and valid under
applicable law.  If any provision of any Loan Document is for any
reason and to any extent, invalid or unenforceable, then neither the
remainder of the Loan Document in which such provision appears, nor
any other Loan Document, nor the application of the provisions to
other persons or entities or in other circumstances, shall be affected
by such invalidity or unenforceability.  The AK Credit Agreement,
together with the other Loan Documents, all as amended and modified by
the Waiver Documents, represent the final agreement between the
parties pertaining to the subject matter thereof.

          K.   Execution in Counterparts.  This AK Amendment may be
executed in two or more counterparts, all of which shall, upon
execution of identical counterparts by all parties, constitute a
single agreement.  Lender and its attorneys are authorized to remove
and reattach signature and acknowledgement pages of various
counterparts in order to avoid unnecessary recording and copying
expense and to provide fully-executed counterparts to each party.

          Signed and delivered as of the date first mentioned above.


                                USMX OF ALASKA, INC.



                                PER PRO

                                N M ROTHSCHILD & SONS LIMITED