Exhibit 4.6
                                KEVIN S. WOLTJEN
                                 ATTORNEY AT LAW
                           (ADMITTED IN ILLINOIS ONLY)
                         900 Jackson Street - Suite 600
                                Dallas, TX 75202
                             Telephone: 214-712-5673
                             Facsimile: 214-712-5674
August 11, 1998

Board of Directors
Flexweight Corporation
1946 Plateau Way
Wendover, Nevada 89883

To the Board of Directors of Flexweight Corporation:

Flexweight Corporation, a Kansas corporation (the "Company"), has informed me of
its intention to file with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), on or
about August 12, 1998, a registration statement on Form S-8 under the Securities
Act of 1933, as amended ("Registration  Statement"),  concerning the issuance of
1,500,000  shares (the "Shares") of the Company's  common stock, par value $0.10
("Common  Stock"),  pursuant  to an  employee  benefit  plan  (the  "Plan").  In
connection with the filing of the Registration Statement,  you have requested my
opinion regarding the validity of the issuance of such Shares.

This opinion letter (this "Opinion") is governed by, and shall be interpreted in
accordance  with the Legal Opinion  Accord (the  "Accord") of the ABA Section of
Business  Law  (1991).  As  a  consequence,   it  is  subject  to  a  number  of
qualifications,  limitations,  all as more particularly described in the Accord,
and this Opinion should be read in conjunction therewith.

You have  represented  to me that the Company is current in its filings with the
SEC, that the Company's  board of directors has  authorized the filing of a Form
S-8 and that the  quantity of shares to be included in the Form S-8 is available
for issuance  based on the  quantity  authorized  for issuance in the  Company's
Articles  of  Incorporation  and on the  amount of shares  actually  issued  and
outstanding.  Based on these representations and to the best of my knowledge,  I
am of the opinion that the Form S-8 is an  available  form of  registration  and
that the  Shares  issuable  pursuant  to the Plan  have  been  duly and  validly
authorized  and,  upon payment  therefor in  accordance  with the Plan,  will be
validly issued,  fully paid and  nonassessable  by the Company.  This Opinion is
conditioned upon the above requirements being met.

The opinion set forth above is predicated upon and limited to the correctness of
the  assumptions  set forth herein and in the Accord,  and is further subject to
qualifications, exceptions, and limitations set forth below:

         A.       I  expressly  except  from the  opinion  set forth  herein any
                  opinion or  position  as to whether or to what extent a Kansas
                  court or any other court would apply Kansas law, or the law of
                  any other state or jurisdiction,  to any particular  aspect of
                  the facts, circumstances and transactions that are the subject
                  of the opinion herein contained.
         B.       In expressing the opinion set forth herein, I have assumed the
                  authenticity  and  completeness  of all  corporate  documents,
                  records and instruments  provided to me by the Company and its
                  representatives. I have assumed the accuracy of all statements
                  of fact

                  contained   therein.  I  have  assumed  that  the  information
                  provided  to me by the  Company is correct  and that there are
                  shares  available  to be issued  pursuant to the Plan.  I have
                  further assumed the genuineness of signatures (both manual and
                  conformed),   the  authenticity  of  documents   submitted  as
                  originals,  the conformity to originals of all copies or faxed
                  copies and the correctness of all such documents.
         C.       In rendering the opinion that the shares of Common Stock to be
                  registered pursuant to Form S-8 and issued under the Plan will
                  be validly  issued,  fully paid and  nonassessable,  I assumed
                  that: (1) the Company's  board of directors has exercised good
                  faith in establishing the value to be paid for the Shares; (2)
                  All  issuances and  cancellations  of the capital stock of the
                  Company  will  be  fully  and  accurately   reflected  in  the
                  Company's Stock Records as provided by the Company's  transfer
                  agent;  and  (3)  the  consideration,  as  determined  by  the
                  Company's  Board of Directors,  to be received in exchange for
                  each  issuance of common  stock of the Company  will have been
                  paid in full and  actually  received by the  Company  when the
                  Shares are actually issued.
         D.       I  expressly  except  from the  opinion  set forth  herein any
                  opinion  concerning the need for compliance by any party,  and
                  in  particular  by the  Company,  with the  provisions  of the
                  securities  laws,  regulations,  and/or  rules  of the  United
                  States  of   America,   the  State  of  Kansas  or  any  other
                  jurisdiction  with  regard  to any other  issue not  expressly
                  addressed  herein,  which  exclusion  shall apply,  but not be
                  limited to, the subsequent tradability of the Shares on either
                  state or federal level.
         E.       In rendering  the opinion that Form S-8 is  available,  I have
                  assumed that the Company is satisfying the various substantive
                  requirements of Form S-8 and I expressly  disclaim any opinion
                  regarding the  Company's  compliance  with such  requirements,
                  whether they be of federal or state origin.
         F.       The  opinion  contained  in this  letter is rendered as of the
                  date hereof, and I undertake no, and disclaim any,  obligation
                  to advise you of any changes in or any new developments  which
                  might affect any matters or opinions set forth herein.

This  Opinion  may be relied upon by you only in  connection  with filing of the
Registration  Statement  and  I  consent  to  its  use  as  an  exhibit  to  the
Registration Statement.  However, this Opinion may not be used or relied upon by
you or any  other  person  for any  purpose  whatsoever,  except  to the  extent
authorized in the Accord,  without in each instance my prior written consent. In
the  event  that any of the facts  are  different  from  those  which  have been
furnished to me and upon which I have relied, the conclusions as set forth above
cannot be relied upon.


/s/Kevin s. Woltjen

Kevin S. Woltjen