Financial Consulting Agreement


         This Consulting Agreement  ("Agreement") is made effective this 1st day
of June 1998 by and between,  Park Street Investments,  Inc.  ("Consultant"),  a
Utah corporation and Flexweight  Corporation  ("Client"),  a Kansas  corporation
with respect to the following:


         WHEREAS,  Consultant is in the business of providing  general  business
consulting services to privately held and publicly held corporations; and

         WHEREAS, Client desires to retain Consultant to provide advice relative
to corporate and business consulting services.


         NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants, and
agreements contained herein, and for other good and valuable consideration,  the
receipt and adequacy of which is expressly  acknowledged,  Client and Consultant
agree as follows:

1.       Engagement of Consultant.  Consultant agrees to use its best efforts to
         assist Client in:

         a.       Researching the general gaming market;

         b.       Researching   and    prospecting   for   potential    business
                  opportunities in the gaming, construction and water industries

         c.       Discussing  potential  strategies  for generating new business
                  for the Company

         d.       Assisting in the structure of potential business opportunities
                  for the Company

         e.       Assisting with input on general corporate filings as needed

         f.       Fielding shareholder calls from existing shareholders

         g.       Assisting in document  preparation as needed to accomplish the

         All of the foregoing  services  collectively  are referred to herein as
the "Consulting Services."

2.       Term of Agreement, Extensions and Renewals

         This  Agreement  shall  have a  term  of  three  months  (the  "Initial
         Consulting   Period")  from  the  date  first  appearing  herein.  This
         Agreement  may be extended  on a month to month  basis (the  "Extension
         Period")  by  mutual  agreement  of the  parties  executed  in  writing
         specifying the compensation for the Extension  Period.  In the event of
         early termination,  Client shall be obligated for any amounts due under
         this agreement. Such notice of either extension or termination shall be
         in  writing  and  shall be  delivered  via U.S.  certified  mail,  when
         applicable, effective ten (10) days after delivery to the other party.


3.       Compensation Client shall compensate Consultant for consulting services
         ("Consulting Services") rendered pursuant to this Agreement as follows:

         a.       Client shall pay Consultant a monthly fee of 20,000 shares per
                  month of its common stock for the Term of this Agreement. Such
                  payment shall be made on  presentation by Consultant to Client
                  of the specific services  performed by Consultant for the Term
                  of this Agreement.

         b.       In  addition  to payment of  compensation  pursuant  to (2)(a)
                  herein,  Client shall issue to consultant Five Hundred Seventy
                  Three Thousand Three Hundred Thirty Three (573,333)  shares of
                  its common stock at such time that Client enters into a letter
                  of intent for a business  combination  with another entity and
                  such business  combination has a transactional value in excess
                  of $20,000,000.

         c.       All shares  issued to  Consultant  pursuant to this  Agreement
                  shall be registered  under section S-8 of the  Securities  and
                  Exchange  Act. If  Consultant's  shares are deemed  restricted
                  under  the  Act,   such  shares   shall  have   "piggy   back"
                  registration  rights  with any  registration  statement,  such
                  statement   filed  at  such  time  as  Client,   in  its  sole
                  discretion, deems advisable.

4.       Due Diligence

         Client shall supply and deliver to Consultant all information as may be
         reasonably  requested by  Consultant  to enable  Consultant  to make an
         investigation of the Client and its business prospects,  and they shall
         make available to Consultant names, addresses, and telephone numbers as
         Consultant  may need to verify  or  substantiate  any such  information

5.       Best Efforts Basis

         Consultant agrees that it will at all times faithfully,  to the best of
         its experience, ability and talents, perform all the duties that may be
         required  of  and  from  Consultant  pursuant  to  the  terms  of  this
         Agreement. Consultant does not guarantee that its efforts will have any
         impact  on the  Clients'  business  or that  any  subsequent  financial
         improvement will result from Consultants'  efforts.  Client understands
         and  acknowledges  that the success or failure of Consultants'  efforts
         will be predicated on the Clients' assets and operating results.

6.       Independent Legal and Financial Advice

         Consultant  is  not a law  firm;  neither  is  it an  accounting  firm.
         Consultant does, however,  employ  professionals in those capacities to
         better  enable  Consultant  to  provide  consulting  services.   Client
         represent  that  they  have  not  nor  will  they  construe  any of the
         Consultants'  representations  to be statements of law. Each entity has
         and will continue to seek the independent advice of legal and financial
         counsel regarding all material aspects of the transactions contemplated
         by this  Agreement,  including the review of all documents  provided by
         Consultant  to Client and all  opportunities  Consultant  introduces to

7.       Miscellaneous


         a.       The execution and  performance of this Agreement has been duly
                  authorized  by all requisite  individual or corporate  actions
                  and  approvals  and is free of  conflict or  violation  of any
                  other  individual or corporate  actions and approvals  entered
                  into  jointly  and  severally  by  the  parties  hereto.  This
                  Agreement  represents the entire Agreement between the parties
                  hereto,  and supersedes any prior  agreements  with regards to
                  the subject matter  hereof.  This Agreement may be executed in
                  any number of facsimile counterparts with the aggregate of the
                  counterparts   together   constituting   one  and   the   same
                  instrument.  This  Agreement  constitutes  a valid and binding
                  obligation of the parties hereto and their  successors,  heirs
                  and  assigns  and may only be  assigned  or amended by written
                  consent from the other party.

         b.       No term of this  Agreement  shall be considered  waived and no
                  breach excused by either party unless made in writing.  In the
                  event that any one or more of the provisions contained in this
                  Agreement shall for any reason be held to be invalid, illegal,
                  or unenforceable in any respect,  such invalidity,  illegality
                  or  unenforceability  shall not affect any other provisions of
                  this Agreement,  and this Agreement shall be constructed as if
                  it never contained any such invalid,  illegal or unenforceable
                  provisions.  From  time  to  time,  each  party  will  execute
                  additional   instruments  and  take  such  action  as  may  be
                  reasonably  requested by the other party to confirm or perfect
                  title to any  property  transferred  hereunder or otherwise to
                  carry out the intent and purposes of this Agreement.

         c.       The  validity,   interpretation,   and   performance  of  this
                  Agreement  shall be  governed by the laws of the State of Utah
                  and any dispute arising out of this Agreement shall be brought
                  in a court of  competent  jurisdiction  in Salt  Lake  County,
                  Utah.  If any action is brought  to enforce or  interpret  the
                  provisions of this  Agreement,  the prevailing  party shall be
                  entitled to recover  reasonable  attorneys' fees, court costs,
                  and other costs  incurred in  proceeding  with the action from
                  the other party.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties have executed  this  Agreement on the
date herein above written.

Flexweight Corporation

/s/ Walter G. Sanders
- ----------------------------------------
Walter Sanders, President

Park Street Investments, Inc.

/s/ Ken Kurtz
- ----------------------------------------
Ken Kurtz, President


                          Park Street Investments, Inc.
                            2133 E. 9400 S. Suite 151
                                Sandy, Utah 84093
                              Phone: (801) 944-0701
                               Fax: (801) 944-0715

                                September 8, 1998

Flexweight Corporation
Walter Sanders
915 N. Wells Avenue
Wendover, Nevada 89883

Dear Mr. Sanders:

Pursuant to our consulting  agreement effective June 1, 1998, I present for your
review the list of  following  services  that I have  performed  for  Flexweight
Corporation during the term of this agreement:

1.       Researched  other  publicly  traded  gaming  companies  and  structures
         reported   findings  to  Hudson   Consulting  Group  in  various  phone

2.       Fielded  numerous  phone calls from  various  Flexweight  shareholders.
         Mailed information or forwarded calls to Walt Sanders.

3.       Reviewed  feasibility study prepared by Mr. Sutro.  Discussed ideas and
         strategy with Walt Sanders and Hudson Consulting Group.

4.       Assisted in review of Flexweight's  corporate  books and filings.  Made
         copies and transfered certain records to Flexweight headquarters and to

5.       Arranged  meeting in Las Vegas with  various  parties  involved  in the
         gaming industry discussed  distressed  properties that may be available
         for sale, previewed properties on Vegas Strip.

6.       Arranged  meeting in  Wendover,  Utah with  various  parties to discuss
         potential gentleman's club on Oasis property.

7.       Arranged meeting in Wendover, Utah with various parties involved in the
         gaming  industry  reviewed   potential  sites  on  Wendover  Strip  for
         acquisition. Reviewed Oasis property and discussed remodeling ideas.


8.       Reviewed  Equivest  package and discussed  strategy and ideas with Walt
         Sanders and Hudson Consulting Group.

9.       Reviewed  public  securities  filings made by Flexweight  and discussed
         ideas with Hudson Consulting Group.

10.  Discussed  potential  water property  acquisition  deal with parties in New

11.  Discussed  strategy  with  Walt  Sanders  on  several  occasions  regarding
construction projects.

12.      Phone  conference  with Fred Luke  regarding  possible  acquisition  of
         NuOasis subsidiaries and structure for deal. Reviewed letter of intent.

13.      Assisted  Hudson   Consulting  Group  in  negotiating  and  structuring
         acquisition of gaming subsidiaries with NuOasis.

If these  services  are  satisfactory,  please  immediately  issue the shares as
outlined in our agreement. Otherwise, please call with any comments.


Ken Kurtz
Park Street Investments, Inc.
