


	WHEREAS, Pennsylvania Power & Light Company ("Company") has 
adopted the Pennsylvania Power & Light Company Employee Stock 
Ownership Plan ("Plan") effective January 1, 1975; and
	WHEREAS, the Plan was amended and restated effective Janu-
ary 1, 1987, and subsequently amended by Amendment Nos. 1, 2, 3, 
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11; and
	WHEREAS, the Company desires to further amend the Plan;
	NOW, THEREFORE, the Plan is hereby amended as follows:
  I.	Effective January 1, 1994, the following sections of Arti-
cles X are amended to read:
	10.1  Amendment.  It is the intention of the Company that 
this Plan will be permanent.  However, the Company reserves the  
power to amend or terminate the Plan and the Trust Agreement at 
any time by or pursuant to action of its Board of Directors.  In 
addition, the EBPB may make such amendments to the Plan as it 
deems necessary or desirable except those amendments which sub-
stantially increase the cost of the Plan to the Company or sig-
nificantly alter the benefit design or eligibility requirements 
of the Plan.  Except as expressly provided elsewhere in the Plan, 
prior to the satisfaction of all liabilities with respect to the 
benefits provided under this Plan, no such amendment or termina-
tion shall cause any part of the monies contributed hereunder to 
revert to the Company or to be diverted to any purpose other than 
for the exclusive benefit of Participants and their beneficia-
ries.  No amendment shall have the effect of retroactively 
depriving Participants of benefits already accrued under the 
Plan.  Upon complete termination of the Plan without establish-
ment or maintenance of a successor plan (other than an employee 
stock ownership plan as defined in Section 4975(e)(7) of the 
Code), Participants may receive distribution of their Accounts.  
Amendments to the allocation formulas contained in Article V 
shall not be made more frequently than once every six months.  

	10.2  Termination.  The Plan and the Fund forming part of the 
Plan may be terminated or contributions completely discontinued 
by the Company at any time by or pursuant to action of its Board 
of Directors.  In the event of a termination, partial termina-
tion, or a complete discontinuance of contributions or in the 
event the Company is dissolved, liquidated, or adjudicated a 
bankrupt, the interest of the Participants, their estates and 
beneficiaries, shall be nonforfeitable and shall be fully vested, 
and distributions shall be made to them in full shares of Stock 
and cash in lieu of fractional shares based on the price at which 
the Trustee sells such Stock or the fair market value thereof.  
When all assets have been paid out by the Trustee, the Fund shall 
cease.  Any distribution after termination of the Plan may be 
made at any time, and from time to time, in whole or in part in 
full shares of Stock and cash in lieu of fractional shares based 
on the price at which the Trustee sells such Stock or the fair 
market value thereof; provided, however, that no Stock may be 
distributed to a Participant within seven years after the month 
in which such Stock was allocated to the Participant's Account 
except in the case of the Participant's retirement, Total Dis-
ability, death or other termination of employment with the Com-
pany.  In making such distributions, any and all determinations, 
divisions, appraisals, apportionments and allotments so made 
shall be final and conclusive.

 II.	Except as provided for in this Amendment No. 12, all other 
provisions of the Plan shall remain in full force and 
	IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Amendment No. 12 is executed this   
  _____ day of June, 1994.
                              PENNSYLVANIA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY

                                     /s/ John M. Chappelear
                                         John M. Chappelear
                                 Employee Benefit Plan Board